Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 709 Eavesdropping and anti-eavesdropping

After drinking tea, there was no important greetings. When the atmosphere was just right, Nanyi asked the school belle to bring two gift boxes over.

Nanyi took the gift box, first opened the lid by pointing the front of the gift box at himself, then turned the direction, and pointed the front of the gift box at Deepak, "This is a gift prepared by me and Sophie for the two of you, please accept it."

Nanyi prepared Jilihu silk for Fatiya, which is the best silk in China. The dragon robes and phoenix clothes in the Ming and Qing Dynasties were made of Jilihu silk.

The price of good things can never be cheap. The silk enough to make two sarees cost thousands of dollars in Nanyi.

The preparation for Deepak is much simpler, a traditional Chinese "Novel Monthly Tagore Special Issue", with Tagore's autograph on the title page, Nanyi bought it at a bookstall in the capital for a full fifty cents, the book It must be true. There were a lot of prints back then, and many of them have been handed down. It is difficult to say whether the signature is true or not.

Deepak thanked him, picked up the book and glanced at the bare cover with only a few red square characters written in the middle, then opened the title page and saw the portrait of Tagore and the handwritten Devanagari text under the portrait, he immediately turned blank. The expression became delighted.

"Mr. Adam, is this the Chinese version of Tagore's poetry?"

"Yes, it was translated by several famous modern poets in Huaguo at that time, among them was Hamilton Xu."

"Very quietly I take my leave, As quietly as I came here, Hamilton is a poet I like very much, unfortunately, his English poems are not many." Deepak read the first two sentences of "Farewell to Cambridge" , said regretfully.

Knowing that Deepak was majoring in classical literature at the University of London, Nan Yi decided to give him a gift, and then called to London to find out if Xu Zhimo would be mentioned in the class of this major. With today's conversation.

There is no coincidence, only silent intelligence gathering and careful preparation behind the scenes.

"What a coincidence, my grandma is from the same era as Hamilton. She also likes Hamilton's poems very much. I was influenced by her. I also like it very much. I have collected two collections of Hamilton's poems, both of which are autographed by him. Tiwi Mr. Di, as a fellow fan, I can give you a copy.”

"That's very kind, Mr. Adam, thank you very much."

The expression on Deepak's face was inexplicably joyful. It seemed that his liking for Xu Zhimo was not just a polite way of saying it. Nan Yi thought about calling back to the capital as soon as possible and asking someone to look for it. It shouldn't be too difficult to find.

"Mr. Adam, I like this silk very much." After Deepak thanked, Fatiya, who was playing with the silk just now, also thanked.

"Mrs. Tiwidi, you're welcome." Nanyi finished speaking to Fatia, and then said to Deepak: "Mr. Tiwidi, Sophie and I are exhausted from the journey, and we want to go to the room to wash up first."

"Sorry, it was my mistake, I asked someone to send the two over."

After Deepak finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and the butler Nanyi had just met walked up to him...

After a while, Nan Yi and Sophie Marceau were led to the guest room by two twelve or thirteen-year-old maids and surrounded by a string of servants behind them.

Two little maids followed into the room, and the string behind was left outside the door.

As soon as she entered the room, Sophie Marceau looked around and walked to the bathroom she was looking for. Before entering the door, she turned her head and waved to Nanyi.

When Nan Yi stepped forward, Sophie Marceau pulled him into the bathroom and closed the door.

"Adam, there are twelve people in total, eight men and four women. Are they serving us or spying on us?"

"Don't think too much, it's just for us. Look, what's missing?" Nan Yi pointed to the toilet and said.

"What's missing?" Sophie Marceau looked over according to Nanyi's instructions, and shouted after a while: "Ah, there is no toilet paper, Adam, won't you let us use your hands?"

"No, the two maids outside are there to serve us. Of course, I don't need them to provide that kind of service. There is toilet paper in the car, and the school girl will bring it later."

Sophie Marceau said with emotion: "It's really a decadent aristocratic life, that kind of work is done for others."

Nanyi turned on the faucet on the washstand, took out the paper card from his pocket, unfolded it and tore off three pieces of test paper one by one from the inside, soaked them in front of the faucet, and compared them with the three color cards on the paper card.

