Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 692 Good Morning, Mumbai

There are as many as 1,652 languages ​​in India, and there are as many as 22 official languages. Even Hindi, the first official language, is only used by less than 40% of Indians, and there are still accent problems.

In comparison, Indian accents are like southern dialects in China, and they are particularly difficult to understand. It is not much easier to learn than to learn a foreign language.

So even if you learn Hindi, it is basically useless. It can only be used in a small range. If you go a little further, let's just say "Hello" honestly.

Nanyi has learned a little Hindi, but it is just some very simple daily expressions and some key words. He can not understand what others are saying, but he cannot understand whether what others say is good or bad. "Not one stay" can be heard as "invite him to dinner".

This time I came to Mumbai, Nan Yi brought great kindness.

Yes, very great kindness, he wants to burn himself and illuminate others.

Sitting in the car, Nan Yi flipped through the "New Times of India" in his hand, half-guessed and read the title, and then looked at the illustrations. He put the newspaper aside and picked up another "Times of India" looked up.

The Times of India is an English-language newspaper, and he has no trouble reading it.

"Faraque, let's go."

Nanyi looked at the newspaper, but said in his mouth.

Beside Nanyi, it was not Sayuri Hagiwara sitting, but Faraque, the president of Glorious Peacock.

"Okay, Boss." Faraque shook his head and opened the folder in his hand, "Chanda Kochhar, born in 1962, was born in Rajasthan, and his father is a professor at a local engineering university. Because of her father, she received a good education at an early age.

When Kochhar was 13 years old, her father died and the family's life became difficult. Even so, her mother did not let her drop out of school, but just moved the family to Mumbai to survive.

In 1984, after obtaining a bachelor's degree in economics from Zahind College, Kochhar entered the Industrial Credit Investment Bank as a trainee;

While working, she was also studying at the Janara Bajaj Institute of Management Studies. After investigation, she was very focused during her study at the Institute, spending her spare time in the library. "

"Score?" Nan Yi said.

Faraque said: "The Intelligence Policy Committee 4.721, the South Office 4.729."

"Good evaluation, Faraque, how much is a high-end apartment in Nancheng?"

"1200-3000 rupees per foot."

Nanyi calculated in his heart, the most expensive one is almost 32,100 rupees, 2310 US dollars per square meter.

The price is a bit outrageous. Let's put it this way, in 1987, India's per capita income was US$332, which was more than ten US dollars more than that of China. Of course, this data is meaningless to individuals.

To be more down-to-earth, in Mumbai, a migrant worker earning 1,000 rupees a month walks on the street, not to mention his nostrils upturned, even if his chin is upturned, no one dares to say that he is arrogant. This is a veritable gold-collar class.

If the monthly income is 500 rupees, when the parents visit the neighbors, they can deliberately say modestly: "Oh, my son can't do it. He only earns 500 rupees a month. It must not be as good as your son."

If the monthly income is 200 rupees, then congratulations, this is the most comfortable income level for life. You don’t have to worry about food and drink, and you can occasionally go to restaurants, cars and houses, so you don’t have to worry about it.

In analogy, it is similar to the state where a domestic bachelor spends about 100 yuan a month, and the whole family is not hungry when one person is full.

If the monthly income is 50 rupees, then congratulations. With this money, you can become a rich man in the slums of Mumbai, and you can eat when the time comes.

The current income of the mainstream people in Mumbai is between 100-150 rupees, while the average house is almost 140 rupees, 10 US dollars per square meter. You can buy a large apartment of more than 100 square meters for ten years without eating or drinking. The house price is very reasonable.

"Look for a set of about 1,200 square feet and buy it. If you choose a good one, how many bathrooms do apartments usually have?"

"In a 1,200-square-foot apartment, there are generally three bathrooms, two for the owner and one for the servant. Boss, do you want Kochha to choose the house by himself?"

