Zhang Jinrong took Nanyi and the two to see the audio system. The store displayed mainly Japanese pioneers, including several popular styles in Japan.

Nan Yi chose for a while, and chose a set that can be equipped with a CD player.

"Boss Nan, do you want this?"

"I want this."

"You take the cost price of 2400."

Nanyi calculated in his mind that 2400 should not be able to reach the cost price of Zhang Jinrong's purchase. He was selling at a loss, so he said, "Boss Zhang, I will pay you 115,000 yen. What do you think?"

115,000 yen is equivalent to less than 3,000 RMB, which is just enough for Zhang Jinrong to earn some hard-earned money, so that Zhang Jinrong's favor can be done well, and he won't suffer. By the way, Nanyi also lit up his own arm.

"Boss Nan is happy, the deal is done."

Zhang Jinrong breathed a sigh of relief and a sigh at the same time, his mood was difficult to understand.

As soon as Nanyi finished paying, a new customer came to Jinrong Electrical Appliances. The two of Nanyi didn't stay long, and left after saying goodbye.

As soon as she walked out of the store, the school belle handed the phone to Nan Yi, "Nan Sheng, Miss Ruan."

"Sister, are you up?" Nan Yi said after answering the phone.

"I've arrived at Yifa Street, and I forgot to bring my money. Come here and help me pay the taxi fare."

"Forgot to bring money? Then where did you call?"

"It's because I remembered to bring a broken phone that I forgot to bring money. Hurry up, taxis are still waiting."

"Come on."

Nanyi hung up the phone and walked towards the intersection of Yifa Street.

Walking to the intersection, I saw a "Red Stool" parked there, stepped forward quickly, glanced into the car, and saw Ruan Mei in the back seat.

"Master, how many words?"

"25 yuan."

As soon as the taxi driver opened his mouth, Nan Yi heard a strong Hebei accent.

Nanyi took out the money and said, "Master, it's not easy. You can drive a taxi in Yangcheng."

"Good luck, good luck." The taxi driver took it and said perfunctorily.

"Hurry up and get out of the car, don't hinder the master's work." Others didn't want to say it, and Nan Yi didn't ask too much, so he leaned into the back seat and said.

"My feet hurt, you carry me down." Ruan Mei said coquettishly, spreading her hands.


Nan Yi hugged Ruan Mei and carried her out of the car. Just as she was about to put her on the ground, Ruan Mei tightly wrapped her arms around Nan Yi's neck, "No, keep hugging her."

"There are outsiders here."


After hearing what Nanyi said, Ruan Mei sensiblely let go of her hands, and Nanyi took advantage of the situation to put her on the ground.

"Why do you take the red stool, and the front desk didn't look for you? I booked a car with the hotel, and you can ask them to take you wherever you go."

"Speaking of which, I'll return it. It's good to sit on the red stool." Ruan Mei responded, and asked, "Why do you say that the taxi is not easy?"

"Sister-in-law, it's not bad, she's really good at ordinary times."

"Of course I'm good, but how do you know? Sister Zhou told you?"

Nanyi assigned Ruan Mei a manager named Sister Zhou and an assistant named Amin. In fact, the two of them were bodyguards, and the manager and assistant were just incidental.

"If you want to come out to play often, you naturally know the three treasures in Yangcheng: the driver, the doctor, and the pork guy. In Yangcheng, if you buy red stools, it is normal to get five or six thousand a month, and tens of thousands in peak seasons. He makes money like this. If outsiders can get on the wheel, they must have a good relationship here."

"Tens of thousands? Isn't that more than 20,000 Hong Kong dollars?" Ruan Mei exclaimed.

"So, this is a golden rice bowl, not everyone can hold it."

"A lot, I want to buy a red stool too."

"Am I starving you?" Nan Yi said with a smile.

"People want to make money by themselves."

"To make money, there will be opportunities in the future. Your current job is to study. If you study, I will pay you."

"Okay." Ruan Mei twitched a bit and asked, "Have you finished your work yet?"

"Come on, let me introduce someone to you."

Nanyi took Ruan Mei to Chen Guowen's side, and introduced: "Uncle Guowen, my elder; Uncle Guowen, this is Ruan Mei, my friend, from Xiangxi."

"Ms. Ruan, hello." Chen Guowen greeted warmly.

Chen Guowen can understand the relationship between Ruan Mei and Nan Yi at a glance, and there are also distances between the houses.

"Uncle Guowen, hello."

Ruan Mei greeted her generously.

"Uncle Guowen, let's finish shopping what we haven't finished. I'll leave after dinner. Next month, I will live in the village for a while. There are some things that need to be discussed."


