Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 781 Picking the Barn, Farmhouse

The four companies jointly established Dream Town Co., Ltd., raising a total of 300 million yuan in funds. Temasek holds 30% of the shares, Makerspace 5%, Kushner Companies 20%, and Green Core Development 45%.

The four companies unanimously decided that Nanyi will serve as the chairman and executive president, Li Jialong will serve as the vice chairman and executive vice president, and the board secretary will be appointed by Kushner. How to allocate the company's specific management will have to wait until the company structure is set up.

Han Zhenhe is in Yecheng, and Masami Ueto has dispatched several people from the South Office to assist, so Nanyi does not have to participate in the preparatory work of the dream town.

"Hey, hey hey, fuck..."

Nanyi was fishing by the sea when the phone rang suddenly. He answered "Hello" for a while, but he couldn't hear what the other side was saying.

When Shenzheng was planning to build an analog signal base station, one of the places was allocated to Goose City, so there is an analog signal here in Goose City, but in Goose City, the signal needs to be transferred through Shenzheng, which means that Shenzheng’s Big Brother can be used in Goose City.

In January this year, the mobile phone service was officially launched here in Goose City, and the analog signal was further enhanced. However, the radiation range of the signal is only in the urban area, not including Xiaoya Bay. The seaside where Nanyi stayed is not too far from the base station in Shekou. , there is a weak signal, and Nanyi can only receive the call.

But now it seems that there is no point in holding a mobile phone. There is no caller ID and no one knows who is calling. Nan Yi can only hang up the phone and wait for the other party to call his satellite phone.

Two days later, the news from Qiao Weiping and Ma Yuyu was collected. There are windows established by other urban units in Goose City and Xiaoya Bay, and the most of them is Funan Baoqing County. This small county-level city actually There are more than a dozen units building windows here, and at the same time, many people in Baoqing have already invested in real estate or land speculation in Goose City.

A businessman named Yangqing in Baoqing has already built the first real estate "Fuhua Building" in Goose City. The location is not bad. The land price is only 315 yuan/square meter, which is equivalent to less than 210,000/mu. This real estate will be available soon. opening.

Ma Yuyu ran away from the Goose City Real Estate Bureau and the Xiaoyawan Management Committee, and has basically understood the principle and spirit of land transfer here - exchanging land for money, exchanging land for roads, streamlining the work process, whether it is buying land or developing real estate , only need to cover a chapter.

After listening to the summary of the news, Nanyi asked Wenren Lanyue to give Ma Yuyu 30,000 yuan, asked him to go to the management committee to make friends, asked Qiao Weiping to act as a new land speculator, and went to the gathering place of practitioners in the same industry Stay and listen to some industry trends.

Nanyi himself stopped fishing and went to the aboriginal village here in Xiaoya Bay to look for traces left by the years.

In Shangyi Village, Xiaxia Village, and Chashan Village, the information exchange center of one village after another has left Nanyi's figure. Every time he goes to a village, Nanyi will inquire about the villagers' attitudes towards land expropriation. The elderly, middle-aged, and young people People speak Hakka dialect with different intonations, but convey the same message - they are happy to see the success of land acquisition, and they wish more land acquisition.

When Nanyi set foot on Laoshe Village, there were a few more people beside him, Ge Cuizhu, her secretary Shi Guofeng, and the environmental assessment personnel of the reclamation group.

Near Laoshe Village, Nanyi found a flat area surrounded by mountains on three sides. On one of the mountains, a stream flows through the foot of the mountain, and the underground water source at the outlet is sufficient. Nanyi inquired that this stream has not been cut off for hundreds of years. Here The scenery is beautiful, the air is fresh, and the soil is so fertile that oil can come out when you pinch it.

Standing on the hill of Sanmian Mountain, the three of Nanyi looked down. The green grass on the flat ground was lush and lush, with a few touches of color mixed in it.

"Auntie, look, what's there." Nanyi handed the telescope to Ge Cuizhu.

Ge Cuizhu took the binoculars and looked at what Nanyi pointed out, saying: "It should be a field of wild grapes, Guofeng, let someone take some samples back later."

"Okay, Chairman."

"Nanyi, let me guess, you want to transform this place into a hundred orchard, just like the picking barn I visited in the 77th province of Paris, with the theme of tourists picking fruits by themselves, to create a weekend vacation resort .”

"Haha, Auntie, it goes without saying that you are so tall and tall. In China, it is directly called Nongjiale." Nan Yi smiled and said: "Our cognition and development of the concept of combining agriculture with tourism has lagged behind a lot. Instead, Bian took the lead. In the early 1980s, when I went to Yanshan to discuss the chestnut business, I saw the prototype of the farmhouse there.

In recent years, many farmhouses have been opened in the suburbs of the capital, and there are already many small wild restaurants on the edge of Miyun Reservoir that provide food and beverages for fishermen, and each has its own characteristics. "

"It can't be said that it is lagging behind. After all, farmhouse entertainment is not very popular in China. It is easy to earn a few people's expenses, but it is difficult to operate as a company like ours." Ge Cuizhu said.

