Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 767 Florida Hurricane Blows in Coconut City

In the afternoon, Nanyi entered the Silk Pavilion, squeezed into the crowded booths, took a look at the products, and then listened to the staff at the booths communicating with foreigners, grasping the key words in the conversation, such as the company where the foreigners belong to, Name, product of interest, etc.

After hanging around like this for half an afternoon, Nanyi revealed his secrets. A staff member at a booth noticed him, and Nanyi also found that the other party sensed his mistake, and ran away before the other party called the organizing committee.

The next day, it was Su Meng who went into the silk hall instead, doing the same thing. She was not as blatant as Nan Yi, and she survived a little longer. She spent a long time in the silk hall before she came out.

On the third day, Pan Wuju, and on the fourth day, Zhao Jun, the four of them took turns to go in. There were more than two dozen company names, and they could be found. Compare the list copied from the European Yellow Pages, and half of the information can be obtained. To improve it, the remaining half will be compared after the phonebooks of several European countries arrive.

During this period, an information fee of 60,000 pounds and a 30% deposit for two orders arrived in the account. Nanyi called Liu Xin, who was still in Hangzhou, and asked her to inform the people from Nest Silk Factory to go to Coconut City as soon as possible. Accept the 30% deposit that Yiwan International will pay.

Only delivery in Yecheng can guarantee that the Nest Silk Factory gets foreign exchange. If a cash check is issued or the bank allocates it between different places, most of what is in the hands of the Nest Silk Factory is not foreign exchange. It may become foreign exchange certificates, or it may be Turning into RMB depends on how much face the nest silk factory has in the bank.

As for withdrawing foreign exchange from the bank, it is not impossible. Yecheng’s foreign exchange is free, although this kind of freedom is the same as the days when "Tomorrow will be better" or "Dedication of Love" is broadcast on the school radio. In theory, donate money How much is up to the students themselves, but often the teacher will say "a donation of 50 cents", but it is not impossible for Nanyi to send foreign exchange directly to Hangzhou.

It's just that Nanyi has to take more risks to do so, but he doesn't want to take the risk of the letter of credit, so why would he take the initiative to take the risk of transporting foreign exchange.

With the deposit received, Nanyi asked Liu Xin to go to Penny Streeter, and Huang Huangjia came forward to give Yiwan International a guarantee. Nest Silk Factory didn't have to worry about the safety of the final payment. It was only a few days at night, so naturally he agreed.

On October 19, Nanyi sent Su Meng back to his hometown to apply for a passport, and sent Pan Wuju to return to Yecheng first.

On October 20, Zhao Jinshui and Chaosi Factory completed the deposit payment. On the same day, the goods were loaded on a cargo ship at Sanbao Wharf, entered the East China Sea along the Qiantang River, and then went all the way south into Yecheng.

The goods were shipped, and the order was half completed. Nanyi also had a leisurely time to watch a national model competition called "American Supermodel Contest Huaguo Selection Contest - Huaguo Top Ten Supermodel Contest", and admired the demeanor of the models. By the way, I also give cheers to Yao Peifen of Yaqing Company.

"The moon is bright, the moon is bright, the moonlight shines on the wine bottle, the Suizhou wine is so good, I can't sleep without drinking it. The fragrance of the wine floats into the moon palace, and Chang'e is very happy to smell it. Miss Chang'e came down to earth and insisted Drink one with me. You have a cup, I have a cup, and your face is red when you drink it. Ah, dear Suizhou wine, Chang'e will not let go of it, and she would rather give up the moon palace than give up the wine. In order to drink this wine forever, just get married and not give up. Walk."

This paragraph is an advertisement for Suizhou Liquor. Suizhou Liquor is also the most famous baijiu this year. Whether it is Moutai or Nanchen Liquor, they all have to stand aside in front of it.

At the just-concluded National Sugar and Wine Autumn Fair, Suizhou Liquor won an order of 50,000 tons, with a total market value of 144 million.

Nanyi, who read the news in the newspaper, was thinking about how the Suizhou wine was poured. It is said that with such a good start, Suizhou wine should be among the famous wines as long as it is steady and steady. Before I had a deep understanding of the brand, this brand was only slightly familiar, but I don’t remember where I saw it.

