Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 829 Money should live for Nanyi

"Come on, what are you doing in Coconut City?" After embracing each other, the two sat facing each other, Nan Yi took out two boxes of cigars from his bag and put them on the table, "Trinidad, Cuba is used as a national gift For foreign guests, it’s not available in the market, so it’s hard to get it, so let’s use it for a photoshoot.”

"Can mediation be more effective than pandas?"

"It depends on who is right. There are many pandas that can be obtained, but this thing, you let them have a try?" Nan Yi put his finger on the cigar box and tapped it.

"Well, it's still you, Lao Nan, so I'm not polite." Li Jin put the two boxes of cigars aside, picked up the cigarette box and shook it, and shook out a cigarette for himself to light, "Old man Nan, you come here as a refugee, so let's see if there is any chance here."

"The vice president quit?"

"Quit, it's boring." Li Jin said a little annoyed.

"Where are the dozens of vehicles in the transport team?"

At that time, Li Jin set up a transportation team in the name of Nanyi. The latest news that Nanyi had received was that it had expanded to more than 30 vehicles.

"Transferred to someone else, even the car and the business, I gave 260, plus the earnings from the previous two years, a total of 350, when I came, the old man let me go and didn't allow me to find a bank, so I used the big money in my hand to fiddle with it. Just go back."

"350 are quite a lot, 30 are left for building, and the remaining 320 are used to buy land. After buying the land, we will go back home. Coconut City is a world of flowers, charming eyes."

Li Jin took the cigarette out of his mouth and twisted it in the ashtray, "I can't go back, the old man told me not to stay in the capital."

"the fat is in the fire?"

Li Jin waved his hand and said, "No, don't inquire about it, Lao Nan, is there anything interesting here in Yecheng?"

"Ask me, isn't it the same as asking a blind man for directions? Just for fun, I've only been to the dance hall downstairs here. After dinner, go down and take a look yourself."

"You're not with me?"

"Excuse me, I'm busy during this time, you play on your own, wait until I'm free."

"Cheng Chengcheng, I know you are a busy person, so go ahead and do your work."

Nanyi didn't prevaricate Li Jin, he really had something to do, he boarded the ferry the next day, disembarked at Shenzheng on the way, and arrived at Xiangtang before it was too late that day.

Ruan Mei, who got the news in advance that Nanyi would come to her, went to a special clothing store in the afternoon to buy a set of middle school uniforms with black top and white bottom. She estimated that when the time was about to come, she came to the gate of the yard and leaned against the wall. Up, looking towards the intersection.

When the lights came on at the intersection, and there were more than one bunch, Ruan Mei put a cigarette in her mouth, lit it with a lighter, took a puff, and immediately choked.

Not daring to smoke any more, Ruan Mei just put the cigarette in her mouth, leaning against the wall and becoming lazy.

After Nanyi got off the car, he saw Ruan Mei by the courtyard gate, with the smoke in her mouth and the clothes on her body, telling him what drama Ruan Mei was singing, she smiled knowingly, and walked forward.

"Sir, student girl."

When Nanyi came close, Ruan Mei, who was leaning on her, stood up and walked to Nanyi's side with wavy steps.

"how much?"

Ruan Mei leaned into Nanyi's ear, blew warm air first, and then said provocatively, "Three old things (three old water, three hundred yuan)."

"Do you have an ID card?"

Ruan Mei put her hands on Nanyi's shoulders, swayed her body and said, "No, I'm in Secondary One."

"Underage, I like it." Nan Yi Lang laughed, then became serious again, and said to Ruan Mei righteously: "I am Nan Yi, Senior Inspector of the Anti-Pornography Team of the Royal Police in Xiangxi, little sister, you have the right Remain silent, but everything you say will stand in court."

"Hahaha." Ruan Mei laughed three times, "The anti-pornography team? Even the serious crime team has no right to pull me in. Call the Political Department."

"Why did you change the channel again?"

"You changed it first, let's go, don't waste time, I have another business to do."

"Hahaha, no need, today you just need to pick me up as a guest." Nanyi picked up Ruan Mei, kicked open the courtyard door, and went straight to the second floor to kill.

Playing crazy, completely crazy, Nan Yi accidentally sent Ruan Mei to the anorectal department.

The next day, Ruan Mei lay paralyzed on the bed. Nanyi, who was refreshed, had a morning exercise. She found a tea restaurant and had a meal A. Feeling a little empty in her stomach, she ordered another meal B to wait until her stomach was full. When I was full, I went to Chai Wan in a hurry.

As soon as they arrived at the office of the EPC, an online meeting was held. Scarlett, Liang Huiwen, Nan Yi, and Chen Huixian participated in the meeting.

