Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 270: Incomplete in 1983

After the establishment of Tota Construction, Nanyi immediately established Chunshen Construction in Shanghai, with Huang Xie, the general manager.

Then we called Wenchangwei and established a Wenchang Building based in Shenzheng. The general manager was Xian Yaoguo, the former militia company commander. There was also Nanchen Building based in Yangcheng, and the general manager was Chen Ruiwu, the head of Sanfangfang.

On January 1, 1983, the eighteenth day of the winter month in the lunar calendar, it was time to make an alliance.

Very early in the morning, Liu Zhen sat up from the bed and vomited twice. Nan Yi opened his eyes and reached out to stroke her back.

"What did you have for lunch yesterday?"

"Ugh... I didn't eat anything, it was just a work meal." Liu Zhen recalled, and said, "Nanyi, tell me, do I have it?"

"It's unlikely. Morning sickness usually occurs after 40 days of pregnancy." Nan Yi said after counting the days.

"You also said it's average, what if I'm earlier?"

"Then plan to make a mess. Okay, don't think about it. I'll get you a glass of water. You can call your unit later to ask for leave. I'll accompany you to the hospital in the morning."

As Nanyi said, he got up from the bed, put his coat on his body, went to the living room, opened the lid of a thermos bottle, put his hands on the mouth of the bottle to test the heat, the heat was just right, and took the upside down bottle from the tray. The enamel jar was turned over, first poured some water to rinse it, then poured half a glass of water, and dragged the cotton mop back to the room.

Liu Zhen took the enamel jar, held it with both hands and shrunk toward her heart, "It's too cold, it's really uncomfortable without heating."

Liu Zhen's work unit has heating, and she would sweat even if she wore a cashmere in the work unit during the day.

"Be patient. Next year, depending on the situation, go to Miyun and get a piece of land somewhere. I will build you a villa to avoid the cold. I will help you install the heating that needs to be installed."

As Nanyi said, he turned on the heater next to the bed and turned down the power a little. If it couldn't be turned up, a large fuse would burn out and the voltage would not be supplied. In the past two days, Nanyi changed the fuse three or four times a day, and he couldn't wait to change the copper wire.

No problem, heaters, electric blankets, refrigerators, TVs, and so on, are all miscellaneous electricity-consuming gadgets, and they basically have to be turned on at night, so it's strange that the electricity is coming.

"Nanyi, am I delicate? I didn't wear thick clothes in winter before, and I didn't feel how cold it was."

"Can it be the same? In the past, there were no conditions. In the alley, everyone had the same virtue and there was no comparison. Now that there are conditions, people will naturally appear delicate. Isn't the food the same? Remember that you can eat two packs on the train. Egg noodles?"

"I was hungry that day. I didn't eat anything before getting on the train." Liu Zhen said shyly.

"I'm not saying you can eat it, I'm saying you weren't picky eaters then, look at you now, you don't eat this, you don't eat that, what calories are you talking about, you pay attention to people."

"Bah, I won't tell you anymore." Liu Zhen lay back and covered her body with the quilt.

"Go back to sleep, I'll call you when breakfast is ready."

"Well, I want to eat two eggs today, poached eggs, soft ones."


Nan Yi agreed, quickly took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of boxers, and slapped his chest, then gritted his teeth and walked out of the room, opened the door and walked to the yard.

The wind outside was blowing towards Nanyi's body like a knife, and he was so excited that the snot drooped from his nose as soon as he wiped his nose.

"It's fucking cold."

Nanyi shivered for a while, endured the cold, took a large handful of snow from the ground and wiped it on his face, arms, and torso, until his whole body turned red, bursts of hot air came out, puffed, and fell straight down. He threw himself on the ground and turned into a snake, cruising back and forth in the yard.

After tossing in the snow for an hour, there were beads of sweat on his forehead. Nanyi finally ended his self-torture. He put on his clothes and rested in the living room for a while, and went upstairs to wash after the sweat on his body dried. a hot bath.

Then, he turned into a cook and went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

In the morning, I accompanied Liu Zhen to the hospital for an examination, and came to the conclusion that my stomach acid was too high.

After coming out of the hospital, Liu Zhen's little face drooped and she was weak.

Nanyi could only comfort and said: "Okay, don't pull your face. Winter is not a suitable season for breeding. We will work hard when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming."

"That's the only way to go." Liu Zhen said disappointedly, "I'm going to work."

"Send it to you?"

"No, don't you say to keep a low profile, I'll take the bus by myself."

"Zhiling, be careful." Nan Yi worriedly asked Ruan Zhiling who was following Liu Zhen.


