Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 567 The accountant ran away with money

"Yaqing's project has been approved, how is your fundraising going?" Nanyi asked when Ye Jing arrived at the Great Wall Hotel.

"It's not that good. A few days ago, I ran all over the courtyards in the capital. There were many people who were interested, but not many paid." Ye Qian took out a notebook and said, "Look, this is me. In the listed list, the number after the name is the amount to be invested, the horizontal line under the number means that the money has been paid, and the ones that are not drawn are not yet paid.

I didn't mention the full-debt stock and half-debt stock you mentioned. I plan to run through all the compound first to see how much money I can raise. Next time I will visit investors one by one and ask them. intention. "

Nan Yi took the notebook, flipped through it, and made a rough count, it was about 50,000 yuan, about half of which had already been given.

"Very good, look at the arrangement, have you brought the money?"

"Bring it."

"Then let's reconcile the accounts first and then talk about other things."


Ye Qian put down the bag he was carrying, and took out the money from the bag.

Nanyi counted the money again, and re-listed the accounts, and the money was matched, so he returned the two five-yuan coins he picked out when he counted the money to Ye Qian.

"It's too broken, not enough for half a sheet. These two sheets can be used as four yuan at most, and you will bear the loss personally. Bring Zhang Da Tuan."

"Hey, I really didn't pay attention." Ye Qian picked up the broken coins and glanced at them, took out a big unity from his pocket and handed it to Nanyi, "I don't know which grandson gave it to me, I will order some if the money is less , I counted the whole knots, and there was no point at all.”

"Then you should pay more attention next time. If something happens to the money in your hands, you will be blamed. If something happens after you hand it over to me, it will be my responsibility. The financial system must be strictly enforced, and there is nothing human to talk about."

As Nanyi said, he wrote a triple receipt, signed his name and stamped Zhengmiaohong's official seal, tore off the second one, and handed it to Ye Qian with a smile, "Put the receipt away, don't lose it, If you can't get it out for the next reconciliation, I don't necessarily have to admit it."

Ye Qian twisted up the receipt and kissed it with his mouth, "This thing is my buddy's honey now, so keep it well hidden."

With that said, Ye Kai folded the receipt in half and carefully put it in his pocket.

"In the past two days, I have signed a letter of intent with Haidian District. Once the letter of intent is signed, it will be easier for you to raise funds. Those who are well-informed should be able to get wind."

"I really can't underestimate people. When I was in the compound of the Second Ministry of Machinery two days ago, someone knew about our Yaqing project. It was Jia Mingwei who invested 400 shares in the book. More votes, Jia Mingwei has left a message, give him a few days, and he will find a way to make up some more." Ye Qi said.

"Investor Lu Ziye is a good thing for us. Next, your task is to continue to raise funds, but you can only run in the afternoon and evening. You have to come to work in the morning.

Because I have to be busy negotiating with Haidian District, looking for architectural design companies to survey and design drawings, and I am also busy getting loans from banks.

Cement, sand, bricks, wood, planks, steel bars, iron wire, stones, electric wires, water pipes, fire-fighting equipment, and other miscellaneous things are needed to build a building. Some of them require us to find the way, and some others will come to the door to walk. Put it in our hands.

There will be a lot of people running here, I can't be here every day, you have to help share the pressure. "

"I see from what you said, only steel bars, iron wires, and wood need us to ask for help, and others are begging us for it, right?"

Nan Yi leaned back on the chair, turning the pen flexibly in his hand, "You should think about it deeply and link building materials and fundraising together."

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Qian understood Nanyi's intentions, "Understood, then you have to make a price list for me. I know what is the most expensive and what price we will ask for."

"Well, I will list it for you in two days. I won't set the price too rigidly. There will definitely be enough profit margins. No matter who does it, they can make a fortune;

However, the quality of the product must be guaranteed. I will give you the quality parameters of each building material. You and the supplier have to make an agreement from the very beginning. If the product does not meet the quality parameters we stipulated, we will never accept the product.

If we give enough money, they won't be able to fool us with inferior goods.

Weight, you must pay attention to this problem. If you use inferior goods when building the building, once the building collapses, I may not be in trouble, and you will definitely not be able to escape. So, don’t make fun of your own life. "

"Don't worry, buddy, no matter what you say, you are also from the army compound. I won't do anything that is unconscionable." Ye Qi said, patting his chest.