He is not familiar with it. There is only one possibility. Suizhou wine has not lived for a long time and disappeared from the market.

On October 22, Nanyi published the recruitment news in the newspaper of Xiangxi. The general requirements are similar to those of general foreign trade companies for personnel, except that one of them is that after entering the job, the personnel must first work in Yecheng for half a year.

After staying in Xiangtang for about a week, Nanyi was about to return to Yecheng with a few recruits, when Fan Hongdou called him.

"Godfather, Uncle Xian Jitong is back."

Hearing what Fan Hongdou said, Nanyi thumped a little. If Xian Jitong came back to visit his relatives normally, Fan Hongdou wouldn't be able to call him. He probably made a mistake and was retired because of an injury.

"Where did you hurt?"

"I'm a little lame on my right foot, but it doesn't look very serious."

"That's good, you go to see him for your godfather and have a good chat with him. If he wants to start a business by himself and needs capital, let him find you. If he is willing to follow his godfather, then let him go to Coconut City to find him." I."

"I see."

In the past few years, the young people in Wenchangwei were very active in joining the army. Every year, some people went to the army, and even two female soldiers were born. The reason why they are so active is not unrelated to the preferential treatment proposed by Nanyi. If they If something happened in the army, Nanyi must bear some responsibility to some extent.

After finally surviving the end of the round, everyone had all beards and tails, but unexpectedly, at this time, there was an injured and retired man, and Nanyi still felt very uncomfortable.

Encourage or encourage young people in Wenchangwei to serve as soldiers. Nanyi has both family and country feelings and great selfishness. One is for the common prosperity of Wenchangwei. In his conception, Wenchangwei should be a military, political and business multi-line Development, blossoming in various fields, so that Wenchangwei can go on a stable road in the future.

The second is to let others realize his own military dream. If the time travel time is a few years earlier, Nanyi will join the army without hesitation and work vigorously in the army for a lifetime. He once thought of being a martyr.

It's a pity that he is a relatively selfish person, and he is very good at weighing the pros and cons. At this point in time, the path he is now taking is the one he thinks is the most correct. Therefore, he cannot join the army himself, so he encourages others to go.

From autumn to winter, as the final payment of the two orders was recovered, the decoration of the house named as the bridgehead by Nanyi was completed, and Yiwan International moved to the first floor to work. The company's structure was improved little by little, and it seemed to be a bit serious The appearance of a trading company.

When Su Meng came back with a passport, Nanyi sent Pan Wuju back to apply for a passport. As soon as the employees recruited in Xiangtang were familiarized with silk, Nanyi immediately let them move.

There were five people in total, and three were sent to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to contact various Nest silk factories. Yiwan International needed more unplanned silk source channels; the other two formed a business team with Su Meng, starting with Xiangtang, phone calls and strangers. We will develop potential customers one by one in combination with thanksgiving; at the same time, the contact information of Yiwan International has also been listed in the new European Yellow Pages, and the business model is evolving towards a formalized one.

Nanyi's current office is on the second floor of the bridgehead. On the surface, he simultaneously fulfills the duties of the president of Green Nuclear Development and the boss of Hundreds of Millions International, but he also has to take care of Nan's other affairs in secret.

At the moment, Nanyi is in his office talking with Li Jialong, the representative of Temasek, Lai, the representative of Maker Space, and Charles Kushner, the representative of Kushner Company, about the idea of ​​Dream Town.

"Everyone, my idea is this. At present, the tallest building in Huaguo is Shenzhen International Trade Building, with a height of 160 meters, and the Yangcheng International Building under construction is 200.18 meters. Our building design must be higher than the International Building. Only in this way can the title of the tallest building in China be maintained for a period of time.

And this title will greatly promote the plan of our dream town, please take a look..." Nanyi spread out an architectural design drawing on the table, "This is the style of the building I asked someone to design, inspired by Coconut trees can be seen everywhere in Coconut City, so it is called Coconut Tree Building.

