Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 708 The Road to Chemical Industry, Visit the Earth King

"I know, I saw in the report you submitted, the reason you stated in the report is that the treatment cost of Ganges water is too high."

"Yes, the cost of treatment is very high." Shatish said: "There are more than 60 cities upstream of our original water intake point. Domestic sewage, industrial wastewater, garbage, human and animal excrement, and corpses are all discharged into the Ganges River. Eight or nine have not been processed.

According to our tests, every 100 milliliters of Ganges water contains 100,000 Escherichia coli, which is 200 times the world standard, which means that the excrement content in the water is very high.

Drinking and bathing in the water of the Ganges will increase the chances of suffering from digestive tract diseases and skin diseases, and many people along the Ganges have died of water-borne diseases, so they often drink the water of the Ganges;

Although the overlap rate between people who have produced antibodies in their bodies and our target customer group of Galaxy Goddess is high, their repeat purchase rate is not high, and our main customers are wealthy people of high caste.

Although our mineral water has undergone multi-layer purification treatment, one of our high-caste customers still got flagellosis from drinking Galaxy mineral water. There is no way. In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, I can only plan to upgrade our water again. purification process.

After calculation, instead of improving the purification process, it is more cost-effective to directly improve the quality of the water source, so I arranged for someone to dig a deep well in the factory. The water quality is very good, and it can be drunk directly according to international standards.

After changing the water source, the sales volume of Goddess of the Galaxy is getting higher and higher, especially the affluent people of high caste recognize our brand very much. "

"Shatish, this is a very good job, but..." Nanyi said with a long voice: "You should diverge your thinking. In addition to the Ganges River, Varanasi also has Sarnath. In the eyes of Buddhists, this The place is holy."

"Boss, do you mean that we find a fake water source near Sarnath, and then create a sub-brand?"

"Diverge your thinking again."

Shatish was stunned for a moment, and asked tentatively: "Cooperate with people in Buddhism?"

"Well, water is water, and it can be associated with things that are talked about, but don't give it any effect that it doesn't have at all. I don't want to hear marketing words like cure all diseases. Do market research, if Get moving when it’s feasible.”

"Okay, boss."

The discussion between Nanyi and Shatish came to an end temporarily, and the group continued to visit the factory.

The hygienic standard of the Yinhe Goddess factory is quite high. Every worker wears protective clothing and gloves on their hands. The assembly line and the floor are spotless. This kind of hygienic standard is a bit incompatible with India, and it can be regarded as one of the hygienic production in India. model.

It was really hot in the protective clothing. Enduring the sweltering heat, Nan Yi followed Shatish to visit the factory, and then several people came to the car parked outside the field.

"Shatish, the Galaxy Goddess factory will be upgraded to become the Galaxy Goddess Food and Beverage Group. In the future, the Galaxy Goddess will not only produce mineral water, but also fruit juice drinks and snacks. India is the largest mango planting and production country in the world , the supply of raw materials is relatively stable, and mango juice and dried mango can be used as the main products of Galaxy Goddess in the future.”

"Boss, my major has always been chemical engineering. If the business of the Goddess of the Galaxy grows bigger, I worry that my ability will no longer be competent to manage it."

"I know that Wangmu Fruit Industry has been engaged in primitive fruit planting and sales all these years, earning very rudimentary profits. Now, the layout of Wangmu Fruit Industry in major fruit-producing regions around the world is almost complete. The next step is to lay out the field of deep processing of fruits.

The Goddess of the Milky Way will become our experimental field and training ground, and each elite soldier will be trained here, and then go to the global battlefield. Get your hands on other drinks.

However, real fruit juices are definitely inferior to chemically synthesized beverages. In the future beverage market, synthetic beverages will definitely account for most of the sales. We will not directly participate in this market, but we cannot give up.

Food flavors, food additives, including food seasonings, are all areas that we need to participate in.

You are the first talent in chemistry in Nanshi, and I am optimistic about the candidate to lead the layout of Nanshi's chemical field. Your future is still in the field of chemistry. I hope you will not be reluctant to part with some pots and pans, and don't get lost in small puddles.

