Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 201: Is there a bottom line?

Nan Yi recalled Peng Xiuquan's information. It is still difficult to win this person.

Peng Xiuquan lives in Ya'er Hutong. Don't listen to the name, it's not upscale at all, but the houses around here are all upscale. Most of the sky-high priced courtyard houses in the capital will be concentrated in this area in the future.

As for Peng Xiuquan's house, the asking price can go up to one billion yuan in the future. As for whether anyone will buy it, I don't know. As for the valuation, as long as someone agrees to it.

Do you know how much Nanyi sold "1979, The Taste of Summer"?

1 billion yen.

Although it is a game of left-handed and right-handed, as long as it is left for a few more years and fermented with a few more hands, it is fine to say that the thing is the gallstone of the Taishang Laojun. As long as there is demand, someone is willing to believe it.

Peng Xiuquan has a courtyard house in Ya'er Hutong, so it's not suitable to come and talk directly, it's better to find out first before discussing.

Nanyi observed at the door for a while, then let the tiger cub drive away.

In the next few days, Nanyi returned to Wenchangwei to help Liu Zhen move back to her household registration, and stopped by to pay attention to the establishment of the chicken breeding farm of the Reclamation Group.

The chicken farm of the reclamation group is built in Jigongdang, which belongs to Huizhou and is close to Shenzheng. Jigongdang is a small hill with an altitude of less than 100 meters. There is spring water on the mountain, and there is a small naturally formed reservoir at the foot of the mountain in the south. .

"Nanyi, I asked the local people. The spring on the mountain has water all year round and has never been cut off. It is much more convenient to have this water."

"Auntie, what's your plan?"

"Look, the area to the north is relatively flat, with enough area to build a dozen chick hatching rooms, lead a mountain spring to it, and build a reservoir there; the soil there is also relatively hard, so we can open up a road for machine farming. It is also more convenient to let the car in and out, and to transport goods.

The top of the mountain and the area to the south are intended to be used to raise large chickens. Just like what you said, we will bring in chicken breeds from all over the world, enclose a space on the top of the mountain for mixed breeding, and separate them according to the chicken breeds in the other vacant positions. Come to raise them to avoid cross-infection with their own germs. "

"The distance between the pens should be farther, and the fence should be built higher, so as not to let the chickens fly around. Also, how do you plan to deal with the chicken manure?"

Ge Cuizhu pointed to a place at the foot of the mountain, "There, a small pig farm will be built, and the fresh chicken manure will be used to feed the pigs every day; the crude protein content in the chicken manure is high, and it can also be used as concentrated feed; Also, fish can be raised in this reservoir, and chicken manure can be mixed with grass to feed the fish."

"Feeding pigs is a good idea. It's fine to raise fish. If the amount is not controlled properly, the water here will be rich in nutrients and the water will be polluted. We want to make money, and we can't destroy the green mountains and green waters.

Have you ever heard the legend of a water monkey in the water? "

"I really heard them mention that a few years ago, a child was dragged away by a water monkey to play in the water, and the body was never found. The rumors are well-organized, but I don't know if it's true or not. Nanyi, Do you still believe in water monkeys?"

"I don't believe in water monkeys, but there are many things in the water that can eat people. Not to mention other things, just say that if the snakehead lives for a long time, there will be no fish in the water to eat, and it may have to eat people."

"Then what to do, our own people can stop them from entering the water, but if children from nearby villages come over, we can't stop them."

"Is the water deep here?"

"The deepest point in the center is about ten meters deep, and the depth on the left and right sides is about five meters. This is what I found out from someone, and I haven't measured it."

"Are there any fish in the water?"

"Yes, the first time I came here, it happened to be raining soon, and I saw fish jumping out of the water, and the fish weighed twenty or thirty catties."

"Seeing that there is no movement at all on the surface of the water, and no fish bubbles can be seen... If a fish weighing twenty or thirty catties jumps out of the water, there must be something bigger in the water."

