"Yes, the woman said the word 'Chang Ning', the man hissed, and then there were footsteps and the sound of the door opening. After a period of silence, there was the sound of closing the door and footsteps, and then there was only a buzzing sound, which should be The two walked to a place far away from the Walkman."

"Hehe, Changning, it's interesting to be so cautious."

"Nansheng, do you want to resort to means?"

"No, it's better to use as little means as possible. It's enough to know that the two of them have an affair. The past is a thing of the past. Let's wait and see what plan Gao Changning can come up with." Nan Yi said lightly.

After that, the car arrived at Nanjia's courtyard, picked up Yi Haofan and Yi Qianxi, and went straight to Badaling.

"Cousin, there are so many people."

Just stepped on the bricks and stones from the entrance of the Great Wall in Badaling, Yi Qianxi said with emotion.

"Whether it's domestic or foreign tourists, this is the place they must come to. It's not surprising that there are many people." Nan Yi said, and said to Yi Haofan: "Second Uncle, we follow your rhythm Come on, if you are tired, we will rest."

"Nanyi, don't underestimate me. In the past, I worked in the assembly workshop. I lacked handling equipment. The axles and drive shafts were all manually moved. I have done a lot of heavy and tiring work. You can climb as fast as you can. How fast, let's see if I can keep up with you." Yi Haofan said in disbelief.

"Dad, really, then my cousin and I will go up first, so don't get lost."

"Girl, you climb on yours, let's see if your dad and I can beat wolves." Yi Haofan did a few chest expansion exercises, and did a few high leg raises, looking determined to win.

"Well, cousin, let's go."

After Yi Qianxi finished speaking, she grabbed Nan Yi's arm and dragged her forward.

"Second uncle is really okay?"

"No, I was too lazy to carry things before. Now I can't be too tired. He just keeps his mouth shut. If he says he can't do it, he will be impatient." Yi Qianxi said as she walked up.

Nan Yi easily followed behind Yi Qianxi, "Then what does Second Uncle do in the factory now, isn't he still in the workshop?"

"I'm not in the workshop for a long time. Now I'm sitting in the office. I'm very busy. I'm almost sick."

"Idle? Wouldn't it be responsible for the labor insurance?"

"How is it possible? My dad is the technical backbone of the factory and works in the technical department."

"Technical department, that shouldn't be idle. Our car level is lagging behind that of foreign countries, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. Shouldn't we hurry up and do research and development?"

When he heard that Yi Haofan was engaged in automobile technology, Nan Yi secretly paid attention.

"That's not clear. I don't know much about my dad. Cousin, I have an art test the day after tomorrow. Can you go with me?"

"The day after tomorrow, maybe not, I have to go on a business trip tomorrow."

"Ah?" Yi Qianxi showed a disappointed expression on her face, "Can't we go later?"

"It's really not good. I'm going to see someone. If I don't go there sooner, I may never see him again."


"Qianxi, let's not talk about this." Nan Yi avoided answering Yi Qianxi's question, and directly changed the subject: "You can take the art test the day after tomorrow with confidence. Cousin knows two teachers in Jingying. If you If you fail the exam, I will tell them and ask them to help you with training, and you can take the exam again next year."

"I'm not afraid of the exam. Cousin, I'm the pillar of our art troupe. I've practiced kung fu since I was a child. My skills are very solid. Unless someone deliberately makes things difficult for me, I will definitely pass the exam." Yi Qianxi said bluntly.



"Then cousin congratulates you first."


The two chatted while climbing, unable to feel the passage of time, and had already climbed for more than half an hour before they knew it.

"Hey, cousin, look, that foreigner looks familiar." Suddenly, Yi Qianxi pointed at a foreigner in red and called out.

Following Yi Qianxi's pointing, Nan Yi looked over, recognized him after a while, "You don't even know him, I'll make a move for you, you guess it yourself."

As Nanyi said, he stretched out his right hand and made a classic Zorro foil move.

"Ah, I remembered, he is Zorro." Yi Qianxi exclaimed and said excitedly, "Why is he here?"

"Don't make a fuss, he has been in the capital for a while, do you want to go up and have a chat with him?"

Yi Qianxi said excitedly, "Can he understand me when I speak?"

"Understandable, his Mandarin is excellent."

"Cousin, then you go with me, I want to take a photo with him."

After all, she often appeared on stage, Yi Qianxi was not as shy as ordinary girls, she was very outgoing and generous.

"Okay, I'll follow along and take pictures."

As for Alain Delon, not all Chinese people here know who he is, but for Zorro, it’s hard to say in the countryside, eight out of ten people in the city should know him.

