Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 830 Possessed by the Evil Star

In Xiangtang, Nanyi stayed for four nights and three days.

During the day, he holds meetings, listens to reports, and gives orders, and at night he is busy with his hobby "filming", such as "Take the Three Olds to Save You, My Schoolgirl", "The Female Devil of Finance", "Paying Public Grain", " He is honored to be the leading actor in South Sanguan Meat Sellers and so on.

During this period, Nanyi asked people to register a company called "Pillowside" in Tokyo. Before the procedures were completed and there were few staff, he personally initiated an acquisition case and acquired a factory not far from the office of the Intelligence Policy Committee. A small garment processing factory in the building.

The processing factory is very small, and the boss has only five people in total. It mainly undertakes the custom-made needs of customers in special scenarios. At present, there are not too many such needs in Xiangcheng, so the business is relatively bleak, and the wages are almost unable to be paid.

As one of its old customers, Nanyi was full of feelings and was unwilling to see the company he recognized go bankrupt, so he spent 300,000 Hong Kong dollars to buy the processing factory and let the original boss Tang Herong stay and continue to be the factory director , And implement the "wild" brand strategy he came up with.

Tang Herong is also a person with sentiments. After he and Nanyi had a collision of inspirations, he immediately proposed to develop the "Hao Tear Series".

This series includes a version that can be torn if it is torn, and the clothes are made of thin, inferior and low-quality fabrics, so that they can be easily torn;

Left/right broken, top/bottom broken, high-tech splicing fabrics are used to make clothes. When tearing, only half of the left or right, top or bottom can be torn, and the remaining half remains unchanged. Of course, personalized customization is also available. Make your own requirements for the cracking effect and texture, such as pulling it into a bikini, which is also achievable;

There is also a high-end luxury version that is as thin as a cicada's wing, half hidden and half transparent but very strong, and cannot be torn or rotted by hand. This is a high-end custom-made, and the price of one piece is tentatively set at 100,000 US dollars;

In addition, there will also be custom-made clothing such as yellow robes, empress dowagers, empresses, imperial concubines, eunuchs, and phoenix crowns. Western ones can also be customized, from Adam and Eve to various allusions, myths and legends. As long as customers have needs, the wild processing factory will provide can provide.

After discussing the business direction of the wild processing factory, Nanyi turned on the lights and conceived the product series next to the pillow. The first is condoms, which will have a sub-brand "Shadow".

Research and development will go in two extreme opposite directions, one is "Shadowless", researching human skin-like materials so that people can't feel its existence; the other is "Ghosting", which makes people feel its infinite exist.

Secondly, Nanyi himself is more concerned about Japanese dolls. He has already decided on the first doll product "Kurosawa Rei" next to his pillow, starting from the crude version, iterating slowly, and striving to realize it within ten generations. Infinitely close to real people.

In order to achieve this goal, Nanyi plans to allocate 500 million US dollars to carry out more in-depth and professional research in acoustics, materials, bionics, and gender psychology.

In fact, apart from gender psychology, Nan's research institutes have been doing research in other fields, especially the three disciplines of sound, materials, and bionics. The direction is relatively broad, and the pillow side can be regarded as a refinement under the broad, focusing on researching specific products.

After conceiving the idea, Nanyi immediately became a trapeze man, first flew to Tokyo, and went to Tsukuba Science City for a field trip, where the first branch of the Institute of Bionics under Pillowside will be established.

After that, he flew to Leipzig, Germany. After the merger of East and West Germany, West Germany began to support and assist East Germany. There are also many preferential policies for establishing enterprises in East Germany. Leipzig in East Germany was chosen.

After buying a piece of land in Leipzig as the site for the Institute, Nan Yi flew to Copenhagen, Denmark to find a suitable address for the Sound Institute.

The status of Denmark in the field of acoustics is globally recognized. The Technical University of Denmark and the University of Aalborg are both very strong in terms of acoustic teaching and integration of production and research. The reason why the Institute of Sound was established in Denmark is because of the high level of acoustics here. .

After buying a building suitable for establishing a research institute around the urban area, Nan Yi plunged into the Danish countryside. Now that he has come here, he wants to inspect Denmark’s agriculture and its pillar industries by the way.” raising pigs".