After finishing speaking, the group went to Yifa Shopping Mall again, with Chen Guowen in front, and Nanyi and Ruan Mei following behind.

"I bought you a set of audio just now, and you can add a CD player."

"Where's the vinyl?"

"You have to assemble your own strings for vinyl. I haven't seen any good strings here. You can go back to Apliu Street and look for them."


After visiting the electrical stalls here at Yifa, Nanyi stayed in Yangcheng for another half a day, and only after sending Ruan Mei back to school did he embark on the journey to Shenzheng.


When Nanyi arrived in the Special Economic Zone, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, but the city was still brightly lit, with neon lights flickering, and the first rich in fashionable clothes came out of the lights with their arms around their beautiful girls, merged into the darkness, and then walked into the next pile of lights.

In the alley, the pink light shines alone, and "Pink Memories" floats out from time to time. Under the light, two or three beautiful women in cool clothes wave their hands, beckoning pedestrians to come in and "learn idioms" .

One-on-one or two-on-one teaching is too stupid, and it doesn't matter if you add another one. Anyone who has been in it can at least learn what it means to "know the taste".

At this time, Pujiezai, who already has one person full and the whole family is not hungry, will poke his waist and sigh: "Shenzhen makes money and deep flowers, and I want to take them home."

They should be the earliest Moonlight Clan in the Mainland.

Passing through the lights, accompanied by the sound of rumbling machines, under the illumination of the searchlights, Nanyi's car stopped at the pier in Wenchangwei.

In no hurry to get out of the car, Nanyi sat in the car for 20 minutes, but still did not wait for the patrol team to come to the village.

Frowning, he pushed open the car door, passed the stone bridge on the pier, took a detour to Nanyi, and turned around outside the fence before heading towards Nanzhai.

Pushing open the courtyard door and bypassing the screen wall, Nanyi saw a light still on in the hall, Fan Hongdou was sitting at the table of the Eight Immortals, leaning over to write something there.

"It's ten o'clock, why haven't you slept yet?"

"I know godfather is coming back, so I'll wait for you." Fan Hongdou put down his pen and said.

"What to write?"

"I'll do the pre-exam papers for this winter vacation."

Since 1980, not all senior high school freshmen are eligible to take the college entrance examination. Before the college entrance examination, during the winter vacation of the senior high school, there will be an exam called pre-examination or pre-selection. Only those who pass the pre-examination will be eligible to participate in July. the college entrance examination.

"Show it to godfather."


Nan Yi took the chemistry test paper, looked at the questions one after another, and couldn't figure it out.

These years, Nan Yike has never slacked off, and has been studying uninterruptedly. In order to educate Fan Hongdou and Nan Ruofing in the past few years, and to educate his two sons in the past two years, he still has most of the knowledge in the textbooks, but... …

If he was allowed to wear it again and time travel to this year's senior year of high school, he would definitely not be able to pass the university entrance exam. Prepare for a year, suffer a little bit, and take an ordinary undergraduate exam, but it's just a dream to get into Peking University.

Who told him that the content he learned later would not be of much help to the college entrance examination.

"Uh, Hongdou, show me the math test paper."

After reading the math test paper, Nan Yi regained a little confidence.

As a subject of mathematics, those who can learn it well will learn it at once, and those who cannot learn it will never learn it again.

It just so happens that Nanyi belongs to the category of people who can learn it at a glance. In his previous life, since elementary school, he has been scolded by his math teacher. Others learn geometric algebra, but he has been working hard on "Olympiad".

Although he didn't make a name for himself when he arrived, it has to be said that Nanyi belongs to the phoenix tail among the top mathematics, and slaughtering a group of chicken heads is like chopping melons and vegetables.


"Chemistry is not there yet, other grades have been estimated, godfather, if I take the college entrance examination next month, I should be able to enter a key university." Fan Hongdou said confidently.

"It's amazing." Nanyi stroked Fan Hongdou's head and said, "But it doesn't mean much to you. You already have the learning opportunities that others need to pass the college entrance examination. You don't study for the exam."

"Well, I know. Godfather, I will go to New York after the holiday, and Akaisa will expand."

"Okay, godfather's plane can only be used a few times a year, and you can use it with me in the future, but the cost will be halfway."

"Thank godfather."

"No thanks, wash up and go to bed early."


Fan Hongdou nodded, put away the things on the table of the Eight Immortals, and went to the bathroom to wash up.


Yesterday's tomorrow.

In the morning, Nanyi took a rag and wiped the whole Nanzhai.

The girders, window lattices, and decorations are also in decline. I am tired from climbing high and low.

The golden nanmu that was removed at the beginning has been installed back. Besides, Nanyi has added a lot, and the entire Nanzhai has become old or valuable objects.