You know what I mean? "

The meaning of Nanyi is very simple. The Goddess of the Milky Way is about to be spun off from the Shiva God Chemical Group and brought under the banner of Wangmu Fruit Industry. In addition to the industrial chemical industry, Shiva God himself will also enter the field of edible chemical industry in the future.

"Boss, I know what to do."

Satish is an old man who came from the earliest days of the Chai Wan Emotional Policy Committee. He stayed in Xiangtang for a long time, and he can speak Cantonese more or less.

At this time, he said a sentence in Cantonese just to play the emotional card.

"Continue to work hard. My trip to Varanasi is mainly for tourism. The work is not so closely arranged. I will visit Unity Fertilizer and Victory Pesticide tomorrow. We will go to Varanasi University in the afternoon."

"Okay, Boss, I'll pick you up at the hotel tomorrow morning?"

"No, just wait at the factory."

After leaving the Galaxy Goddess Factory, Nan Yi and Sophie Marceau walked around the streets of Varanasi again.

There are countless temples here in Varanasi, and if you walk in any direction, you will come across a temple. The two of Nanyi are heading towards Varanasi University. They walk around temples along the way. The three-foot temple gate is one inch away from the road. They were all sprinkled with sweet dog food.

Sweating outside during the day and returning to the hotel at night is still sweating profusely.

Sweat seems to be a pendant on the two of Nanyi's bodies. From morning to night, there is very little time to keep their bodies dry.

Sophie Marceau is about to go to the seven days of mandatory vacation. In the past few days, she is trying to seize the time for revenge consumption. Nanyi's wallet is carrying it, but the other pocket is a bit shy.

After sweating a lot, Nan Yi went to the bathroom to take a shower. As soon as he came out, Sophie Marceau ran up to him with a phone in her hand.

"Woman, I'm calling from Tokyo."


Nan Yi wiped his hair with a towel, and pointed to his ears. Sophie Marceau put the phone to his ear when she saw Nan Yi's movements.

"Yami, tell me."

"President, three things. The CEO candidate for the Galaxy Goddess you are looking for has been found, and the information has been faxed to Han Zhenhe; there are some reports that need your approval urgently, and the person who sent the report is already on the plane; in addition, the shit stirrer Price reported that something happened in Sierra Leone, and we delivered a shipment, but no diamonds.”

"Are there any casualties?"


"What did Sanko mean, or did his subordinates make their own decisions?"

"RUF is in charge of the transaction this time with a newcomer named Mata. The biggest possibility is that he made his own decisions."

"How much is the goods worth?"

"The exchange is worth $8 million, and our normal shipment price is $1.2 million."

"Only we didn't receive the diamonds, what about the other jewelers?"

"It seems that we are the only ones who didn't receive it."

Nanyi thought for a while and said, "Tell Price to contact Sanko, either take the initiative to give us an explanation, or we will ask him for an explanation."


After hanging up the phone, Nan Yi began to think about whether there was any change in Sierra Leone. A few years ago, Scarlett Mining Group cooperated with the forces in Sierra Leone through the EO channel and directly sent people to mine diamonds there.

Later, the situation changed, and the name of "blood diamond" was already being called out. Seeing that something was wrong, Nanyi asked Scarlett Mining to withdraw its personnel, and changed from self-exploitation to procurement, instead of paying directly, and instead It is replaced by agricultural products.

Sierra Leone's government army and the anti-government army RUF are not good stuff. Scarlett Mining learned from other jewelers, and it is also betting on both sides. It doesn't matter whose diamond it is, as long as it is a diamond.

The jeweler trades dollars and weapons, while Scarlett Mining trades agricultural products. The business is not as sophisticated as the jeweler’s. The agricultural products are bulky, and one transaction needs to be pulled on a boat, so the freight expenses should not be too large.

But there is no way to make it more refined. Jewelers are not the only ones involved in the diamond business. There are also arms groups and mercenary groups behind them. Various forces are intertwined. Arms are forbidden by certain forces. If you hit the bar, you will offend certain forces.

Nanyi never thought of getting involved in the arms business, and there was no need to touch arms at all.

Perhaps because of this, RUF thinks that jewelers with arms cannot be provoked, but Scarlett Mining, which only has agricultural products, can be provoked.