Denmark is a strong agricultural country, and its land policy is a bit complicated. Although there is a large framework for land private ownership, agricultural land cannot be donated free of charge or left to children for inheritance. If a son wants to take over Lao Tzu's farm, he can do it like this:

Either start accumulating funds very early, and buy the farm at the market price at that moment after the parents don't want to do it or pass away;

Either use Lao Tzu’s farm as a mortgage to a mortgage credit institution for young farmers. According to Danish law, mortgage credit institutions can only allow loans equal to 70% of the total value of the farm, and only bear the minimum risk.

Almost all agricultural land and farms in Denmark have specific owners (natural persons), not legal persons. When a natural person dies, the ownership of agricultural land and farms belongs to the state. Private ownership is only for individuals and cannot be inherited or transferred. .

In addition, there is another regulation that the owner of the farm must live in the farm, which to a certain extent put an end to the control of capital on agriculture. In theory, those who do agriculture are farmers, and there will be no capital. It is not absolute. If there are policies at the top, there will be countermeasures at the bottom. It is impossible for Danish agriculture to exist without capital.

After inspecting several farms and chatting with the farmers, Nanyi lost the idea of ​​investing in agricultural planting in Denmark. There are too many rules and the operation is too complicated. Instead of investing in Denmark, it is better to increase investment in Australia.

After seeing the farm, Nanyi started to inspect the farm again. Starting from the east, all the way to the west, until he arrived at Lundskov, he entered a Docias Minde farm to visit. The farmer was a woman named Caroline Stephanie.

Nanyi will come to Docias Minde Farm, not by chance, but by touch.

Docias Minde Farm has a good reputation, it is a farm specializing in piglet breeding, Caroline Stephanie is also a well-known breeding expert in Denmark, and Nanyi also heard that she is a very beautiful piglet. The beautiful widow reminds him of a story about the economic crisis of a pig, a swineherd and a widow.

It is said that a swineherd went to the market to sell pigs. When it was dark and rained, twenty pigs were not sold, so he went to a widow's house to spend the night.

The widow said: "There is only one person in the family, and there are many inconveniences."

Pigherd: "Please, give the pig one."

The widow agreed, but there was only one bed in Yan's house, and the swineherd could sleep overnight in the woodshed.

The swineherd refused and said, "Give me another pig, and we will share the same bed."

After thinking for a moment, the widow agreed.

In the middle of the night, the swineherd negotiated with the widow... [Reviewed, deleted. ]

As soon as Nanyi entered the Docias Minde farm and saw Caroline from a distance, she felt that the rumors outside were true. Caroline was indeed a bright widow, with a small vest and jeans, and an excellent figure. Stepping forward, the distance between the two narrowed, and Nanyi's perception didn't change much, only a little trace of time left on Caroline's face.

Nan Yi stepped forward quickly and greeted Caroline: "Hallo, I'm Adam."

"Hallo, Adam, I'm Caroline, welcome to Docias Mind Farm." Caroline and Nan Yi shook hands and greeted warmly.

"Caroline, can you show me around?"

Before coming here, Nanyi had already talked with Caroline on the phone, and came to inspect the pig farm in the name of a pig farm, so that he could see it more carefully.

"Of course, please come with me." Caroline smiled slightly, and led Nanyi to walk in one direction, while introducing: "The Docias Minde farm has an area of ​​280 hectares. We will grow rapeseed and Grain is used as feed and we breed 26,000 piglets every year."

"How many people are there in the farm?"

"I employ eight staff members, including me, a total of nine people."

"In addition to breeding piglets, do farms also fatten?"

"Of course, we will provide piglets, multiplication sows, and fattening pigs to the outside world. The farm will fatten 10,000 pigs every year." Caroline said.

The two asked and answered, and soon came to an open grassland. There were more than 200 free-range fat pigs on the grassland. Nan Yi put his eyes on the pig's belly and confirmed that it was a sow. They all look very good, the little butt flicks and flicks, with a heavy belly, very vigorous.

"Caroline, can I take a closer look?"

"Yes, but be careful not to frighten them."


Nan Yi cautiously approached the group of sows, his steps were very small, for fear of scaring them, within a short distance of less than 50 meters, Nan Yi took a total of more than 150 steps.