Chen Huixian, a Chinese descendant of Dernan, was recruited by his ancestors to work in the sugarcane plantation of Dernan in 1853. After the contract expired, he did not leave Dernan to return to China, but took root in the local area, generation after generation, and came to Chen Huixian. It has reproduced to the fifth generation.

The Chen family is considered middle class in the local area, and there are several small supermarkets transformed from grocery stores. However, the chaos in the local area made Chen Huixian's more enlightened father have the idea of ​​sending him to study abroad.

Chen Huixian spent half of his primary school life in Delnan, and was sent to the Netherlands by Chen's father. He spent most of his life in the Netherlands. He was recruited by Nan's seven years ago and joined the oil \u0026 mineral group.

After the launch of the Delnan Project, Chen Huixian, whose background fits very well with the plan, was favored by Nanyi, and he was selected to lead the establishment of the identity team and serve as the team leader.

"Boss, Madam, Vice Chairman, Delnan has a total of 885,600 mu of arable land, half of which is used to grow rice. At present, Nande Agriculture, a subsidiary of our group, has acquired 4,500 mu of arable land, all of which are rice fields. The cost is 300 Durnans, which is equivalent to 20 US dollars, and the total cost is 1.35 million Durnans.

Dernan has a total of 155,800 square kilometers of forests. At present, Nande Forestry has purchased 12 forests, totaling 3,000 square kilometers, at a total cost of 4.5 million Dernan guilders.

Boss, it will be difficult to further acquire cultivated land. Seventy percent of Delnan’s remaining land is scattered in the hands of farmers, and 30% is concentrated in the hands of five large farms, four of which are controlled by Indians and one by Chinese. "

Chen Hui stopped here and waited for Nanyi's opinion.

Nan Yi rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

Among the tens of thousands of people in Dernan, Indians accounted for 33%, Mesors (caucasians born in Dernan in the 16th and 18th centuries, and their parents were Spanish or Portuguese) accounted for 31%, and Indonesians 15%, Indians 4%, Chinese 3%, and the rest are other people of color.

There have been two coup d'états before Dernan's independence. During the turbulent period, traditional business families either died out or went up to the next level, with one hand reaching out to the political field. At present, there are no pure business families in Dernan, and the business scale is relatively large. All of them straddle the political and economic circles and can be called political and business families.

Most of the political and business families that emerged during the turbulent period were of Indian origin, and a small part of them were of Chinese descent. Delnan's political discourse power was 80% in the hands of these two clans, and the discourse power of Indian and Chinese descent was almost the same. At about 8 to 2, that is, the Indians firmly control Delnan's right to speak.

"Scarlett, what do you think?"

Scarlett: "Chen, are all ethnic groups friendly?"

Chen Huixian: "The relationship is relatively flat, not friendly, and there are not too many disputes. Only the Chinese are hostile to other ethnic groups on certain occasions, because most of the Chinese have not been here for a long time. To other ethnic groups, the Chinese are considered Outsiders and latecomers, and the Chinese are too hardworking, in stark contrast to the laziness of other ethnicities."

Scarlett: "Adam, do you want to send a Che Guevara to Delnan?"

Nan Yi: "It's not good. We have always been engaged in economics. We are not professional in revolution. Guns can only be used for self-defense. Currency is our main weapon export. Huixian, since it is not convenient to continue to merge the cultivated land, let it go. Spend your energy on networking first.”

Chen Huixian: "Understood."

Nan Yi: "Scarlett, get in touch with Alcoa and propose to them to fully acquire the shares of Delnan Aluminum."

Scarlett: "You can consider the acquisition of Alcoa, and the acquisition is expected to be completed within US$10 billion."

Nan Yi: "What about the time?"

Scarlett: "Unpredictable, it will take a long negotiation process, three years, maybe more than five years."

Nan Yi frowned and said, "Scarlett, don't mention unrealistic plans."

Alcoa is a company focused on the aluminum industry. It is so large that it will affect the energy strategy of the United States. It is not impossible to acquire it, but once it is acquired, Nanyi will have to be roasted on the fire.

Scarlett: "OK, I will contact you, Chen, tell me about the gold mine."

Chen Huixian: "Okay, ma'am, with regard to gold mines, only the Malacca gold mine has the possibility of acquisition. Its reserves are about 1,200 tons. This figure can only be used as a reference. The situation of the veins of the Delnan gold mine is more complicated. There is no proper assessment of the reserves."

Liang Huiwen: "President Chen, is Delnan's gold vein branch relatively wide?"

Chen Huixian: "Yes, Vice Chairman."

