Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 473: Talking with a confidant

Nan Yi and Lai Biao bid farewell after dinner, and Xu Qian left Harbor City. After driving, she found a roadside herbal tea shop, ordered two cups of herbal tea, and drank slowly while pinching her nose.

"The last time you talked about buying shares in Nanchen Liquor, has the price of the shares been fixed?" Lai Biao choked twice after drinking half a cup of herbal tea.

"It hasn't been decided yet. The initial total number of shares should be set at 500 million shares. I have to discuss with Nanchen Village to decide how much a share is. However, it will definitely not be less than 1 yuan."

"Are you very optimistic about Nanchen Liquor Industry?"

"Well, my expectations are great, and the goal is to go to trillions."

"What about the shareholding structure?"

"Nanchen Village, me, you and Chen Feng, the local government where the winery is located, if Hongxin is interested in the future, I would also like to introduce it as a shareholder."

"You are very experienced in doing things, and you take care of all aspects. Count me in, and you can handle as many shares as you want, and I will take as much as you give." Lai Biao said freely.

Nanyi smiled knowingly, "It doesn't matter what I said, when the time comes, you go to a meeting together, and we will discuss the share issue at the meeting."

"Okay, where are you going for the meeting?"

"Let's go on the Pearl River, get a cruise ship, let's go boating, and hold the first Nanchen Conference at the same time." Nanyi thought for a while and said.

"You are really serious, why, you want to make a good sign."

Nanyi leaned back in the chair, crossed his hands behind his head, and looked up at the slightly dazzling sun, "When doing business, you can be particular about it. Some things don't matter if you don't believe in them. As long as someone believes in them , it should be done if it can bring confidence to people.”

Seeing Nanyi's movements, Lai Biao also looked up at the sky, "Do you still remember Zhao Yu?"

"You boy, do you really have thoughts about her? After so many years, you still miss her? Have you seen her recently? Tell me how much she weighs now, is there three hundred?"

"Stop talking nonsense. We met on Queen's Avenue a few days ago. She is now working for Xiarun Group. Does Xiarun Purchasing Company know?"

"Yes, the one who owns a supermarket, on Gloucester Road."

"She is now the chief assistant of Xia Run's procurement, she can be regarded as the fourth or fifth person, not bad. Also, she is not fat anymore, she is very slender."

Nan Yi sat up straight, and asked in surprise: "Have you become slimmer?"

Nan Yi remembered that Zhao Yu had a good face, and if he really lost weight, his appearance would not be ugly.

"Yeah, it's a little over a hundred catties at most now."

"Damn, after liposuction or stomach surgery, she can lose weight too? Could it be with Chen, what is it with Chen?"

"Pretend to be garlic, have you forgotten Chen Zheng so quickly?"

"Nonsense, he has nothing to do with me. Why do I remember him? That is, you pay enough attention to Zhao Yu to remember him. Why, he and Zhao Yu separated?"

"Then I don't know. Zhao Yu and I don't know each other very well. We just chatted casually when we met. It's too personal for me to ask too much."

"Then you still mention her. If you really have nothing to talk about, we'll just break up and see you next time."

"Damn next time, I took half a day off, find a place to kill time, go to the mahjong hall to play cards, I'll make an appointment with someone, and you will make an appointment with another one."

"Grandson, you know I don't gamble."

"I know, but you have to be flexible. The person I'm asking is Luo Huan from the Luo family. He has no other hobbies, but he likes to play cards. It's not about gambling, but just for fun."

Nan Yi nodded and said: "Thank you for your kindness, but let's forget it. Not gambling is my bottom line. It's okay for family members to play together, but not with outsiders. The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest. It’s like a pipe gushing, it’s hard to stop it.”

Lai Biao nodded to Nanyi and said, "You, say you have principles, bet you are not involved at all, say you have no principles, your grandson is willing to do anything as long as he has money to make?"

