Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 687 Your Royal Highness

"Wu Peiyu, the person who came here from Xiangxi is actually from Bao'an, and he came here at the end of 1976."

"Is that really coming to study abroad, not working in disguise?"

"It's not a part-time job. Her old man came to Xiangtang in the 1960s and worked hard for more than ten years. She has a small family fortune. A few years ago, she opened a clothing factory in Shenzheng. She came to Tokyo to study fashion design."

"That's not bad, where is it?" Nan Yi nodded and said.

"I have basically made an agreement with her. I plan to take her back to Wenchangwei in a few days, and meet her old man by the way."

"Very well, Uncle Yaohua has something to look forward to this time."

Nanyi and Xian Weimin chatted one after another until dinner time.

After lunch, Xian Weimin and Nan Yi made an appointment to meet for dinner, and left to find Wu Peiyu.

Nan Yi didn't go out in the afternoon, so he asked Nan Wuwei to take a nap for a while, and then took him to go boating on Lake Kawaguchi. When it was about four o'clock, Nan Yi called Sayuri Hagiwara and asked her to come back early.

After Nan Wuwei was handed over to Sayuri Hagiwara, Nan Yi set off for downtown Tokyo.

The place where the three of Nanyi met was not in some well-known restaurant, but in Shinjuku.

Under the viaduct at the west exit of Shinjuku, there is a place where many small izakaya gather, called Memories Yokocho. It still maintains the street atmosphere of the 1960s, and it is a well-known place in Tokyo to experience popular food.

In a small shop with no name, just "dining house" written on the door curtain, the three of Nanyi sat side by side.

This restaurant specializes in supper business, and the customers usually arrive after ten o'clock, just after seven o'clock. There are no other customers in the restaurant, and it happens to be clean, which is convenient for chatting.

"Weimin and I have already agreed, 120 billion yen, you give him 12 billion, give me 84 billion, from now on, the taste of the mountain will belong to you alone."

Nanyi did not recount the past first, but went straight to the point.

"Don't say anything, it's all in the wine." After listening to Nanyi's words, Men San'er picked up a full glass of ginger beer and drank it all in one go.

Nanyi put the wine glass to his mouth and took a sip, then put the glass down quickly, "Is there any problem with the monthly payment?"

96 billion yen, which is equivalent to 750 million U.S. dollars according to the current exchange rate. Mensaner will definitely not be able to take out so much cash, but according to the current situation in Japan, Yama no Wei can borrow 130 billion yen at any time with a bank mortgage loan.

The current auditing system of several major banks in Japan can be said to be useless. Homeless people can get credit loans, not to mention mortgage loans, that is, the amount is too large, otherwise it is no problem to borrow at a valuation of 120%.

Of course, it is inevitable to spend some "handling fees".

"There is no problem at all." Men San'er said firmly.

Nanyi said bluntly: "Okay, I will ask a lawyer to find you tomorrow, and the shares will be transferred to you first, so as to facilitate your subsequent operations."

"Master Nan, for the people, I really feel sorry for you guys this time, I..."

"Forget it, Men San'er, needless to say, you have been working on the business of Shan の Taste these past few years, and Wei Min and I are just getting dividends for nothing. Speaking of it, I still feel sorry for you, and should have reconsidered. One thing about shares.

It’s good to be like this now, we’ll withdraw with a large sum of money, and in the future you’ll be able to do things by yourself, and you’ll be able to do things more effectively. "

As soon as the words came out, Nanyi subjectively understood that his subconscious mind had already regarded Mensan'er as the object of business negotiation, not a partner.

Because of this sentence, he didn't think about it at all, it was instinct that made him say that.

"Master Nan, thank you." Men San'er raised his glass again and said.

Nan Yi patted Men San'er on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Don't be stupid, business is not broken, friendship is not broken, in the future, what should be done or what should be done."

