The country used the status of the big brother to convince Japan to be soft, but this did not stop Japan's semiconductor revitalization.

In 1970, Intel, which was separated from Fairchild, replaced the magnetic core with semiconductor transistors, and launched the world's first mature dynamic random access memory, DRAM [memory stick], marking the official entry of the world's electronics industry into the semiconductor era.

Japan has a keen sense of smell and is aware that the previous suppression by the country is irrelevant, and the electronics industry has a new way to play.

The Ministry of International Trade and Industry immediately established the Institute of Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit Technology, referred to as VLSI. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry invested 32 billion yen, and then pointed to the soldiers, "You, Hitachi count one, and you, Fujitsu, come up and count one by one. It's too troublesome, everyone who calls their names comes up, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, NEC, and so on."

All the companies that were pointed out pooled 40 billion yen together, and VLSL was formally established.

VLSI is taking a path that breaks down the barriers between everyone and advances collaboratively. Everyone gathers together to develop new technologies and new products, and then when it comes to the fruit-sharing link, everyone divides the research and development results and goes back to go their own way.

Of course, everyone will scramble to get good things, so swords and swords are inevitable.

In just 4 years, VLSI has invented 1210 patents and formed a high-quality industrial wolf pack.

Moreover, Japan, where the neck is still aching, has laid out the research and development of upstream equipment, forming a full industrial chain model of raw materials, design, manufacturing, packaging and testing. Although the crested ibis is small, it has all the internal organs. Xiaoqiang's immortal body has been built and is waiting for Dongfeng. Arrival, soar into the sky.

There is no need to wait, the east wind of the 1970s is always hanging overhead, no matter who shouts "the wind is coming", the east wind will blow.

At that time, Moore's Law proposed by Gordon Moore had no market at all. Mainframes were the mainstream in the world, and the cost was high. There were only a few potential customers, and it was difficult to add one more. Others make money, don't even think about it.

For example, IBM cannot make a profit by selling machines at all, but can only rely on maintenance and replacement of parts in pieces. Therefore, semiconductor products in the 1970s are often of good quality, and if they are well maintained, they will be used for decades without any problem.

Japan secretly assembled three major anchors of national research and development, the entire industrial chain, and craftsmanship. They took hands and screens, and blatantly opened the hook.

From 1970 to 1980, in ten years, Japan worked quietly in the field of semiconductors, from a ninety-degree high to a one-hundred-eighty-degree high.

The same quality, better service, but the price is always 10% lower than others. The speculative Japanese tyrants have made a mess of the national supply and marketing cooperatives.

The films of Walkman and Fuji occupy the world, and Sony has become synonymous with high-end TVs in the world. The raw material silicon wafers for chips, the crucible for producing silicon wafers, and even the lithography machine, the jewel of the industrial crown, are all imprinted with Japanese traces.

Nikon pinched the necks of GCA, K\u0026S, and Kasper, and said with a sinister smile: "Call me dad, I won't give you raw materials if I don't call dad."

What is the origin of these three families?

They are the ancestors of the lithography machine, and the lithography machine was fed by the three together.

Faced with this situation, Intel beat on the gong and rushed to tell each other, "Master, the wolf has entered the village again", "Brother, the wolf has entered the village again", "Senior brother, the wolf has entered the village again"...

That's it, when the hungry wolves were hunting for food, SIA was established, and went to Washington to lobby as soon as it was established, but at that time, the White House was busy with neoliberalism, and didn't pay attention to SIA at all.

On the other hand, thousands of kilometers away, Kai Hoshidaimo published an article in the newspaper "Ouba, we are going to enter the semiconductor Smecta".

This article is like a proclamation, and it’s like sounding the charge. The Cheong Wa Dae has been in series overnight, copying, we copying Japanese operations, and South Korea’s attack on semiconductors.

In the past five years, SIA, which had achieved nothing, finally ushered in the dawn. It has been wandering around the periphery, and Japanese products that did not touch the interests of the Chinese consortium finally broke through the barrier and recruited the consortium monster.

