Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 623 Ascension by Daylight

the next day.

Early in the morning, Nanyi got into Chen Yuxiu's car and put a folder on the armrest box, "I'm too busy recently to go back to the village. This is the planning book of Bairi Feisheng Service Company. Please take it back for me." Give it to Uncle Zong Qing."

"Flying in the daytime?" Chen Yuxiu turned his head and said to Nan Yi: "Does this name sound related to Baishi?"

"Look at the road, you don't have to look back, I can hear you."

Chen Yuxiu turned his head back, but he still couldn't help looking at the rearview mirror, "Are you doing something for nothing?"

"Pull over, you can drive the school flower, and you can sit in the back seat."

Chen Yuxiu's unsteady eyes made Nan Yi feel a little palpitated, he didn't want to be one of the leading men in the car accident.

Parked the car, exchanged seats, and Xiaohua drove the car onwards.

"Is there a lot of people repairing graves now?"

"A lot."

Chen Yuxiu nodded.

"There are several reasons why I focus on funeral matters. First, the cost of a tombstone is between 30 and 50, and it can be sold for more than 200 or 300 if it is carved with words. It is also possible to sell for thousands of yuan if it is carefully carved, which is a profit of hundreds of percent.

Second, the business is highly scalable.

Shrouds and quilts are needed for small burials; elegiac couplets and wreaths are needed for funerals; portraits, incense, candles, paper money, wicks, vegetable oil, and firecrackers are needed for temporary homes [stopping spirits]; straw ropes, straw sandals, hemp ropes, and white burlap are needed for vigils clothes, white gowns;

For the big burial, funeral, burial, burning Qiqi, Wuqi, welcoming memorial tablets, and sweeping the tomb in Qingming, every step needs to prepare some things. Among them, you can choose those with relatively high profits.

The national mortality rate was 6.36% in 1981, 6.60% in 1982, 7.08% in 1983, and 6.69% last year. Calculated according to this ratio, we can imagine how vast this market is.

Last year, the population of our country was 1.044 billion, and 6.69% was almost 70 million. Even if 1/3 of them repaired graves, that would be 23.33 million.

The approximate land area occupied by a grave, I estimate, is about 10 square meters, and that year will need 233 million square meters, which is about 350,000 mu.

The year before last, our country's arable land area was 1.47539 billion mu, and last year it was 1.4678 billion mu, a full reduction of 7.59 million mu. The arable land has decreased, but the population has increased by 11 million.

According to the trend of this year, the population growth will approach 15 million, and the area of ​​cultivated land reduction is likely to double. This problem is quite serious and directly threatens the food security of our country. "

Nanyi opened the water glass and took a sip of water, then continued with a sigh: "I can see this problem, and the country must also see it. In order to ensure the area of ​​arable land, all we can do is increase income and reduce expenditure. We don't discuss open source. Just talk about throttling.

In 1956, for reasons such as protecting cultivated land and saving land resources, our country began to advocate cremation.

Advocacy means that it is okay to listen or not to listen, but I believe that in the near future, there will be no more advocacy, but strict implementation. "

When Nanyi said this, the subject immediately changed, "I won't say much, let the village study the Taoist and Buddhist funeral methods, such as the Lingbao Pagoda. Of course, what I'm talking about is the long-term perspective. In the short term, This business opportunity has not yet appeared.

Let me talk about what you can do right now. The Japanese have a long-standing custom of using coffins for funerals. Wooden coffins, sarcophagi, etc. have been used since the Yayoi period... The Yayoi period was about 300 BC to 250 AD. "

Nan Yi explained the time node of the Yayoi period, and then said: "Japanese funerals are mainly wooden coffins. In the past, they were mainly buried, but now they are mainly cremated, and the coffins will be cremated together.

The coffin is a must-have item for funerals, and it is the most important item when the deceased completes his last journey in the world and his loved ones see him off.

The elderly in Japan also pay attention to a coffin book. In the last few years, many elderly people will save money on food and expenses, just to save money for a decent funeral. "

As Nanyi said, he took out another document from his travel bag, opened it, pointed to a page and said: "This is the statistics made by the Japanese themselves. The average funeral cost in Japan is about 2 million yen. In addition to the expenses for the encoffining ceremony, food and beverage reception for funeral attendees, and chanting in temples, the cost of coffins and urns is the bulk of the expenses.

The Japanese are very particular about the material and quality of the coffin, and they have their own set of procedures for choosing a coffin:

First, determine the height and religious belief of the deceased, and then choose the size, type, and price of the coffin. In Japan, the price of a coffin ranges from tens of thousands of yen to millions of yen.

The most standard coffin is 180 centimeters long, the smaller one is 170 centimeters long, and the larger one is about 195 centimeters.

