Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 765: Character Design

October 5th.

After all the hardships and hardships, Nanyi has become a family again.

The thing is like this, after silent observation some time ago, Nanyi felt that Green Core Development should set up a banner in Yecheng and start business here, and then he began to think about finding an office for Green Core Development, which happened to be , Next door to the office of Yiwan International is a two-storey house with seven rooms and one living room on each floor.

This house was built by a nearby handicraft factory in 1975 and distributed to outstanding young workers. There is no private toilet. There is a public toilet on each floor, divided into two pits, one for men and one for women, with a door on the pit. , there is a gap of 20 centimeters below, the kind that can be seen inside by stepping on one's feet.

Because of the cheating pattern of the toilet, one day, a passionate and excellent male worker of Fanggang heard a pleasant ding-dong sound, couldn't control himself, turned into a wolf, and shamelessly violated the will of an excellent female worker in the female pit. It lasted for 17.21 seconds, brutally insulting.

When this incident happened, the female workers were relatively calm, but the male workers started to make trouble. They were worried that their pure souls would be corroded by evil spirits, and they clamored to move out of here one by one.

Based on the principle of making big things small and keeping the factory ugly, the handicraft factory handled the matter in a low-key manner and asked everyone to move away. The house has been vacant for ten years.

No, Nanyi took aim at it and went to the housing management department of the handicraft factory twice. At a price of almost 1,000 yuan/square meter, the area of ​​the house was 364 square meters, plus a 264.3 square meter open space in front of the building. The total price was 360,000 yuan. bought it.

However, Nan Yi spent more than that. He also spent about 300 yuan on cigarettes and alcohol, and watched his lost 10,000 yuan being picked up by his brother-in-law, the officer and director of the handicraft factory management department. If someone picked it up, he wouldn't be ashamed to ask for it.

October 9.

Over a weekend, the secretary ran with Nanyi for three days, and finally settled the house. Nanyi became the seventh owner of a 70-year property in the country. There is a high probability that this house will become Nanyi’s name. The only real estate, he must firmly hold it in his hands, and no one wants to confiscate it.

After the property rights were settled, Nanyi found a small construction team, and first made arrangements to surround the open space with a wall. More precisely, it should be called an anchor point, which is to dig a hole in the ground and lay three layers of bricks to keep it level with the ground. together.

This is not only to continue to facilitate the surrounding residents to shuttle from the open space, but also to clarify the property rights.

The land issue here in Longkunxia Village is more complicated. There are collective land in the village, state-owned land where the factory has the right to use, and land whose use right is not very clear. The factory is fine, but the collective land is more troublesome. Economic disputes in the countryside, Many times it is related to homesteads. The vacant land in Nanyi is connected to homesteads belonging to several farmers. If the boundaries are not clear now, they will not be clear at all in the future.

In order to set the anchor point, Nanyi also invited the owners of several homesteads to clarify the boundaries in front of them, and left a promise - no matter which house is built in the future, he is willing to put The anchor point is retracted, giving up three feet; if the homestead is transferred to someone else, I'm sorry, and I won't give up an inch.

Nanyi also doesn't know whether the land nature of Longkunxia Village will change in the future, so it's better to make it clear earlier.

Set the anchor point, take photos with reference objects, invite the village committee cadres to be notaries, and make five copies of the "Land Boundary Clearance Letter", signed by each homestead owner, stamped with the official seal of the village committee, and given to the village committee The meeting will share one share, the owner of the homestead will hold one share, and the remaining three Nanyi shares will be kept by himself.

The last two items in the "Land Boundary Definition Document" indicate the promise of Nanyi and who will keep the five clear documents, and each copy has a different number to prevent future disputes.

After the matter was settled, Nanyi set up a table for everyone to eat and take.

On the 11th, Nanyi and the construction team discussed the renovation plan, asked people to take away the telephone in the office, and asked the tiger cub to put the telephone line on the roof. There is nothing valuable in the office, and it would be a pity if it was stolen, but Whoever whose family members are abroad sneaks in and talks on the phone all night, it will be the end of the calf.

After tidying up, Nanyi took everyone from Hundreds of Millions of Internationals to Yangcheng.

Arriving in Yangcheng on the 12th, Nanyi asked Zhao Jun, who had stayed in Yangcheng for a few months before going to Yecheng, to take Su Meng and Pan Wuju out for a stroll, and he himself made another long-distance raid on Xiangtang.

