Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 138 Thunder on the ground

"It was your old acquaintance who drove the elevator just now?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Look at how affectionate you are with their mother and daughter."

Nan Yi shook his head, "I didn't know each other well before, so I haven't known each other for long."

"Oh, is this your capital style?"

"Even so."

Nan Yi wouldn't say it, but because he knew that Huang Yingzi was studying at Tsinghua University, because of the big smirk on her face, and because she knew that her future distribution path would be difficult, he cared about it.

Huang Yingzi's beard is too big, covering half of her face. With her appearance, most of the good jobs are not for her.

Nanyi planned to spend two years, and when Huang Yingzi became disheartened, he would take her under his command.

For talents, Nanyi never looks at looks, only looks at ability, just like his attitude towards money, never looks at beauty or ugliness, only looks at the exchange rate.

The two walked back to the old bungalow and opened the courtyard door. Nan Yi said, "I haven't been at home for a few days, and the coal stove has no fire. Use a kerosene stove to make something simple."

"Isn't there a gas stove, why don't you buy one?"

"Come on, it's such a hassle to inflate gas, you have to run for several kilometers, let's wait for someone to come to get a breath."

As Nanyi said, he took the kerosene stove from the kitchen to the yard. This thing was bought from Mensaner, and it was only used once, and a pot of kerosene was only used up a little.

Open the oil pot and smell it, it's okay, the smell is quite positive.

I poured some kerosene into the kerosene stove and lit the fire. Except that the color of the flame is a bit wrong and the firepower is probably not enough, there is nothing wrong with it.

After frying two eggs and making a stewed cabbage with bacon, the two of them had a makeshift meal.

"Nan Yi, I see that you have so many vacant rooms here, why don't I move in here?" Xu Qian said suddenly after eating for a while.

"Come on, what kind of world is going on now, you want to live here, and I don't know how to spread it outside. It turns out that I live here with Lai Biao and Liu Zhen, and they have been ordered."

"You are as timid as a mouse."

"Why am I downgraded? Isn't it still Wangwangwang?"

"It's more appropriate to describe you as a mouse."

"Poop as you please."

"It's really ugly to speak."

"It's not a bad word. Are you not nervous about studying now?"

"Why are you so nervous? You have learned everything you need to learn. Now there are only one or two classes a week. You are not the only one who is doing internships. There are two more in the class who are doing internships."

"Oh, what about you, when are you going to practice?"

"I don't plan to run around, just wait for the school to arrange. Anyway, I won't wait for the job assignment."

The two of them chatted one after another, and they didn't have a topic, they talked about whatever came to mind. First we talked about the internship, and then we talked about movies and music.

In short, except for life and ideals, talk about everything.

"Nanyi, recently I listened to Liu Wenzheng's new song called "Grandma's Penghu Bay". It sounds very good."

"Correction, this song was first sung by Pan Anbang, and Liu Wenzheng just sang it."

"Whatever, I like to hear Liu Wenzheng sing anyway."

"Hehe, as long as you like it."

"Unfortunately, I didn't buy a rifle belt. The sound quality of the tape I bought was so bad that I heard coughing."

"How much does a tape sell outside now?"

Xu Qian said: "The price has been reduced. Now it only costs four yuan. Sometimes, three pairs can be bought for ten yuan, and one pair can be bought for three yuan. Unfortunately, the sound quality is not comparable to that of a rifle belt. Although the rifle belt is expensive, the sound quality is really good. Nothing to say.

It's so strange, I sold an English tape some time ago, but this rifle tape disappeared after that, and I haven't seen it again. "

"This rifle belt is so evil that you are so worried about it?" Nanyi asked with a playful expression on his face.

"It's not that you don't know how much I love music. I have very high requirements for sound quality. I only bought rifle belts, but I couldn't help but buy other ones, but the sound quality is too tortured."

"Since the requirements are high, let your father send it from Malaysia."

"It's up to you to say, it's already halfway." Xu Qian glanced sideways and said: "I found that the cultural industry in the mainland is quite blank. When the policy is clearer, I can invest some money to test the water. Tell me, this idea OK?"

"I don't understand the cultural industry, so I can't give you any advice. However, I can give you some advice. Don't try to influence public opinion."

"I understand. I just want to find a singer to make a record, and I don't want to do anything."

"That should be quite profitable. Look how popular Teresa Teng is. There should be a lot of people buying her tapes, right?"

"Not too many, as long as there is a tape recorder, who doesn't have a few cassettes of Teresa Teng. By the way, Nan Yi, I forgot to ask you. What tapes do you have? Let me listen to the good ones."

"After eating, go and look through it yourself."

After dinner, Xu Qian left with a few cassettes.

The next day, before noon, Man San'er went to Nanyi's office again.

"Master Nan, here you are. This group of remittances are getting more and more ruthless. Do you know what price I exchanged for it? Four yuan for one yuan. I also said that the price has to go up, maybe even two yuan."

"Why, there are more people pouring cigarettes and alcohol outside?"

"It's not just a lot. If there is a way to sneak into the Friendship Store, who is still dumping the goods?"

Nanyi opened the drawer and rummaged for a while, then rummaged in the green schoolbag, and after counting, he could only get more than three hundred.

"I don't have so much money on me, I'll give it to you next time."

Mensan'er said in a big way: "Forget it, we don't have much money, whoever we are."

"It can't be counted, one yard is equal to one yard."

"Alright, let's talk about it next time. Master Nan, do you still remember Qian Chuanzi?"


"Then do you know what he's doing now?"

Nan Yi's eyes stared coldly at Men San'er's face, this grandson's traitorous traits would never be changed.

"Hehehe, I'll give it straight away." Men San'er touched his head and got to the point, "Last time you asked him to come to me, so I asked him to rewind the tape, and then we stopped, so he asked someone else Got the goods.

Slowly, I also cut off contact with him.

Who knows that I met this kid yesterday, and I went to have a few drinks with him, and I heard him say that he has been pouring kitchen knives lately, the business is not bad, and he has a lot of money. "

"Pour the kitchen knife, where do you pour it?"

"Phoenix City over there in Hebei Province."

"Phoenix city……"

Hearing this place name, Nanyi knew what was going on.

He pondered for a while, then said, "Mensaner, have you ever bragged with him about what happened next?"

"No, let's not talk, I haven't seen this grandson thief for a long time."

"Recall carefully, besides exchanging tickets from him, did he know about your other transactions?"

Seeing what Nanyi said was so serious, Men San'er quickly recalled it.

"Master Nan, I'm sure, apart from looking for him to exchange tickets, he didn't know that I was also shipping goods on the black market. I followed your instructions. I took the hammer and the group of people as feet, crossed them, and separated the bulk goods. Everyone Don't know all about me."

"Well, that's better. You can go through the formalities now, though."

"Master Nan, what's going on inside?"

Man San'er remembered that Nanyi asked him to leave after a year, and now there are still several months before the one-year deadline.

"It's something, have you heard of the chopper team that is making a lot of noise over there?"

"I heard it's quite rude."

"They're all young, they don't know the seriousness, and they will cause big trouble sooner or later."

"Master Nan, are you worried that Qian Chuanzi will be implicated at that time, and then you will throw me out? There are still so many feet, even if you are shaken, you won't be able to find me, right?"

"If you're not afraid of 10,000, you're afraid of the eventuality. If you go out early, you will feel at ease."

"Okay, I'll listen to Grandpa Nan."

It doesn't matter if you go out early or late, it doesn't matter if you go out early, you can also do the big business Nan Ye said earlier.

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