In 1978 or 1979, "Zorro" was introduced into China. After being dubbed by the Shanghai Film Translation Factory, it was released in a few theaters, and then Shanghai TV directly broadcast the film;

After that, the movie was often rebroadcasted on TV. Three or four days ago, Nanyi saw it broadcast on Beijing TV.

The heroic Zorro played by Alain Delon left a deep impression on domestic audiences. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the most familiar and favorite Western idol movie star in this era, especially for females. , love him very much.

To say why, it's very simple, Alan Delong is handsome enough, but he is a little far away from the girls in China, otherwise, he would have received several sacks of love letters just like Fei Yihuo Xiang.

"Mr. Zorro, can I take a photo with you?" Yi Qianxi excitedly walked to Alain Delon who was resting against the city wall and asked.

"Of course Keyi, charming lady." Alain Delon said with a smile.

Nanyi listened to Alan Delong's Mandarin, except that his tone was a bit irregular, but his accent was quite correct.

"Cousin, cousin, hurry up and take pictures for us."

"Come on." Hearing the call, Nanyi took two steps forward, "Bonjour, Mr. Delong, my name is Adam."

"Bonjour, Adam, your French is very good, have you ever been to Paris?"

"Yes, I have been to many places in Paris, but unfortunately, I have never been to Sault."

Alan Delon smiled and said, "Aha, next time you go to Paris, I welcome you to my house, and I can accompany you to visit the town of Sauce."

"Thank you, I will definitely visit. Now, let me take your photo with this lady first."


Alan Delong responded, and stood together with Yi Qianxi, who was already eager to try.

Yi Qianxi was very excited to be able to take pictures with her idol. She changed her position several times and asked Nan Yi to take seven or eight pictures in a row.

After taking the photo, Nan Yi took Yi Qianxi to say goodbye to Alan Delong, away from the crowd who were coveting Alan Delong but didn't dare to talk to him.

"Cousin, the Zorro people are very nice."

After walking a certain distance, Yi Qianxi was still immersed in the excitement just now.

"Hehe, you are a hero who is a hero."

Nan Yi said so, but he didn't think so in his heart. As far as he knew, Alan Delong was not a good thing in terms of women, even worse than him. After marrying Princess Sissi, Alan Delong It's never been idle outside.

"Uh... Qianxi, did we forget something?"

Nan Yi suddenly remembered that there should be five of them climbing the Great Wall together.

"What?" Yi Qianxi was stunned for a moment, but she quickly realized that she exclaimed, "My dad..."

"Tiger cub."

"Fifteen minutes ago, it was about 300 meters behind us, near a pier. Now the angle is not good, so I can't see it." The tiger cub responded.

"Qianxi, shall we continue to climb, or go back and find the second uncle?"

Yi Qianxi glanced at the Great Wall in front, then turned her head to look at the Great Wall behind, struggled for a while before saying: "Cousin, let's go back and find my dad."


A few people walked back, stopped looking at the scenery, and buried their heads in their way. They traveled very fast. In less than 20 minutes, they came to the vicinity of the pier that the tiger cub had mentioned.

"Haha, Dad, let's beat the wolf."

Seeing that Yi Haofan was fine, Yi Qianxi let go of her worries and made fun of Yi Haofan.

The embarrassment on Yi Haofan's face disappeared in a flash, and he said firmly: "Girl, what, I walked too fast, Bo Luoergai twisted a bit, otherwise I will definitely catch up with you."

"Second Uncle, are you okay, I'll take you to the hospital for a look?"

"It's okay, it's okay, just rest for a while and you'll be fine. After a while, we will continue to climb."

Hearing what Nan Yi said, Yi Haofan refused again and again. If he went to the hospital and was seen by the doctor, there was nothing wrong with Boluo Ergai, how could he hold his face.

Nan Yi glanced at Yi Haofan's thighs, and saw that the pants on the back of his thighs trembled, and his thighs trembled unnaturally intermittently.

Okay, Nan Yi understands, Yi Haofan probably hasn't exercised much for a few years, and his quadriceps muscles are overloaded, if they come back to find someone earlier, they probably can see the vivid display of "shaking like a sieve" on Yi Haofan.

Excessive load on the quadriceps is really rare in this year. A bicycle is running all over the place. Regardless of men and women, the leg strength is not weak. It is really not easy to find someone who stretches his hips like Yi Haofan Come second.

"Second Uncle, I can't do it anymore. I ran too fast just now, and my calves are exhausted. Why don't you give me a break and let's go down the mountain?"