"Yeah." Nan Yi nodded, and said to Wu Shiyao: "Shiyue, you save the money first, and go to the first floor to find the school belle, and she will arrange someone to accompany you."


Wu Shiyi responded, sorted the money on Nanyi's desk and put it in his bag, took the passbook from Nanyi, and walked out with the money on his back.

"Nan Batian, it's tens of thousands of dollars, and you let her keep it?" As soon as Wu Shizhen left, Ye Qian said pointedly.

"It's okay, someone is following."

"I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about the account."

"You can think of it, but I can't think of it? The account is opened at the Universal Bank. Liu Zhen helped to say hello. If you want to withdraw more than 50,000 yuan, I have to go in person. If it is less than 50,000 yuan or more than 10,000 yuan, I will confirm it with me. "

Why do accountants often run away with money in the 1980s and 1990s?

This is all because it is so easy to run away with money. The official seal, passbook, and the accountant who is familiar with the bank teller, the trinity can take all the money in the company's account; only the official seal and passbook can also be taken from the account. large sum.

In addition, in this era, since banks do not have remote withdrawal services, many private businesses are not on the table, and they also want to evade taxes. Business transactions are mainly cash, which opens the door for accountants to collect money.

Needless to say, large state-owned factories and mines may cost tens of millions of cash every month to pay wages. Usually, the wages cannot be paid out in one day, and the money needs to be kept overnight in the safe of the financial office. This has unlimited possibilities. .

No matter how good other positions in a company are, as long as the accountant is unreliable, it will be useless. No matter how much you earn, you can’t tell who earned the money.

So smart bosses will "sleep" the accountant as their own person, or directly assign their "sleeping" person to the position of accountant, which leads to a new story-the driver took the boss's friend and ran away with money. .

"Let me just say, you can't miss this thing. I just saw a news in the newspaper two days ago, saying that Zhang Yuan in Hebei Province is renovating his house. On a construction site, the construction team is cleaning up the old house. Working on an old homestead, a worker was digging with an excavator when he suddenly encountered a strange piece of cement.

It is said that the cement is so thick that the excavator can't dig it at all, so someone has to come over and break the cement.

The foreman didn't think much about it, he called a few construction workers and went over with tools, and finally broke the thick cement, and everyone just stood there, guess what? "

"Do you still need to guess?" Nanyi said angrily: "The masters must have seen that there are several weights wrapped in the cement, or the fucking hollow weights."

"Go and go, the masters froze there as soon as they dug up the cement, and after a while, one of the masters yelled in shock: 'Dead, dead!'

It is common to find human bones on construction sites. Let’s say that we dug air-raid shelters in the capital a few years ago. Someday we must not dig up many human bones?

But this human bone wrapped in cement is not right. People in our country usually have to use a coffin to hold the body when they are buried.

Hearing that someone was dead, other workers who were working hurriedly surrounded the crowd, and a foreman separated the crowd to check the cement-wrapped corpse.

After looking at it, it was found that the body was very complete, the clothes on the body were preserved, and even the shoes and socks were intact. The foreman thought about it, oops, this might be murder, so he quickly called the police.

The police rushed to the scene quickly, and the forensic doctor conducted an investigation on the body.

This is a corpse that has been dead for twenty years. The deceased was a middle-aged woman in her thirties. The cause of death was a blunt instrument blow to the head.

Hearing that it was twenty years ago, the veteran policemen immediately knew that there were only a few people who disappeared twenty years ago.

But before the policemen could figure out which one it was, a woman watching from the side shouted, "Could it be Li Yang? I remember her when she disappeared 20 years ago."

After hearing the woman's yelling, the onlookers began to chatter.

‘Hey, it’s really possible that the age and missing time match up! '

'Oh my God, who the hell killed Li Yang out of conscience? '

'Who is Li Yang? Why do you all say it's her? '

Nan Batian, who do you think Li Yang is? "As he spoke, Ye Qian played tricks again.

"The accountant of the Ji Province Mining Machinery Factory, okay, don't show off to me what you read in the newspaper. I have read most of what you have read. It's okay now. Come with me to play table tennis. After the game, go Take a good rub in the bathhouse, and I will introduce someone to you in the evening."

"Success, let's go."

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