When Nan Yi regained his energy, he walked towards Yi Zai's house.

Yi Zai's home is in the back garden outside Scarlett's house, and there are tall and low catterys inside, where cats can climb up and down, and there is never a shortage of food and toys.

As soon as Nanyi walked over, Yi Zai broke free from his closed eyes, climbed out of his nest, climbed to the ground along the ladder, and then walked to Nanyi's feet on catwalks, and habitually went up along the trousers climb.

Climb onto Nanyi's arms and call out, reminding Nanyi to hug her tightly.

Nan Yi smiled and hugged Yi Zai, and pinched her forehead again, Yi Zai closed his eyes comfortably.

Looking at Yi Zai lying in the arms of a shit-shoveling officer, the other cats in the cattery poked their heads out one by one, and looked at them curiously. One, two, seven or eight, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, Nanyi Can't count how many.

These are not stray cats, nor are Scarlett's new ones, either Yi Zai's children, or her grandchildren.

Last year, Yi Zai came into heat 4 times, got pregnant 3 times, and gave birth to three babies. The first baby gave birth to 6 babies, the second baby had 9 babies, and the third baby was the least, with 4 babies.

There were two mothers in the first litter of 6, and it was seamless. They were pregnant in the first estrus, and they gave birth to many babies. One gave birth to 6 babies and the other gave birth to 7 babies.

Looking at the little cubs in the cattery, Nan Yi stroked Yi Zai in his hand again, "You little thing, almost, you can't reproduce anymore, you've already passed birth, only one is good, Nan Yi will take care of you. "

Yi Zai meowed several times, and Nan Yi, who is proficient in languages, immediately translated into adult words, "Happy to have three children, Nan Yi will come to take care of her."

Nan Yi also meowed at Yi Zai, "Shameless, you can't rely entirely on Nan Yi for the elderly."

Yi Zai raised her front paw, pointed to the cattery, and then pointed to the cats outside the back garden, and glanced a few times, "Let's give up the old age and enjoy the future."

Nanyi stroked Yizi's head again, and shouted happily, "Very well, it is your own responsibility to support your children, it is shameless to push it to Nanyi."

After communicating with Yi Zai, Nan Yi put Yi Zai down, went to the pet store in the morning, bought a few more catterys, and bought cat food of various flavors along the way.

After I came back, I put the cattery in the back garden, and classified the cattery, some for rent, and some for cat restaurants.

Many people in the nearby community have cats, but they have to go to work, and they usually don’t have time to take care of their cats during the day. If Yizai provides rental cattery and restaurants, I believe the nearby shit shovelers are willing to foster cats here.

Nanyi also put a little thought into the cattery for rent. There are ordinary cattery with one cat and one cattery, luxury cattery with three or five cattery, and group rental cattery with several cats in one room.

After the cattery was built, Nanyi went to sign another contract, roughly meaning that these cattery belonged to Yizai, but the land under the cattery still belonged to Nanyi, and Yizai had the right to use it for 7 years .

Pressing Yi Zai's front paws on the contract, Nan Yi put one of the contracts in Yi Zai's independent cattery, and solemnly hung a bunch of keys around Yi Zai's neck.

"From today onwards, you will be the landlord Yi. For the remaining few years, you will live by collecting rent, and you will also be responsible for your retirement. Don't rely on me, Nanyi, for everything."

Yi Zai looked at so many catterys that belonged to him, and disapproved of Nanyi's words, "From now on, I will only pay the rent, and I will definitely be able to eat well."

After being intimate with Yi Zai, it's time for Nan Yi to go out and do his own business.

But as soon as I got out of the residential area in the car, I saw a pet store on the side of the road being renovated, and there was a billboard beside the facade, which said foster cats were 50 cents a day.

Nan Yi took a look, "Yeah, Yi Zai's dream of being a landlord is hard to come by."

After driving for a while, Nanyi saw the girls in front of him holding a sign. When he saw the content on the sign, Nanyi thumped. The sign said, "In order to ensure the health of cats, we must resist group cattery."

Yi Zai was really unlucky, he was about to reach the pinnacle of cat life, but now he died.

Nan Yi's eyes moved away from the sign, and stayed on the face of a girl for a long time. If he remembered correctly, wasn't this girl the daughter of the owner of the pet shop where he bought the cattery just now?

"Hey, that's amazing. A small owner of a pet store knows to use the Animal Protection Association."

Nanyi clicked his tongue twice, then turned his gaze back, and looked at the newspaper in his hand.

Seeing the lagging news of Wen Ruo's independence in the newspaper again, Nanyi thought that Hou Ji Agriculture should come to sell it well, and Hou Ji Agriculture provided food to Wen Ruo's 300,000 citizens at a low price.

With a small population and rich underground oil reserves, Wen Ruo is destined to become very rich. Let's sell it first and see if we can get a share of Wen Ruo's oil trade in the future.

