"I will first report on the work of Qiongqi Company. From last year to three days ago, Qiongqi invested US$10 million in Sequoia Capital, US$17 million in KPCB, US$6 million in DFJ, US$15 million in International Data Group, and US$22 million in Carlyle Group. Ten thousand U.S. dollars.

Let me explain, Carlyle invested 10 days ago by leverage. The company is located in Washington. The investors include members of both parties and many politicians. "

"I know this, you continue." Nanyi nodded and said.

"Blackstone Group's US$9 million, Goldman Sachs' US$70 million, and Lijiapo's direct investment company's US$12 million are all Qiongqi's external investments. According to Scarlett's opinion, Qiongqi will not continue to expand investment in China, but focus on to other countries."

"Yes, I agree not to expand investment in China."

Few capital investment companies rely solely on self-raised funds to invest, just like Pan American Holdings. Most investment companies do not have much self-owned funds. The funds used for investment are mainly raised from outside, that is, behind them, There are N investors.

Qiongqi Company plays the role of this kind of investor. It entrusts the funds to others to invest. It has poor eyesight. It is impossible for Pan American Holdings to seize every opportunity. It lends the chickens and waits to share the eggs. A good idea.

As for whether the chicken will be abducted or not, it depends on whether the 17 members of Qiongqi's Crow Squad will overturn the table.

It's no wonder they are not in a hurry to cheat their pensions.

"OK, let me continue to talk about the foreign shareholding of the richest man Albert, Wang Defu 15%, Tesco 20%, Dell 45%, Cisco 45%, Wal-Mart 8%, Best Buy 21.5%, Microsoft 16.5%, Apple 3.12%, MSC 0.5%, Qualcomm 22%, Gilead Sciences 36%, ARM 27%, ASML 15.5%, Vestas 21%, Dassault Systemes 14%, SAP 22%, CA Technologies 25%, Symantec Gram 32%, Filier 17%...

There are more than 100 companies below, I will not continue reading, I will give you the report later, the investment of the richest man Albert is still in accordance with your requirements, mainly concentrated in the high-tech fields related to semiconductors, ah, except, um... "

Rachel spread her hands and didn't continue talking.

"Before I left New York last time, the shares of Vandefort and E-buy were still under the name of the headquarters of Fanmei Investment Holdings. Why are they now owned by the richest man, Albert?" Nanyi said puzzled.

"Scarlett's request, the headquarters of Pan American Holdings Investment will mainly invest in the energy field in the future."


Pan Am's dominance is mainly in the hands of Scarlett, and Nanyi will not express his opinion on such trivial matters.

"Third World Investment, which is independent of the Pan-American System, has already contacted Shenzhen Development Bank. The Development Bank is willing to give Third World 3% preferred shares. After signing an agreement, this share will be entrusted to Nanguo bank."

Preferred stock can be simply understood as stock with preferential rights, and shareholders holding preferred shares have preferential rights when distributing company assets and profits.

Generally speaking, shareholders of preferred shares have no right to participate in the company's operations, and cannot withdraw their shares. They can only be redeemed by the company through the redemption terms of preferred shares, but they can be used to distribute dividends steadily.

When the company distributes dividends, shareholders holding preferred shares are distributed earlier than shareholders holding ordinary shares and enjoy a certain amount of dividends.

To put it simply, "shareholders" who hold preferred shares are not real shareholders. It is more like borrowing money for others to start a business.

"Well, what about the Entrepreneurial Hero program?"

"Unfortunately, there is no company worthy of our elites."

"It's okay, just keep waiting."

"The last item, the spin-off of Scarlett Mining Group has ended. The shareholders of the original Scarlett Gold Mining Company proposed to change the company's name to Taylor United Gold Group. Scarlett's chairman and president positions have been removed. From now on, it will be just an ordinary director.”

"The historical mission of the Gold Mining Company has come to an end. Shareholders have received good returns, and there will be more returns in the future. The name Taylor United is good, and it is good to be an ordinary shareholder. I will suggest to Scarlett, Further dilute Pan American Holdings and her personal shares, and dilute more benefits to shareholders."

"Adam, this may not satisfy the shareholders. Some shareholders have proposed to take a stake in the Scarlett Mining Group after the split."

"Leave this to Scarlett to worry about, it belongs to Scarlett's investment."

"Aha, I have a part-time job as a consultant at Scarlet Holding Investment, and Scarlett's salary for me is not low." Rachel laughed.

"Be careful of Pan Am's shareholders complaining about you." Nan Yi smiled.