Of course, Faraque could understand the purpose of buying a house in Nanyi. If he didn't have this level, he wouldn't be able to take the position of the president of Glory Peacock.

"No, analyze what Kochha and her mother like, and I plan to give her a surprise."

"Okay, Boss." Faraque shook his head.

"Faraque, help me find another female partner. She must be beautiful. When necessary, I will take her to the reception. She needs to understand social etiquette. Adults, under the age of 30."

"Boss, just a female companion?"

"Yes, it's just a female companion. She doesn't need to play the role of a woman. For the time being, I'm not interested in finding a woman here. Ah, the mouth must be tight."

"This kind of woman is not difficult to find, and you can find it soon."


Feeling the speed of the car slow down, Nanyi closed the newspaper in his hand and turned to look out the window.

Outside the car window, a herd of cattle was leisurely crossing the road, including Brahman cattle, yellow cattle, buffaloes, and a zebu with a tumor on its back. Nan Yi saw one of them was white.

The white zebu is not simple. In Hindu classics, Shiva’s mount is a white bull. In some murals left over from ancient times, there are often white zebu. Over time, the white zebu is regarded as a sacred cow. .

Near Zhuzhechi, non-white zebues are also smeared and enjoy certain privileges; zebues attain the Tao and ascend to heaven. In the eyes of some believers, as long as they are cattle, they are noble.

Because of the noble status of cattle, Dalits are not qualified to touch them. Lower castes are afraid of being targeted by higher castes, so they also keep a respectful distance from cattle, let alone raising cattle for farming and camels.

Only the earth kings of various states are qualified and have the courage to raise a large number of cattle for farming. After all, the earth kings have large private lands, and no one dares to take care of what they do on their own land.

There are few people who dare to raise cattle, and the cattle can only rely on themselves. At the beginning, there is a lot of grass in the country, so you can eat whatever you want, so don’t live too leisurely. Eat hard, grow hard, and the cattle population will grow rapidly within a few years stand up.

The grass was still the same, and the number of cattle had doubled. Gradually, the grass was not enough, and the cattle began to harm the crops.

If the crops are ruined, the farmers don't care whether they are god cows, they drive them as soon as they need to be driven, and they are pumped as soon as they need to be pumped. The life of the cattle in the countryside suddenly becomes dire.

The cattle saw that the strategy of encircling the city from the countryside was no longer working, so they simply blossomed in the center.

As a result, the cows held discussions for more than 80 years, and finally formulated the "Wandering God Cow" plan, which migrated to the cities with the poor, and New Delhi and Mumbai were their destinations.

This is why there are many cows ostentatiously passing through the streets of Mumbai. They are all poor cows. If they can stay in their hometown, who will come to the city to be a stray cow.

"Faraqui, why are there so many stray cows here?"

As soon as Faraque heard Nanyi's question, he immediately said like offering a treasure: "Boss, there is a pasture field in front of me. I have raised more than a dozen warrima horses for Boss. These cows are going there to graze pasture."

When Nanyi heard this, although he felt dissatisfied, he still said calmly: "You have a heart."

The car continued to drive forward, and it didn't take long to reach the edge of a fence.

Inside the fence is the scope of Peacock Villa.

Looking in through the fence, Nan Yi almost couldn't help slapping Faraque.

On the other side of the fence, at the place where the main road of the villa connects to the gate of the villa, there are 270 or 80 people standing densely. Standing in front is Han Zhenhe, and an Indian, Diwaman, the housekeeper of Peacock Villa, Nan Yi has seen his photo.

Nanyi knew that there were more than 200 staff members in the villa, but he never thought about the welcoming ceremony that Faraque would hold.

"It's fucking nonsense." Nanyi complained, then turned his head and said to Faraque with a cold face: "Get out of the car, except for the servants, let them go back to their posts."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Seeing that Nanyi was dissatisfied, Faraque got out of the car quickly, crawled towards the crowd, got close to the crowd, shouted a few times, and the crowd began to disperse, leaving only fifty or sixty people in place.