Nan Yi pondered, his eyes were still looking around, and he saw that there was a cement outfall on the dam, and he thought that when he came here just now, there was no creek or river, so this reservoir is the main water resource for irrigation of nearby farmland. It's not realistic to do it once.

"Auntie, find a corner with shallower water and surround it with barbed wire. If there are children coming to play in the water, let them play in it; if you grow pearls on other water surfaces, it can be regarded as a reasonable excuse for people not to enter the water. "

"No one knows how to raise pearls."

"Tell people to go to Xishi County, Zhejiang Province to learn. People there have been raising pearls for more than ten years. Don't take it too seriously, we don't enter the pearl farming industry. Next time we encounter such a reservoir, there will be a solution."

In fact, Nanyi is too worried. Nowadays, people are not so difficult to deal with. They won’t let their children drown in your pond for fun, and they will sue you and make you pay a large sum of money. .

"Is it troublesome to raise pearls?"

"It's okay, it's not too much trouble, and there's not much work to do throughout the year. It's just that it's troublesome when growing pearls. You may have to find someone from Xishi to plant them. Raising pearls can be regarded as some technical accumulation and exploration. We If you don’t raise it, it doesn’t mean you won’t accept it in the future, it’s better to know more.”

"Okay, then I'll send someone over there to learn. Nanyi, we don't have enough people. When the chicken farm starts, many people have to hang here to grow vegetables and raise eels in the future. There is no manpower to allocate. Come."

"Auntie, it turned out that those chicken farmers were too lazy and selfish, so I let you take care of the chicken farm. After the chicken farm is on track, you can go out independently.

At that time, you will take away the people from the reclamation group and do what you should do. It is still the old saying, if you can hand over the work to the machine, you will hand it over to the machine, and if there is a shortage of people, you will recruit people from outside.

Don't worry, take your time, step by step. "

"I see. On the chicken farm, should we do the sales work first, go to the surrounding villages first, and get back the statistics of the demand for chickens first?"

"This idea is very good, but let's put this matter aside. This year we are mainly exploring and researching, and most of the chickens have to be kept for self-raising.

Different varieties should be raised in various representative regions and environments, and agricultural technicians should be asked to track and record data, such as growth rate, disease resistance, cost, nutrition, and taste. make a comparison. "

"We don't have so many agricultural technicians."

"It turns out that you are farming in Wenchangwei, how many times can you meet the agricultural technicians a year?"

"It's good to see it several times a year, once in a few years. I still don't know where the agricultural technology station in Shajiaotou is."

"So, they should be quite free. Where are the chickens, just ask the local agricultural technicians for help. How to make them willing to help, Auntie, you should understand."

"It's simple, I'm afraid they will be perfunctory."

"Then find two or three. Don't be afraid of the high cost. The data to be collected is very important. It will determine the direction of our future breeding and improvement. We must not be sloppy.

In addition, we can also cooperate with agricultural universities to conduct chicken research laboratories. We can sponsor their funds and provide research sites.

Regardless of whether it is a teacher or a student, as long as they can help us, we can offer them a salary in private, and go to Gaoli.

However, don’t give it in the name of salary. I read from the newspaper that an engineer who helped a township enterprise design a product was arrested and convicted of technology speculation.

Teachers and students should be better. This can be considered a combination of production and education, but be careful. "

"It's simple. Find people who have nothing to do with us to come forward, and those teachers and students are relatives. Aunts, aunts, nephews, nieces, whatever, and gifts between relatives, no one cares."


Nanyi smiled, Ge Cuizhu has practiced, and now he is quite experienced in doing things.

After staying in Jigongdang for a long time, Nanyi also left.

Returning to Wenchangwei, passing the grain drying field, Nan Yi casually grabbed a handful of shredded radishes from the drying mat and stuffed them into his mouth to taste. There was no salt or sugar, and there was only a faint taste of radish. He put the unfinished ones back on the drying mat , Nanyi walked into the village committee.