"The shareholders are very satisfied with my work. The market value of most of the stocks we hold is soaring. The market value of Pan Am and the cash in hand are also increasing. There are financial analysts in the "Wall Street Journal" who have estimated that our Pan Am The market value of Control Investment exceeds 10 billion, hahaha, 10 billion." Rachel said playfully.

As soon as Rachel finished speaking, Nanyi frowned immediately, "Qongqi and Third World try to keep a low profile, and don't let the outside world know about their relationship with Pan Am Holdings."

Rachel put away her smile and said, "Not many people know about it. Except for the shareholders, only a few senior executives of Pan Am Holdings know about it."


Nan Yi responded and stopped talking. In an instant, the car fell into silence, which lasted until Nan Yi got off at the gate of Scarlet Manor.

"Have a wonderful holiday again and help me give Ray a good time."


Rachel stood on tiptoe, first her left cheek touched Nanyi's lips, and then changed to her right cheek.



Watching Rachel leave, Nan Yi walked into Scarlet Manor.

When Nanyi walked into the living room, Scarlett just came out from the bedroom in home clothes.

"just came back?"

Scarlett sat cross-legged on the sofa, stretched her muscles and said, "I just got home ten minutes ago. You go and change. I have something to talk to you about."

"You say, you won't change your clothes." Nanyi sat next to Scarlett and said.

Scarlett clasped her hands together and breathed a sigh of relief, "Adler Future has been established, headquartered in Boston, its NGL [New Gasoline] has been registered in Andorra, and the two laboratories in Austin and Binghamton It will be formed immediately."

"The two professors have settled?"

"Hmm." Scarlett nodded, "NA Holdings [New Adam Holdings] and NAF Mining [Nanshi Future Mining, referred to as Nanwei Mining] will be established soon, and 45% of Scarlett Lithium's shares will be injected When it comes to NA Holdings, I don’t have a suitable candidate to be the president of NA Holdings, so you have to appoint someone from the situation strategy.”

Nan Yi nodded and said: "Yes, I will be the president candidate. After NA Holdings is established, the investigation on Asahi Kasei will start."

"OK, I will arrange it." Scarlett continued after changing her yoga posture: "Let's talk about NAF Mining, the exploration team can be formed by transferring personnel from Scarlet Mining, and the speed will be very fast. What about the exploration direction? "

Nan Yi thought for a while and said: "Canada and Samba, these two countries are relatively rich in minerals, and the probability of discovering graphene is relatively high. In addition, there is also India. The resources of this country are not bad, and the land is privately owned. , some things are easier to operate.

On the other side of Africa, I will let the shit-stirring stick pass a special survey report on the distribution of minerals. After I read it, I will delineate a few areas for exploration first. "

"OK, wait for your decision." Scarlett withdrew her physical movements, sat upright and said, "I will inject 500 million US dollars of private funds into Adler's future. How good are you planning to inject?"

"Scarlett, I want you to clarify one issue. Adler's future is not the future of Adler alone, but the future of the entire Nan family. So, don't confuse your personal assets with Adler's future."

"I know, but I am willing." Scarlett glanced at Nanyi provocatively, "Adam, Adler is my son, and everything I have will be left to him."

"Don't plan to have another daughter?"

"Don't change the subject on purpose, you understand what I mean?"

I understand, of course Nan Yi understands that Scarlett wants him to make it clear that Nan Youqiong is the heir of the Nan family, or that the heir must be her child.

"I understand, but you also need to understand that I am the leader of Nanshi, not the owner. In the future, Adler will only be the leader, and will never become the owner."

"Hmm, Adam, I support your idea very much. When it comes to personal consumption, all of me, plus your part... how much money do you have now?" Scarlett asked suddenly.

"It might be a fraction of yours." Nan Yi said aggrievedly.

Scarlett owns the original Scarlett Gold Mine, and now more than 5% of the shares of Taylor United Gold Mining Group. This was diluted before the listing, and part of it was cashed out after the listing. In addition, she has been investing in foreign countries for so many years Nanyi conservatively estimates that Scarlett's personal assets are 3 billion US dollars, of which there may be about 700 million in cash.

Liu Zhen didn't give up too much. When Nanyi gave her the diamond mine, the mine was worth more than 2 billion U.S. dollars. After so many years, with the price of diamonds rising, the mine can now be estimated at least 5 billion U.S. dollars. value.

"Aha, Adam, you need to refuel, tomorrow I will give you the helicopter fuel bill, remember to give me the money."

"I've only used it twice, why should I pay for it?"

Scarlett has a privately purchased helicopter with her own cartoon image spray-painted on the fuselage, and Nanyi has flown it twice.