"Damn, who do I become in your eyes? Do you know that on the day I went to the countryside, my grandma sent me off, and she gave me the eight words 'Be worthy of my heart, revitalize China'. I have always kept these few words in my heart, they are the principles of my life, I..."

"Come on, play a fart in front of me. When you poke your butt, I will know what shit you are going to do. I said let's not be so hypocritical, can we be more realistic?" Lai Biao didn't wait for Nanyi to finish speaking , directly hit back.

"Okay, okay, I'm hypocritical, you're serious, damn it, I'm angry, you pay the bill, I'm leaving."

"Go ahead, don't play cards if you don't play cards, find a place, golf or bowling is fine, today I treat you like a rich man, eat, drink and play all the time, don't even think about leaving before ten o'clock in the evening." Lai Biao grabbed Nan Yi, who was about to leave, said.

"You're a fucking rascal. Today I'm going to risk it all and be taken advantage of. Let's go, Qingshuiwan."

Nanyi and Lai Biao were the only two people who went to the Clear Water Bay Golf Course. Lai Biao didn't call Luo Huan over. They chatted about baijiu while playing golf on the golf course.

"I remember that in 7475, the higher-ups proposed the development of low-alcohol liquor, saying that the development of low-alcohol liquor could improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, save grain for wine making, be beneficial to health, and promote the technological progress of the liquor industry.

At that time, low-alcohol baijiu became popular, and high-alcohol baijiu stood aside.

How much alcohol is Nan Chenjiu going to feature? "

Nan Yi swung his club and hit the ball. After staring at the direction where the ball was flying for a while, he turned his head and said to Lai Biao: "What you said, the reasons behind are purely for the decoration of flowers and flowers. In other words, the real reason is the first two. Our country is short of food, and it takes too much food to make baijiu, but wine is indispensable, so it can only suppress the alcohol content.

If the alcohol concentration is low, what can drink half a catty before will become able to drink seven to eight taels of a catty. If you drink more, you will naturally buy more, and the economic benefits of the winery will naturally improve.

But do you know how low-alcohol liquor is made? "

"Nonsense, I know I'm still asking you, so hurry up and tell me." Lai Biao pushed Nan Yi away, and swung the club to hit the ball.

Nanyi stood still, shook his head, and said: "The alcohol distilled from traditional baijiu has a degree of around 60 degrees, and the highest degree can reach more than 70 degrees. Then how to change the liquor into 30 degrees or 40 degrees?

Those wine-making experts racked their brains and thought of a trick—adding pulp.

The term "adding starch" sounds intimidating, but to put it bluntly, it is to add water to the wine liquid. It is nothing more than to sound more professional and high-end, so this mysterious word "adding starch" is used.

Adding this kind of practice can be regarded as a crime in the Republic of China. If you don’t stay in prison, you will have to be fined and bankrupt. Who knows that it has become the mainstream practice now. "

"When you talk about baijiu, just talk about baijiu. Don't talk about it. You are also lucky. You were born a few years later. With your mouth, you will inevitably suffer in the early years."

"Come on, are you still listening?"

"Listen, let's go on."

Nanyi and Lai Biao walked forward, and Nanyi continued: "No matter how you do it, adding water is an inevitable link in the production of low-alcohol liquor. However, if you add water directly to the original wine, the wine will become Cloudy, some even become like dumpling soup.

However, this problem is not difficult. The problem of turbidity is easy to solve. Even if the two of us don't study chemistry, we can use our high school chemistry knowledge to solve this problem.

It is nothing more than purification through various adsorbent adsorption, freezing method, activated carbon adsorption, and resin adsorption. "

"No, if you do this, won't the taste of the wine become weaker?"

"Hey, this problem is not easy to solve. If you have a conscience, add some base wine to the wine to improve the taste of the wine. You can understand it as seasoning wine. Seasoning wine is very precious and the price is not cheap.

