"No, don't you want me to promote you? I will promote you today, and I will promote you vigorously. I will directly promote you as a shareholder, a major shareholder."

"Big shareholder? What do you mean?"

Nan Yi reached out and tapped on the table beside his soup bowl, Su Meng immediately understood and added 60% soup for him.

He took the bowl, drank half a bowl of soup in one gulp, wiped his mouth, and then said, "I want to register a company with you as a partner. You offer 150,000 for 52% of the shares, and I offer 180,000 for 480,000 shares." % of the shares, you are the major shareholder and also serve as the general manager of the company."

"Register a company? What do you do?" Su Meng asked happily.

"It's up to you to decide what the company runs. I just think you have the potential to become an excellent businessman. If you invest in you now, you should have a good return in the future." Nan Yi said, and there was a sudden turning point, "However, you are still a little Childish, I plan to take you for half a year, that is to say, within half a year after the establishment of the company, my master and your assistant, you still have to obey my orders."

"I see, can you let me think about it?"

"No hurry, you can think about it slowly."

The next day, Nan Yi was sitting in his office watching a video file sent by the Research Institute of Human Forbidden Areas. In the picture, there was a unicorn beetle dragging a cart behind it. Not far away, a man in a white coat held a Holding a remote control that looks like a handle, I saw that as the white coat controls the front, back, left, and right, the Unicorn will move forward in the direction of the control.

After the demonstration, the white coat faced the camera and said: "Boss, this is an accidental discovery during our research on the hippocampus. We can control insects with the help of electric current. Now we just simply control the direction of progress. If we continue to study, it is completely possible. To achieve more complex things by controlling insects with radio signals.

The Human Forbidden Research Institute needs microchips, micro batteries, biomedical talents, and more investment..."

Nanyi tapped on the keyboard, turned off the video screen, rubbed his temples, "chips, batteries, talents, investment, eight words, each word is worth at least 100 billion US dollars, I can't push the chip, I can only follow the trend And why, batteries... Graphene can't produce results in the short term, there is a bottomless pit, is there any head for nuclear batteries?"

Just thinking about it, Song Jia came to Nanyi's office.

"President Nan, Pan Wuju is looking for you."

"one person?"

"Yes, alone."

"Oh, take him to the pantry, tell him I have something to do, and see him in five minutes."


Downstairs in the office, Pan Wuju was chatting with his former colleagues while regretting, "I really shouldn't have resigned on impulse."

When he came here just now, Pan Wuju saw three cars and five motorcycles parked in the open space outside. He recognized one of them as Nanyi's car, and he knew who the other two belonged to while chatting.

Zhao Jun and Du Jiachang are both his old colleagues, and now the cars are driving, but what about him, Long Yu Shoal.

Nan Yi put away the inconvenient things to show others, closed the office door and went downstairs.

As soon as they entered the office, the staff greeted Nanyi one after another, and Nanyi responded one by one and came to Pan Wuju's side.

"President Nan."

Pan Wuju said hello.

"Let's go and talk in the tea room."

Nan Yi patted Pan Wuju's arm affectionately, then gently tugged on it, and led him to the tea room.

"Which high school should I go to after resigning? Yecheng is not big, and I haven't met you once. Could it be that you are avoiding me on purpose?" After Song Jia poured Pan Wuju some water and left, Nanyi said jokingly.

Pan Wuju smiled awkwardly, and said, "How could I hide from Mr. Nan? I left Yecheng after I resigned, and I just came back recently."

"Oh, that's it, then this time you come back to plan to venture into the sea and start a business again?"

"This time I came back and found that Qiongdao real estate is very hot. Five friends and I plan to partner in real estate business. We just registered a company called Dadi Real Estate."

"Drink water, drink water."

Nan Yi said politely to Pan Wuju, unscrewed the lid of the canned bottle in his hand, and took a sip of tea. After Pan Wuju picked up the teacup, he said again: "Wuju, you came to see me not just to say hello. Right? Just tell me if you have anything to do, and I will help if I can."

Nanyi guessed his own thoughts, which made Pan Wuju feel a little embarrassed, "Mr. Nan, that's right, we are still one step away from registering the company. We were going to the capital to build a ticket, but we were cheated away again. I can't leave for the time being, and I am in a hurry to register the company, so I want to ask Mr. Nan if there is any relationship to get this stamp."