Representatives of several consortiums including Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, and Tony Stark gathered in New York to form the Avengers Alliance. With the strength of several people, they made a trick - the Plaza Accord.

After performing the trick, Intel poked his head out of the air-raid shelter to take a look, and immediately cursed: "Fuck the trick."

Japanese semiconductors are still making strides, and their global market share has increased by 5 percentage points. More than 80% of Chinese DRAM companies have gone bankrupt, and the rest are on the road to bankruptcy.

Intel, which has invested heavily in DRAM, has nothing to do with it. It can only lay off more than one-third of its employees. Executives gathered at the headquarters and held a meeting to discuss the topic-how to make bankruptcy less ugly?

After discussing for a long time, everyone reached a consensus: bankruptcy is bankruptcy, and there is no such thing as beautiful.

Since we can't go bankrupt beautifully, we will continue to do it, so the theme of the meeting was changed to "how to do it". In the end, everyone made a difficult decision to bid farewell to DRAM and explore CPU.

Just when China Semiconductor was in mourning and there was no future in sight, Fujitsu, who lived happily ever after, drove a sports car and blasted the streets with blaring music, shaking and shaking, swaggering all the way through the market, and went to Fairchild.

"Xiantong, I'll give you a chance. I'll protect you from now on. If anyone bullies you, report my name."

What does this mean?

This is to let Fairchild change its name to Fujitsu Fairchild.

Xiantong, the unsupportable mud, can bear it, but his more than 400 adoptive children scattered outside cannot bear it.

Back then, they couldn't stand their adoptive father, so they left one after another to set up their own houses. However, no matter how bad the foster father was, he was also the foster father who raised them. Some people dared to bully their foster father. They couldn't bear it, absolutely couldn't bear it.

Intel, the longest adoptive son, once again stood up and waved the flag. First, he called AMD, who had a very tense relationship: "The adoptive father has been bullied. Let's put down our grievances first and come over to meet."

Brothers fought against the wall to defend against their insults.

No matter how much the brothers fight, the meat will rot in the pot. Everyone divides the meat according to their ability, but when outsiders come to grab the meat, the meat will become less.

More than 400 adoptive children. How big a force is this? Isn't this just half of China Semiconductor?

There is a saying that there is no Fairchild, no Silicon Valley, and it is the fall of Fairchild that made Silicon Valley.

Fairchild not only has more than 400 adoptive children, but also tens of thousands of fanatical fans. These fans call Fairchild "Xianquanbi", half and half, Fairchild is in trouble, and the whole United States supports him.

The semiconductor industry in the United States has moved, and by the way, it has coerced the capital invested in them.

At this moment, SIA's waist finally straightened up, and it was directly played with a set of punches. In March 1986, Japan was identified as DRAM dumping.

Six months later, the "U.S.-Japan Semiconductor Agreement" came into effect, and Japan voluntarily requested to open its own local semiconductor market, inviting Chinese companies to obtain 20% of their market within five years.

Another month later, Fujitsu's acquisition of Fairchild was rejected.

By the way, old accounts have also been turned up. In 1983, Toshiba exported machine tools to the Soviet Union. It was brought out and revisited. There was also a live broadcast of a congressman smashing a Toshiba radio with a sledgehammer on the streets of the country.

Nanyi vaguely remembered that day, when Shengchen Pharmaceutical's old Tie 666 cold medicine was flying around the sky over the country, searching for the big brother he was thinking of.

Although Japan suffered another sap, their semiconductor market share is still rising, so SIA called everyone to a meeting again to discuss how to draw the bottom line again.

After half a day of deliberation, everyone came up with a series of plans, which can be summed up in four words: "Aid South Korea to fight against Japan", no longer going to the end by themselves, and supporting South Korean semiconductor companies to grab food in the DRAM field.

Of course, for the capital behind Chinese semiconductor companies, if you want to support them, you must have me in you, and you must not be in me.

Not long after Nan Yi woke up the next day, she received a call from Scarlett. After the phone call, Nan Yi knew that the opportunity to invest in Ren Xing was about to come.

