A bonfire was lit at the gate of the courtyard. The bullfrogs that had been prepared were wrapped in clay and put in the charcoal fire. As soon as the beggar frog was burned, a few birds fell from the sky and played by the bonfire.

"Godfather, many frogs flew over last winter, and they haven't flown away yet."

"Flower frog?" Nan Yi pointed to the little bird by the campfire, and said, "You mean them?"

Fan Hongdou nodded and said, "That's right, flower frogs are migratory birds. They are divided into winter migratory birds and summer migratory birds. They don't stay in the same place all year round."

Nan Yi thought for a while and said, "Oh, could it be the same batch? The winter migratory birds came, and the summer migratory birds left, just in rotation."

"No, it's the same batch, how strange." Fan Hongdou muttered.

"Since you find it strange, find a way to investigate it clearly. Godfather will help you get a batch of monitoring equipment and locators."


Nan Yi and the two were talking while choosing vegetables.

"Do you have sterile eggs at home?"

"No more, Grandma Cuizhu said that she must hurry up to complete the order of Tu の Taste. In the future, the internal employee benefits will not be given eggs, but pork instead."

The Japanese have a history of eating raw eggs for thousands of years. In their dietary structure, it can be said that "there is no happiness without raw eggs". However, food poisoning incidents caused by eating raw eggs occur frequently every year.

Japan has an urgent need for sterile eggs, but this demand has been ignored by Japanese capital. Even Nanyi, who knew the existence of sterile eggs, did not think of such a blank market.

Three years ago, a researcher at the National Mihu Club, my grandson sage, submitted an application report for the study of "sterilized eggs". After reading the report, Nan Yi not only agreed to his application, but also approved 2 billion yen budget.

After one and a half years, the first generation of aseptic eggs was successfully developed, and after three iterations, the aseptic eggs ushered in the 4.0 era.

Afterwards, the sterile egg 4.0 technology was licensed to the Reclamation Group.

"Oh, then go and get two native eggs, the ones at home are from Ji Gongdang, right?"

"No, the ones at home are Leon eggs."

Shennong Nanliang's eggs have many types and names. Nanyi thought for a while before realizing that the Leon eggs were eggs from a black Mexican farm.

"Same, go get it."

The eraser erased the sun, and the paintbrush drew the moon again. When the morning star was lit, Nanyi changed from horizontal to vertical again.

Fan Hongdou went to school on a gear shifter after doing morning exercises with Nanyi.

On the pier, Xian Weiqi was there, accompanied by Deng Yumei with a big belly, her face was filled with tranquility, peace, and happiness.

Nanyi walked to the pier and sat next to Xian Weiqi, his eyes flashed by the ring in Xian Weiqi's hand.

"How much does the ring weigh?"

"50 grams."

It was Deng Yumei who answered Nanyi.

"How long is the due date?"

"Late September, early October."

"Very good." Nan Yi nodded, turned his neck, looked at Fu Piao with his eyes, and said lightly, "Wei Qi, how is business recently?"

"When the season changes, everyone is bad, but business is good."

What Xian Weiqi said was not clear, but Nan Yi understood that what is bad is because others are bad, and what is good is because he is good. The turn of spring and summer is the peak time for the death of the elderly, and it is impossible for Xian Weiqi and the others to have bad business.

"That's good."

"Nan Yi, can I ask you something?" Deng Yumei said suddenly.

"Sister-in-law, tell me."

"I have some spare money at home. I was thinking of saving it until I die, but the interest rate is too low. Do you have any other more cost-effective places?"

"Sister-in-law, the interest rate is not low anymore. Now the three-year term is almost 12%?"

Deng Yumei said: "A few days ago I went to ask, what time is 11:08?"

"10,000 to 13,500 in three years, this rate of return is already very high. Sister-in-law, doing business now makes money quickly, but there are also risks. It is possible to double the profit, or it is possible to pay back the debt.

To say that there are safer investments with higher interest returns than banks, but the time will be longer, and it will take several years, even more than ten years, to see the returns. "


Nanyi pressed his hands on the pier, retracted his dangling feet, and sat cross-legged on the pier, "Go to the city to buy a house, commercial housing or a house in a village in the city is fine."