"Let's go."

Nan Yi watched the crowd disperse, and said something to the school belle.

As soon as Nan Yi got out of the car, Diwaman led people to greet him, walked up to him, bent down, reached out and touched Nan Yi's instep, "Sir, welcome home."

"Thank you, Divaman."


Puran, the captain of the Dalit female soldiers, came out from behind Diwaman.

"Pu Lan, you have worked hard."

As Nanyi said, he stretched out his left hand to Pu Lan.

Pulan looked at Nanyi's outstretched hand, his cheeks twitched a few times, and he stretched out his left hand after a while, tentatively stretched it out, and then immediately took it back.

Nan Yi didn't wait for her to take it back, so he grabbed it and patted the back of her hand with his right hand, saying nothing.

Pulan looked down at his hands, then looked up at Nanyi's face, his eyes became moist.

The use of the left hand of Indians is well known to the world. In the social structure of India, Dalits are untouchable and lowly, and Dalit women are even more lowly among the lowly.

Rape, looting, and killing are like the sword of Damoris hanging over their heads.

Pu Lan used to live in a village. One day, she was dragged into the woods by five or six men on her way home from picking up cow dung. The darkness of the moon.

Luckily for her, Dalit women are usually killed on the spot after being raped.

It was because of luck that she was able to meet Luban Wood's logging team, was rescued, had the opportunity to kill her enemies, and had the opportunity to be called Pu Lan.

Pulan's original name was not Pulan. This name was changed because Pulan heard about Pulan Devi's deeds and regarded her as an idol.

"Ali izz well [All is well]."

Nan Yi patted Pulan's hand again, gently withdrew his hand, turned to Diwaman and said, "Let everyone go back first, and you can look around with me."

"Yes, sir."

After Diwaman asked the servants to retreat, he returned to Nanyi's side, and took Nanyi and Hagiwara Sayuri to patrol the villa.

There are also cows in the villa, not many, and Nanyi only saw five or six. Compared with the cows outside, the cows in the villa have a more regular appearance, and it seems that they have been selected on purpose.

Walking closer, Nanyi also saw a very strange-looking cow, covered in brown-yellow hair, with two hooves, which were slightly different from ordinary cows, and looked more like elephant hooves.

Regardless of the head, this should be an ordinary cattle, and it is a malnourished cattle, because there are many folds on its body.

But if you look at the head, you can find that this cow has no horns, and its ears are very large, similar in shape to the ears of a Boer goat, but this length...

Nan Yi walked up to him and touched the head of the bull that looked like a Labrador. Seeing that the cow didn't act aggressively, Nan Yi picked up one of the cow's ears, straightened it, and estimated the length.

"At least eighty centimeters."

Nan Yi muttered for a while, and looked at the back of the cow. There was a bulging tumor on the back of the cow's neck. According to this feature, it should be a Brahman cow.

However, the dog's face, sheep's ears, cow's body, elephant's hooves, and layers of folds hanging under the neck are the offspring of Shar Pei and Labrador, and the grandson born of adultery with sheep, blood Inheritance, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, and the grandson is restless and the cow is good for the great-grandson born?

"Kawaii, Yongwei-kun, do you know what kind of cow it is?" Sayuri Hagiwara, who was on the edge of Nanyi, exclaimed when she saw the appearance of the cow.

"I don't know either." Nanyi replied, and turned to Diwaman, "Diwaman, do you know?"

"Sir, this is a Brahman cow, but it looks rather strange." Divaman replied, "It is because of its strange appearance that it is raised in the villa."

"So that's the case. I thought it was bred in a laboratory."

Diwaman's tone was calm, as if he was used to it, which made Nan Yi understand that he was making a fuss.

Saying goodbye to a few cows, Sayuri Hagiwara hugged Nanyi's arm and continued to walk forward with Diwaman. The closer to the building of the villa, the more trees there are. The distance between the trees is not far or close, and they are scattered .