Go to the bathroom to wash up, wake up the two little ones and go out to exercise.

As soon as they went out, they lined up horizontally, and when they were halfway away from Mount Fuji, they formed a V-shaped formation. When they reached the foot of Mount Fuji, the three points became two, and Nan Wuwei was already on Nanyi's back.

It can only be at the foot of the mountain and cannot go up. Mount Fuji is only open to tourists for seven or eight months. If you want to go up the mountain at other times, you need to apply in advance. Let the management department check the quality first. Mountaineering masters are invited.

This is also forced. Mount Fuji is a snow-capped mountain. There are too many newborn calves who don’t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. They climbed to the top in bad weather.

"Daddy save me."

Nan Ruofing found a piece of ice from nowhere, and mischievously stuffed it into her clothes from the back of Nan Wuwei's neck.


Nan Yi petted and blamed, reached into Nan Wuwei's clothes, and felt out the ice cube. Before taking it out, he deliberately drew a few times on Nan Wuwei's back, which made Nan Wuwei grin his teeth.

Standing at the foot of the mountain and blowing the wind for a while, when I went back, I detoured the Kawazu Sakura Road to enjoy the cherry blossoms that bloomed earlier than other places.

At noon, Nanyi and his party flew to Xiangtang in two groups.

It's embarrassing, as long as Nanyi and any two little guys are on the same road, a plane can't fit them, and the security guards they bring.

When they arrived at Hong Kong-Qide Airport, Nan Ruobing left first, while Nan Yi and Nan Wuwei continued to wait at the airport for the flight to Shanghai to take off.

On May 20th, a day swinging between the ordinary and the special, Nan Yi and Nan Wuwei returned to the Fang Mansion.

Because Liu Zhen was left alone in Shanghai during the New Year, when Liu Zhen came back from get off work and saw Nanyi and his son, she couldn't help but scold him first, and the three of them could have a good meal when her anger subsided.

"The country has liberalized the treasury bond transfer business, and selected seven cities as pilots."

"I heard, does your bank have a large transaction volume?"

"It's unstable. Sometimes it's more than a million, and sometimes it's less than two to three hundred thousand." Liu Zhen said: "According to the teller's report, there are several familiar faces who go to the counter to sell treasury bills."

Nan Yi picked up a chopstick and put it into Nan Wuwei's bowl, "Oh, this year's new coupon?"

"There are all of them, mainly new coupons."

"It's the goods from banks in other cities."

"It should be that the price is different in each city. The price here in Shanghai is a little higher than in other cities. There is a difference of a few dollars. I have an idea to adjust it with branches in other cities."

"Forget it, your bank can be said to be playing the role of a referee, and you will go straight out of the game to grab food from the small households. The food is too ugly, Liu Chu, don't just pick it up in your own bowl when you see something good, you have to allow ordinary people to become rich. "

Nanyi's chopsticks knocked on the back of Liu Zhen's hand holding the chopsticks, "I'm so blind, I didn't see that my son likes to eat it, and you are ashamed to grab the last one from my son."

After Nan Yi finished speaking, he picked up the last stickleback from the soup bowl and put it in Nan Wuwei's bowl.

"I only ate one." Liu Zhen pouted and said dissatisfied.

"There are only three sticklebacks in total. There are also meal sticks and crucian carp in the basin. You can eat whatever you want."

Nanyi made miscellaneous fish stew, that is, four or five kinds of small fish were mixed together to make a pot, and he also added a lot of fish roe and fish maw.

"Too many thorns, help me pick."

Nanyi picked a few fish maws from the soup bowl and put them into his own bowl, and stuffed them into his mouth one by one, ignoring Liu Zhen at all.

Liu Zhen put a crucian carp into her bowl, and complained, "Okay, Nan, you don't even bother to treat me right now, do you?"

"Don't make trouble for nothing, don't use your unreasonable tricks, don't force me to make you hungry for nine meals in three days." Nan Yi said, pointing to the TV, "Who is playing Wanrong?"

