Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 690 Give it a go, turn a bicycle into a motorcycle

"Dad, I miss you so much."

With one jump, Nan Ruofeng threw herself into Nan Yi's arms.

"I don't want you, damn girl. It cost me 72 million US dollars in three years. Later, I will explain to me how the money was spent."

Nan Ruofing pouted, "Hmph, Dad thinks I'm a fool again, how could you not know."

"Father really doesn't know. I only care about your safety. Although I can know the others, I haven't read the report. You little girl has grown up and needs some privacy."

Nan Yi pinched Nan Ruofing's nose, then put the person on the ground, "You've become a little fat pig, Dad can't hold you."

"No, Dad, I am a standard figure."

Nan Ruofing stood on the spot and turned around, showing off her figure.

"Okay, standard, it's just that the skin looks healthy when it turns into a wheat color, but..." Nan Yi pondered for a while and said, "You've become ugly."

Nan Ruobing said arrogantly: "It's not ugly, I believe this skin color will soon become a trend."

"Well, maybe you have a point."

Nan Yi recalled that it seemed that Japan and South Korea were indeed popular in black hot girl dresses for a while, and wheat-colored skin was indeed welcomed by women.

"Ruoping, talk to Wuwei first, and show him what you've seen and heard. He's still too young, don't say what you shouldn't."

"Know it."

Nan Ruofeng responded, and walked to the side of Nan Wuwei, the siblings said a few words affectionately, and then Nan Ruofeng took Nan Wuwei to the pavilion.

Handing Nan Wuwei to Nan Ruofeng, Nan Yi ran to the backyard to take a bath to relieve his fatigue. After his exhaustion was gone, Nan Yi took a report from the Hokkaido dairy farm and read it.

Shennong Nanliang has always integrated planting, breeding, research and production, and research has always been placed in a very important position. In addition to the research institute system of Fansheng, each planting and breeding base has its own junior researchers. Provide data and observation reports for the research team of Fansheng's counterparts, and also be responsible for the landing and implementation of research results.

As the annual global consumption of milk is approaching the 200 million tons mark, it has always been the focus of Shennong Nanliang, and it is also an important research topic of Fanshengzhi.

This topic may be divided into three main research directions: sugar removal, preservation, and artificial synthesis.

The milk of mammals contains an ingredient "lactose". This substance is one of the main energy sources for the growth and development of mammalian cubs. It provides heat energy and is the driving force for the development and activities of organs, nerves, limbs, and muscles.

For humans, "lactose" can also maintain the balance of water in children's bodies, and provide galactose related to the composition of the brain and vital organs, which is very important for children's intellectual development.

Lactose is also used by beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus in the small intestine to generate lactic acid. Lactic acid can regulate and protect the stomach of children. It can also inhibit the growth of intestinal spoilage bacteria and reduce the chance of infants getting sick.

Lactic acid can also lower the pH value of the intestinal tract, promote the absorption of calcium, iron, zinc and other nutrients under the action of acid, and stimulate intestinal peristalsis, clean the intestinal tract, and prevent babies from constipation and getting angry.

In short, lactose is a nutrient that infants and young children need to absorb, and this nutrient is contained in breast milk and milk.

However, as infants and young children are weaned, the activity of lactase in the body will decrease with age, eventually leading to "lactose intolerance".

Lactose intolerance means that due to the lack of lactase, undigested lactose will stay in the intestines and cause discomfort, resulting in diarrhea, bloating and other problems after drinking milk. In layman's terms, it means nausea and diarrhea.

From a global perspective, the incidence of lactase deficiency varies with different countries and different ethnic groups, 75%-100% in Asia, 0-6% in white Australians, more than 30% in Europe, and 90%-100% in Africa; 12% whites in China, 70% blacks, 100% in Japan, 3% in Switzerland, 5% whites in Eagle country, 75% blacks, and nearly 90% in Huaguo.

According to different data, people with different eating habits have different amounts of lactase in their bodies.

For example, white Australians, in their diet structure, milk can be said to be an important source of nutrition and water components. After drinking it from generation to generation, their genes will be fine-tuned, and they know that they must maintain a digestive enzyme called lactase at all times.