"Can a village in the city be bought? Isn't that collective land?"

"You can buy it, but it's a bit more troublesome to operate." Nan Yi thought for a while and said, "Sister-in-law, forget it, just pretend that I didn't tell you in the village in the city, it's better to buy a commercial house, it's easier."

Collective land cannot be bought and sold, but there are many ways to realize "buying and selling" in disguise, but this kind of operation is too complicated and costly for Deng Yumei, and it is not suitable for her.

"With all the money at home, we can buy a big house, but..."

Deng Yumei hesitated to speak.

"It's too little, isn't it?"


Deng Yumei replied embarrassedly.

"Don't worry, you need the full payment now, and you'll be able to get a mortgage soon. If you save up for a year or two, you can still buy another house. Before you buy it, ask Uncle Yaoguo, he knows the situation of the house better. "

As far as Nanyi knows, the country is already brewing housing reform, and Shenzheng is preparing for the first public auction of land that is unprecedented and breaking history. As soon as the era of land finance begins, real estate developers will naturally tear up the mortgage.

"Then I'll ask Uncle Yaoguo." Deng Yumei nodded and said.

Nan Yi nodded, then turned to Xian Weiqi and said, "Weiqi, are you still playing the trumpet?"

"Play, I have learned a lot of tunes, do you want to listen to them?" Xian Weiqi said excitedly.

"Who did you learn from?"

"Learn it by yourself, read the staff."

Nan Yi asked in surprise, "Huh? When did you know how to read staves?"

"Learn by yourself, I'm not a fool." Xian Weiqi said naturally.

"Because Qi likes it, I asked the music teacher in elementary school to teach him, and he will master it after half a year of learning." Deng Yumei said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, you are not a fool, I am a fool."

"Crazy line, do you smoke?" Xian Weiqi took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and asked.

"If you don't smoke, you know how to smoke?"

"No, my boss gave it to me. Yumei asked me to put it on my body and distribute it to others."

"Oh, put it away, save it for others, don't send it to me." Nanyi said, helping to put the cigarette back into Xian Weiqi's pocket.


As soon as Nan Yi put the cigarette away, Xian Weimin's voice came from behind him.

"Weiqi, sister-in-law, you fish slowly, I'll go first." Nanyi stood up, brushed the dust off his buttocks, and signaled to Xian Weimin the direction of the reeds.

Along the embankment, Nan Yi and Xian Weimin walked side by side. For a few minutes, neither of them spoke.

"What do you think?"

"a bit tired."

"Why don't you just leave it alone?"

"The light bulb of the street lamp is broken, and it needs to be repaired slowly for a few years." Nan Yi said quietly, and suddenly pointed forward, "Look, who is back."

Following what Nan Yi pointed out, Xian Weimin looked over, and immediately laughed, "The Guoguo is back."

Nan Yi chuckled, "Be more polite, this is the Godfather of Flushing."

"Nanyi, for the people, miss me so much."

The dusty Xian Weile threw down his backpack, ran over, and gave Nanyi and the two of them a hug.

"Hit the street, neck, neck." Xian Weimin yelled, "Why didn't you bring your Bulgarian old boy back?"

"Why bring them back? She doesn't know vernacular, and others don't know English." Xian Weile let go of his hand, glanced at the river water and said with a smile, "The water in my hometown is still so clear, I really want to take a sip."

"Clearness is worth millions. For this river, Nanyi spends hundreds of thousands of dollars every year." Xian Weimin spat.

Nan Yi said with a faint smile: "It's an exaggeration. It's only spent a few hundred thousand so far, and the village has made the most of it."

"There's not much difference." Xian Weimin muttered, and punched Xian Weile in the chest, "Shouzi, this is the first time you've come back after going out."

"Busy, I've been working as a land reclamation cow." Xian Weile had a bitter face, "Nanyi doesn't treat me like a human being, and I'm busy from the beginning of the year to the end of the year."