"The water quality is good, it should be mountain spring water, you can use it with confidence."

"Adam, you are too careful."

"Hmm, you first, I'll wait for you outside."

Nanyi walked out of the bathroom, glanced at the two maids who were standing motionless by the wall with their heads down, and asked in English, "Which of you can speak English?"

"Master Adam, I will." One of the maids shook her head slightly and said with her head down.

"what's your name?"

"Master Adam, my name is Saran Shah."

"Oh, Saran, that's a nice name, and you can speak English very well, did you learn it at school, or did Mr. Tiweedy teach you?"

"No, Madam taught me."

"Are you Lady Tiweedy's maid?"

"Yes, Master Adam."

"I'm a little thirsty, please go get me a glass of milk."

When Nanyi said the word milk, he did not say "Milk", but said "Satin". This word means satin, but it is a slang term in London, and it is usually used to mean milk.

"Master Adam, please wait a moment, I'll get it for you." Saran responded and walked out of the guest room.

After a few words of communication, Nanyi came to a basic judgment on Saran: Fatia's personal maid, and she should be a very caring kind, who was cultivated with care, and may have lived in London for a while.

As for why Saran was sent here, it's hard for Nanyi to judge whether he was taken seriously or had a small ear pressed.

After a while, Sophie Marceau came out of the bathroom, and Nan Yi replaced her into the bathroom. First, she searched the whole bathroom, and after finding nothing unusual, she washed her face and walked out of the bathroom.

In the guest room, Saran was already waiting outside with milk, and at the same time, the housekeeper was chatting with Sophie Marceau in the guest room.

"Adam, this is the butler Amit, he came to invite us to eat Chinese food."

"Housekeeper Amit, please go out and wait for a while, Sophie and I will come out soon after changing clothes; Saran, please take her out first and wait."

After Nanyi sent the three of them out, he didn't speak, and directly helped Sophie Marceau choose a suit of clothes from the suitcase, and then made a gesture of zippering and sealing Sophie Marceau's mouth, and then pointed Refers to the bathroom.

Sophie Marceau nodded, took the clothes from Nanyi and walked into the bathroom.

Nan Yi stayed where he was, inspected the ceiling of the guest room, the four walls in the southeast, north and west, and the decorations on the walls. He also carefully observed the holes on the TV. He didn't see any abnormal holes, so he opened his own. In the suitcase, he took out a black lipstick-shaped anti-tap device from the dark compartment, pressed a button on it, and walked around the room with the anti-tap device.

When it is close to the desk lamp at the bedside, the indicator light on the anti-hacking device emits orange-red light, and continues to wander. The telephone on the desk, and the TV set on the wall in the center of the room, the anti-hacking device also emits orange-red light.

"Mom, I'm so good at pretending, I can pretend to be three when I pretend."

Nan Yi slandered, took out a set of clothes from the suitcase and changed into it, then adjusted the anti-eavesdropping device to a slight vibration mode and put it in his pocket.

When Sophie Marceau came out of the bathroom, Nanyi and she walked out of the guest room and followed Butler Amit to the dining room.

The dining room is very luxurious, a large open room of more than 300 square meters, the walls are pressed into shelves according to a certain pattern, and various golden ornaments are placed on the shelves, mainly cobras, as well as other gods or ancient generals.

I didn't know if it was copper or gold without getting started, but according to the urine of Indians, it should not be copper, at most it is gold with a lower purity.

With the dining table in the center of the dining room as the center, there are twelve flat ornaments hanging on the twelve pillars carved with complicated patterns. Nanyi looked at the ornaments on the pillars and recognized a few of them. I know that the twelve ornaments should be the twelve signs of the Indian zodiac - rat, ox, lion, rabbit, Mahoraka [snake], Naga [dragon], horse, sheep, monkey, Garuda, dog, and pig.

Nanyi once saw an article by Iron Gu Guo in an old newspaper on a second-hand book stand. He said in uncertain words that the saying of the twelve zodiac signs first appeared in ancient Babylon.

Looking back, Nanyi and Sophie Marceau went straight to the dining table.

