Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 269 Tota Heavenly King

December 17

White snowflakes in the shape of six petals floated in the sky in the capital, and the milky white soup in the copper hot pot was bubbling, and wisps of white smoke drifted out. The whiteness in Xian Weimin's mouth was chased by a beam of fire. Yellow was discarded on the ground.

Nanyi pouted his mouth into a circle, a puff of white mist blew onto the chopsticks, and a thin lump of steaming mutton was stuffed into his mouth.

Man San'er fished out a piece of sheep's heart from the pot, and was not afraid of burning it, so he stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it twice, and swallowed it, "Master Nan, it's almost New Year's Eve again, where are you spending the Spring Festival this year?"

The heart has been eaten, and the master should be there soon.

"If the two of them don't have a vacation, I should go to New York."

"That's a pity. I also said that our two families can live together together. There are more people and it will be more lively."

"Let's talk about it next year."

This meal was a farewell banquet for Xian Weimin. After the three of them finished eating, Nan Yi and Man San'er sent Xian Weimin to the airport. After Xian Weimin left, the two left on their own.

Compared with Nanyi, Man San'er didn't treat him badly. He also has his own car, driver and bodyguard, so he doesn't need to rub Nanyi's car at all.

On the second day after Xian Weimin left, Uedo Masami came from Argentina and reported to Nanyi the situation of the pasture she investigated in the Pampas grassland, and Nanyi asked her to solve the Jiuzhangji matter.

The house in Jiuzhangji is still rented from the housing management. Now some relations have become delicate, and the property rights need to be clarified. Nanyi is not as convenient as before. He needs a new office in the capital.

There are many vacant houses in Jiuzhangji, and there are also many vacant spaces. Adding a few third- and fourth-floor offices will still be spacious.

December 19

Nanyi transferred a person from Creativity Real Estate to set up the capital subsidiary of the mainland branch. Coincidentally, the person he liked was Li Jing, and Nanyi named the capital subsidiary Tota Construction. Zha, no matter how overwhelming Nezha is, he must be trained by King Tota.

A very good idea, which indicates that the development of tota buildings in the capital will be booming.

Although this sounds a bit superstitious, who doesn't want to have a good omen, search all over the world, and can't find an entrepreneur who will name his company "bankruptcy" or "closure" or "fixed compensation", isn't it? Choose nice words.

The company LOGO of Tota Construction also quickly found someone to design, a relatively abstract line pattern of Li Jingtota, formed in one stroke, without breaking in the middle, from low to high, from thin to thick.

This pattern is too abstract, and people who know the meaning can understand it when they look at the picture. People who don't know the meaning will only think that the picture is pretty, but they can't see what it means.

It can be said that Feng Shui is everywhere in the field of architecture, but no one has ever admitted it, only saying that it is a coincidence in design, after all, some things can be done but cannot be said.

If Nanyi wants to enter the real estate field, of course, he must abide by the unwritten rules of the industry. Turta architecture is Turta architecture, which should have been translated into Turta architecture. Who knew that he found a crappy translator, and it was translated into Torta by mistake. .

Nan Yi and Li Jing were sitting in the coffee seat of the Friendship Hotel. In order to test Li Jing's quality, Nan Yi threw him a question.

"Do you think real estate in mainland China can develop?"

"Nansheng, I think it can be developed, and it must be developed."

"Oh, be specific."

"The mainland says it is reform and opening up, liberalizes the economy, and vigorously develops the manufacturing industry. It's not that I underestimate the mainland. Judging from the current education level and the cultural level of the people in the mainland, the mainland can only engage in Low-end manufacturing cannot form its own core high-end competitiveness.

Due to cheap labor, the mainland's low-end manufacturing industry will be more competitive internationally, the economic situation will soon turn around, and the people will become richer.

But the low-end manufacturing industry I am talking about is mainly concentrated in the textile industry. Practitioners in this industry do not need a high level of education, and only need to repeat mechanized operations.