"Hey, you have eight sports cars in your garage, two yachts at the dock, and frequent strip clubs. Did the money drop from the sky?"

"For fun, okay, tell me about strip clubs." Xian Weimin smiled lewdly.

"Hey hey, tell me about the bubble bath."

"Let me tell you, there is a street called Kabukicho in Tokyo..."

"Talk about these dirty things slowly when you drink at night." Nan Yi interrupted the conversation between the two, and asked Xian Weile, "Is Hai Lan back?"

When Nanyi asked, Xian Weile's face turned bitter and cucumber, "She has gone to Africa."

"Oh, I see, everyone has his own aspirations, let her."

"What about her bursary?" Xian Weile asked.

"Stop mine, the ones in the village, it's hard to say whether they will be paid back in the future."

Xian Hailan is studying medicine in the country, and the village has a bursary, and the Nan family gave her another stipend through Xian Weile. Not only does she not have to worry about tuition fees, but she can also maintain a relatively high quality of life.

At the beginning, Xian Hailan and Nan Yi said that they wanted to become Doctors Without Borders. Although Nan Yi was very upset, they continued to support her. After all, from a higher level, Doctors Without Borders is great.

But now that something big is about to happen in the village, and she refuses to come back even if she is asked to come back, Nanyi should consider stopping the loss, and treat it as an investment failure.

"Understood." Xian Weile nodded.

"Weimin, go back and bring over two sacks. It's been a long time since we caught weeds here, and they're going to flood." Nan Yi pointed to the weeds that haunted the reed marshes.

"It can't be flooded. I just caught it once when I came back last summer. I caught six sacks."

"You don't farm the land, why catch it?"

"Fattian, don't you know that last year's harvest was particularly good?" Xian Weimin said stinky.

"Damn, that's because I poured my dung. I saved up for a month and chartered a plane to send it back."

Xian Weimin spat: "Your shit is so expensive, and you still fly."

"Go, go, get the sack quickly."

Xian Weimin went back to get the sack, and the three of them went to the reed marsh.

As before, the three of them worked together to drive the weeds towards the center from different directions, and soon a large group gathered.

Nan Yi said: "Catch the big and let go of the small."

"You don't need to teach me, I still have to save some for my son to catch." Xian Weimin spat.

"My son, when are you going to get married?"

"It's due this year. You all have sons, and I have to have one too. I want to have a football team, Baga, this bastard weedel bites me every time, and has a grudge against me."

"Nonsense, don't bite you little devil who bites, just use mud." Nanyi grabbed a handful of mud and threw it on Xian Weimin.

"Push the street, you will get infected if you use mud."

"You've become an adult, you think mud is dirty, you were not like this in the past, for the people, forget your roots."

"Fart, the good ones must be carried forward, and the stupid ones must be discarded."

Xian Weimin took out a pack of napkins from his pocket, took out one to wipe his bleeding finger, and wrapped the paper around his finger.

"Tsk tsk, auditors at Dongdae University are different." Nan Yi teased.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." Xian Weimin spat and walked towards the river embankment, "Both of you, I'm sick right now."

"Hypocritical, for fun, come on, let's carry it together."

"Weimin is a big water hose now, so of course I won't do this kind of manual work." Xian Weile walked across to Nanyi, lifted the other corner of the sack, and the two of them worked together to lift the sack to the embankment.

When the three sacks were carried to the embankment, Xian Weimin had already arrived pushing a broken bicycle.

The three put the sack on the bicycle together, Xian Weimin pushed it, Nanyi and Xian Weile protected the sack, and the three of them went to the rice field in one car.

Along the way, Xian Weile looked around.

"Don't worry about it, it hasn't changed much since I left with you. The factory is built in the area where the tape dubbing workshop used to be." Nanyi looked at Xian Weile and said.

"It hasn't changed much, but the field is flatter than before, and the color of the soil is not right. Why has it turned black?"

"A few years ago, Nanyi asked people to bulldoze all the fields, and bought thousands of tons of black soil from the Great Northern Wilderness. I saw that there was no one there, and it was deserted." Xian Weimin pointed to a deserted field in front of him. Said.