In the bamboo sieve on the table of the village committee was white-dyed radish shreds. Nanyi stepped forward and twisted one and shook it twice, and the white powder on it fell down.

Shredded radish stuffed into his mouth, "Well, that's the taste."

"Is it yummy?"

Xian Yaodong who was sitting on the side asked.

"It's too sweet for me, it should be just right for children on the outside, what's in it?"

"Shredded radish, salt, powdered sugar, food additives: citric acid, cyclamate, sodium saccharin, vanillin, potassium sorbate."

"What about the cost?"

"A small package of 10 grams costs less than a penny. This is the estimated cost. If the output is large, three to five cents will be enough."

"Yeah." Nan Yi's tongue licked his teeth and licked off the residue, "Add ginseng and figs, and this will be called Monkey King Ginseng Figs from now on."

"Crazy? With ginseng and figs, how much does this thing cost? Can children afford it?"

"Hehe, it's nonsense to talk about the problem without dosage. You are asked to add it, not like shredded radish. Add a ginseng silk and half a fig to a ton. This is also called addition, and this can also be written. on the ingredients list.

The Monkey King ginseng figs are not only delicious, but also make your child smarter; a pack of Monkey King every day, the waist is not sore, the legs are strong, and you can go up to the eighth floor..."

"Why, you still want to sell this to adults?"

"Adults are also greedy. Add some gimmicks, and the sales will be higher. Also, life is easier now. There are more people playing mahjong, poker, and poker in consignment stores and teahouses. They all love to play. A little money, a little color.

Do some research, what kind of snacks are suitable for adults, choose auspicious names, such as Liuliu Dashun and Fafafa, as long as they are not too explicit. "

"Don't you like gambling ghosts?"

"I don't like gamblers, but gamblers' money doesn't smell bad. The more gamblers are, the more they pay attention to limelight and luck. If they do something auspicious, these Angjus will definitely like it."

"Would you like to go to the river to find some pebbles, and make some jade tokens of gambling gods, gambling kings, and gambling gods and sell them?"

"The idea is good, but it's too explicit, and it's still a reliable snack. When developing it, I thought in the direction of refreshing. Both sour and spicy can be refreshing. The best taste is sour or spicy.

As long as the taste is acceptable, the most important thing is to make the packaging auspicious enough, and it is best to look a little bit higher.

Hong Kong often shoots gambling films, which can be used for placement advertisements. Think about it, the most powerful gambling masters in the movies have eaten our snacks before gambling. This advertising effect must be great. "

"It sounds good. After the shredded radish is developed, we will develop the thing you mentioned."

"Speaking of radishes, in addition to shredded radishes, you can also think about radish slices and radish cubes. You can try any pickled radish, sweet or sour; don't waste the peeled radish skin and radish sprouts , try to make something to eat."

Xian Yaodong took a deep breath and said, "Nanyi, you are really ruthless, you plan to use every inch of the carrot."

"Nonsense, how expensive a radish is, it costs a few cents a piece. Try to create a profit of five yuan for us with one radish."

"Five yuan is a bit difficult, and it can't be sold at this price."

"Think, think hard, there are already many people in the Northeast who have started to grow ginseng, and the price of ginseng planted is not expensive, you can consider using ginseng mixed with radish to develop a health-friendly snack..." Nanyi said and waved his hands, " Forget it, I didn’t say this, it’s too early to go this way now.”

"Health care? Medicine?"

"No, let's not talk about this for now. We will talk about it in a few years. Last time I came back, I forgot to tell you that our hawthorn slices are already sold in Lijiapo. This product not only has a market in China, but also abroad.

Design Japanese and Korean packaging, and try to sell hawthorn slices and fruit skins to Japan and South Korea. "

"No one in the food factory can speak foreign languages, how do we sell them?"

"Someone from the Far East Trade Association will come to connect, and the village will do a good job in production and quality control."


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