Arrived at Yangwu Village, without further ado, grabbed Ruan Mei, who was practicing singing, and came to rectify him on the spot. For more than two months, he didn't know the taste of meat, and it overflowed when he was full. He also had the experience of getting up in the middle of the night to change his underpants, how could he not be in a hurry? .

"Ah, it hurts."

As the clouds collected and the rain rested, Nan Yi held the iodophor bottle in his hand and wiped the iodophor on Ruan Mei's knee.


Ruan Mei retracted her legs, and kicked Nanyi's chest again and again, "You son of a bitch, let me kneel on the ground, I will kick you to death, kick you to death."

Nan Yi knew that what he had done was a bit too much, so he just laughed and responded, letting Ruan Mei get angry, and when she kicked enough and her feet stopped moving, she continued to apply medicine to her.

After applying the medicine, Nan Yi curled up his mouth to let Ruan Mei blow the air.

Ruan Mei was very helpful to Nanyi's gentleness, and her anger dissipated instantly.

"Are you busy in Qiongdao?"

"I just arrived in Yangcheng today, and I have to stay for a few days." Nanyi put the iodophor bottle cap back on.

Ruan Mei said excitedly, "I'll go back to Yangcheng with you."

"No, you are famous now. Many people in Yangcheng know you. You know, our relationship is not in the light." Nan Yi said, spreading his hands.

Ruan Mei pouted and said, "It's boring."

"How can you be boring? You should be living a fulfilling life in front of the little star and the seat of the chief vice president."

Ruan Mei picked up her short-sighted glasses from the side and put them on, then took a doll bear and hugged her in her arms, "You know what I mean, I mean it's too boring to sleep alone at night, no one to hug, You can only hug the doll bear."

Nan Yi sat next to Ruan Mei, hugged her into his arms, and patted her on the back lightly.

The two of them didn't speak, they just waited quietly, nonchalantly.

They waited until Ruan Mei's stomach made a gurgling sound, and then the two broke away from the clingy state, went to wash up together, and went to the open kitchen to make dinner together.

"When I came here just now, I saw the villagers gathered at the intersection. Do you know what they are discussing?"

"The expansion of the Kowloon-Guangzhou light rail line, the Mansion is going to expropriate land, and the villagers are fighting for the land rights certificate." Ruan Mei replied while washing the vegetables in her hands.

"There's nothing arguing about it. The land exchange rights agreement has been canceled long ago. Wash some peppers for me first."

The land exchange rights letter is a land expropriation compensation method adopted by the government from the 1960s to the 1980s. It is divided into a land exchange rights letter [Letter A] and a land exchange rights letter [Letter B].

Letter A is to exchange one square foot of housing land in the development area [which can be understood as a homestead] for one square foot of housing land outside the development area; Letter B is to exchange five square feet of agricultural land for two square feet of housing land.

The land exchange title can be freely bought, sold and renamed in the market. By 1983, the government owed a total of 138 hectares of "land debt", so the relevant system was cancelled, and the land was fully recovered with cash compensation.

The land exchange right book is a good thing for real estate developers. Since the early 1970s, real estate developers have been staring at it. Li Laosi of Henderson Industrial can stand out from the wealthy in Hong Kong. Apart from the renovation of old buildings, it is thanks to the land exchange rights Book.

It’s just that in the 1970s, the major real estate developers didn’t have a lot of cash chips. This also made Creativity Real Estate rush to the late show, eating a lot of land exchange rights and interests, and the acquisition was still going on.

Creativity Real Estate and Fang's Group are two freaks in the eyes of the wealthy in Xiangshan. They have to participate in the land auction, acquire the land, and acquire the rights of Ding. They still don't want to let go of the land exchange rights, and hold everything in their hands. , but his mother just doesn't develop it.

The only thing they are doing is the renovation of old buildings, and they are easy to talk to. Whoever sees the two old buildings that are being renovated can just sit down and discuss them. As long as the price is acceptable, they will sell them. At first glance, the two companies have no long-term plans in the real estate field. and layout.

But in fact, the land held by the two families is on the only way to expand the urban area. As long as it is around 1995, the value of these lands will have several backflips in a row. The Xiangxi people also quietly purchased a lot of land exchange rights and interests. The Nan family already holds a lot of land. From the perspective of development, the value of the land held by the Nan family is no less than 17 billion US dollars.

