Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 814 The Mansion Will Fall

By the time Nan Yi and Xian Guangbing were in elementary school, Zhao Rencai had already completed the registration submission of Smith Company (Huaguo Subgroup of Talent Group), and with the help of Hui Zesang, rented a room on the 26th floor of China World Trade Center, which is the downstairs of the office of the Gongfu Association. Stephen Market Research also rented a small office on the 25th floor of China World Trade Center.

Zhao Rencai was in charge of setting up Smith's company first, while Qiu Jingling went to connect with Chen Yuxiu. After the printing shop took over, it needed to purchase color printing equipment and arrange personnel to station it.

Zhao Rencai and Qiu Jingling had to hurry up, the president of Chuangfeng Technology had to be in place early, the Hanxian pager project was waiting, and there was another black technology project "assist motorcycle" also in line.

Although Wenchangweiwan Elementary School is a primary school with complete grades, it still cannot change the fact that it is a village primary school. It does not have the ability to issue graduation certificates. Strictly speaking, the students of Wan Elementary School belong to Shajiaotou Primary School, and they will also be promoted to Shajiaotou Middle School, but the Wanxiao Group will send sixth grade graduates to junior high schools in the urban area, and the borrowing fee is an annual expense of the Wanxiao Group.

The two of Nanyi were welcomed into the campus by Xian Zilin, and Xian Zilin took them directly to the deepest part of the campus.

Wan Xiao is no longer what it was in the Nanyi period. Compared with the original, the current Wan Xiao has expanded more than three times, and the number of classrooms is still six. There are only a few children of the same age in Wenchangwei every year, and a classroom of traditional size There is no need to increase the number of seats, and the expanded space is all the space needed for interest classes.

"Grandpa, elder brother, the establishment of the school's curriculum is based on the three-three system. If there are three students who want to learn, they will open interest courses, and students who span three grades will upgrade the courses to elective courses.

This year, there are 95 students in the school, 51 teachers, 5 cafeteria staff, 3 drivers, 3 medical insurance, 1 doctor, 1 nurse, 1 nutritionist, 3 security staff, and the financial department consists of After the establishment of the small group, the management right is in the small group. "

With that said, Xian Zilin glanced at Nanyi.

Nanyi didn't respond to Xian Zilin's gaze. His eyes were always looking around. Although he never intervened in small affairs, it was the second time he even walked in the school. The first time was before the school officially started, but since He fell out with the village, but his finances have always been controlled by his people. As long as he is a small part, he can check the accounts at any time, and he can't even think about touching money.

As long as the money is not messed up, the whole sky will not collapse, and if you look at the account books, you can get a glimpse of the whole picture.

Xian Zilin didn't get a response, so she took the two of them to the deepest point and introduced some areas along the way, "The area on the left is the martial arts training area. There are plum blossom piles and wooden dummy piles. It's just a pity that none of the students in the school became Martial arts master, the goal of strengthening the body has been achieved."

"When I thought about opening martial arts classes, the purpose was not to cultivate some martial arts masters. Alfred Adler mentioned in "Individual Psychology" that people with weaker bodies will focus more on Correspondingly, I will pay less attention to others in society, and feel less support, responsibility, and control in society.

However, healthy and strong people are different. They will be more confident, more energetic, and more confident and enthusiastic about society.

In our words, the body is the capital of the revolution. After all, such great powers as Hawking are in the minority. No matter what job you are engaged in, a good body is the foundation.

Ancient scholars would pay attention to poetry and swordsmanship. They regarded learning swords as an important way and means to improve personality. Poetry is soft, full of economics, and sword is rigid. "

It was the first time for Xian Zilin to hear Nanyi's explanation of the opening of martial arts classes in the primary school. She didn't expect that Nanyi had so many considerations. She was a little dazed, and she continued to take Nanyi and the two forward.

"This is a shooting range. The sporting air rifle shooting course was only offered three years ago. The students like this course very much. Two classes are arranged every week."

"Return to physical education class?" Nanyi asked.


"How many physical education classes are there in a week?"

"Each grade is different. Grades 1-4 have cultural classes in the morning and elective classes in the afternoon. Physical education takes up half of the time, and students love to play. Grades 5 and 6 will have an additional cultural class on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, mainly for Strengthen English."