Liu Zhen looked back and said, "It seems to be called Lige, I forgot what her surname is, "TV Comics" said that she has gone abroad, and her husband is the chairman of some foreign company."

"You also ordered "TV Comics"?"

"No, I bought a random copy at the newsstand that day." Liu Zhen replied, and suddenly turned the conversation back, "Don't talk about it with you, you answer me first, what do you mean I can't see good things? What Call me ugly?"

"It's just a joke. Don't hold on to it. It is good for the country to invigorate the trading of national debt. If you make any adjustments, your bank will eat all the benefits. What will the common people eat? The financial market must look like a financial market. Don't make it worse than a casino."

"Don't be alarmist. I just put forward an idea. Whether it is to be implemented will naturally be discussed at the meeting and approved by the superior."

"Come on, just keep your set in your office, don't take it home. I originally planned for you to put Wuwei here, but now it seems, forget it, I'll send him to New York."

"I will bring my son myself." Liu Zhen said decisively, "How long are you going to stay in India?"

"It will take some time. Apart from India, I have to be busy with other things in the middle. I may not be free this year. I can fly back a few times at most."

"Then why don't you take your son with you, don't you take it with you everywhere else?"

"The food hygiene over there is very problematic. Besides, Wuwei should go to kindergarten. He needs to play more with his peers."

Nanyi picked up a few more fish maws and pulled the last bite of rice out of the bowl.

Liu Zhen smiled and said, "Oh, I thought you planned to keep your son in your hands forever."

"What can I control or not? I just want to spend more time with my son. I'll only be away for half a year. You can take care of me, son. If anything happens, I won't let you off lightly."

"Tch, you don't need to say it, he is the flesh that fell from my body."

Nan Yi stayed in Shanghai for a week, chose a kindergarten for Nan Wuwei himself, and observed it for two more days. Seeing that Nan Wuwei adapted well, Nan Yi left Shanghai and went to Jigongdang, Huizhou.

I haven't been to Jigongdang for a while, and there have been great changes here. First of all, Jigongdang has become a pure experiment and test base, and the large-scale breeding function has been removed.

Secondly, the pattern here has changed. Different trial breeding areas are planned in an orderly manner. There is an additional water outlet on the top of the hillside. In a small reservoir.

At the junction of the stream and the reservoir, a group of fish that look similar to meal sticks, but a circle larger, are desperately trying to swim upstream.

"Nanyi, it's not easy to get these fish species. I didn't know it before. It turned out that the Yangtze River saury is very difficult to catch alive. This kind of fish is very tricky. It doesn't swim in a straight line in the water, but walks in a vertical zigzag. Fishermen on the Yangtze River They are called saury fish, and if there is any disturbance in the water, the saury fish will swim far away."

"Oh, Auntie, didn't these fish species cost a lot of money?"

"The average amount of fish transported here is 728 yuan and 5 fish. This fish is hard to catch and difficult to transport. It has a strong temper. When it is caught, it hits the fishing net. When it is thrown into the bucket, it hits the bucket. When it is delivered to the car, it will crash again. To keep banging their own heads flat and knocking off their scales is simply desperate for death.

Less than 10 of the 100 can survive here, and less than half of them can survive when put into the water. "

As Ge Cuizhu said, he still had lingering fears in his heart.

"The higher the cost, the higher the cost, Auntie, you should have tasted the taste of this fish, right?"

"To be honest, the taste is good, but I don't think it's good enough to deserve our attention." Ge Cuizhu said.

"Hehe, who made it have a history and a great reputation, and it will definitely sell for a big price in the future, but ah, it can at most rank second. Auntie, shad, why haven't I seen it?"

"They're all big fish."

"Oh." Nan Yi nodded.

Young shad fish live in fresh water, and usually return to the sea to grow when they reach a length of 15 centimeters. This is a migratory fish.

"Nanyi, we are lucky. Not long after the fish species arrived, this fish has entered the "Red Data Book of Endangered Animals", a first-class wild protected species."

"Have you reported it to the relevant department?"

"Reported, special approval has been obtained, we can keep the fish species."

