Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 472 You Are My Brother

This group of running old votes will look for ordinary people who are not smart enough but want to make a fortune, and tell them the stories they have made up.

It is said that in a certain mountain, there is a box with a huge amount of wealth buried. It is called a four-six box. It contains US dollars and gold bars from the Republic of China period. fee.

Does that sound familiar?

Those who run old tickets will fool people and say: "I am now running around to raise funds for this unpacking fee. As long as you give me 1,000 yuan [or a few hundred yuan, depending on the order], when I succeed in raising funds, I will give you four or six dollars. If you open the box, I will give you a lot of money, at least half a million!"

Five hundred thousand, most people would not dare to make such a large number even if they dream of getting rich.

This is a lucrative business, and it is very credible. If anyone doesn't believe it, the old voters will take out the "Mouthpiece News" and let them read the asset unfreezing notice published on it.

There was indeed a circular issued that year, the general content: "According to the two countries of Huailongjiang...any unit or individual holding frozen assets can go through the registration procedures with the country-named banks in various places."

For ordinary people in the 1980s, they believed 100% of the contents published in newspapers to be true, and they never doubted the authenticity, let alone imagined that someone would play tricks on others.

So, I dreamed of getting rich, but the uneducated common people readily gave money, and then...

There is another fart. Then, either they think they are unlucky, or they go to the police station to cry and cry. There are still few people who are tired of death. At this time, people at this time have been tested and are still quite strong.

Although there were repeated severe crackdowns on these old voters, they continued to be banned repeatedly, and it seemed that the more it spread, the more evil it became.

Relying on running old tickets, many people have made a fortune, thinking about taking their "career" to the next level. They carefully crafted, updated and iterated the world they built. An organization similar to the Freemasonry" This is how the Plum Blossom Association was born, and a fantastic modern history was written.

The members of the Plum Blossom Association all have a lot of background. Let's put it this way, starting from Wan Qing, almost all the familiar people are members of this association.

Those who were not members were also charged with bizarre stories, saying that Lu Xun wanted to join the membership, but he was not allowed to join after applying three times, which led to his death in depression.

They have a lot of brains, and those who make up stories are all talented people, and the stories they make up are directed at people's hearts. Anyone who calms down and develops in the direction of literature will have a chance for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

According to the description of the old ticket, the Plum Blossom Association has controlled all the wealth of Huaguo since the Qin Dynasty. It is the shadow organization behind Huaxia, and they are behind the current unfreezing of national assets.

The last time Nanyi was in the capital, he overheard that Cixi could attend the dinner with only 1,000 yuan.

Tsk tsk, many emotional routines are left over from the predecessors.

Nanyi woke up from the memory and continued to talk to Xu Qian, "I heard from you before that your family still has a sugar company. How is the business doing now?"

"It's gone. My father sold the sugar company to Uncle Guo."

"Guo Henian?"

"you know?"

"I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it." Nan Yi said thoughtfully: "Which area are you mainly wandering around now?"

"It's really ugly. What about you, where are you wandering?"

"I can't say that I have signed a non-disclosure agreement. I can only tell you that I am a member of the Earth Guardian Organization, and I am carrying the burden for the human beings on the earth. Not long ago, I just poured out a bubble of urine The fuze of the big bomb, that bomb is powerful enough to blow up the whole earth."

"Didn't you sign the confidentiality agreement, why did you tell me?" Xu Qian smiled.

"Which one of us is with whom? I believe you won't tell me about me. Ear me close, and I'll tell you another secret."

Xu Qian bowed forward and put her ear close to Nanyi's mouth.

"Let me tell you, six years from now, the Asian Games will be held in the capital." Nan Yi leaned into Xu Qian's ear and deliberately lowered his voice.

Xu Qian glanced at Nanyi and said angrily, "Don't say something useless, just say something I don't know."

"Don't worry, let me tell you, the 1994 Asian Games will be held in Hiroshima."

As soon as Xu Qian clenched her fist, she tapped Nanyi's shoulder several times with her small fist, "I'll let you play me, I'll let you play me. If you want to be so awesome, tell me where the 1998 conference will be held."

The venues for the Asian Games in 1990 and 1994 have already been determined, and anyone who reads newspapers knows that it will be held in Hiroshima in 1994.

"I can't tell you this, it involves a confidentiality procedure." Nan Yi leaned back to avoid Xu Qian's continuous attacks.

"You must be poor."

Xu Qian gave Nan Yi a hard look, and said, "Say, why didn't you agree to me when I expressed and hinted that I liked you so much back then?"

Nanyi took a sip of coffee, put down the cup slowly, sighed, and said, "Actually, I already answered you back then, but you just took it as a joke."

"Which one?"

"Think about it for yourself."

Xu Qian pulled her thoughts into the memory, and after a long while, she said quietly: "I'm not good enough for you, is that the sentence?"

"Look at me, suave and suave, extraordinary, graceful and graceful, with a vigorous figure... In order to describe my own strengths appropriately, I have memorized all the good words in the idiom dictionary, but after thinking about it, It always feels a little bit worse, those idioms are too superficial, not enough to describe my advantages to a millionth."