According to the once-in-ten-year economic crisis cycle, the Nan family can completely play the combination of cashing out and buying bottoms twice. Eighteen years later, they will develop the high-quality land in their hands into commercial and residential buildings. Sexual cash, completely say goodbye to Xiangxi Real Estate.

In short, Nanyi wants to take advantage of the benefits of Xiangfang Real Estate, and he doesn’t want to take the blame. In the future, elementary school students can write essays that satirize Xiangfang’s Lijiacheng, Baojiacheng, Zhengjiacheng, and Huojiacheng, but don’t write about Fangjiacheng and Nanjiacheng.

Theoretically speaking, expensive houses have nothing to do with expensive land. If you want to scold them, you can scold the damn real estate developers, and the intermediaries can also scold them together, and then scold uncompleted properties, public stalls, unfinished projects, and real estate speculators.

We must not scold the poor people who can't survive and can only make a living by selling land, because the weak can only tremble in the face of land annexation, and the land is taken away with colorful waste paper, what is the reason?

You must also not scold Nanguo Bank. What does Nanguo Bank have to do with expensive houses?

I lend money to others to buy a house with good intentions, and the house goes up and down, double, double, three or four times, but the interest is only a little bit, and the money is depreciating. Twenty or thirty years later, is the money still money? ?

What, you said that what I lent you was waste paper?

God damn waste paper, do you know that I exchanged the waste paper in your mouth for US dollars? Do you know that I exchanged dollars for gold?

Poor and innocent Nanyi pays real money, and can only pick up leftovers from the real estate industry, eat some leftovers, and only earn a meager income to support his family. If he is scolded like this, how innocent is he?

"I don't know if our house is on the road." Ruan Mei washed a few peppers and handed them to Nanyi, then picked up the sweet peppers from the plastic bag and washed them, "The price of vegetables has increased again, and the price of sweet peppers has increased by a mosquito." .”

"Well." Nanyi nodded, "The price at the source has not increased, the freight and rent have increased, the wholesale price has followed, and the price of the vegetable market will naturally increase. We are not online here, and we are more than half a mile [miles away] from the nearest station ]."


The two of them were chatting, they kept working, and the dinner was ready soon.

"Did the Shanghai TV Drama Production Center send you an invitation?" Nan Yi asked while sitting at the dinner table.

"It has already been sent, and they want me to try the role of Daji."

"Oh, unless they are blind, they will let you play Daji. The roles of Shang Qingjun and Deng Chanyu are more suitable for you." Nan Yi said with a smile.

"Hmph, why can't I play Daji?" Ruan Mei said unconvinced.

"Don't make trouble, you know whether you and Daji get along, I can't imagine how awkward it would be for you to become foxy."

"Forget it, I can't act."

Ruan Mei is very clear that her temperament does not match Daji at all, she flipped through the role list and found that Shang Qingjun is the most suitable for her, but...

"Baby, do you really want me to play Deng Chanyu?"

"It's good, why, don't you like Tu Xingsun?" Nan Yi had a smirk on his face.

"Hmph, you are tricking me."

"I'm not fooling you. There are only a few female characters in "Fengshen Yanyi", Daji, Hu Ximei, Queen Jiang, Shang Qingjun, Nuwa, Dou Fengzhen, Deng Chanyu, and the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit. I don't have much impression of the others. up.

Although Shang Qingjun's role is positive, it is too plain and there is no room for expression. On the contrary, Deng Chanyu's character is eccentric, with a lot of room for expression, and there are not too many roles, so you won't be too tired. "

Nan Yi hopes that Ruan Mei will be integrated into the three dramas "Feng Shen Bang", "Snow Mountain Flying Fox", and "Foreign Girl", and then go to "Longing" to make a guest appearance, so that people all over the country know that there is a "very low-key" female star in Hong Kong , the next step is to add one or two popular songs to Ruan Mei's album to sublimate her personality to a certain height.

"Okay, Deng Chanyu is just Deng Chanyu. It's better to have fewer scenes, so it won't delay my album. Sister Zhou has already collected a few songs for me, and the copyright of "Favorite" has also been bought."

"Then what do you think, set up a record company by yourself, or join another record company?"

Ruan Mei thought for a while and said, "My company doesn't have a distribution channel, so what if the records can't be sold? Joining another company doesn't give you any freedom, so it's a bit tangled."

