Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 721 Moral bottom line

"It's not Tamiya, it's the Wanxiao Group." Chen Xiejing said depressedly: "At the beginning of this year, the group imitated one of Tamiya's four-wheel drive vehicles and carefully circumvented all patents. It did not constitute infringement, but it did not bypass the Wanxiao Group. Appearance patent."

"Ha, then let's negotiate. They made it clear that they want to get a fortune from you. It can be regarded as a lesson for yourself. Next time you launch a new product, remember to check the patent in advance. Infringement can be big or small. The greater the fame, the more serious the consequences, skip this matter, you continue."

It's inconvenient for Nanyi to say anything more because his left hand counts against his right hand.

"Currently, the sales of pull-back cars of the group are good. As of the day before yesterday, the total sales of pull-back cars this year were 17.0592 million RMB plus 6.2781 million Hong Kong dollars, and the gross profit remained at around 46.5%. Now the group has focused on the development of higher-end pull-back cars. Further increase sales;

Due to the high price, the sales of remote control toys are not very satisfactory. This year's total sales are 1.0614 million RMB plus 4.7139 million Hong Kong dollars, and the sales volume abroad is higher than that in China. "

"Have you paid attention to the first mini four-wheel drive competition this summer?"


"It's not realistic to hold this kind of competition in the mainland now. In the eyes of most people, it's a waste of time. Then you can hold the competition in Xiangtang, and then invite children from Shenzheng and Yangcheng to participate. For the mainland, the competition should be low-key. Strengthening cross-strait ties should be high-profile.

In addition, you can also learn from Tokuda Dinosaur's "Four Drivers Boy" comics, extract a localized story, and produce a cartoon of "The Man on the River Cart". The life of the Shanghai Animation Film Factory is not easy. It's a good time to find them to cooperate with.

Spread your thinking a bit more, there are ready-made answers out there for you to copy, if you can't copy well, you shouldn't.

Of course, we can’t just copy it. We must consider our national conditions, our local characteristics, and what children like to watch, and it is within the acceptable range of adults;

It is also necessary to consider how to implant a concept - mini four-wheel drive = River Car Group, only the mini four-wheel drive of the River Car Group is a mini four-wheel drive.

The production of animation is not the most important, but the idea of ​​the story is the most important. It is not simply to find a few writers to come up with the script of the story. You have to find children's story experts, children's education experts, marketing experts, psychologists, etc. If you are an expert, find someone who is in charge of being a mentor in the MLM industry;

These people are indispensable. Only by getting all these people together can we conceive a story we need. Of course, when conceiving, we must listen to the demands and opinions of the children. "

After Chen Xiejing, it was the turn of Chen Yuxiu from Erdong Electronics to report.

His reporting method was different. He directly moved a 14-inch TV, and moved a "computer case" to the conference table, turned on the power, pressed the Power button on the host, and waited for a second or two. On the TV screen, the Chinese characters "Computers must start from the dolls" combined by several zigzag pixel blocks appeared.

Nan Yi frowned when he saw the words, "Yu Xiu, changed the words, these words can't be used indiscriminately."

"It should be fine, right? Aren't they all published in the newspapers?"

"How can this be compared with newspapers? Listen to me and change it. If you don't change it, you may cause trouble."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Chen Yuxiu said unwillingly, "I'll show you our little superman computer."

As he said, Chen Yuxiu inserted a learning card that looked a bit like a floppy disk into the host, "There are two modes in total: immersive learning mode and entertaining mode. The immersive learning mode is simply typing, entertaining and teaching. Mode is to learn to type by playing games.

In addition to the plane-fighting mode you mentioned, Mr. Da, we have also developed the bee-fighting and snake-eating modes. "

Chen Yuxiu called up the snake mode, and then put his hands on the keyboard. He saw a short snake on the screen, and there were some English letters around it. When the snake passed by a certain English letter, the Enter the corresponding English letters on the keyboard, and the English letters on the screen will be eaten.

The number of English letters on the screen in the first level is relatively small, and it starts to increase in the second level. By analogy, one level is more than the first level. After the sixth level, the English letters are combined in pairs, and in the eleventh level, it is three. A combination of letters, until the later levels, English words began to appear.

