"I have said what Japan should say. I will not analyze the details. Then I will talk about Germany. Why do I put a question mark on Germany? This has to start with Soviet revisionism. I am thirsty , Pour me a glass of water."


Nanyi stood up, walked to the long table, picked up a glass from the tray, and poured a glass of warm water from the thermos.

Liu Zhen took a sip of water, moistened her throat, and continued: "Last year, Soviet revisionists conducted a military exercise in the West, mobilizing 500,000 soldiers and tens of thousands of tanks. It is indeed majestic.

But they were too majestic and frightened all countries.

I think, except for a few countries such as the Soviet revisionists, other countries are afraid and do not want such a powerful country to exist on the earth.

Su Xiu's own economic structure is relatively deformed. If things go smoothly, it's okay. If something happens that causes turmoil, many forces will help push Su Xiu into the abyss as soon as possible.

When Soviet revisionism turmoil, Eastern Europe will be in chaos. Once Eastern Europe is in chaos, the dawn of Germany will come, and the merger of East and West Germany will become possible.

The reason why I put a question mark is because of this. If East and West Germany are merged, Germany will have a huge domestic demand market, and their production capacity can be absorbed internally, and Eastern Europe will also become Germany’s commodity export market, so Germany can Get through the crisis smoothly. "

"Economic differentiation between East and West, how do you think Germany will solve this problem?"

Liu Zhen said categorically: "Prosper together, increase taxes on the rich, improve the overall welfare of society, and keep the gap between the rich and the poor within an allowable range."

Clap clap!

Nanyi clapped his hands vigorously, "Wonderful, very exciting, thank you Teacher Liu for teaching me a lesson."

"You don't come here, I can think of it, how could you not think of it, I was enlightened by you in politics and economics." Liu Zhen glanced at Nanyi and said angrily.

"That can't be said. I'm like your elementary school teacher. What I teach you is superficial. Your current knowledge is enough to be my university teacher."

"No wonder, who would believe you."

"Hehe, I've finished talking about the high-level layout. Let's talk about something down-to-earth. I think the wall on the second floor has been damp, and the tiles must be leaking. We need to find someone to remove the leak."

"Put a layer of linoleum under the tiles?"

"No, the linoleum will age in a short time. I think it's easy for the housing management office to approve it now, so I just push the house and rebuild it."

"No, I'm already out of emotion, so I can't push it away." Liu Zhen shook her head and said.

"Then add a layer of concrete and reinforced platform waterproof layer on the roof, and then cover the cement with tiles for decoration."

"That's fine, then where will we live during the renovation?"

"You can live wherever you want, grandma's house, Baihuashen alley, and Jiuzhangji. I also reserved a floor for myself, and I can live at any time."

"Go live with grandma."


Just do what you say, and the next day, the important things in the old bungalow were packed and taken to Grandma Nanyi’s courtyard, and some things that were not commonly used but needed to be kept were temporarily sent to Jiuzhangji.

After moving in half a day, Nanyi went to the housing management office again in the afternoon.

According to the rules, if you want to move the house at home, you have to go to the housing management office for approval. It's just that the people don't raise the official and don't investigate. Like the bicycle tax, everyone doesn't pay much attention to it.

But Nan Yi wanted to come, it would be better to go through the procedures that should be done, anyway, he also knows Fang Chong, so this matter is not difficult to handle.

I found Fang Chong, quickly registered and got approval.

Nanyi then entrusted Fang Chong with finding someone. This was not a troublesome matter for Fang Chong, but a good opportunity to give double favors.

Nan Yi begged him to count him as a favor, and the worker had to owe him a favor. Fang Chong wished that there would be as many "troublesome things" as possible.

Reinforced concrete is also easy to handle. It is very convenient to buy it in the name of Yama no Taste, but it will cost more.

The materials were in place quickly, and Nanyi calculated the allowance, so there must be a lot of materials.

The workers were also quickly in place, but the leader was called Fang Dong, which made Nanyi a little upset.

