Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 199 Liu Economist Zhen

Chapter 199 Liu·Economist·Zhen

"Have you finished reading Childhood?"

After dinner, Liu Zhen washed the dishes and took a copy of "Pride and Prejudice" and sat next to Nanyi.

"finish watching."

"Then why don't you read "In the World"?" Liu Zhen muttered, pointing to the book "Li Senke" written by Gao Hansheng in Guidance Yi's hands, "What's so interesting about this, isn't Lysenke completely rejected?"

"Everyone has his advantages and disadvantages. It cannot be said that if he is denied, his advantages will be obliterated. At least he can learn the theory of increasing grain production."

"Don't talk nonsense, Lysenko proposed the concept of vernalization and created the theory of stage development; he also has unique insights in genetics and created the Michurin school of genetics.

In agricultural production, many new technologies were invented and popularized, which improved the yield and quality.

During World War II, he also studied potatoes, and invented that the top buds were used as seed potatoes, and the rest were used for food, which relieved the shortage of food.

In biological evolution, he also offered a new insight into speciation.

From the perspective of politics, Lysenko can be regarded as a veritable agricultural expert and great scientist. "

"Oh, I don't understand. I was not born with the genes for farming."

"It's okay, you can just study your finances. Have you made money from Guoshi Trust?"

"Didn't you not inquire about my work?"

"I didn't inquire about it either. I just asked casually. If you can say it, say it. If you can't, don't say it."

"I made money, not a lot."


Nan Yi replied, and his attention sank into the book again.

Liu Zhen twisted her body, changed her sitting posture, and naturally rested her head on Nan Yi's shoulder, holding the book in her hand and concentrating on reading.

After reading the book for an hour, the two closed the pages at the same time.

"Can your account be moved?"

"Can you move, move to Wenchangwei?"

"Yes, my household registration will be moved, and it is too inconvenient to walk now."

"Oh, I'll go to work tomorrow to ask." Liu Zhen moved her body, leaned against Nan Yi's arms, and looked up at him, "Nan Yi, are you leaving again?"

"I can stay for a few more days."

"I can't see you a few times in a year, no, I want to resign and follow you."

"It's not yet time, you go to your class calmly."

"Alright, but you have to come to the capital to see me." Liu Zhen looked at Nanyi expectantly.

"I try my best. Two restaurants have to find two chefs. Without a good chef, a restaurant cannot be supported at all."

"Why, aren't the two restaurants props for you to dig a hole?"

"What kind of family dares to use two restaurants as props. I want to use them as props and make money from them. So, the cook is very important."

"Then where do you look for it? A good cook can never worry about a job. He has a high status in the work unit, and he can bring some leftovers home. He has medical insurance and pensions. What price do you want to dig?"

"Oh, what's the condition? Let me tell you, if you want to dig, you must dig Shishiro as a young and powerful master. Even if he retires at the age of 60, and if he can live to 90, then he can get 30 years. pension.

Not to mention 30 years, I will count directly as 40 years, not tens of dollars a month, directly count him as 200, 40 years is 96,000, this money, if he comes to work, I will pay him monthly. Cleared in five years. "

"You are solving people's worries, but what if people are jealous of their business? People's desires are endless."

"You know, can I not know?

This is just a condition for me to recruit people here. I will work for a year or so, not to mention increasing the salary, and even paying dividends.

Not only does he get dividends when he works, but if he can bring a few apprentices out, as long as the apprentices can stand alone and teach one apprentice, he can get a share of the dividends, and several apprentices can get several dividends. "

"According to what you mean, isn't this a big deal? Didn't you say that you are not interested in the catering industry?"

"Did I say that? Why don't I remember."

"I told you, in 1978, in the small state-owned restaurant behind the school."

"Oh, you misunderstood me, it's not that I'm not interested in the catering industry, it's that I'm not interested in opening ordinary restaurants, but I'm still interested in high-end catering.

The restaurant I want to open should focus on green, healthy, and novel concepts. What other restaurants can eat, my restaurant is better, and what other restaurants can’t eat, I can eat here.

Of course, I am not talking about rare game, but delicacies. "

"Understood, the restaurant is still supporting the agricultural plan." Liu Zhen nodded and said.

"Almost, it's part of the plan."


"It won't be too far away, and it will be ready to implement in five or six years. Reagan in the United States is implementing a loose fiscal policy, and Federal Reserve Chairman Paul is implementing a strict anti-inflationary tightening monetary policy, which will further strengthen the dollar.

The export of goods from the United States will naturally be affected, and the White House will definitely face strong demands from Congress to implement trade restrictive measures.

Once the US dollar is strong, several European countries and Japan will definitely take corresponding measures to deal with the rise of foreign exchange market speculation and trade protectionism, and several countries will definitely reach a consensus on exchange rate coordination.

