Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 824: Great Real Estate

Huangfuming was busy in the glass house for a while before he found Nanyi who was standing outside, took off his protective clothing, and came to Nanyi.

"Huangfu, what do you think is the origin of Chinese medicine?"

"Mr. Nan, our royal family believes that medicine originated from witches. Thousands of years ago, human thinking and productivity were relatively low, and it was impossible to objectively understand and control various phenomena such as wind, rain, lightning, diseases and disasters, so we deified them. Send the thoughts of worship and superstition.

At that time, there was a certain social division of labor, and there appeared witches who specialized in managing sacrifices and prayers.

Witches have some medical knowledge and often take on the responsibility of curing diseases and saving people. When witches treat people's diseases or relieve pain, they either perform witchcraft, or use them in medicine, or use both medicine and witches. "

"How did the witch get his medical knowledge?"

"It should be a generation after generation, slowly accumulating bit by bit."

"Then what do you think of Shen Nong's taste of herbs?"

"Whether it is Shennong or Emperor Yan, it may be just a code name. Several generations or more than ten generations, dozens of generations have been doing this thing." Huangfuming paused, "Or it is not Shennong himself. Tasting Baicao, it may be his slaves, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of slaves may have died in order to taste Baicao."

"Human trials are quite possible."

Nanyi thought that there were still people martyred in Zhouli. In ancient times, the definition of "one's own people" would be narrower, and some outsiders could use them as consumables.

"In nature, bears use calamus leaves to treat stomach problems, turtles use peppermint to detoxify snakes, in tropical jungles, apes eat cinchona bark when they are shivering from the cold, and dogs that have been domesticated for thousands of years when they are sick I will also go up the mountain to find medicine to eat, some people say this is the instinct of animals, so why do we humans lose this instinct?"

Before Huangfuming could answer, Nanyi said to himself: "Maybe it's degenerate, I've read the theoretical literature on animal instinct, and I'm not sure if that's correct. I've read Drake's instincts before. Schiller's "Engine of Creation", through the nano-scale robots he mentioned, I think of nano-medical robots...By the way, you should have heard about the giants of the universe, right?"

Nan Yi once discussed with Nan Ruofing that "human beings are bacteria living in a giant body". Agree, some people are skeptical, and some people disagree.

In line with the principle of bold assumptions and careful verification, as the number of discussions increased, gradually, the theory of cosmic giants was formed within the Nan family, and many people spontaneously wanted to verify this statement.

"I heard it when I was in the third biopharmaceutical. I was a fencer."

"Ha, as long as it's not the opposition, we can still talk." Nanyi smiled and said, "We assume that the cosmic giant's statement is true. We humans and animals are just acting as a kind of medical machine similar to nano-robots or other functions. Whether it is a machine, we have been set up by the giants to learn and evolve by ourselves, and also to use 'animal instinct', which is a self-protection mechanism.

Because it is a machine, of course we have to be equipped with a few mechanics. The witch you mentioned may be the descendants of the mechanics. They already have the mechanism of mechanics. Even at the beginning, they still held the maintenance manual in their hands. , such as "Huangdi Neijing", may be an enlightenment reading before reading the maintenance manual. "

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic is very profound."

"Abstruse or not depends on who it is for. Maybe there are fewer and fewer people who have the mechanical repair mechanism. Or, if the mechanical repair mechanism is understood as program code, there is actually a loophole when writing the program. This loophole is hidden deep. It took a long time before it exploded.

Assume further that giants are just like us humans, with billions or more, and there will naturally be grievances and grievances between giants.

The cosmic giant we parasitize may be the poor among the giants. He is sick, a very troublesome disease, but he has no money to go to a big hospital, so he only finds a doctor who is a barefoot doctor;

The medicine prescribed by the doctor, that is, our ancestors, may be a wrong disease, or a medicine that is still in the research and development process and has not been proven effective. Simply put, we are the descendants of defective or semi-finished products .

Perhaps, the medicine taken by the cosmic giant was tampered with by his enemies, and it contained chronic poison. You see, with the increasing number of human beings, the damage to the ecology is also increasing. Is the earth in the body of a giant? Which part of it?

It may be the heart. The more trouble we humans make, the more damage we will do to the giants of the universe. "

"Mr. Nan, human beings may have existed for millions of years." Huangfuming said.

"I know, but according to our human beings, the earth has existed for 4.6 billion years, and the numbers after the negligible decimal point are all longer than our human existence. In such a comparison, millions of years are nothing.

