Nanyi agreed to Matt's price of 1.32 million pounds. The situation is stronger than others, and it is impossible not to agree.

The price of 1.32 million basically drained the water mixed in Nanyi to half dry. Matt got the preferential factory silk and wiped off most of the price increase of mulberry silk. Nanyi made a fortune and it is not too surprising business.

At this time, the Canton Fair is still a major hub for foreign trade. Eighty to ninety percent, or even all, foreign trade orders in many provinces depend on the Canton Fair. This is especially true for the silk industry. There has always been a dedicated silk venue at the Canton Fair. .

However, silk has always been under unified purchase and sales. Although the silk products displayed in the venue come from various nest silk factories, the nest silk factories do not need and cannot send staff to come here. Naturally, they have no chance to get those unplanned products to sell here.

As for robbing customers outside the venue, this is a feasible solution, but it needs the leadership team of Nest Silk Factory not to be afraid of being labeled. Like mountains, radicals are hard to find.

After all, the unplanned country does not buy, nor can it sit idly by in the warehouse. In addition to the previous actions to reduce the purchase volume, the state can only slightly loosen the ties to the nest silk factory. By default, the nest silk factory can find sales for the unplanned products. It is a good situation that cannot destroy the silk export.

The proportion of foreign exchange exchanged for silk is still high. Before the export of industrial products is greatly improved, the policy of the silk industry is unlikely to be relaxed. The nest silk factory has no export channels, and it is not easy for foreign businessmen to get access to the nest silk factory. It gave Yiwan International a living space in the cracks, which is the fundamental reason why Nanyi can make a difference here.

Nanyi earns money with poor information and poor channels.

After signing the contract, Nanyi called Wu Shiyi and borrowed someone from Far East Trading at a price of 30,000 pounds to complete the work under the list. Nanyi knew the steps of delivering the commodity inspection, but he never practiced it. It's a mistake, it's better to cut some meat and ask for help.

Of course, it was mainly because the meat was rotten in the pot. Otherwise, let alone 30,000 pounds, even if it was three to five thousand pounds, Nanyi might not be willing.

After a good start, Nanyi assisted the other three people in negotiating with their potential customers. Su Meng's customers needed less goods and were the easiest to negotiate. On the morning of the 14th, it took less than two hours. From negotiation to The signing is all done.

For an order of 4 million francs, Yiwan International's gross profit margin is 21.6%, or 864,000 francs, or 540,000 RMB. However, Nanyi will give Su Meng a commission of 1 million yuan to replenish her with the moisture of the exchange rate.

Pan Wuju's client wanted a large volume of goods, and the client gave at least 3 million pounds. However, this client was a medium-sized trading company with a relatively complete staffing. He was very shrewd. What he meant was to give Yiwan International an introduction. fee, and then bypass Yiwan International to directly connect with Nest Silk Factory.

Nan Yi did not hesitate to agree to the idea of ​​the other party giving the introduction fee, and after some bargaining, the deal was settled at 60,000 pounds.

The other party already wants to connect with him, and the rest is just a matter of time. As long as you put in more thought, let alone 60,000 pounds, even if you don't spend a dime, the other party can find the right way.

Pan Wuju's 60,000 pounds was earned from the other party's personnel salary cost structure, as well as the saved travel costs and time costs.

Zhao Jun was rather disappointed. He contacted two potential customers and also contacted a potential customer who might come to the Canton Fair. As a result, the potential customer politely called and said they had canceled the trip, but none of the two potential customers called. call.

Su Meng and Pan Wuju sat with Nanyi in the coffee shop of Baiyun Hotel with joy, thinking about what to do with the commission after they got it.

Zhao Jun was fidgeting, and picked up the phone on the table from time to time to check if there was electricity. Every half an hour, he would go to the front desk of the hotel to ask if the person he was waiting for had already checked in. He was impatient. With the order, the commission will be available soon, but what about him?

Happiness and hardship are all compared. Zhao Jun feels that Su Meng and Pan Wuju are very happy at this moment, but he himself endures the torment, asking again and again, disappointed again and again, waiting from seven in the morning until now in the afternoon At six o'clock, his hopes were crushed bit by bit.