Watching Liu Zhen get on the tram that was dragged by a rope, Nan Yi returned to the car, and the tiger cub drove the car to the old bungalow with jingling bells.

"Tiger cub, replace the snow chain with a good one, the broken chain is uncomfortable."

"You can't buy good ones in the mainland. By the time they arrive from abroad, the snow will have stopped."

"That's right, I didn't think about it, I'd better buy it and keep it for later use."


It took more than half an hour for the car to arrive at the door of the old house. The school flower who got off the car first whispered: "There is a situation."

As soon as the tiger cub heard this, he immediately opened his clothes, took out his armpit, and took out a swing stick, his eyes were still looking in the direction that Xiaohua was watching.

The Nanyi people lay down, peeping outside with only one eyeball exposed, looking up first, then looking up, but they didn't see anything, then looked down, and finally saw a short cylindrical shape on the ground at the gate of the courtyard. Object, white, but incompatible with the snow on the ground.

After identifying it for a long time, Nan Yi realized that it was a swaddling baby.

"Damn it!" Nan Yi spat, and said to the tiger cub: "Don't worry about things, look to the right, let the school girl look to the left, and see if anyone is staring at it, son of a bitch, it's really not a thing."


The tiger cub got out of the car and closed the car door. Nan Yi touched the bottom, and a handful of Emei Three Arrows came into his hand. He pulled the bolt, reloaded, clicked, pressed the air lever, and placed the air gun on his lap. See front and rear through the windshield and mirrors.

The child didn't throw it at the gate of the police station, the hospital, or the orphanage, but just threw it at his house. This is because he obviously knew that his life was easy and picked someone to throw it away.

If you are caught, you must open your eyes to this grandson.

One grandson or two grandchildren?

Through observation, it is difficult to see that the tiger cub and Xiaohua have already explored for about 300 meters. It seems that nothing has been found, and the people are already turning back.

After a while, the tiger cub walked up to the car and waved at Nanyi.

Nan Yi stretched out two fingers, pointed to his own eyes, and then pointed to the swaddling baby at the gate of the courtyard. The tiger cub nodded and walked over there. After a while, he walked to the side of the swaddling baby, inside and out. After checking it once, he patted his left shoulder with his right hand towards the car, twice in a row.

This is a set of tactical gestures formulated by Nan's bodyguards. The tiger cub's gestures represent safety.

Nanyi pushed open the car door and walked over step by step. The tiger cub lifted the corners of the child's face, revealing a wrinkled and dark face, like the "little old man's face" of an old man in his sixties or seventies.

"Fuck!" Nan Yi couldn't help spitting.

What a bastard, the baby won't be more than a week old.

Nanyi looked at the whole child's face, and soon discovered the reason why the child was abandoned - cleft lip and palate, which was quite severe, the middle of the upper lip was entangled, and a large crack was formed extending directly to the at the nose.

Nanyi tucked in the quilt, "Open the door, go in first, don't let the child freeze."

After entering the living room, Xiaohua went to the room and took a heater and turned it on. Nanyi handed the child to her first, then went to the room to find two pure cotton clothes, and found the thin silk quilt.

Back in the living room, he took off the baby's swaddling clothes, and shook them carefully to see if there was a note or something.

One layer, two layers, the second layer was shaken off, and a wrapped handkerchief fell out.

Nanyi didn't care about things, and continued to tear the child's wrapping apart...

After wiping the child's whole body with hot water, wrapping him in a silk quilt, and fooling him with his clean fingers, Nan Yi finally thought about picking up the handkerchief bag on the ground.

Open it, there is a wad of money inside, about six or seven yuan, and a few food stamps, a total of seven catties and six taels, and a small jade pendant. Nanyi picked it up and looked at it. It was not a precious jade. There is no lettering on it either, other than that, nothing else.

Unwilling to give up, Nanyi shook off the handkerchief to see if there was any writing on it. Obviously, he was disappointed again.

There is money, and there are food stamps. Without leaving a word, Nan Yi understood after thinking about it. This girl is a designated abandonment. He knows who lives in this house, who will pick up the child, and who to ask for in the future. back to the child.

The little calculation is quite precise. If the child's cleft lip and palate are to be repaired, the operation needs to be done several times. The time span is very long, and the cost is estimated to be able to send away a terminal cancer.

Send them to welfare homes?

Life can survive, but this lip will definitely not be repaired.

Send it to the police station?

Take off your pants and fart, and finally go to the orphanage.

Nan Yi asked and answered in his heart, but in the end he still couldn't help himself. The child's cleft lip and palate repaired and not repaired are two completely different lives.