For giants, the historical length of human existence may be only two or three days, two or three months, or one or two years in our human cognition. There may also be laws similar to ours in the world of giants. This length of time is just right for giants. It is used to remove the suspicion of killing (giant) people and to create alibi, isn't it? "

"It seems to make sense."

Nan Yi suddenly asked again: "Are you wondering why I suddenly brought up this topic?"

"A little."

"Talk while walking." Nanyi and Huangfuming walked away from the area of ​​the glass house, and Nanyi said unhurriedly while walking: "When I am free these few days, I have been reading the history of ancient Egypt. I saw the records in the "Ebers Papyrus" in the book, so I asked someone to send a translated copy. After reading it, I read "Smith Papyrus" and "Ebers Papyrus".

Although I don’t know medicine, I can still understand some terms. After reading it, I feel that ancient Egyptian medicine followed the path of combining Chinese and Western medicine. Ancient Egyptian medical technology was divided into categories, and each doctor only treated one disease. There are treatments for eyes, head, teeth, intestines, and internal diseases, which are the same as the classification of departments in hospitals;

In addition, doctors in ancient Egypt have developed a class system, which is actually quite similar to the current system, including various roles such as chief physician, senior doctor, junior doctor, specialist doctor, general practitioner, and consultant doctor;

There are also the health concepts of paying attention to public health, male circumcision, and constant cleaning of the stomach, splints, bandages, compresses, scissors, hooks and other surgical instruments. Pharaohs more than 3,000 years ago had records of plastic surgery. Surgical solutions Fractures and dislocations, etc., these are the approaches of modern medicine, and the achievements in surgery, anatomy, and stomatology, even European medicine in the 17th century could not reach it. "

Nan Yi snorted, "Ancient Egyptian medicine also has a deep research on herbal medicine, but they seem to take the way of extraction instead of decoction.

In addition, ancient Egyptian medicine has mastered the techniques of interrogation, palpation, and feeling the pulse, which can be summed up by looking, smelling, and asking; I also saw the word 'metu' in papyrus. If it is understood as a pulse, it is similar to the meridians of Chinese medicine. The saying coincides with each other. "

"I don't know much about ancient Egyptian medicine, but I have learned about ancient Indian medicine. Its theories and medical records have many similarities with traditional Chinese medicine."

"Well, then do you say that these similarities are coincidences in the ideas and creativity of the sages, or that they have been in communication with each other, and they have a conference call to discuss each other after a period of time, or as I assume, really One or more versions of the service manual exist?"

"Mr. Nan, is there a possibility that all the human beings on the earth originally lived in the same place, perhaps because of the exhaustion of resources or natural disasters, they escaped from their original places and scattered to live in various places?"

"It's also possible. I always feel that there is a certain connection between traditional medicine. Maybe we will get some surprises if we figure out the connection between them. Therefore, we not only need to explore the future, but also dig into the past. "

Nanyi stopped and said: "Whether it is established by myself or sponsored by foreign countries, I hope that there will be an archaeological team to dig out the information hidden in the long history of ancient Egyptian medicine.

In addition, long-term acquisition of ancient medical books, ancient medical records, and ancient literature related to traditional Chinese medicine, pay attention to avoiding legal issues, what we want is not antiques, copies and photos are fine, as long as they do not affect the research effect. "

"Mr. Nan, do you want to find something to support your hypothesis?"

"There is a little bit of this kind of thought, but it is not the point. It is mainly for the development of Fuji Pharmaceutical, using biochemical research methods and Western medicine thinking to study traditional Chinese medicine. I am afraid that it is wrong from the root. A little success masks the fact that we are going in the wrong direction.

Research from multiple angles, look at problems dialectically, constantly correct the route, and find the most suitable direction for us.

Huangfu, the main task of Fuji Pharmaceutical is of course to make a profit, but besides making a profit, I also have a higher pursuit, to revitalize Chinese medicine, and to leave the name of Fuji Pharmaceutical in the history of Chinese medicine development.

Of course, in the process of research, I can conclude that a set of health regimens is better. It gives me the feeling that Western medicine is more like doing repairs, repairing where it is broken, and replacing parts with new ones when the parts are aging. Chinese medicine is more like doing maintenance. Try to prolong the service life of this machine. "

Huangfuming said confidently: "Mr. Nan, it is not difficult to make a profit. As long as one or two of the prescriptions we have mastered can be mass-produced, the cash flow of Fuji Pharmaceutical can be guaranteed. As for the revitalization of traditional Chinese medicine, this It was my long-cherished wish, and I will definitely do my best.”