Nanyi held the newspaper in his hand and looked at it slowly. He did not open his mouth to comfort Zhao Jun. For Zhao Jun at this time, verbal comfort did not help Zhao Jun at all, and he could not achieve forgiveness. He could do All he wanted was to stay here and wait with Zhao Jun, at least until eight o'clock.

As time slipped by, Su Meng and Pan Wuju had already figured out the commission plan in their hearts, and Joy was also a little tired. Wu Zang Temple coughed, reminding them that they had passed the point of offering sacrifices.

It's just that the two who got cheap were too embarrassed to open their mouths, so they could only continue to sit bored.

At 7:47, Zhao Jun, who went to the front desk to inquire again, returned to his seat dispirited, and said to Nan Yi: "Boss, I'm hungry, I don't want to wait any longer."

Nanyi put away the newspaper and said, "Don't be discouraged, you are just unlucky, and there will be opportunities in the future. Let's go and take you to eat something delicious."

The words "bad luck" are simple, but very deadly. If a person wants to succeed, he needs to choose the right path, work hard, and have luck.

Success is equal to 70% luck plus 25% choice plus 5% hard work. If you know how to choose and work hard, you have a high probability of becoming a well-off person. If you only know how to work hard but don’t know how to choose, you can barely fill your stomach and get rich through hard work. It was originally a false proposition, and the basis for its establishment lies in the misinterpretation of the definition of "rich".

If you want to be a dragon and phoenix among people, you can't do without good luck. Those who can stand at the top are those with great luck. Zhao Jun's three clients have not seen any of them. Nanyi has already suspected that he is a bad luck person. He plans to observe again Observe, after a period of time, if there is still an appointment to not see people, he plans to change Zhao Jun's position.

Coincidentally, after receiving all the three sums of money, Yiwan International will change its business model, no longer poaching, but proactively looking for potential customers.

Of course, this is just Nan Yi's subjective idea. If Zhao Jun wants to find another job at that time, let's wait and see.

The delicious food sent the night away, and the next day, Nanyi took the three of them to the Canton Fair.

It is more difficult for Chinese people to enter the Liuhua venue than to go abroad. The number of places is very limited. Those who can come to participate are state-owned enterprises with competitive products in various provinces. Private enterprises have no chance to participate, and the representatives of exhibitors have to go through political review.

If you enter the venue as a buyer, you have to be accompanied by a foreigner. Chinese people cannot enter alone, even if they can provide proof documents for foreign companies.

It was not difficult for Nanyi to find a foreigner. After paying the entrance fee and applying for an admission pass, the four of Nanyi entered the main stadium smoothly.

For more than 30 years, although there have been many storms, the Canton Fair held twice a year has never stopped. This year's Autumn Fair is much deserted than previous years, and there are fewer buyers. The Autumn Fair has strengthened the level of security. There are armed policemen holding 79 micro-punches at the door, and the atmosphere is inexplicably tense.

In the main stadium, Nanyi didn't stay for long, and he didn't do all kinds of foreign trade. He came in just to see a Western view. After staying for less than an hour, Nanyi walked out of the venue alone and hung around outside.

There is nothing to watch inside the venue, but the heat outside the venue is worth seeing.

The Canton Fair is a grand event for state-owned enterprises. It does not mean that private companies cannot really participate. They cannot enter the venue, but they can always do it outside the venue. Outside the venue, there are many people wearing awkward suits and a big bag around their necks. Wandering around, when seeing foreigners, those who are fluent in language will go up to chat, and those who are not fluent will fiddle with their products in an attempt to attract the attention of foreigners to stay.

Nanyi saw a middle-aged man holding a flint gun on a burning appliance and showing it to a foreigner. He was still speaking poor English on the flint gun. The foreigner seemed very interested and asked several times. Question, but the face of the marketable middle-aged man was blank with embarrassment.

This middle-aged man is Mao Fangtai, from Zixi, Yongcheng. Zixi is an amazing place. In the 1950s, during the period of public-private partnerships, the first social-run enterprise [township enterprise] was born there. It can be said that it has a very business atmosphere. Full-bodied place.

