Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 686: Plans Don't Change, People Will Change

Nan Yi and Catherine finished talking about work, and walked out of the castle to the garden outside.

Catherine went to find Nan Wuwei and played with him. Nanyi came to the swing with a stack of information about the insurance industry, put the information on the swing, and sat on the ground to pick up a few documents and read them.

What Nanyi is looking at now is information about the Eagle Country pension system. According to the data, Eagle Country is the originator of the modern welfare state. Its pension system can be traced back to the "Poor Law" in 1601. According to this bill, The parishes were responsible for collecting the "poor law tax" from residents and property owners, and using the tax revenue to distribute relief to the needy.

As the elderly population continues to increase, the pension problem in British society is becoming more and more serious. The traditional "Poor Law" is of no help to the increasingly serious problem of the elderly. All sectors of society have begun to strongly demand an effective pension system.

In 1908, the Parliament officially approved the "Pension Act" of the Liberal Party government. The bill stipulates that any elderly over the age of 70 can receive a pension as long as they meet the conditions stipulated in the law, and all the expenses required to pay the pension come from government funds .

Since it violated the principle of combining rights and obligations from the very beginning, the free pension system established by the 1908 Pension Act not only brought huge pressure on the finances, but also forced the coverage and treatment standards of the pension system to be kept at a low level , its role in pension security is greatly reduced.

In 1942, Sir Beveridge of the Eagle Country Social Security Service Committee issued the famous "Social Insurance and Related Welfare Services", formulating four principles for the post-war social security plan: the principle of universality, the principle of ensuring basic life, and the unified management of the government Principle, principle of reciprocity of rights and obligations.

According to the "Social Insurance and Related Welfare Services", Eagle Country promulgated and implemented the "National Insurance Law" in 1946, which established a public pension insurance system - the National Basic Pension System, referred to as BSP.

This system improves the pension benefits of single elderly people and couples, and incorporates the national basic pension system into the entire national social insurance system, becoming an important part of comprehensive social insurance, thus laying the foundation for a welfare system from cradle to grave .

For a long time, people in Eagle Country have been proud of their pension welfare system. Coupled with the rigidity of benefits that can only be increased and not reduced under election pressure, Eagle Country's pension welfare expenditure has remained high.

With the aging trend of Eagle Country's population becoming more and more serious, the government of Eagle Country is under increasing financial pressure on the public pension insurance system.

In 1979, the Thatcher government came to power, and the Eagle Country pension system entered a period of radical reform. It began to change the previous government’s all-encompassing practice, and tried to transfer part of the old-age responsibility borne by the state to the private sector and individuals in society. The purpose is to reduce the financial payment pressure of public pension insurance.

The year before last, Eagle Country promulgated the "Social Security Law", which carried out major reforms to the pension system.

The bill first reduces the government's burden by revising the national income-linked pension plan, reducing the level of national pension payments;

Secondly, reform occupational pension plans, allowing employers to set up occupational pension plans with defined contributions rather than defined benefits, so as to reduce the financial pressure on employers to set up occupational pension plans;

The last is the introduction of personal pension plans, which are designed by financial institutions such as insurance companies and provided for individuals to choose.

The law stipulates that employers who do not provide occupational pension plans for their employees must reach an agreement with one or more insurance companies to enable their employees to participate in individual pension plans, and individuals can also directly participate in individual pension plans provided by insurance companies without going through the employer.

Seeing this, Nanyi basically understands the idea of ​​Yingguo's pension reform.

After thinking about it for a while, Nanyi can think that the pension reform of Eagle Country cannot be smooth sailing. In the social structure of Eagle Country, apart from eighty citizens serving private enterprises, there are also two people serving the public sector.

Local government employees, employees of the national medical system, teachers, soldiers, etc., these people enjoy another pension plan with low or no pension contributions, but they can receive the highest standard pension after retirement.

From the provisions of the "Social Security Law" in 1986, Nanyi did not see any provisions for these two adults, that is to say, their pension system remains the same.

Differential treatment, coupled with problems such as low reform efficiency in pension reform, lack of continuity and stability in frequent and changeable system reforms, and obstacles from vested interest groups, Nanyi can foresee a long period of time in the future. China's pension system must be treated with headaches and pains, minor repairs, and until it is about to rot, it will be forced to make a drastic move.