Moving forward, the three of them passed by a room decorated in the shape of a mushroom and looked inside through the window. A dozen or so students who should be first grade were listening to the teacher explain the fable "Little Tadpole Looking for Mom". Next to a TV, the animation of "Little Tadpole Looking for Mom" ​​is paused on the TV.

"This is the Mushroom House. Students in the lower grades will spend half of their Chinese class here. Watching cartoons will deepen their memory." Xian Zilin explained.


Nan Yi nodded and looked away.

Moving on, the three came to the computer room again.

"Our computer room is not as expensive as the outside. It is not dust-proof or anti-static. Students don't need to change their shoes when they go in. In April of the previous year, the computer room replaced all the old computers with 25MHz i486. I bought back ten 33MHz versions, and put the old ones in the next room, and used them as teaching and practice props for the semiconductor class.”

"Hehe, can you put it back together after dismantling it?"

Xian Zilin's face darkened and said: "Most of them can't be put back on. Some students are very naughty. They dare to disassemble the new computers in the computer room. It takes a lot of budget to purchase computers every year."

"Don't be afraid to spend money. As long as they don't deliberately destroy things, they can dismantle them if they like. Small inventors start with dismantling. My son dismantled the alarm clock and radio, and dismantled a few computers. Although the students grew up When they grow up, most of them will not be able to become inventors, but at least they can develop the spirit of exploration."

After seeing the computer room, the three of them went to the dance room, technical room, indoor sports room, research institute and product experience room of the young and promising toy factory.

In fact, most of the original ideas for the young and promising products came from Nanyi. He told Fan Hongdou the idea, and then Fan Hongdou guided the younger students to brainstorm in the "right" direction. This step is difficult, but it must In doing so, Nanyi wants to make the students who finish primary school gain confidence.

If it is not for this purpose, Wanxiao Group can go out and operate independently, and it will make money faster without the inefficient participation of children's games. However, doing so will deviate from Nanyi's original intention. He would rather watch Wanxiao The group has been played badly, and the students must continue to play by seeking compensation from other places.

At the deepest part of the campus, I came to a farmland surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers and emerald greens. Xian Zilin introduced: "This is the place where the students study agriculture. After discussions among the students, the minority obeys the majority, and this place is named Pantao Garden. .”

Walking to a pool of 15 meters by 15 meters, Xian Zilin introduced again: "This is a marine fish observation pool sponsored by the reclamation group. The water is sea water, and the fish are also sea fish. At first, the students didn't know how to take care of it. A batch will die every month, and my aunt can only send someone to help take care of it. After a year, the students have learned how to take care of the fish inside."

Nanyi walked to the pool and looked under the water. The pool contained almost all the typical offshore edible fish. Putting them in a small pool was really difficult to feed them.

After seeing the seawater fish pond, then the freshwater fish pond, chickens, ducks, geese, fruit trees, and farmland, as long as they are suitable for planting here, almost all of them can be seen. The Pantao Garden is simply a miniature Lingnan agricultural ecosphere.

Turning around, Nanyi returned to the edge of the small farmland that he passed just now, stared at the rice seedlings in the field for a long time before saying to Xian Zilin, "How did you come up with the idea of ​​planting japonica rice here?"

"One day, the teacher sent by my aunt talked about the history of hybrid rice. He said that it was an American who first realized hybrid rice, and later a Japanese who realized the three-line hybrid method, but he was experimenting on japonica rice, and In our country, indica rice is different, and some students proposed to study japonica and indica rice together, and in the future we will launch Wenchangwei Wanxiao’s own hybrid rice variety.”

Xian Zilin said with a knowing smile on her face.

"Haha, very good. I am very much looking forward to the students being able to cultivate hybrid rice with an yield of 10,000 jin per mu." Nan Yi smiled heartily, and sent a good wish that was almost impossible to achieve, but he was looking forward to very much.

After seeing the Pantao Garden, Nanyi’s primary school inspection tour was over. The classroom did not go there. Standing on the playground, Nanyi handed the Parker pen to Xian Zilin, and asked about the treatment of the teachers.