"Crop rotation mode?"

"Yes, to maintain fertility, our village does not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides, and grows greenly. Whether it is vegetables or rice, the ones in Wenchangwei are much more delicious than those outside, but they are not as good looking."

Nan Yi said, pointing to a vegetable field and said: "Look at these mountain succulents, they are full of worm eyes, and they look so bad, no one will want to sell them."

Xian Weile looked at it and said, "The appearance is a little bit off, but what about the taste?"

"The growth cycle is the same, and there is not much difference in taste. It is healthier to eat without pesticide residues, and the probability of getting cancer will be lower. If you stick to it, Wenchangwei has a good chance to become a longevity village." Nanyi sighed and expected. mood said.

"Nan Yi, don't think too much about it, just leave after the meeting in the afternoon, and just take care of yourself, here, what you see is what you see." Xian Weimin comforted.


The pleasant and relaxing morning passed quickly. After eating at Xian Weimin's house and taking a nap, Nanyi went to the village committee.

At half past one, all those who should come and those who should not have arrived.

Nanyi looked at each individual face, Xian Yaodong, Xian Yaohua, Xian Jimin, Xian Yaowei, Ge Cuizhu, Xian Yaoguo, Xian Weimin, Niu Aihua, Zhang Yu, except the last one, all of them were comrades in the same trench as him before, but now it is difficult to say There are a few who can still be united with him.

"Since everyone has arrived, our meeting will start early and end early." Nanyi took a sip of tea and covered the teacup, "I am not the largest shareholder now, so logically, this meeting will I shouldn't be hosting.

But today's meeting is quite special, and there are many things that have to come to an end. I think, since I wrote the first pen that year, I will also finish it today.

All the links in today's meeting revolve around the word "contracting". In this case, let's vote by show of hands first. Those who agree with the contracting system in village enterprises, please raise your hands, don't need to whisper, follow your own heart, and do whatever you want. How to do it. "

After Nanyi finished speaking, he looked down at the teacup in his hand in a daze.

After three minutes, Nanyi raised his head.

Xian Yaodong raised his hand, Xian Jimin raised his hand, Xian Yaoguo, Xian Yaowei, Niu Aihua, Zhang Yu all raised their hands.

"Six people agreed to engage in contracting, and more than half of them have passed. Then this matter has been decided. Enterprises in Wenchangwei began to engage in contracting. There must also be a charter for contracting. Everyone knows how much profit each enterprise can make every year.

In my opinion, the contracting fee should not be less than half of last year's profit. It should be impartial, regardless of the distance. All the villagers in Wenchangwei can participate in the contracting.

If any company wants to contract more people, it will bid, and the highest bidder wins. The contract is signed every five years, and the contract fee is paid every year. There is no credit or debt. The company will not hand over the money until the money is paid . "

This condition in Nanyi has wiped out most of the people in Wenchangwei, and almost all the people who can afford the money to engage in contracting are sitting here. Others who want to contract, only need to raise funds from the outside.

According to Nanyi's thinking, most of the enterprises are in the hands of the members of the village committee, and a small number of them are brought in by external forces to completely muddy the water. The muddier the water, the faster the decline of the enterprises will be, and it will be easier to close them up in the future.

Of course, Nanyi is also happy to retire if the enterprise can reach a higher level after being contracted.

"Since the company is going to engage in contracting, there is no meaning for Wenchang Holdings to continue to exist. Jimin, set up the account today, calculate the money, divide it according to the shares, and then cancel the company. In addition..."

Nanyi slapped the table with his left hand fiercely, "No one wants to finish the small group's idea. I paid for all the money by myself, and I gave away the school's shares for nothing. Who really thinks that I, Nanyi, are good? Bullying, you can try it.

But I have to say something up front. If you want to fight against Nanyi with me, you must prepare for the worst. Once you take the first step, there will be no sympathy in the future, even if his 80-year-old mother is kneeling In front of me, what to do or what to do.

I fucking thought about your Xian family, and thought about cultivating more talents with the surname Xian, which turned out to be a mistake. I pulled in the front, and you dragged me in the back..."