According to the development of the current situation, the burden of pensions in the future will mainly be handed over to enterprises.

"This burden will become heavier and heavier. Sooner or later, most of the profits will be drained. It's not easy to carry." Nan Yi sighed, thanking himself for promoting the pension fund within Nan's early in the morning.

It is much better to carry the burden at your own pace than to force it and be caught off guard.

The burden on the enterprise has become heavier, and there are only two ways to continue to operate: first, migrate to an underdeveloped country that is in the wild development period; second, introduce foreign labor with low security requirements, and do not need to bear various welfare guarantees for the labor, and the expenditure of the enterprise will reduce a lot.

From this point of view, when Ikeda trainees are dispatched to vigorously expand, the next 20 years will be its golden period of development. This unprofitable business can also bring a lot of profits to the Nan family.

Nan Yi roughly thought about the impact that the pension system would bring to the Nan family, and stopped thinking when he wanted to go deeper. Leave it to the Situation Policy Committee.

Putting aside the pension information, Nanyi picked up the information about the insurance company.

"Adam, let's take Wuwei out to play. Well, Wuwei's name is too difficult to pronounce. We should give him an English name." Catherine took Nan Wuwei to Nanyi and said.

Nan Yi said without raising his head: "You can call him Nan, Catherine, how much do you know about Lloyd's Insurance?"

"You're interested in Lloyd's?"


"But its shares are too dispersed, and the management adopts a parliamentary system, and no shareholder can have much say."

Nanyi put down the materials, raised his head, and said, "You don't have to have the right to speak, but I think the model of this enterprise is good. It has stood firm for more than three hundred years. It is not bad to invest in it as an asset preservation."

Lloyd's Insurance Company, commonly known as Lloyd's, is the most profitable and most reputable insurance company in the world.

The high profit is because it dares to insure everything. In 1906, the San Francisco earthquake caused a serious fire, for which Lloyd compensated 100 million US dollars in insurance premiums;

In 1912, the giant passenger ship "Titanic" hit an iceberg and sank, nearly 2,000 people died, and Lloyd paid another 2.5 million US dollars in compensation;

In 1937, the German "Hindenburg" airship exploded in the air, which was also underwritten by Lloyd and paid nearly tens of millions of dollars in compensation.

After the 1970s, the amount of compensation Lloyd paid for several catastrophes was horrifying.

The other is that the world is demanding compensation for the side effects caused by the use of asbestos, which translates into a monetary loss of up to 30 billion U.S. dollars, of which Lloyd should bear 6 billion U.S. dollars in compensation.

In another case, a computer system failure of a certain company in China caused an unprecedented large-scale loss. It was calculated that Lloyd should pay 400 million U.S. dollars in compensation.

1983 was an eventful year in the history of aviation in the world. In that year, 28 civil aviation airliners underwritten by Lloyd's crashed, and Lloyd paid 300 million US dollars in compensation for this.

In 1984, Lloyd even boldly underwrote the three communication satellites of China. Unexpectedly, these three satellites deviated from their orbits and failed.

Originally, Lloyd wanted to pay 300 million US dollars in compensation, but its management had a whim: could they catch these flying satellites back, repair them and launch them again, so that they could save less money.

Not to mention, this matter was really done by them. For this reason, Lloyd saved more than 70 million US dollars in insurance compensation.

During the Iran-Iraq War, the waters of the Gulf became the battlefield for Yinlak and Iran to launch a battle against oil tankers. The tankers and cargo ships entering and leaving the waters of the Gulf were either hit by shells and caught fire, or were trapped in the Gulf with people and boats.

Many world-renowned insurance companies dare not engage in shipping in the Gulf waters, considering this area as a restricted area, for fear of incurring a catastrophe where chickens and eggs will be beaten, and people and money will be lost. Only Lloyd dares to step in and take the risk of underwriting.

Despite the dangers of the Gulf's waters, huge oil wealth and frightening salaries still attract ships and sailors to venture in and out of the Gulf.

Lloyd's underwrites shipping in this water area. Although 100 oil tankers and freighters have sunk, damaged and been trapped, the company has paid as much as US$500 million in insurance claims, but Lloyd still thinks it is a good deal.

Because the insurance premiums in the Gulf waters have risen again and again, a freighter with only US$5 million insured has to pay US$5 million in insurance within 7 days, which is extremely profitable.