Except for a small number of nomads, Asians have almost no access to milk, and there is nothing about it in their diet structure. A body is so big, but there are many things in it. As a capitalist gene, when one's " "Enterprise" through the lactation period, the gene will naturally make the lactase that has lost its effect roll the ball.

If you don't kick them away, you still keep them. Which capitalist will support idlers?

Of course, some lactases have also heard "The Internationale", and they are not the masters of resignation. They will always choose to fight. Some can fight for a few years, some for more than ten years, and some simply take root.

From the creator's point of view, lactase will gradually disappear with age, which can also be understood as the protection of species. Milk is the energy source for infants and young children to survive, but some adults are too fucking greedy, obviously they shouldn't They want to rush to eat what is in their recipes.

The Creator saw that the thing he had made was so shameless, so he changed the technique of making people so that the little clay figurines he made would not be able to drink milk when they grew up.

For Nan Yi, a capitalist who wants to enter the milk production industry, he should not be the one to do genetic modification. Instead of waiting for how many generations it will take to solve the lactase, it is better to directly study the desugar technology. really.

The desugar technology is divided into two directions, one is to really desugar, control the lactose content in milk; the other is relatively simple and crude, mix a little milk into purified water, and then add some flavoring agent to produce a full name "A beverage with 5% milk content, 15% flavoring agent content, and 80% fresh water content".

This kind of drink can be referred to as "milk" for short, or "fresh milk", "yogurt", "claypot milk", whatever you like to call it, anyway, it is not milk, it is milk, so that consumers can understand it intuitively Receive the point of sale.

The first type of sugar removal technology still has a long way to go, but the second type of sugar removal technology will soon be able to research a feasible solution. At present, Shennong Nanliang must first adopt the second type of solution and launch its own Milk beverages can not only solve the problem of lactose intolerance, but also lower the price of milk.

While allowing consumers to obtain nutrition, they can save a little money.

"I'm so fucking great, I have to give myself a thumbs up."

Nan Yi said something to himself, flipped through the information, skipped the content of sugar removal, and started to read the content related to preservation.

Milk is a fresh product, and it will deteriorate in a few hours at room temperature. The preservation of milk has been a problem that has plagued human beings for thousands of years.

According to unreliable archaeological historians, humans have reduced lactose by making cheese 10,000 years ago, but until a long time before the modern scientific revolution, humans did not know how to keep milk fresh.

Fresh-keeping can be divided into two steps-sterilization and preservation.

Milk can provide almost all the protein needed by human beings. It is a good thing, and there is nothing wrong with it. Only for milk, a thousand-mile horse, there are many people who can find it and are willing to praise it, such as calves, humans, and others There are all kinds of germs.

In order to solve the germs in milk, humans have used various methods, such as putting frogs in milk, as long as the frogs are soaked in the milk, the germs in the milk will be greatly reduced.

It is unknown when this method was invented, but why this method is effective has been thoroughly studied by people over a hundred years ago—it turns out that the mucus on frogs has a bactericidal effect.

Anyway, as the years passed, various methods of sterilization emerged in an endless stream, but no matter what the method was, it was not as effective as boiling the milk before drinking it. However, in the eyes of the people at that time, this was not a method.

Raw milk and boiled milk can be said to be two different things. In the mouths of people who were used to drinking raw milk at that time, cooked milk was directly shit.

This cognition has not been changed until the pasteurization method is researched, because people find that after pasteurization, the milk becomes tasteless and unpalatable. The real answer in their hearts is "shit".

Until nearly fifty years after the pasteurization method was invented, more and more people agreed with pasteurization, and it spread from the educated to the prestigious, until the qualified legislator wrote down on paper "No pasteurization, no sale", people are gradually forced to accept the innovation of milk taste.

In fact, there are still many people who disagree. After learning about how pasteurization is done, some people muttered: "What is pasteurization and not pasteurization? Isn't it just boiling or high temperature? My ancestors 800 generations ago knew this Done, guess why I don't learn how to do it?"

Whether people admit it or not, the problem of milk sterilization is solved because of pasteurization.

However, pasteurized milk can’t be kept for long. Generally, it will go bad after two days at room temperature. The problem of freshness can be regarded as the first half step, and the second half step must be taken.