Growing up in such a small town with a strong commercial atmosphere, Mao Fangtai was influenced imperceptibly, and at the same time, he was also influenced by his father.

His father is a down-to-earth person who works as an accountant and a business supervisor in the factory. In order to sell the unsalable products in the factory, his father has traveled thousands of kilometers to sell them, and the benefits of the factory have been improved. improve.

At the same time, his father was also a very upright person. When relatives and friends asked his father to enter the factory, they were all rejected by his father.

The fact that he is not troubled by his family has also deeply affected Mao Fangtai. He hopes that he can make some achievements like his father.

Mao Fangtai graduated from middle school in 1961. In order to change the poverty situation in his hometown, he came to a social enterprise and served as the chief accountant of the commune's comprehensive service department. In this position, his conduct and management have been greatly improved.

At that time, the Internet was not well developed. In order to improve efficiency, Mao Fangtai, who had no sales experience, also joined the ranks of sales. The conditions were very difficult and tiring, but it also gave Mao Fangtai precious life experience, which laid the foundation for his later entrepreneurship. Solid foundation.

After the re-opening, Mao Fangtai sensed the breath of the market and decided to start his own business. In 1985, 45-year-old Mao Fangtai founded a radio factory, and his entrepreneurial journey officially started.

In 1986, due to changes in national policies, the black and white TV accessories produced by his factory were about to be abandoned by the market in a blink of an eye. The deputy director of the factory also resigned.

At that time, Mao Fangtai had been wondering how to take the next road. Some people advised him, forget it, just start a small workshop, and there is no need to make the enterprise bigger. However, Mao Fangtai had a dream since he was a child, to build a big one. family business.

A friend in adversity sees the truth. When the employees left one after another, Mao Fangtai's wife resolutely quit her stable job to help Mao Fangtai manage the factory, which also gave Mao Fangtai the courage and determination to find new products.

The ignition gun is the new product that Mao Fangtai found. Before this product was only produced by Japanese talents, almost the global supply chain was monopolized by them. Not anymore. Mao Fangtai also has his own ignition gun, and his ignition gun also has a A trick, a trick that foreign businessmen can't refuse - cheap!

It is not shameful to rely on low-price dumping at the beginning of market development. Germany and Japan have developed through counterfeiting and price wars. The real shame is that cheapness is regarded as a magic weapon, a magic weapon that can be passed down for generations.

Looking at Mao Fangtai like an ant on a hot pot, Nanyi kindly walked over and said, "The foreigner speaks Spanish. He is asking you about the unit price and the production capacity of your factory."

Hearing Nanyi's words, Mao Fangtai seemed to hear the sound of nature, and he hurriedly said to Nanyi: "Comrade, hello, my name is Mao Fangtai, and I am the director of a radio factory in Zixi. Please translate for me. It's easy to talk about."

Nan Yi waved his hand and said, "There's no rush for the reward, let's answer first, the foreigner is already a little impatient, tell me after you figure out the unit price in US dollars, I'll help you deal with it first."

As he said that, Nan Yi said to the foreigner: "Hola, I am Adam and he is Mao. I will translate for you. Do you want the price in US dollars or in pesetas?"

"Hola, I'm Domingo, just tell me the dollar price, Adam, your Spanish is very good, have you been to Spain?" Domingo replied.

"I have been there, but I just passed through Selivia on the way. My spoken English is so good because I met a Spanish girl in Paris. She is a good girl, beautiful and generous, and very enthusiastic."

Domingo has a big nose, a sallow complexion, and looks tired. With one hand in his trouser pocket, he scratches the inner thigh from time to time. Nanyi subjectively judges that he has kidney deficiency and mysteriously infected with fungus, so he uses the "Woman" is used as the starting point of the topic.

Domingo smiled knowingly, and said, "Spanish girls are all passionate."


Nan Yi responded, and immediately looked at Mao Fangtai who was obviously about to speak.

"Comrade, please help me tell foreign businessmen that as long as there are more than 10,000 pieces, our ignition gun only costs 1.2 US dollars, and if more than 50,000 pieces, it only costs 1.1 US dollars. If the quantity is larger, the price can be negotiated." Mao Fangtao Nan Yi said.

"What about production capacity?"