Picking up the handkerchief to confirm it for the last time, Nan Yi pointed to the child's nose and said: "Your mother has sharp eyes and knows that I am a good person. Let me tell you, you grow up for me, grow smarter, Lao Tzu The money on your body, you have to earn it back for must be doubled."

"Nansheng, do you want to keep the child?" Xiaohua asked.

"What can we do if we don't stay here? If we send him to the orphanage, his life will be ruined. How can the orphanage have the budget to treat him? It's not a fatal illness."

As Nanyi said, he began to think about it again. He was single, and Liu Zhen's status was inconvenient. The adoption procedures were impossible, but it was not difficult to get a household registration at this time. I had to find Li Lamei. She should still Do you have milk?

Handing the child to Xiaohua, Nan Yi walked to the long table and gave Men San'er a phone call.

"I just picked up a child. Is there a suitable family to register with?"

"Yes, yes, but, Master Nan, why don't you send the child to the police station?"

"The child is special. If you don't keep me here, he will be ruined. I won't be able to tell for a while. Please help me with this matter. I will take the child to breastfeed first."

"Come on, wait for me to believe you."

After hanging up the phone, Nan Yi went to the room to find a yellow leather coat, wrapped it in another layer of swaddling clothes, and then went out to Li Lamei's side.

For a day, I went around this child, Li Lamei's house, and went to the police station to register.

It was already night when it stopped.

"Nan Yi, do you want to keep this child by your side?" Liu Zhen nestled in Nan Yi's arms, looking at "New Year's Day" lying beside her and asked.

Picked up on New Year's Day, Nanyi gave the child a nickname New Year's Day.

As for the name, let's talk about it later, there is no way to get it now, Nan Yi still doesn't know if this child is qualified to be named Nan.

"No, I will send it to New York after completing the formalities. Didn't I run a starting point orphanage there, and a nun named Therese is in charge there. This nun is very responsible and loves children. She can take good care of New Year's Day. "

"It's really a pity for this child. If the lips... well, I still want to take him with me."

"Why, you still discriminate against New Year's Day?"

"That's not true, but who doesn't want to bring a healthy baby, preferably a girl."

"Come on, I didn't see how close you and Ruopin are."

"Hmph, why are you getting close to her? She only sees you, and follows you like a tail."

"Just mention it to me. Don't say the word tail in front of Ruo Ding, she will be unhappy. The little girl will have nightmares at first, and I'm afraid I don't want her. It's been two years since I knew I couldn't bear her. , Treating her as one's own is a bit crazy."

"Isn't that what children are like? I think Ruo Fing is pretty good, very smart, not like Zhou Maode's."

"Hehe, what do you mean Lamei stole someone?"

"Pfft, you deliberately distorted my meaning, are you interested?"

"Energetic, when I see your two poached eggs, I feel endless energy."

"Hmph, I let you laugh at me."

Liu Zhen turned over and pressed onto Nanyi, pinching his neck with two small hands.

"Come on, let it go, stop making trouble, go to sleep, I don't know how many times I will wake up at night." Nanyi pulled Liu Zhenpao away, glanced at the child, saw that he was not woken up, and said softly .

"Say, why are you so clear about the child's habits?"

"I went to the No. 2 Chemical Plant baby room to help babysit when I was eight years old, and I was paid 9.5 yuan a month."

Nan Yi is not careless, he did have a period of experience of looking after children in the factory nursery.

The state-owned factory has good welfare. There is usually a nursery in the factory. Every once in a while, female workers with children can go to the nursery to see the children, feed them milk, pee and so on.

Nanyi was just a little kid at that time. During the summer vacation, he would read comic books in the nursery. If any milk doll cried, he would go over and see if he wanted to eat or piss. That's it.

Just this job, without delaying his reading of comic books, the ice cream in the cold drink department of the factory can be eaten openly, no ticket, and salary, of course he is willing to do it.

"No wonder, I said, you have such an affinity for children, and your feelings are crawling out of the children."

"It's not because of this. It's because I'm a good person. Children have innate qi and can see the good and evil in this world. They are naturally willing to get close to me."

"I said you're fat and you're still panting. I'll ignore you. I'll sleep."

"Go to sleep, I don't want to sleep today, I have to go to see the coal stove later."

The milk brought back from Li Lamei was still warm on the coal stove in the living room. Nan Yi had to keep an eye on the fire. Otherwise, the water would be too hot when it boiled, or it would cool down when the fire went out, and it would be a lot of trouble to feed the milk in time.

It's easy for the little baby to howl sixty to seventy centimeters, so let's wait for the neighbors to complain tomorrow. Cursing is probably not possible. After all, apart from Nanyi and the others, the rest are teachers' families from the university.

Don't question it, the question is that there was no holiday on New Year's Day in the 1980s!

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