The design height of the coconut tree building is 218 meters. The building looks thin and thin, and there are several coconut-shaped balls on the top, which are part of the damper;

The feathery branches and leaves of the coconut tree are not entities, they are formed by the refraction of light. Different weather conditions and different angles of sunlight will make it appear in different shapes and colors.

Whether it is the height of the Coconut Tree Building or its unique architectural shape, as soon as the plan to build the building is exposed, I believe it will definitely cause a sensation in China and even in the whole of Asia. "

"Adam, after the buzz?" Kushner asked.

"Charles, have you seen the planning map of the dream town I asked someone to bring to you?"


"OK, then I won't repeat it, did you notice the red dotted line on the planning map?"

As Nan Yi said, he glanced at Kushner and then at Li Jialong, and continued after getting affirmative replies from both of them: "The entire Dream Town will be divided along the red dotted line, except for the biopharmaceutical industrial park. Apart from the ones that belong to me independently, the other parts are part of the dream town plan, and the divided areas will be divided into blocks for investment promotion.

Inviting investment is just a nice word, but the correct way to say it is to sell it for a price. When the plan of the dream town is heated up and the land price starts to increase, the divided parts will be sold.

At this point, the first step of the plan is completed. Charles and Mr. Li, both of you can choose to withdraw from the Dream Town plan with profits at this point. "

Li Jialong raised his hand and said, "Mr. Nan, how can you guarantee that the land price will definitely go up?"

"Mr. Li, I will ask Mr. Lai to answer this question." Nan Yi gestured to Lai and said.

Lai picked up a document on the table and opened it, "Mr. Li, Mr. Kushner, up to now, the hot money that has flowed into Qiong Province is equivalent to 3.7 billion yuan, and less than 1.5 billion yuan has been invested in actual projects. There is more than 2.2 billion hot money lying in the bank doing nothing.”

"The 2.2 billion, where does it come from and where does it come from in Qiong Province, or where does it find suitable investment projects in Qiong Province?" Nan Yi took over Lai's words and said: "The New York Times compared Qiong Province to a madman. In the wild west, there was gold and silver in the west in the 19th century, but Qiong Province did not have these. Even if there were, these two things are not something private people can get their hands on in China.

The funds have already come in, and no investor will just watch the loss of time and capital retention costs, and for Qiong Province, it is impossible to watch the funds that have already come in flow away. Mr. Li, if you think about it differently, you stand Think about it from the perspective of Joan Province, where will you direct the funds? "

"Real estate." Li Jialong said without hesitation.

"Huh." Nan Yi nodded and said: "The land in Huaguo is owned by the state. If the real estate in Qiong Province can develop in an orderly manner, through selling the land, Qiong Province can obtain the funds needed for development, and go on from now on. on the fast track of development.

However, as an experimental field, Qiong Province is very difficult to achieve orderly development. The experimental field is to test whether certain models can work. The state will not take action to regulate it before causing serious consequences.

Florida, facing the sea in the south, has a warm climate. Rich people in the 1920s loved to go there for vacation in winter.

After the First World War, a large amount of wealth flowed into the United States, the economy of the United States developed rapidly, and the real estate industry also developed rapidly. At that time, Americans believed that the United States would prosper forever. sayings are very similar. "

After Nan Yi smiled lightly, he continued: "The rapid economic development has driven various industries and created a large number of housing demand. Originally, housing prices were still rising normally, but the emergence of 'Smart Money' made the entire market crazy. And blind.

[Smart Money is literally translated as smart money, and it actually means the investment of a knowledgeable person. For example, a stock god who has never lost money in stocks buys a certain stock, which will naturally cause investors to follow suit and buy. ]

Loans no longer examine repayment ability, but focus on real estate prices. Buying a house only requires a 10% down payment to get a loan. When overnight wealth becomes a reality, even rational investors will be drawn into the market.

For a while, countless adventurers rushed to Florida, mixed with a large number of intermediaries and crooks-such as Charles Ponzi.

He divided a piece of desolate land into many small pieces, sold it to small investors, and promised that as long as he invested $10, he could get a return of $30 within 60 days, which was more attractive than his early coupon investment plan.

At the same time, a large number of celebrities and political figures came here to buy houses. A piece of land on Palm Beach was sold for 800,000 US dollars in 1923, 1.5 million US dollars in 1924, and as high as 4 million US dollars in 1925.