"Adam, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, there is a small problem in the business, you go to take a shower, I'll send someone to come and change the sheets."

Sophie Marceau turned over and said lazily: "I don't want to move, just hug me over."

"Naughty, go by yourself."

"If you don't hug me, I won't wash."

"There's really nothing I can do about you."

Nan Yi stepped forward to pick up Sophie Marceau, and walked a short distance, the chest that was dry just now became greasy again.

In front of the bathroom door, as soon as Nanyi put Sophie Marceau down, Sophie Marceau laughed and dragged Nanyi into the bathroom together, and then... Nanyi had to take a second bath.

The next morning, Nanyi and the two went to visit Unity Fertilizer again.

The main products of Unity Fertilizer are ammonium bicarbonate and urea. Most of the production processes of these two fertilizers overlap. Unity Fertilizer adopts the one-step synthesis method of ammonium bicarbonate to synthesize urea. So strictly speaking, ammonium bicarbonate is an intermediate product of urea. Ammonium bicarbonate The production cost of urea is lower than that of urea.

Both ammonium bicarbonate and urea are nitrogen fertilizers. Roughly speaking, the effects are almost the same, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each has its own fertilization skills.

"Boss, after many years of research and improvement by me and the technical team, the synthesis process of Unity Fertilizer is already one of the most advanced processes in the world. The next step is to deploy our own nitrogen fertilizer industry chain to meet self-consumption. outside sales."

"According to the current international situation, the relative price of primary agricultural products, especially primary agricultural products used as staple food, is difficult to rise. It is fixed to one mu of land, from sowing to harvesting, whether it is planting large wheat, corn, or rice, from Since the harvest last fall, no farmer in any country has been able to make a profit, Shatish, why is that?"

"Boss, in the past five years, global oil, electricity, and labor prices have all risen, which has led to the rise of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. If it is only limited to a small area of ​​farmland, it will not be profitable at all, unless artificial can be ignored."

"Artificial, huh, how many countries have set wage standards for farmers?" Nanyi sneered, and said: "Throughout history, several powerful countries today have developed from the difference in agricultural scissors, and dumped them at low prices when they were weak. Agricultural products are exchanged for money and machinery to develop industries, and the garbage produced by agricultural machinery is forcibly raised in status and price, and sold to farmers in a search-style manner.

Bullying farmers and workers is an internationally recognized national development idea.

Now that the speed of information circulation in the world is getting faster and faster, more and more people know what the outside world is like, and everyone will unanimously make eating looks better.

Reducing the burden on farmers will become the mainstream internationally in the future, but can this burden really be reduced?

In my opinion, it may be reduced on the surface, but it will either remain the same or increase the burden secretly. The method of tax collection should change, from direct grabbing to hiding in other categories.

Such as daily consumption, education, such as agricultural machinery, irrigation water and electricity charges, such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Fertilizers and pesticides will continue to increase, and they will increase in strides. The tax burden and raw material costs of such enterprises will increase, and the operating capital flow will also increase. In order to ensure profit margins, the prices of finished products will naturally increase geometrically. increase.

No one would go into a business with a working capital of hundreds of millions but a profit of only a few thousand. "

Nan Yi paused and continued: "For a long time to come, economic development will be the mainstream in the world, and less developed countries will naturally make tax concessions in order to attract foreign investment.

God Shiva is divided into three steps. The first step is to continue to improve the production process of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and strive to remove one of the most advanced ones;

The second step is to build the chemical fertilizer and pesticide supply chain of Shennong Nanliang. Part of Shiva’s production capacity will be directly transferred to the farms in various places and become subsidiary assets of the farm. I don’t want us to pay a tax on the chemical fertilizers and pesticides we use for ourselves .

The third step is to export our production technology to all underdeveloped countries in the world that are carrying out economic reforms and attracting investment, and vigorously expand during the period of tax incentives. When the preferential period ends, we can choose to sell, shut down, or transfer according to specific circumstances factory, or continue to operate;

Our purpose is to take advantage of the wind to make a profit, and once it is unprofitable, we must consider transformation.