Regarding preservation, in fact, from a very early time, people have come up with various methods, such as storing ice in ice cellars, using stone slabs to keep fresh, using deep wells to keep fresh, and Arabs also use clay pots and sand to make pots and medium pots [Zeer pottery].

At first glance, all fresh-keeping methods are inseparable from "low temperature", and the unified thinking of those who are interested in solving the fresh-keeping problem is how to obtain or manufacture low temperature.

The idea of ​​solving it is quite strange. Some people say that they will go to the North and South Poles to transport a large amount of ice back, and some people say that they will connect pipes on the snow-capped mountains of the Alps to bring cold air to thousands of households. Not to mention, this idea is very interesting. Later, some people imitated it, but the solution was not cooling but heating.

Later, the refrigerator was invented, and the cold chain technology and transportation became developed, allowing people in the city to drink fresh milk from the countryside.

At the end of the 1950s, the wave of globalization swept across, and the people of Osaka, who got rich first, clamored not to drink milk from Hokkaido, but to drink milk from Australia.

Hearing the cries of the people of Osaka, the dairy farmers in Australia refused to agree. They stood up and criticized the companies that researched fresh-keeping technology.

There is a saying that you should know your shame and then be brave. The companies who heard the scolding began to study it.

First, Yingguo proposed the UHT theory [ultra-high temperature instantaneous sterilization], and then Stoke Company in the Netherlands announced the successful development of UHT sterilization equipment. In the mid-1960s, the combination of aseptic filling technology and UHT technology made sterilization Dairy technology was developed.

Now, the two steps of sterilization and preservation are completed.

After high temperature treatment, some heat-labile nutrients in milk, such as vitamins, are destroyed, and the lactose in it will also be caramelized, and a certain Maillard reaction will occur between protein and lactose, browning the milk, and destroying the original milk. flavor.

"If you want to find another way and start a real fresh-keeping road, it will take less than ten years at most. Once this time passes, the taste of the generation who grew up drinking high-temperature milk will be stereotyped, and they will not be used to drinking real milk at all. fresh milk, and then one generation influences the next. Is it possible to find a new path in such a short period of time?"

Nanyi put down the materials and fell into a battle between heaven and man.

If scientific research wants to engage in a surprise attack, it must either use the tactics of crowds or the tactics of throwing money. Only the national level is eligible to use the tactics of crowds of people. Shennong Nanliang can only choose the tactics of throwing money.

But roughly speaking, the probability of failure of the money-spending tactic is more than 99%, and only 1% of the probability of success. Is it necessary to fight?

Probability is actually a false proposition, which is only meaningful to the bystanders. People in the game, the possibility is always only positive and negative, either success or failure, the process is a 50-50 number, and the result is 100% .

"It's better to ask someone to make a budget first, and make an assessment of the market capacity of fresh milk by the way. If the investment is not large and the market capacity is large, then spend money and give it a go."

Soon, Nanyi made up his mind, changed himself into a set of clothes that could be seen by others, left the house, and walked towards the gazebo.

In the gazebo, Nan Wuwei's eyes were shining, he looked at Nan Ruofing with admiration, and listened to her telling various anecdotes about the world with relish.

Nanyi was also very interested in world anecdotes, so he walked into the gazebo, sat down next to Nan Wuwei, and accompanied him to become a little fanboy, listening to Nan Ruobing's bluffing, his eyes lit up, and he opened his mouth in amazement.

"After I left Seoul, I crossed the 38th parallel and went to Pyongyang. Although I can't visit everywhere, I can see the whole picture at a glance. Compared with Seoul, Pyongyang is not much worse. There are many cars, most of which are from the Soviet Union. For car repair, I feel that there are more cars than those in Beijing.”

"What year was the capital?" Nan Yi interrupted Nan Ruofing and asked.

"The year I left."

"Oh, you go on."

"At first, I wondered if it was an illusion of prosperity deliberately created, but after observation, it probably wasn't. I saw middle and high school students, wearing white shirts and black trousers, with a good mental outlook;

I also saw elementary school students whose clothes are not uniform, but their mental outlook is also very good; adults have many styles of clothes, jackets are popular for men, and there are more patterns for women. Pants are the same for men and women, and blue jeans are very popular now;

Shoes... Well, leather shoes are the most, and women still wear them. I can't tell what they are called. They are a bit like basketball shoes. "

"It should be sneakers, and they have become popular in China."