When he was next to a sow, Nan Yi bent down and looked at it carefully from head to tail. After observing it again, he stretched out his hand and stroked the pig's head gently. Carefully observe the pig's ears, pig's nose, and pig's eyes. He also opened the pig's lip and observed the mouth of the pig.

Then, Nan Yi touched Shen Dian under his belly, turned to the pig's tail, and observed the private parts.

"Adam, how is my sow?" Caroline, who had been waiting for a while, stepped forward and asked when she saw that Nan Yi had finished her observation.

"Excellent, I would like to buy a batch if I can."

Nanyi has seen a lot of pigs. He can roughly tell whether they are good pigs. These sows in Docias Minde Farm have many unique features.

"Of course, this is one of our businesses."

In less than 20 minutes, she got a purchase intention, and Caroline was overjoyed.

"Caroline, let's go look elsewhere."

The stocking area, the growing house, the fertilization room, the planting area, the feed processing area, the staff dormitory area, and every place in the farm, Nanyi went to see it. The Docias Minde farm has many unique features. All the advantages are worth absorbing by Shennong Nanliang.

This made Nan Yi, who had faint thoughts of being a swineherd when he first arrived, abandon the vulgar taste of embracing Caroline's body, and instead had the idea of ​​absorbing her, but before that, he had to solve a problem.

After making an appointment to send people over for inspection next time, Nan Yi bid farewell to Caroline and left the range of Docias Minde's farm.

"have a look."

A few kilometers away from the Docias Minde farm, Nan Yi asked Xiaohua to stop, took out a piece of broken bone from his pocket and handed it to the tiger cub. This bone was picked up by the pigpen in the growth house just now of.

"Seventy percent." The tiger cub said after seeing it.

Tianxian: "Eighty percent."

"It's probably a fragment of the radius." Xiaohua took the broken bone to the tip of her nose and smelled it, and then carefully observed the broken bone. "You can still smell a faint smell of blood, and it didn't take long to take it off."


Nanyi heard the news that he didn't want to hear. If the broken bone was really the radius, and the owner of the radius died again, who would kill this person?

"School beauty, call Huiwen and ask her to send someone from the talent team to do a background tune for Caroline, and then send a ghost person to stand by."


Nan Yi wants to find out how valuable Caroline is, and her value determines whether he wants to wade into this bone-crushing muddy water.

Lundskov is relatively desolate, and there is nothing worth seeing. Nanyi quickly returned to Copenhagen, the starting point of the trip to Denmark.

In Copenhagen, Nanyi stayed at the Scandic Palace Hotel. On the first day, he did not go out for a walk. He just stayed in the room to deal with business. On the second day, he went down to the hotel lobby to meet the female guide Helena arranged by the hotel.

When seeing Helena for the first time, Nan Yi felt a sense of oppression. Helena is too tall, roughly 1.81 meters tall. Moreover, this woman is wearing a pair of high heels with a height of six or seven centimeters, talking to her , Nanyi needs to raise his head slightly.

Although Nanyi didn't like her height or her work attitude, she didn't want to change someone else, because this woman was pretty good-looking and had a big frame, she could be both eye-catching and a target.

After the two greeted each other, Helena said, "Mr. Adam, did the hotel tell you my charging standard?"

"I have already told you, do I need to pay you now?"

"No need, you'll pay at the end, so where do you want to go?"


Helena asked in surprise, "Are you sure?"


"OK, let's go."

Walking out of the hotel gate, under Helena's surprised eyes, Nan Yi invited her to sit in his car.

As soon as she got into the car, Helena asked, "Mr. Adam, are you a rich man?"

"Why do you ask?"

Helena pointed to the car in front and then to the car behind, "Your bodyguard?"




Helena said enviously: "Asia is really rich."

Hearing Helena's words, Nan Yi smiled knowingly, because Denmark was not on his strategy list. Before coming to Denmark this time, his understanding of Denmark was relatively superficial, and he only knew that Denmark was a country with high welfare and high taxes.

Before coming this time, he did his homework carefully, transferred the Danish information from Nan's server and studied it carefully.

Denmark is one of the most developed countries in the world, one of the richest countries in the world, one of the happiest countries in the world, one of the countries with the most developed transportation in the world, and one of the countries with the best welfare in the world. Top ten in the world.

In a horizontal comparison, Denmark is rich, and the Danes are also rich in assets, but most of the Danes are "poor", which means that they can't spend much cash.