The oldest is the threshold, which has a history of hundreds of millions of years, and the latest is the door bolt, which is less than fifty years old.

All the items in the Nanzhai came from Xiangtang, entered the customs formally, and had the stubs of the entry procedures.

In fact, the Nanzhai is very clean, and someone has always been responsible for cleaning it. Nanyi said it was cleaning, but it was better to say it was touching and tender.

After tossing for a long time, Nanyi simmered a pot of rice in the stove at noon. When it was about to be cooked, he slid down a spoonful of rapeseed oil along the edge of the pot, and when the rice was cooked, the rice crust was fragrant.

After frying some chili sauce and pouring it on the rice crust, it was crunchy, Nan Yi sat in the yard and ate it with relish.

"Nanyi, why don't you eat at my house?"

After eating two pieces of crispy rice, Xian Yaohua came over.

"Uncle Yaohua, how do you know I'm back?" Nanyi wiped his hands with a piece of paper, and picked up another bowl of rice.

"Who else dares to park at the port besides your car?"

"Uncle Yaohua, it's serious. It's the land of the village, and everyone in the village can't stop." Nan Yi took a mouthful of rice and nodded with satisfaction, "The taste of Wenchang rice is getting better and better."

Since 1982, Wenchangwei has been continuously improving the grains grown by himself. He does not pursue output or good service, but only pursues the taste. After four generations, the taste of rice is now very good.

"The production is not good, and the rations in the village are not enough. The reclamation group has to subsidize it every year, and the agricultural tax and withdrawal are all paid by the village."

"The output doesn't matter, and the village doesn't expect to plan food in its own village. Uncle Yaohua, frowning, something happened in the village?" Nanyi said, looking up at Xian Yaohua's face.

"You just came back from abroad?" Xian Yaohua took out the cigarette case, lit a cigarette, and said depressedly.

"I've been in Yangcheng for two days, Uncle Yaohua, just tell me, I'm not out of touch with China."

"The year before last, before you went out, there was an article in the newspaper "Ma Chengbao, a good factory director who always thinks about the interests of the country and the people."

"Look, he is now a model, right?"


"I know what you want to say, Uncle Yaohua, have you eaten? Eat something if you haven't eaten. Let's talk again when you are full. The topic you want to talk about, Uncle Yaohua, will turn my appetite off."

"I didn't eat, I can't eat."

"People are iron, rice is steel, rice is still to be eaten, I'll get a pair of bowls and chopsticks."

Nan Yi stood up, went to the kitchen and took out a pair of bowls and chopsticks, helped Xian Yaohua prepare the meal, and placed it in front of him.

Xian Yaohua looked at the bowl, then at Nanyi, and picked up the chopsticks.

In silence, the two ate in silence. Nan Yi found out the tea table again, washed it, and boiled water with walnut charcoal.

"Uncle Yaohua, try the taste of North Korean tea. The tea is from our country. It's cold over there. The taste of the tea will definitely be different from ours."

"Why did you drink North Korean tea?"

"Someone brought it back from a business trip to Pyongyang, try something new." Nan Yi said and put a cup of tea beside Xian Yaohua.

Xian Yaohua brought the teacup to his mouth, then put it down again, "Nanyi, there are people in the village clamoring for contracting, the food factory, the Xiongqi Beverage Factory, the clothing factory, the toy factory attached to the clothing factory, and... Wenchang has surrounded the small group."

Nan Yi sneered and said, "Apart from Wenchang Architecture, are there people thinking about it?"

At the end of 1985, Nanyi reduced the shares of Wenchang Holdings. His shares changed from 22% to 10%, and Ge Cuizhu changed from 8% to 2%. The group is no longer a village enterprise in Wenchangwei.

Calculated from the valuation at that time, Nanyi and Ge Cuizhu made a business that lost money. If the current valuation is used, Nanyi and the two lost even more. Because of this, the independence of the reclamation group did not exist at that time. No obstacles have been encountered, and no one is making irresponsible remarks now.

"Yes, it is."

"Hehe, contracting, who is the one who rushes to the street to contract? As long as anyone can pay according to the estimated value, let alone contracting, even if it is a sellout, I have no problem. I want to be empty-handed and let them die as soon as possible. Be careful."

"The people in the village want to spin off several enterprises and then engage in contracting," Xian Yaohua said.

"Uncle Yaohua, if this word reaches my ears, it means that most people in the village committee are not opposed to contracting, right?"

"How could they object? They all want to contract." Xian Yaohua smiled wryly.

"Sharing adversity is easy, sharing wealth is difficult! The general trend of the world, the long-term must be united, and the long-term must be divided. Since contracting is the current general trend, I have no objection. If you love contracting, contract it." Nanyi picked up the teacup and drank it. "Has Weimin returned?"