One night, the three of them drank a lot, and they drank very late, and they didn't leave until the early morning.

the next day.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Uedo Masami came to the Japanese garden.

"President, this is the previous audit report of Yama no Taste, which is a questionable account." Masami Ueto put the two folders in front of Nanyi and said, "Should I file them or destroy them directly?"

"File it and keep it as a souvenir."

"How to deal with the new business of Suxiu of Shan's Taste?" Uedo Masami asked again.

"In two days, you go to Shan の Taste to talk to President Ding. If he is willing to change hands, he will take it over. If he is not willing, we will remove our docking person. We are not short of this procurement channel."

"Hai." Masami Ueto responded, hesitated, and then said: "President, are you being too tolerant of President Ding? , Without your plan, President, and without the foundation I laid at the beginning, the business of Shan の Taste would not have developed so fast, and President Ding even tampered with the accounts."

"Yami, although Shan の Taste is a business, there is still friendship between President Ding and I. His actions have not broken my bottom line. Therefore, there are some things that need not be mentioned, and some words that need not be said. Let it pass. As soon as the money arrives in the account, you will transfer your share."

"President, is SGF going to enter the Japanese market?"

"Let's talk about it later. SGF doesn't need too many customers. What we need to pay attention to is the quality of customers. When Japan's economic bubble bursts and the waves wash away the sand, it will not be too late to come in at that time. And, I There are plans to provide multiple services to the same group of customers.”

When Nanyi said this, Uedo Masami immediately reacted, "President, are you going to promote our beauty business to SGF's customers?"

"Diamonds and works of art can be brought in. We have become the shareholders of Anglo American Resources Group, which is the major shareholder of De Beers. The diamond mine in Liu Zhen's hand has come to be mined. The mined diamonds will eventually be mined. The top ones are kept in our hands, and the rest are sold to De Beers."

"President, the diamond mine is Madam's private property, how will the accounts be calculated then?"

Nan Yi stroked his chin and said, "How can we settle the bill? Wait for me to discuss it with Liu Zhen. This matter is not urgent. We will talk about it after the Indian plan is finished. Yamei, tell me, how about the two of us jointly building a golf course?" "

Masami Uedo covered her mouth and smiled: "President, you are too funny, you also want to practice fantasy alchemy?"

Since the 1950s, Japan has embarked on the road of rural revitalization. In 1952, the Agricultural Land Law was promulgated to establish the ownership of farmland by farmers.

In 1962, the "Agricultural Land Law" was revised again, allowing the lease and sale of agricultural land, which expanded the scale of agricultural land management and stimulated the enthusiasm of farmers for production.

In 1947, the "Agricultural Cooperative Association Law" was promulgated, establishing the agricultural cooperative association [agricultural association] system.

Under the organization of the Agricultural Cooperative, the agricultural products produced by farmers can be sold in a centralized and planned manner, which greatly improves the bargaining power of farmers and avoids the excessive pressure of middlemen on farmers' production profits, which plays a role in increasing the income of Japanese farmers. decisive role.

In addition to absorbing surplus rural labor through existing cities and towns, the Japanese government also promoted in-situ urbanization. In 1953 and 1956, the Japanese government promulgated the "Municipal Merger Promotion Law" and the "Construction Promotion Law" respectively. The method of construction improves the level of urbanization and narrows the gap between urban and rural areas.

In 1961, Japan enacted the "Basic Law of Agriculture", which is the basic law of Japan's agricultural and rural policies.

Laws such as the "Outlying Islands Revitalization Law" and "Mountain Village Revitalization Law" promulgated in 1953 and 1965 respectively increased support for infrastructure construction in backward mountainous areas, narrowed regional gaps, and promoted balanced development.

The policies at this stage achieved good results. By 1975, the income gap between urban and rural areas in Japan had narrowed from 1.19 times in 1950 to 0.95 times, and the income of Japanese farmers even exceeded that of urban residents.

