Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 377 Who do you love the most?

"Direct action."

"Oh, I got it." Nan Yi finished what Ya Zhenni hadn't said, "They are not as idealistic as the young people twenty years ago, but their down-to-earth is far behind their parents.

The economic downturn that has continued to this day has made them suffer from unemployment, and it has also made them lose their smiles and illusions earlier and become realistic and rational.

In them, you can see a strong sense of heaviness and urgency.

In the late 1970s, a group of young people with radical ideas gradually gathered together in Paris to form a direct action organization. This organization has a considerable proportion of foreigners and women, right? "

"Yes, BOSS, that's it." Ya Zhenni nodded.

"Who was the unlucky ghost who was killed?"

"do not know."

"Then wait to read the newspaper, and hurry up, I guess the gendarmerie special service team is almost here, I don't bother to make a statement." Before leaving, Nanyi glanced at the ground again, "Ma'am, the urine is a bit yellow, recently Eat more vegetables, fruits, and less meat."

Back at the apartment, Nanyi took a shower, changed his clothes, and hurried to the 13th district police station.

Paris is too dangerous, so hurry up and get Sophie Marceau out.

After going through the bail procedures, when Sophie Marceau stood in front of Nanyi, she yelled and cursed. The vocabulary was simply unbearable. This is not over. Shooting again, he opened his bloody mouth and wanted to bite Nanyi's neck.

Well, tenderness never had much to do with French women.

What's more, she is still a little girl who is just eighteen years old. She is self-centered, and it is normal for the universe to revolve around her.

"Bite in another place."

"No, I must bite your neck."

Sophie Masogua hung her hands on Nanyi's shoulders, and her mouth was close to his neck.

"You should be hungry, I'll take you to eat."

"Okay, eat first, and I'll bite you when I'm full." Before getting off Nanyi's body, Sophie Marceau hugged Nanyi's neck and wrapped her legs around his waist, "Hold me out .”

Nanyi did the same, stretched out his hand to wrap Sophie Marceau's buttocks, and carried her out awkwardly like this.

Sophie Marceau was really hungry, so Nanyi didn't go far, and found a restaurant in the 13th district.

The thirteenth district is a world of Chinese, and there are many Chinese living here.

It's just that most of the Chinese here don't come directly from China, but from China to other countries first, and then from other countries to Paris.

The basic composition of the Chinese: in the earliest 17th century when they went to Nanyang, some people came to Paris; the laborers who stayed during the First World War; High-rise buildings are used to accommodate Chinese Americans, and benefits such as status, work, and housing are given.

In the Greater Paris area, especially in the 13th arrondissement, there are already many Chinese restaurants. Along the way just now, Nanyi has seen various restaurants, some for takeaway, some for dim sum and self-service, hot pot, and various cuisines. all available.

Since the 1980s, there has been a steady stream of people from Wenzhou and Qitian areas, diluting the original Zhuang and Cantonese, and adding Wenshi dialect, which can be used as a secret language.

In order to survive, many people join the whole family, old and young, to set up a takeaway restaurant. They don't need to be chefs, as long as they can cook a few dishes at home, they can fool people here.

Cook it in a large pot, put it in a stainless steel basin, and put it in a glass cabinet. Just like a canteen, someone comes to pick a few side dishes at random, and weighs them according to different prices.

Chinese food delivery shops are the magic weapon for many Chinese to survive in Paris.

Perhaps it is also because of this that Chinese food cannot form a strong brand abroad, and it is eventually surpassed by Japanese food.

There are really too many unprofessional practitioners who spoil Chinese food.

Moreover, the Chinese are relatively good at "internal competition". Most of them regard opening a Chinese restaurant as a temporary expedient measure, and have no thought of doing it for a long time. They don't care if the industry is rotten or not.

Trees are moved to death, people are moved to live, the east is not bright, the west is bright, I have completed the primitive accumulation, and then entered the stage of capital investment, I have sublimated, and I am no longer a mud leg.

Looking at the steamed buns served, Nanyi was very disappointed. He didn't even need to taste the taste. He could tell from the appearance that the flour was not kneaded. .

The boss here is definitely not a cook, and he doesn't even cook at home. Nanyi's craftsmanship can basically beat him by a few blocks.

Sophie Marceau skillfully picked up a bun with chopsticks, dipped it in the vinegar dish, stuffed it into her mouth and took a bite, then used her other hand to pick up the pickled cucumber on the other dish, took a bite of the bun, A bite of pickled cucumber is a joy to eat.

"Do you come here often?"

"Yeah, I have a classmate here, very good, I..." Sophie Marceau realized that she couldn't go on when she said this.

"I know that your classmate is Paulina Lafang. She is an actress and has acted in many movies. This time you broke into her house. Don't do anything stupid next time."

"I know, but I miss you, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Sophie Marceau looked at Nanyi with her brown affectionate eyes, making Nanyi unable to say other words of blame.

"Well, would you like to leave Paris for a while and travel to the East?"

With the existence of direct action, Nanyi estimates that Paris will be in chaos from time to time. Sophie Marceau's life trajectory has been changed. With such a detached character like her, Nanyi is really worried that she will encounter accidents.

Just in time, take her to the capital and send her to the Beijing Film Academy to perform.

"With you?"

"Most of the time, I have work to do, and besides, I still have..."

"Woman? Fiancee?"

"Yes, fiancee."

"Then what am I? A lover?"

"Yes, lover."

"Is it the same person as in New York?" Sophie Marceau was still calm, showing no signs of hysteria.


"Count me, three? They were all before me?"

"No, counting you should be... Sorry, let me do the math, one in New York, one in Beijing, one in Hong Kong, one in Tokyo, five is right, you should be ranked fourth, yes, I am the fourth Know you."

Nanyi is not used to lying to people around him, and he never tells white lies.

"Aha, so, after you met me, you also met another, who is that bitch? Tokyo or Hong Kong?" Sophie Marceau pushed up the sleeves of her sweater, her tits were fierce asked.

"Tokyo, 4th dan of karate."

"Old woman? In her thirties?"

Sophie Marceau's focus is quite strange. Nanyi wanted to scare her, but she keenly grasped the age requirements of karate ranks.

Whether you are good or not is another matter, if you can get a fourth dan in karate, you must be in your thirties.

"Yes, in my thirties."

"Ha, you also like older ones? Adam, if it weren't for you, I think I would find a boyfriend who is at least twenty years older than me. I like mature men. You have maturity beyond your age. Now, you answer I have a question."

"go ahead."

"Among the five, who do you like the most? Don't talk about others, it can only be me."

"All, do I still need to answer?"

"No, I must ask you to answer."

"I've never considered this question before. Give me some time to think about it."

"Are you avoiding an answer?"

"No, I'm serious. I've never considered this issue. Perhaps, one day, I will ask you to be together, and then throw you all into the water to see who I will save first."

Heh, if some ignorant person really asks this kind of question, Nanyi will directly put her in the water and drown her.

"I can swim, I don't need you to save me." Sophie Marceau said with a smile: "Am I the youngest one?"


"So, I can boil them all to death?"


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