Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 608 Let me be an undercover agent? What a mess!

The night before, I had a big talk with Liu Zhen, but on the second day, Nanyi still calmed down and continued to be grounded.

Still the same, stayed in the office for a while, and then ran outside.

First, he went to Dongsi to look for the Dongsi Ah Jing in his memory, but he couldn't find it, so he probably hasn't opened yet.

This made one of Nanyi's ideas come to naught. Originally, he wanted to introduce a Cantonese restaurant to Asia.

I found a place where I could make long-distance calls, sorted out the languages ​​to be spoken, and then called Ou Jing, and told her about Asia's preferential policies and asking her to help me notice who is willing to come and open a restaurant. I immediately looked at my watch, six minutes and thirty-five seconds.

Blood loss, I should have said more than twenty-four seconds ninety-nine.

I ran to four houses in the morning, and had dinner at the last one, and Nanyi returned to the office.

As soon as I sat down, the phone rang.

"Nanyi, right?"

"It's not me, who else, let it go quickly."

When Nan Yi heard that it was Chen Feng, he spoke a lot more casually.

"Okay, listen, I'm going to start talking fart."

"Beating sex, talk about it."

"So I can speak human language, so I'll tell you something about personnel. I'm going on a business trip soon. I'll be away for at least 20 days. Tonight, I ordered a good black one from Fangshan Restaurant."

"Bear's paw?"

"Know it."

"Nonsense, I ate seven and a half of them at home last night, and I can't eat half of them anymore. Feed them to the dog."

"You're really good at pretending. It's half past six, on time. It's a rare thing to get now. The last time I ate it... Fuck, I learned from you anyway. I haven't eaten it at all."

"Okay, got it, let's order hibiscus jelly."


Hearing that there were bear's paws to eat, Nanyi's mood became more cheerful, the troubles at work were reduced a little, and the depression about the failure of all four families to talk in the morning was also relieved a lot.

Nanyi began to reflect on his own approach, and he found that he had made the mistake of rushing for success.

Nanyi wanted to push Yaqing to the track as soon as possible, but he was too impatient to do things. Knowing that the current self-employed people are like frightened birds, they don't believe that the sky is falling, so he still takes the pole to talk, it's strange if it goes well.

The most correct way is to introduce one or two first, and let other people see that their business is booming and they are making a lot of money. Naturally, they will turn into restaurants outside to beg Yaqing.

Not only does Yaqing not need to pay any preferential policies, but it can also increase the rent.

Knock knock!

Nan Yi was thinking about something when there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in."

It was Han Meili who opened the door and came in.

"Mr. Nan, there is a man and a woman looking for you. The woman said her name is Luo Qianqian."

"Luo Qianqian... invite them in." "


As soon as Han Meili went out, Nanyi's mind was running at high speed, "It is absolutely impossible for Luo Qianqian to come here to discuss compensation with me. He came early to talk about it, and there is also a man, probably the Zhou team. It can't be Because what happened on the train should be something from the past or someone from the past..."

Nanyi quickly did the elimination method in his mind from near time to far, "It's impossible in recent years, he has never done anything out of line.

80 years ago?

Sunglasses, tapes, and electronic watches are also impossible. Those things are no longer a problem, and besides, I haven't done it myself. If something happens, it should be Wenchangwei.

Going forward, black market trading is also unlikely. At that time, there were quite a few big ones, and if they really wanted to be liquidated, it would never be his turn. Besides, things at that time already meant to be dealt with coldly;


There is no need to find me for antiques. The antiques sent to Xiangtang were all bought by state-owned cultural relics stores. They were allowed to go abroad. Could it be that there are artifacts in the antiques in the air-raid shelters in Shanghai?

Maybe... Lou Xiaoyuan? "

The reason why Nanyi thought of Lou Xiaoyuan had something to do with the painting shop. The kid who came to the painting shop to mount paintings some time ago was able to contact Lou Xiaoyuan.