"Because I'm your woman, is that a sufficient reason?" Scarlett said with a half-smile, "You should be glad that I didn't give you the bill for buying the helicopter."

"Okay, I'll pay for the fuel in the future." Nan Yi said, spreading his hands.

Nan Yi thought about it, he didn't seem to have given Scarlett too many things, a set of jewelry, a few flowers, never bought her clothes, and never created little surprises or romance for her. In addition to the interests, there is a little warmth missing.

He can divide his needs, grab them from different women, enjoy Liu Zhen's family, enjoy Ruan Mei's young love, enjoy Hagiwara Sayuri's maturity and consideration, enjoy Catherine's conquest and nobility, and enjoy Sophie Marceau's youth Be wild, enjoy Gong Xue's unruffled, unhurried nature.

But if you think about it in another way, they have to get everything from him.

"Hey, let's just eat wild food in the future, I can't handle it." Nanyi sighed silently in his heart.

"Baby, Comeon!"

Scarlett suddenly turned over and knelt down on the sofa, patted her upright.

"I haven't showered yet."

"Bitch, come on!"


The next day was sunny and sunny.

Nan Yi and Scarlett sat in the garden of the manor and had breakfast.

"Adam, I'm going to have a visitor from Hong Kong tomorrow to visit me."


"Victor Lee."

After thinking about it for a while, Nanyi guessed who this person was. The name "Li Winner" has a strong Li family naming style. It should be Li Tongban's eldest son, Li Xiaochao.

"Ask you to talk about Husky's shares?"


"Which company do you represent?"

"Lee's trust."

"How many shares of Husky does the Lee Trust own?"

"8% are disclosed, and the hidden part is not clear, so it's hard to check." Scarlett said.

"Oh, my request is to hold an absolute controlling stake, and you decide whether to sell part of the shares."

"If Victor Lee's price is high enough, I will sell some of it. Scarlet Petroleum needs to raise funds to invest in other oil fields. Adam, I want to talk to the shareholders of Pan American Holdings. Scarlett Holdings has acquired 1% stake in the Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone.”

"Next, do you want to go to Dubai?"

Nanyi asked Rachel to go to Dubai. When Dubai was not so rich, it invested a lot of money in Dubai’s infrastructure. The Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone established in 1985 has Pan American Invest 5% of the shares.

This share only has the right to dividends, and there is still a 20-year period. By 2006, the Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone will no longer have anything to do with Pan American Holdings.

"Yes, Dubai will auction a number of oil fields in the near future."

Nan Yi pondered for a while and said, "Don't even think about the shares. The future prospects of the Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone are very good. Shareholders can understand this. It is impossible for them to agree to sell the shares unless you forcefully approve it." resolution."

"I'll try to talk to the shareholders. It's absolutely impossible to force it through. Unless you come forward, Mr. Davidson of Morgan proposes to let you work in Pan American Investment Holdings, with an annual salary of 12 million. Adam, the shareholders still trust you more." Scarlett Said a little jealously.

"When did you say that?"

"I had dinner with him a few days ago."

Nanyi put down the knife and fork, picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, "Are you sure he's not testing or making excuses?"

"I am sure that the shareholders will credit you for the rapid development of Pan American Holdings, and they will turn a blind eye to the hard work that Rachel and I have put in." Scarlett said sourly: "Adam, the office of Pan American Holdings Where, have you forgotten?"

"Pan Am's decision-making level is given by me, and the technical level is realized by Rachel. Your main role is to provide contacts. For Pan Am, your so-called hard work does not exist at all, but the dividends have never left you.

Instead, I have never received a personal dividend..."

As Nanyi said, he spread his hands, as if to say, "Why do you have to be jealous of me?"

"All the dividends I got didn't add up to 12 million."

Scarlett was still upset.

"Oh, I see. I'll find time to meet with Davidson. If the conditions are not too harsh, I can consider having a part-time job at Pan Am. My salary will be sent directly to you."

"What I want is not money, what I want is approval." Scarlett slapped the knife and fork on the table, and said indignantly.

Nanyi stood up, walked to Scarlett, hugged her, and patted her on the back, "Okay, I have always recognized your ability, otherwise I wouldn't have handed over the big mess of the country to you. It's not a bad thing to be underestimated at times."

"I know, I just want to complain, Adam, you should go."

"No rush, I'll go there at noon."

"I asked someone to investigate. His life Lin is in the late stage of esophageal cancer, and he can no longer eat normally. He will go to see God at any time."

"Really?" Nanyi struggled for a while and said, "Then I'd better go there earlier, home or the hospital?"