High welfare means that they don't have much to worry about, and high taxes mean that they can only keep 30 to 40% of their income, and the rest must be used to pay taxes.

Going to school is free and also provides subsidies, seeing a doctor costs almost nothing. When you are unemployed, the trade union will pay 90% of your salary at work, and the payment lasts for several years. Children can receive milk powder money and toy money from birth. The more you receive, the more you don't have to worry about the major life problems of education, old-age care, illness and unemployment.

Although there are so many benefits, it still can't change the fact that the Danes are "poor". They don't live a leisurely life. It's just nonsense that you can live well while lying down.

The income of the Danes is very high, but the prices are high and the expenses are very high. A working class can’t expect to have much money a month. Payment in installments is possible.

And if they don't save when they're young, by the time they're old, most people's retirement savings simply won't be enough to maintain the standard of living they had when they were young.

There is also the problem of unemployment. It seems that you can still have a similar income during unemployment, but Danes are still very afraid of unemployment. Once unemployed, it means that your reputation will go bankrupt, and your car and house will be confiscated in an instant.

In addition, everyone on earth knows that Northern Europe is rich. As a Nordic country, Denmark will be beaten from time to time to allow it to accept some international refugees. Since 1989, many Eastern Europeans have entered Denmark through legal or illegal channels. The burden has increased, and Danes' welfare has been diluted.

All in all, Danes are rich in assets and mostly poor in cash.

"Helena, are you mocking us Asians?"

Helena shrugged and said, "No, I'm serious. The Japanese I've seen are all rich. Mr. Adam, you should not be Japanese."

"So, you have more contact with the Japanese?"

"Yes, my roommate is Japanese." Helena said.


Nanyi responded, and turned his head to look out of the car window. It was Sunday, and most of the shops and supermarkets on the street were closed, and there were no small stalls on the street, only people riding bicycles and walking. .

Copenhagen is known as the quietest city, but in fact it is a bit of a misnomer. Nanyi saw people throwing cigarette butts into flower beds, and could also see cigarette butts, waste paper and dog poop scattered on the roadside. People walking dogs on the road Quite a few, and some of them were just empty-handed, carrying no tools to clean up shit at all.

Soon, the convoy stopped at a place with a strange archway or gate. There were two pillars carved in strange shapes, one upright, the other with a forked top, and a doorplate in the middle with letters engraved on it. "CHRiSTiANiA".

"Mr. Adam, are you sure you want to go in and visit?" Helena reconfirmed after getting off the car.


"OK, I'll take you in."

Stepping on the leaves blown to the ground by the wind, Helena stepped on her high-heeled shoes and walked ahead cautiously, for fear that her heels would get stuck in the gaps in the floor tiles. After walking through the gate, the ground turned into concrete, and her steps became free and easy. I also began to fulfill the responsibility of a tour guide, explaining the allusions behind the scenery.

"Christiania, also known as Free State, Free City, has an area of ​​less than 20 hectares, and has a permanent population of about 800 people, a little more or a little less. I'm not sure. The population here often changes. There are men and women here. , and children, eight horses, dozens of chickens, rabbits and goats, hundreds of cats, and more than six hundred dogs."

Helena recounted while recalling, "Mr. Adam, this is the data from three months ago, and it may have changed now."

"It's okay, I'm not here to do a population and animal census." Nan Yi shrugged and said indifferently.

"OK, people in Copenhagen have different opinions on this place. Some say it is a paradise, while others say it is a collection point for social dregs. These are two extreme views.

The actual situation is that this free country has spent more than 10 years in difficulties, and its organizational form has been improved from time to time, but new contradictions and difficulties have piled up like a mountain, and it may collapse at any time.

It was originally under the jurisdiction of the Danish Ministry of Defense. In 1969, the Danish Ministry of Defense made a decision to clean up this place without any military value and hand it over to the Copenhagen Municipal Authority for urban construction.

By the early summer of 1971, about 170 buildings had been vacated. When the municipal department of Copenhagen had just begun to formulate a reconstruction plan for this area, and the construction could not start in a short time, young people from various districts in the city occupied the houses here.