"Brother, in the past five years, according to Fan Hongdou's proposal, the school has allocated part of the funds to buy real estate every year." Xian Zilin took out a small notebook from her pocket, opened a page and showed it to Nanyi, "Shenzhen City has a total of 102 sets, 37 sets in Yangcheng.

The school has a total of 72 teaching staff, excluding 10 people from the village, there are 62 people, 12 of them, including me, were allocated houses before 1984, and did not occupy the current housing amount.

After 1984, another 32 properties were divided one after another, so now the school still has a total of 107 properties. "

"Is the recovered rent injected into the teacher's travel budget?" Nan Yi asked.

"The school organizes two trips for teachers every year at the turn of spring and summer and at the turn of autumn and winter. They are divided into two groups. Those who go first this year will go later next year. The rent is used to increase the teachers' food during the trip. Standard, the rent in the first half of the year is used for autumn and winter tourism, and the rent in the second half of the year is used for spring and summer tourism in the following year."

"Well, go ahead."

"The teachers in the school are all private teachers, and the school pays a basic salary of 24 yuan per month in accordance with national standards."

Nanyi: "Has the Education Committee allocated money?"

"No, the salary of private teachers in Shajiaotou is coordinated by the township, 240 yuan a year. The former principal Zheng didn't apply for it. There is only one quota for each village, so it doesn't make much sense."

Xian Zilin flicked through the small notebook in her hand, "In addition to the basic salary, teachers' bonuses and benefits also include high temperature subsidies, low temperature subsidies, anti-mosquito subsidies, anti-snake subsidies, transportation subsidies, stamp and telephone subsidies, haircut subsidies, equipment subsidies, Milk subsidy, meat subsidy, vegetable subsidy, staple food subsidy, fruit subsidy, women's menstrual period subsidy, most of these are distributed in cash, and a small part is distributed in kind.

In addition, during Chinese New Year and holidays, cash and in-kind subsidies will be distributed according to the occasion, and the school will also express it on birthdays, weddings and funerals.

All of the above is apportioned to less than 300 yuan per month, and regardless of the subject and position, every teacher is the same. The main welfare of the teachers is the account of the research and development rewards of the small group, and the difference in treatment is also reflected here. "

"Among the teachers, who is actually paid the highest?"

"Me, I received a total of more than 113,000 last year."

"What about actual income?"

"Kermit, the labor skills teacher, last year he provided three complete product ideas for the young and young toy factory, and received a research and development bonus of 780,000 yuan. In order not to cause too much psychological fluctuations for other teachers, he publicly Only 220,000 were sent out, and the rest were sent to him secretly."

"Well, we do have to take care of other teachers' emotions. The most important thing for teachers is to teach and educate people. Inventions are just incidental. As long as teachers do their jobs well, we must guarantee their super-first-line income. In recent years, the school has Has the teacher resigned?"

Xian Zilin shook her head, "No, the school provides the best treatment and relaxed atmosphere in the world. No matter whether it is domestic or foreign teachers, they have not mentioned resignation. Principal Zheng fired two when he was still there. It hasn't changed."

"Is there any arrangement for teachers to study?"

"Currently there is only internal self-education. Books on education at home and abroad, the school will purchase a batch of newly published books every year, and teachers will often exchange experiences with each other."

"Self-education is not enough, and people should be sent out to study." Nan Yi walked to the side of the parallel bars and leaned on them. "Although the education model before finishing primary school is different from other primary schools, it is generally standardized. In the way of education, there are too many commonalities among the students. If you compare them together, you will know that they are taught by the same school.

I hope that Wanxiao can gradually transition from standardized education to individualized education, remove the standard answers, teach according to the different characteristics of each student, teach more learning methods and guide them to open up the spirit of exploration;

Tell them the basic morality of being a human being, and don't indoctrinate them with too many thoughts that they have solidified. I hope that every student has a distinctive personality and is different from others. "

"Cultivate students' own interests?"

"That's almost what it means. Interest is the best teacher. Only when you are interested can you do things to the extreme. Let the students do what they are interested in."

"What if it's playing games? There are game elective courses in the school, and everyone likes it a lot."

"Hehe, who told you to leave room for your classmates to take advantage of? It's okay to play games. You can be the best in everything. We discuss some issues dialectically. Interest is the best teacher. It's a good saying, but people don't live alone. In a vacuum, there is comparison and competition between people.

