That night, the floor of Sophie Marceau's bedroom suffered, and the water in the bathtub splashed everywhere.

The two of them didn't care, they messed around in the bathtub first, and then moved to the big bed with a width of 2.527 meters when they were wet.

When he woke up the next day, Nan Yi wondered which battlefield he was in. The room was in a mess. Looking at the soaked wooden floor, his heart hurt like a needle prick. It would cost at least a hundred thousand francs to replace the floor.

I also looked at the messy pillowcases and quilt covers on the bed. They were all brands, and a new set would cost at least 20,000 to 30,000 francs.

Get up from the bed, pick up all the wet clothes on the floor and throw them into the bathtub, pick out the ones that can't be washed, and find a big garbage bag to put them in.


"Stupid pig."

"Is it sunny today?"

"You can get up and open the curtains to have a look."

"No, I still need to sleep for a while. I must sleep for eight hours a day. Yesterday was still six hours away." Sophie Marceau lay back, holding back the goose feathers that had fallen to her sides, "Adam, am I an angel?"

"Yes, you are an angel, God sent you to tear down the house."

"Last night, we were all happy, that's enough." Sophie Marceau closed her eyes, "Don't disturb me now, remember to wake me up with a kiss at noon."

"Sleep slowly, the plane at night, where do you put your ID, I want someone to go to the airport to register first."

Fa Chinese people go to Hong Kong without a visa. You don’t have to worry about a visa, but everyone who boards a Nanyi plane has to register at the airport, and security checks are inevitable. Private jets have privileges.

However, it is much better than taking civil aviation in the past. Before, bodyguards had to be entrusted with the distribution of guns, and there were a lot of procedures to be done. Behind Nanyi's free and easy flight, there are many cumbersome procedures that need to be done by people.

As far as the bodyguards have multiple regional gun licenses, Nanyi has paid a lot of money, and some of his staff have put in a lot of energy.

"In the second drawer of the wardrobe on the right."

Sophie Marceau replied in a daze, and then immediately let out a slight snoring sound.

Nan Yi tiptoed out of the bedroom and went to wash in the bathroom of another bedroom. I brushed my teeth in front of the washstand, looked at the blossoming strawberries on my neck, and thought that I had to wear a turtleneck sweater today.

After washing up, she walked out of the room and changed into a new set of clothes. Nan Yi called Ya Zhenni to her side again.

"Ya Zhenni, your position needs to be changed. In the future, you will no longer be the captain of the flat shoes team, but the security manager of Sophie Control Investment. I will ask Ruan Zhiping to transfer a group of people, and you will recruit another group yourself. People, the Foreign Legion should have some people whose contracts expire this year, right?"


"Then go and recruit a group of people. The security team has a maximum of 100 people, and you can plan the rest yourself. By the way, who do you think is suitable to take the position of your captain?"

"Frog is the most suitable. He is Dutch, but he has lived in Paris for many years, and his fighting ability is relatively strong."

"You got this nickname?"

"No, it's the consensus of the team." Ya Zhenni laughed.

"Why don't I remember that there are people from Eagle Country in the team?"

Frogman, this nickname was originally used by the people of the Eagle Country to call the Hollanders, because Holland is low-lying and full of water, and the entire country is below sea level. The Hollanders live in it, a bit like frogs live in In the swamp.

Later, the people of Eagle Country gave this nickname to the people of Fa Country because they love to eat frog legs. In addition to Frog Guy, Eagle Country people also gave Fa Country people a "Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey", which literally translates to "surrender monkey eating cheese".

Not to mention, this nickname summed up the characteristics of the Fa people quite well.

"Squarehead [a nickname given to Germans by the French for their rigidity and inflexibility] is Anglo-German."

"Oh." Nanyi nodded, "Since you think he's suitable, then it's him. Before you hand over, find two more suitable players for the team and add two more people."


"You need to change your style. In the future, you will often have to deal with our friends in the French government. Shooting guns is no longer your main job. From now on, you will be more about communication."


