Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 352 Can You Be My Boyfriend?

Watching the small plane fly out of the range of the tarmac, Nanyi boarded his own car. The pilot Chuck Aaron was already sitting in the helicopter, watching Nanyi board the helicopter, and handed Nanyi a handwritten notebook.

"Boss, this is the operation manual I wrote. You can read this and listen to my lecture later."


Nanyi took the manual, opened the first page, and said to Chuck Aaron: "Let's get started."

As Nanyi's voice fell, Chuck Aaron began to give lectures.

There are a few people who don't want to fly in the sky. Nanyi naturally has a dream of flying. Whether it is a fixed-wing aircraft or a helicopter, he must learn how to drive.

Listening carefully to Chuck Aaron's lecture, while listening, Nanyi was taking notes and asking questions from time to time.

Time passed inadvertently for more than two hours, and one class was over.

Saying goodbye to Chuck Aaron, Nan Yi went to his gun library.

Going out of Nanyi's preference for firearms, Johnny helped Nanyi build a gun store, and kept buying various types of firearms from the market, not only high-end goods, but also various strange models.

Looking around in the gun storage, Nan Yi randomly picked out a few guns, brought a few boxes of matching ammunition and went to the shooting range.

The first thing he got started was an M1910/21 pistol, which was improved on the Bergman M1910.

After the First World War, Denmark, which had ordered M1910 from Bergman, wanted to continue to order, but Bergman could not provide it at that time, so Denmark had to produce it by itself.

Production began in 1921 and was improved during production, so it was called the M1910/21 pistol.

Bergman's pistol series has not been adopted by major powers, and is not well-known in the world, and because of its similar appearance to the shell gun, it is often misunderstood as a replica of the shell gun.

But in fact, Bergman is a proper original. Since the first 1893 model in 1892, all the pistols he developed have taken the way of the front magazine, which is not Mauser's patent.

Nan Yi loaded the six bullets, pulled the bolt, and pulled the trigger at the target.

After shooting with a shuttle, Nanyi put the gun on the gun rack beside him, and shook his left hand. The recoil force of this gun was underestimated, and the tiger's mouth that fired the first shot was shaken.

"Boss, are you okay?"

"It's okay, the recoil of this gun is stronger than that of a pistol that fires 9mm ammunition."

"It's fun to be a master, boss, can I get started?"

"Of course, you can play whatever you want, just don't play badly for me, remember to clean the gun."

"no problem."

Dewin walked over, picked up the gun, reloaded it, and raged at the target.

"The accuracy is a bit off. The muzzle jumps up too badly. When aiming, you have to aim down three centimeters." After the shooting, Dewin commented.

"Try this."

Nanyi handed to Dewen the gun he had just finished shooting. This is also an M1910/21 pistol, which was an improved version of the Warsaw Uprising Army. He picked up an assault pistol.

Buckle the wooden gun case to turn it into a submachine gun.

"This is a bad design." After taking the gun, Dewin complained: "The barrel is too long, and the aesthetics are destroyed. But the range and recoil should be weakened. The design of this flame arrester is good."

"It's okay. The recoil is not as strong as the previous one. Although it's ugly, it's quite practical." Nanyi said, loading ammunition into an MP18 submachine gun disc magazine that is also of the Bergman series.

"Dewin, do you understand Arabic?"

"A little bit, normal conversations are fine." Dewin said, "Boss, where do you want me to go? Didn't you just say in the morning that I won't have a vacation for the next two years?"

"This is not to let you take a vacation. You lead a team to protect two people to Tunisia. I have taken a fancy to its olives." Nanyi said, holding the MP18 in his hand, and slammed at the target again.

"When to set off?"

"You set off in three days and go to Paris to meet the man you want to protect."


After staying at the shooting range for another two hours, Nanyi and the others left the Peace Dove's station.

When the car passed Washington Street, Dewin suddenly pulled the handbrake, and the car stopped suddenly. Because of inertia, Nanyi's body swayed forward. Fortunately, he has always been in the habit of wearing a seat belt, so he didn't hit the back of the seat.

"What's wrong?"

"Suddenly a cat jumped out, I don't know if it hit it." Dewin replied, and picked up the walkie-talkie, "Pathfinder, Pathfinder."

"Please, VIP."

"Get out of the car and check to see if I hit a cat, OVER."