"Well, don't say it's not difficult to make a profit. The Third Biopharmaceutical has already shown the potential of hundreds of times the rate of return. If Fuji Pharmaceutical is too poor, if too many people propose to cut this project, it will be very difficult for me. vote down because I don't know if what we're doing is right or wrong."

Nanyi patted Huangfuming on the shoulder, "Huangfu, two or three years have passed, and a lot of money has been spent. Let me first prove to everyone the value of Fuji Pharmaceutical."

"I see."

"You are busy with your work, I will go to other places on the construction site to have a look."

Leaving the scope of the biopharmaceutical industrial park, Nan Yi went to the construction site of the Coconut Tree Building. The Coconut Tree Building did not start construction, but the scope of the construction site was drawn up. Although the designer Santiago Calatrava had already designed the drawings, he was still blocked by Nan Yi. Yi was overwhelmed, he wanted to wait and see, and wait for the right time to add fire to the real estate atmosphere in Yecheng.

They set off on the weekend and came back after lunch on Monday. Then, Nan Yi and Su Meng went to Yudai Beach. Nothing special happened. The two just had a longer experience of being alone together.

For the last step, Nanyi is not in a hurry at all.

In mid-May, an article was published in the newspaper, exposing that the owner of Wenzhou City has all kinds of poisons - riding a Honda king, wearing an Adidas A product, sleeping on a spring bed, and hugging a flower king .

How about the follow-up? Before Nanyi saw the news, Zhao Jinshui had already signed a formal contract with Jingding Investment for Nanyi. The two parties cooperated to establish a Hongtu Real Estate. It is said that this name was hand-picked by a certain leader and came with him. There is also a calligraphy, which will hang in Nanyi's office in the future, but there is no inscription and postscript on it, and Fan Guangfu did not tell him the name.

It is impossible for Hongtu Real Estate’s office to be located in Longkunxia Village. The comrades who come here come to Tianya Haijiao from the big world of the capital. Of course, they have to improve their life a little bit. The office space can only be chosen from the Financial Building, the Guoshang Building, or the Overseas Chinese Building. , Overseas Chinese Building is excluded first, because the other two buildings were invested and established by Guoming Bank, and belong to people with a relatively distant relationship.

After some selection, the Guoshang Building, which had just been put into use, was selected. Half of the third floor of the left podium building was rented out. Chang Guoqing, who was sent to be Nanyi's deputy, quickly asked Nanyi for instructions. Decoration scheme.

It is said to be decoration, but it is actually equipped with office furniture.

Nanyi delegated power to Chang Guoqing to make his own plan.

Chang Guoqing moved very quickly. In four and a half days, the office area was filled with a large staff office area, a general manager's office, a deputy general manager's office, a financial office, and a reception room.

On May 23, Hongtu Real Estate officially opened for business.

He divided Nanyi's day into four parts. In the morning, he went to Dream Town and Hongtu Real Estate; at noon, he went back to Longkun Village for dinner; Stay near the meeting point between the ground, or in the car or outdoors, and run wherever you have something to do.

This schedule will be implemented in a few days later. The general manager of Hongtu Real Estate has just assumed a new position. He has to spend the day here and feel the temper of the people from Jingding first.

Nan Yi, the general manager of Hongtu Real Estate; Chang Guoqing, the deputy general manager, is 37 years old;

The director of the office and general manager of Zhujiang Bridge, because he was born in the year when the Jinling Yangtze River Bridge was built, and his father was one of the engineers who built the bridge, and it was the first time he participated in such a large-scale project, so he gave his son a The name of the bridge, 31;

Peng Yumin, chief financial officer, is one year younger than Chang Guoqing.

Except for Nanyi himself, the other three should be Fan Guangfu's confidantes, but because of the prior agreement, Nanyi doesn't have to worry too much about internal conflicts, what he worries about is the safety of funds.

On the first day of work, looking at the super luxurious office furniture in his office, Nan Yi called Fan Guangfu.

After some pleasantries, Nanyi said his real intention, "Old Fan, I have a suggestion. Hongtu Real Estate opens an account in Nanguo Bank and transfers 37 million. This money is used for investment, and the rest of the money is placed in the country name bank. Banks for office expenses."