The dining table is very large, about eight meters long and two meters six wide. The dishes on the table are very rich. Except for pork and beef, the mainstream dishes of Indian and Western food can be seen on the table.

"The wine and meat of Zhumen smell bad, and the road is frozen to death. If this table is given to my children, they can eat two meals with balanced nutrition."

"Ah, Mr. Tiwidi, the lunch is really rich." Nan Yi praised exaggeratedly, and walked towards Deepak.

"Mr. Adam, you are my honored guest. I should treat you with the richest food." Deepak walked up to Nanyi and arranged seats for Nanyi and Sophie Marceau, " How about we drink Bombay Sapphire at noon?"

"Sorry, Mr. Tweedy, I'm not very comfortable with blue food and drink."

"It should be me who said I'm sorry, blue wine is indeed not easy to accept, how about Beefeater?"


Naturally, Deepak does not need to do the work of pouring the wine by himself. Everything is done by the butler Amit. After the wine is poured, Deepak and his wife first salute Nan Yi and the other, and then chat around "London" as the core .

During the small talk, Nanyi learned information that he didn't know before.

For example, Deepak and Fatia met in London, and they are still alumni. Fatia's maiden name is Singer. The Singer family went to Manchester very early to develop, and now they have a lot of business there.

The Tiwidi family and the Singer family are family friends, and Jackie spent his childhood and youth in the Singer family.

After arriving at Tiwedi Manor, Nanyi has never seen Jackie. It stands to reason that he was not there just now, and he should be there for dinner now, but he still did not show up. This gave Nanyi a feeling that the relationship between the uncle and nephew should not be great.

With this feeling, there are infinite possibilities for who installed the bug in the room.

"Mr Tiweedy, can I visit your tea plantation tomorrow morning?"

"Of course, you have to go to the tea garden earlier, before seven o'clock in the morning, otherwise the weather will be too hot."

"It's okay, I'm used to getting up early. In the afternoon, Sophie and I want to go around the village, and I'm asking Mr. Tiwidi to arrange a guide for us. Ah, Saran is very good."

"Mr. Adam, I will personally accompany you to visit." Deepak said politely.

"Don't bother Mr. Tiwidi, I believe your trip will make a lot of noise. We just want to experience the characteristics of rural India and don't want to disturb the villagers too much."

"Haha, yes, my presence in the village will affect your travel experience. In this way, I will arrange transportation for you and protect your people."


After nearly three hours of lunch time, Nan Yi and Sophie Marceau went back to the guest room to take a nap. When the time came to three o'clock in the afternoon, they were taken to the hall of the manor by Sa Lan.

There are already many people waiting in the hall, eight middle-aged and young people with red cloth pockets around their heads, all dressed in white, holding a stick in their hands, and a man and a woman who look very strong, Nanyi A casual glance revealed that the calluses on the palms of the two were very thick, the knees were pitch black, and the calluses and patina were thick.

Suddenly, Nanyi had a little guess about the means of transportation mentioned by Deepak. The man and woman should be the legendary "human mules". As the name suggests, they use people like mules.

Human mules stand on all fours, and people sit on their backs, and they crawl and walk on the ground, just like riding a big horse, except that one is really using people as animals, and the other is family fun.

Human mules are not uncommon. Nanyi also knows that there are elephants, who sit on the neck;

Nan Yi would not over-interpret human mules, as long as the wages are in place, this is also a service job, but riding on a human's back may not be more comfortable than walking by oneself.

"Saran, we don't need the transportation, we still walk to the village."

"Yes, Master Adam."

Sa Lan and the two mule murmured a few words, and the mule bowed to Nan Yi and the two men before retreating.

The Ganges Village seems to be very big. Sa Lan took Nanyi and his team to walk in one direction for more than ten minutes without meeting anyone or passing a building. Nanyi looked forward and wanted to reach a place with buildings , According to their footsteps, they will have to walk for at least half an hour.

"Saran, how big is Ganges Village?"

"It's not that big, it's only 160 square miles, of which 120 square miles belong to my master." Saran replied flatly.

"Fuck, who did the little girl learn from? She can pretend to be invisible. 120 square miles, excluding residential areas, mountains, rivers and roads, there are at most 300,000 mu of land that can be planted, which is not a large scale."