"Nanyi, young people need to exercise more, and it won't work for a while. If I didn't twist my Boluoer cover, I would be able to climb to JYG in one breath. You rest, and Qianxi and I will continue to climb." Yi Haofan After finishing speaking, he looked at Yi Qianxi with burning eyes, he was really afraid that his daughter would not be a good person.

"Dad, I can't do it anymore, I won't climb today, we will climb next time."

Fortunately, Yi Qianxi's thoughtful little padded jacket didn't leak air, and it was made of high-quality cotton.

"You guys..."

Yi Haofan was going to start another paragraph, but when he raised his eyes, he saw the half-smile expression on his daughter's face, as if saying to him: "Dad, if you pretend again, I won't save you face."

"Okay, both of you take a break, and we will go down the mountain in ten minutes."

Yi Haofan was a little bored when he pretended to be a big cause but failed, he smashed his mouth, turned around and grinned at the city wall, just now his calf twitched, it was really uncomfortable, this should not be seen by the juniors.

Behind him, Yi Qianxi and Nan Yi looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

After making eye contact with Yi Qianxi, Nan Yi waved at the tiger cub and asked him to take out the food from his backpack.

According to the route discussed by the Nanyi people when they first climbed the mountain, they should have climbed to nearly eight kilometers before stopping, but the facts proved that they had thought too much, and they had already turned back, and their plan to eat more than half had to be changed.

Five pieces of bread, five pieces of chocolate, two coffee pots of warm water, this is lunch for five people.

Nanyi gave Yi Haofan and Yi Qianxi half a piece of his own chocolate, unwrapped the wrapping paper of the bread, tore off half a piece, held it in his hand and said to Yi Qianxi, "There are no toilets on the Great Wall."


Yi Qianxi nodded, she already understood what Nan Yi wanted to express, hesitated for a moment, wrapped the unpacked bread in wrapping paper, broke off a bit of chocolate and put it in her mouth.

"Cousin, this chocolate tastes better than a big-headed doll."

"Big-headed baby?" Nanyi thought for a moment and said, "I've never heard of it."

Yi Qianxi recalled it for a while, and said, "Su Xiu's chocolates have a child wearing a headscarf on the wrapping paper."

"Oh, Ai Lianqiao, I think the taste is similar."

"Cousin, have you ever eaten a big-headed doll?"

"There is a train from the capital to Moscow. Anyone who goes to Moscow will bring some back. Although it is not common, you can still see it."

"Oh, I thought we could only see it there."

"Anton and Suxiu don't border each other. Where did your Suxiu goods come from?"

Nan Yi guessed that most of them entered Andong from Rajin Port along the Yalu River. North Korea is still enjoying the most-favored-nation treatment of the Soviet Union. All kinds of good things from the Soviet revision are still being transported to North Korea in a steady stream. Rajin Port enters as materials. At the transfer station in Pyongyang, there will always be some "normal" transportation losses.

These losses used to flow back to the Soviet Union, and in recent years there has been an additional shipping channel across the Yalu River.

Yi Qianxi said: "A lot of people from us secretly traded with the other side. Ginseng, bear skin, bear bile, and some Soviet repair goods came from the opposite side. We used food, clothes, and cigarettes here."

"Since it was done secretly, how did you know?"

"I know a lot of people in Anton." Yi Qianxi said arrogantly: "As long as it is about Anton, I can know it."


Nan Yi complimented, and evaluated the water content of Yi Qianxi's "cowhide" in his heart. If the water content was not too high, then Anton's border trade was not very open, and most of them were still in the stage of spreading rumors.

Although the border trade between China and the Soviet Union has resumed, exporting goods from China to the Soviet Union not only has to pay tariffs, but also faces exploitation by certain forces on the Soviet side, which means an increase in costs.

However, if the direct export to the Soviet Union is turned into a transit trade from North Korea, and the last step of packaging is carried out in North Korea, the goods can also be turned into North Korean goods in a grandiose manner, and there is a clause in the most-favored-nation treatment enjoyed by North Korea: "Goods exported to the Soviet Union are exempt from customs duties."

The term "Made in China", no matter what words are used to describe it, cannot come up with a correct and unambiguous explanation.

Since all parts are imported and assembled in the country can be called domestic manufacturing, then dismantling an imported product into pieces and transporting it to the country to put it together again should also be called domestic manufacturing.

This seems a bit irrational and a bit sophistry, but as long as the "special approval" is obtained in North Korea, then the domestic manufacturing can be concluded, and there is no need to argue.

