Chen Zongqing ate the noodles with one chopstick after another, and had no intention of chatting with Nanyi while eating.

"Uncle Zong Qing, the noodles are delicious."

In order to break the awkward atmosphere, Nan Yi had to chat awkwardly.

Hearing Nan Yi's words, Chen Zongqing still didn't respond. He quickly picked up a few chopsticks and finished eating the noodles in the bowl. He lifted the bowl and drank a few mouthfuls of noodle soup. Then, he took two pieces of paper from the table to wipe his mouth, and took another At the point of smoking, take a puff of cigarette and spit it out, with the cigarette in your hand, and your tongue wandering in your mouth to lick the food that was supposed to be kept overnight.

When his mouth became comfortable, Chen Zongqing picked up the teacup and took a sip. Amidst a burst of gurgles, he walked to the patio, spit out the water, and then returned to the table, looking at Nanyi who still had half of the bread in his hand , the very first words he spoke, "Is it enough to eat? I still have a lot at home."

"No, no, this one will be enough." Nanyi waved his hand and said, "Uncle Zong Qing, there are old people and children in the village. Although we want to respect the old and love the young, it can't be said that it is right to cook a meal and cook a dish." abuse."

"I'm the only one in my family."

"How about I find you a nanny?" Nan Yi said with a shy smile, "How about the twenty-eight ones? If you don't like it, thirty-eight or eighteen ones are also fine."

Chen Zongqing didn't answer, but said slowly: "When you came here before, Auntie would cook a large table of dishes, but now the pot on the stove is rusty."

"Uncle Zong Qing, this is your fault. In my house, I cook. I can't serve it on the table after cooking. I have to hide in the kitchen and eat secretly. This is the family tradition of my Nan family. As a family Lord, you have to go down to the kitchen and out of the hall."

"Oh, just give me nonsense." Chen Zongqing chuckled and complained: "Your aunt went to Yangcheng for half a year, and I ate noodles for half a year, and my face turned blue. There are several people in the village who are like me, wait a minute Don't hang out in the village, I'm afraid someone will shoot you black."

"Uncle Zong Qing, I'm timid, don't scare me."

"It's easy to scare you, I want to beat you." Chen Zongqing shook his head and smiled, "If you can't eat it, don't eat it. There is a restaurant in the village. I'll call and ask someone to deliver some food."

"Hey, there's a restaurant in the village. Uncle Zong Qing, you still eat instant noodles, so why don't you eat them on purpose?" Nanyi put the bread on the table and said.

"Does it matter what you eat?"


Nan Yi understood that Chen Zongqing's pain point was Cai Shufen's absence, his heart was empty, and not being able to eat ready-made hot meals was not the point.

Encouraging the women in Nanchen Village to go out and start a business, Nanyi is very clear that most people will not understand, and a few people will even hold grudges, but he still wants to do this. Maintain stability.

The fortress often starts to disintegrate from the inside. The most powerful wind in the world is the pillow wind. The important people in Nanchen Village are all scattered outside to manage the property. Before that, their wives stayed in the village to do some auxiliary work, and they were not by their side. Things like acting on the spot and raising a young lover will still happen, and will not change because of the attachment relationship of their wives and changes in social status.

A wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is not as good as stealing. This is the true psychological portrayal of many men. It is impossible to guard against it. Nanyi does not need important people in Nanchen Village to be a good husband. Family responsibility and ability to do things are not too strong. big relationship.

Nanyi hopes that the families of all the important people in Nanchen Village will be harmonious, even on the surface. The first step is to let the poor wives improve themselves, and the next step is to introduce the best of them to the highest level of Nanchen Village's industry. In the management system, let Nan and Chen have other voices in the meeting besides Nan and Chen.

The ancestral hall of Nanchen Village is too cohesive. Although Mr. Nanyi's seat is very stable at the moment, in the long run, there are many crises waiting.

The business map of Nanchen Village is now in a period of brutal expansion and rising. Everyone is pushing Nanchen Village upwards with all their strength. Making money is addictive, and the sense of accomplishment is also addictive. Today's pocket There are 10 yuan, tomorrow will be 20 yuan, and the day after tomorrow will be 40 yuan. Today, 10 people will be managed, tomorrow will be 20, and the day after tomorrow will become 40. Dividends are increasing, and the sense of accomplishment is increasing. That kind of psychological satisfaction is difficult to use words to describe.