"Maybe." Nan Ruofing said not sure.

"Did you see the fat man?"

"Yes, not many, most people have a standard figure." Nan Ruofing replied.

"Have you seen the Ryugyong Hotel?"

"I see, the outside frame is almost ready. I also saw the May 1st Stadium, which looks like a mushroom. I have seen residential buildings with more than a dozen floors connected together. There are traditional buildings between the tall buildings. Well-maintained, it shouldn’t be a place for ordinary people to live in…”

Nan Ruofing told Nan Yi and his son what they saw and heard in Pyongyang bit by bit, and also told about the things that can be bought in the store, what food can be eaten in the restaurant, and so on.

"It's a pity that I can visit freely in Pyongyang. There are few places I can go to in other cities, and there are people around me. I didn't think it was interesting, so I flew to Bhutan." Nan Ruofeng said with regret at the end.

"Is the person you see dull?"

"It's hard to say, Dad, I feel that the people there seem to be very well-behaved. How to laugh, how to run, how to walk, seems to have its own rules, and you can't go overboard."

"The same assembly line produces the same, there is no difference?"

Nan Ruofing nodded, "Almost, the people there are very similar, as if they don't have much of their own personality."


"Father, would you like to hear what I have seen in Bhutan?"

"Tell me, if you describe the scenery more, the scenery there is worth seeing. Don't talk about the wonderful temples there."

"Hey, Dad, you know too?" Nan Ruofeng laughed.

Nan Wuwei asked, "Father, what kind of wonderful temple?"

"You asked your sister, and Dad hasn't been there." Nan Yi said back, but his eyes gave Nan Ruoying a wink.

"Hee hee, Wuwei, my sister told you..."

Nan Wuwei listened to Nan Ruofing's talk with relish for more than three hours, until the difficulties of the journey swept him away, and he couldn't keep his eyelids closed.

Send Nan Wuwei back to the room, and Nan Yi returns to the gazebo.

"In the past three years, have you gained a lot?"

"It's very big. Seeing all kinds of worlds has also taught me to think. Dad, I still can't figure out many questions and have no answers. I plan to go to all the countries again in the future."

"Hehe, Dad doesn't dare to ask you what the problem is. I can't figure it out. Your knowledge is already wider than Dad. Dad is really afraid of showing timidity in front of you." Nan Yi said with a smile.

Nan Ruofing sat next to Nan Yi, lay down in his arms, and murmured: "Father, you can go and have a look too."

"You are luckier than me. I don't have a rich father to support me to travel around the world."

"Hee hee, Dad, you're selling melons in Wang Po."

"Tch, little girl." Nan Yi stroked Fu Nan Ruo Fing's head, "You really grew up this time, is it any wonder your father made you grow up so fast?"

"No, I feel very happy. Those who are the same age as me are still doing their homework in class, and I can run around the world. I can't learn what I have seen and heard in a lifetime of textbooks."

"Of course, there are not many textbook editors who can have such a wealth of knowledge and experience as you, and their experience should not be as rich as yours. They may not be able to imagine the things you come into contact with. As for the world's sophistication in life, you have plenty of opportunities to learn. touch.

For things that need to be precipitated by age, you can slowly precipitate as you get older. This, Dad is also in the process of precipitation. The perspective of seeing the world and thinking about problems at the age of 50 or 60 is not What we can imagine out of thin air, we need to experience it ourselves. "

Adding up the time spent in the two lifetimes, Nan Yi has more than 50 years of experience, but in fact he has not really crossed the hurdle of fifty years of life. He has not really obtained the eye of destiny. .

There will be a day when he will see the world with the eyes of destiny, but he hopes that day will come later.

"Dad, is it the same as the annual rings of a tree, no matter how fast I grow, I will only add one ring a year?"

"Well, such a metaphor is not bad. Some things are bestowed by age. You will not be able to understand more than others just because you have more knowledge than others. When the Creator created us, he may have set time as a very important parameters, do you often think about growing up quickly?"

"Yes, if I grow up, I can do many things that I can't do." Nan Ruofeng nodded and said.