"Tell me about the power situation in District 13, and the people surrounding Wenchang here are Xian Hongyu and Xian Dingshan, right?"

"There is also Xian Rou, Xian Dingshan's younger sister."

"Fart!" Nan Yi thought for a while and said, "Why didn't I know that there is someone like Xian Rou in Wenchangwei?"

"Boss, then I don't know. Anyway, there is a woman named Xian Rou beside Xian Ding Mountain, who is said to be Xian Ding Shan's younger sister."

"Oh, keep talking."

"In the thirteenth district, there are people under the banner of Hongmen and Qinggang, but they are all engaged in serious business, and the people are also some elderly people; in addition, there are also big circles that have emerged in the past two years. came from the country of China; others are the forces established by the Chinese in Southeast Asia, which are relatively scattered and mainly for self-protection.

In addition to the traditional affluent district of the 16th arrondissement, there are also affluent districts in the 7th and 8th arrondissements. The law and order in the 13th arrondissement is considered good in Paris, because the 13th arrondissement has the fewest blacks and Albanians.

Xian Hongyu is in the wholesale business of small commodities and has not encountered any problems. He only came to me once because of tax issues, and I found a lawyer for him to deal with it;

Xian Dingshan opened an underground garment factory, and the workers employed were all illegal immigrants. The business has been doing very well, and he never approached me once. "

"Are they all Chinese?"

"It can be found anywhere, including Africa, Eastern Europe, and South America. There are not too many Chinese."

"Next time you meet, give him a sentence, tell him to be careful, and don't meddle with what shouldn't be meddled."

Xian Hongyu and Xian Dingshan haven't studied for a few years, and if they want to start a high-end business, they can't do it for the time being, and they can only do a little bit of business.

Wholesale of small commodities seems to be very profitable, but in fact, because most of the transactions are in cash, this virtually saves a lot of taxes. If you pay taxes honestly, the profits will become very thin, or even unprofitable.

Not to mention the underground factory in Xian Dingshan, it was done secretly, and they didn’t even have a business license. They used illegal workers, and they probably didn’t pay a dime of tax.

If the Fargos turn their backs, neither of them will fall well. They are like a sieve, and they can grab whatever they want.

Nanyi can't change their current situation. The two of them are currently limited. Even if he throws fat, they can't catch it. They can only do some business in the cracks first. Give me a hand.

After learning about the people in Wenchangwei, Nan Yi asked Ya Zhenni to leave, and Nan Yi picked up a yellow page and picked out the advertisements inside.

The Internet has not yet prospered, and today's advertising carriers are not so diverse. Small businessmen who do some convenient business can choose not many advertising models. In Paris, they can't post the kind of "lock-opening gun" dog skin plaster. The yellow pages are often theirs. the best choice.

Nanyi just wanted to find a small decoration company to fix the floor of Sophie Marceau's bedroom. She could only find a small one, not a big company, otherwise the cost would be too expensive.

It is best to find a small company that has just started and is still in the word-of-mouth stage, and the quality and price will be very affordable.

Copy down a bunch of numbers, call each of them to inquire about the approximate construction period and quotation, and finally leave two cost-effective ones, and pass the numbers to Ya Zhenni for her to follow up.

In the morning, Nan Yi spent his time working and studying. He didn't enter the bedroom until twelve o'clock at noon, leaned over and kissed Sophie Marceau's pretty face, "Snow White, it's time to wake up, Otherwise, those seven short and ugly people will come as spare tires."

Sophie Marceau opened her eyes, stared at Nanyi's face for a while, then stretched out her arms to hug Nanyi's neck, pulled Nanyi down as hard as she could, and slammed her mouth on Nanyi's...

One thirty in the afternoon.

"I'm hungry." Sophie Marceau murmured as she rested her head on Nanyi's stomach and stroked his chest muscles.

"Where do you want to eat?"

"Waterloo Restaurant."

"Is there a restaurant like this in Paris?"