Maybe it was because of his honesty, or maybe it was because he had been asked about it before, Fang Dong declared his family name when he saw Nan Yi.

"Comrade Nan, although Fang Chong and I are cousins, it is a favor for him to introduce a job to me. I will never tear him down, so you can rest assured that I will definitely do the job for you quickly."

"I'm relieved, I'm sure."

Nan Yi shook hands with Fang Dong, said some polite words, and then led Fang Dong up to the second floor.

"Lay a layer of cement board on the roof. Do you think the wall can support it now? Do you want to add support columns?"

Fang Dong went to the wall and knocked on the wall, and then scraped off a piece of limestone on the wall with a spatula to see what material was used inside, and then scraped off several different points in succession.

"Comrade Nan, you should be able to hold it. Most of this wall is built with blue stones. The support is sufficient, and there is no need to add support columns."

"That's good, then tell me, how long will it take you to finish the cement slab and then cover the tiles, and how much will you charge?"

The building looked up at the roof, estimated the area, and quickly came up with a figure, "It will take half a month, because the cast-in-place is finished, and the tiles will have to wait for it to dry. In terms of money, this job will take four weeks." personal……"

"You don't need to tell me a few people, you just need to give me a total number."

"Six hundred."

When Fang Dong said this number, there was obviously a movement of sucking, indicating that he was a little guilty.

Nanyi quickly calculated in his mind, small workers 1-2 yuan, big workers around 3 yuan, and if they survived a day, they would not exceed 12 yuan. If they survived, Fangdong would earn at least 400 yuan.

"Yes, the price and time are fine, I just ask you to do the job well."

"You can rest assured that if you don't do well, I won't take the money." Fang Dong said, patting his chest.

"I'll give you two hundred first, and the rest after finishing the work, okay?"


"Then get to work as soon as possible. Don't move the beams above. Tomorrow at six o'clock, please ask the carpenter to come and put red on the beams."

"OK, OK."

The next day, the carpenter came early, and after Nanyi delivered the tribute and lit the firecrackers, the carpenter helped Nanyi hang the Dabai Shou gold with red silk thread in the middle of the girder, and circled the ends of both ends with red paper.

There is a more superstitious saying that there is a Liangshen in the beam, and the old man wants to say hello to him when he is alarmed.

Nanyi doesn't really believe in this, but he believes in psychology and psychological hints. If you do more, you will feel more comforted.

After the ceremony was over, Nanyi called the building to the first floor, went to the room and took out a bag.

"Four Ashimas, four Hiltons, please distribute them to the masters. I can't come every day, and the cigarettes can't be distributed every day. Please bear with me. There are also two boxes of Coke and two boxes of Fanta in the yard, and the beer next to it is very good. It is prepared for you, you can drink whatever you want, and you can take it home."

"This, this, this is so inappropriate."

"There is nothing inappropriate. You come to my house to work. It is right to entertain you. After leaving the yard, walk about 200 meters along the left side. There is a small restaurant. I have already agreed with the owner of the restaurant. Four meals a day , morning, noon and evening, there is also a meal of dim sum, you just go and eat, and I will settle the money with him."

"This, this, this..."

"Please, I'll go first, I have something to do."

After Nanyi left, Fang Dong sighed, "It's comfortable to work for such a master, and the work must be done properly."

In other words, Fang Mengyin's courtyard house is good for everything, the location is good, and the house is good, but there is one problem, there is no bathroom.

Nanyi wanted to change it at the beginning, but this place is close to the Tonghui River, unlike the ready-made sewers in the depths of Baihua, the nearest sewers here are all in an area more than two miles away. There is a building built there.

That's the dormitory for state-owned enterprise employees today, and Nan's family is in that area. If you want to connect the sewer to it, don't make too much noise.

Because of this, Nanyi has one more job every morning, which is pouring the chamber pot.