"Yu Xiu, this game mode is good, but try to create a version that directly displays English words, and it is aimed at senior students, such as high school students and college students."

Chen Yuxiu, who was manipulating the keyboard, said proudly: "We have already thought of this, and we are preparing to issue learning cards for teenagers."

"Well, look at the programming learning card." Nanyi nodded and said.

Chen Yuxiu replaced a learning card and inserted it into the host, and an editor-like interface appeared on the TV screen after a while, "The learning card integrates SQL, BASIC, and C languages, which can realize simple programming and debugging. , mainly to learn grammar.”

As he spoke, Chen Yuxiu entered a simple SQL code, and then pressed the Enter key. A database-like interface appeared on the screen, and a column of data was deleted.

"The most basic addition, deletion, modification, and query can be realized, but the code is not actually executed, but the screen in the library is called." Chen Yuxiu explained.

"Not bad, it's a set of things, if Erdong Electronics can't continue, you can go to Silicon Valley to be a programmer." Nanyi praised with a smile on his face.

"Haha, SQL is too simple, I can get started after watching the tutorial for two days."

"What about game cards, where is the factory going to be located?"

Erdong Electronics will not participate in the production of game cards on the surface, but will only focus on the research and development of learning cards. It is shameless pirates who took advantage of the loopholes and used game cards to defile the sacred little superman computer.

Chen Yuxiu did not answer Nanyi directly, but looked at Chen Zongqing.

Seeing Chen Yuxiu's gaze, Chen Zongqing said, "Nanyi, it's like this. I plan to hand over the game card business to Baiche Village. You also know that your aunt is from Baiche Village. We have a better life, but theirs It’s not easy, the head of Baiche Village has come to me several times, asking me to help.”

"Uncle Zong Qing, I don't care whoever does this business, as long as we can get what we need, and since we want to build the archway, we must build it to the end. Erdong Electronics must not have anything to do with game cards. "

"That's definitely no problem. The village head of Baiche Village is a man who keeps his word and won't betray his friends." Chen Zongqing said with satisfaction.

"Well, Yu Xiu, the advertisements can be arranged to try to go on sale in December and create a sales peak before the Spring Festival in 1989."

"Mister Da, besides advertising, I have some ideas."

"you say."

"I'm going to go to the education committees around the world, and directly use the Superman computer as a teaching tool to enter the school, and the teacher will advise the parents of the students to buy it."

As soon as Chen Yuxiu's words fell, Nan Yi's forehead got tangled together.

"Yu Xiu, your method is a good one. I believe it can bring us a lot of sales. Although we want to set up a memorial archway, others don't know what's going on with the Superman computer, but we don't know it in our hearts. ?

Money, we want to earn money, but the food should not be too ugly. No matter what others think or do, school is a sacred place for me to teach and educate people. No matter how long our hands are, we should not extend them to the school. Leave a piece of pure land. "

Nan Yi patted Chen Yuxiu on the shoulder and said, "Don't hit the school's idea. It's okay if you don't do anything. You'd better think about how to fool those parents."

"Really can't do it?" Chen Yuxiu asked unwillingly.

"No way, I'd rather see the Little Superman computer not being sold, than see you reach out to the school, the school is our forbidden area, walk around it."

"However, if we don't do it, others will do it. I know that there are many tricks in school uniforms and exercise books."

Nanyi shook his head, "Others eat shit and let others eat it, we won't eat it."

"All right."

"Wei Kuang, it's your turn, let's talk about the situation." Nan Yi sat back in his seat and said, "What's wrong with the corner of your eye, is it a fatal injury?"

"Unfortunately, the two horse teams met in our mining area, and they started to fight after a disagreement. I hid aside to watch the excitement, and a grenade exploded and a stone passed by the corner of my eye." Chen Weikuang said with a bitter face.

"Haha, didn't you ask them for compensation?"

"No, they gave it on their own initiative, but what they gave was free, so I wouldn't dare to take it. Recently, the forces in the Golden Triangle have begun to shuffle their cards. The action is not small, and the sound of guns can be heard almost every day."