With a slander, Nan Yi said, "Does Mr. Tiwedi have land elsewhere?"



Nanyi didn't ask the question about the area anymore, it was too deliberate.

Follow Saran and continue walking forward. After five minutes, crops began to appear on the roadside. They should not belong to the Tiwedi family. The seedlings can be seen scorched and the ground has been cracked. Nanyi sent someone into the field to pull out a piece Soil out.

Put it in your hand and observe the clods of soil. You can find that the thickness of the dry soil is almost 1.5 cm below the surface. If you don’t irrigate for two days, the yield will be reduced. If you don’t irrigate for four days, the crops will basically be useless.

Throwing the soil back into the field, Nanyi looked around and found that the conditions in the nearby fields were similar, and there were no canals or ditches at the edge of the field. "Field method" refers to borrowing water from other people's fields.

The road to borrow is wide. No one is willing to dig a ditch for other people’s irrigation water. The water can only overflow in the upstream field and then flow to the next field. The loss is really incalculable.

It may be necessary to irrigate 5 square meters of water, and the loss on the road will reach thousands of square meters.

This is still on the premise that others are willing to borrow. If the popularity is not good and others are unwilling to borrow, then they can only carry water or hold water on their heads.

Nanyi was thinking about it when he saw a woman with a ceramic jug on her head, came to the edge of a field, poured the water from the jug into the field, and then left with a jingle of bells.

Stepping forward, Nanyi went to the edge of the field to have a look. There was an area in the field that seemed to have relatively moist soil, but there was no water on the surface. It is estimated that the woman had only run a few times.

Saran was a little strange. Why did this noble lord keep going around the crops, and they were the crops of the untouchables. He said that he came to the village to see the crops?

"Saran, is there a stream or pond near here?"

"There are several ponds and streams two miles away. They belong to my master. They are not used by the untouchables. Others have to pay for them if they want to use them."

"The land owners around here are all Dalits?"

"Yes, they belong to the untouchables."

"Your family also belongs to Ganges Village?"

"Yes, my land is right next to the stream, and there is never any shortage of water." Saran said proudly, "The land is short of water, so you only need to open the water outlet to release the water, which is very convenient."

"Oh, who's in your family?"

"Mom and Dad, two older brothers, three younger brothers, and one younger sister."

"Your family all work at Mr. Tweedy's?"

"No, my father works at the master's house, my mother and mother farm at home, my brothers and sisters are all studying, and they will work for the master after they graduate. My eldest brother is at Imperial College, my second brother is at the University of Manchester, my younger siblings School in the village."

"Your family members are amazing." Nan Yi boasted with a thumbs up.

"Thank you, Master Adam, for your compliment." Saran said devoutly: "Everything is bestowed by the master."

"Little girl, now I doubt who your master is."

Nanyi already has some guesses now. Saran in front of him should be Fatia's confidant. The good life of her family may not be provided by Deepak on his own initiative, and it is very likely that Fatia is behind it.

"Adam, did you see the bell on that woman just now?" Sophie Marceau saw that Nanyi and Sa Lan had finished chatting, so she stepped forward and asked.

"I see, do you like it?"

"I feel so special."

"When you figure out what it's for, you won't think so."

Sophie Marceau asked: "What purpose?"

"Dalits, another way of saying is untouchable people. They ring the bell to tell others that they are coming. If they want to avoid it, quickly avoid it."

"It's so unfair to them."


"Adam, you seem to be very indifferent to this kind of thing, don't you think this phenomenon is very unfair to Dalit?"

"Aha, the flat shoes have turned into a human rights fighter. Very good, I want to get closer to you. Let's start by not going against each other's will. Don't wake me up at night, OK?"

Sophie Marceau sneered: "Haha, Adam, change the other party into a woman, you shouldn't go against the will of women."

The two laughed all the way, and followed Sa Lan to the direction of the building complex. After walking for more than ten minutes, the group came to a small stream. The stream was not too wide, only about three meters wide, and the stream was clear. The water is fast, and there are no floating objects on the water surface.

There was a deliberately dug depression beside the stream, where a shiny cow was tethered, soaking in the puddle contentedly, chewing non-stop.