But before doing this, first register a chemical company in China. This company will nominally become the second largest shareholder of Lord Shiva, blurring the geographical attributes of Lord Shiva and making it look like an Indian company and a chemical company. US companies. "

"BOSS, underdeveloped countries are more superstitious about the biggest and the best. Officials are afraid of taking responsibility. When cooperating and introducing companies, as long as they have a choice, they will definitely choose the best; we Lord Shiva wants to expand smoothly. , we need to enhance our reputation, but this is not in line with our usual purpose of keeping a low profile."

"So, you have to realize the first and second steps as soon as possible. Before the third step is implemented, Lord Shiva will carry out the shareholding reform and introduce several real and false shareholders;

During the implementation of the third step, the bad mass group will cooperate with your work, and there is a high probability that the branches established for external export will have shareholders who will eat dry shares;

Moreover, the person in charge of the branch will be appointed by the headquarters at the beginning, and will be replaced by the local person in charge after normal operation. Using soil to make soil will be the core strategy of our strategic expansion.

Counting from tomorrow, I will see the plan in 40 days, which means that after you find the answer I want, you still have about 30 days to make the plan.

Of course, hehehe..."

Nan Yi joked and smiled, and said, "Maybe it's possible that you don't need to make this plan."

Shatish also smiled out of curiosity. He knew in his heart that Nanyi couldn't have slapped him because of Dhawan Rahja's affairs. The answer must be found, but he wasn't worried that his seat would be compromised. Can't sit still.

Visit the Tuanjie Fertilizer Factory in the morning and the Shengli Pesticide Factory in the afternoon, and the daytime will soon disappear.

In the evening, Shatish took Nanyi and the others to Beniya Bagh Road, a vacant lot near the southwest of Beniya Park. This vacant land has been bought by Shatish and planned to build an office building .

A few minutes ago, this office building was going to be called Beiyin Building, but now it has been renamed as Sophie Building.

Needless to say, Sophie Marceau must have given the name.

The name of the office building doesn't matter to Nanyi, she can change it if she likes.

Nanyi took a few glances at the open space, and asked Shatish to take him to a residential area just south of Beniya Park.

There is also a large open space beside this residential area, which is very suitable for building staff dormitories.

"Is this land owned by the city hall or privately owned?" Nan Yi asked Shatish after looking at the open space.

"It belongs to the city hall. I have already communicated with Mayor Sonam Taiwa. As long as we solve the employment of 3,000 people, the city hall can allocate this vacant land to us for free, and solve 3,000 more people. It can be given to us, the city hall is responsible for the resettlement of the residents here."

"This Sonam is quite pragmatic. She agrees. Will Deepak Tiwidi, the king of Varanasi, agree?"

"Boss, Deepak's main forces are in the countryside, and he can't speak in Varanasi."

"The king of iron, the mayor of Liushui, in order to show our sincerity, let's say hello to this Mr. Deepak. You communicate with him first and find out what he likes. I plan to pay a visit to him in person with a gift. "

"Boss, what capacity are you planning to go there?" Shatish asked.

"Shatish, which university did you graduate from?"


"How is the family situation in your family?"

"Before I worked, I could only be considered well-off in India."

"So, it seems more reasonable for a poor student who graduated from university less than five years to establish a chemical group with capital support behind it. I can be regarded as the front-end spokesperson of London Capital behind Lord Shiva. The sun never sets Capital South Asia President."


The Hindi name of the Indian soil king is "Raja". The original meaning of this word is the lord of the land, without too much meaning of dignity, so the same Raja, the power can be very different.

Raja, which occupies a lot of land, will be crowned with the adjective "big", and has the name "MahaRaja". "MahaRaja" is the original text of the word "soil king", which actually does not mean "soil" at all.

There is a saying that in the Chinese translation circle, the unconquered freedom "MahaRaja" was translated as "Maha Raja", and "MahaRaja" ruled by the British colonies was translated as "Indian soil king".

The earth kings in the past had a lot of power. They held the power of life and death in their own territories. As long as they paid taxes to the Governor-General of India on time every year, the rest was their own, and the Governor-General had no right to intervene in their territorial affairs.