"That's good. Otherwise, we'll have to go to Linan to catch fish species. I don't know if Yangtze River shad and Linan shad are the same thing."

"Nanyi, I heard that someone outside has offered to buy shad for 400 a catty. Raising shad is more cost-effective than raising saury. The saury is too difficult to serve. You have to feed live fish and shrimp."

Nan Yi frowned and said, "Must? Swordfish don't eat black soldier flies?"

"Eat it too, but you have to feed it together. It's not enough to feed the black soldier fly alone."

"Well, let's explore slowly. First, make sure that you can feed them, and then try to simulate their original living environment. If you raise them here, the taste of the fish will definitely not be as good as in the Yangtze River. Auntie, don't say which one is cost-effective, let's keep it and see. .

It’s still the same way of thinking, we first explore and raise them ourselves, and when we have summed up our experience and cultivated fry, we will sell the fry instead of raising them ourselves. Let's go, let's go to the Black Soldier Fly. "

At the beginning of this year, Jigongdang added a trial breeding project of black soldier flies to explore the possibility of introducing black soldier flies into domestic breeding.

The appearance of the Black Soldier Fly is similar to that of a fly, except that its body is more slender and its color looks a little darker. Although it looks similar to a fly, compared with a fly, it is completely two extremes. Every stage of life is a treasure, and it can also turn waste into treasure.

The black soldier fly eats poultry manure and kitchen waste. As long as it is explored in depth, it will not only solve the problem of water pollution caused by poultry manure in the future, but may also find the key to solving domestic waste from it.

Heishuimang eats feces and garbage, but it can be converted into high-value animal protein feed, which can be processed into animal protein feed additives, or directly used to feed multiple poultry, fish, and frogs; and from It can also extract antibiotics, fat agents and other ingredients used in the production of high-end beauty products and medicines.

Nanyi and Ge Cuizhu came to a trial breeding area covered with gauze nets. When they lifted the gauze nets and walked inside, they could see wooden frames on the ground.

Nanyi walked to a wooden frame, leaned over and stretched out his hand to dig into the fluffy soil, and he caught a large wriggling worm in his hand, "Aren't these cute little things easy to serve?"

"The ones in your hand are not easy to serve. They eat fish, the ones next door eat dead chickens, and the ones next door eat slop from the restaurant. The one on the far side is the best to serve. , they eat chicken, duck and goose droppings."

Nanyi smiled, "I said, these little things are fat for nothing."

Putting the black soldier fly back into the frame, Nanyi stood up and rubbed the soil in his hands, "The black soldier fly eats chicken dung, and the chicken eats it again, saving money for the chicken feed, but ah, this thing is just It would be a waste to use it as chicken feed."

"Right now we can only see its value as feed." Ge Cuizhu said disapprovingly.

"Auntie, don't worry, it is already worth raising if it can be used as feed. We don't need to wait for the rice to be cooked. We can afford it in a few years. Other values ​​can be discovered little by little."

"I'm not in a hurry. It's just that the group has so many projects that only spend money and don't spit out money. It takes up a lot of funds. Over time, liquidity will be a problem."

"Well, we will make some adjustments depending on the situation at the end of the year."

Nanyi nodded, walked out of the gauze net trial breeding area, and walked to another larger trial breeding area.

This breeding area is a special chicken breeding area, which is divided into smaller areas, and the distance between areas is at least tens of meters.

Nanyi walked to the edge of an area where the nameplate said "Metal Chicken", looked inside through the fence, and saw two pitch-black chickens standing there in the open space inside the fence.

Metal chickens are rare among chickens, with black feathers, black mouth, black bones, internal organs and black eggs.

After observing the metal chickens for a while, Nanyi turned to ask Ge Cuizhu, "Auntie, isn't their shit also black?"

"It's just black, not pure black."

"Tsk, there's a fly in the ointment." Nan Yi said regretfully.

Metal chicken contains trace elements and multivitamins, and can synthesize 10 kinds of amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body. It has extremely low cholesterol and high nutritional value. The chicken is nourishing and the chicken soup is delicious. Moreover, metal chickens have the advantages of low breeding rate and scarce output.