"The production capacity can be expanded at any time. With our current capacity, there is no problem in producing 150,000 pieces a month."

Nan Yi could see that Mao Fangtai was a little guilty when he mentioned the production capacity. He estimated that the other party was still a small factory, and 150,000 units should be able to do it, but not with the ability of his own factory, but through OEM or recruitment. The realization of the mode of forming an industrial chain.

After thinking about it for a while, Nanyi relayed Mao Fangtai's "artistic processing" to Domingo.

"Adam, I hope to visit Mao's factory in a week."

"Of course, the city where Mao's factory is located is a beautiful city. I believe that you will fall in love with it. Domingo, do you live in Baiyun Hotel or Huaguo Hotel? I can let Mao go there at the appointed time pick you up."

Without asking Mao Fangtai's opinion, Nanyi agreed directly. It depends on the factory, which shows that Domingo has the idea of ​​long-term cooperation with Mao Fangtai. No matter whether Mao Fangtai's factory is shabby or not, he must show it this time , otherwise the list will definitely not be taken down.

"Room 501 of the Huaguo Hotel, today is October 15th, Huaguo time, and it is convenient for me to travel on the 23rd or 24th." Domingo said, looking at the calendar on his watch.


Domingo pointed to the exhibition hall and said, "I want to go inside and visit, see you later."

"Hasta Luego."

Seeing Domingo leave, Nan Yi turned his head and said to Mao Fangtai: "The foreigner's name is Domingo. He should be Spanish from his appearance and accent. He is going to visit your factory on the 23rd or 24th. He lives in room 501 of the hotel opposite."

Huaguo Hotel is a supporting hotel for the Canton Fair Complex. It is just on the other side of Liuhua Road. Foreigners who come to the Canton Fair either live here or Baiyun Hotel.

"Domingo, Room 501 of the Huaguo Hotel?" Mao Fangtai confirmed.

"Yes, that's right." Nan Yi nodded and said, "Boss Mao, I wish you the best of luck in winning this client. I'll continue shopping, so I'm leaving."

"Hey, little brother, don't rush away." Mao Fangtai said in his mouth, stretched his hand into his pocket, took out two hundred yuan bills and handed them to Nanyi, "I've troubled you just now, you take this money."

There are creases on the two banknotes, the outer one is light, and the inner one is heavy. Mao Fangtai probably wanted to give one hundred at first, but then hesitated, and wanted Nanyi to stay here as an interpreter for him. One hundred, one hundred becomes two hundred, and the remuneration becomes a deposit.

Nanyi looked at the banknotes, waved his hands and said, "Forget about the money. I'm not a full-time translator. I'm actually here to find clients. Yangda has a department of Spanish, and it's not too far from here."

Nanyi didn't say too much about it, but he felt that it was enough. If Mao Fangtai was a qualified businessman, he would definitely be able to comprehend this little trick.

After finishing speaking, Nan Yi left without leaving his name.

In the morning, Nanyi wandered around outside the main stadium, and went up to help those who had communication difficulties. They were all raised by their stepmothers, and there was no competition, so they helped if they could.

It is said that the domestic private economy really began to grow in 1992. In fact, this statement is not accurate. At this point, all the top talents emerged. The private economy should have become the mainstream since 1998. Large-scale layoffs, In order to solve the employment problem, encourage entrepreneurship, and vigorously support private enterprises, the state has also opened up an entry point in areas that should not be open to private enterprises.

The dominance of state-owned enterprises is determined by the political nature of Huaguo. Sooner or later, the gaps that have been opened will be withdrawn. Enterprises that are too deeply involved in people's livelihood cannot remain private enterprises.

Nanyi deduces that a model similar to Temasek is likely to appear in China. First let go of the reins on private enterprises and allow them to grow wildly within a certain range of rules. After a certain stage, state-owned assets will enter these enterprises and take control [话语] rights], let enterprises obey the overall situation of the country, and take a road of economic development with Chinese characteristics and a road of common prosperity.

Therefore, the various businesses of the Reclamation Group will be split up and then split up to become independent companies. That is why Nanyi vaccinated Ge Cuizhu early, and the Reclamation Group is always ready to be incorporated by the state and join the national team.

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