The expected value is increasing little by little, everyone is tired and happy!

But one day, when the chariots of Nanchen Village could not keep driving at high speed, and the expansion of the territory fell into a bottleneck period, after a few hard impacts, they found that they could not pass this barrier, and the energy held in their hearts, or the entrepreneurial passion, would quickly Reduced, the strength in the body seems to be taken away, and the whole person becomes sluggish. This is the so-called one-stroke, then decline, and three-time exhaustion.

Some people can adjust their mentality and transfer the energy to climb the peak to other things, such as women, yachts, fishing, gambling, etc. Let the gun head push down the mountain that is pressing on your head.

Sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat. Once the entrepreneurial passion is gone and the mind changes into a business, it means the beginning of decline. When this situation occurs, Shuangnan Holdings will undergo a major change. Those who should retire should retire. clear clear.

If Nanyi didn't start planning early to weaken the influence of Chen's ancestral hall, and mixed sand early, when the bottleneck period came, he could guarantee that "Nan" would still be replaced by a great talent, and "Chen" could guarantee it?

If Nanchen Village wants to push people with the Chen surname to the top, it is inevitable that Nanyi will meet them in battle, causing a bloodbath.

Once there is internal friction, needless to say, the loss will definitely not be small. Nanyi does not want to see this happen, nor does he want to kick out his partners who have fought side by side. For the sake of the century-old friendship between the Nanchen family, he can only guide Nanchen village to pay attention to it. The cultivation of offspring also expands the team of "insiders", not only Chen's in-laws, but also her mother's family.

When a family business faces no successors, the most sensible approach is not to introduce professional managers, nor to hand over the family property to the son-in-law, but to sell the business directly, keep the hard currency in hand, and wait for the family to drop the unicorn. Make a comeback and create another glories.

Nan Yi has feelings for Nanchen Village, so he can't do anything about annexing Nanchen Village's shares, but it will be hard to say when Nan Youqiong is in charge. If a professional manager faces an incompetent boss, if he does not want to turn the company into his own, he will not be a professional manager.

It is precisely because of concerns about morality and interests that Nanyi will take action at the source of the chaotic wife. Defending the chaotic wife is not only to pinch the source of the deterioration of Nanchen Village, but also to subtly affect everyone's ancestral hall thought, and to expand the "one's own people" "team.


Chen Zongqing went to make a phone call, and in less than ten minutes, someone came over with a food box. As soon as he opened it, three plates of hot dishes were brought to the table. Nan Yi estimated the time and looked at the color of the dishes, and knew that it was a double-cooked dish. vegetable.

But eating twice-cooked dishes is better than eating bread. Pick up chopsticks, fill up your stomach, and stroll around the village to digest food. Nan Yi and Chen Zongqing went to the ancestral hall.

As soon as he entered the ancestral hall, Chen Zongqing took out the satellite phone from the cabinet in the corner, and assembled the signal board and loudspeaker after some operations.

Nanyi came to Nanchen Village this time just to hang around, and he didn't notify in advance of the meeting. Except for Chen Zongqing who stayed at home to sit in town, the important people in the village didn't come back at all in their posts.

Although it's just for a while, Nanyi also wants Nanchen people to listen to the broadcast of the Voice of Nanyi, so that everyone will not forget him as an old anchor.

From far to near, Chen Zongjie, the president of Shuangnan Holdings, who was far away in San Francisco, was the first to take the microphone.

"Uncle Zongjie, have you had breakfast?"

"Eat, millet and beef pie soup."

"Oh, you are happier than Uncle Zong Qing. What you eat when you travel across the ocean is still the taste of hometown and the feeling of hometown. Since you have already eaten breakfast, let's make a move. Two things. One, register an investment company under Shuangnan Holdings, American company; two, Dustless Workshop, which means dust-free workshop in Chinese, to understand its meaning, when you think you can talk to me about this, call me.”


"Uncle Zong Qing, do you want to have a chat with Uncle Zong Jie?" Nan Yi turned his head and said.