After India's independence, some earth kings were suppressed, their land and wealth were confiscated, and their families fell into decline; some handed over their ruling rights, but they could retain their land and wealth and become local wealthy families;

Some still retain spiritual rule over the territories, such as the Wadia royal family in Karnataka, and His Majesty of the Wadia royal family will still lead the parade at the annual Ten Victory Festival celebration.

In name, the earth king has lost his ruling power, and the legal system has penetrated into every corner of India, but in fact, in the earth king's territory, local government officials still have to act according to the earth king's wink.

If you want to build a city, you have to ask the king of the earth whether he agrees or not. There is no way. No matter which direction you develop, you have to go through the private land of the king of the earth. If the king of the earth does not agree, nothing can be done.

Needless to say about agricultural construction, first ask the land king, then ask the big landlords, and then ask the landed farmers for their opinions. Everyone agrees with the plan. If there is any plan, you can start to move forward.

Ask for opinions first, and then submit it to the superior for approval. After all the procedures are completed, well, the official's term of office has expired, and he has already moved to another place to work.

So, whether it is subjectively or objectively, this kind of agriculture cannot be moved at all, and no one is willing to touch it. Shi, Lei, and Jiao are all minor surnames, so they are not popular at all.

After five or six days, Marion has not come back, and Nanyi and Sophie Marceau have visited all the places that Varanasi can visit. Just when bored, Nanyi is considering whether to go back to Mumbai first, Shatish called and said that Deepak had invited him to the Tiwidi family.

The manor of the Tiwidi family is in a village called Ganga. Ganga translates to the Ganga. It has to be said that the name Ganga Village is a bit big.

There was no need for Nanyi and the two to go to Ganges Village on their own. The day after Shatish called, Nanyi and Sophie Marceau, who got up early, were drinking coffee on the hotel terrace. Someone from the hotel came to inform a man named Jackie. Mr. Tiwedi came to find Nanyi.

Nan Yi was notified and went to the lobby of the hotel with the waiter. In the lobby, Nan Yi saw a man wearing a shirt on his upper body and trousers on his lower body. He was meticulous and neat, and he was not too hot in summer.

Nanyi walked up to the man and smelled a smell of disinfectant.

"Mr. Tweedy, hello."

"Mr. Adam, hello, I'm Deepak's uncle Jackie. It's the season when the rice fields are busy irrigating. He needs to watch at home. It's not convenient to come to Varanasi. I'll welcome you on his behalf."

"Mr. Tiwedi, in fact, there is no need to be so troublesome. I can go to Ganghe Village by myself." Nan Yi said politely.

"No trouble. I'm usually in the city. I don't know when Mr. Adam can leave?"

"Mr. Tiwidi, please wait another half an hour, I'll go up and tidy up."


Going upstairs, Nanyi and Sophie Marceau tidied up and then went downstairs to meet Jackie.

Jackie originally invited Nanyi and the two of them to sit in the car he brought. In order to welcome Nanyi, he brought two cars, but after knowing that there were 12 people in Nanyi and his party, and there were six cars, he decided to He sent a car back and got into Nanyi's car by himself, leaving only one car as his means of transportation back to the city.

Ganges Village is more than 170 kilometers away from Varanasi. At the beginning, the road was repaired. Although the road surface did not look good, after all, there are few cars in India and the road damage is not serious, so it is quite easy to walk.

After walking for nearly 50 kilometers, I entered the bicycle lane in the countryside from the multi-lane lane. The road surface is just cobblestones and stones are compacted. It is the rainy season. After repeated rain erosion, the road surface is full of potholes. , Splashed puddles of muddy water, and soon, the car body became dirty, even the front windshield was not spared, and the wipers had to be turned on even in sunny days.

The rough road and the highway have been exchanged for more than 80 kilometers. After I don’t know how many turns, the road surface suddenly changes. Trees are planted.

Looking at Nan Yi outside the car window, he thought to himself: "Fuck, Indian steel wood, the hardest tree in the world, look at the height of the tree and the diameter of the crown, these trees have lived for more than a hundred years at least."