Citizens and the Ministry of National Defense acquiesced to this kind of occupation, and it was said to be occupation, but it was actually relatively moderate, because from the very beginning, intellectuals, artists, architects, teachers, sociologists and other figures participated in the "occupation", and they all had clear goals. Purpose—to conduct a demonstration experiment on the form of social organization.

At the end of November 1971, nearly 200 house squatters gathered for a plenary meeting. After several hours of discussion, a constitution was passed, and a hall for collective activities was subsequently determined.

The conference participants described themselves as Christianians and called the area in which they were active as Free City or Christianian Free State. There are three 'i's in Chrisda Anya's foreign spelling, so they used three 'i's as the abbreviation of this free country, and also confirmed that there are three glowing yellow dots on the national emblem.

Small daily matters here are resolved in small meetings in each district, and major issues are brought up to the weekly plenary meeting. There is a social work group for children and drug addicts, and an economic group for money.

It is stipulated here that motor vehicles are not allowed to pass through the country, and drug trafficking is not allowed, but milder and alcoholic beverages will not be restricted.

In the early days of the Free State, that is, from the winter of 1971 to the spring of 1972, life here was very difficult. The Copenhagen authorities believed that this kind of occupation was illegal, so they cut off water and electricity, and managed to get some fuel to survive this winter.

Water and electricity were restored in March 1972 by the Copenhagen authorities, taking into account the presence of families and children.

At the end of May 1972, Free State reached an agreement with the Ministry of National Defense, stipulating that Free State should set up its own fire brigade and garbage discharge station, register permanent residents, cooperate in the investigation, and pay utility bills.

After Free State got on the right track, some construction and reconstruction work was completed, such as children's playroom, bathhouse with shower, fitness room, concert hall, small theater, music tea house, etc. There is also a Free State radio station, which is where the station is located. "

Helena suddenly pointed in one direction and said, "Mr. Adam, do you want to go over and have a look?"

Nan Yi saw that the distance was a bit far away and they were not on their route at this time, so he rejected Helena and asked her to follow the established route.

Helena continued, and at the same time she continued, "Photo studios, cafes and movie theaters also appeared here. A woman and two young people cooperated to open a bakery, and a group opened a daily necessities store. Just at the intersection in front, this This store is an anomaly, open every day and for up to 12 hours."

Well, being too industrious is heretical.

"There is also a newspaper here, which is published every two weeks. There is a silversmith's shop in front, which should be closed today, and there is a workshop organized by women in front, making candles and sewing."

What Helena said gradually came into Nanyi's eyes one by one, silversmith shops, workshops and so on.

Then, Helena took Nanyi to the door of a blacksmith shop, and listened to her introduction that the blacksmith shop operates according to the principle of "the means of production are owned by the producer" and "the same wages are paid for the same labor".

When talking about the two principles, the words Helena spit out were rather awkward, and Nan Yi expressed her understanding. These two principles should not be familiar to her, but should be familiar to countless people who have a common life background with him.

"There is a kind of bicycle trailer produced here, which is quite famous in Copenhagen, and many people will buy it. It is said that they have sold more than 4,000 units so far, which is a very good result."

"How much do they earn a month?" Standing outside the door, Nan Yi pointed to the blacksmith shop.

"About 1400 crowns."

Nan Yi calculated it in his mind, and it was about 219 US dollars.

Moving forward, Helena's introduction remained the same, "People in the free country don't have much daily expenses, and they can usually save five or six hundred crowns a month for vacation needs. These originally bohemian teenagers and all kinds of idlers come In a new environment like a free country, everything has to start from scratch.

Some people change in a good direction, some people change in a bad direction. There are many unscrupulous people here, and the phenomenon of looting store cash, breaking into houses and violating public property sometimes occurs.

Some people hope that everything is free. The non-profit organizations here have gone bankrupt a few years ago, such as kindergartens. The arrears of water and electricity bills to the Copenhagen municipality have reached millions of crowns. The youth unemployment problem is also very serious. 5% has increased to more than 25% now, and there are more and more young people taking drugs and committing crimes here.

Many people who enthusiastically founded this free country left here one after another due to economic, public security and other reasons. In the suburbs not far away, they established a new commune.

The problem is far more than these. For example, the contradictions between the various groups are also very large, but this place did not collapse due to internal strife as others thought. The free country is more like a concave mirror, which can focus on exposing the city's society. question. "

"Helena, your major is sociology?" Hearing what Helena said was serious, Nan Yi asked curiously.