After the call ended, three people got off from the car in front, and one of them walked ahead with a reflector in his hand. When he arrived at Nanyi's car, he first observed the bottom of the car with the reflector, and then nodded to the other person. head.

Only then did the other person lean down to look at the wheels in front, and then said into the intercom: "VIP, I didn't hit the cat, but the cat got into the wheel hub, and it seems like it won't go away, OVER."

"Ask what kind of cat it is." Nanyi said to Dewen.

"Pathfinder, what cat, OVER."

"Looks like a shorthair cat, not sure."

"I'll go down and have a look." Nan Yi said again.

"Gecko, gecko, VIP needs to get off the car, stay alert."

Washington Street is in Brooklyn. Although the Empire State Building is right next to it, it is also one of the riot zones in New York, so Dewin cannot help but be careless.

After Dewen's voice fell, there was a commotion, and she nodded to Nanyi until she confirmed that there was no problem.

Nanyi opened the door and got off the car, walked to the front wheel, an Asian squatted on the wheel hub to look inside, a "short-haired cat" stayed in the wheel hub, and when it saw Nanyi's face, it meowed With a cry, he got out of the wheel hub, lay down at Nanyi's feet, and yelled at him again.

Then he ran to the east for a distance of more than two meters, turned around and called out to Nanyi again.

Nanyi understood what this short-haired cat wanted to express. It was for him to follow. He probably wanted to take Nanyi somewhere.

Nanyi hesitated for a while, but still said to Dewen: "Take two people to see."


Dewin ordered two people and walked towards the short-haired cat, but the short-haired cat saw that it was not Nan Yi who was following, so it barked at him again.

"What a smart cat."

Nan Yi gave a compliment. Although he knew in his heart that this cat probably needed his help, and it was unlikely that someone would be trained to specialize in fishing and set goals, but he still didn't want to gamble.

His kindness will only come out on the premise of ensuring his own safety.

Nan Yi Chong short-haired cat shook his head, then pointed to Dewen.

The short-haired cat turned its head and stared at Dewen for a while, then ran forward for more than two meters, then turned back, and led the three of them forward step by step until they turned into an alley.

Can't see it anymore, Nanyi looked away, and thought about it in his mind, why did this short-haired cat choose him out of the bodyguards?

"The smell of blood!"

Nan Yi soon understood that every bodyguard on the side had been stained with blood, that is to say, he was still considered a good man. Given the sensitivity of animals to crises, it seemed not surprising that he was chosen.

Huo Niu from the "Boss" sissy team walked up to Nanyi with the walkie-talkie, "Dewen wants to talk to you."

"What's wrong?" Nanyi said after taking the walkie-talkie and pressing the call button.

"There is no danger. There is a litter of kittens here, and an eight or nine-year-old girl."

"Understood, come here, OVER."

Nanyi handed the walkie-talkie back to Huoxue, and walked towards the alley, and after a while, he saw Dewen standing in a corner, with a little girl squatting beside her.

"What's wrong with them?" Leaning in front of the little girl, Nan Yi saw a litter of six or seven kittens, who seemed to be just born, with their eyes closed, shivering there.

"I don't know, it was like this when I just found them, brother, can you help them?" the girl begged.

Nan Yi turned his head and looked at the girl's face, a pair of eyes with green pupils, the upper and lower lips are a little protruding, the face is a typical Slavic face, Nan Yi took a few more glances, ready to look down to see whether the mountain is high or not Gao, so I can confirm if he has identified the wrong person.

Then, right away, he wanted to slap himself, "Damn, this is still a little girl, it's no wonder there are mountains."

However, he can basically be sure that the little girl in front of him is a familiar face, isn't this the fucking Alice, the one with the umbrella in Resident Evil.

"It's strange, isn't Jovovich a Ukrainian, isn't he a Ukrainian after he became an adult?"

It is suspected that Jovovich is staring at Nanyi, and if you don't save them, I will reward you with a dog-legged knife. They all say that women are unreasonable, and it is particularly obvious on her.

Nan Yi is "soft-hearted", not to mention that he likes cats in the first place, he will not refuse to save them, even if it is for the sake of a beautiful girl's request, how could he refuse.

Glancing at the short-haired cat beside him, Nan Yi said angrily, "Isn't it that rich people ran out? It seems that you have no life experience at all, and you don't know how to find a warmer place to have a baby."