One early morning, Nanyi covered his nose with his left hand, held a chamber pot in his right hand, pulled on his slippers, and hurried to the public toilet in the alley.

When we arrived at the entrance of the public toilets, the men's toilets were okay, but there was a long queue at the women's toilets. The young and the old had to be supported when walking.

There is no doubt that the almost daily squabbles are still going on there as always.

Compete for ranking.

The stooped one is in a half-hurry way, and can hold on for a while.

Standing straight, a piece of white paper couldn't fit between his legs, his face turned blue or pale, needless to say, that was the limit of his patience. The more this is the case, the more you can't be in a hurry, and accidents are easy to happen if you are in a hurry; and you can't be too relaxed, from the critical state of tension to relaxation, some things may not be able to hold back and come out.

There are also many people who can't hold back at the door.

If you want to say that there are easy ones, they are those who can play whistles. Most of them are young people who hold back when they are not in a hurry. As soon as the whistle is blown, the little girl's feet start to shake. Tears flow down.

Nanyi poured Yexiang into the cesspool, went to the urinal to get enough relief for the body, and finally shook the dick back to zip it up, when an old man next to him who was going from flushing to soothing suddenly said : "Have you eaten?"

"No, sir, do you want to eat?"

"I ate it. I ate the coke rings, soybean juice, and a bowl of fried liver. No, it's enough."

"Then uncle, you have a good appetite. You should be busy first. I haven't eaten yet. I have to go to the street to buy some fried dough sticks."

"Come on, hello."

Nan Yi took the chamber pot and poked it behind, and when he met someone, he turned sideways and walked, being careful not to bury others, and walked all the way to the street.

There is an early breakfast stall at the street corner. It is said that it is not suitable for an early breakfast stall. Apart from fried dough sticks, there is no other food here.

"Boss, here are eight sticks."

"There are only six noodles, wait a minute, I'll fry them for you now." The vendor agreed, and quickly pulled two more noodles and stretched them into the oil pan.

In less than a minute, the fritters were fried, put them in the wire frame to drain the oil, and the vendor wrapped the fritters with one-eighth of a newspaper and handed them to Nanyi.

Nanyi will post the account, and walk back with the fritters.

"Why don't you come back and wash your hands before buying fried dough sticks?" Walking back to the courtyard, Liu Zhen said with a disgusted expression when she saw the fried dough sticks in Nanyi's hand.

"Why, do you think I was buried?"

"I suddenly regretted moving here, it's too troublesome to go to the toilet."

"This is not right, let you recall your childhood time."

"Hey, don't mention it, I don't have any good memories of my childhood." Liu Zhen said, put the toothbrush back into her mouth, swiped it twice, took it out again, and pointed to the chicken feet in the yard Lian said: "Today, if you have nothing to do, clean up the crutches on the tree, and they will all fall down."


The chicken feet on the tree have almost fallen off, and some of the more tenacious ones are still on the tree. Looking at the spring and March is not far away, some of the shoots on it have also been pulled out. It is true that last year's old Stuff takes a backseat.

Dividing the fritters, Nan Yi, Liu Zhen and a few bodyguards drank a bowl of porridge, Liu Zhen went to work after eating, and Ruan Zhiling hung in the distance.

It wasn't long after Nanyi had breakfast that something was wrong with his stomach.

"Fuck, I'm really in a hurry. I didn't see so many problems in the old bungalow." Nan Yi muttered and scolded his stomach, he completely forgot, it turned out that he would sit in the bathroom for a while every day, Seeing someone in the toilet today, he stopped cooking.

After smoking some toilet paper, he took another newspaper and let the tiger cub follow him to the public toilet.

At the entrance of the public toilet, I asked Tiger Cub to light two cigarettes. Nanyi took them and walked inside. Seeing no one, he put the two cigarettes on the partition, rubbed the toilet paper and stuffed it into his nose...

After a few years of good life, people have become hypocritical. I still remember that when I held confidential documents in my hands, I squatted on both sides of the Yellow River with my friends, talking about who should be cleaned up, who is so beautiful, and sued. , with melon seeds in his mouth.