The number of cities increased from 254 in 1950 to 644, and the urbanization level increased from 37.5% in 1950 to 71.9% in 1975.

While continuing to encourage and expand the scale of agricultural production and operation, with the improvement of national living standards and the increase of leisure time, Japan has begun to focus on vigorously developing rural tourism, promoting the development of rural tourism resources and urban-rural exchanges.

At the end of the 1970s, the Japanese government launched a village building movement, and last year promulgated the "Comprehensive Maintenance Area Development Law". Needless to say, the specific provisions of the law have actually become "vacation concept craze".

As long as we stick to the theme of rural tourism, whether it is building a few villas, a resort hotel, or the favorite golf project of Japanese real estate developers, we can get policy support.

The support is reflected in three aspects: preferential loans, preferential taxation, and easy approval.

It is very simple to build a golf course. Open the map of Japan and hit a point with a dart. As long as it is in a rural area, it can be used as a golf course construction site.

After the site selection is over, find a design drawing of the golf course and modify the details a little. It looks like that. The next step is to sell the membership of the club. After raising a wave of funds, go to the bank immediately. As long as it is a project to build a golf course, banks will generally approve loans.

In this way, a project of tens of billions of yen can be started without a penny of investment.

In Japan, this mode of operation is called "Fantasy Alchemy".

"Haha, if you have an idea, as long as you execute it fast enough, you can build it while looking for a buyer, and you can sell it if there is a profit of two or three billion. This model can be repeated five or six times." Nan Yi said with a smile.

Ueto Masami rolled her eyes, and said disapprovingly: "If Ikeda Club's real estate is kept until now and started to sell, our profit can increase by at least one trillion yen."

"Hehe." Nanyi smiled, and did not respond to this topic, but said: "I heard that now public toilets can be mortgaged. I don't know how I can take the Kawaguchi Lake at the door as a mortgage."

"President, you forgot that Lake Kawaguchi belongs to the range of Mount Fuji, and these are the private property of the Tokugawa family."

"Lake Kawaguchi is also considered, the area is really not small."

Nanyi muttered, and took Uedo Masami out of the yard to the small pier of Lake Kawaguchi.

"What's the situation with the bank now?"

"Since the beginning of this year, the speed of capital inflow has accelerated, and a large amount of international hot money is also entering. Bank deposits have increased by at least 100 trillion yen this year. The prices of some commodities on the market have risen last month. There is too much money. The increase in surplus funds is difficult for the market to digest.

The loan interest rates of several major banks in Tokyo have further dropped, and the non-loan department staff of the banks have also been assigned lending quotas, and the review of loans has been further relaxed. "

Nan Yi asked: "The land held by Bao Guo Mi Hub is used as a mortgage, can I enjoy the reduction or exemption of agricultural-related loan interest rates?"

"Yes, the annualized interest rate can be as low as 1.07%, plus other costs incurred in the middle, the interest rate we actually need to pay will not be higher than 1.6%."

"Only a 5‰ rebate, tsk tsk."

For Nanyi, who has the experience of paying 10% "loan service fee", 5‰ is really drizzle and can be ignored.

"President, that's not called kickback, that's called loan approval channel blockage dredging fee." Masami Ueto laughed.

Nanyi waved his hand, "No matter what it's called, the interest rate is very affordable, as many loans as possible, one-year or two-year terms are fine."

"After the loan arrives, which side will I connect with, Scarlett or PY?"

"Scarlett's movements are too loud, so PY is more suitable." Nanyi thought for a while and said: "PY's original positioning is to be based in Asia, and it is more suitable for it to come and operate."


"Is there a problem with the loan of 200 billion yen?"

"Chairman, if we find more banks to spread out loans, we can increase the total amount of loans to 300 billion yen."


"All the procedures will be in compliance with the regulations. Chairman, Inter Hub is a high-quality customer with guaranteed funds. The bank will be very happy to lend us a loan and will be very happy to solve the troubles in the procedures."