Chen Zongqing waved his hand, "No need, Zong Jie and I often talk."

Since Chen Zongqing said no, Nan Yi didn't pretend to be polite with him, cut off the call, and called Chen Weikuang again.

As soon as the phone was connected, gunshots were heard from the opposite side, kind of from a distance away.

"Watching the fun?"

"If you don't look at it, you can't. A group of armed forces attacked the caravan, 700 meters away from the mine, and..." Chen Weikuang hesitated to speak.

"And what?"

"I saw three-three tactical moves."

"Which side?"


Nan Yi snorted, "Then you let them die."

The squad is divided into three combat teams, each with three members. In order to facilitate mutual support, they are generally arranged in three echelons; the three-person combat team forms a triangular offensive formation, and each soldier has a clear division of labor. ; Squad leader, deputy squad leader, team leader, each with a combat team action.

When the combat team attacks, two soldiers are in front and the team leader is behind, forming a triangle formation. Three combat teams form a combat squad, and three combat squads form a combat group. When attacking, they form a "skirmish line" formation.

When the battle squad is deployed, the soldiers change the battle formation at any time according to the instructions of the team leader or squad leader. After the battle group is deployed, it uses spoken language, sign language, bugle or radio to convey tactical instructions. A battle group with a total of 27 people can cover an area 800 meters wide when fully deployed. front.

This is the so-called three-three system tactic, which is used on a large scale in our army. The three-three system tactic is adopted during the battle. The members of the caravan are likely to be domestic veterans, or they may have been militiamen.

No matter what kind of soldier it is, the caravans that appeared in the Jinghong Copper Mine area were 100% drugged, and death would not be a pity.

"I don't want to care, who told them to retreat to the mine."

Nan Yi frowned and said, "This is not the first time you have encountered this kind of problem, is it?"

"Nonsense, I can meet you two or three times a month."

"Then why are you struggling, the old rules, they are not allowed to enter within 150 meters of the mining area, if they dare to step in, they will be beaten."


"No, but, all are treated equally."


"Don't hang up the phone, we'll talk about business after you're done."

Nanyi is glad that today's call is at the right time. If Chen Weikuang's wife's benevolence helps the caravan, the detached status of Jinghong Copper Mine will be broken.

Jinghong Copper Mine can stand on the drug transportation line without accidents because it has guns and cannons, strong soldiers and strong horses, and maintains absolute neutrality. It never mixes with drugs. There is a conflict of interest, and the gang of drug dealers can't afford to send people to attack the mining area.

Although as long as the stronghold of the mining area is controlled, the throat of drug transportation can be choked and tolls can be collected from other drug dealers, but the drug dealers are not blind. Naturally, they can see the three barbed wire fences outside the mining area, and they can see the list of cleared The plentiful shooting range, the towering concrete and steel structure machine gun fort, and the well-known bomb craters on the ground all tell them that Jinghong Copper Mine is not easy to mess with.

In fact, the Jinghong Copper Mine is indeed easy to defend and difficult to attack. Geographically, it is located on a mountain top, which is the commanding height with a radius of three kilometers. It is wishful thinking to take it down without heavy firepower. When I saw helicopters flying towards the mining area, there were two of them, and I was very careful not to land two at the same time. Every time, one would hover in the air for cover, and the Vulcan cannon hanging in the cabin would seep into people.

Not to mention these, Jinghong Copper Mine is engaged in a legitimate business, and what it does is in line with the laws of Laos. It can be regarded as a big taxpayer. If you call for help, the Lao military and police must at least come forward to deal with it.

They belong to hedgehogs, they have no place to talk, they don't know the details, they don't know what forces are standing behind them, how can there be two hundred and five who can stand in the Golden Triangle, and what forces they can mess with, they can naturally make a correct assessment.

Having said that, if you really go to provoke them in front of them, shouting "Dad hit me", with guns and cannons in your hands, it seems a bit difficult to make them shrink their heads.

Intervening in the struggle of drug dealers is a kind of provocation. If a dog takes a mouse, it is no wonder that a cat does not bite a dog.