Those with special requirements can be customized, but it is not up to you how big you want to be. The crematorium has set a standard for the size of the coffin.

The price of a coffin is generally around 100,000 yen, and the more expensive ones can be in the millions.

For this price, even if we calculate it according to the official exchange rate, and cut off half of the price as the profit of the Japanese terminal distributor, the money that can reach us is about 614 yuan.

For this money, if the coffin is made according to our standards, the purchase of raw materials, transportation, personnel wages, taxes, shipping costs, etc. will almost eat up our profits.

But the standards of Japanese coffins are completely different from ours. Don’t forget, their coffins are used for burning, and they pay attention to lightness and flammability. They don’t pay much attention to the type of wood, as long as we do a good job , It is enough to work harder on craftsmanship and decoration, and the cost of wood can be reduced as much as possible. "

As Nanyi said, he turned back a few pages of the document in his hand, "Paulownia, from the northeast in the north, to here in the south, is distributed in most parts of the country. Paulownia grows very fast, and the Paulownia tree that is more than ten years old is older than the The diameter of poplar trees of the same age is twice as large, and the trunk will become hollow after a long time of growth.

Due to the relatively rapid growth, the wood is light and soft, easy to process, but also has the advantages of acid resistance, corrosion resistance, moisture resistance and heat insulation, which is very suitable for the production of Japanese coffins.

Of course, the most important thing is that this kind of wood is very cheap. "

"So, making Japanese coffins can be very profitable?" Chen Yuxiu asked.

"It's not an unattainable dream to make an output value of tens of billions a year. If you want to earn more than 100 million a year, you can achieve it with a little hard work." Nanyi nodded slightly and said: "The other thing is that this business is not easy to achieve." It is easy to get stuck in the throat, paulownia is not only available in China, but also in many places in Southeast Asia and the Americas, and the price of raw materials is not easy to inflate."

Nan Yi turned the document back two or three pages, pointed to a picture of a dog on the document paper and said, "This is an Akita dog named Hachiko, and it is called Hachiko the loyal dog in Japan..."

Nanyi told the story of the loyal dog Hachiko, and then said: "Perhaps influenced by Hachiko, the Japanese generally regard pets as part of the family. The life span of cats is generally up to 20 years, and the lifespan of dogs is even longer. A little shorter, usually 15 years.

Even if it is not due to accidental death, the life span of pets will definitely be shorter than that of humans. As long as it is a family with pets, it is inevitable to send away one or two pet family members.

Since it is a family member, the pet has to die with dignity, chanting scriptures, playing mourning music, coffins, and cemeteries are all indispensable.

Pet coffins use less material, but they can be shaped in a variety of ways, such as sailboats, cradles, whatever shapes are available, and pets’ favorite flowers, plants, and toys are placed inside, so that pets have no shortage of things to play with when they go underground.

The price of pet coffins is not as high as that of human coffins, but the profit will not be low at all because of its high added value.

Okay, I have explained everything that needs to be explained, and the rest has to be investigated and thought about in the village. Funeral funeral is a big business, and it is also a good business. On the one hand, try to be as high-profile as possible, my Buddha is merciful! "

Chen Yuxiu asked in surprise, "Since when did you believe in Buddhism?"

"Is it important?"

"It's not important." Chen Yuxiu shook his head.

Nan Yi turned his head and looked out of the window, and said faintly: "It is still correct to get rich through hard work, let the villagers suffer more, let the older people persevere, work hard, live hard, the last few years If you can still move, you can go out and see the outside world.

Living in the village all my life, and the farthest place I have been to is to 'be a migrant worker'. This kind of life is not worth it.

At a higher level, we are all face-made, just statistical ellipsis, it is the farmer Nan, the self-employed Chen, ah, you have one more name, the deceased at the scene of the car accident, Chen.

In order to checkmate the opponent in the last move in chess, we will let the chariots, horses and gunmen take the initiative to die. If we win, the remaining fortune tellers and generals will raise their glasses and cheer.

In this world, there is no such thing as a win-win for everyone. If you want to achieve great things, sacrifices are inevitable. Who will be sacrificed and who will not be sacrificed?

Putting aside those who are close, distant, dirty, and dirty, if you don't want to be sacrificed early, you must show your value and importance.

To be brave in self-sacrifice is called dedication, and to be sacrificed is called cost expenditure, the price that must be paid. "

Nan Yi turned his head back, looked away from the window, looked at Chen Yuxiu and said, "Even if you can't live as the last cheerer, you must live as an active contributor, and don't become a property that can be used for consumption at any time.

The year before last, a college student sacrificed himself to save a manure digger. This aroused heated discussions, and everyone was discussing and arguing whether it was worth it.