Nan Yi sighed heavily, "It's so good, it's really distressing, why doesn't God let me become more ordinary, I really want to experience the happiness of ordinary people like you, it's great to be an ordinary person!"

"Nanyi, thank you, thank you for your refusal." Xu Qian patted her chest and said with a sigh of relief: "If I were really with you back then, I would have vomited seven or eight times a day. Disgusting."

"Hmph, jealousy, naked jealousy."

Nan Yi made a joke, turning a truth into a joke again.

When Xu Qian calmed down and called for the food to be served, the grandson Lai Biao came.

"Your grandson, did you come here at the whistle?"

"Nonsense, I'm so smart, I know that your old lovers have endless things to talk about when you meet, so I deliberately waited outside for an hour before coming in." Lai Biao sat down next to Nanyi, and said in the same serious way: "Xu Qian , have you negotiated?"

"No, smelly Nanyi doesn't like me, so I want my fiancé to talk about it." Xu Qian's eyes stabbed at Nanyi's face like sharp knives.

"It's not surprising. You don't know that Nanyi is a miser. It's very difficult to get him to pay."

"At first I thought he was just stingy, but now I know that he is not stingy, he is simply stingy. For this meal, he didn't think about paying for it, and he was going to eat me directly." Xu Qian complained.

"How can I do that? Nanyi must pay for today's meal. It's not easy to eat this grandson's meal."

"Ha, let's forget about it today. This is my shop. Next time, I will slaughter it ruthlessly." Xu Qian said with a smile: "You guys sit down first, I'll go to the kitchen and take care of it."

After Xu Qian went out, Lai Biao lit a cigarette, took a few puffs and said, "Hongxin Group is going to carry out organizational reforms and will soon establish several subsidiaries. I should be the person in charge of one of the subsidiaries, and it is overseas. Subsidiaries."

"Okay, needless to say, I understand what you mean. If you need help in the future, you can just ask. Which one will you be responsible for?"

"Trade or service has not yet been decided. There are several candidates who need to compete."

"Since it's a competition for employment, why not compete for the financial part, which will make more achievements in the short term."

"Let's forget about finance. I don't understand it. The service is a bit empty. I'm more inclined to trade. To achieve success, trade is no more difficult than finance." Lai Biao stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray and waved his hand on his nose. waved.

"That's right, trading is easier, but everyone knows that it's easier, and the gold content will be lower. When crediting it, it will definitely be discounted, and you will get twice the result with half the effort."

"There are some things you don't know very well. The people in charge of finance in the group are not too worry-free. They are all time bombs. They don't know when they will explode. Mixing with them is a disaster but not a blessing."

"Hehe, I don't know, you'd better ask your old man for his opinion."

"You still need to say it." Lai Biao snorted, and said, "Don't talk about me, Cannes Yingni's stock price has skyrocketed, is it your fault?"

"It can be said that it is, don't ask for details, just wait for the money."

"If you don't ask, don't ask. I don't worry about money. I feel at ease in your hands. You help me make money with money. I can go to work with peace of mind and make some achievements."

"You and I are brothers, so I don't need to say it out loud. I understand that I can still double your 50 million Hong Kong dollars by a hundred times. With 5 billion, you and your future children are guaranteed. Besides, there is Nanchen Liquor and me."

Nan Yi patted Lai Biao on the shoulder, "If your child wants to go into business in the future, I will help you look after him. Regardless of his ability, I will praise my nephew as a business genius."

"Damn, you're such a hypocrite, you're really a businessman." Lai Biao laughed.

"Your grandson, remember clearly, I am a Confucian businessman."

"It's just you. If you stick your hair on you, you are better than a monkey, and your forehead is sharper than a wasp's needle. Wherever it is beneficial, you can drill wherever it is good, and you will not let anything go."

"Hahaha, businessmen are after profits." Nan Yi grabbed Lai Biao's clothes and said, "The clothes are not bad, your grandson is getting better at wearing them, but the color is too bright, pretending to be a rooster?"

Lai Biao pulled his clothes and cursed angrily: "Nonsense, I still look like you. You are always in black, white and gray, and you are not too monotonous."

"I can't help it. I'm too young. Dress plainly and look more mature. How old do you think I am?"

Lai Biao looked at Nanyi's face, and then at his clothes, "It's very vague, you can say you are twenty to thirty-eight."

"I just want others to blur my age. If I am too young, I will be underestimated."

"What are you talking about, so happy?" At this moment, Xu Qian came back.

"It's nothing, let's talk about some embarrassing things in school, why have you been there for so long?" Lai Biao responded before Nanyi could speak.

"Oh, I cooked fried radish cake and Nyonya salad by myself, try my cooking later."

"You cook? If I don't invest, you plan to poison me to death?" Nan Yi said exaggeratedly.

"Don't look at people with old eyes. In Malay, women have to learn Nyonya cuisine before they get married. You will definitely bite off your tongue after a while." Xu Qian said resolutely.

"Okay, then try your handicraft and see if it impresses me."

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