Nanyi took off his coat and rolled it into a chicken coop shape. He put the kittens into the coop one by one by his neck. Put a cover on the nest.

After the kitten was dealt with, he smiled and said to the suspected Jovovich next to him, "My name is Adam, little sister, what's your name?"

Suspected Jovovich raised his head when he heard the words, wiped his face, stretched out his hand to pretend to be an adult, and said to Nan Yi: "Milica Bogdanovna Jovovich, hello, Mr. Adam."

"So, should I call you Milika?"

"You can call me Mira," Jovovich corrected.

"Oh, Mira, where do you live?"

"No, I live in Los Angeles. I'm an actor and I came to New York to participate in the filming of a TV series."

"So, the crew is right next door?"

"No, I came out to play by myself and got lost." Jovovich said embarrassedly.

"Okay, where is the crew, I'll send you back."

"time Square."

"ABC Network?"


"Let's go, my car is parked outside." Nanyi held the chicken coop in one hand, and patted Jovovich on the shoulder with the other.

Jovovich was slapped by Nanyi, and his eyes kept staring at him, as if he was curious about Nanyi's movements, and he said softly after a while: "You don't hate me?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because of my eyes, they are so different, the kids in school are afraid of me." Jovovich continued, bowing his head, "The grown-ups don't like it either, they say I am the incarnation of the devil, and it is Satan who lives in the world. The incarnations of my children don't let children play with me.

My mother and I went to other people's homes to help, and they didn't let me touch their things. "

Jovovich's face was full of loneliness.

Nan Yi said: "Don't listen to other people's nonsense. Your eyes are very beautiful, just like angels. They are very fascinating. Maybe they don't have such beautiful eyes themselves, so they are jealous of you."

Jovovich looked up and smiled, "Really?"

"Yes, your eyes are very beautiful." Nanyi didn't say anything, "Unfortunately, I can only be a brother in the future, and wish my brother peace."

Seeing Nanyi hugging his child to leave, the short-haired cat and Yizai climbed up along Nanyi's trousers, jumped onto Nanyi's arm, and then lay down on the chicken coop.

"Idiot, here is your own child." Nan Yi grabbed the short-haired cat by its neck, lifted it up, and put it directly on his arm.

The short-haired cat let out a cry of displeasure, and hugged Nanyi's arm to lie down.

"Mira, are you going to adopt them?"

Jovovich was very moved, and then shook his head helplessly, "No, my family life is very difficult, and I can't afford so many cats."

"Okay, then leave it to me to adopt."

Several people returned to the car, and Nan Yi invited Jovovich to ride with him.

Once in the car, Jovovich looked around.

After looking at it for a while, he said to Nanyi, "Mr. Adam, are you rich?"

"Fortunately, there should be some money."

"Then can you be my boyfriend?" Jovovich looked up at Nanyi with expectation on his face.

Nan Yi couldn't help being cold and handsome at first, and then felt a little sad for no reason.

"Your family is so difficult that you do this?"

"My mother is an actress, but she can't find an acting job, so she can only do odd jobs. She goes to other people's houses as a cleaner, and the income is very small. If I have money, I can let my mother continue to be an actress, and I don't need to do cleaning. work."


Jovovich didn't mention her father, so Nan Yi guessed.

"In these years, most Ukrainians came to China not for personal development reasons, but because of fleeing for refuge. The identity of Jovovich's father probably has something to do with politics. He was pampered before and came to China. I guess It is not easy to get a job, and now most of them have become drunk.

The box office of several "Resident Evil" movies seems to be not particularly outstanding, otherwise he should have a little memory about this. He almost remembers the names of several high-grossing movies, and there is absolutely no "Resident Evil" in them.

However, for a movie like "Resident Evil", the box office is not important. The real money comes from the peripherals. There are too many peripherals that can be sold. It should be possible to earn more than 10 to 2 billion US dollars from peripherals. "

Nan Yi went on to recall the plot of "Resident Evil". He couldn't recall the details, but he could still recall the classic shapes and the core of the story. It is not difficult to write a brief outline of the story.

"Where do you live, I can spare some time to go to Los Angeles in March and visit your house, maybe I can help your family a little bit."



"My family lives at 121 Sixth Street in the city center."

Nanyi frowned when he heard that, there are many black people living in the downtown of Los Angeles, and it is also the slums of Los Angeles. It seems that life in Jovovich's family is really not ordinary, otherwise it would would choose to live there.

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