Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 641 What Can You Rely On?

the next day.

Nanyi and Xian Weimin went to Xiangmi Lake Resort. Xian Weimin not only gave Nanyi the account books of Jigong Recycling Club, but also called the presidents of the subsidiary clubs and subsidiaries.

"This is Uda Masao from Tokyo Sun Crane Club, this is Qian Changsheng from Hongkong South Holdings, this is Lu Ziye from Shanghai Hujiu Holdings, and this is Shi Bicheng from Baoshen Holdings. Report to Chairman Nan and Chairman Nan Take a look at their respective areas of responsibility."

Uda Masao stood up and bowed to Nan Yi, and said: "Chairman Nan, Nitsuru Club inherits the business of the original head office, and is mainly responsible for the recycling of Japanese waste home appliances, and also manages the Manila electronics processing plant."

"Okay, Kang Baddy."

"Chairman Nan, due to the relative lack of forest resources in the interior, especially the construction of fast-growing forests for papermaking is seriously lagging behind, most of the high-grade paper raw materials need imported waste paper and wood pulp, waste paper from Western countries has become the solution to the bottleneck of papermaking raw materials in the interior important way.

The barriers to entry in this field are not high, and there are many businessmen in Xiangfang. Xiangfang has become a distribution center for waste paper and wood pulp. Therefore, the main business of Gangnan Holdings is waste paper recycling.

When the company establishes a firm foothold in Hong Kong, our next step is to expand our business to China and build packaging factories in several important states of China. "

Nan Yi nodded, "Hello."

"Chairman Nan, the main business of Hujiu Holdings is to collect junk, all kinds of junk, as long as it can be sold for money, we will collect it." Lu Ziye said, with a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"Ziye, collecting junk has a bad reputation, but it's a good industry to make a fortune in silence. There is gold in junk, antiques in junk, and the profit margin of junk is more than 30%.

What is the probability of unfilial sons and daughters selling the tattered clothes and shoes after the death of their parents to tatter collectors? What is the probability that there is money hidden in those tattered clothes and shoes?

What is the probability of ordinary people forgetting or losing a little valuable thing in the junk?

The probability of this is not too high, but a junk collector can always encounter it seven or eight times a year, right? If there is more money, what if valuable things are not only worth a little money?

These have nothing to do with the company itself. The probability of things and money falling into the hands of the company is not high. Even if they fall, they should be intercepted after passing through the hands of the staff. This is not easy to prevent, and it cannot be prevented. live.

We simply don't want to guard against it. The money, gold and silver jewelry will belong to whoever picks them up. Our eyes are on the rags themselves and those dusty pearls that have not been picked up after many times of picking.

Ziye, do you know the benefits of doing this? "

Lu Ziye thought for a while and said, "The source of goods is stable, and the staff is stable."

Nan Yi stroked his chin and said: "I almost mean it, keep thinking, think in the direction of sharing the benefits, and give you a week, and you have to submit a plan."


Lu Ziye responded.

"Nansheng, the main business of Baoshen Holdings is the recycling of scrap metal and scrap machinery," Shi Bicheng said.

"Well, I don't understand you, let's go and see, do you think it's worth it?"

"Weigh it."

"Okay, four, you are free to move around. There are a lot of entertainment here, everyone can experience it." Nanyi said, then turned to Xian Weimin and said, "Weimin, I will pay for everyone's consumption."

"Okay, it happens that the club can save a lot of expenses." Xian Weimin said happily.

"Save your fart, you bad boy, the movement of collecting the trash is so slow, I almost couldn't help but end myself."

"Can you blame me? It was so busy in Tokyo back then. Also, you originally only talked about collecting trash, but didn't give me an analysis of the market prospects. I didn't know that there are so many tricks in collecting trash." Xian Weimin said indifferently.

"Just talk about it." Nanyi shook his head and said, "Do it well, this industry has great prospects. After you go back, let Nanguang Paper send a team to inspect it. I decided to form a joint venture with a paper mill two years ago. things will continue.”

"Pujie, my delay is called delay. You have been delaying for two full years to take care of your child?"

"I don't call it a delay, it's called sharpening a knife and cutting firewood. Didn't you find that this year, the domestic economic situation has become clearer, and what can be done or not is further clarified." Nan Yi argued strongly.

In fact, Nanyi did delay some things while raising the children. Except for Nan’s basic plan, several other plans that should have been implemented were delayed. These plans weighed far less in Nanyi’s heart than It is important to bring and educate children.

"That's right, there's less ambiguity."

"The business environment will get better and better, and there will be more and more competitors. There are many talented people among them. We must be more cautious in doing things in the future, and don't believe in verbal agreements. In the past, the word 'trust' was deeply rooted in the foundation of our country's businessmen. , throw it away."

"A paper agreement can be trusted?" Xian Weimin asked rhetorically.

