Time is passing by, from 1 to 3 million. It has been exactly one year and two days since the first chapter was uploaded. Although I have few readers, I am still in the water and will always finish the story, but 4 million There should be no chance to write the manifesto.

Tomorrow's update will be uploaded later. Today's status is surprisingly good. I coded thousands of words eloquently. It's just that the status is too good, so my thoughts go astray. After self-reflection, I should have written something that shouldn't be written. I have deleted duplicate codes (this problem often occurs, and the deleted content intermittently has more than 200,000 to 300,000 words). At 22:07, I only coded more than 400 words, and it is too late to upload at midnight. Please forgive me.

Finally, I would like to thank all the book friends who have followed me so far, thank you very much!

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