"They wash theirs, as long as they don't provoke us, and always adhere to the principle of not infringing on the river, they will not make more enemies like us."

People in the Golden Triangle are also businessmen, and they also have to calculate the cost. For no reason, no one will be full to provoke people who have no competitive relationship with them.

"So far, we haven't fought against any force. Everyone maintains superficial friendship. No one would fight in our mining area before. This time, the movement is too big, and it has reached the point of endless death." Chen Weikuang explained.

"Be careful at ordinary times, Wei Kuang, if the worst happens, everything is on the premise of saving your life. The assets in the mine can be lost. Don't try to be a hero. As long as you are alive, everything can be regained. .”

"I know, if something happens, I will definitely be the first to run away." Chen Weikuang laughed.

"Well, let's get down to business, is the mine's current output stable?"

"It has stabilized. Now not only can we guarantee our own use, but we can also sell most of it to the outside world. We have stockpiled 1,400 tons of refined copper ingots at the border of Yunnan Province."

"Oh, then the electrolytic copper factory can be started. Now the demand for electric wires is increasing, and it is the time when electrolytic copper is easy to sell. Uncle Zong Qing, where do you think the factory is more suitable?"

"Can't we open it at our own place?"

"No, at least 15 kilometers away from Nanchen Village." Nanyi shook his head and said: "The electrolytic copper factory is polluted, it is best to open it in a place with few people and close to the sea, so that it will not affect people, and it is also convenient for our products. Go to sea."

"I can't think of a place that meets these two conditions at the moment. Tomorrow, I will ask someone to walk along the coastline and look for it."

"Well, if the factory can be opened in the local area, it can be opened in the local area. There is really no way to look for it outside. If you rely on the mountains, you can rely on the mountains and the water. If you rely on the factory, you can eat the factory. Weizong, is it hard to be a grandson in Luohong?"

Chen Weizong waved his hand and said with a bitter face: "Don't say it, there is a restaurant in the city. I have to pay the bill once a month. I don't know many names on the bill, but I still have to recognize the bill. The winery didn't When we start making money, there are people who are more impatient than us, don’t we have to overeat when we are in a hurry.”

"Haha, King of Hades, I'll settle it for you. You have to deal with it yourself, kid. You can earn money. Those who stand can earn money, but we can also earn money when we kneel. , when you become famous, you can brag about your struggle history to outsiders."

After a few jokes, the meeting continued.

At the beginning of nine o'clock, after the topics to be discussed in the entire meeting were over, Nanyi raised a new topic.

"Farming is not cost-effective. Everyone knows this. Now the land in the village is planted by older women. In the next few years, everyone will be busy with their own business. Regarding agriculture, I don't want to do business for the time being. Let women They planted the land first, helped to take care of the children at home, and played cards together when they had time.

Older women can be idle first, but young women can't. When they can't work properly, they stay at home and take care of their children. There are nursery schools and kindergartens in the village, and young women can completely liberate themselves from household chores.

In the past two years in big cities, Western-style bread has become more and more popular, and there are more and more patterns. It is no longer just old bread and chicken drumstick bread in the past. More and more people eat it. Opening a bakery to sell bread is a It is a good business, so I suggest that Auntie take the lead in organizing young women in the village to do this.

Don’t be in a hurry to open a shop, go out to learn from a teacher first, whether it’s the southern school or the northern school, go to learn from all over the country, and then go abroad after learning it all over the country. After all, bread is something for foreigners. To be authentic, it has to be someone else’s. foreigner.

After the combination of Chinese and Western, and a thorough understanding, we can then consider and develop several types of bread and snacks that suit the tastes of our Chinese people. When everything is ready, we can start to open a bakery. "

"Mr. Da, women can just let them take care of their children and take care of the elderly at home, and let us men make money." Chen Guowen said.

Chen Ruiwu said: "That's right, women, it's fine to stay at home, why do we have to go out and endure hardships, we work hard outside, don't we just want them to live in peace and not suffer?"