"Oh, the Ministry of Finance will subsidize the bank's reduced interest rate?"

"A part of it will be subsidized."

"Very well, we must take good care of the bank, we are likely to be one of their proprietors in the future." Nan Yi nodded and said.

"President, I will definitely take good care of our bank."

Masami Uedo deliberately emphasized the nasal sound on the word "we".

"That's right, Masami-chan, you've got my true biography." Nan Yi stretched out his hand and scratched Uedo Masami's nose, and immediately wiped it on his clothes in disgust, "It's oily."

"President, this is the moisturizing effect." Uedo Masami said indifferently.

"Okay, moisturizing is moisturizing, how about the target customers of Times Building?"

"I have found a very suitable target, EIE Club, and the president is Takahashi Harunori."

"Tell me more about this EIE club."

"EIE Corporation, Electronics and Industrial Enterprise, was established in 1947. It was a comprehensive trading company at the beginning. After Takahashi took over, it was transformed into a trading company specializing in the import of electronic products;

In 1981, Takahashi announced the transformation of EIE into a real estate group.

In the next five years, EIE purchased land and built hotels around the country, and the valuation of EIE suddenly swelled to 450 billion yen.

Beginning in 1986, EIE began to look abroad and annexed many assets in the world, first the Hyatt Hotel in Saipan, and then 30% of the shares of Emgrand Hotel Management Group.

Takahashi spends a lot of money, and he will buy the hotel he likes directly. Just in February this year, he bought a cattle farm in Hawaii with an estimated value of 20 million US dollars at a cost of 150 million US dollars.

In order to facilitate overseas expansion, EIE also has 4 private jets under its name. "



"Owing a lot of money to the bank?"


"Which banks?"

"Osamu Takahashi has a certain status in the upper class of Japan, and at the same time, EIE has a huge demand for funds, so he is very popular with banks, and has very good relationships with several banks, the best of which is Long-Term Credit Bank [ Changyin], Takahashi Osamu's loan, Changyin almost unconditionally approved.

In addition, HSBC has a very good credit rating on him. HSBC lent him 30 billion yen for the Hyatt Hotel project. "

"Yami-chan, how can you call someone as noble as His Highness Takahashi by his first name?" Nan Yi said with a straight face, displeased: "When you mention his name in the future, please call him Showa Binan, or Oda Nobunaga is second."

Masami Uedo smiled, "President, why isn't he called Tokugawa Ieyasu the second?"

"Nonsense, the Tokugawa family is still there, so he has to have the guts." Nan Yi spat, and said, "Yami, what does this honorable Highness Takahashi like?"

"Woman, real estate."

"I admire His Highness Takahashi very much. Please find a woman he likes to instill in him the correct concept of patriotism, encourage him to buy the Times Building at a high price, and show off New York. Let those country bumpkins take a good look at the Yamato nation Wealthy, Japan can say no to ghosts and animals in the country!"

"President, such a woman is hard to find."

"100 million is not enough, 200 million is not enough to continue to add, is it difficult?" Nan Yi finished speaking, and there was another turning point, "It's better to save some money, if 50 million can solve it, don't spend a penny more, we Immediately there will be a huge debt to the bank again, and the days ahead will be even more difficult."

"There shouldn't be so many."

"That would be the best. The Long-term Credit Bank is interesting. Collect its information, especially the list of major loan customers."


After Ueto Masami left, Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei to the city, wandered around until five o'clock, and Nan Yi and the two came to the gate of Tan High School.

Nada High School is the No.1 high school in Japan. It not only has a high deviation value, but also has a very high comprehensive evaluation. This is a boys’ school. The school only accepts boys. It does not require students to dress, and there are no school rules. The management is very loose, but this school Every year, more than half of the students are admitted to Dongda, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a reserve of Dongda.

