Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 568 Staring Eyes in the Darkness

Nan Yi and Ye Qi played table tennis for a while at the elementary school next to the Great Wall Hotel, and then found a bathhouse that was opened for soaking and rubbing. After they were lightened, they rushed to Jinyang Hotel.

When the two arrived, Chen Feng and Li Jin were already there, and several dishes had already been placed on the table.

Glancing at the dishes on the table, Nanyi said in surprise, "When will Jinyang Restaurant sell vinegar?"

"Nan Yi, that's right, Vinegar Bao knows everyone." Chen Feng laughed.

"Eat... drank once."

"Then you'll try the cold vinegar later. It's not as satisfying to eat cold salad when soaked in water. I like it very much. Every summer, I will find a way to make some. I brought this too."

"Oh, let's try later." Nan Yi said, pointing to Ye Jia, and said: "Ye Jia, my buddy; Chen Feng, my buddy, this is Li Jin, is he a buddy?"

Nan Yi pouted at Li Jin.

"Needless to say." Li Jin said.

"Well, Li Jin is also a buddy. If you encounter problems in Tianhou in the future, you will beg him with a pig's head."

"Two are not enough, at least three." Li Jin spat at Nan Yi, and then said to Ye Qian, "Just say something."

"Where's my daughter?"

"I don't know. Liebherr's order is basically completed. Nanyi is a good start. Press down 1.25 million marks, and 620,000 marks will be available soon." Chen Feng said happily.

"Don't dream, this order has gone through the relationship with Berlin, and they will split it in half." Nan Yi said vaguely.

"That's 310,000, not a lot."

Chen Feng was not unhappy because he lost half of it. To him, 620,000 and 310,000 felt similar, and they were both astronomical figures anyway.

"Foreign exchange doesn't work. If you want to use money, I'll ask Ruoying to discount it to you at the black market price."


"Well, if you can wait, the money may turn around."

"How long?"

"Two or three years."

"Forget it, there are a lot of opportunities in the country, and it will not be difficult to make two somersaults in three years." Chen Feng shook his head and said.

"Then you can figure it out."

With hundreds of millions of RMB in Chen Feng's hands, even without illegal operations, it is not difficult to change from 1 to 4 in three years.

Not to mention other things, just say that if you lend money to businessmen in Wenzhou and Ludao, the interest rate can be doubled several times in three years. Throwing away those bad debts that have been borrowed but not repaid, it is not difficult to triple them in three years.

But Nanyi heard that there is already a private loan out there [borrow 1000, repay 1100 the next day], and it is not a bad debt for gambling, but a loan purely for commercial purposes.

Now there are too many "channel-based" and "relationship-based" businesses out there. As long as someone gets a batch of goods first, they will have the opportunity to increase the price by 50% to 60% to two to three times. Yes, there are connections, but For those who are not strong enough, as long as they can borrow a sum of money at a critical moment, they have the opportunity to double their earnings.

For such people, a few percent interest is also a good deal.

"Stop talking, you two, hurry up and order wine to eat." Li Jin said sourly.

Li Jin still wears military uniform now. Although he has a half-job, he still lives on the meager allowance. He is naturally upset when he hears that Nanyi and the others keep talking about hundreds of thousands and return his mother Mark.

In addition, Nanyi also heard from Chen Feng that Li Jin's father was unable to use his strength in the capital military region, so he basically had to rely on Li Jin himself if he wanted to go up. The future is bleak, Li Jin naturally has the idea of ​​changing jobs, but he is still waiting for a news.

Whenever an influential policy is promulgated, the steps of investigation, demonstration, meeting and discussion, and briefing are inevitable. It is impossible to be "positive" today and become "negative" tomorrow. There will be time for people to accept the change.

Therefore, no matter whether it is a large-scale disarmament or military business, those with good ears have more or less heard a little bit of wind. Nan Yi estimates that Li Jin is waiting for the policy of military business to be promulgated and implemented.

After buying a few bottles of beer, the four of them started drinking.

During the dinner, a few people didn't say anything serious, and they talked about irrelevant topics. The greater effect of this meal was to consolidate the old and absorb the new, and the tentative fusion of circles and circles.

This kind of meal, Nanyi is quite happy to eat, everyone is a buddy, drink as much wine as you want, and you don't have to worry about other people's face at all.

After drinking two and a half cups, Nanyi ordered himself a bowl of sliced ​​noodles.