"Hehe, Dad hopes that he will never grow up. The time is stuck in 1977. You want to grow up quickly, but I don't want to grow up. This different thinking is given by age. No matter how smart you are, you can't figure out Dad Why don't you want to grow up?"

"Because of pressure?"

"Don't think about it, you can only analyze the appearance when you analyze it again. When you reach the age of your father, you don't need to think about it. In the next two years, you will stay in Xiangtang. There are some things that are inconvenient for Dad to discuss with you." Communicate, let grandma tell you."

"Hee hee, Dad, it's not convenient for you to say, I can guess what it is."

"Don't say it if you guess it, we shouldn't talk about those topics, and don't be curious about things you shouldn't know at your age."

"Hmph, Dad still treats me like a child."

"Nonsense, you are still a little girl in my eyes when you are eighty years old."

Nan Ruofing rolled her eyes and said, "Father, let's not talk about this, let's talk about the artist care fund."

"Okay, Dad, let me tell you about my vision. You see, those film and television stars, singers, and sports stars have to spend all their energy on their professions, and it is difficult to take care of their own assets, so we have to be selfless. Think for them, for them..."

"Dad, we are our own people."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm used to pretending."

After Nan Yi expressed his apology, he changed his way of speaking.

"Most of the people here and there are poor people getting rich, and their money will only be used for nothing. They don't know how to manage money. This kind of people are easy to fool. They raise their money for investment, and we take the bulk of the money they earn. Give them a heads up.

This is the first step in wealth management services, and it must be done well so that they can get benefits.

Our family will invest a lot in the plastic surgery and beauty industry. Seoul, Bangkok, and New York have to make plans. Female stars will get old, but they don't want to get old, so there is a potential market.

Have you ever wanted to be a star? "

Nan Yi waved his hand as soon as he finished asking, "Forget it, when my father didn't ask, you have been to Los Angeles, there are many girls who chase dreams there, most of them are pretty, but some are not so good-looking .Girls want to be stars, if they are not pretty, it is very difficult to get ahead, so what should I do?"

"Plastic surgery."

"Yes, plastic surgery, we help them become beautiful and let them realize their star dreams."

"Dad, can they afford it?"

"Little girl, you have a good skin. Naturally, you don't understand how much some mediocre girls will pay to become beautiful. If you don't have money, you can find a way to earn it, and come to us when you have enough money;

If they are more reputable customers, we can also provide them with installment services; if they have the potential to become a big star, we can also be her driving force behind and help her succeed quickly.

Of course, if we pay more, the fee will naturally be more expensive, but we will never be a vampire, it is not a one-off deal, and we must maintain our good reputation.

This is the second service content that the Artist Care Fund will launch, appearance management, in addition to plastic surgery, there is also beauty.

Beauty is divided into two parts, one is beauty products, about this, the research institute is still in the research, let's not talk about it;

The second piece is healthy eating. Dad plans to launch products or ingredients for weight loss, beauty, and body sculpting functions on the basis of organic food. You can also bundle fitness coaches and nutritionists into it and package it into a complete set of plans. As long as it is really effective, you will be charged. A little more expensive, our customers can also accept it.

I won’t talk about the others. Dad told you that the Artist Care Fund is not an independent project, but a project that needs to drive many plans. The first step of wealth management must be done well, even if you put money into it. Gotta get it right. "

"Father, won't you tell me the future plan?" Nan Ruobing blinked and said.

"Hehe, the next plan is flexible, and it has to be adjusted depending on the implementation of the first two steps. I won't tell you for the time being. When you implement it, you should use your brain to see what else can be extended."

The artist care fund is indeed very important. It involves a series of plans later, and the time span will be very long. Nanyi has even planned fake celebrities and Internet celebrities into it.

"Oh, I see, Dad, this project doesn't seem too difficult, and it doesn't take much effort. You won't arrange me to do other things?"

"Come on, Dad won't arrange other things for you, and you don't want to do any new business. In the past two years, you should mainly study and play. Before returning to Hong Kong, you can fly to Seattle and go to Boeing to see Watch the plane."

"Hey, Dad, you want to take me to the plane?" Nan Ruofeng said with bright eyes.

"Yeah, there are both finiteness and inaction. Of course, you and Hongdou also have to have it. Gulfstream, you should return it to me."