Nanyi has a adopted son named Nanjiakang in Japan. He has always adopted laissez-faire education and never made any demands on him. He can play however he wants, but unexpectedly, this kid is quite competitive. He became an adult in junior high school. He became a baseball player, and was recruited by Tan High School because of his good baseball skills.

How should I put it, only a small group of people can study in a school like Nada High School in Japan. The parents of the students are generally leaders in various fields. In the future, there is a high probability that the students themselves will be the top class in Japan.

As long as Nan Jiakang integrates into the school circle, no matter whether Nanyi will support him or not in the future, he will not be able to do too badly.

Although Nan Yi's original intention does not require Nan Jiakang to be a capable person, he only needs to remain mediocre, but since he can go up by himself, Nan Yi will not deliberately suppress him, and a win-win situation based on the situation is the best policy.

"Wuwei, when brother comes out, you can call him O'Neill sauce."

"Well, Dad, is your brother good at baseball?"

"Yes, your brother and Uesugi Kazuya are also baseball geniuses."

"Father, who is Kazuya Uesugi?"

"Huh? Dad bought you the "Baseball Heroes" videotape, haven't you watched it yet?"

"No, Dad, I'm watching Dragon Ball."

"Oh, do you want to think about a set of dumpling clothes?" Nanyi asked full of evil humor.

In order to be able to chat with his children, Nan Yi would watch the animation videotapes he bought at six times the speed. Even if he hadn’t watched the videotapes, he would also read the comics, at least to understand the main characters and the outline clearly.

Moreover, he had actually watched many cartoons in his previous life.

"No, I like Yamcha's clothes."

"Yamcha, which one is it? Is it the one with the word '乐' or the word '亀' on the chest?"

"The clothes I wore when I was a robber in the desert." Nan Wuwei said after thinking for a while.

"Okay, Dad will take you to Akihabara to look for it at night."

Uedo Masami once mentioned that one of her classmates runs a custom-made anime clothing shop in Akihabara.


Suddenly, Nan Yi pointed to a boy in sportswear and said, "That's Ieyasu."

"Ieyasu, here."

After talking with Nan Wuwei, Nan Yi waved to Nan Jiakang again.

Hearing the call, Nan Jiakang looked towards Nanyi, first he was astonished, then he was overjoyed, and ran to him quickly.

"Fighting Sang."

"Is there no training in the baseball club today?"

"No, rest today and let your arm recover." Nan Jiakang raised his right hand and said.

"Have you worked hard?"

"It's not hard work, I'm full of fighting spirit. Our school will beat Horikoshi High School in Koshien this year." Minamie Yasushi said passionately, clenched his fists.

"Horikoshi High School? Are they a seeded team?"

During the main season of Koshien, Japanese newspapers will report on the game every day. Even if Nanyi doesn’t want to care about it, he can still see some news. Strong teams will be mentioned repeatedly, and there are even detailed introductions to star players. I have no impression of high school at all, probably not a seeded team.

"Horikoshi High School is not a seed team. Their school has Noriko Sakai. She was the spokesperson of Koshien last year."

"Yo Xi." Nan Yi patted Nan Jiakang on the shoulder, "Godfather, defeat Jue Gao High School, and capture Sajing Fazi alive."


Nan Jiakang bowed and said excitedly.

When Nan Jiakang's excitement passed, Nan Yi asked, "What time do you start tutoring at night?"

Japanese schools come in late and leave early, and the courses can be said to be very easy. If you don’t have the idea of ​​going to university, your student life will be very happy. You can join various clubs, play with campus bullying, and have a love affair;

But if you want to go to university, your life will be very sour. As soon as school is over, you have to go to the juku immediately, that is, make up lessons in cram schools. After finishing the lessons, you can go home and continue your self-study.

There are two exams for the college entrance examination, one for the University Admission Center, and after passing the exam, you have to take the exam held by the university itself. The whole process will last for one or two months.

This is for students and parents, who have to pay high tuition fees since their children were in primary school, and this payment lasts for more than ten years. Any fluctuation in income can easily bankrupt the family.