I also said that the teacher should play a guiding role. A student with disabled legs should not guide him to develop an interest in becoming a sprinter. After unremitting efforts, a disabled student can run 100 meters in less than 12 seconds. What is the practicality of this? meaning?

It may be meaningful for a certain period of time. For example, he was lucky to be selected as a model. For a while, praise and honor will be added, but after the heat subsides, the disability allowance may not be received on time.

A person with a disabled leg means that the end point his legs can reach is likely to be the starting point for others. Since no matter how hard you try, you can only follow others and eat ashes, why not change your thinking and compete with your hands? "

"Brother, what you say is to let the students develop their strengths and avoid their weaknesses in a purposeful way. Can that be regarded as allowing them to cultivate their interests freely?" Xian Zilin retorted.

"What I said is not contradictory. There is no absolute freedom in this world. There is only relative freedom. The first element of success is to choose the right direction. If you choose the wrong direction, no matter how much effort you put in later, it will be useless."

Xian Zilin thought for a while and said, "According to the different strengths and specialties of each student, guide them to develop the most suitable interests for them?"

"There is a balance between being suitable and liking. The students are lucky, and they have been reincarnated in the right place. Most of the difficulties that their peers need to face are not difficult for them. They have more choices."

Nanyi stood up straight, and pulled his back away from the parallel bars, "Okay, I should go now, you have time to learn about the school-running model of private schools, this is a very suitable small business, which can guarantee more More income to subsidize the students can also extend the personalized education time of the students.

In a few days, I will ask someone to send some information about private schools abroad, so you can use it as a reference. "

"Not staying for dinner?"

"No, I stayed for dinner, how do you pay for it? Do you count me as entertainment expenses?"

"I can give half of my share to Elder Brother."

Xian Zilin smiled slyly.

"That won't work. You see that you are much fatter than before, and your appetite must be better than before. If you give half of it, you won't be hungry?" Nan Yi teased.

"Am I fat? Ji Ping never said that." Xian Zilin looked down and said.

"Hehe, how dare he say that he is not afraid of you making him kneel on the washboard."

"Nonsense, I'm not a shrew."

The two bickered and walked slowly towards the gate of the school. Xian Guangbing didn't say a word when he entered the school. He only watched with his eyes and listened with his ears.

After parting from Xian Zilin at the gate of the school, on the way Nanyi and the two returned to the port, Xian Guangbing said, "Nanyi, the school is doing well, it's a piece of pure land."

"Grandpa didn't go in and see it before?"

"No, the school is a place for teaching and educating people. If I go in as an old man, I will only disturb the teacher's teaching. Besides, the original principal Zheng said that it is best for people in the village not to go to school."

"That's what I mean, I want the school to be a little more closed off from the outside world."

Xian Guangbing stopped in his tracks and asked, "Not only does it cost nothing to study, but you can also get tens of thousands of dollars a year. Is that your idea?"

"Yes, the ancients said that there is a golden house in the book, I just want to make this sentence come true, so as to dispel the idea that some people in the village are useless to study.

Grandpa, when the village first started, it was a barren era of business. The business field was like a barn full of grains. Anyone who was hungry could grab a few handfuls if he had the guts to grab them. What he couldn’t catch was Because of my bad luck, the food bag leaked.

Doing business now is still like going to the barn to catch millet, but the location of the barn has changed. It used to be at the entrance of the village, but now it has been moved to the cliff. There are only a few mountain roads leading to the cliff.

Because people who had the guts to catch millet before had enough to eat, naturally many people were jealous and wanted to catch millet. The mountain road is steep and narrow, and only one person can pass at a time. If you want to go up the cliff, you can only go one by one. Line up and climb.

But everyone doesn't know how big the barn is. Will the people in front catch it, and the barn will be empty when it's your turn?

With this worry, some people will naturally play tricks and push the people in the front row one by one. If they can push, they will go to the front row. This process is called business competition.

Those who have caught millet before will grow stronger if they are full of food and drink. They have the ability to push more people out, and their seats will naturally be infinitely higher, and they will have more opportunities to catch millet.

A person who can catch millet once, twice, or several times can not only eat and drink enough by himself, but also hire a few strong and strong men to accompany him to catch millet again.