Continuing to read the newspaper, another piece of news jumped into Nanyi's eyes-the riots in Tunisia due to food price hikes.

"The price has increased, which means that there is a problem with the source of food." Nan Yi tapped his thigh, thinking that it was time to contact Tunisia.

In Nanyi's meditation, the car had already driven out of New York City, heading for the dove of peace.

After getting off the car during the training camp, Nanyi walked towards a small building.

This small building does not belong to the property of Peace Dove, but belongs to the property of the Fanshengzhi Research Institute, the New York branch of the Fanshengzhi Research Institute-the Strange Ninth Research Institute.

The "ninth" in the name has no meaning, and it does not mean that it is the ninth research institute. It is just to mislead others and deliberately add a number.

Putting on a white coat, Nan Yi entered the laboratory of the research institute, where Curtis, the director of the research institute, was observing a long lump that looked similar to jelly.

Nanyi didn't make a sound, and walked to Curtis's side on tiptoe, staring at the lump for a while.

After five or six minutes, Nan Yi saw that Curtis continued to observe, and he said, "Professor Curtis, what are you observing? Why don't you use a microscope?"

"No, Adam, I'm not observing, I'm giving myself a pep talk."

"Why are you angry?"

"Gather the courage to eat it." Curtis pointed to the lump.

"Is hygiene guaranteed?"

"Hygiene is definitely no problem. After many times of sterilization in various ways, but, looking at its appearance, I still don't dare to try it."

"Oh." Nan Yi waved to the back, and Dewen walked up to him, "Dewen, how about the taste?"

Dewin heard Nanyi's words, looked at Curtis's face, and asked seriously: "Safe?"

"very safe."

Dewin pulled out the dagger from her body, cut a small piece from the lump, stuffed it into her mouth and chewed it, "It tastes good, but there is too much salt, we should add a little sugar, how about the energy?"

"It's high in energy and can be eaten as an energy bar," Curtis said.

"You can take some with you when you go out on missions in the wild, but the appearance needs to be changed. Either it will be soft like an energy bar, or it will be made like a compressed biscuit." After speaking, Dewin stuffed the remaining little into the mouth.

"Professor Curtis, why don't you smash them up so that their bodies can't be seen, and it's easier for people to accept."

"Adam, I'm now experimenting with various production methods to reduce the cost as much as possible without affecting the taste."

"Such an appearance is definitely not good. Not many people have received wild survival training, so few people can accept it."

"Yes, I watched these little things grow up. I'm not afraid of them, and I processed them myself. I don't worry about their hygiene, but I just can't put them in my mouth."

Nan Yi nodded, picked up a lump with tweezers, and looked at it carefully for a while under the light. There were many American cockroaches crowded in it, and they had not been divided, and the whole one entered the production process. The outside is covered with secreted yellow and white emulsion.

"Professor, what's the yellow one?"

"A mixture of fat and sugar, white, you can understand as protein."

"Oh, what kind of starch is mixed with it?"

"corn starch."

"For the sake of taste, you can try other starches, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, bananas, apples, yams [yams], and many other plants that can make starch.

If this product is to be launched on the market, it must be divided into high, medium and low grades, and it needs to have rich tastes.

Of course, we urgently need a low-cost finished product. The people in Africa are still starving. We need to give them several feasible self-help solutions.

How is chlorella research going? "

"If you want to promote breeding, you don't need to study it at all. Huaguo already had a lot of breeding experience back then, so you can just copy it. If you want to study it further, Adam, I have to say that there is nothing to study about the edibility of chlorella. Its medicinal properties are worthy of study.

Both Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Chlorella vulgaris can produce large amounts of niacinamide, thiamine, vitamins B2, B6, folic acid, inositol, and pantothenic acid.

Niacinamide has obvious effects on the treatment of pellagra, stomatitis, glossitis, sick sinus syndrome, atrioventricular block and other diseases.


Curtis explained to Nanyi in detail the functions of the various components of chlorella. In his mouth, chlorella is simply an amazing medicinal baby.

"I see, the research on chlorella will be suspended for now." Nanyi nodded, thinking about asking the third biopharmaceutical research institute to come over and see if he should take over the research.

Putting down the energy block of the American cockroach in his hand, Nan Yi asked Curtis to take him to see the insect breeding laboratory.

In each incubator, various insects are cultivated, such as soil yuan [ground soft-shelled beetle], silkworm chrysalis, cicada, bamboo shoot insect, grasshopper, dragon lice, bamboo insect, ants, willow insect, and mole cricket, which Nanyi can recognize , There are also many that he has not seen.

"Adam, some of the insects here are very clean and hygienic if they are caught directly from nature, and they can be directly eaten; most of them are not good, and they are more or less full of various germs. We need to follow their growth environment. , research and test out a hygienic cultivation and breeding method."