Although Lloyd's pays more, its business is wide enough. As long as the premium is rich enough and the risk is lower than the warning value, it dares to cover anything, including the face of a star, the legs of a model, and even weirder ones, which are unheard of and impossible. There are also insurance items for outsiders.

Just because it does not pick customers and business, its business volume is naturally large, and with a reliable team of actuaries, Lloyd's can naturally obtain higher profits.

As for the reason why its reputation can be the highest in the world, it has a lot to do with its organizational form and operating model.

Lloyd's is not an insurance company in the traditional sense. Its organizational form is very unique. It is neither an individual nor a joint-stock company in the usual form, but a business association with tens of thousands of members in dozens of countries around the world. body and consists of hundreds of syndicates.

Lloyd's does not directly undertake insurance business with its own funds, but the company's investors personally bear the insurance risk. Syndicate undertakes various insurance business externally, but the company must come forward to contact and sign agreements with customers.

Strictly speaking, Lloyd's is an insurance intermediary, linking customers and investors who are willing to take risks. It charges a "service fee" in the middle, because it does not need to use its own money for compensation, so it is naturally easy to pay.

Lloyd's will not deceive customers for the purpose of saving money for investors. Reputation is the foundation of its survival. As long as the reputation is there, Lloyd will be able to gain profits year after year.

In other words, as long as you become a shareholder of Lloyd, you can receive dividends year after year.

Nan's has passed the stage of lack of funds. It no longer needs to concentrate all funds on a few projects. It has reached the stage of finding more baskets and spreading eggs. Funds are allocated rationally.

Lloyd's belongs to the low-risk, low-yield basket, and the combination of income and capital occupation ratio can run a little faster than inflation.

This kind of investment is not suitable for people who want to spend a penny in half, nor for people with high capital circulation.

Among Lloyd's shareholders, there are always shareholders whose economic conditions will change. In the past, they could invest part of their funds in Lloyd's for value preservation, but now they may need to raise funds to protect their core assets.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Nan's to acquire a stake in Lloyd's. Just be patient and wait for the troubled shareholders to sell their shares. There is no need to adopt a premium acquisition strategy.

Nanyi has transitioned from forcibly taking a long-term view of himself to a stage where he is qualified to take a long-term view. He no longer needs to be terrified every day, and he doesn't have to worry about waking up with nothing and having to start all over again.

For a small company with limited strength, it is not qualified to formulate any three-year plan or five-year plan. If it can't survive the moment, it is useless even if it can keenly see that the industry will usher in a big boom in a few years.

Winners do not necessarily have a longer view than losers. It can only be said that winners know how to survive better than losers, and they are more able to survive. After all, the survivors are kings.

Like many industries represented by the domestic home appliance industry, knowing that they will have several big melees, there is no need for Nanyi to intervene prematurely, and fight a war of attrition with competitors without seeing benefits. He can wait until When the farce is over, use the financial advantage to push the final tragic winner into the abyss or act as a timely rain to pull it.

Biotechnology, semiconductors, agriculture and other industries need to accumulate bit by bit, and there is no chance of opportunism. Nanyi will tighten its belt early in the morning and start from scratch step by step.

As for the rest...

Kneel down to me for everything under $280 billion.

What, your father's surname is Nan, get up; your aunt's surname is Liu, why didn't you say it earlier, stand up and stand up, let's be good friends... What do you see, you bastards kneel up to me.

After discussing the topic of insurance companies with Catherine for a while, Nan Yi and she took Nan Wuwei for a two-and-a-half-day free tour in London, taking him to every interesting place.

Afterwards, Nanyi went to Bolin Investment Holdings to read various reports, and had heart-to-heart talks with important high-level executives.

Communication is a very tiring job. Nanyi can't just wait for his "subordinates" to cater to him. He also needs to give his subordinates a little surprise to make them feel that they are valued. It is difficult to grasp the scale. After all, people have thousands of faces, and needs vary from person to person.

The middle management does not need and cannot be communicated by Nanyi. His instructions can only reach the top management and cannot go down. What he should care about is the strategic level, not the specific tactics. That is what the top management of the subsidiary company should care about. Power is also an obligation, and overstepping the authority will only drive high-level officials apart.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there is not much difference between a salary of one million and two million a year. What can be enjoyed by two million can be enjoyed by one million, and the difference of one million cannot make a difference in class.