Nan Yi pricked up his ears, listening to the gunshots on the phone getting closer and closer. The latest one seemed to have heard the sound of the pull button reset. Just when he couldn't help reminding him, a shout came from the phone: " Warning, warning, Jinghong Copper Mine is a neutral zone, we will not intervene in any power struggle, 150 meters is a buffer distance, anyone who enters will be regarded as an active attack on our side, and we will fight back, shoot to kill."

One pass in Lao, one pass in Burmese, and one pass in Chinese. In the Jinghong area, these three languages ​​can be communicated without barriers.

After three warnings, Nanyi could still hear the gunshots approaching.

Chen Weikuang looked at the caravan members who were still fighting and retreating towards the mining area, and his heart felt ruthless, "Damn it, I'm giving you a face."

Picking up the communicator, he warned again. Seeing that the other party was still the same, Chen Weikuang narrowed his eyes and shouted into the communicator: "10 meters warning."

On the other side of the caravan, a man with a Remington 870 shotgun in his hand shouted at another man, "Brother, what should we do, it doesn't look like a fake."

In the jungle, the shooting range is limited, and the effective range is nearly 100 meters. Shotguns that can be switched between slugs and shotguns at any time can often play miraculous effects. You can run to the mining area and have a clear view. The periphery of the weeds has been pulled out and you will be blind. Shotguns and shotguns The fire stick is almost equated.

After the person being yelled shot at three positions quickly, he shouted: "What else can I do, there are so many people on the other side, I can't run away, second child, we can only gamble, the last time in the mine Warning, we stay where we are and fight back."

"Yes, I listen to my brother."

Boss: "Live and die together."

Second child: "To live and to die together."

The attacker was approaching, and after one unlucky ghost was shot dead, the second child finally took the opportunity to roll on the spot, picked up the AK next to the corpse, wiped his hand on the chest of the corpse, and two magazines were in his hands.

After getting the AK, the second child will cover the triangle with the boss and another person, and fight and retreat.

"1 meter warning."

"Get down."

Hearing Chen Weikuang's warning, the boss shouted.

Swish, swish, swish, the three of them lay down on the spot, calmly continuing to shoot back.

"Fuck." Chen Weikuang, who saw everything in his eyes, couldn't help cursing: "Damn, are you kidding me?"

Chen Weikuang wanted the searchlight on the machine gun fort to illuminate the positions of the three bastards, but on second thought, he decided to forget it. Now he can be sure that the three bastards must be Chinese people. If he doesn't help, he won't make trouble.

Continuing to hold the low-light binoculars, Chen Weikuang saw that someone on the attacking side was already circling to the side. He knew in his heart that the three people on the ground should not last long.

"It's a pity, just throw away the goods at the beginning, and you can run away."

The jungle is the easiest place to win more with less. One person kills a platoon, but it is a myth in other places. In the jungle, it may not be possible. There are places to hide everywhere. Sneak attacks and assassinations one after another can completely play a magical drama. Effect.

"Don't mutter, when everyone dies, remember to take a photo of them and send them to our border post."

"It's not necessary, is it? I'm almost dead."

"It's very necessary. Who knows if all of them died at your place? Who knows where their drugs are going to be shipped? If there are any remaining crimes, it can be regarded as providing some clues to the anti-drug fighters. Damn, sell drugs at your doorstep , Dead deserves it, let me tell you, don’t bury it, let them die.”

"Brother, if you don't bury it, it will stink, and the smell of corpses will not go away for half a month."

"Forget it, forget it, you can figure it out for yourself. Are you dead? I'm waiting for you to have a conference call."

"There are two more... Fuck, you dare to come in, Fire!"

As soon as Chen Weikuang's voice fell, Nanyi immediately heard the roar of the M2 Browning machine gun, boom, boom, boom, and as soon as the four beeps passed, the whole world fell into silence in an instant.

Five seconds later, Nanyi heard Chen Weikuang retching again, "Who told you to shoot the machine gun position? Damn it, it's all broken. Go and sweep it?"

After some yelling, Chen Weikuang said into the phone: "Wait, I'll go and negotiate."

"Go ahead and be careful."

"Nanyi, let's just call Wei Kuang back, it's too dangerous." Hearing the sound of the phone hanging up, Chen Zongqing said worriedly.