"Qualification seal, right?"


"This matter is not difficult. If you are in a hurry, you can take a taxi to the construction site of Dream Town and find the manager Tang Jiangong of Jingjun Construction. I will call him first for you."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much Mr. Nan." Hearing what Nanyi said, Pan Wuju immediately said excitedly.

Getting a qualification seal is a matter of phone calls for Nanyi, but it is extremely difficult for Pan Wuju.

How should I put it, the current registered company needs to verify the capital. In Qiongdao, the money must be transferred to an account of a certain Hua accounting firm. It can be filed in the morning and raised in the afternoon. Anyway, there must be invoices and outvoices, and then find accounting affairs A capital verification report is issued by the agency, and the one-stop arrangement of eating, drinking and playing is arranged, and the report can be obtained.

The registered capital of other types of companies can be less. Real estate companies generally start with tens of millions. At least 95% of people who come to Qiongdao to do real estate business can’t afford the money. There are quite a few companies here, and they generally charge 5‰ of interest (service fee) a day, which is at least 50,000 yuan.

After the capital verification, the registered real estate company still needs a qualification stamp from the state-owned construction company. It is very simple for the construction company to stamp this stamp. It just provides a qualification, not only does not need to bear any responsibility, but also can charge a certain fee , There is a way, one sentence, there is no way, one run, two begging, three begging, four stuffing, five spitting, it will make people tormented enough.

Pan Wuju found a way with great difficulty, so of course he was in a hurry to implement it. After expressing his thanks to Nanyi again, he left in a hurry.

After buying a pack of cigarettes, Pan Wuju rushed to the construction site of Dream Town. Originally, he thought it would be a bit of a twist to get this stamp, but he didn't expect that when he came to the construction site, he stamped it without a hitch, and the other party didn't even confiscate the cigarettes.

Later, Pan Wuju thought that Nanyi's face should have played a big role.

After the cover was over, he excitedly took a three-wheeled motorcycle and went back to his and five other people's nest. He was about to tell the other five people the good news, but as soon as he entered the door, he saw Feng Wantong sighing there.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

The combination of Pan Wuju and the six of them is a bit like a water park in Liangshan, where the seats are orderly and the benefits are the same, that is, each performs his own duties, and the positions are high or low, but the benefits are shared equally, and they call each other elder brother and younger brother.

"I want to invite people from the accounting firm to go to the dance hall at night, and I only have 500 yuan left. After I go, I don't know how many will be left." Feng Wantong turned his head and looked at Pan Wuju and said.

After hearing Feng Wantong's words, Pan Wuju immediately said, "Brother, do you still want to save? Five hundred is not enough, at least three thousand must be prepared."

"Huh? The dance hall is so expensive?"

Although Feng Wantong had been to Coconut City before, he still worked in a research institute. He had never been to such a messy place, and he didn't know anything about the market inside.

After Pan Wuju received the first commission from Yiwan International, he went to see it with Zhao Jun. He spent three or four hundred for leisurely flowers, and the consumption level of entertaining people had to be raised several steps. It happened that he was interested in high-end The cost counts.

"It's that expensive."

Pan Wuju also looked distressed. The benefits are the same, and the investment must be equal. In fact, after working together, his capital investment has exceeded that of several others. He is hesitating whether he should take out 2,500 yuan. He doesn't have much money either.

Pan Wuju and other six people, headed by Feng Wantong, all met at Mounande. Two of the other four had spent a long time with Feng Wantong, and the other two were brought over by one of them. It's a brotherhood.

Only Pan Wuju was the last to join. He had been colleagues with Feng Wantong for a period of time. We can only say that they had similar ambitions and were able to get along with each other, so they got together to do things. In terms of relationship, there must be no one else who is close. Therefore, Pan Wuju There are more little Jiujiu.

"Wuju, how many do you have?" Feng Wantong asked after hesitating for a moment.

Pan Wuju summed up for a while, and spit out a number: "More than 1,200 points, I'll give it to my elder brother later."

"It's still halfway, who should I borrow..." Feng Wantong frowned into a word width.