I don't think it will be long before several countries sit down and sign an agreement on exchange rates. "

"I know this. I have been studying the future trend of international currency exchange rates recently. According to my analysis, the yen and the mark will definitely appreciate in the near future, while the Korean won will depreciate.

In a fair deal, the crocodiles in Washington and Wall Street must have ulterior motives.

Once the exchange rate agreement is signed, Japan's economy will definitely be turbulent, and I have a question mark in Germany. "

"Why do you think Japan's economy will be in turmoil, while Germany is a question mark?"

"Test me?" Liu Zhen said with a smile on her face.

"Half the exam and half asking for advice."

"Then let me talk about it." Liu Zhen straightened her body, "Since last year, Japan has finally overcome the negative impact of the second oil crisis, and the economic growth rate has picked up slightly.

On the other hand, the domestic CPI [Consumer Price Index] in Japan is relatively stable, and the annual price increase is basically kept within 2%, with medium-speed growth and stable prices.

Japan's domestic economy can be said to be quite prosperous, and the happiness index of the people can be said to be higher than that of China.

Japan's current account balance of payments surplus has continued to rise slightly in recent years, and the ratio of the surplus to the gross national product has risen from 2.2% to 3.1%.

The huge trade surplus is not only blamed by trading partners, but also not a good thing in the eyes of the Japanese themselves. This may lead to blockade and retaliation from other countries, triggering the threat of trade protectionism.

It is precisely because of this consideration that the Japanese urgently need the appreciation of the yen.

The appreciation of the yen will affect Japan's trade surplus in the short term, and may even cause a deficit. However, as long as the follow-up strategies are implemented properly, Japan can survive this crisis smoothly.

Strategy is very important, but I guess it is impossible for Japan to implement the most appropriate strategy. This is determined by Japan's own system. The biggest failure of Japan is the bureaucratic barriers of its own system.

I expect that the best mix of fiscal and monetary policies will not be adopted on the demand side, nor will structural reform measures be promoted on the supply side.

Because this will harm the interests of those with vested interests, and who are the vested interests in Japan, Nanyi, do you know? "

"Well, you continue."

"Exports will be affected by the appreciation of the yen. On the one hand, Japanese capital will expand globally, or they will take advantage of the value of the yen to carry out global investment;

On the one hand, Japan will definitely carry out economic structural adjustments in Japan. I guess that domestic demand will be expanded by improving social capital, expanding consumption, adjusting taxes accordingly, and opening doors.

However, under the impetus of people with good intentions, Japan's structural reforms to expand domestic demand will definitely go astray. I estimate that they will focus on finance and continue to increase the money supply to expand domestic demand.

Japan's stock market and property market will usher in unprecedented rapid growth, which means the formation of economic bubbles.

The money supply increases, but these currencies will not flow into equipment investment, iteration, and will not be used for personal consumption in Japan;

The appreciation of the yen will trigger more Japanese people to travel abroad, and many Japanese people will go abroad to buy and buy various luxury goods.

A large amount of money will flow into the asset market, which will lead to a sharp expansion of asset prices. The prices of the stock market and property market I mentioned earlier will both expand sharply.

In Japan, especially in Tokyo, land prices will rise rapidly.

Nan Yi, you have already predicted this point, right? Otherwise, your funds are so tight, you still let a large amount of funds stay in Tokyo, these funds are going to flow into real estate, right? "

Nan Yi nodded and said: "Yes, I have foreseen that the stock market and property market prices in Japan will rise sharply, and the almost 200 million US dollars in Tokyo will be used to buy land and properties.

As you said, in order to stimulate domestic demand, the Japanese government will definitely relax monetary policy, and may relax to an unbelievable degree for consumer loans and housing purchase loans.

Once this conjecture comes true, the 200 million dollars of land and real estate can be magnified to 20 billion or even hundreds of billions of dollars through snowballing or single-cell fission. "

"Hundreds of billions is unlikely, and the capital of the country can be withdrawn smoothly, and you may be caught as a scapegoat or a chicken to make an example."

"I know, that's why I made a lot of arrangements, including the daily transformation of the Ikeda Club. Moreover, the funds obtained from the Japanese capital in the future will not be withdrawn, but part of the funds will be moved out in the form of investment. date.

Of course, most of the funds will be used to invest in Japan. Ikeda Club is a company with a sense of social responsibility and will take saving Japan's economy as its mission. "

"Hey hey, you want to work hard in Japan?"

"There are many good small companies in Japan. Although they are small in scale, they are among the best in a small field. I call them hidden champions.

I am very interested in investing in these companies.

Well, you continue to talk, I would like to hear more about your high opinion. "

It's the end of the month, it's the end of the month, and if I don't vote for the monthly pass, I will give it to me. I don't dislike it.

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