The area of ​​the villa used to be a sparse forest area. When it was built, a lot of trees were intentionally cut down. The remaining trees were carefully calculated and arranged at a certain angle, so that the location suitable for sniping the main building fell on the roof of the main building. And within the detection and strike range of the sniper position on Peacock Mountain.

India is a country that allows guns. Although the procedures seem to be very cumbersome and the review is very strict, there are two different workarounds on the table and off the table.

Uttar Pradesh is close to the Himalayas, and Punjab has not been peaceful in recent years, and terrorist attacks have occurred from time to time. It is very easy for these two states to apply for a gun license. It is very easy to obtain a state gun license first, and then apply for a national general license.

This is the method on the desktop, it is a little troublesome, and you need to turn a corner.

The ones under the desktop are relatively simple, as long as you are interested, you can let them do it quickly.

The security gun license of Peacock Villa did not cost a lot of money, and it made the equipment very interesting. Anyway, if you are in the country, as long as you walk out of the gate of Scarlet Manor, the security equipment around Nanyi must not be as good as here.

There are more than 2 million licensed private guns in India, and the number of guns that are secretly hidden or obtained from illegal channels without a license is certainly not small.

According to Faraque, the partner of the glorious peacock, the control gang in the poor red-light district of Kamatipura, has a lot of guns in his hands.

Due to the ease of obtaining guns, Nanyi, who was doing good deeds this time, had to pay more attention to his own security.

After walking another distance, Sayuri Hagiwara looked at the buildings not far away, and then turned her head to Nanyi and said, "Mr. Yongwei, the house here is very big, but... it seems that there is no need for so many servants."

"You say this, because the servants here have a strict division of labor, and the rules cannot be messed up. For example, Divaman is of the Kshatriya caste, and his ancestors are either military generals or civil servants. He can be regarded as a nobleman, although now Down and out, but he would only choose to be a housekeeper here, not a servant.

I mean, even if he wasn't qualified to be a housekeeper, he wouldn't be a servant just to fill his stomach.

The rich people here generally only hire chefs of the Brahmin caste, because those who can become rich are often either Brahmins or Kshatriyas of high castes, and rich people of high castes will not eat food made by people of low castes;

High caste chefs will not serve low caste Vaisyas, it is a shame for them.

Since chefs are of high caste, they can cook, but they can’t do the work of serving dishes and washing dishes, and they need special kitchen maids to do it;

In addition to the maids who help the kitchen, there are also those who are responsible for washing clothes and washing for the owner. I am talking about all kinds of washing, washing face, bathing, washing the buttocks after going to the toilet, etc.; there are also those who are responsible for indoor cleaning, which requires several servants ;

In addition, there are those who are responsible for outdoor cleaning. In the eyes of the servants, those who are responsible for indoor cleaning will never do outdoor cleaning, because they think that indoor cleaning is a bit more advanced than outdoor cleaning;

Others include gardeners. This is a relatively professional job, and they are often inherited from their fathers. Not all servants can do it, and we need several gardeners here;

There are too many divisions of labor, such as babysitters who take care of children, doormen who are responsible for guarding the door, full-time drivers who drive cars, etc., and each division of labor has a dedicated servant, so the work of the servants here is not heavy, and the salary is not too high. high. "

"Then everyone doesn't have much work to do, why don't the servants do more and get paid more?" Sayuri Hagiwara asked.

"Because there is no such market demand, think about it. Compared with hiring a hundred servants for the same amount of money, hiring a hundred servants looks more dignified and respectable than hiring ten servants."

Sayuri Hagiwara nodded and said, "It's very impressive. I was frightened by so many people standing here just now."

"Hehe." Nan Yi smiled and patted Sayuri Hagiwara's hand, "The Peacock Lake is in front of you. Let's go and have a look. It's my first time here too, and I only saw it on the drawings."