"Why put it in Southland Bank?"

"Because it is a commercial bank, it must abide by commercial rules, and I know its details, so I am not afraid that the money in the account will be taken away by anyone."

"What do you think of Yumin?"

If you want to steal the money from the company's account, you can't get around Peng Yumin, the chief financial officer. Once there is an incident of stealing money and running away, Peng Yumin will definitely be involved.

"I've just started contacting, so how can I have any opinion, but the money is touching, Hongtu Real Estate is separated from the system of Guoming Bank, and the procedures are simplified, so it is too easy to withdraw a sum of money."

Fan Guangfu was silent for a long time before he said, "Can you guarantee absolute safety in Nanguo Bank?"

"My own signature and phone call, plus Peng Yumin's financial seal can be used to withdraw the money. It exceeds one million, and I need to personally handle it."

"Xiao Nan, you have given me a problem." Fan Guangfu sighed.

"Which is more important, Lao Fan, you should be aware of it, and it will be too late if the money is stolen."

"Okay, I'll take care of it."

Putting down the phone, Nan Yi picked up a printed copy of ancient Greek medical materials and read them.

He spent the whole morning reading materials, and at noon, Chang Guoqing came to his office.

"Mr. Nan, let's have lunch together?"

"Forget it today, someone will bring me a meal. Tomorrow night, I will invite everyone to dinner, and those with family members will bring it along." Nanyi responded with a smile.

"I'll inform everyone, so I won't disturb Mr. Nan."

After Chang Guoqing finished speaking, he left Nanyi's office. Nanyi raised his eyes and looked at the furnishings in the office again, thinking about the 270,000 decoration expenses, secretly feeling distressed.

What Hongtu Real Estate is doing is not open-door business. When buying and selling land in the future, as long as you can pay the money and have the land in your hands, you don't need to decorate at all.

Two days passed quickly. In these two days, the most important thing Nanyi did was to invite Hongtu Real Estate to eat. The rest of the time was either reading materials or busy with things unrelated to Hongtu Real Estate.

On the third day, Fan Guangfu called and agreed to Nanyi's proposal to put 37 million in Nanguo Bank. After completing the transfer, Nanyi had nothing to do for two days.

On May 28, Nanyi read the "Interim Measures for the Pilot Program of Joint-stock Enterprises Owned by the Whole People in Qiong Province", "Trial Measures for Internal Issuance of Stocks by Joint-stock Enterprises in Qiong Province", and "Notice on Further Relaxing the Approval Conditions for Domestic-funded Enterprises" in "Qiong Province Daily" ", the first two "measures" indicate that the stock market here in Yecheng will be more lively, and the latter "notice" indicates that Qiongdao will usher in another high-explosive registration period.

Last year, that is, in 1990, a few mainland companies had gone to Qiongdao to sell "internal employee shares". At the beginning, there was no recognition, and there were very few buyers. "Employee shares" immediately became a sweet pastry.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the continuous advocacy of the benefits of original shares and internal shares in the newspapers. As long as you buy original shares, the concept of getting rich overnight as soon as the company goes public has been repeated over and over again in Qiongdao stockholders (buy internal employees) Shareholders) reverberated in their minds, and the inner balance of stockholders has shifted from rationality to enthusiasm for wealth.

Internal employee shares, well known from the name, are stocks that joint-stock companies face with targeted financing by internal employees. The state stipulates that only employees of the company can buy them, and the amount cannot exceed 20% of the total number of shares.

The regulations govern the regulations, but not many joint-stock companies abide by them, and they cannot sell them locally, so they all go to Qiongdao to set up stock sales points.

Nanyi walked around the city of Yecheng for a day, and went to see every stock sales point. The names of companies passed by his mind, and every name could wake up his memory.

During dinner at night, Nan Yi was about to talk to Su Meng about something, when Liu Zhen called.

Go back to your room and pick up the phone, "Liu Zhen, what's the matter?"

"Do you still remember Xi Guixiang?"

"Next time, you don't need to confirm with me. I will remember the names of the students in the class, no matter how close they are."

"She's getting married next month. I don't have time. You go."

"Put your tongue straight and talk, is her son getting married?"

Liu Zhen said without hesitation: "Stop talking nonsense, she is getting married."

"Second marriage, I remember that when school started, her husband brought her son to look for her. Her son looks to be eleven or twelve years old. Is she a grandmother?"