If you have no conscience or in order to keep costs down, just add edible alcohol to the wine and add some flavors and fragrances. In this way, one catty of liquor can be turned into two or three catties, which not only saves food, but also improves efficiency.

As for the main strength of Nanchen Liquor you asked about, the four types are tentatively set at 38%, 43%, 46%, and 51%. There will also be a category that suits the taste of foreigners for export, ready to compete with vodka and tequila. "

"You are directly targeting Moutai."

"It's normal. Moutai is the biggest imaginary enemy of Nanchen Liquor."

Nan Yi putt lightly, and the golf ball slowly rolled towards the hole, and rolled into the hole after a while.

"Birdie!" Nanyi raised his fists in celebration, and then said in a loud voice, "How about it, buddy, are you good at this game?"

"Isn't it just a two-stroke goal on a par-3 hole? Why don't you make an eagle [a hole-in-one on a par-3 hole] if you are so capable."

"Heh, I made a birdie [a hole-in-two], and you didn't even make a par [a hole-in-three]. Hurry up and make up your shot, and you have to go to the next hole."

"Hurry up, right now."

Lai Biao was waving his cue, but Nan Yi was observing the caddy not far away. A female caddy inside had been dishonestly trying to lean towards the two of them, probably because she wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation.

The female caddy looks pretty good. Generally speaking, a beautiful woman does not come to work as a caddy on a golf course for salary. Hear valuable conversations.

For example, which stock to control, where to buy old buildings, buy land, or other business-related conversations, certain conversations with certain people may bring them a good opportunity, and also give them They bring in a nice profit.

Whether you operate it yourself or resell it to those in need, you can play a role of inquiring.

On a par-3 hole, it took Lai Biao six strokes to push the ball into the hole, and the two of them walked to the next par-4 hole.

"Have you been in contact with Xu Feiyang recently?" Lai Biao asked.

"I haven't contacted him for a while, what's wrong with him?"

Nanyi and Xu Feiyang don't have much contact at ordinary times, and they only talk on the phone when they have something to ask each other, but the relationship between the two is not bad, and it's the same as in school, and they hurt each other when they talk.

"It's okay, I just made a girlfriend, and the speed of development is very fast. It won't be long before we should send out wedding invitations."

"I know this. I heard him mention it. Needless to say, I must have found a strong one. He likes strong ones."

"I don't know about that. I met him in Yangcheng the other day, and he didn't bring a girlfriend. This kid has changed a lot. He used to look tough, but now he looks refined and speaks politely. "

"Sven? I don't think so. It's a dirty word when you talk to me."

"You have a good relationship with him. He still keeps his true self in front of you. I said that you have a good vision, and the few friends in the class have developed well."

"How do you talk? I have a bad relationship with someone in the class again?"

"That's right, that's right, not bad, you're so dainty in every way, you'll love anyone's stinky feet."

"Go, go, go aside, it's my turn to swing."

The two recalled the past with each other, and the bits and pieces of the two years of college flowed in their mouths.

"Do you know what Zhou Maode has been doing recently?"

While the two were talking, Lai Biao mentioned Zhou Maode.

"After being expelled from the school, I went to Manchuria, and secretly started border trade with people from the Suxiu side. I was lucky, and I was not killed and thrown into some bubble."

"Aren't you afraid that he will get rich and come back to settle accounts with your grandson?"

"Let's talk about whether he can continue to keep his luck alive. The Soviet revisionist border trade is not easy to do. Many people have already sent their lives there. The Soviet revisionist has already shown signs of decline. Aren't you going to manage the trade? You can try to get through there. There are many good things like steel and machinery, and they have a lot of them."

"Do you think Su Xiu will finish the game?"

"It's very likely to be over. The Western military exercise has scared the whole world, and now we are all looking forward to its downfall. You, after you go back, look for some Soviet revisionist economic data, and you will understand it. There have been major problems in the economy and people's livelihood. After thorough research, if you make internal references and editorials, you may have to change your mouth."

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