"The biggest drug dealer in the Golden Triangle is about to fall. During this period of time, they are scrambling for territory. All forces are increasing their shipments to make money to buy weapons. Just wait for them to decide the winner. Uncle Zong Qing, don't worry, Wei Wei Kuang will be fine, the future has already been arranged for him."

"Is it really okay?"

"no problem."

"That's good. If something happens to Wei Kuang, it's not easy to explain to his family."

Nanyi and the two waited in silence for twenty minutes before Chen Weikuang called back.

"The negotiation is over."

"Is there any problem?"

"No, the other party wanted to give me a horse, but I declined."

"The horse or the load on the horse?"


"Want to win you over?" Nan Yi said after a little thought.

"That's what it means."

"Oh, let's get down to business, is there still room for improvement in the mining capacity of the mine?"

"Yes, we only need to increase manpower, and the No. 2 reserve mine can be mined at the same time."

"What's the market for recruiting people now?"

"The Lao people in the mine are 8-12 yuan, and those from northern Myanmar are 4 yuan. Now go to northern Myanmar to recruit people. 3 yuan should be able to recruit a lot."

"Don't go by yourself, let the northern Burmese in the mine go back to recruit, and give them a month's salary for each head, and they should be happy to do it."

"It's hard to say, they also know that northern Myanmar is in chaos." Chen Weikuang hesitated.

"Heh, the price is up to you. If it doesn't work for a month, then it's two months. If it doesn't work, you'll be tempted by a year's salary, right? Don't worry too much about 50 yuan."

"I'm afraid they will bring drug addicts with them."

"Just tell them clearly. Not only will you not be paid, but you will also be deducted when you bring it back. If the northern Burmese people can't tell whether someone has taken drugs, then there is something wrong. There is no more nonsense about this trivial matter, let me tell you , Domestic real estate is showing signs of booming, and our electrolytic copper plant business will definitely increase sharply in the future, so hurry up, your copper ore supply cannot be supplied, and the output cannot be increased."

"Short-term or long-term? If it's long-term, I can arrange to open a new mine."

"Let's arrange it. The mining speed can be as fast as possible. It's okay if we can't use it. We can mine it and hoard it. Your side is too dangerous. Put the copper mine on the right track as soon as possible, and you can come back sooner."

"Okay, I will arrange it as soon as possible."

Since the copper price remained high in 1986, the international copper price has shown a downward trend. Especially in this year, the copper price has accelerated its decline and is rapidly approaching 1 US dollar per pound. Compared with the price in 1989, it has dropped by 18%. That's a little over 21% of copper prices in 1986.

Last year, operating copper mines was able to make ends meet, but this year there have been signs of loss. The cost of mining and processing a ton of copper is likely to exceed the selling price, plus transportation costs, which will directly lead to losses.

Of course, this is a statistic after converting the exchange rates of various currencies, and does not take into account the real value difference between currencies.

It is obvious that the price of copper is falling, but several countries have increased their mining volume, such as South Africa, Chile, Peru, Papua New Guinea, etc. These countries have a common feature, and their currencies have been oversupplied in the past two years. Therefore, what these countries lose is their own currency, and what they earn is US dollars. It is really hard to say whether the loss is real or fake.

The inventory of the London Exchange has increased from 179,000 tons at the end of last year to 243,000 tons. Since the beginning of this year, the total copper inventory has remained at around 355,000 tons for a long time. Total inventories have exceeded 1 million tonnes, a figure that is more than six weeks' worth of global consumption.

This year, the decline in copper prices is basically a foregone conclusion, and the copper price in the next few years will not be too optimistic. The overall price will show a decline, and the price curve will fluctuate greatly. This is a good trading copper futures for Nanshi Opportunity.

If you want to trade, you have to hoard copper spot in your hand. Now, Scarlett Mining Group is placing orders everywhere.

The international copper price trend is like this, but the domestic copper price trend may be just the opposite, especially the price of some terminal products, such as the price of electric wires, Nanyi is bullish. , the demand for wires will increase further.

As far as Nanchen Village is concerned, what Nanyi wants to do now is to bring back more copper as soon as possible to stock up, so that when the price of wires is high, they can increase their shipments.