If you encounter a difficult case of throwing stones into the dung tank, halfway through the lawsuit, you have to pull up your trousers and scatter in an instant.

What a fucking wonderful childhood.

I left the public toilet refreshed, went back to the courtyard to clean up, walked two miles, and got into the car at a place far away from the street.

"Go to Jiuxian Bridge to pick up someone and then go to Dongzhimen."

"Yes, Nan Sheng."

Familiarity with the road is the minimum quality of a bodyguard and driver. During the time in Nanyiwo Courtyard, the tiger cub has taken the time to go around most of the capital and is already familiar with the roads in the capital.

At least, he will never go wrong in a few more representative places.

The car was parked at Jiuxian Bridge, and Nan Yi saw Pang Erzhu standing by the side of the road at a glance through the car window. Get out of the car and walk towards the person, "Master Pang, hello, I am Nanyi."

"Hello, you want to ask me to be a chef?"

"Yes, Master Pang, let's get in the car first. I'll take you to work. We'll talk as we go."

"Okay, let's go."

Pang Erzhu is the chef in the canteen of the No. 3 Rolling Plant, and he has worked there for more than 20 years, from his teens and half to his early forties.

Yishou Jingpai Sichuan cuisine is very authentic, because of him, many leaders like to visit the third rolling mill.

As for how Nanyi knew about him, it’s also very simple. Man San’er is familiar with people in the capital, so it’s not too easy to inquire about something. There is a theory called the Six Degrees Theory, which says that through six people, you can communicate with the whole world. people know each other.

Although it is not so evil in reality, it is still very easy for Men San'er to inquire about skilled cooks in the capital through the people he knows.

In three days, Men San'er gave him a list, and Nan Yi picked and selected Pang Erzhu as the first public relations target.

Although the list given by Man San'er is long, there are actually only three or four suitable people. The units for the rest of the people are too hard. Who doesn't know that the chefs of the Beijing Hotel are good at their craftsmanship?

But what do they do, they host state banquets, poach people, and show their abilities?

"Master Pang, I've sent you a message. How are you thinking?" Nan Yi asked after the car started.

"Are the conditions said true?"

"Really, I know that your father also worked as a chef in a big restaurant back then, and you must have been familiar with the way of the restaurant. Therefore, it is best for you to participate in the decoration of the restaurant. Don't worry, as long as you go to work, your salary will be paid. Just start counting."

"Can you really give me money?"

"One spittle, one nail. In the first year, it will be paid in the form of salary plus pension. After one year, if you are interested, then you can bring it up. We will sit down and discuss how much we should give you."

"Success, I'll ask the factory for a big leave of absence, and I'll work with you first."

"Okay, then wait for my notification, and I will notify you to go to work when the restaurant is confirmed."


Taking Pang Erzhu down, Nanyi didn't have much sense of accomplishment. Pang Erzhu had a son who was still a temporary worker in the factory. There were no extra positions in the factory, and there was no chance of becoming a full-time worker.

When Pang Erzhu came out, it happened that his son could take over the post.

Therefore, Pang Erzhu originally had the motive of retiring early, and it was normal for him to agree to Nanyi, the second idiot who was willing to pay a lot of money.

After sending Pang Erzhu to the gate of the third rolling mill, Nanyi asked the tiger cub to drive to Houhai.

Duanjin Building is positioned as a restaurant for common people, and Pang Erzhu, a Beijing-style Sichuan cuisine cook, is just right; while Mingzhu Tower is positioned as a high-end restaurant that tends to make private dishes.

Qin's cuisine is the court dish of the Qing Dynasty, and it is also the current state banquet dish. It sounds high-end.

The person Nanyi is going to meet in Houhai is one of the heirs of the Tan Family Cuisine, the upper Peng Xia Xiuquan, and the one from the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom has a different surname.

happy National Day!

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