Therefore, the incentives for senior executives should not only be reflected in salaries, but more should be reflected in passion and a sense of accomplishment. In many cases, it is more effective to add burdens to senior executives than to raise salaries.

After all, the salary increase is little by little, and it is impossible to increase five times and ten times. The annual salary of one million becomes ten million, and it is still a question mark whether the extra nine million is worth it.

And, what about next time?

From tens of millions to 100 million, from 100 million to 1 billion, step by step, how many times can a company survive?

At a certain stage, capable senior executives will help them achieve a leap in class, for example, from a wage earner to one of the bosses. These are issues that Nanyi needs to care about in the next few years.

Nanyi sits in the conference room, negotiating with a high-level executive every day, and spends the rest of the time looking at the information of various industries in Eagle Country, and by the way, reviewing the information of the high-level executive he will meet next.

One by one, Huang Yingzi was put to the last by him.

"Are you happy living in London?"

"After living for so many years, I have adapted to the people and the weather here. Although it often rains, I can already treat it with optimism."

"How many times did you go back last year? You know, Aunt Huang's mouth is too strong. It's not convenient for me to see her, so..." Nanyi spread his hands and said.

Huang Yingzi nodded, "I know, my mother's mouth is too open, and there are no secrets with her. My relatives and neighbors know about my work in London;

I was afraid that she would call me. As long as she called, someone who wanted foreign exchange, or someone who wanted to go abroad needed a guarantor. I have already found guarantors for four people, and exchanged them for tens of thousands of pounds at a loss.

I asked her to come and live with me, but she didn't agree, there was no way, I had to deal with my mother's bragging outside, and I was afraid to go back, last year was only for the Chinese New Year, and that's it, I still have to Help find two guarantors. "

Huang Yingzi's words are full of helplessness, who made her have a mother who loves to brag and save face.

Aunt Huang's performance, Nanyi can fully understand, Huang Yingzi is a posthumous child, Aunt Huang is a widow, it is not easy to pull her up, she has suffered a lot, plus Huang Yingzi's appearance, she has been blinded since she was a child, and her depressed mood has been suppressed After more than ten years, it's been hard to get through all the hardships, and it's normal to be rampant.

"It's not a big deal to find a few guarantors and exchange some foreign exchange. If you understand Aunt Huang better, you can do what you can, but you have to talk to her carefully, and don't take the thankless things to yourself."

"I know, of course I can understand, but when things come to an end, I still find it annoying."

"Well." Nanyi nodded, and switched the topic to work, "Let me introduce the current investment situation of Sun Never Set Capital. I will pick the key ones, and I will read the reports for the less important ones."

"Okay, at present the company's main investments are..." Huang Yingzi blurted out directly: "Kingfull Group 15%, Sendai 35%, Farmers Insurance Group 1.5%, Sainsbury 4%, Anglo American plc 2%, United Lihua 3.2%;

Recently, I have been in contact with several small shareholders of Kingfisher Group. They have a total of 2.2% of the shares in their hands, and I expect to acquire about 1.5%;

The development of Sendai is going well, and I will talk to James about the listing;

Sainsbury also has several minority shareholders who intend to sell their shares. I will find an opportunity to talk to them. "

After hearing what Huang Yingzi said, Nan Yi nodded in affirmation, "The rest is according to your opinion. Regarding Samboli, you need to pay attention to the changes in the pension system of Eagle Country. It has too many employees, and the pension is a It's a big burden to take into account when analyzing its growth potential."

"I understand that when analyzing investment goals, I always take this factor into account."

"Very good, I have always been very relieved when you do things." Nan Yi praised him, and then said: "My son is tired of eating steak, and I plan to cook some good dishes tonight, and you come together."


"Put down the information and go to your work first."

It took more than ten days for Nanyi to communicate with all the senior executives of Bolin Holdings, and to manage the business of Bolin Holdings.

For the next ten days or so, what Nanyi has to do every day is to eat well, drink well, read the newspaper, keep fit according to the doctor's instructions, and then turn into a breeding pig at the right time to make his own contribution to the reproduction of human beings.

On April 28, 1988, Nanyi will always remember this day.