Among the six people, apart from Pan Wuju, Feng Wantong only had more than 500 yuan left in his hand, and the others had already emptied their pockets. In fact, when they first got together, they only had 30,000 yuan. Most of them were borrowed, and a few of them borrowed all the way to move forward, and Pan Wuju had already lent a lot from his left hand to his right hand.

Yiwan International nests in Longkunxia Village. Although it has just received a certificate of "Integrity Taxpayer" issued by the tax office not long ago, it has already ranked among the top few taxpayers in Yecheng, but it is still unknown outside. However, Feng Wantong still doesn't know what it means that Pan Wuju has worked in Yiwan International. After he knows, even if he doesn't turn his face, he won't have a good face.


When the time entered June, Nan Yi went back to Shanghai, went down to the air-raid shelter and picked up a hairpin, and immediately flew to New York with Nan Wuwei.

In a few days, get everything ready.

On June 6th, at 8:00 pm on June 5th, New York time, at Scarlett Manor, under the watchful eyes of Scarlett, Nan Youqiong, Nan Wuwei, and Nan Ruojin, Nan Yi held a ceremony for Nan Ruobing gift.

The red tape was omitted, leaving only one step of combing hair. Nan Yi took the comb and combed Nan Ruofing's hair one by one, while chattering endlessly.

"Starting today, you are a big girl. From now on, when looking for a boyfriend, you must find someone who cares about you and loves you. Family background is not important. As long as your personal ability is good enough, you can create more than 1 billion US dollars in profits for Nanshi every year. Or other equivalent contributions will do.”

The hair was combed softly, Nan Yi tied Nan Ruofeng's hair into a bun, wrapped it with a piece of black cloth, and inserted the hairpin brought from Shanghai into the bun.

"I won't talk about the resignation. You are the eldest lady of the Nan family, the daughter of my Nanyi, a queen who wants to fly into space, and the second-generation pillar of the Nan family. Your life is destined to be extraordinary. Congratulations, grown up, the time traveler from 2001."

Nan Ruobing turned around and looked at Nanyi with tears in her eyes, "Thank you, Dad. Without you, I might not have grown up to be so big."

Nan Yi hugged Nan Ruofing, patted her on the back lightly, and said in her ear, "Silly girl, it's only natural for Dad to raise you. You don't need to thank him. I really want to thank Dad. I will give more money to Dad every month from now on." Pay some living expenses, and introduce a few more beautiful female classmates to be your little mothers."

"Hee hee hee, dad is not ashamed."

"Hehehe, let's be serious, you are ten years older than your siblings, and you can walk faster than them. In the future, you will be a whetstone four times to sharpen them. The Nan family can raise the young master and the eldest lady." , the Nan family does not support mediocrity."

"Well, I remember."

"Okay, today is your good day, watch the fireworks."

Nan Yi let go of Nan Ruofeng, raised his left hand, and bunches of fireworks shot into the sky, quickly turning the sky into colors.

After a burst of splendor, hundreds of dull voices exploded in the air, and English letters were arranged in the air one by one: "Rachel, Happy 16th birthday!"

"Ruopin, happy birthday!"

"Rachel, happy birthday!"

"Big sister, Happy birthday!"

"Sister, happy birthday!"

For the last one, Nan Ruojin also blessed in a childlike voice: "Sister...sister, Happy birthday!"

On Long Island, in Manhattan, and in New York, countless people looked up and saw the fireworks in the sky, and also saw the English letters appearing. Many people were guessing who this Rachel was.

Rachel is like Zhang Wei, very common, without any direction.

For Nan Ruobing's sake, Nan Yi made a high profile, but he still maintains a sullen character, not in Wenchangwei, not in the capital, not in Xiangtang, and put the ceremony of Jiji in New York, which is the most inappropriate place.

The fireworks are continuing, and the funds are burning. It takes half an hour before the fireworks feast ends.

Under the leadership of Nan Yi, a few young people followed to the shooting range, and one of them came to an MG3 heavy machine gun whose tripod was welded to death. Jin put his finger on the trigger.

Counting down from three seconds, four machine guns were fired at the same time, and a series of tracer bullets were thrown out, hitting the steel plate 200 meters away. Slowly, the flames combined into a line of flame characters—Queen Nan Ruofing's birthday!