Peacock Lake, as the name suggests, is shaped like an irregular fan, like a peacock with its tail open.

Moreover, there are really peacocks here.

"Yongwei-kun, there are actually peacocks here...the blue ones, hey, there are also white ones, and there are also black ones." Suddenly, Sayuri Hagiwara grabbed Nanyi's arm and exclaimed.

"Of course there is. Why is it called Peacock Villa here? Isn't it because there are peacocks." Nanyi glanced at the peacocks by the lake and said with a smile.

"Great, I like peacocks very much."

Sayuri Hagiwara said, let go of Nanyi's hand, and walked in the direction of the peacock.

Nan Yi did not follow Sayuri Hagiwara, but walked to the shore of Peacock Lake and looked into the lake.

Peacock Lake is stocked with jinjiluo fish, wheat dace and Ganges river soft-shelled fish. Jinjiluo fish should be regarded as the most valuable freshwater fish in India. It is said that it was a tribute from the Indian royal family in the past. Nanyi has never tasted it, so I don’t know how it tastes, but He knew that this fish could be worth a lot of money, because it was golden, beautiful, festive, and had great potential as an ornamental fish.

Dace is the second largest farmed fish in India. Its skin is solid and easy to feed. As long as there is water, it can be raised. Whether it is a river, a lake, or a small pond, they can live well. If you like it, you can feed it. If you don’t want to feed it You can also solve the rations in the water by yourself.

Because it is easy to raise, and grows faster, its nutrition is no worse than that of the four major domestic fish. In order to make people eat more nutritious, it has been introduced to Guangdong Province for large-scale pilot breeding in the past two years.

It is inevitable that there will be escape incidents if you keep them in the breeding. It is not easy for wheat dace to breed in limited waters, but if they escape into the river, they will completely let themselves go. A medium-sized wheat dace weighing about five or six kilograms can be fertilized in one breeding season. 300,000-400,000 fish eggs are produced, and the hatching rate of fish eggs can reach 30-50%.

Originally, if you run away, you run away. People in Guangdong Province know how to eat anyway. It doesn't matter if you make 300,000 or 500,000 in one breath, as long as it is delicious, you can still eat it until it is endangered.

It's a pity that dace is really not delicious. No one wants to stuff it into their mouths if they don't starve for three to five days, so this fish is likely to flood the rivers in Guangdong Province.

To raise this fish, Nanyi just wanted to see how strong its reproductive ability and survivability are. You must know that fish can also be hybridized. It is very interesting and very interesting to graft the advantages of dace to delicate fish. Foreground subject.

As for the Ganges softshell turtle, it is purely for fun. In two years, Nanyi wants to see how much worse the Ganges turtle raised in Peacock Lake is compared to the Ganges turtle in the Ganges River. It will definitely be worse, and it is impossible to surpass it. After all, There is more food in the Ganges, and there is another food that Nanyi will never feed.

Squatting down by the lake, Nan Yi stretched out his hand and patted it gently on the lake.

The patting stopped, and the patting continued for more than ten minutes, but not a single turtle head emerged from the water.

"Damn it, the native methods in China don't work here!"

Nan Yi spat and stood up.

"Sir, there is something I need to report to you." Diwaman suddenly walked to Nanyi and said.

"you say."

"I don't know if sir just noticed a maid with fair skin standing in the second row?"

Nan Yi recalled for a while and said: "No, it's strange to have a fairer skin, Diwaman, you just say that she has something special."

"Sir, the maid's name is Sharma, Priyanka Sharma, a Brahmin."

Nan Yi frowned and said: "Divaman, tell me directly what is so special about this Priyaka. It's not unusual for Brahmins to lose in India, isn't it?"