Seeing the cow, Sa Lan apologized to Nanyi and the two, and walked towards the cow. When he got close, the cow got out of the water when he saw her figure, and walked to her side.

Saran first bowed to the cow with palms together, and then combed the cow's hair, muttering something while combing.

"Adam, Saran is so loving. This cow should be her pet."

"It's hard to say, it may be her elders."

Nan Yi remembered that when Sa Lan introduced her family just now, if her father had two wives, she could admit it openly, and it is not uncommon to have multiple wives in India. People will laugh, unless one of the wives is not human.


"Yes, there are fates in Indian religion... Uh, let's put it this way, for example, a man and a woman are going to get married, but once the two are married, and the woman's identity becomes the man's wife, there will be bad luck or curses. In order to resolve , a man will first find a cow or a tree to marry and make them his wife, and vice versa."

"You mean, this is Saran's mother?"


"Adam, how do you know? Didn't you say that you didn't come out to play when you came to India?"

"As long as you can transfer your enthusiasm for thinking about that kind of thing more to reading books and newspapers, you will also have a better understanding of India, and you can also show off in front of me."

"Ha, you read to show off?"

"We are different."

"It's different, I'm on top, you're on bottom." Sophie Marceau said meaningfully.

"In broad daylight, don't say unhealthy things."


"Master Adam, let's go faster. There is a filthy land ahead. If you stay here for a long time, you will get bad luck." Sa Lan said to Nanyi after serving the good cow back.

On the opposite side of the stream, there is a small forest with a few large trees and many low trees and shrubs. In the rural fields, such a place is usually used as a place to get a large size.

"Saran, in the early morning, will there be many women in the area ahead?"

"Not only in the morning, but also in the evening. Some women from the village will come here at these two times every day."

"Oh, how many places like this are there in the village?"

"More than twenty."

"Well, how many miles do women go round and round?"

"Yes, such a place can't be too close to the village, otherwise the villagers will have opinions."

"How many small villages or settlements is Ganga Village divided into?"

The area of ​​more than 400 square kilometers is about to catch up with a small county town. According to the population density of India, there are at least 400,000 people living here, and it is unlikely that they live together.

"I don't know very well. There are 20 settlements on the master's land, and each settlement has more than 20,000 people."

"Are they working for Mr. Tweedy, or are they tenants?"

"Most of them are tenants, and there are only more than 30,000 people working for my master."

"How much is the tenant's rent?"

"Thirty percent."

"Every tenant is the same, or do they charge different rents according to the different conditions of the land, and will tenants with higher yields lower their rent?"

"It's not the same. There is a complicated algorithm. The rent ratio will be higher for good land, and lower for bad land. The higher the tenant's output, the lower the rent ratio that needs to be paid. Master Adam, that piece is my home. land..." Saran said, and suddenly glared, "Damn untouchable, how dare he..."

Saran snatched the wooden stick from a "bodyguard", grabbed the skirt of the sari with one hand, and ran angrily towards her own land.

After a while, she was standing on the edge of her own land, pointing a wooden stick at a head in the grass seedlings and yelling. The head was awakened by her roar, stood up, and came to her side nervously.

Whirring whirring……

The wooden sticks fell on the "Head" like a storm, Saran didn't hold back his hands at all, and didn't do anything to avoid the vitals. Seven of the eight sticks fell on the vitals.

"Do you still find her friendly now?"

"Adam, did that person do something unforgivable?"

"Yes, he did something unforgivable, he dared to shit on other people's land." Nan Yi said sarcastically and sadly.



"If the fight continues, people will be beaten to death. I'll go and persuade them." Sophie Marceau said and was about to step forward.

Nan Yi grabbed Sophie Marceau's arm, pouted and said: "No need, you see, it has stopped, people can't die, and the injury can recover after half a month of recuperation, if you can go to the hospital for proper treatment. "

"Don't lie to me, Dalit won't have money to go to the hospital, no, I want to send him some money." Sophie Marceau was about to break free from Nanyi's hand.

"Don't go, I'll send the school flower to you soon."

As Nan Yi said, he let go of Sophie Marceau's hand, walked up to the school beauty, and whispered to her: "Has the person who sent the report left?"