The reason why Nanyi asked more about "border trade" just now is because his people are already busy opening up the re-export channel, but in his plan, domestic products will be exported directly to the Soviet Union, and only Shennong Only Nanliang and Scarlett's deep-processed food and agricultural products will go in "transit".

Domestically, we follow the most conservative model. This wind vane keeps turning in circles. It is impossible to predict whether the southeast wind or northwest wind will blow in the next second. Don’t even think about drilling into the eye of the wind. It’s 800 miles away. as well.

The Nan family has passed the stage of fighting for life, and the model of high risk and high reward can no longer be regarded as the mainstream. It will hurt the muscles and bones.

But you can't take tens of billions to tens of billions to gamble, even if the number of returns is very attractive, seventeen or eight, or even dozens of zeros. Excessive losses will make Nan's decline and become the fuse of bankruptcy. Nan's simply cannot afford the consequences of failure.

After padding their stomachs on the Great Wall, Nanyi and the others began to descend the mountain.

Along the way, Nanyi's pager did not ring, which saved him from letting others pigeons down again.

Today is Friday, and Nan Yi and Luo Qianqian made an appointment to have lunch together, but Luo Qianqian called Nan Yi last night, saying that he may not have time today, and if he is free, he will page him again .

It's past meal time, and I haven't called yet, so I probably won't be able to spare time.

Nanyi thought that he had to come back from the country and find a chance to meet again. He only hoped that there would be no accidents with the six sons in a short time.

For dinner, Nanyi did not accompany Yi Haofan and the two, but made an appointment with Bai Yuqi, a technician in charge of Baicaoting Pharmaceutical Factory.

It is also a pharmaceutical company located in the capital city, but Baicao Hall is much larger than Nine Pharmaceutical Factory, and holds several best-selling drugs in its hands, so the company's life is enjoyable.

Nan Yi implored Bai Yuqi to carry forward the spirit of those who can do more work, and help the Nine Pharmaceutical Factory to make a few plans. Not only that, Nan Yi also had to make progress, and asked Bai Yuqi to help him count whether there were 200 sheets of paper in the yellow envelope. Does it say "50" in Arabic numerals?

Bai Yuqi is a good comrade who enjoys helping others. Not only is she willing to help with the two things, but she also offered to help Nanyi count the yellow envelopes in a few days.

With tears in his eyes, Nanyi agreed to Bai Yuqi with tears in his eyes, and murmured excitedly, "High-end products are high-end products, and the asking price is high. If the plan is well done, he must be invited to come to Shengchen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. leather envelope."

As soon as the time turned, it was the next day. Nan Yi contacted Ruan Zhiping and asked about the locations of the Human Cannon Squad and the Sloppy King Squad. When he learned that they were flying in the air at the moment, Nan Yi knew that he was going to the country to gain Take civil aviation.

So Nanyi called the airport again, and found out that there was a flight to New York at two o'clock in the afternoon, Pan American Airlines, so he decided to take this flight.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the three of Nanyi appeared at the airport.

After distinguishing the ticket window, Nanyi didn't go to the window at the airport, but went straight to the window directly under Pan Am.

"Is the first-class cabin a commercial reform?" Nanyi asked when he came to the window.

The first-class cabins of some planes are retrofitted, and there was no first-class cabin design at the beginning. With this kind of post-modification, the difference between the first-class cabin and the business-class cabin is not very big, but the ticket price is still the same as that of the regular first-class cabin.

"Yes, sir."

"Are there three vacancies in the business class?"

"Sorry, sir, there's only one seat left, first class is available."

"Okay, then the first class." Nan Yi said, fumbling for the Pan Am VIP card from his body, and took out the American Express traveler's check, "How much is the VIP discount now?"

The conductor gave Nanyi a surprised look, and replied, "Sir, it's still 50% off, and our company's discount has not changed."

"Thank you, I understand."

Nan Yi thanked him, and handed a stack of traveler's checks to the conductor.

After buying the ticket and walking into the terminal, Nanyi saw a person giving a lecture to an approved foreign student, "Students, you are honored to become foreign students sent to the United States, and you are about to set foot on the other side of the ocean. There, you will come into contact with... ..."

Nan Yi felt strange when he heard that, the plane he took in the afternoon flew to China, why did the international students not take Air China and American Airlines? He remembered that Liu Zhen and Lai Biao took Air China when they went abroad.

The reason why I fly Air China is to save money. Air China’s air tickets are already cheaper than foreign airlines, and since they are all their own people, the Ministry of Education can also negotiate prices with the civil aviation system.

"Sorry, sir, where is the airport post office?" Suddenly, a foreigner walked up to Nanyi and asked in heavily accented English.