Liang Huiwen: "But as far as I know, there are not many large-scale gold mines in Dernan. On the contrary, many people from other South American countries are engaged in gold mining in Dernan."

Chen Huixian: "Yes, there are indeed many South Americans who are engaged in gold panning in Dernan. There is a rule in the gold panning industry in Dernan. A piece of mountain land can be allocated to the owner of the mountain as a mining area for mining, but the mined gold must be handed over to the owner of the mountain. One-tenth of the owner of the mountain land is used as rent. These mountain lands are often located in areas where mechanized mining is not convenient or the mining cost is high.”

Nanyi: "How tall?"

Chen Huixian: "It's too high to lose money."

Nanyi: "Gold slaves?"

Chen Huixian: "No, the personal freedom of gold diggers will not be restricted, but the mountain owners will carry out a lot of profitable businesses, such as basic food, bars, housing, gold panning tools, brothels, casinos, gold recycling, etc. If you don’t get gold, you usually can’t take the money out of the mine.”

Nan Yi: "It's a good business model, or you can learn it, Scarlett, and you can export your betel nut Xi Shi to Delnan."

Scarlett: "It's not mine, it's Nan's."

Nan Yi: "Wow, I said the wrong thing. So, send an exploration team to Delnan to investigate the situation of the mine veins there. I don't think mining gold in Delnan is a very good idea. Buy a little mountain land, Attracting people to mine gold is a good deal, so do some research first. Huixian, did you hear that?"

Chen Huixian: "Boss, I will submit the report as soon as possible."

Nanyi: "Huixian, you go offline first, Huiwen, you go out first."

When Chen Huixian went offline and Liang Huiwen walked out of the office, Nanyi said to Scarlett: "After the acquisition of Delnan Aluminum Company, it will remain independent from Nande Group, and the funds needed for the expansion of Nande Group will not come directly from Nande Group transfer."

"Go underground, or transport a few tons of gold there?"

"Neither, to develop a new hidden source of income. Last night, God suddenly gave me a fulcrum. He told me that during the Crusades, a strange thing was discovered on Kalimantan Island in Indonesia. A person on the island There are shimmering yellow particles in the river at a place called Busan.

After firming, those yellow particles are all gold.

The story of the Crusaders discovering gold in the river has been passed down from generation to generation, so everyone believes that there is a gold mine hidden underground in Kalimantan Island. However, Kalimantan, the third largest island in the world, is vast and mostly covered in dense forest, and few people have ever been there.

Therefore, even if they believe that there are gold mines under Kalimantan Island, no one is willing to take the risk of finding a needle in a haystack to mine. After all, if you can’t find the gold mine or find the wrong location, it will be very distressing. "

"Adam, please cut to the chase. I've heard the story about the gold in Kalimantan. The main character of the story is a missionary, not a crusader." Scarlett spat.

To Scarlett's rudeness, Nan Yi shook his head, "The topic is that a lucky person will find a gold mine in Kalimantan Island, a large gold mine, 1500 tons or 5100 tons, no matter how much it is, it doesn't matter."

"OK, Adam, I understand what you mean. I sent people to the market to screen out a suitable listed mining company. I don't know who will be the lucky one."

After sleeping for a long time, there will naturally be some couples. Not only does the appearance of people start to change in one direction, but Scarlett can easily capture Nanyi's thoughts-eating shares in mining companies, and Indonesian locals A certain military force cooperated to discover a fake gold mine, raise the stock price, and cash out at a high price, allowing the Indonesian partner to keep the participants and insiders to live in the local green water and green mountains for a hundred years.

"Tell me after screening, you don't want to participate in this matter."


"That's it, go to bed early."

Nan Yi watched a movie called "Gold Mine" in his previous life. At the beginning of the movie, there were words "adapted from real stories". Unfortunately, he did not pursue the story behind the movie, and he didn't know who the real protagonist was .

However, so far, he has not seen or heard anything happening with the plot of the film, which means that the "event" has not happened yet, or is in the initial stage of happening, as long as there is no final detonation, it doesn't matter.

The same model can only be operated once, and it will not work again. Since "events" will always happen and investors will always lose money, why not make a slight change and replace the beneficiary with yourself?

Nan Yi firmly believes that the money will be more meaningful in his hands, because he always has an understanding that wealth belongs to all creatures in the entire universe, and he and Nan Shi are only in charge of keeping it temporarily, and will return it sooner or later.

Because of this, money that understands righteousness and shame should automatically run into Nanyi's arms. It is born for money, and it should live well in a short life. To live well is to do meaningful things. Living for Nanyi has both Meaningful and glorious.

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