Conclusion You should also know that no matter whether you agree with it or not, you must say the value. This is called political correctness, and this is called correct guidance of public opinion.

I make an assumption that is unlikely to happen in reality. Suppose that in a battle, a brigade commander or regiment commander died to save the life of a recruit. Do you think it is worth it or not? "

"Needless to say, of course it's not worth it. An outstanding military officer can play a huge role, which can't be compared with a big soldier. Even a soldier king can't do it. Otherwise, why don't the army provide cooks with guards?"

Nan Yi patted Chen Yuxiu on the shoulder and said, "So, we must have the courage to sacrifice ourselves, but not be sacrificed easily. Businessmen have two extreme opposite attributes, negative and positive. Infinitely magnify the positive attributes.

Yu Xiu, our country needs foreign exchange, and the coffin is exchanged for precious foreign exchange, which will be passed down as a good story. "

Three black vertical lines emerged from Chen Yuxiu's temples, and he asked nervously, "Uh, you don't want me to be the head of this coffin, do you?"

"It's a good idea. It's your turn to do such a good thing?" Nan Yi spat: "You will be responsible for being the leader of the game console, so that the parents of children all over the country can't wait to bite your flesh and drink your blood."

"Whoever wants to make a game console, what Erdong Electronics wants to do is a computer, a super cheap computer. Mr. Deng said that the computer should start with a doll." Chen Yuxiu said with his neck stuck.

"Yes, you remember this sentence, so I didn't tell you in vain." Nanyi turned his head and looked out of the window again, "It will take a little time to get to Fushan, I will say something more, I say, you remember."

When Chen Yuxiu heard Nanyi's words, he quickly took out his pen and work notes.

Seeing that Chen Yuxiu was getting ready, Nanyi began to say: "I would like to make a few suggestions to Uncle Zong Qing. First, let Chen Guowen, the head of the second room in charge of the Yifa Street market, be in charge of the management of Bairi Feisheng Service Company; second, let the cashier Chen Lingbang served as the person in charge of the other four electronics factories in Shenfeng;

Third, Nanchen Construction will make efforts in the near future, and seize the time to assign Chen Ruiwu, the head of Sanfangfang, a deputy who is educated and understands architecture;

Fourth, the Nanchen Nonferrous Metals Group should be set up as soon as possible, with Wei Kuang in charge and Mingdi in charge of foreign mines;

Fifth, get ready to build a river car group. As for what this group will do in the future, you will tell me in a month.

Remember? "

Chen Yuxiu: "Okay."

"Give me."

Nan Yi took the work notes from Chen Yuxiu, read the contents, took out his pen and wrote the word "Nan" on the notes, and wrote the date and time.

After closing the work notes and handing them back to Chen Yuxiu, Nan Yi said, "Please have a good meal tonight, and do me a favor."

"What's busy?"

"I will arrive in Fushan in a while, and there are many places to go. I can only stay in Fushan for one day, and the time is too tight. Please help me go to a few places and contact a few products."

"Which ones?"

"Li Xiji Daliang Bengsha, Li Zhongshengtang Po Chai Pills, Huang Xianghua Ruyi Oil, Feng Liaoxing, Hop Kee Blind Gong Cake, De Xin Zhai Brewed Pig's Trotters, Gong Xing Long Bakery Wedding Cake and Sesame Cake, Feilu Electric Fan , A total of eight places to go, you help me run four."

Chen Yuxiu thought for a while and said, "I'll run to make some food."

"Okay, let me explain to you the precautions."

After Nanyi informed Chen Yuxiu of the details that need to be paid attention to in the negotiation, the car entered the urban area of ​​Fushan.

After twisting and turning, the car stopped at the gate of Changtian Soy Sauce Factory on Wensha Road.

"Does your pager have a signal here?"

"I do not know."

"Okay, you drive the car away. I'll page you later if something happens. If you can't get through, we'll meet you at the gate of Xinghua Shopping Center at four o'clock in the afternoon." Nan Yi said, looking at his watch.


Get off the car and stand at the gate of Changtian Soy Sauce Factory. Through the mottled gate, Nanyi saw a Changtian flavor industry with a market value of more than 600 billion.

"Soybeans are used to make soy sauce, which is a natural strategic partner."

Touching his chin, Nan Yi looked at the door and said with emotion, the deer whose surname was not Li started to run around again, "I wonder if the technology of making soy sauce with hair has been invented yet?"

With thoughts of running around, stepping on various soy sauces such as light soy sauce, old soy sauce, fresh brew, and seafood, Nanyi approached the reception room eagerly, and carefully took out a pack of cigarettes with one hand in his pocket!

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