"I'm sorry, sir, it's my fault. I thought you understood the meaning of the name Sharma. The four surnames Sharma, Tiwedi, Vias, and Pandit are the most common surnames of Brahmins;

Today, the other three surnames have basically disappeared, except for Sharma. Hundreds of years ago, the Sharma family paid for the construction of many temples. Now the priests of these temples are all members of the Sharma family. Sharma people who need help can ask for help from the temple. "

"What kind of help, monthly living allowance?" Nan Yi asked.

Divaman said with a bit of a sour tone: "Not only can you receive living expenses, but you can also borrow a large amount of money that does not require interest to establish a relationship with the Sharma family."

Nanyi immediately understood what Diwaman said, which is similar to family funds.

"So, Priyanka's family is very powerful. Is it because she was driven out of the family because she was so poor that she became a maid?"

"Yes, it means being expelled from the family."

"Oh, let me guess..." Nanyi turned his mind a little, and thought of a possibility, "Priyanka has found a boyfriend of a low caste, can't it be a Dalit?"

In India, it is relatively easy to marry a low-caste to a high-caste. There are a lot of shabby households of high-castes. According to the customs of marriage in India, the woman must have a generous dowry when she gets married. If the wealthy households of low-caste want to achieve a rise in class, find a The downfall of a high-caste son-in-law is undoubtedly a shortcut.

For the declining high caste, it is undoubtedly a good deal to marry a wealthy low caste wife to improve their living standards.

However, if the high caste is not in decline, it is a dream for the low caste to marry the past, let alone marrying the upper caste, as long as the status of the high caste is there, no matter how dilapidated the family is, it is not too difficult for a female high caste to marry another male high caste. It's difficult, as long as you lower your requirements, don't expect the other party's family to be rich.

"Yes, sir, you guessed right." Divaman nodded and said, "Priyanka just found a Dalit man. After the Sharma family found out, they sent someone to kill the man with a knife. , hang the man's mother and several sisters naked on a tree after being abused;

Then, Priyanka was expelled from the family and went to the servant market to find a job. This incident caused a lot of trouble, and almost the whole of Mumbai knew about it. "

Not everyone in India shakes their heads YES and nods NO. This feature often only appears in low castes. Faraque is from Vaishya, so he has this feature, and Divaman is a high caste. He has also received a Western-style education, so his way of thinking and behavior are more Westernized.

"Diwaman, if you have been with me for a long time, you will find that I am easy to get along with. I am a tolerant person. I will pretend that this incident has never happened. Tell that Priyanka and stay quietly. , you can leave whenever you want." Nan Yi said pointedly.

"My kind sir, thank you." Divaman said sincerely.

"Well, I'm exhausted from traveling and traveling. I'm tired. I'm going to take a bath. You go and give orders."

"Okay, sir."

As soon as Diwaman walked away, Nanyi waved at the back, and when the school beauty came to him, he said softly: "S, h, a, r, m, a, Sharma."


The school belle responded and walked towards the parking lot.


Nanyi has no good taste, and has never paid attention to the gorgeous appearance of the place where he lives. Peacock Villa still continues this style, still horizontal and vertical, without arches, and the windows do not have any curvature.

You know, it is the most economical to build a house in a straight line upwards, crooked, protruding here, concave there, making a circular arc here, and a triangle there, all of which cost more money.

People who spend a lot of money on the appearance of their houses are mostly not for pleasing the eyes, but for a face.

Nanyi has no face, and he doesn't need face, he just wants benefits.

The Peacock Villa has a back-shaped structure, with an open-air garden of 128 meters x 128 meters in the middle, surrounded by a building area with a depth of 62 meters and a length of 190 meters. The entire building covers an area of ​​36,100 square meters.

In the center of the garden is a nested back character, 28 meters x 28 meters, a total of 784 square meters, surrounded by four independent swimming pools, and the middle space is a bathing pool modeled on Huaqing Pool;

A water pipe is connected to the boiler room, and hot water is continuously delivered into the bath soup, and another outlet pipe slowly drains the cooled water, so that the water temperature in the bath soup can always be kept relatively constant.