The school that Nanjiayasu went to had to pay nearly 4 million yen in tutoring fees each semester, a total of 11.4 million yen in three semesters a year; during the three holidays, there would be courses like sprint classes and intensive classes, which were about the same amount. It takes 7 million yen to spend, and after a year, at least 20 million yen has to be spent.

Of course, Nan Jiakang went to a top-level private school, so the tuition fee is naturally more expensive, but the average private school is actually not cheap. It costs at least two to three million yen a year, which usually takes up two-fifths of a middle-class family. income.

Under the cover of the bustling bubble of soaring stock market and rising housing prices, in Shibuya and Ginza, where there is a lot of money, on the other side of spending a lot of money, countless families are scattered in every corner of Tokyo, and countless families are messed up by education.

"Seven o'clock."

"There is still time, let's eat together, where do you want to eat?"

"Fighting Sang decided that I can eat anything."

"Then find a restaurant near here, and I'll take you to a private school after eating."


Looking around, Nanyi chose a restaurant that specializes in barbecue.

In front of the U-shaped table, Nan Yi sat in the middle, and Nan Wuwei and Nan Jiakang sat on both sides.

After asking the owner about the main food in the store, Nanyi ordered a variety of barbecue, and ordered three bowls of rice with beef tendon soup, plus three cups of High Ball [HighBall]. The ingredients are different, and Nanyi naturally has a base wine , while the two small ones have no alcohol content, only soda water.

When the owner was picking up the barbecue, Nanyi saw the packaging of Baoguo Rice Hub, so he ordered three more different meats, and came up with an advertisement on the spot, promoting that he only eats the food, vegetables, and vegetables produced in Baoguo Rice Hub. Meat.

It was so rare that the other customers in the store were taken aback when they heard it.

After the barbecue was served, Nanyi picked up the barbecue and put it on the two small grills on his left and right sides, with chicken skewers on the left and beef liver on the right.

Sizzling, sizzling, the meat will be cooked in two minutes.

Nan Wuwei, who had been looking forward to it for a long time, saw Nanyi stopped turning over, and immediately asked eagerly: "Dad, are you familiar?"

"It's already cooked, dip it in some miso sauce and eat it, don't dip it too much." Nan Yi picked up a skewer of chicken and handed it to Nan Wuwei, and then gave another skewer to Nan Jiakang.

"Delicious!" Nan Jiakang praised after taking a bite.

"Dad, it's not delicious."

Nanyi picked up a bunch by himself and chewed it. "Eat it as soon as possible. This is a 38-day-old white-feathered chicken. It is factory-raised. It only takes 59 days from when it is still an egg to when it enters your stomach."

"Oh, the kind kept on factory machines?" Nan Wuwei asked.

"Yes, the machine you mentioned is called an assembly line feeding system." Nanyi said, and distributed the beef liver to the second primary school, "Daddy will take you to see the piglets who live on the fifth floor some other day. Their rooms are clean Clean, no smell at all, and they don't wet the bed."

"Dad, I don't wet the bed either, it's my brother who does."

Nanyi nodded, "I know, your brother flew here from New York, urinated on your bed, and then flew back again. It's not good. Dad will beat him next time."

"Yeah, hit brother." Nan Wuwei nodded in agreement.

"Very good, your face is inherited from your father." Nan Yi pinched Nan Wuwei's little face and said with a smile.

"Hee hee hee."

Nan Yi chatted with Nan Wuwei for a while, and then turned to chat with Nan Jiakang.

"Ieyasu, whose song do you like to listen to?"

"Many, I like Akina Nakamori, Yasuko Kawai, and Kyoko Koizumi for divas, and I like youth teams for groups."

"Youth team, is that the group that sang "What's your name"?"

"Yes, you know about Fighting Sang?" Nan Jiakang asked in surprise.