"Guowen and Ruiwu are right. Mr. Da, the industries in the village are developing soundly and have a good prospect. The dividends in the village will increase every year. There is no need for women to go out to make money." Chen Zongjie said.

Nan Yi nodded and said: "What everyone said is reasonable. Indeed, the village doesn't need women to go out to make money to live a good life. However, everyone here is considered a person outside, don't say Hugging before and after, at least it is very face-saving.

At night, sitting in karaoke halls, dance halls, and nightclubs, I see a lot of beautiful, well-figured women. Some will post them with a wave, and some may even take the initiative to post them. It’s easy to find a considerate lover, don’t tell me The smell of wind and dust is very strong, so it is not difficult to find a college student. "

After a pause, Nan Yi went on to say: "As for me, I am not a good person in matters of men and women. I have more than one woman outside, both domestic and foreign. But no matter how many women I have outside As a woman, she never thought of divorcing Liu Zhen.

what about you?

Will you divorce your current wife in the future and change to a younger and more beautiful one?

There is no need to deny that some of you have already thought about it, oh, you are a person, and the bad wife at home is not good enough for you, it would be embarrassing to take it out, right?

Who hasn't been pretty?

Who didn't come from youth?

What you are looking for or planning to look for now will grow old in the future, just spend some money to play around, and I will be the first to refuse to anyone who wants to bring it back and make it right.

Why let women go out to do things, why let them go out to see the world?

I want them to improve themselves along with the men in the village, and always stay at the same height as you, so as not to be underestimated by you.

It is also to make them financially independent. Only when they are economically independent can they be independent in personality. Economically independent and independent in personality, once someone insists on going their own way, they will be lost.

Not only do bakeries have to be opened, but they also have to be opened extensively, all over the country, so that a few strong women will come out of the women in the village, and let each woman in the village own at least a few shops. "

After Nanyi's voice fell, almost everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one agreed with each other's objection.

After a long silence, Chen Zongqing said: "Let's adjourn the meeting first, we'll talk about the bakery later, those who go home go home, and those who want to go back go back sooner."

This meeting is to match the time of Nanyi, not everyone can attend it calmly, some people have to rush back to the city where they work overnight, and tomorrow's work will continue normally.

After the meeting, Nan Yi walked with Chen Zongqing and Chen Weizong.

"Nanyi, do you forget about the bakery?"

"Uncle Zong Qing, do you disagree with my idea?"

"It's useless for me to agree. You've also seen that other people actually don't want their mother-in-law and aunt to go out to do things."

"I know, I didn't think that everyone would agree, but I still want to do this, not in the name of the village. I can do this business in partnership with Auntie. Uncle Zong Qing will not also plan to Did Auntie change?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I feel better about being heard by your aunt." After Chen Zongqing complained, he said, "It's okay to do it personally, and everyone's opinions won't be so big."

"En." Nan Yi nodded, stopped and said, "Uncle Zong Qing, Wei Zong, I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon. If you have anything to say, we can talk about it tomorrow morning. I'll go back and rest first."


The three separated, and Nan Yi walked to his home.

Arriving at the door of the house, opening the door and walking into the living room, Nan Yi's body was immediately hit by a chill.

"No, there is a ghost in the room, bring me the mahogany sword." Nan Yi exclaimed.

The school flower said lightly: "Nan Sheng, when you were in a meeting, I came back early and turned on the fan, and even splashed water on the floor."

"Oh, it's a pity, I thought there was a female ghost haunting it."

Nanyi muttered, and went straight to his room, found out the change of clothes from the closet, and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

"The bright moon shines, the dark wind blows the willow alley, it is a female ghost looking for her lover, who would love, the miserable ghost bride, accompanying the female ghost, worshiping the moonlight late at night... Her eyes, her eyes, seem to shine like stars, Behold, behold..."

While taking a shower, Nanyi hummed, not at all afraid of recruiting a female ghost.

On the second day, Nanyi and Cai Shufen chatted about the bakery, and after lunch at Chen Zongqing's house, they embarked on the journey back to Xiangtang.

At the Shenfeng checkpoint, Nanyi and Ge Cuizhu ran into each other.

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