"Take it away, take it away, I'm already tired of flying on broken planes." Nan Ruofing said with disgust.

"Little girl, pick up the chopsticks to eat, put down the chopsticks and scold dad, dad has flown less than ten times and handed over the plane to you, how dare you call it a broken plane?" Nan Yi grabbed Nan Ruofing's cheek, viciously Said.

"Dad, I fly a lot. The flying time is not short. It can be regarded as a broken plane."

"Oh, forget it, find a buyer and sell it."

Nan Yi knows how often Nan Ruofing flies. The parts of the car are aging and you can continue to drive. The plane is still fine. If you fall down, you don’t regret taking the medicine, so let’s get a new one.

"Father, I don't want it anymore. I have feelings for that plane, so I can't bear to sell it." Nan Ruoxing rolled her eyes and said with a face full of reluctance.

"If your little eyeballs don't turn, Dad will still take it seriously. Don't make up your mind about the money for selling the plane. It's not Dad's private property, and the money won't go into Dad's hands."

"Hey hey hey, Dad saw it through again."


Nan Yi was very emotional. Nan Ruobing's narrow-mindedness became more and more slippery. If he continued to develop, he would have to turn his head several times to see it.

The heart-to-heart conversation between the father and daughter continued until late at night. It was past ten o'clock in the evening. Scarlett Scarlett, the leader of Pan-American Holdings, a number of semiconductor companies, participated in the internal meeting of SIA.

SIA, the Semiconductor Industry Association, is an association that can only be self-satisfied in China, an association that has been repeatedly rubbed on the ground by VLSI, and an association that Intel uses when discussing how to go bankrupt decently, to see if it can An association that saves oneself from a dead end.

In the 1950s, Soviet revisionism launched a large satellite. That’s right, they really sent a satellite into the sky. The White House saw it, and it was worth it. If you fall behind, you will be beaten if you fall behind.

So, with an order, electronics companies across the country worked together to help launch the satellite.

After a year of hard work, the satellite has been sent to the sky, but this is eating dirt after others. No, everyone has to continue to work hard, and electronic companies have to continue to work hard to launch the satellite.

But in this way, electronics companies have served the military industry, so what about civilian use?

"Don't worry, elder brother has something to do, younger brother will do his best." The Japanese special chicken jumped out, "It's okay, elder brother, you can continue to work, I'm the one for civilian use."

The Soviet revisionist pressure was too great, and the country really couldn't spare a hand. When I thought about it, yes, let Japan help itself solve civilian needs first.

In this way, Tokyo Communication introduced Westinghouse Electric's most advanced transistor technology at the price of cabbage, and Sony was born thanks to the introduction of this technology; NEC bought planar lithography technology from Fairchild, allowing Japan to have integrated circuit manufacturing capabilities.

After that, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry waved its hand, established the Industrial Technology Institute, and called NEC before leaving work: "Ah, this, you must have a sense of the overall situation, keep in mind the national chess game at all times, and don't stare at the situation in front of you." Don’t let the pots and jars go away, if you send out a seed today, someone else will give you back a forest tomorrow.”

NEC understands in seconds, this is the Fairchild technology that allows itself to be bought back by electronic companies across the country.

The situation is stronger than the people, open up and open up.

In this way, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry established the Institute of Industrial Technology to take the lead in tackling key technologies; on the other hand, it promulgated the "Electronics Industry Revitalization Measures" to restrict the entry of foreign capital and protect the domestic market.

In 1964, Texas Instruments wanted to enter the Japanese market. After four years of hard work, it only got an unequal treaty-it could only establish a joint venture company, hand over its core technology, disclose all patents, and its market share could not exceed 10%.

Texas Instruments suffered a big loss outside, and immediately went home and cried to the parents, "Dad, someone robbed my toy..."

The White House thought for a moment, "That's right, what a pity, I watched rockets going up into the sky and manned landing on the moon, all of which I watched live on Sony TV. No, it can't be like this anymore."

Therefore, China and Japan met in a fair, friendly and harmonious atmosphere. After consultation, the two sides reached an agreement that Japan would open its domestic market.

As soon as the market opened, Big Blue entered Japan with a big banner, occupying more than 40% of the market in just one year.


Unfinished, to be continued tomorrow!

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