Thinking of this, Nanyi's thoughts stopped, he couldn't stop, and the door was knocked again.

"Please come in."

The door was opened, and Han Meili led a man and a woman in.

"Team Zhou, Comrade Luo, why are you here?"

Nan Yi paid Han Meili first, and then greeted her warmly.

"Mr. Nan, I'm sorry to interrupt you." Captain Zhou walked to Nan Yi's desk and said, "Let's get to know each other formally, Zhou Dingjun, the leader of the 512 task force."

"Luo Qianqian, a member of the 512 task force." Luo Qianqian on the side also introduced himself.

Nanyi asked in surprise: "512? Apart from Gongti this May, are there any other major events happening in the capital?"

"President Nan doesn't need to guess, it's not about the capital." Zhou Dingjun sat down across from Nanyi and said, "I came to see you today because I have something to ask for your help."

"Leader Zhou, please tell me."

Listening to Zhou Yongjun's tone, Nanyi knew that their intention of coming had nothing to do with what he needed to worry about.

"Does Mr. Nan know a man named Devil?"

Nan Yi was stunned for a moment, and said, "I know a lot of Japanese, which group leader Zhou is talking about?"

"Team Zhou is talking about a man nicknamed Devil." Luo Qianqian said.

Nan Yi thought about it, recalled it again, and said, "No one I know has this nickname."

Zhou Dingjun asked again: "What about the nine admirals?"

"There are many people with this nickname. I know and have heard of quite a few. If I'm right, Team Leader Zhou wants to talk about Lou Xiaoyuan, right?"

"It's him, tell me about your relationship with him." Zhou Dingjun said calmly.

"The relationship between me and him is actually very simple. It is the relationship between the buyer and the seller. At the end of 1976, I was collecting antiques at the entrance of a state-owned antique shop. Once, I sold a snuff bottle I collected to I hired him, and the price he gave was good, so I started talking with him.

He asked me to keep all the antiques I received in the future, and he was willing to pay a high price.

As soon as I heard it, of course I agreed.

Later, I sold him two things I collected at the door of the antique shop, and the price I gave was still good. Shop for something.

The three pieces I bought at the entrance of the antique shop are all antiques from the Qing Dynasty. There are many on the market, so they are definitely not national treasures. The trust shop has some good things, but it is a state-run unit, and my purchases from there are not considered reselling cultural relics. Bar? "

"Why are you panicking? If you want something to happen, I've already copied it for you." Luo Qianqian said disdainfully.

"Don't panic, I have a problem with Xiaoluo. When I see the police uncle, my calf trembles. Look, I'm still shaking." Nan Yi teased, but scolded in his heart, "This little girl is so skinny! Sneaky Beijing movies, the relationship is a combination of Rongcheng and Beijing, so I thought it was born in Rongcheng."

Most of Luo Qianqian's life trajectory is that she has stayed in both Beijing and Rongcheng for many years, or simply switched between the two places, whether it is because of her parents' work, divorce or separation.

"Don't give me poor, talk well." Luo Qianqian said with a cold face.

"All right, all right." Nan Yi begged for forgiveness, and then said to Zhou Dingjun: "Group Leader Zhou, did Lou Xiaoyuan commit a crime? It's not likely to happen, this old boy is not short of money."

"No matter how much money you have, I can't compare with you. Mr. Nan, let me make it clear. I'm not interested in what happened to you in 1976, let alone pursue it."

"That's good, Team Leader Zhou, then tell me, I need to do something."

"Last year, a group of farmers in Hangzhou dug up a batch of ancient tripods, pots, pots and other utensils, which were discovered by the cultural cadres of the township and reported to the higher-level cultural relics department.

The cultural relics department sent people to deal with it and confiscated the stolen cultural relics, but two national treasures were missing. After the investigation, it was learned that it was sold to others by one of the farmers. "

Nan Yi asked: "Group Leader Zhou is not talking about the Liangzhu Cultural Site?"