"Home at night."

"I want to be quiet at night, Uncle Yaohua. I'll go to your house tomorrow morning. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the village committee will hold a meeting."


After Xian Yaohua left, Nanyi went to the underground treasure house to find a box, took out a stack of blueprints from the box, put them in a briefcase, and wandered to the tidal flats in the village.

This tidal flat should have been turned into a clothing and small department store wholesale market more than a year ago, but one after another, Nanyi's enthusiasm gradually faded, and his confidence in Wenchangwei was also greatly reduced. No matter how full.

In 1984, he had already predicted that "contracting" would be difficult, so he shelved the plan for the wholesale market, and instead set up Yaqing Company by accident.

"School beauty, call Xian Yaoguo and ask him to come here."

After Nanyi finished speaking, he found a fairly flat stone, wiped off the soil on it, sat down on his buttocks, and waited silently.

After waiting for about forty minutes, Xian Yaoguo arrived.


Nanyi stood up and patted the floating dirt on his buttocks, "Uncle Yaoguo, on the right is Wenchangwei Xinsan Village, which is an ordinary rental house, refer to the layout of the Xiangtang resettlement building; on the left is Wenchangwei Xin2 Village, according to single The layout of the apartment comes.

Two requirements: First, under the premise of considering lighting, how high can be covered;

Second, use as much tidal flat land as you can, and turn them into homesteads. Calculated according to the current population of the village, each person's homestead should not be less than 120 square meters, and the building area should not be less than 350 square meters.

In addition, the village will be rebuilt, and the architectural style should not be uniform, nor horizontal and vertical, but should be combined with the terrain, each with its own style. "

"Nanyi, according to your arrangement, the village can't afford so much idle funds." Xian Yaoguo said.

"Don't worry about money. If you don't have it now, you will have it soon. Isn't it necessary to engage in contracting? The company's working capital can be drawn out, and the shares should also be liquidated."

"Yaohua looked for you?"

"Yeah." Nanyi bent down and picked up the briefcase on the ground, and handed it to Xian Yaoguo, "There are survey reports and rough plans, and they should still be usable four years ago."

"Nanyi, this...you thought about it four years ago?" Xian Yaoguo asked in astonishment.

"Wrong, to be exact, it's been almost ten years. You can't live in a new house, and you can't enjoy the scenery. The villagers have a big opinion?"

"Nanyi, do you disagree with contracting?"

"Agreed, why don't you agree? Engaging in contracting is a major trend, and we have to follow the trend." Nanyi waved his hand and said, "Uncle Yaoguo, you go first, I have to go to the city, and I will return Hongdou's school once." Haven't been there yet."

After sending Xian Yaoguo away, Nanyi went to Qutou.

I didn't see Xian Weiqi fishing on the pier, so Nan Yi probably went to work.

Sitting in the car, Nan Yi ordered the school belle to drive, and he picked up the newspaper he bought two days ago to read. In the first two days, Ruan Mei was very sticky, and Nanyi didn't have much time to read newspapers.

As soon as he opened the newspaper, Nan Yi saw a report by Ma Chengbao, which was reprinted from the "Qian Provincial Evening News".

The central content of the article is to praise the "whirlwind" work efficiency of Ma Chengcheng: I went to Zhucheng on the evening of the 26th, gave a report to the company cadres in Guizhou Province all day on the 27th, and went to the Zhucheng Paper Mill to discuss contracting matters and visit the factory on the 28th;

On the 29th, he signed a contract, promising to achieve a profit of 1 million yuan in the second year, repay the loan in three years, and double the output value. Ma took office as the director of Zhucheng Paper Mill, making this factory his sixth proposed enterprise.

At the end of the article, there is also a comment: "This whirlwind rhythm itself is an ode to reform, isn't it? If some other comrades were replaced, I don't know how many days or even a year or so it would take to study it!

However, Comrade Ma Chengbao made a decision within 48 hours, which cannot but give us a strong impact. "

After reading the article, Nan Yi complained: "What kind of contract is a horse, it's obviously a horse fairy."

Nanyi can think of what Ma Chengbao did when he went to Zhucheng Paper Mill on the 28th in the newspaper. Panic, your good days are coming, I will be your father from now on, and I promise to make you eat well and drink hot."

Ma Chengbao's words should not be so blatant, but the core ideas are mostly the same, and the people who are fluttering have the same style of speaking, and the number of ways is similar.

Nanyi thinks that Ma Chengbao is probably gone. If not, things will not be done like this. The expansion of the enterprise should not be like this, even if it is an empty hand.

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