It's not easy, it's really not easy, Catherine finally found out that she was pregnant on this day.

If they are not pregnant yet, Nan Yi suspects that he and Catherine are "idiopathic infertility", that is, two men and women who are all right have conflicts with each other, but they can't conceive, but if they change each other Combined, you can easily conceive.

Now that Catherine is pregnant, it's time for Nanyi to leave.

But before leaving, Nanyi also gave Catherine a task, which was to buy Gruina Island from the Karan family at a low price.

Before 1942, Gruina Island, which was only 1.1 kilometers away from the British Isle near the coast of northwest Scotland and with an area of ​​1,940 mu, was comparable to Tao Yuanming's Peach Blossom Land.

In the 16th century, the Karan family took a fancy to the island and bought it as a sheep ranch, which became one of the family's many ranches.

But in 1942, Eagle Country chose Gruina Island as the first anthrax experiment site on military grounds, and promised that after the experiment was over, the Callan family could redeem the island for 500 pounds.

But who knew that the game was too big, anthrax polluted the entire island, turning this beautiful island into a biochemical island.

Although several perfunctory decontamination operations were carried out afterwards, the anthrax bacteria were not completely disposed of. It was not until the year before last that Downing Street began a new round of decontamination operations due to social pressure:

280 tons of formaldehyde were injected into the soil of the island, and then deep wells were drilled all over the island, and a large area was poured with gasoline and burned for a long time, but the anthrax bacteria still existed.

There was no other way, Downing Street had no choice but to cut off the surface of the island by 30 meters, and transport all the soil on it away and seal it up.

Now this step is still in progress. It is still very hard to say whether the anthrax can be completely eradicated. Even if the anthrax is completely eradicated, the island will lose its original value. The grazing will not work, and the development of tourism will not work. The tourists I have heard are willing to take risks.

However, it is precisely because this island has the notoriety of "Biochemical Island" that ordinary people dare not approach it. Nanyi took a fancy to it and planned to build a sheep farm on it and a third biopharmaceutical branch research institute "×File" ", engaged in the research of sheep placenta and stem cells.

Sheep placenta has been researched since the 1910s. In the 1930s, a kind of "active cell therapy" was derived. It was very popular for a while, and even based on the theory of infinite cell division, some people came up with the idea of ​​"active cell therapy". The idea of ​​"artificial meat".

For example, if a chicken likes to eat chicken legs, it will "grow" chicken legs in the laboratory, and if it likes chicken butts, it will grow chicken butts. In layman's terms, it is to let the cells divide according to the set direction. Extending this theory means that it can be grown according to the needs. Grow the various organs you need.

Although in the 1960s, this idea was proved to be unreasonable, but many institutions continue to study sheep placenta.

In his previous life, Nanyi had heard a lot about the miraculous effects of sheep placenta, such as comprehensive wrinkle removal and anti-aging, and he even knew people who had received sky-high price sheep placenta injections. However, its effect on sheep placenta Miracle keeps putting a question mark.

Before, he discussed with the third biopharmaceutical researchers about sheep placenta, and the reply was that it was worth studying, but the research direction should not be cosmetic, but organ transplantation and cancer.

This is the opinion of the researchers, without considering the issue of investment at all. Indeed, if the research can be successful according to the assumption, the future is promising, but who knows that it will take a few years, and who knows whether it will be nothing in the end.

Researchers don't have to consider investment, but Nanyi must. Therefore, he wants to take a gamble on the prospect of organ transplantation and cancer, and he must also grasp the beauty application that is at his fingertips. Only when hematopoiesis first can he persist in uninterrupted investment.

As for stem cells, there are no too evil rumors, they are very promising, but he has not heard of any major breakthroughs before passing through them. Needless to say, this is another bottomless pit.

×The archives not only carry out research on sheep placenta and stem cells, but also engage in some research projects that are not suitable for public disclosure and need to be kept absolutely confidential to prevent competitors from stealing them. It is not far from the bustling, convenient for researchers to take vacations, but makes people unwilling to approach The Isle of Gruina is a perfect fit for Nam Yi's needs.


After leaving London, Nan Yi went to Tokyo again.

During the shogunate period, rice cultivation was the main industry in Japan, and the main tax revenue of the shogunate came from farmers’ rice. Since it is a tax, it is always necessary to take out real money instead of carrying rice to pay, so farmers will exchange it for money after harvesting rice in autumn.