Nanyi doesn't believe that there is any restaurant that dares to call this name, and it is estimated that it will be smashed as soon as it is posted.

"Not in Paris, but in the small town of Waterloo on the edge of Brussels."

"It's more than 300 kilometers. No matter how fast the car is driven, it will take more than two hours. Aren't you hungry?"

"I can have a piece of bread first."

"Okay, then let's hurry up." Nanyi sat up from the bed, went to the bathtub to put hot water, turned on the tap, and went to the cloakroom to take out two bulletproof vests, "Wait a minute Put this on."

"No, it's too heavy." Sophie Marceau said with disgust after taking a look.

Nanyi thought for a while and said, "It's up to you, take a car with me, not your Porsche."

"Why, Porsche is fast."

Sophie Marceau also sat up on the bed, and threw a goose rain casually.

"It's not safe. If you encounter the unlucky situation I encountered yesterday, you will basically die."

The sports car is handsome, but it's too flimsy. You don't need an assault rifle. If the Uzi sweeps it, no matter it is a direct hit or it causes the car to roll out of control, 100% of the people inside will die.

"Adam, Paris is not as dangerous as you imagined. What happened to you yesterday doesn't happen every day."

"Either find a restaurant nearby, or don't drive a Porsche, your choice."

"Adam, where's your romance?"

"I'm afraid of death."

"Cowardly man."

As Sophie Marceau said, she turned off the hot water tap, sat in the bathtub, picked up a small bottle by the side of the bathtub, took a stick and pounded it, took it out and put it in the bathtub. As soon as the mouth is blown, bubbles will float in the air.

"Adam, come on, let's go together."

"No, it's too crowded."

"Why didn't you say you were crowded yesterday?"

"Yesterday was yesterday, and today is today. I'll go to the next door for half an hour." Saying that, Nan Yi walked barefoot to the bedroom next door.

"One hour, I want to soak for a while."

It's really a long time to soak. By the time Nanyi and the two went out, it was already half past three.

The convoy left the busy streets of Paris and increased its speed to 130. Along the way, Sophie Marceau was not quiet for a moment. It was a cold day and she wanted to open the window to catch some wind.

Nanyi refused, so she hummed a song, "When the sun shines on the mountains / And the night is on the run / It's a new day / It's a new way..."

"I fly to the sun, I can feel the morning light, I can smell the new hay." Nan Yi sang the lyrics of Sophie Marceau, but he sang the words in Chinese.

"Adam, is there a Chinese version of this song?"

"Yes, it's still very popular. It's called "Bai Lan Ge" in Chinese." Nan Yi said the title of the song in Chinese.

"What's the meaning?"

"It's the Chinese version of Paloma Blanca."

"Understood." Sophie Marceau moved her buttocks, lay on Nanyi's body, and whispered in his ear, "Adam, we haven't tried it in the car yet..."

"Ha, do you think it's appropriate now?" Nanyi said dumbfounded.



Although the speed was set to 130, by the time the town of Waterloo arrived, it was already seven o'clock.

The Waterloo restaurant that Sophie Marceau mentioned is not far from the Lion Rock. This is the battlefield of the Battle of Waterloo. There is an iron lion on the Lion Rock.

It is said that this lion mountain was built by women in Liege Province, Belgium, using a basket to take soil from the battlefield, and the lion was cast from discarded shells that year.

Iron-cast male lions and tigers sit on the platform, looking up to the west, and the acquisition is Megatron Napoleon's intention.

Unfortunately, it was dark and I couldn't see clearly.

Under the leadership of Sophie Marceau, the two entered the Waterloo restaurant. As soon as they entered the restaurant, Nan Yi was attracted by a decoration hanging on the wall of the restaurant.

This decoration is chocolate-colored, a little dull in color, with a grinning mouth, tongue protruding, snake scale patterns on the surface, and a pair of black eyes without engraved pupils.

Nan Yi approached and looked at it for a while, then muttered to himself, "Isn't this the faucet of the Summer Palace?"

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