At this time, white rose petals were dotted with dots of white rose petals floating on the water surface of the bathing soup, with a few lotus flowers dotted in the middle, and a tray was rippling with the waves, containing lychees and a pot of salamander.

Nan Yi opened his mouth, swallowed the wine that Sayuri Hagiwara poured into his mouth, then swallowed the lychee that had been handed to his mouth, took a sip, the pulp remained in his mouth, and the core was picked up by a catkin.

Leaning her head back and leaning against the jade pillow, Nan Yi let out a sound of relief.

Sayuri Hagiwara pushed the tray on the water aside and leaned on Nanyi, "Yongwei-kun, shall we go to the street tomorrow?"

"Well, we will go shopping in the next few days. Let's go to the north of the city first. There are places where ordinary people live, and there are slums. We can go and see them, and we can also go to see the thousand-person laundry."

Nanyi showed an evil smile, and said with a vicious look: "If you are interested, you can also taste the street food here. Tomorrow we will go out in a caravan. There is a bathroom in the caravan."

"Why do you drive an RV when you go shopping? Why do you emphasize the bathroom?"

"Haha, don't worry, you will know tomorrow." Nanyi replied mysteriously, and then shouted into the air, "play music."

As soon as Nanyi finished speaking, the music of "JimmyAaJa" instantly swept into the bath water, causing ripples on the water surface.

"Nagao-kun, the song doesn't seem to be sung by an Indian." Sayuri Hagiwara said after listening to it for a while.

"It's not true. It was sung by a singer named Meizi. From Hua, if we can spare time tomorrow, let's go to the cinema to watch a movie."

"Can you understand?"

"If you don't understand, it's okay if you don't understand musicals, as long as you can understand dancing. You go ahead, I'll go up first."

As Nanyi said, he stood up, walked up the bathing steps, waved his hands, and made the two maids who were about to put on bathrobes stand still, and he himself stepped forward and took them from the maids' hands. Bathrobes put on.

Walk out of the swimming pool area along the glass plank above the swimming pool, walk tens of meters in the right direction, and you will come to the shower.

The place where the shower is called Hundred Birds Chaofeng, open air, no walls to block, in the middle is a phoenix bathing in fire, fiery red, with wings spread out to fly to the sky, surrounding, hollow steel wires or hanging or holding dots of birds, bird heads All facing the phoenix, it seems that the birds are waiting for the transformation of the phoenix.

Nan Yi walked in front of Phoenix, stood still, and fiddled with a certain position on the ground with his toes. In an instant, water droplets sprayed from Phoenix's mouth and sprayed on his head. The impact force of the water droplets can be adjusted. Viewed from a specific angle, the water droplets will also appear fiery red, and people will be dazzled with a little golden light.

The tiptoes fiddled with another position again, and the sound of clicking and clicking sounded instantly, and the power was transmitted from the control center to each bird through the thin wire in the hollow steel wire, and the wings of the birds flapped gently.

Fiddle with the toes again, and the folded curtains on the surrounding ground are ejected. The stitches of the curtains are not dense, and can only obscure a little bit of sight; the curtains are very light, and a breeze will lift up a corner of it .

"It's disappointing to see everything at a glance, and it's seductive to hold a pipa and half cover your face." Nan Yi muttered, fiddled with his toes again, and the curtain was immediately taken back to the ground.

Nan Yi clapped his palms, and came to him in a sari with a tray in his hand...

After soaking and cleaning, the exhaustion of the journey was swept away. Nanyi sat on a wool carpet in the living room, picked up the cup from the tray, took a sip of the mineral water airlifted from Kanglong Island, and then picked up the cup again. Another cup, took a sip.

The second glass of water is the mountain spring water on Peacock Mountain. Although the water sample report gave it a good evaluation, Nanyi still dared not try it. In his previous life, the fear of prolapse during a seven-day business trip to Mumbai was still engraved in his memory. .

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