He remembered that around 2,000 years ago, the south was full of stalls selling vinegar and knife-sliced ​​noodles. A bowl of vegetable noodles cost two yuan, and a bowl of large row noodles cost four yuan. It was affordable and a little luxurious. The forehead is full of sweat, dripping freely.

It's just that I don't know why, it disappeared in two or three years, but a cow that eats a whole life popped up.


While several people in Nanyi were eating, Yang Kaiyan was researching information on the toilet in the Great Wall Hotel room.

These days she is a little depressed and a little lost.

Before Yang Kaiyan returned to China, she had the idea of ​​introducing foreign fast food to the country, but just as she finished her market research and was about to put it into action, the news that the Wangdefu Beijing branch was about to open reached her ears.

In an instant, Yang Kaiyan felt that his market research was useless.

There are several top brands of foreign fast food - McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Wonderful.

Although Wonderful is a rising star, because it is the owner of Times Building, the advertising effect of Times Building has begun to appear in the past two years. In addition, Wonderful’s shareholders are all established consortiums in China and popular large companies, so it has a momentum of development. It is very fierce, and it has the potential to catch up with several other brands.

Wang Defu has taken the lead, and it is of little significance for Yang Kaiyan to introduce a foreign fast food brand or establish a "pseudo-foreign brand".

She has already gone to find out that Wang Defu's advertising campaign is about to roll out, and the intensity will be very strong.

Foreign fast food is no good, and Yang Kaiyan is not discouraged. The idea of ​​the clothing wholesale market proposed by her cousin is very good. Now the two old factories of Changhe Wool Textile are already undergoing renovation and renovation. It will not take two or three months to start attracting business.

But not long ago, she heard her mother Zheng Chunzhi, who worked in the Commercial Bureau, talk about the Yaqing project in Haidian District, which made tens of millions of tons of dirty words in her stomach.

Fortunately, she still kept in mind that she was a lady, so she secretly opened the back door and let the dirty words roll through the back door.

One pull, one roll, one stack, one wipe, one throw, one lift, one turn, clatter, hoo...

Tap... tap... thump.

Slap, the document was thrown on the washstand.

Twist, press, wipe, flush, shake, wipe, glance at the mirror, turn your head to the left, take a look, turn your head to the right, look again, pick up the documents on the washstand, and walk out of the bathroom.

Hu... dong, huh... dong, throw off the high heels on your feet, undo the brass button of your jeans, pull down the zipper, kick off the ground, and you jump up and lie down on the big bed.

He flicked his hands down, and then kicked his feet violently. After taking two heavy breaths, he took off the tight jeans.

Turning over, Yang Kaiyan lay down and continued to read the information.

After a long time, she let out a heavy sigh of relief and exclaimed: "What a genius plan, there are such forward-thinking talents in China, Nanyi..."

What Yang Kaiyan was looking at was a copy of Nanyi's Yaqing project plan.

"Is it necessary to continue the Qinghe Clothing Wholesale Market?" Yang Kaiyan's eyes flickered a few times, and he was weighing in his heart.

After Nanyi finished the dinner, he returned to the old bungalow. As soon as he walked into the living room, he saw Liu Zhen lying on the sofa with a backing board in his hand, writing something.

"What are you writing?" Nan Yi walked over and asked.

Hearing Nanyi's words, Liu Zhen hurriedly put the pad on her chest and said, "Don't look, I'm writing a letter to my pen pal."

"Mysterious, male, female?"


"Oh, the first one?"

"This is the third one. There is a woman and a man in front of me. We have been communicating for almost a year."

"You are too busy, do you want to take a bath?"

"Go and wash yourself first, and I'll ask Zhiling to help me in a while."


Nan Yi glanced at the backing board in Liu Zhen's hand again, went to the bedroom to get a change of clothes and went up to the second floor.

The 1980s was a beautiful era for poetry and a popular era for making pen pals.

The new generation who have passed through this era, if they have not made pen pals, are embarrassed to go out to meet people.

"Huh? I don't seem to have any pen pals. Do you want to have one?"

Nanyi, who was being slapped by water droplets, suddenly thought of it.

Knock knock!

The bathroom door was knocked.

"What's up?"

"Mr. Nan, there is a call from the foreign-related office building, and there is an urgent call from Xiangxi, waiting for your reply." Yan Du said outside the door.


Nan Yi responded, and quickly washed off the soap bubbles on his body.

Dry yourself off, put on your clothes and go outside.

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