Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 139 This Is Philosophy

In fact, speaking of it, it was just selling a kitchen knife. Even if the incident with the kitchen knife team happened, it was basically unlikely that Qian Chuanzi would be involved.

But Nanyi is used to being cautious, but unless the situation forces him to do so, he is unwilling to take risks easily.

"Nanyi, I'm in love with someone else."

One day, Nanyi went to school and met Qian Yingshan by accident. Qian Yingshan said so to Nanyi.


Nanyi is mentally prepared for Qian Yingshi to like others, and Lai Biao can also say that he is happy to see it happen.

How should I put it, if Qian Yingzhen is willing to guard, Lai Biao will make arrangements for her; if she can't, it's not a loss to her.

After all, under Lai Biao's entrustment, Nan Yi has been taking care of her.

Give her a living allowance of 80 yuan a month. If there is any new gadget on the market, as long as it is suitable for students, Nanyi will ask someone to buy it for her.

"Say sorry to Lai Biao for me."

"I will definitely bring it, I wish you happiness."



No hysteria, just a normal greeting.

Nanyi is not interested in knowing who Qian Yingshan's new partner is, and Lai Biao is not very interested in knowing if he wants to come.

Lai Biao and Qian Yingxie were just a good time in their youth, they broke up when they broke up, and they could nod and smile when they met again, and said to each other that they cherished each other, there was no loyalty or betrayal at all.

Saying goodbye to Qian Ying, Nan Yi used both hands to lift up the two snakeskin bags on his back, and walked forward with strides.

Instead of going to the single dormitory, Nan Yi went directly to the teacher's office.

"Mr. Ren, I bought you the chestnuts you asked for." Walking to Ren Xia's desk, Nan Yi put down two snakeskin bags, "One hundred catties of hair, so much, Mr. Ren, what are you doing?" Are you done eating?"

When Ren Xia first saw Nanyi coming in with two snakeskin bags on her back, she seemed a little flustered, but when Nanyi opened her mouth, she didn't lose her mind.

This kid Nanyi can do it, he just does what he does.

"It's not mine alone. Teacher Ding, Teacher Qian, and Teacher Zhang. I asked Nanyi to bring the chestnuts for me. I brought a lot of chestnuts. Let's share them together."

Nanyi had already helped her hold the stick, so Ren Xia naturally knew how to climb along the stick.

After hearing what Ren Xia said, the other teachers gathered around one by one. Nanyi untied the mouth of the snakeskin bag, and the few of them grabbed the chestnuts and took a look.

"Nanyi, this chestnut is pretty good, where did you get it?"

"The chestnuts in Yanshan are the best chestnuts in our country. I happened to be on a business trip in Yanshan, and Teacher Ren asked me to buy some. I asked why Teacher Ren asked me to bring so many. It turned out that they were for several teachers.

Teacher Qian, look how full this fruit is..."

Nan Yi helped Ren Xia to hold up the ladder, and then she retired. Let Ren Xia sing a one-man show for the rest.

There are some favors that he can't take if he shouldn't take them.

Walking out of the office, Nan Yi walked towards the basketball court.

On the edge of the court, Wu Meifeng was squatting there, with several boxes of Arctic Ocean, soda, sugar and salt water beside her.

Nan Yi walked over, took a bottle of Arctic Ocean directly from the frame, pinned the bottle cap on the frame, pinched the bottle cap with the other hand, pulled it out, stuffed it into his mouth and took a sip.

"Sister-in-law, how is business?"

"It's not so good. When the weather is cold, there are fewer people drinking soda. The business of sugar and salt water is not bad, but it doesn't make money. The price approved by the pharmaceutical company is not cheap."

"What about bicycles? Are they selling fast?"

"The bicycle business is very good. There are people who want both good and bad ones. If you have one, you can sell one."

"Oh, sister-in-law, you have a channel. I'll give you eight yuan, and you can help me save a car. It's only eight yuan. Don't put money in it, sister-in-law."

"I could save you one for eight dollars, but it's not much better."

"It doesn't have to be too good, just disassemble parts from other cars and put them together."

"No problem, I can save it for you in three or four days."

Wu Meifeng is amazing now, she can contact all the big and small car repair shops in the capital, and if she wants a second-hand bicycle, she can transfer the goods at any time. She can be said to be the leader in the second-hand bicycle industry.

Not only has a good relationship with the car repair shop, but also has a good cooperative relationship with Li Lamei and a group of junk kings.

When the rag kings receive scrap bicycles, they will dismantle the usable parts and send them to Wu Meifeng's bicycle assembly workshop, which is her yard.

Her business was very ingenious, and it happened to be outside the scope of speculation. Of the eight categories defined by speculation, only Article 7, "Speculative reselling of industrial products purchased and distributed by the state and planned for distribution" can be regarded as a bit ticked.

However, Nanyi asked a lawyer to help her as a consultant, and also went to the industrial and commercial office for consultation. As long as she does not sell brand-new bicycles and pays taxes according to the law, it is not considered a speculative scam.

But Nanyi still persuaded Wu Meifeng to control the scope of business within the three nearby colleges of Beijing, Qing and Ren, and not to expand outside for the time being.