Compared with land, the price increase of houses is even more astonishing. It is not uncommon for a house to quadruple within a year.

During the height of Florida's real estate bubble in 1925 and 1926, developers hired bands and circuses to lure customers, and sidewalks were impassable because there were so many realtors touting business.

Open the newspaper and all you see are real estate advertisements.

At that time, you could pay a deposit to buy a bond. After paying the deposit, you didn’t have to actually buy or sell the house. Most of the time, the bond would be sold quickly, and the dealer would earn the difference.

These guarantees were once used as currency and could be spent in casinos, hotels, and nightclubs.

At the same time, another thing happened that had an important impact on the real estate bubble-the advent of Ford Motor Company's famous Model T car.

Loose loan policies and interest rates allow more and more Americans to afford cars, and they drive to Florida, where the climate is warm and land is cheap.

Rising housing prices ushered in a new push for demand, and this situation continued until September 1926, when a hurricane hit Florida.

After that, housing prices plummeted, and many people couldn't pay their mortgages and went bankrupt. The chain reaction began. Selling, price cuts, and bank bad debts. People never slow down in their entire lives. "

Nan Yi spread his hands and continued: "You two must know the story of Florida very well. The reason why I tell this story again is because I want to tell you that Coconut City and Florida are very similar.

Also in the south, it is also a good place for winter vacation, it is also sparsely populated, it also has a vast space for hype, and there is also a lot of hot money cruising here.

So, do you think the story of Florida will be repeated here?

Ha, it's not appropriate to discuss this issue now. I'll send you two back to the hotel in a while. In the next two days, I will accompany you to inspect the Coconut City. After the inspection, I will give you a few days to understand the situation in Huaguo. Let's talk about it in a few days, how about that? "


"I'm OK."

Kushner and Li Jialong replied separately, which also indicated that the conversation between the four had come to an end for the time being.

Sending people into Wanghai Tower, Nan Yi had just walked out of the lobby when his pager rang.

In Yecheng, the satellite phone should not be too ostentatious. There is no pager, so Nanyi can only buy another pager.

Looking at the number displayed on the pager, Nan Yi knew that it was Su Meng who was calling him, and also knew that someone was going to be interviewed, so he hurried back to the bridgehead as soon as possible, and Nan Yi entered the reception room on the first floor.

There are seven rooms with one bedroom and one living room. For the time being, Yiwan International only uses two rooms as offices, and the remaining five rooms have been used as a reception room, a meeting room and a leisure room.

In the reception room, a young girl is sitting inside, very special.

The girl has clear features and pure eyes, and there are dark sweat stains on her fair face. She is wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and canvas overalls that were issued in the factory a few years ago. There are two boxes at her feet. One box also had the corner of a shoe repair machine sticking out.

"Do you have no clothes to change, or do you go out of your way to win by surprise?" After looking at the girl, Nan Yi asked jokingly.

"I saw your company's recruitment advertisement on the wall of Chuanghai today. I saw that the corner of the paper had turned yellow. It should have been posted for a few days, so I closed the stall and came here in a hurry. Please forgive me."

As soon as the girl opened her mouth, Nanyi could tell that the other party was from the capital. It was quite strange, this was the first time he heard a capital accent in Yecheng.

"Understand, of course I understand. You go to the toilet on the right hand side when you go out. You go to wash up first, and adjust your mood by the way. When you come back, we will officially start the interview session."


The girl agreed generously, got up and went to the toilet.

When the girl came back again, the sweat stains on her face were gone, and her fair skin was fully exposed.


"Song Jia."


"twenty three."

Following the rhythm, Nan Yi suddenly asked a question.

"Do you know what happened to you?"

"Uncle policeman, I..." Song Jia replied subconsciously, and then stopped abruptly.

Nan Yi said happily: "Tell me, where did you get arrested by the police?"

"I haven't been caught before, that's what I said." Song Jia explained embarrassingly.

"You think about it before answering. If you don't pass the interview, you just told a little lie. It's not a big problem. If you pass the interview, I have to transfer your file and ask the police station by the way. If you ask anything, then It is your honesty problem, if there is a problem with integrity, the company will definitely not stay, not only will you not get a penny of wages, but you will also lose a few days of work."