Moreover, in Indonesia, the locals believe that this chicken has magical powers. They firmly believe that this chicken can cure diseases and bring good luck. It is often used for sacrifices or bought by rich people as pets.

Summarizing the advantages of the metal chicken, it is easy to draw a conclusion - it has the potential for hype.

This kind of chicken was prepared by Nanyi to counterattack Indonesia. Metal chickens are already expensive in Indonesia, but they have not reached the sky-high price level. Nanyi intends to make metal chickens the overlord among chickens, at least in terms of price.

After watching the metal chicken, Nanyi went to see the Japanese long-tailed chicken, silky chicken, and fighting cock. These are all chicken breeds that have the potential to grow into sky-high chickens. After being improved by the Fansheng Institute, they are put here Conduct trial breeding.

After watching these chickens, Nanyi went to the breeding area of ​​Dongtao chickens.

Dongtao chicken is very delicate and needs a relatively large free living space. It is difficult to achieve large-scale breeding in China, and it is difficult for chicken breeds before improvement to grow and reproduce in places other than Langnan, even after improvement. , It is still not as good as the chicken breeds raised locally in Nannan.

It's a pity that it's not convenient to go to Liunan for research at present, and there is no way to solve this problem for the time being.

"Auntie, that chicken doesn't seem to be in a good state of mind, is it sick?" Nan Yi pointed to one of the Dongtao chickens and said.

Ge Cuizhu said: "The veterinarian checked him. There is nothing wrong with his body. I don't know what happened. He is listless all day long."

Nan Yi stroked his chin and guessed, "Maybe he's depressed. It seems that Ji Gongtai needs to be assigned an animal psychologist."

"Nanyi, are you sure you're not joking with Auntie?"

"Of course I'm not joking." Nan Yi said seriously: "People will have mental illnesses, and chickens will naturally too. A psychiatrist is assigned to treat them. They will naturally eat more and grow faster when they are in a good mood."

"Do you want to add some pedicures and massages?"

"Massage is okay, but pedicures are fine. Dongtao Chicken has two feet that are precious, so you can't do random repairs."

Although the Dongtao chicken's feet are not ugly and look a little disgusting, they can be sold at a high price. In the restaurant in Liannan, a pair of pure blood Dongtao chicken feet can be sold for 20,000 yuan Shield or more, about thirty-five dollars or so.

"You, I really can't say anything about you." Ge Cuizhu nodded to Nanyi, shook his head and said helplessly.

"Haha, I was joking behind, but I am serious about the psychiatrist. I didn't notice this problem before. Now that I think about it, it really should be matched."

Nan Yi pondered that the mental health of animals should be taken care of. The Dongtao chicken in front of him is a gelding chicken that has been castrated. Maybe it is because of this that it is depressed.

"Can you find the psychiatrist you want in China?" Ge Cuizhu asked uncertainly.

"It is estimated that Xuan, not to mention the country, may not be able to find it abroad, so let's look for it first, and if you can't find it, direct it to Wei Pei."

Nanyi and the two talked while walking, and then went to the pig breeding area.

"Auntie, what's the market for breeding pigs outside?"

"It depends on whether the boar is good or not. If the boar is good, there will be a dozen or twenty people to mate it. If the boar is not good, no one will mate."

"What about hugging piglets?"

"Twenty or thirty, it's about two yuan, less than three yuan a catty, not necessarily. Recently, the price of pork has risen again, and the price of piglets will definitely increase."

"Well, that's not too expensive. What's the market for corn now?"

"Just take one or two loads, 2 cents 3, 2 cents 4."

"It's okay, it's only increased by a penny or two. As for the rice, I remember it was 19 cents in November last year. How much is it now?"

"Twenty cents, the price can only be heard, where to buy rice, how much can be left after paying at the grain station, it is not enough for my own family to eat."

"What kind of people dare to eat white rice all at once, and a few grains are enough for a few meals."