As for why it is not outsourced, but to increase the mining volume, it is very simple. Jinghong Copper Mine has little investment in machinery and mainly uses manual mining. The monthly salary of the miners is a few yuan, plus the cost of food, and the average monthly expenditure per person is 15 yuan. Left and right [work hard, food must keep up], the mining cost is extremely low, and the distance is relatively close, and the freight cost is also very low. In addition, it is its own mine, Laos also recognizes RMB, and the electrolytic copper factory purchases from Jinghong Copper Mine Payment can be made in RMB.

After hanging up Chen Wekuang's call, Nan Yi continued to call others. While he was on the phone, Chen Wekuang encountered a little trouble.

When Chen Weikuang first went to Laos, he brought a few talents from China who were proficient in different aspects of copper mining. When they arrived at Jinghong Copper Mine, their jobs were promoted, and they got high salaries that they never dared to dream of before. Being able to often participate in activities chanting the slogan "I will never die with gambling and drugs" makes them very satisfied with their current situation.

Before, they knew very well that the Jinghong Copper Mine was located at the throat of a drug transportation route, but they had never seen any danger or battle scenes, so they were still quite disappointed.

Today someone is finally fighting right under their eyes and noses. They are so excited. At first, the binoculars are in their hands. Everyone wants to watch for a while, but finally they can see without binoculars. Boom four shots, it's over, most people were frightened, and a man named Duan was so frightened that he pissed.

After Chen Wekuang and Nan Yi finished the phone call, Duan, who changed into new pants amidst the shyness and fear, went directly to Chen Wekuang.

"Mine Manager Chen, I want to resign, I want to go back to my country, and I'll leave right away."

Chen Weikuo said calmly, "Scared by the scene just now?"

"Yes, it's too scary. I don't want to stay in this place for a minute. I'm afraid. I'm afraid that one day I will die like that." Duan said in fear.

"Lao Du, we came to Laos together. It's been several years. Only today did I see this kind of scene. It's a bit bloody. You are afraid of being normal for a while. I will give you a few days off. You can go to Bojiao for a few days and wait for your mood. Recover and come back to work.”

"No, no, I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a day longer. I'm leaving, I'm leaving soon."

He was kind and nice, but he didn't like oil and salt. Chen Weikuang, who was already a little hot-tempered, became angry a little bit. He slapped the table and said, "Okay, you can resign if you want to. You can pack up and leave now. As a rule, your salary will be sent to your wife by someone in the country, and you can go to the accountant to get 100 yuan for travel expenses. This is an extra gift from me, go, go now."

"Ah? Don't send someone to send me back to the country?" Duan asked in surprise.

"Why send you back? Our contract is signed once a year. It is agreed that whether the contract expires or not is voluntary. Anyway, we all want to go back to celebrate the New Year. We will have someone to take care of us when we go back together. The mine can also arrange escorts.

Now three months have passed, and your contract period is still more than nine months. If you want to resign, I will make things difficult for you, and your salary will be paid as usual. If you still want me to send someone to escort you, then you are going too far. Our security guards You have to give people money for a trip, do you know that? "

Chen Weikuang did not lie. Strictly speaking, the security at the mine is a private soldier. Although Laos is chaotic, it is also a place with laws. If you want to enjoy privileges, you must get "special approval". You have to pay favors to some people.

It’s okay to stay in the mine. What should be paid is paid on a yearly basis. No one cares about life and death, but you have to apply for a “pass” if you want to be dispatched. If you don’t take the initiative to apply, if you are found secretly dispatched, you will have to pay a huge fine. , and the kind without an invoice.

Duan's fear and apprehension hardened him, and he directly said to Chen Weikuang, "I will pay for it myself."

"You can't afford it, so you can leave if you want. There will be a car delivering the goods in half an hour, and you can follow to Bojiao." Chen Weikuang didn't have the patience of Nanyi. He didn't bother to explain too much to Duan, so he just put He waved his hand, "Go out."

After Nanyi made another phone call, he turned around and asked Chen Zongqing, "Uncle Zong Qing, where is Uncle Guowen now?"

"In the capital city, it may not be possible to get through to his phone. It is best to call tomorrow morning."

"Alright, I'll go to Yangcheng after calling him tomorrow morning."

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