Nanyi is actually just nonsense, a Hong Kong-funded company of his is going to transfer a gross file, where to transfer it, he is just bluffing Song Jia in front of him.

"I swear, I have never been arrested." Song Jia said innocently.

"Okay, let's continue, what major do you study in university?"

"Economics, graduated from the School of Finance and Economics."

"When did you go to the island?"


"Practice at the shoe repair stand as soon as you land on the island?"

"No, I found a position in a trading company at the beginning, but they asked me to be the head of public relations. What public relations? I drank and danced with those ghost bosses, and every one of them had bad intentions for me, so I was numb...quickly resigned."

"Do you know what the administration does specifically?" Nan Yi asked again.

"Administrative posts refer to the work of administrative affairs management and office affairs management. In a narrow sense, it refers to the administrative department, which is responsible for administrative affairs and office affairs.

Including the formulation and implementation promotion of related systems and procedures, daily office affairs management, office supplies management, official document management, file management, meeting management, foreign affairs management, business trips, property and equipment, living welfare, safety and hygiene, etc.

Its job responsibilities:

1. Responsible for the maintenance and management of the office's daily office system;

2. Responsible for the office logistics support work of various departments of the office;

3. Responsible for the daily attendance of all office staff;

4. Establish a preliminary personnel management system and perform personnel management duties before the company establishes a human resources department;

5. Handle the company's external reception work;

6. Organize various regular and irregular collective activities within the company;

7. Assist leaders in handling external administrative affairs;

8. Handle other related affairs in accordance with the company's administrative management system. "

Nan Yi smiled slightly and said: "It can be seen that you worked hard when you were studying. You are right to say so in terms of job responsibilities, but in practice, in fact, administration is the eight words 'uploading, running errands', are you sure?" You, a college student from a prestigious university, won't you feel wronged if you do this?"

"Before I came here, I was repairing shoes on the side of the road." Song Jia said lightly.

"Very good, let me tell you about the treatment first. The probationary period is one month. The monthly salary is 280 yuan. The rest day is Sunday and Friday, which is next Monday. National statutory holidays are all closed. The working time is 8:00 in the morning. Half to five in the afternoon, eat at half past eleven, and go to work at half past one in the afternoon."

After the business model changed, Yiwan International's working hours were adjusted.

Nan Yi paused, and continued: "There are other benefits, I will not talk about them for now, you still need to complete a test question, and only after answering this question can I hire you. Now, let me confirm , after listening to the treatment, do you still want to hear my questions?"


The monthly salary of 280 yuan is not low, and the unheard-of eight-day holiday in January makes Song Jia very excited, not to mention other unknown benefits.

"Okay, it's like this. Last time I interviewed a candidate, I was very satisfied with him, but I was careless and negligent. He only left his name and did not leave his address. Within three days, you can find a way in Coconut City Find him, and in three days, we will talk about your employment and other welfare issues."

"What's his name?" Song Jia asked eagerly.

"Nanyi, Nan from the south, easy Yi, three days, I will give you ten yuan a day as a subsidy, no matter how many days you can find him, I will give you thirty yuan together." Nanyi said, took out Thirty yuan was handed over to Song Jia, "In three days, no matter if you find someone or not, come and let me know."


Repairing shoes in Yecheng doesn't make any money, and she can barely make enough money for meals every day, so Song Jia is very eager. She returns to the guest house where she lives, puts down the box for repairing shoes, and goes out to look for "Nanyi".

Within three days, she ran non-stop all over the city's hotels, hotels, guest houses, and talent exchange centers, and cast a net among job seekers, but she found no clues at all.

It would be strange if she could find clues. Nanyi didn't have much contact with the trespasser, and even if he did, he never revealed his name. The only place in Yecheng where he could ask his name was the front desk of Wanghai Tower, but How can the front desk easily tell an ordinary person the name of the guest.

In two days, Nanyi accompanied Li Jialong and Kushner to go around the Coconut City, and then gave them time to understand and verify some things through their own channels.