Local reserves are becoming more and more serious. Farmers relying solely on farming, the living standards of farmers are not much different from those before the land was divided into households. It is just that the economy has been liberalized. Farmers only need to work harder, and they can earn some living money in their hands.

Ge Cuizhu sighed and said, "Farmers are miserable, it's only been a few days before they can eat freely."

"The difficulty is only temporary, and the hope lies in the golden fields." After Nan Yi finished speaking, he changed the subject suddenly, "Auntie, our breeding boars are fed with fish every few days?"

"Feed every other day, two catties of minced fish meat each time, and bone meal every other meal."

"Where's the Black Soldier Fly, have you tried feeding it?" Nan Yi asked again.

"I didn't dare to try it. It's time for the breeding boars to work hard. I'm afraid they will eat up their stomachs."


As the two talked, they came to the pig breeding area.

In the breeding area, the sows are locked in a relatively large pen, and the boars are free to move around outside. The two sides are separated by a long distance. One worker bathes one of the boars by the pool, and another worker is in the corner. Chasing flies with a fly swatter.

Ge Cuizhu pointed to the boar snoring under the tree and said: "That one has the best breed, and it has been bred for three litters in a row. It is a good breed. The piglets born are in good health, eat a lot, and grow fat quickly."

"Then control the frequency of its breeding so that it cannot be too tired. How does the breeding boar exercise every day?"

"A worker will accompany one of them, one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening, let them go out for a run, go down the mountain, circle the reservoir and come back." Ge Cuizhu said.

"You can't just run around. It's better to get a few basketballs for them to play with. The space here is not big enough. It is best to raise the breeding boars on a hillside, and they can exercise more."

"Don't dare to move them now, change the place, they may not be able to stay in the habit."

Nan Yi said: "It's not about this batch. Find a few more experimental sites in China with different climatic conditions and observe the differences between the breeding boars raised under different climatic conditions."

"There are already several experimental sites. There are two breeding boars in Changbai Mountain Deer Farm, two in Qiongdao Eel Breeding Base, and there are also in Wuchuan and Zhejiang Provinces."

Nanyi took two steps forward and approached the boar that he observed just now, "Then it's almost enough to find another spot in the relatively arid area of ​​​​the Northwest. First observe for two years, sum up experience, and then go to other pig breeds.

Now the country is in the stage of eating good meat, and our focus is on large white pigs. When it develops to the stage of eating good meat in the future, our focus will shift to other pig breeds. "

"The group is already exploring the way of breeding those special pig breeds you mentioned. The trial breeding area next door includes Ningxiang five-flower pigs, Jinhua two-headed black pigs, Taoyuan black pigs, and Bama pigs."

"Well, I'll go and have a look later. There are so many kinds of roosters, so you must be careful about your hygiene and control the quantity. You can't stuff everything here. The animals here are all treasures. Ecological breeding is still a must." Don't use them as guinea pigs."

Nan Yi stood still, looked at the pigs lying on the ground from head to tail, especially the underside of the tail, and looked at them carefully for a while, "What kind of fruit do you usually feed them?"

"Watermelon, peaches, apples, plus a little wild fruit, whatever is in season for them to eat."

Nan Yi asked again: "How often do you check them?"

"Five days."

"The frequency should be higher, it's better to change it to two days, and the sow pen should be farther away, so as to prevent the young boar from masturbation."

"Don't worry, all these have been taken into consideration."


Nanyi turned around all the trial breeding areas in Jigongdang, then returned to the checkpoint at the foot of the mountain, took off his protective clothing, and followed Ge Cuizhu to the simple office by the reservoir.

After talking with Ge Cuizhu about the work of the Reclamation Group, Nanyi went to Shenzheng to visit Fan Hongdou, then went to the capital to stay for two or three days, and then went to Tokyo to pick up Sayuri Hagiwara, and the group embarked on a journey to Mumbai.

If you want to ask Nan Yi what his initial impression of Mumbai is, he really can't answer it.

After the plane landed at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Nanyi and his party did not enter the urban area of ​​Mumbai, but directly brushed the outskirts of the relatively backward North City, and went straight to Peacock Villa.

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