"That's right, it's too early to put the farmhouse in Daheshen, but here is an exception. No matter where you come from Shenzheng, the distance to here is no more than 50 kilometers. The distance is less than 17 kilometers.

Auntie, think about it, on Saturday night, I brought my little wife here, lived in a single-family holiday house on the mountainside, made a mess at night, walked out of the house the next day to breathe fresh air, and walked down the mountain road. Pick a little fruit in the orchard and supplement vitamins;

At noon, when you go to the vegetable garden, you can pull whatever vegetables you want to eat. If you want to eat some meat, bullfrogs, wedelia, fish and shrimp, eels, cattle, donkeys, sheep, pigeons, chickens, ducks, geese, seafood, do not damage the overall environment. Those that have no peculiar smell can be raised here, and those that are not suitable should cooperate with the nearby villagers and let them help us raise them. "

Nanyi said, pointing to a place and said: "There, you can have a BBQ. If you come with a family, you can barbecue by yourself; you can have a small water park over there, and you can set up a fee-charging fishing spot next to it. If you want to eat Fish can be caught by oneself, in addition, an association of fishing enthusiasts can also be established, and fishing competitions are often organized here;

The mountainside on the opposite side is uneven, showing a step-like rise. We can plant corn fields, bamboo forests, pile up straw stacks, and build two cowsheds on the far side. If there is demand, pigpens can also be built. There we call it It field ping. "

"Field flat? What do you mean?"

"Auntie, if you think about it a little bit, you should be able to think of it." Nan Yi said ambiguously.

After thinking about it for a while, Ge Cuizhu understood what Nanyi was talking about. She slapped Nanyi's arm and said angrily, "Sai Zi, you have a crooked idea."

"Hehe, the official name here is Sanmianshan Baiguoyuan, and the unofficial name is Lover's Valley. In short, the food here is healthy, delicious, fun and exciting, but the cost of visiting here is no more than going to the mall to buy clothes. .

From the very beginning, our target customers were focused on the people in Xiangtang and their wives. We can’t say that we have been rushing to do that since we came here. There has to be some sentimentality. Buying clothes and jewelry is a sentimentality, and coming here to play is also a sentimentality. . "

"Once the reputation of Lover's Valley spreads, how can those family tourists come here?"

"That's why I said it's an unofficial name. As long as the name 'Lovers Valley' is thrown out among tourists, they will spread the name themselves. We don't recognize this name. Our official flagship has always been Parent-child tour for the whole family, return to the countryside, let children get close to nature.

But this concept is a bit ahead of the curve. The current situation is that each of them has just washed their muddy legs and lived in a building, and they are not tired of eating big fish and meat. It is not very likely that they will return to the countryside in the short term.

When it is rare for us to eat white rice and pork, what we think in our hearts is that we can eat pork and white rice for a lifetime, and we will not get tired of eating every day or every meal, but in reality?

If you eat it for a month in a row, you will definitely get tired of it, and you will be happier eating it if you change to a piece of pig food.

When people will get tired of the city, it is hard to say now, five years, ten years, fifteen years, maybe even longer, if this is just an independent project, it will not be too late to start after ten years. "

Nanyi turned in one direction and pointed to the south with his left hand, "In 1979, the population of Bao'an was 314,100, and now the registered population of Shenzheng is 686,500, and the permanent population is 1,677,800. Five years later, the number of permanent residents will become How much, and how much the number of floating population will become.

If a person wants to live in Shenfeng, he must have a place to work, live, eat, entertain, and see a doctor, all of which are inseparable from the land.

In order to develop, Shenzhen needs to build more factories, more high-rise buildings, and more residences. Where does the land come from? Open mountains and fill seas? Can it be filled indefinitely? "

"Land acquisition, collective land acquisition from farmers." Ge Cuizhu said.

"Yes, at present, Shenzheng is developing in blocks. There is one piece here, one piece there. The reason why they are not connected into one piece is the nature of the land. The cost of land acquisition is too high. There are still many state-owned vacant land. When planning, try to avoid land acquisition.

But when the vacant land is exhausted, the idea of ​​collective land is unavoidable. Doing anything casually in Shenzhen is better than farming. Older people still want to farm, but young people are more willing.

On the one hand, the city needs to develop, and on the other hand, the arable land has not played its basic function of producing food. We used to grow vegetables everywhere and sell them everywhere, but now we grow less and harvest more, and supply them to Shenzheng.

Needless to say, food, there are very few areas in the entire south that can be self-sufficient, and the situation in Shenzhen is even more serious, and the abandonment is getting worse, this is true for food, and even more so for vegetables.

A country must ensure self-sufficiency in food..."

Before Nan Yi finished speaking, the school girl came to his ear and said, "Mrs. Scarlett's call is urgent."

Without the reminder from the school belle, Nanyi also understood that Scarlett called him in the early morning of New York must be urgent, and after apologizing to Ge Cuizhu, he walked to the side to answer the phone.