Two fists are no match for four hands, a hungry person is no match for a well-fed one, let alone one against several, this leads to a greater chance of catching grains for those who were full before, this is called capital Advantage.

The more grains you catch, the stronger your strength will be. One day someone will block the mountain road and only allow people he approves to go, and no one else is allowed to go. This is called monopoly, and it can also be called a pier. You have to go to the pier, and it is up to the pier to decide whether to let you go up or not.

What should I do if the mountain road is impassable and I want to catch millet?

I can only find another way, either climb up the cliff from the bottom of the cliff with bare hands, or find a way to fly up, no matter which way, you can't do without tools if you want to find a new way.

What are tools?

The tool is knowledge, grandpa, times have changed, and the way of doing business has also changed. Pig butchers kill pigs in the village and sell them in the city. It’s okay now, but it’s not good in the future.

National policies may change, and there may be more money. People with stronger capital will focus on this business. They kill hundreds or thousands of pigs at a time, and each pig earns 1 yuan. He can also earn 1,000. Killing pigs You can only kill one pig, earn 1 yuan a day, drink the northwest wind, and you will be crushed in a few days.

In the future, the business threshold will become higher and higher. One is money and the other is knowledge. Either ordinary people have no money to do it, or ordinary people have no ability to do it. "

Nan Yi said, pointing in the direction of Wan Xiao, "Grandpa, no matter what they want to do in the future, they cannot do without knowledge. This is why I would rather not have anything else, but also keep the school operating independently and the Wan Xiao Group. .

Studying can not only acquire knowledge, but also earn money. Even if there are shameless people in the village, for the sake of money, they will not let their children not study. "

"Whoever dares to do that, I'll kill him at the door of his house." Xian Guangbing said angrily, "Nanyi, it's all the villagers who don't live up to expectations, and you've been wronged. The good situation is ruined, ruined. "

"Grandpa, don't say that. Hongdou told me that the village still gets dividends every year, and the old people's pension is fine."

Hearing Nanyi's words, Xian Guangbing was furious, and stomped his cane on the ground a few times, "It's better to have nothing, one year is worse than one year, the canteen for the elderly can't continue, and the medical expenses have been delayed for a year. I don’t know what the market will be this year. Nanyi, I beg you to be an old man, go back to the village to take charge of the overall situation, if this continues, the village will really end.”

Nan Yi showed distress, "Grandpa, I'm from a foreign surname."

"Zi Lin is such a good little girl, why did you just, hey..." Xian Guangbing's words came to an abrupt end and turned into a sigh.

Nanyi did not answer Xian Guangbing's words. Xian Guangbing's assumption would not be valid at all. Combining with Xian Zilin would do more harm than good to him. Hold him down so that he can't move forward or backward freely.

Relatively speechless, Nanyi helped Xian Guangbing to the pier, Xian Weiqi was still there, the fishing rod was stuck in the crevice of the stone on the pier, and his fingers teased a weedel crawling on the pier.

Xian Guangbing stopped in his tracks, looked at Xian Weiqi, then looked up at the sky, "Nanyi, those bad boys can still make money now, it's not easy to bring them back to the right path, as you said just now, the road ahead of them It shouldn't be long, someday, when they come to a dead end, can you come back and save the building from falling?"

"Grandpa, yes, Liu Zhen and I have registered permanent residence here."

"That's good, that's good."

With the lingering sound, Xian Guangbing leaned on a cane and walked away.

Withdrawing his eyes from Xian Guangbing, Nan Yi and Xian Weiqi broke up, left Wenchangwei and returned to the urban area.

On the way, Nanyi called Chen Yuxiu and learned that this guy was hunting birds in the mangrove forest, so Nanyi asked the school flower to drive there.

In less than 20 minutes, Nan Yi and his party came to the mangrove forest. In front of a concrete flat bridge, Nan Yi saw Chen Yuxiu carrying an air gun on his back, and beside him was another man with a gun in his hand. Holding an iron sand gun, there is a woman standing beside it.

Seeing the iron sand gun, Nan Yi was startled, "Damn it, it's really too long to dare to play with this thing."

The iron sand gun is a self-made shotgun, the principle is the same as the early muzzle flintlock gun, except that instead of projectiles, it shoots iron sand wrapped in paper. The shooting effect is similar to that of a shotgun, but the range is not easy to estimate.