Nan Yi waved his hand and continued: "Forget it, the company is gone, the shares have been liquidated, and I will have nothing to do with you in the future. Jimin, the two phones in my house were installed with money from the village. I don't want to lose face." It will not be repaid, and the telephone installation fee will be deducted from my dividend.

Well, I don't have an official position in the village, so I won't attend the rest of the meetings, you go ahead. "

After speaking, Nanyi stood up and walked out of the village committee.

Immediately after, Xian Weimin and Ge Cuizhu also followed.

"Auntie, why did you, the security director, come out?" Looking at Ge Cuizhu who was following behind, Nan Yi asked.

"I'm just a public security director. I've never been in charge of security in the village, and I haven't thought about contracting other companies, so let them go." Ge Cuizhu said with a smile: "Nanyi, you have already It should be like this, just go into battle easily and do a good job of our reclamation group."

"That's right, go sit with me, let's talk about something."

"I'll go there later, Weizhong is at home, our mother and son haven't had a good reunion for a long time." Ge Cuizhu said.

"Auntie, then you can go."

Ge Cuizhu left, Nanyi and Xian Weimin walked towards the Nanzhai.

After crossing the stone bridge over the small river, the horizontal team of two became a column of three, and Du Yanjiu joined the team.

"Old man, when should I leave?" Du Yanjiu asked.

"Today is June 9th. The Institute will be on vacation from today, and I will come back on July 9th. Each person will be given 2,000 yuan. You put it first, and I will settle it with you later."

"Okay, is this sending us on a trip?"

"Yes, go to Daxing'an Mountains. Although the fire has been extinguished by Master Yan, the wreckage still needs to be cleaned up. You all should go and be volunteers."

"Master Yan, bullshit, if he really wants to have that ability, why didn't he use his skills earlier, he has to wait until the fire is almost extinguished before using his skills?" Du Yanjiu said disdainfully.

"Speak carefully, be careful that Master Yan will give you two mouths when you are thousands of miles away." Nan Yi sneered: "To tell you the truth, I am also a Qigong master. Now I am slowly gathering internal strength. It won't take long. I Then they will push down the Berlin Wall.”

"If you know how to blow, you can continue to blow."

"Get out, get the money, send it to everyone early, and go home early."

"You are the boss, you have the final say, I'm leaving." Du Yanjiu said another word before leaving.

"Do you want to take away the people from the research institute?"

Nanyi pulled two bermudagrass from the ground and handed one to Xian Weimin.

Xian Weimin took the grass, and made a buckle with Nanyi's grass. The two of them pulled hard, and the two grasses broke at the same time.

Nan Yi rolled two more bermudagrass, "No one pays attention to the Food and Beverage Research Institute. Keeping them here can only be moldy. Although they are not recruited by me personally, they are still my people. I must They have to be held accountable.”

"You are really a good boss in the world. You are so thin." Xian Weimin said, looking at the thin grass in his hand.

"Then you pick one yourself. Hey, there is also flattery [scientific name puffball, also known as horse manure bag] here. It is already the size of an egg. It will explode when it rains next." Nanyi said, squatting down to look at it. sycophant.

Xian Weimin leaned in front of Nanyi and looked at the flattery together, "It's so strange, the village has not seen flattery for a long time, that year when the snakes were planted and the family was wiped out, the weeds in the village were completely shoveled, and many of the weeds were cut off. , Nihucai, Tianxuanhua, and crabgrass are no longer seen in the village."

"There are field bindweeds beside the lotus pond. The weeds have strong vitality. How can they be so easy to cut off their roots? As long as there is a gap for them, they can withstand the boulders pressing on them and thrive."

"Your words mean something."

"Look at this sycophant. When it explodes, it will spew out a black mist that will drift with the wind, wherever it falls. One day, new life will be born again." Nan Yi pointed at the sycophant. .

"Yeah, life is endless, and the battle will not stop. I brought back the account of the Jigong Recycling Club. Would you like to see it?"

"See you tomorrow."

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