"Go forward, turn right after getting off the elevator, and keep walking as long as there is a road. At the end, there is a row of service windows. Counting from right to left, the third window is the airport post office."

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, welcome to the capital."

Seeing that the foreigner is dressed like a backpacker, he should get a commemorative stamp when he goes to the post office at the airport. Seeing this foreigner reminds Nan Yi of Nan Ruofing who is flying to India.

The little girl's world tour is in full swing, which makes Nanyi occasionally feel jealous.

"Why can't I meet someone who is willing to train me like this?"

With jealousy, Nan Yi boarded the plane.

Sitting down in the first-class cabin, the Latina stewardess Su Ban knelt in front of Nan Yi and fastened his seat belt, "Welcome to take the Pan Am flight, and hope that our service can satisfy you."

"Get me all the newspapers and give me a glass of water."

"Any other needs?" Su asked, puffing out his chest.

"Thank you, I don't need it for now."

The seat next to Nanyi was empty, Su stood up and helped him pull the folding door, and immediately he had a cramped but independent space.

After that, Su quickly delivered the newspaper and water, and he didn't forget to show off his figure when closing the door.

After Su left again, Nan Yi reached out and patted the back of the chair.

"Nan Sheng."

"Aren't all the old men in the first class except us?"

"Not all, there are middle-aged people, but they are all older."

"Understood, rest."

Su's enthusiasm and obvious sexual hints of seduction and teasing made Nanyi already wary just now, but when he heard that he was the only "tall, rich and handsome" in the first-class cabin, his vigilance lowered a little.

In Chinese universities, the criteria for choosing a spouse for a considerable number of beautiful female students has changed, and their vision has become more long-term. In the past, they only liked the handsome guys on the school team, but now they focus more on "nerds".

Because they know that with nerds, they have the possibility to cross class, and their life will be guaranteed.

And following those handsome guys, most of them will go to work in strip clubs in the future, otherwise there will be various domestic violence, and the best situation is to become a desperate housewife who has to go to work and take care of children, and can only go to discount stores for shopping.

This is true for college girls, and it is only natural for a flight attendant to find a wealthy husband for herself by taking advantage of her job.

Nanyi didn't think about having a dewy marriage on the plane, nor did the seat or the toilet turn into his exciting battlefield. During the long travel time, he just spent napping and reading newspapers.

When the plane landed in New York, it happened to be ten o'clock in the evening New York time, and the night was very sultry.

As soon as Nanyi came out of the station, he heard someone behind him shout in surprise: "Nanyi, why are you here?"

Hearing the shout, Nanyi turned around to look, identified the source of the voice for a while, smiled and said, "Mosquito, you just got off the plane?"

Mosquito, whose real name is Gu Wen, his father is the director of Erhua Human Labor Office, he is a child of Erhua with Qian Nanyi, and he is also a classmate in junior high school, but Gu Wen is a nerd, and he and Qian Nanyi can't urinate in the same pot , The relationship between the two is very ordinary.

"That's right, it's embarrassing to say, it's been more than five years since you graduated from college, and I'm only a junior now." Gu Wen walked up to Nanyi and said enthusiastically.

"Good food is not afraid of bowls. Are you studying in New York, or are you transiting here?"

"It's in New York, Cornell." Gu Wen said with a little complacency.

"Not bad, good school." Nanyi said, pointing to the team of foreign students, "You seem to be gathering, I will give you a number, if you want to find me within a week, you can call me, if it exceeds a week, forget it , I should have returned to the capital by then."

As Nanyi said, he wrote a phone call and handed it to Gu Wen, "Did your old man prepare a beautiful child for you when you came out?"

"Yes, my old man went all out and gave me a thousand beauties."

"Oh, be careful, the law and order in New York is not very good, don't go to too remote places, stay away when you see niggers, they like to rob yellow people the most, not much to say, the person who picked me up has come, I have to Hurry up and go." Nan Yi patted Gu Wen's shoulder, "Take care of yourself."

"Okay, then I'll go back and gather, and I'll call you when I can move freely."

After bidding farewell to Gu Wen, Nan Yi walked to the parking lot and got into the car that picked him up.

There was already a woman sitting in the car.

"Thank you for coming to pick me up."

"Boss, I will start my vacation tomorrow." Rachel shrugged and said, "So, I hope to put the work report today."

"Family trip?"

"Yes, I'm taking Ray to Nicaragua Falls."

"Hmm, I wish you a happy vacation in advance, now, you can start."


Rachel responded, opened the folder and began to report...

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