"Mr. Nan has heard of it?"

"No, I guess, Liangzhu is the only place in Hangzhou where a tripod can be dug out."

Nanyi has heard about this matter in his previous life. This is a group of lucky farmers. The objects of the Liangzhu Cultural Site are too old to be called cultural relics in law, because there is no such thing in the "Cultural Relics Protection Law". Sentencing standards.

The robbing of the tomb did not hold them accountable, which made the peasants emboldened. They completely overturned an area of ​​more than 3 mu in the ruins area. More than 260 pieces of cultural relics including jade cong, jade axes, and jade pipes in the ancient tomb were looted. .

Later, archaeologists went to rescue and clean up after hearing the news, and found that one of the destroyed tombs was an extremely rare group of tombs of dignitaries in the late Liangzhu culture;

These two ruins are of extremely important value to the study of the origin of ancient Chinese civilization, class and country. They were destroyed once and could not be regenerated, causing immeasurable losses.

People in China usually talk about 5,000 years of history, but these 5,000 years of history are just lip service, and there is no circumstantial evidence, and the Liangzhu Culture is the ironclad evidence that China has a history of 5,000 years.

But no matter how important the Liangzhu culture is, digging it now is not considered a tomb robbery. Even if this legal provision needs to be changed, it will not be rushed.

"Yes, it is Liangzhu." Zhou Dingjun nodded and continued: "On May 12 this year, a tomb of King Ming in Jiangxi Province was stolen, and more than 200 cultural relics were stolen. According to the account of the arrested criminals, Among them, 22 pieces of gold ornaments, including golden phoenix hairpin, golden bird, and golden hook, were sold to a man named devil.

After our investigation, this devil's real name is Li Tangming, a person from the capital city, and he often haunts the coffee shop of the capital hotel recently, and has frequent contact with foreign guests. We suspect that he is planning to smuggle cultural relics out of the country and sell them to foreigners.

This Li Tangming is actually the subordinate of Lou Xiaoyuan, the admiral of the Nine Gates. From 1978 to now, he has helped Lou Xiaoyuan buy cultural relics in the ghost market on the surface, but secretly engaged in tomb robbery and sale of stolen goods. "

"Leader Zhou, let me interrupt. What kind of foreign guests does Li Tangming come into contact with? If it is a female foreign guest, it may not be related to reselling cultural relics. As far as I know, in foreign hotels, there are a group of people who specialize in foreign guests. Business."

"I've heard what you're saying, but I'm sure it's not or not only."

"All right."

Nanyi was deliberately interrupting. After hearing so much from Zhou Dingjun, he had basically guessed what Zhou Dingjun was looking for him for.

"Mr. Nan, we already have good reasons to suspect that Lou Xiaoyuan is in control of a gang that smuggles and resells cultural relics. What our special case team lacks is the evidence to accuse him, so we hope you can get in touch with him again."

"Group leader Zhou, I borrowed 90 million from the bank. Many people know about it, and many people know about the reason why I was able to loan out so much money.

If Lou Xiaoyuan is really the leader of reselling cultural relics as you mentioned, I think he should be very cautious in his actions and will definitely investigate me. Based on my current situation, if you want to sell antiques to him, I think he will definitely find something wrong. "

"I'm not asking you to sell, I'm asking you to act as a buyer." Luo Qianqian said provocatively.

Luo Qianqian's slight provocation showed that the task force knew about his purchase of antiques, so it was not surprising. It would be strange if the public security organs could not find out about this matter.

Nanyi's operation of asking the agent to come forward can only hide it from ordinary people. If you really want to investigate carefully, there is nothing to hide.

Just check, Nanyi is not afraid of checking, all his operations in the mainland are well-known, and he hides it just because he doesn't want to expose the fact that he is a "rich man".

"Let me play the buyer?"

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