Just when Nanyi wanted to ask Jackie about it, Jackie introduced it proudly: "Mr. Adam, the road under our feet is the Tiwidi family's own private road, which was laid by my grandfather's grandfather when he was alive. , the road surface is paved with bluestone strips with a thickness of up to one meter, and there are reasonable drainage channels, so that there will be no water accumulation in rainy days;

Going ten kilometers further, you will enter the private territory of the Tiwedi family. Whether it is land, rivers, minerals, or the people on the land, they all belong to the Tiwedi family. "

"The first master counts for 70 years, and the third master at least 210 years." Nan Yi calculated in his heart and said: "Mr. Tiwedi, the iron birch tree on the roadside was also planted by your ancestors?"

"Yes, but forty years later than the road was laid, 190 years ago, according to the ancestors of our Tiwidi family - our Tiwidi people are as strong and hard as iron birch trees , can overcome any difficulties encountered, and will not be knocked down."

"Mr. Tweedy, your English pronunciation is really standard, with a little London accent."

"Ah, to tell you the truth, Mr. Adam, I am actually Mr. NRL, which means that I am a non-Indian native or grew up abroad. I am the latter. I grew up in London and studied medicine in Cambridgeshire." Jackie Ping and Zhong Said with a little pride.

"Fuck, you can really pretend, you can just say it's Cambridge or Oxford, and fuck Cambridgeshire, I'm still studying at a university on Earth." Nanyi slandered, and asked: "Mr. Tiwedi is now Working as a doctor?"

"I haven't seen patients for a long time, and now I mainly do management. Priya Hospital is my hospital and has branches in three states. I need to travel around. Next, I plan to open branches to Mumbai and New Delhi. "

"Healing the dying and healing the wounded, Mr. Tiwidi is engaged in a noble profession. It reminds me of one of your compatriots, Dr. Dwakanath Santaram Kodinis. I am very grateful for his help to Huaguo back then. .”

Jackie was stunned for a moment, he didn't know who Nanyi was talking about, but he didn't show timidity to ask, but said politely: "Thank you, Mr. Adam, for your high evaluation. I'm actually not so noble. Doctors are just my profession. .”

Nanyi didn't want to get entangled in the doctor's topic, so he pointed out the window, "Mr. Tiwedi, I found that some people were walking on the road, and some people were walking on the trail a few meters away. The one on the trail was Dalit ?”

Jackie looked out of the window, then turned around and said, "Yes, in fact, our Tiwidi family treats the subjects of our land equally and will not treat them differently because of their castes, but the subjects of lower castes disagree. , they don’t want to be with Dalits, they keep Dalits out of their community, they don’t want Dalits to walk on the road.”

"Ah, that's it."

Nanyi believes that what Jackie said is true. For the Tiwedi family, there is no need to treat Dalits differently. They should pay more attention to who can create greater value for them, but the mainstream people want Dalits Lite treated them differently, and they were happy to go along with it.

Under the guidance of Jackie, the car soon came to a manor surrounded by mountains and rivers. Through the garden, I could see the ethereal buildings in the distance. The area should not be as large as Peacock Villa, but it looks much more magnificent than Peacock Villa , the whole building looks like it should be made of huge stones, and there are intricate carvings on the pillars and walls.

Before the car drove to the gate of the manor, Nanyi saw a person in charge of watching from a high place knock on a piece of iron, and then the manor started to resound, people appeared from all directions and gathered on the side of the main road in the garden , in an orderly arrangement.

"70, 40, 50, 90, 110, no, there should be 120..." When Nanyi clicked to 500 people, he didn't bother to continue to click, "The earth king is the earth king, tsk tsk, this ostentation, welcome me The guests made a battle of hundreds of people."

Last time, Faraque made a battle of more than 200 people, which made Nanyi feel a bit too much, but today he wants to experience a bigger battle.

When the car stopped, Nanyi turned his head and said softly to Sophie Marceau: "Take off your shoes, it's too impolite to kiss your feet and wear shoes."

"My feet are sweating."


After finishing speaking, Nanyi bent down and took off his shoes.

"Mr. Adam, you don't need to take off your shoes." Jackie said seeing Nanyi's movements.

"Sure, I don't want to be too rude."