Whether it is the thickness of the barrel, the quality of the gunpowder, the manufacturing process, and the sealing effect of the paper projectile will affect the range.

There are still many guns left by the people. It is not too difficult to own a gun without breaking the law. Generally, this kind of iron sand gun is only used in poor mountainous areas. Except for very few old gunsmiths, don’t expect to make this kind of gun. Some people can get very good steel pipes, and whether they blow up or not depends on luck.

Seeing the man raising his gun and aiming at a bird on a tree, Nan Yi stopped to cross the bridge. He estimated that the distance from the man was about 20 meters, so he squatted down on the ground, nestled down, raised his hands, Put your elbows together to protect your chest and face, and watch through the gap.

After three seconds, there was a bang of exploding eardrums, and Nan Yi couldn't help laughing and yelling: "Good marksmanship."

I saw that the gun in the man's hand had been shortened by a third, one of the gun barrels was stuck in the woman's hair like an oversized hairpin, and the other passed through Chen Yuxiu's crotch and was inserted halfway behind him. In the mud far away.

The man is really lucky. There is a fine line between being funny and looking for death. If most of the iron sand is not ejected from the muzzle of the gun, according to the posture of holding the gun, the thumb of his right hand, face, and neck will suffer. Death should not die , but it is estimated that his face will become the same as the surface of the moon, flat, concave and convex, deep and shallow. If you go to pee with him, you will be so scared that you will pee out a pit, and your nose may have to be replaced with a fake one.

Nan Yi beckoned, took the phone from Xiao Hua, and called Chen Yuxiu.

"Did you pee your pants?" Seeing Chen Yuxiu answering the phone, Nan Yi immediately said playfully.

Chen Yuxiu turned his head and glanced in Nanyi's direction, "Almost."

"Seeing such a wonderful picture, I couldn't help but want to write a poem. Listen, the name is Bird Hunting. Let's go hunting birds together; I pissed my crotch."

"What the heck."

"Haha, it looks like you're not in the mood to continue hunting birds anymore, go and calm down with your friends, I won't go over, go first, don't send it off, I'm afraid the guy in your hand will fucking explode."

After finishing speaking, Nanyi hung up the phone, and happily walked to the parking place.

Sitting in the car, Nan Yi suppressed the smile on his face. Fortunately, he was timid and cautious. If he walked over boldly just now, according to his usual standing position, the barrel of the gun that flew towards Chen Yuxiu just now would be smashed. If it is not good, it will be stuck in his thigh.

"What a fool, I don't know what to do with a gun." With a mutter, Nanyi asked Xiaohua to drive.


When the first rays of the setting sun fell, Nan Yi had already appeared at Chen Zongqing's house, sitting around the table with a bitter face, and gnawed a piece of bread in his hand.

Just now, on the way from the archway at the entrance of the village to Chen Zongqing's house, everyone who knew him in the village complained to him, blaming him for coming up with a bad idea to cut off the smoke in the village.

Cai Shufen listened to Nanyi's original idea and took the women's army in the village to really plan to open a western-style bakery. She was quite courageous and took a few backbones to go abroad to learn bread making techniques. I took a trip to Jiangsu Province to learn how to make Suzhou-style dim sum, and I am dedicated to the direction of combining Chinese and Western styles.

Now that she has returned from her studies, she has nowhere to go. She dragged all the detachment of women to Yangcheng and opened the first Chen Ji Bakery. A bakery with dozens of people, with the idea of ​​teaching and developing its own brand of bread at the same time, just waiting for everything to be ready, Chen Ji will come to the whole country to spread flowers.

The bread in Nanyi's hand at the moment was brought back from Yangcheng by Cai Shufen, and it was also Chen Zongqing's dinner for him.

Chen Zongqing did it on purpose. He used to have hot meals as soon as he got home from outside, but now there are only cold pots and cold stoves left.

Nan Yi took a bite of the bread, glanced at the Great Wall bowl of noodles in Chen Zongqing's hand, sniffed, smelled the aroma of instant noodle seasoning, and secretly complained: "Grandma, it's fine to eat instant noodles, and you still have bowls, who are you greedy for?" ?”

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