"Keep being dubious. We must continue to carry forward our fine traditions and attach importance to legal construction. I don't want to see anything happen where we are cheated because of the terms of the contract. Once it happens, I will doubt your IQ and the person who handled it. character.

Again, don't treat those who make us money badly, and don't let them treat us as fools. They are willing to follow us all the time, and they can leave if they want to. They are free to come and go. "

When Nanyi said this, there was a big turning point, "But, don't give them the illusion that they can dig a big hole and leave cleanly. Whoever dares to cheat us, then let me watch and beat them."

"To what extent?"

"To what extent?" Nan Yi smiled contemptuously, "No expense is spared, digging pits, setting traps, whatever, until the traitor feels that death is his best choice."

"You are really ruthless."

"Traitors have one thing and two things. If we don't raise the price of betrayal, we won't have to charge outside in the future, and we can just focus on dealing with our own people. People, how many people can be willing to live under others for a long time, and always think about establishing their own family. Be your own boss.

Fund accumulation, experience accumulation, and even customer resources, anyone who wants to leave, as long as he has the ability, he can take away. What we want to do must be a business that is not easy to be replaced, that is, we must highlight the role of the platform. "

Xian Weimin thought for a while and said, "You mean to weaken the importance of the individual?"

"Basically, pay attention to the platform, pay attention to the team, if the platform leaves, anyone can still turn it." Nanyi said, leaning back on the chair, turning his head to look out the window, "I haven't built the tallest Ferris wheel in Asia yet." Have you sat down and tried it?"

"No, I'm afraid of heights."

"roller coaster?"

"No, I'll throw up."


"Hey, this one can go, I'm not afraid of two tubes."

"Top you a lung."


June 11.

The contracting farce in Wenchangwei has already been staged. Nan Yi was pushing open the courtyard door with a hoe on his shoulders, when he saw Ren Youwei looking in with his probe.

"Come on, can you do farm work?"

"A poor child from a poor family." Ren Youwei said.

"Here, I'll get another one."

Nanyi handed the hoe on his shoulder to Ren Youwei, and went to the yard to get another one.

Taking Ren Youwei to the barbed wire fence along the way, as a "trustworthy unit", Nanyi easily took Ren Youwei to his vegetable field.

"Hew out the weeds between the ridges, and then pull out the weeds in the middle of the vegetables, and you will get 6 work points today."

"I'm a strong worker, and I only get 6 work points?"

"There are more than 6. This job is worth 3 work points at most. Don't waste your time on foreign work. After a while, you will not be able to do it when the sun is high."

As Nanyi said, he started to do it himself.

Ren Youwei looked at Nanyi, walked to another field and started working.

There are only 8 points in total, and two people do it. Although they are doing it leisurely, they can call it a day in half an hour.

Nanyi gathered the grass that the two of them had hoeed, put them on the open space beside the vegetable field to dry, and then walked to the side of Ren Youwei who had become dirty.

"It can be seen that you haven't done farm work for many years." Nan Yi pointed to Ren Youwei's white shirt that had become black and white.

"After college, I seldom do farm work, but I did a lot of work on the construction site."

Ren Youwei rolled down the shirt sleeve that was hanging around his biceps, shook it a few times, then rolled it up again, took out a cigarette from his shirt pocket and lit it for himself.

Nan Yi took out the big brother and drank his saliva, then handed the big brother to Ren Youwei, "Tell me, what hurdle did you encounter?"

Ren Youwei took the big brother and glanced at it, took a sip as well, and handed the big brother back to Nanyi, "Someone told me that I could get a TV, so I will give the money to him first, 2 million."

"Who are you looking for, or are they looking for you?"

"They found me."


Nanyi nodded without asking for details.

There is no need to ask, Nan Yi can also figure out the matter: if the money is given to someone else, but the TV set is not given to him, he will not get the money back.

To sum it up, there are so many things, and the details should be more complicated.

Shennan Electronics is a subsidiary of Shenyou Group, a state-owned enterprise, withdrew 2 million from the account. Ren Youwei must have not followed the formal process, and there must be illegal operations. The person who can take the 2 million is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary person. people.



"What do you plan to do?"

"Start a business, make money, and pay back the money."

"Have you thought about what to do?"

"I don't have a clue." Ren Youwei threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out, "I can do anything, but it doesn't seem to be easy. Do you have any suggestions?"

"It's not difficult to make money. There are many opportunities now. The key is to ask yourself, are you a business material? Are you able to bend down, or are the soles of your feet harder than others? The clothing business in Dongmen is good, less than a year. Said that I can earn hundreds of thousands, if I lend you a berth, we will share fifty to five, can you promise to give me three or four hundred thousand by the end of the year?"

"Selling clothes..." Ren Youwei thought for a long time before saying, "I can't guarantee it."

"Yeah, you can't guarantee it, and it's impossible for me to cooperate with you to sell clothes. Think about it for yourself, and come up with a business that is not small, you can do it, and others can't. State-owned enterprises rely on monopoly, what can you rely on?"

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