Nan Yi beckoned, and the school belle came to him holding a tray. Nan Yi picked up a string of colorful diamond necklaces from the tray and put them on Nan Ruofing's neck. "The name of the necklace is Queen Rachel, and it consists of 16 pieces It is composed of colored diamonds of different colors. Dad has no ability. He originally wanted to collect 16 catties for you, but someone searched for it in the warehouse. The heaviest colored diamond is less than 30 grams. No way, Dad can only make you lucky Count, 16 pieces, each weighing 16 grams."

Nan Ruofing looked down at the necklace on her neck, curled her lips, "Father, it's a rough stone, it hasn't been polished."

"Hey, Dad is short of money again. I don't have money to buy you gifts, so I'll just let it go. When you turn twenty, Dad will give you the 9.22 diamond in the warehouse."

"Hee hee, I don't want colored diamonds."

Nan Ruofeng swayed a bit, her face was always smiling like a flower.

The celebration continued, and Scarlett Manor was noisy until midnight before it gradually quieted down.

Nan Ruojin shared a room with Nan Youqiong and Nan Wuwei. Nan Ruojin slept on Nan Yi's chest, and her mouth started to blister as soon as she closed her eyes.

the next day.

The four siblings went to the woods to harass the small animals, while Nan Yi and Scarlet sat in the garden and chatted.

"Weapon control has been relaxed, and there are a lot of weapons you can buy now."

"for example?"

"The Warthog you've always wanted, costs 2.3 million dollars each, a supply and maintenance system costs 3.5 million dollars, and the ammunition is sold separately."

Nan Yi thought about it for a while and said, "Buy two for fun. There are too few countries equipped with Warthogs, and they are too conspicuous. They are useless unless it is absolutely necessary."

"I think so too."

"Can the Apache buy it?"

"Not for sale, F-16 can be bought."

"Which batch?"

"Hmm, do you really want to buy it?" Scarlett asked suspiciously.

"Just ask, we don't need fighter jets at all." Nan Yi sighed, "Deregulation doesn't mean much to us, and we can always equip what should be equipped."

"Hmm, when are you going to Moscow?"

"Let's wait and see."

After the 6th, Nanyi stayed in the manor for a day, and then took the four children for a short road trip, and then a tortuous return trip, first from New York to London, then Feixiang, Shanghai , Jinling, from Jinling back to Shanghai to fly to Xiangtang, pass through the customs and enter Shenzheng by land, take a car to Yangcheng, and finally return to Yecheng by ferry.

As soon as he returned to Yecheng, Nanyi sent Chang Guoqing to Zhucheng in Gui Province, and asked him to go there to investigate first, combining the news he heard from Zhai Yuying last time, the information in the newspaper, and his mind As far as Nanyi knows, the real estate industry in Zhucheng is hotter than that in Qiongdao, but Qiongdao has a bigger goal and is better known.

If feasible, Nanyi plans to invest most of Hongtu Real Estate's funds in Zhucheng to diversify investment.

In the afternoon, after sitting in the office of Green Nuclear Development, Nan Yi called Su Meng up.

As soon as Su Meng sat down, Nan Yi asked, "Have you thought about it?"

"Think about it, I want to start a company."

"Then have you ever thought about what the company does?"

Su Meng was surprised and said: "Didn't you say that I will do things according to your orders for the first half a year?"

"You are the major shareholder of the company, and the future operation of the company mainly depends on you. If your ideas have something in common with mine, it will be easier for us to work together. Therefore, I want to hear about the business projects you are interested in. "

Su Meng organized his language and said: "The real estate here in Yecheng is booming now, which reminds me of the Levi's jeans developed during the gold rush in the western United States.

There are too many real estate people here in Yecheng, and not everyone can make money, but they can definitely make money by serving real estate companies, so I want to open a company that serves real estate companies.

I communicated with my colleagues in the company, and they told me that there is a similar company in Xiangcheng, which will provide real estate companies with services such as intermediary, real estate event planning and organization. "

"Your idea is very good, not only in Qiongdao now, but in the future, the real estate industry in the whole country will become popular. Opening a company serving real estate companies will definitely have great prospects, and there are many things that can be done.

From the establishment of a real estate project, we can participate in it. We do not participate in the links that are prone to problems such as approval and demolition, but we can participate in the links of fund raising and qualification provision;

After the opening of the real estate, we can participate in the planning and consignment of house sales activities;

When the house is in the hands of the buyers, we can recommend decoration building materials and decoration companies to them.