"Cold Spring Township Church, Life Lin, he wants to leave in the arms of God."

Nan Yi let go of Scarlett and said, "I'll go there now."

If there is a requirement for the quality of life, then there is no need for treatment for esophageal cancer at an advanced stage. Even if the disease is under control, life will be very painful, and most patients will feel worse than death.

At this stage, the significance of the existence of patients is to generate income for the hospital, to accumulate experience for the doctors, to serve as props for children to show filial piety, to hide the pain of the dying, and to watch the family members who want to continue living to maintain their own pain. Their lives are pushed step by step into poverty and debt.

In the end, under the pressure of both physical and psychological pain, I breathed a sigh of relief, closed my eyes comfortably, and ushered in eternal peace.

Lin Dawei and Lin Shuyi are fully capable of paying for Lin Pingsheng's treatment, but now that Lin Pingsheng is in the church instead of the hospital, it means that he himself gave up the treatment.

Nanyi didn't know if Lin Pingsheng didn't reach the moment when the oil ran out, or because of his obsession, he refused to leave. If Lin Pingsheng's obsession was because of him...

Nanyi's mood at the moment is very complicated, both complaining and self-blame, complaining that Nanyi has too much interpersonal involvement, and blaming himself for not maintaining a superficial "reconciliation" with Lin Shuyi.

Taking a helicopter, Nanyi soon arrived in Lengquan Town.

After asking the way, we soon arrived at the door of the church.

Walking into the church, I saw two men and a woman surrounded by the deepest pews. In the middle of them, there was an oil lamp that was about to be extinguished on the pews.

The oil lamp is very short and thin, and there are only a few clusters of weeds on the top of the oil lamp. The cheekbones of the oil lamp are prominent, the cheeks are sunken, and the gums are attached to the skin, so you can clearly see its shape. The arms of the oil lamp are Very thin, only a layer of chicken skin wrapped.

The body of the oil lamp has a strong smell of feces, but no stains can be seen on the parts exposed to the air.

The oil lamp is waiting for Nanyi, and the oil lamp is afraid of missing Nanyi.

Nan Yi took a deep breath, walked to Lin Pingsheng's side, and called out, "Grandpa."


Lin Pingsheng opened his mouth to spit out muddy words, his face was no longer kind, and he looked very creepy. He raised his left hand tremblingly, pointed at Lin Shuyi beside him tremblingly with his index finger.

Nan Yi turned to look at Lin Shuyi, and called out "Mom" with a little unwillingness.


Lin Shuyi covered her mouth and choked up twice, not daring to let her tears fall.

Seeing that the mother and son finally recognized each other, the smile on Lin Pingsheng's face changed from creepy to bright, the goosebumps on his face stretched out, and his eyes slowly closed.

"Damn it, I really became obsessed."

Nan Yi slapped himself hard in his heart.


The procedure of Christ's funeral was relatively simple, and there was no need to choose a date for various ceremonies. Lin Pingsheng's funeral was completed in a few days.

These days, Nan Yi showed up when he was supposed to, and when he could get away, he not only had to busy himself with his own affairs, but he was not in the mood to listen to Lin Shuyi's heartfelt confession for the time being.

After the funeral was over, Nan Yi was invited to Lin Shuyi's townhouse on 59th Street in the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

"Nanyi, do you live in New York now?"

After Lin Shuyi made a cup of coffee for Nanyi, she sat awkwardly opposite Nanyi.

"I went back to the capital some time ago, and I lived in Long Island for more than a year." Nan Yi stirred the coffee with a spoon, and replied casually: "Although I didn't ask Liu Zhen to tell you how much about me, I would like to know more. More or less she will tell you something, so if you have anything to say, you might as well just say it.”

"You... How many children do you have?"

"Three, two sons and one daughter."

"Can I meet them?"

"I can arrange it, but not too soon, they're not in New York."

"It's good to see you, I'm not in a hurry." Lin Shuyi breathed a sigh of relief, and asked nervously, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"I don't need you to do anything for me. It's not that I don't need you emotionally, but I don't need it objectively. First, I have grown up and become a parent. My focus has been on the next generation, and childhood also talks about Don't leave any regrets, don't need to make up for anything;

Two..." Nanyi looked around Lin Shuyi's living room, "It can be seen that you are doing well, but to be honest, you are not as good as me, and all your belongings may not be enough for me to give to a certain employee pay a month's salary;

I am more fickle and more realistic, if you have what I need, I will take the initiative to approach you, but in fact I did not do so, so..."

Nanyi's words stopped abruptly.