The inside and outside of the ivory tower are two separate worlds. It is safe to hide in the ivory tower without too much competition. This is a pure land with a high ceiling.

"In a few days, some hazelnuts and pine nuts will be delivered from the northeast, sister-in-law, I will save some for you."

"how many?"

"It's definitely enough for you to be a favor."

"Is it born?"


"Then I have to find a good craftsman to fry. If I don't get the favor from others, I will make others jealous."

"Hehe, sister-in-law, you are getting more and more sophisticated in business, but it's a pity... Well, when the assignment is decided, let's see where Wu Renpin, the grandson thief, is assigned."

"I have thought about it a long time ago. If my family is assigned to the factory, I will continue to do business; if assigned to other openings, I will stop the business and find a job that earns less money and helps him build his home. Get it right."

"Tsk tsk, Wu Renpin is so lucky to have a woman like you, sister-in-law." Nan Yi sighed, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, opened it, and picked out three from a wad of money and handed them to Wu Meifeng, "Sister-in-law, save me!" I'll give you the money for the car, but I won't give you the money for the soda."

"Look at what you said, if you drink a bottle of soda from me, I can still ask you for money." Wu Meifeng took the money and stuffed it into a purse sewn with thick cloth beside her.

As soon as Wu Meifeng put the money away, a student ran over to inquire about bicycles. Nan Yi put the soda bottle back in the box, said hello and left without disturbing Wu Meifeng's business.

In the remaining days of 1980, Nanyi did not do any big things, and was always going around the Shan の Taste Club.

After the chestnuts were sent to Tokyo, Uedo Masami sent the samples to Lin Wanchang Hall. They were very satisfied with the samples, and soon settled a long-term order contract, not less than 360,000 catties a year, that is, 180 tons.

The supply price finalized by Masami Ueto is 1.5 million yen per ton. This price is the FOB price. In addition to the cost of purchasing chestnuts, there are also a series of expenses included. Shan の Taste is responsible for transporting the chestnuts to the designated place of Lin Wanchangtang Domestic ports, loaded on designated ships.

Nanyi did the math, it was about 5 yuan a catty, which is not low, but the attached requirements are also high, the good product rate must reach more than 99%, which means that when the quality control department checks and accepts, it has to pay a lot of money. Careful inspection of each piece.

In order to make up for the damage of the chestnuts during transportation, it is necessary to send an extra 10 tons to others. Although the damage during transportation does not need to be borne by Yamaの味, but if the business wants to do it for a long time, it cannot let the partners suffer.

"Masami Uedo, for this order, we can leave a profit of 240 yen per catty, and send all the rest to Shenguo."

"Nan Sang, is it too high? We can definitely keep more profits. Although the quality of Yanshan chestnuts is good, but according to the price, it only costs two or thirty cents, right?"

"If it is not for export, the price will be lower, and for export, the price will be slightly higher. Although the Yanshan Supply and Marketing Cooperative is more difficult to deal with, the price may be higher, but no matter how high it is, it will not exceed seventy or eighty cents.

We keep a profit of about one yuan and six, and except for quality control, we hand over other work to Shen Guofa... er, to me. "

Damn it, Nan Yi thought about it and left the chores to Shen Guofa. It seems that he will be the one to do the specific things at that time.

"Let's put it this way, this business is not a simple business. I have other considerations. That's why I will leave most of the profits to Shen Guofa."

If Nan Yilai played the role of Shen Guofa, he could at least leave a profit of about two or three yuan to the company. However, due to the nature of Shen Guofa's business, its sunk cost will be higher, and it is already very good to have a profit of 1.8 yuan in the end.

Even if only one piece of profit is left in the end, Nanyi will not feel strange.

"Then Nansang can decide."

Masami Uedo said with a little displeasure.

"Don't worry, it's only this time. Also, your bonus will be calculated as a profit of three yuan and five."

"Nan Sang, that's not what I mean. I just think that business is business and shouldn't be mixed with too many other colors."

"Hehe, I understand."

Nan Yi smiled and called Cen Balcony.

"Hello, Mr. Cen, I'm Xiaonan. Let me report to you. The Japanese merchants have already negotiated. The price of 180 tons of high-quality chestnuts per catty is 521.5 yen per catty, but the requirements are relatively high.

It is said to be 180 tons, but our company actually needs to prepare 190 tons, yes, the port price. Of course, it is foreign exchange. For the yen, we can earn 187 million yen in foreign exchange. "

"Haha, Xiao Nan, that's good, very good, you've hit the ground running, are you sure this matter has been settled?" Cen Balcony was very happy on the phone.

"Of course, Manager Cen, as you know, in fact, today's merchant is the company where I work part-time, and I still make calls from here."

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot. Okay, then I will report to the leader and arrange a signing ceremony. You can ask the Japanese merchants what they mean, and see if the signing ceremony can be arranged in Shenfeng."

"Okay, Manager Cen, I will ask as soon as possible."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news, Xiao Nan, you are fine, work hard."

"Yes, Manager Cen, don't worry, I'm a screw made by Shenguo, I can go wherever you need me; I'm one of your soldiers, I'll fight wherever you point."

"Hahaha, you, you."

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