"Scarlett, what's the matter?"

"A few minutes ago, I just got the soil moisture report in the Ural region and southern Ukraine. After comparing the data in recent years, our people put forward a guess—a drought is likely to break out in Suxiu."

"When is the forecast?"

"There is no way to come up with a more definite conclusion now, and more data are needed for comprehensive analysis."

Making long-term weather forecasts is not an easy task. To draw a conclusion with a high accuracy rate, it takes a long time to collect a large amount of multi-dimensional data for horizontal and vertical comparative analysis.

"Understood, let me know when the conclusion is reached."


Hanging up the phone, Nanyi walked back to Ge Cuizhu, "Auntie, a country must be self-sufficient in food, otherwise it will be easily contained by other countries. Ten years ago, the Soviet revisionist was a superpower, and five years ago the Soviet revisionist A powerful country, but the current Soviet revisionism can be said to be vulnerable.

Kissinger once said that whoever controls oil controls all countries; whoever controls food controls mankind; whoever controls the right to issue currency controls the world.

In 1969, when Nixon became president, the United States could be said to be in dire straits at that time. The Soviet revisionist expansion, the Vietnam War was a mess, and the American domestic society was severely divided.

Kissinger, who was the head of the Center for International Studies at Harvard University at the time, this strategist who has been vaguely hailed as the most outstanding secretary of state in American history, drew a clear blueprint for the United States to win the Cold War: throw away the burden, build a front, and fight the war. Good foundation, external advance, internal disintegration.

The specific approach is to end the Vietnam War, comprehensively ease my country, rectify the Middle East, abandon the gold dollar system, build a new petrodollar, and establish an alliance system that is completely obedient to the United States.

These few things are essentially for one goal: first make the United States invincible.

'In the past, those who were good fighters first became invincible, and waited for the enemy to be victorious. ’ This is said in "The Art of War by Sun Tzu". I heard that Kissinger admired this book very much, and he has been studying it all the time.

I won’t say much about the US’s specific strategy to deal with the Soviet revisionists. I’m mostly hearsay. However, Kissinger grasped the Soviet revisionist’s fatal weakness and formulated many tactics around this weakness. This weakness is food.

In recent years, the grain output of the Soviet revisionists has declined year by year, the self-sufficiency rate of grain has been deteriorating, and the dependence on foreign imports has become greater and greater. Imports require foreign exchange, and the sources of foreign exchange for the Soviet revisionists are heavily dependent on arms and oil exports.

Since August 1985, OPEC's oil production has increased sharply. At the same time, the United States announced that it will relax its oil exploration policy, fully develop oil exploration in the North Sea and Alaska, open the market, reduce domestic strategic oil reserves, and suppress it intentionally or unintentionally. oil price.

The sharp drop in oil prices led to a reduction in the foreign exchange income of the Soviet revisionists. In the first half of 1986, oil revenues from Iran, Iraq, and Libya fell by 46%. These three countries are the main arms exporters of the Soviet revisionists. The purchase of weapons made Soviet revisionists' foreign exchange income even worse.

The price of oil is weak, but the price of grain, Auntie, I don’t need to say more about this, what we eat is grain and vegetable rice, and the price list of international grain and vegetables is posted on the wall of Auntie’s office.

No money, but the price of food is soaring. What the Soviet revisionists have to consider now is not the issue of returning to the world hegemony, but how to feed the nearly 290 million people. "

Ge Cuizhu nodded, "Since 1982, the No. 1 Central Document has focused on agriculture, rural areas, and farmers for five consecutive years, and the higher authorities attach great importance to the issues of agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas."

"That's right, people depend on food, and food is no small matter. Now the control of cultivated land is not too strict, but sooner or later it will wear a magic spell. Urban development needs land, the phenomenon of abandonment is becoming more and more serious, and the area of ​​cultivated land is guaranteed. These three problems It is a problem that Shenfeng must face in the development process, Auntie, how do you think it should be solved?"

"Expropriate cultivated land, manage it in a unified way, and give the cultivated land to those who are willing to cultivate it."

Nanyi smiled, "Who wants to plant?"

"The cultivation group."

"Cultivation of cultivated land is not only related to the supply of food and vegetables, but also involves the ecological environment. It is impossible to have no cultivated land, and no one can grow it." Nanyi pointed down the mountain again, "There are almost 260 acres here, and Baiguoyuan only needs 120 acres. mu, and the remaining 140 mu can be turned into an organic vegetable garden.

The paddy field in Xiaoya Bay only needs 3,000 yuan per mu, and the dry land only needs 2,000 yuan. This is a mountainous area, and it is also a habitat. There are three mountains and 260 acres of land. The price, hundreds of thousands can have the right to use for 50 years, not too cheap. "

Ge Cuizhu's eyes lit up, and he said, "Nanyi, do you want to build a vegetable planting base in the ring?"

"Hehe, let's put it this way, this is not only a planting base, I also want to integrate the concept of tourism into it, so let this be our experimental field, and let's explore the feasibility of agricultural tourism."

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