On the fourth day, when Song Jia came, Nan Yi was standing by the fence of the corridor on the second floor, holding a teacup in his hand.

Condescending, Nan Yi spit the tea back into the teacup, covered the teacup, looked at Song Jia downstairs and asked, "Did anyone find it?"

Song Jia replied anxiously: "No."

"Come up and talk."

Song Jia bit the bullet and walked up the stairs, then moved to Nanyi, with blank eyes, waiting for Nanyi's verdict.

"After the probationary period, your monthly salary is 350. Regardless of the size of the month, each month is calculated as 22 days. Your hourly salary is rounded up to 2.45 cents. If you ask for leave, you will be deducted according to this standard. If you work overtime on weekdays, you will work overtime. The fee is calculated based on the hourly wage of 4.9 yuan, and the overtime work is tripled on holidays.

There is one day of free sick leave every month. You only need to inform the company in advance and you can not come to work for a day. As for whether you are really sick, this depends on your own consciousness, and the company will not investigate.

If you go to the hospital for more than one day, you will get a sick note from the hospital. If you have an acquaintance in the hospital, it will be enough to give you ten days and half a month. "

"I was admitted?" Song Jia asked in disbelief.

"Yes, you have been admitted." Nanyi nodded affirmatively, and said, "Don't interrupt me, let me finish the benefits first. I said that administration is uploading and issuing, running errands and doing miscellaneous tasks. It can be said that you are for All people in the company provide services, so at the end of each month, other people in the company will evaluate and score you.

There are four evaluations of A, B, C, and D. If you get A, you will get a bonus of 150 yuan, if you get B, you will only get 80 yuan, and if you get C, there will be no money. If you reach two Ds, you are an outstanding talent cultivated by Yiwan International, and I will export you to the society, so that you can travel in a wider world.

If you collect all five A’s, then congratulations, your salary will be adjusted, the minimum range will not be less than 10%, the maximum is uncertain, because it may involve job promotion, your salary structure and assessment mechanism will change .

There are other benefits that I won’t go into details one by one. After you go to work, I believe you will find someone else to inquire about it. I’ve finished what I should say. If you have any questions, ask now. "

Song Jia pursed her lips and asked, "The person you asked me to find doesn't exist at all?"

"Only this one question?" Nan Yi asked rhetorically.


"Go downstairs to find Su Meng, apply for employment, and ask her to answer your questions by the way."

With doubts, Song Jia came to the first floor and walked straight to Su Meng's work station. She was received by Su Meng three days ago, and she already knew Su Meng's name.

"Secretary Su, I'm here to register."

Su Meng put down her work, raised her head and said to Song Jia: "Id card, education certificate, border defense certificate, temporary residence permit, if you have award certificates, please register them for me. This will help you increase your salary in the future."

Song Jia responded, took out various documents from her bag, and when handing them to Su Meng, she asked, "Secretary Su, I want to ask you about someone."

Su Meng took the certificate, "Tell me."

"Do you know Nanyi?"

Su Meng looked Song Jia up and down, and asked in a slightly dissatisfied tone, "Are you sure you're not joking with me?"

"Uh... Secretary Su, what did I do wrong?"

Song Jia was dumbfounded.

"Our boss is Nan Yi. He interviewed you. What is his name?"

When Song Jia heard Su Meng's words, her first reaction was that she was being tricked, and then she felt something was wrong. She remembered what Nanyi said, it was a test question, what to test, and how to test, she suddenly felt that she should have missed it what.

Song Jia did miss something. Nanyi’s test questions were not just for fun, and the answer he wanted was not whether he could find “Nanyi”, but wanted to see the methods and steps of Song Jia’s answers.

Nanyi can only say that she is basically satisfied with Song Jia, because she didn't disappear with thirty yuan, and because she searched for three days seriously, and her toughness and obedience are very good, but it's a pity that she is not flexible enough.

Otherwise, Song Jia's official starting salary will not be 350, but a higher number, 500, 600, 700 or 800 will do, and it will definitely be much higher than Su Meng and the others.

Nanyi is still waiting to see Song Jia's complacency after learning that her salary is higher than others, and also waiting to see her bitter face after knowing the commission system.

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