After the whole process, we can participate in most of the links, earn a lot of money, and as time goes by, the company can develop in the direction of a platform. Real estate companies lack funds to find this platform and need to sell houses to find this platform. Platform, home buyers need to find this platform to buy a house, or find this platform if they need decoration.

When the popularity of the platform is high enough, we don't have to take the initiative to go out to find business, but wait for the business to come to us. "

After Nanyi finished speaking, Su Meng's eyes lit up. Her original thoughts were still vague, but after Nanyi said this, the previously blurred places became clear.

"I'm going to go through the resignation procedures now, and after finishing the procedures, I'll go to register the company right away."

"What's the hurry, stand on the last shift, and clear the work handover before we talk about it."


Not long after Su Meng left, Ah Guang came over, holding a small "watermelon" in one hand.

"Ah Guang, you are so kind to me, did you bring me shit melon?"

Dung melon, called dung melon in some places, it is divided into two types, one is an invasive species from Africa, the scientific name is horse pao melon, the other is that watermelon seeds are eaten into the stomach and then pulled out, or watermelon seeds are spit in the soil When grown, the two kinds of melons look similar in appearance, both are small, edible, and the taste is average.

"It's delicious, I found it next to the urinals (ceramic vats that farmers use to store their excrement)."

"Take it over and have a look."

Nan Yi took the dung melon from A Guang's hand and looked at it carefully, but he couldn't see why. He couldn't tell if it was a horse pao melon. If it is not in season, horse pao melon is more likely.

"Just hold it for fun, and eat less in the future." Nanyi finished looking at it, put the shit melon on the table, and said, "Do you want to stay for dinner tonight?"

"No, the teacher came to my house for dinner today." Ah Guang shook his head.

"Oh, there is something delicious, come and sit down."

There is a small village here in Longkunxia Village. There are only two private teachers. The teachers don’t fire themselves. They take turns to go to the students’ homes for dinner. One family after another eats in turn. The students’ homes will buy a few good dishes when it’s their turn. , the teacher will compensate a little food stamps.

Generally, students will let the teacher eat first at home, and they will not sit at the same table with the teacher, let alone the students.

A Guang moved a chair and sat down next to Nanyi, holding his head, looking at the documents in Nanyi's hand with a curious expression.

Nan Yi patted the document, "Do you understand?"

"can't read."

"If you don't understand it, study hard, and strive to understand it in the future."

"Study is boring, and I feel dizzy when I see textbooks." A Guang said.

Nan Yi put the documents aside, opened the drawer, took a bar of chocolates and handed it to A Guang, watched him peel off the outer wrapping paper, and saw him take a big bite, then Nan Yi said: "Do you want to When I grow up, I will be like me, with a car and delicious food, how many people can I manage?”

A Guang's mouth was filled with chocolate, and he mumbled, "Thought about it."

"If you think about it, study hard. When you are admitted to a good university in the future, you can see what I have, and you can have it too."

Ah Guang swallowed the chocolate, wiped his mouth with his hand, and said, "I don't believe it, there are too many college students from mainland China in Triangle Pond, and I heard adults say that many of them can't eat, so they go to the vegetable field to steal vegetables."

"Of course not every college student can live a good life, but ah, becoming a college student has a greater chance to live a good life. College students are only the first step, and there are still many steps to go. For you, now You don’t have to think about the next few steps, all you have to do is to realize the first step and get into a good university.”

"The uncle next door to me didn't study for a few years. He got rich doing business outside, bought a house in the city and moved to the city."

The meaning of Ah Guang is self-evident. Now that it is windy to go to sea, building missiles is worse than selling tea eggs. It is a bit difficult to persuade Ah Guang to study hard. If you want to take him to do business, he will definitely agree to it.

It doesn't make sense to talk lightly, and Nanyi didn't intend to continue to persuade him. If he wants to arouse Ah Guang's interest in learning, he needs to wait for an opportunity. Whether he can wait until it is hard to say, it can only depend on Ah Guang's own fortune.

Turn on the TV with the remote control and let Ah Guang watch TV, while Nan Yi continued to read the file by himself.

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