But if a country wants to be strong, every industry must be strong, and the economic structure must be complete, not just a single economic development model.

Here we have to talk about the benefits of developing real estate. First of all, the construction of buildings and houses does not require high-quality employees, and can absorb a large number of idle labor, mainly the surplus labor in rural areas, which can solve many jobs.

At the same time, the real estate industry can stimulate the development of a series of upstream and downstream industries such as steel, building materials, machinery, chemicals, ceramics, textiles, home appliances, and hydropower, directly or indirectly affecting many industries.

And it can drive the construction and civil engineering industry to engage in related land development and renovation and new buildings;

Real estate industry, including the transfer of land use rights, leasing, mortgage and house sale lease, mortgage and other activities, real estate intermediary services, including real estate consulting, valuation and brokerage agency, etc.;

In addition, there is the sales industry, where houses need someone to sell, and there are many supporting facilities that need to be sold; in the property management industry, residential real estate needs property management;

Secondly, it can also drive the insurance industry, hydropower engineering industry and so on.

There are also taxes. There are countless types of taxes that can be designed around the real estate industry. Whether it is land transfer, real estate sales, or purchase taxes, they are all great sources of tax revenue, and there are real estate taxes that can be collected repeatedly.

Solving employment, stimulating industry development, and increasing taxes have these three major benefits. Coupled with the reality of the country's large population and insufficient housing area, it is a matter of time for the mainland to vigorously develop the real estate industry.

I believe that the time does not need to be too long, as short as 10 years, as long as 15 years, real estate will definitely be released. "

Nan Yi nodded and praised: "It's wonderful, what you said is well-founded, it seems that I chose you to come to the capital right. However, what you said is all about the general trend and the future. We fall into the present and fall into you In your position, tell me, what are you going to do?"

Knowing economics does not necessarily mean doing business, and businessmen do not necessarily understand economics. Business has not reached a certain level. In fact, it is all about human relationships and sophistication. Those who study economics may not be able to do well.

Otherwise, the names of economists should be on the list of wealth list.

"Nansheng, yesterday and two days ago, I ran around the capital to learn about the situation of the old city renovation. At present, the four districts of Dongcheng, Xicheng, Chongwen, and Xuanwu have started the work of demolishing large courtyards, because they are all government departments. Behavior, the action is not very fast.

I can recommend myself and incorporate Tota Building into the old city renovation. We want to build the best houses and form a good reputation. We don't expect to make a profit in the short term, as long as the company can make ends meet.

We, Tota, joined in, and other companies, no matter if they are regular companies or contract teams with several people, will definitely follow suit.

We can not make money, but others can't. Whether it is the quality of the building, or the walls, corridors, floors, and water pipes and circuits on the surface, we can implement it according to the highest standards.

When people live in, they will definitely compare each other, and everyone can see which is good and which is bad, and the reputation of Tota Building will rise invisibly.

Word-of-mouth gradually accumulates, and quantitative changes turn into qualitative changes. After the real estate liberalization and the opening of the Tota Construction real estate, people will naturally like to buy our houses, even if we sell them at a higher price than others in the future. "

"Li Jing, it's fine, you're fine. I thought you, who was born and raised in Xiangtang, would not understand the situation in the capital. But I didn't expect you to have seen through the essence of the problem.

Then I can safely and boldly hand over the Tota Building to you for operation. You have just assumed a new position, so I should give you a gift.

I want to let go of your hands and feet. You don’t need to achieve a balance of payments. You can lose money. I will give you a quota of 5 million in the first year, as long as your loss does not exceed this figure.

In the second year, I will give you a higher loss limit, so you can rest assured that you will lose money. In ten or fifteen years, I will not ask you for profit. I just want to hear about Tota's good word of mouth and see Tota's good connections.

As long as you do these two things, your salary is not a problem, nor is your management share. "

"Thank you Nansheng, I will definitely bring rich rewards to Tota Architecture." Li Jing said vowedly.

"I'll wait and see."

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