"Already set off."

"Contact Pulan and ask her to quietly come over and send some money to the Dalit just now, and learn about Tiwidi and his wife from him. If possible, develop it into eyes and ears."


After Sa Lan had a good vent, he returned to Nanyi and the others, and changed from the hot-tempered Hu Sanniang back to the gentle and elegant Lady Lin.

"Master Adam, in front of you is Kabir, the second settlement of Ganga Village. There is a well on the outskirts of Kabir. The water in the well is very sweet."

"Then go and have a look."

Passing through patches of green farmland, Nanyi didn't see much variegation inside. Looking at his watch, it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon. The sun in the sky was not strong, and there was a cool breeze blowing. It would not be too much to work outside. uncomfortable.

Walking on the road, from time to time, there are insects passing by, and they will also stay on the shoulders, arms, and back. Nanyi drums his hands into the shape of a mountain bag, and grabs a rice planthopper from Sophie Marceau’s arm , the color on the back should be brown planthopper.

Cracking, strangling to death with his nails, Nan Yi shot again and again, grabbing brown planthoppers and white-backed planthoppers from Sophie Marceau and himself.

Before he entered the rice field, there were so many rice planthoppers infesting. After walking a few steps, Nanyi's face would be covered with something invisible and sticky. He had to wipe his face and pat his hair from time to time.

What is not visible is spider silk, and where there are many bugs, they will rush there to build webs.

Nanyi glanced into the rice field, and in an area of ​​about ten square meters, he saw seven or eight soft reflections of silver light.

"Saran, whose land is this?"

"Master Adam, this is all the villagers' private land, some of which were handed down by the villagers from their own ancestors or bought with money, and some were rewarded by the master to our servants, and my land was rewarded by the master."

"Are there any villagers with more land in the village?"

"Yes, their land is up the stream, near my master's land."

Nanyi nodded, walked to the edge of a rice field, dipped into the water, dug a little mud out, brought it to his mouth, licked it with his tongue, and felt it.

"The earthy smell is not heavy, there is no fishy smell, it is not astringent, and the graininess is a bit strong." Nanyi said to himself, and tried the stickiness of the mud again, "The stickiness is not too strong, this paddy field It will soak in water all year round, rarely fertilize, and has not been patronized by earthworms for a long time, and its fertility is almost exhausted.

Lazy bones, the pests are so severe, if you don’t have money to buy pesticides, you can come out to drive them out manually. How much can it work? The poorer you are, the lazier you are, the poorer you are, the poorer you are. No, I have to do something good to prevent them from lying flat They all rushed to the city to fight;

I can almost buy three or five apartments for rent, and I can catch up with the Internet age and become an Internet giant. I am worth hundreds of billions of dollars. God bless and Buddha is merciful. "

Sophie Marceau walked to the side of Nanyi who was indulging in herself, and teased: "Adam, is it delicious?"

Nanyi put his hand to Sophie Marceau's mouth and said, "It's delicious, would you like some?"

"No, I'll watch you eat."

"I'm not hungry now, so I'll dig some and take it home and eat slowly." Nan Yi rushed to the school and waved, "Bring me two bottles of mineral water."

After receiving the mineral water from Xiaohua, Nanyi opened a bottle and drank a couple of sips, then poured out the water in the bottle, put a little soil sample into the bottle, opened another bottle, washed his hands, and took another sip from the rice field. Filled with half a bottle of water, tightened the cap, and handed the bottle back to Xiaohua.

"I'll hand it over to the person who sent the report later, and bring it back to the city for testing."

Nan Yi's actions fell into the eyes of Sa Lan. She felt more and more that Master Adam in front of her was very strange. She heard from his wife that he was a high-ranking lackey working for a big capitalist, but he really didn't look like one, more like a man who knew A farmer who works the land.

After the episode ended, the group continued to walk towards Kabir, entered the village within a short while, and saw the sweet well that Saran mentioned.

The mouth of the well is very large, the well water looks deep and clear, the well wall looks smooth, no moss is seen, this is a very clean well, and it should also be a holy well.

There are many cloth heads tied to the branches of a small tree by the well, and the main trunk is smeared with paint.

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