Curtis said, took off the medical gloves on his hands, and took out a fried silkworm chrysalis from the pocket of his white coat, "Do you want it?"

Nan Yi waved his hand.

Curtis stuffed the silkworm chrysalis into his mouth, "It has to be said that Chinese people know how to cook and can make silkworm chrysalis so delicious. However, I still have to say that silkworm chrysalis is of little research value to us.

It consumes too much mulberry leaves. If mulberry leaves can be grown in an area, many food crops can also be grown. "

"Professor, you may have some mistakes in understanding what I said at the beginning. I initiated a research program on alternative foods, although the most important purpose is to deal with the possible food crisis.

But this is actually a long-term goal, and it does not necessarily need to really play a role.

In the short term, in order to recover our research expenses, we must also focus on delicious food, high nutritional value, and high medicinal value. For example, the one in your mouth, how much do you think you can sell it for? "

"I can still accept one for less than ten dollars. I love its taste."

"Ha, then your data can't be used as a reference." Nan Yi said with a smile: "However, if you can accept it, there should be many people who can accept it. Maybe we can sell it to the Michelin restaurant as a kind of harmony." Rare delicacies like foie gras are for sale.

Gimmicks are needed to make it fetch a premium price.

Although those gourmets are rich, it doesn't mean they are stupid, and they may not be able to sell at a high price for no reason in the past. "

Curtis thought for a while and said, "Perhaps golden silkworm chrysalis can be cultivated. I think those oil tycoons with a piece of cloth on them will definitely pay for them. After all, they like gold very much, don't they?"

"It should be. You should do experiments first to see where you can make changes. Try mating different breeds to see what their offspring will become."

"I'm trying this, but it's not very successful so far. If it succeeds, I'll try hybridization between different species."


After visiting the laboratory, Nan Yi left the research institute and walked to the place where the peace dove was stationed. He saw a team member competing with a creature that looked like a horse.

Nan Yi took a quick look, at first he thought it was a breed of horse he had never seen before, but then he was sure that it was definitely not a certain breed of horse, he saw the characteristics of a donkey from it, but he was also sure It's definitely not a mule.

"Dewin, do you know what this is?"

"Hinny, I don't know how to say it in Chinese. It's the offspring of a jackass and a mare, and it's the opposite of a mule."

"Oh, it's this one. It's called donkey mule in Chinese, and it's also called 駃騠 [jué tí]." Nanyi has heard of this thing, but he has never seen it. This is the first time he has seen it. "Have you eaten it, okay?" tasty?"

"Boss, you should have more say in this matter, do you Hua people eat it?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I haven't eaten it, and neither have mules. It probably isn't delicious." Nanyi thought for a while. If this thing is delicious, even if he can't eat it, he should have heard the legend that it is delicious.

For example, the father of the 駃騠 in front of him, Nanyi had heard that it was delicious before he ate it.

Nanyi thought, it is relatively easy to eat donkey meat now, but it will be difficult in the future. Although the donkey is full of treasures and can be sold at a high price, it has two fatal flaws. It has a long growth cycle and a long pregnancy cycle, and the cost of breeding and breeding is not low.

Moreover, although donkey meat is delicious, the market is relatively small, and naturally not many people are willing to breed it if there is no demand. In terms of production ratio, it is not as good as raising cattle and pigs.

The word "donkey" in donkey meat fire will become an adjective sooner or later, and donkey meat fire will also turn into wife cakes and husband and wife lung slices, so don't want to eat donkey meat from it.

Nanyi didn't care where the team members got the 駃騠. There were several small ranches next to the station, and they raised everything. It's not surprising to have a few 駃騠.

When the team members don't want to eat beef, they will go to the nearby pasture to get some other species to eat.

"However, the Peace Dove team members seem to be too leisurely, so they have to go out for activities." Nan Yi walked towards the helipad, thinking so in his heart.

As soon as I walked to the helipad, I saw a small plane just taking off from the runway.

The team members have a lot of spare time activities. Not only can they go to bars to pick up girls, but they can also do some small inventions.

The plane that just took off was built by a helicopter pilot, Mayday. The cost of the whole plane is only a few hundred dollars. The money is mainly spent on the modification of the engine. disassembled.

The whole plane weighs only about 70 kilograms, and it can be blown away by a gust of wind, but Mayday is having a lot of fun and is thinking about launching his own brand of planes in the future.

Nanyi covered his brows with his hands, looked up at the swaying plane in the sky, and was really worried when it would fall down.

"Mayday, that bastard, with such an unlucky nickname, and playing with a small plane, sooner or later he will fall off, absolutely don't let this bastard touch his special plane."


Mayday is an international distress signal for radio calls. Before the plane crashes, pilots usually call Mayday several times.

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