"Xiangcheng is only so big, how can you use any channels, you can go to the radio to make a list, everyone can hear it, and then open your own record store, this one has no branches, it is good to maintain a little bit of your own personality , anyway, releasing records doesn’t make any money.”

If a record sells 50,000 copies, it is considered a platinum record in Xiangsong, so what if it sells double platinum or triple platinum, a record does not make much money at all. Drink the northwest wind.

In Hong Kong, when an ordinary singer becomes a well-known singer, the next step is not to become a more famous singer with a wider influence, but to make a movie. If he can gain a foothold in the movie circle, singing will become his second career , Actors are the first career.

Almost every singer is like this, without exception.

Why do singers have to act? Is it such a coincidence that all singers like acting?

Without him, only to make money!

In Xiangtang, apart from top singers \u0026amp; The family itself has money, so they bought a house as soon as they got paid, and enjoyed the bonus of real estate.

Perhaps the status of singers and actors did not bring them unimaginable benefits, nor did they bring a big leap in class, which kept their mentality calm and would not be superior to ordinary people.

"There's also the Taiyuan Market." Ruan Mei said.

"Taiwan is whatever you want, just hand over the record to the company over there for sale, and you can give a little more share."

"talk later."

Ruan Mei was a little disapproving of Nanyi's statement, she had some ideas of her own.

Seeing Ruan Mei's attitude, Nan Yi didn't say much, he won't get involved in Ruan Mei's singing career, she can do whatever she wants, as long as the character design won't be damaged.


the next day.

Nanyi and Matt met at the Baiyun Hotel. One was sincerely selling and the other was sincerely buying. The process of seeing samples and negotiating product prices was very smooth, but they got stuck when calculating the final price. In terms of trade terms, Nanyi Hoping for FOB, but Matt insists on CIF.

FOB can be understood as FOB price. For Nanyi, as long as the goods are loaded on the freighter designated by Matt at the port of Yecheng, they can settle the payment with Matt. The freighter sank halfway and Nanyi has no half a dime. relation.

CIF, which can be understood as CIF, means that Nanyi is responsible for delivering the goods to the British port designated by Matt. Before Matt receives it, all responsibilities have to be carried by Nanyi. Although insurance is purchased for shipping by sea, the cargo ship sinks. It would be a waste of time to get the money back.

In addition, there is another shortcoming that is fatal to Nanyi. CIF settlements usually use L/C, that is, letters of credit. Not to mention that this thing is more risky than cash and checks, and the collection time is longer and cumbersome. .

Matt wants a total of 1.4 million pounds of goods. The price of factory silk is cheap, while the price of sang silk is expensive. One price is reduced, and the other is increased. Once back and forth, Nanyi has a gross profit of 23%, which is 322,000 pounds. He needs to pay for reeling silk. Factory 1.078 million pounds.

If it adopts the FOB model, Nanyi can find someone to talk to the silk reeling factory and ask the other party to save face. The payment will be delayed first, and the business can be operated without capital. silk factory.

It's only a few days, as long as the caller can hide his face, it can be done.

CIF is not enough, it takes too long, it takes two months, and there are too many variables in it. Nanyi has no face to let the silk reeling factory back to back with him, not to mention paying the full amount, but he has to pay 30% first, 420,000 pounds, equivalent to RMB That's 2.78 million x 145%.

They all like foreign exchange. If you pay in RMB, you have to add 45% to the price.

Regardless of whether it is 4.03 million or 2.78 million, Nanyi can't get it out, and the Yiwan International family has less than 980,000 left.

"Matt, I can lower my offer by £20,000, but I'm sticking to FOB."

Nan Yi knew that as soon as he said this, he exposed his financial problem, and the initiative of the negotiation was handed over to Matt, and he would bleed heavily in terms of price.

As soon as Matt heard Nanyi's words, he immediately understood that Nanyi's liquidity problem was a problem. He smiled lightly, waved his hands, and said, "No, no, no, I still stick to CIF."

"Matt, I don't like haggling back and forth, £1.34 million, that's my bottom line."


Nanyi spread his hands and said regretfully, "OK, I'll give in. We'll still go to CIF."

"Adam, 1.32 million pounds, I can promise you to go FOB."


The coding software broke down today, half of the codes had to be coded again, and the number of words was a little less.

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