Since the rice harvest is mostly between August and October, if the tax is settled in December, the farmers only have 2-4 months to sell the rice for money to pay the tax, and then the shogunate has to rush to plan for the whole year ahead before January. The budget, so to speak, is tight on time.

Therefore, in order for both parties to deal with it calmly, the tax collection time was set around April.

This is the so-called Japanese fiscal year. The Japanese fiscal year is from April 1st of this year to March 31st of the following year. Most Japanese companies will pay dividends in March or April, and the same is true for Yama no Taste. In previous years, dividends were distributed in the first ten days of April.

Last year, Man San'er intended to acquire Xian Weimin's shares. This was obviously an attempt to kick Nanyi out of the game. He did it alone. Nanyi was very calm about this matter, and he would have to go through this sooner or later. , Go early and go late, it depends on how the conditions are negotiated.

When Nan Yi and Nan Wuwei arrived at the Japanese-style garden at the Kawaguchi Lake under Mt. Fuji, Xian Weimin was already sitting in the gazebo drinking tea.

"Aren't you tired, do you want to go to bed?" At the gate of the courtyard, Nan Yi stopped and bowed his head and said to Nan Wuwei.

"Dad, don't be tired."

"Then listen to Dad talking with Uncle Xian."

Nan Yi stroked Funan Wuwei's head and led him into the gazebo.

"How long have you been here?"

"For an hour and a half, I soaked in the hot spring in your backyard." Xian Weimin said calmly while holding a teacup.

"When was the last time you went to the hospital for a physical examination?"

"Pujie, I'm not sick."

"It's hard to say, I'll ask someone to renovate the backyard tomorrow." Nan Yi said playfully.

"The shoveler." After Xian Weimin scolded with a smile, his face straightened, "Nanyi, what's your valuation?"

"130 billion yen."

"The figures I came up with are similar, just follow yours."

"In addition to business, we are still friends, let 10 billion." Nan Yi looked at the tea cup, found that it was barley tea, and poured a cup for Nan Wuwei.

"I'll listen to you, you can give in as you say, the three of us, the one who has the least right to speak is me, but I paid a sum of money at the beginning, and almost didn't make any effort later, after dividing the bill, I took 80% from my share. Billion to you."

"Okay, don't be polite, how many shares do you have in total?" Nanyi waved his hand and smiled.

For the shares of Shanの味, the Nan family accounted for 70%, Mensaner 20%, Xian Weimin 10%, 12 billion took out 8 billion, and only 4 billion remained. This is too unfair to Xian Weimin.

Xian Weimin said again: "I don't care if I take the money from the sale of shares or not. The dividends I got in the past few years have already been quite a lot."

"Come on, let's stop this topic, call Men San'er out to have dinner together at night, I've dragged it on for so long, I guess he's still thinking about it."

Nan Yi has always been mentally prepared for Men San'er to propose to do it alone, knowing that there will be such a day sooner or later, but this day comes too early, which makes him a little dissatisfied and a little disappointed with Men San'er.

Therefore, Nan Yi already has a plan in mind, and the valuation of Shan の Wei can be compromised, but if Shan の Wei is in trouble in the future, he will not help in vain, and except for antiques and monkey tickets, he will not do business in the future. Will have something to do with Mensaner again.

It's okay to drink and chat to reminisce about the old days, but business is still free.

Men San'er didn't talk to him directly, but went to Xian Weimin first. This was treating him and Xian Weimin as pure business partners instead of friendship first. This was what made Nanyi most unhappy.

If friendship comes first, Mensan'er should go directly to Nanyi. If he feels that he gets less, just say it. Let's sit down and talk about it, and we can discuss a new distribution plan.

"Then let him hang."

Xian Weimin's tone contained dissatisfaction with Men San'er.

Nanyi didn't want to continue the topic of Men San'er, so he said: "Tell me about you, don't you have a new girlfriend, when will you bring me out to meet you?"

"If you want to see her tomorrow, it's basically settled. I plan to marry her."

"Oh, take it easy, where is the girl from?"

"A domestic student who came to Tokyo to study abroad. He just came here not long ago, and he is still attending a language school."

"Oh, what's it called?"

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