"Her husband died seven or eight years ago. You go and see the excitement. The person she is going to marry is not ordinary."

Liu Zhen is playing tricks.

"Why is it unusual?"

"Her granddaughter's grandfather, daughter-in-law's father, and son's father-in-law."

"It's nothing unusual to get closer. If she marries her daughter-in-law and her brother, it will be lively. Her son will have to call her sister-in-law instead, and her granddaughter will call her aunt."

Nanyi said this, but he still admired Xi Guixiang's courage in his heart. Marrying with his in-laws seems to be more intimate, but most people today still can't understand, and they are easy to be gossiped by neighbors.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, just go."

"What day is it?"

"The tenth day of May."

Nan Yi calculated the Gregorian calendar, "Got it, I will go."

"Let's put it this way, I took my son out for dinner, and I can't stay at home. During this time, people always come here."

"Strange, those who can touch the door don't know what it means for you to live in the Fang Mansion?"

Many of the real estate companies on Qiongdao Island are run by people from Shanghai and Shanghai. Whether they are units or individuals, if they want to operate the company, 80% of them have to take the bank loan route in the end. Liu Zhen, who has the right to approve loans The vice president naturally became the target of flattery.

Those who have the ability to know that Liu Zhen lives in the Fang Mansion will naturally know that Liu Zhen is Fang Mengyin's granddaughter-in-law. Nanyi wonders why there are still people coming to publicize Liu Zhen.

"Comrade Nanyi, money is not the only thing that can corrupt people. What if I am Fang Mengyin's granddaughter-in-law?"

"For example, give you a little boy?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hang up, hang up, be careful outside." At the last moment, Liu Zhen did not forget to warn.


After hanging up the phone, Nanyi returned to the dinner table.

After a few mouthfuls of food, Nan Yi asked abruptly, "Su Meng, how long have we known each other?"

Su Meng was first surprised why Nanyi asked this, and then said with emotion: "It's almost a year and nine months, time flies so fast."

"The time is not short. From what I know about you, you are a more assertive person. You have the typical characteristics of a woman who can stay in the sea. You have dreams and live for your dreams. Even if you are giving others When doing things, you also want to be the center and lead, which has been shown in your usual work. I ask you a question, and you have to answer me truthfully.”

"go ahead."

"Yiwan International, you are the first employee to join, and many of the people who came later were also recruited by you. Yiwan International added a deputy manager, not you, but Zhao Jinshui. Later, I left Yiwan International The management of the company was handed over to Zhao Jinshui, and I did not promote you, do you have complaints in your heart?"

Su Meng put down her chopsticks and said seriously: "In the beginning, I did. My qualifications are the oldest in the company, and I think I performed well, so why not promote me. But as I got in touch with Mr. Zhao, I Realizing that I am still far behind him, the resentment in my heart is gone."

"Yiwan International has been going smoothly since its opening. The foreign trade industry is prone to agency traps, customer traps, high profit traps, benefit traps, contract traps, letter of credit traps, document traps, transportation traps, settlement traps, I have never encountered any tax refund traps.


First, Yiwan International has a huge team. It is not just the employees of the company who are doing things, there are many people who help Yiwan International. When Chen Ruishi resigned, in order to reward her for her efforts, I sent her 100 million bonuses.

If you ask you to do the work she does, you may not be able to do it even if you run away.

There are other people who have made contributions to Billion International, and I will not list them one by one. I believe you must have felt something about the trip to the United States the year before last.

Second, Zhao Jinshui used to be a lawyer in Xiangcheng, and handled many cases of commercial fraud and commercial disputes, and also participated in corporate mergers and acquisitions. He has a lot of experience in the ugly and cunning side of business, and he has a broad vision and personally participated in it , Letting him be a small billionaire international deputy manager is actually wronging him.

With him around, there are many traps that you are unaware of, and have not yet erupted, and have been solved by him in secret.

And you, your resume is too shallow, you have only fought against the wind, you have never seen a crisis, and you have never dealt with a crisis. Your current achievements are based on the platform I created. If you don’t have this platform, you ask yourself. Can you achieve what you are today in less than two years? "

"Should...shouldn't be able to do it."

Su Meng didn't want to admit it, but she had to. She couldn't lie to herself against her will.

"Then have you ever thought about leaving this platform and going outside to test your true level?"

"Ah..." Su Meng said in panic, "You, you want to fire me?"

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