"I know it's strange?" Nanyi muttered in his heart: "I'm not familiar with the youth team, but I don't want to be too familiar with the Little Tigers team that imitated them."

"Baudou-sang, you are so busy, I thought I didn't have time to pay attention to these things." Nan Jiakang scratched the back of his head and said.

"No matter how busy you are, you need to relax. Jiakang, you are the same. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. It's okay if you fail to pass the entrance exam to Dongda University. You still have a way out. I can send you to study abroad in China." Nan Yi patted Nan Jiakang on the back , said with relief.

"No, the first goal of the students in the class is Dongdae University. I can't lag behind. I must get in." Nan Jiakang said with firm eyes.

"Well, pay attention to combining work and rest, and don't let yourself get tired."


Nan Yi picked up the cooked meat on the grill and put it on Nan Jiakang's dish, "Keep eating, you can eat whatever you want, you don't have to eat at home every day, do you have enough pocket money?"

"Fighting Sang, I can't spend 20,000 a day."

"If you can't spend it all, save it for yourself, and you can use it when you want to buy something in the future, or when you go on a school trip."


After drinking and eating, Nan Yi first sent Nan Jiakang to a school, and then took Nan Wuwei to Akihabara.

Akihabara in the 1980s was not yet a holy place for nerds and rotten girls. There were no maid costumes, shy anime costumes, shy catgirls handing out small cards, and cosplay cafes calling customers "Master".

Today's Akihabara is still a hard-core home appliance sales street centered on home appliances, with a variety of home appliances as selling points, attracting wealthy people to come and buy with their families.

Every weekend, the appearance of parents leading their children through various electrical stores in Akihabara can be said to be a beautiful scenery in Akihabara.

There are also many computer-related products here, including keyboards, monitors, CDs, and floppy disks. There is no mouse. The mouse is still a redundant accessory for most people.

Home-centric consumers as well as computer-focused professionals and hobbyists with a penchant for communication technology all come here to shop for big purchases or small purchases.

There will be people selling floppy disks sneakily in the corner, don't think in the wrong direction, what they are selling is only pirated software, and those who are fishing for clams can sell them openly in Japan.

After walking around, Nanyi didn't find any elements related to animation, let alone the shop Masami Ueto told him about.

"Masami, I'm in Akihabara, where is the store you mentioned, where is the store run by your classmate?" Nan Yi took out his phone and called Ueto Masami.

"President, you go to the north and go all the way to the end. When you see an alley, go west. After walking about 10 meters, you will see a shop with many cartoon images on the window. That is the place you are looking for. I will call Call Ryoko and let her come out to pick up the president."

"No, I can find it, so let's do this first."

Nan Yi hung up the phone, and took Nan Wuwei to the place pointed by Ueto Masami. After walking for a while, he saw a shop with cartoon images on the window.

Push the door open, and the wind chimes hanging on the curtain make a pleasant sound.

"Welcome to Liangzi Clothing Store." Along with the jingle of wind chimes, a melodious female voice reached Nanyi's ears, with a sticky cartoon accent.

"Hello, Ms. Hanazawa, I was introduced by Masami Ueto." Nanyi walked into the store and said to the woman who spoke inside.

Tapping, tapping, and a few small steps, Hanazawa Ryoko walked up to Nanyi and said, "Hayi, Masami called me just now, Yongwei-kun, hello."

"I want to make clothes for him, please communicate with him, Miss Liangzi." Nan Yi pointed to Nan Wuwei beside him and said.

Hanazawa Ryoko’s voice is obviously cartoonish, or it can be said that she is a voice actress. Her appearance is somewhat similar to that of Athena in "Saint Seiya". She also specially performed cosplay, and her hair was dyed Purple pink, with colored contact lenses in her eyes, and a white dress of the same style as Athena.

Her appearance and dress aroused Nanyi's desire to participate in the competition. He had the urge to have a friendly match with Hanazawa Ryoko. It would be even more wonderful if he could wear the golden holy clothes.

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