When Sophie Marceau took off her shoes, Xiaohua got out of the car and opened the door of the back seat. Nan Yi got out of the car first, then took Sophie Marceau's hand and helped her get out of the car.

At the gate of the manor, a man and a woman in luxurious clothes stood there, with several attendants standing beside them, staring at Nanyi and the others.

Nan Yi took Sophie Marceau's hand and walked slowly over there.

Xiaohua took out two gift boxes from the trunk and followed them, while the others stood beside the car and did not follow.

Walking closer, Deepak Tiwedi clasped his hands together and saluted Nanyi and the other two, "Mr. Adam, Miss Marceau, welcome to Tiwidi Manor."

"Mr. Tiweedy, Mrs. Tiweedy, hello." Nan Yi and Sophie Marceau also clasped their hands together in return.

On the way here, Nanyi and Sophie Marceau had already introduced themselves to Jackie, and Jackie revealed the names of Deepak Tiwidi and his wife Fatiya Tiwidi without any trace Nanyi was given two people, not only the name, but also the age and a simple description of appearance were also "accidentally" revealed.

It means that before Nanyi and the others arrive, an invisible invitation has been sent. Deepak has already known how many people will come, and the etiquette that Nanyi and the others will enjoy, Jackie "accidentally" revealed in advance.

Therefore, the foot-kissing ceremony was not analyzed by Nanyi according to the Indian etiquette he knew, but was clearly notified.

After the two parties exchanged greetings, a person who should be the steward of the Tiwedi family came up and kissed Nanyi and Sophie Marceau's feet. After the end, the two followed the Deepak couple to the manor.

Along the way, from time to time, there will be servants kissing the feet of Nanyi and the two.

Fortunately, not every servant, the servants who come out to salute should be different from others, maybe they have a certain level, or they may be born in the family, only the loyal servants of the Tiwidi family are eligible.

With a small step of 50 centimeters, a total of 762 steps were taken. Nanyi's instep was touched 69 times, and he walked a distance of nearly 120 meters. Finally, he entered the building range of the manor.

Tiwedi and his wife entered the room first, and Nanyi and the two waited at the door. After a while, Fatia Tiwedi came over with a copper tray with an oil lamp in both hands, and came to Nanyi. The middle finger dipped a smear of red in a plate, raised his hand to touch the center of Nanyi's eyebrows, and then twisted two grains of something in another plate and pressed it on the red spot between Nanyi's eyebrows.

The red dot, which Nanyi knows is called Dillerge, is also an auspicious mole, and the two behind it, Nanyi feels like rice, maybe glutinous rice.

After ordering the auspicious moles for Nanyi, Fatia Tiwedi took up the tray and circled it twice around Nanyi's neckline. Sophie Marceau went through the same procedure in the same way.

In the past, only married women could order auspicious moles, but in recent years, it may be for the sake of the tourism industry. This particularity has been loosened a bit. Nanyi has seen a little girl with auspicious moles on the streets of Mumbai.

"Mr. Adam, Miss Marceau, please come in."

As soon as Fatiya Tiwidi finished her work, Deepak immediately greeted her.

Nan Yi led Sophie Marceau into the building's interior, and once again saluted the Tiwedi couple with clasped hands. At this point, the welcome procedure has been streamlined many times.

Fortunately, there are no elders above Deepak, otherwise Nanyi and Nanyi would inevitably kiss their feet.

"Mr. Adam, Miss Marceau, first taste the tea grown by our Tweedy family. Our tea is grown on the top of the mountain, without chemical fertilizers and pesticides, without pollution, and purely hand-picked."

Deepak led Nanyi and the others to the living room, and after inviting them to sit down, he began to introduce the tea that a servant had just brought.

The servant put down the tray, and Fatiya took over the rest of the work, pouring tea and pouring milk into the teacup.

"We also raise the cows ourselves, and usually eat pure green and pollution-free forage. One cow is carefully cared for by two servants to ensure that the milk that is squeezed out is absolutely pure."

Deepak seemed to know what Nanyi and the two would be quarreling with. The two proud hints were just right, and he also spoke English with a London accent. Obviously, he also lived in the London area.

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