"Liu Zhen told me that you are in business. According to what you said, your business is very big?" Lin Shuyi said in a daze.


"Then can I go to work with you?"

Nan Yi frowned, raised his hand and rubbed his temples, "Ms. Lin, can we make our relationship simpler and not complicated? Let's get along as friends. We are usually busy and can come out when we have time Get together.

I'm serious, you don't have to try to make up for me, say something that makes you depressed, what you can give is all within my reach, let go of the burden, live your own life, everything is fine , don't turn around and ask me to help you, that's enough for me. "

Nan Yi really wished that Lin Shuyi had some bad intentions for him, so that he could clean her up cleanly; but now she is sticky to make up for something, which makes him embarrassed instead.

Lin Shuyi really didn't have what he wanted here.

"I... Am I so useless that I can't help you with anything?" Lin Shuyi lowered her head and said in frustration when she heard Nan Yi say it.

"Let's go for a walk."

"Where are you going?"

"Just follow me."

Nan Yi took Lin Shuyi downstairs, pushed open the door, walked down the steps, and complained deliberately: "It's too inconvenient to park here, and the house is also small. If there are more people and a dog, it will feel too crowded. The house is too old, more than seventy years old, right?"

If Nanyi remembers correctly, Lin Shuyi's 7-bedroom, 5-bathroom house can be sold for 40 million US dollars in 30 years. The house is not very good. For a fraction of 40 million, you can build a more beautiful house in the suburbs. There are many houses, but there is nothing to say about the location.

59th Street is not far from Lexington Avenue to the most expensive residential area in West New York. According to the "ring", it is just stuck on the dividing line between the first and second rings of Manhattan, the city center in the city center.

Just like Lin Shuyi usually goes to work, she can go there by bicycle, and she can go downstairs to her office in about ten minutes.

"It was built in 1910."


Nan Yi took Lin Shuyi to the parking place, opened the door, and let Lin Shuyi sit in first.

"I'll take you to my house. The location is not as good as yours. It's far from the city center. When I first came to New York, I lived in an apartment next to Central Park. It's convenient, but the house is a little smaller. You are older here.

After living for a while, I couldn’t move, so I bought the apartment on the opposite side of the same floor, so that the top floor is mine, and it’s a little more convenient to live in. "

On the way to Scarlett's Manor, Nan Yi showed his wealth intentionally or unintentionally, so he wanted to tell Lin Shuyi that he was doing well, and those who had no thoughts should rest.

In about 40 minutes, the convoy arrived at the gate of Scarlet Manor.

For the sake of safety, the car can only drive to the gate of the manor. There is a parking lot on the ground and underground floors next to it, which can be used by female drivers who fail to reverse into the garage and park hundreds of cars at the same time.

After getting off the car, Lin Shuyi looked at the door for a while, "This is your home?"

"Well, my home in New York."

As Nanyi said, he walked to the gate and entered a series of numbers on the password button on the door.

This is not a coded lock, and the door cannot be opened by entering the code. It is just a signal transmitter, and only when the correct code is entered will a matching signal be transmitted to the security guard in charge of guarding the door.

In less than two seconds, the observation port on the gate was opened, and a security guard leaned in front of the observation port to observe several people, and then motioned for the tiger cub to come forward. He rubbed the corners of his eyes and neck to make sure that the tiger cub in front of him was a real tiger cub, then he took another look at Nanyi, and then opened the door.

There are secret signs on Nanyi's mouth, and different lip-biting movements represent several different meanings, such as confirming identity, warning, calling for help, etc.

Don't even think about wearing a human skin mask and sticking on a few beards to sneak into Scarlett's Manor, and don't even think about dressing up as a repairman, a cleaner or something like that to sneak in.

All the people who provide services for the manor are their own people, and outsiders don't even think about going in.

Scarlett has already bought a vacant land next to the manor, and soon a new manor will be built on the vacant land, and guests will be entertained in the new manor in the future. Scarlett Manor absolutely prevents outsiders from entering.

Nan Yi took Lin Shuyi into the manor, got on the golf course sightseeing car, and when the car drove out, he pointed to the small railway and said, "My son's railway, I will play the big landlord game with them."

Then he pointed in the direction of the pier, "Usually they would go fishing at the pier, or go to the woods over there to play with the animals. There are many small animals here..."

Suddenly I felt a little stupid, I was too thoughtful about security, and I couldn't convince myself even if I thought about the plot of Shuidian. Otherwise, it is entirely possible to write about a beautiful woman being drugged and sitting in the wrong car, and then there is a loving applause; a certain female villain puts something in his car, and another villain can be established, and the villain becomes a lover...

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