"No, my major is management."


Nan Yi took two quick steps and came to a wavy wall in front. On the left was an abstract painting of grid and color blocks, and on the right was a little girl curled up in the corner of the ice and snow, holding a match in her hand. Girl, on top of the match is a half-burned hundred-dollar kroner.

After pondering for a while, Nanyi still couldn't understand the meaning of the painting.

As if able to understand Nanyi's embarrassment, Helena explained very intimately: "The free country had the idea of ​​implementing distribution according to needs at the beginning, and there is no need for currency circulation here."

"It's a very beautiful idea, but it's just not realistic." Nan Yi said after a moment of distraction: "Let's visit the radio station, and then leave here, you take me to a special restaurant, and I invite you to have lunch. "

"Thank you, but Mr. Adam, you don't need to be responsible for my lunch."

"Aha, I'm inviting you, an invitation from a man to a woman." Nan Yi said with a faint smile.

"OK, I accept your invitation." Helena looked down and smiled.

Nanyi is here to play, but the Burger Squad's Crisp Fort appears in the Herlev district in the northwest of Copenhagen. This is the territory of villains and a place outside the law.

The Rascals are the American gangsters (it’s easy to understand, but the word hasn’t appeared yet, the article says that the Thunder clan would be more appropriate, Harley’s Ray), it came to Copenhagen following in the footsteps of another gangster gang, the Hells Angels, and in It merged with a local bosozoku gang, and its power increased greatly, and it controlled a piece of territory.

There are always a group of people wandering in the gray area making a living in the dark area, and there is often one or even several underground clinics in such an area.

Before King Crisp touched a slightly old door, he rang the doorbell and waited for a while. He felt that the cat's eyes were dark, and there was an eye watching him behind the door. He wiped it in his pocket and took out a few Cron was caught in his fingers, and he swayed before the cat's eyes.


The door was opened with a gap of less than ten centimeters, and a man in a blood-stained white coat stared at Fort Strongcrisp with vigilant eyes.

After staring at it for a while, he asked, "Where is the injury?"

"speak English."

The white coat was taken aback for a moment, and repeated in English, "Where is the injury?"

The popularity of English in Denmark is not low. Those who can become doctors are basically highly educated, and nine out of ten can speak fluent English.

Crispy Fort took out a few more Krona from his pocket and put them together with the ones he took out earlier, "I don't want to heal the wound, I want you to see a bone to make sure it's a human bone."

With that said, Jincrisp handed over the money and bone fragments to the white coat.

"Come in."

The white coat entered the house with great vigor, quickly took the money and bones from his hand, held the bone in his hand to identify it for a while, and then used a special saw to saw off the thin bone from the broken bone. The flakes were observed under a microscope.

Five or six minutes later, the white coat said to King Crisp: "Based on my experience, the possibility of human bones is 90%."

Strong Crisp took out a few more crowns from his pocket and handed them to the white coat, "I want to be 100% sure."

The white coat took the money, and silently ground the slices he sawed just now into powder, then soaked the powder in a test tube containing an unknown solution, waited for a few minutes, and added another unknown liquid, After a few seconds, a white precipitate ring appeared on the contact surface of the two liquids.

"Human bones, one hundred percent sure."

Hearing the answer, Jinbrittle nodded slightly, turned and left the underground clinic.

After leaving the Khlev District, he took off the camouflage of scars and beard that he made very conspicuous on his face, and then went to a public toilet to change his coat, and then merged into the crowd on the street, I took several buses aimlessly.

Cafe Petersborg, a restaurant with a long history, is adjacent to the Design Museum. After visiting the Free State, Helena brought Nanyi to this restaurant.

After the two sat down, a waiter came over and handed the two menus to the two.

"Helena, have you been here before?" Nan Yi said to Helena after taking the menu.


"Since you have been here, you can order. I have nothing to eat."


Helena took over the right to order, and immediately reported the name of each dish to the waiter. After ordering, she did not forget to order two glasses of Carlsberg beer.

"Mr. Adam, where do you want to go this afternoon?"

"Mister can be removed. I don't have anything in particular I want to go. You can help me make up my mind."

"Nyhavn, Amalienborg Palace, and City Hall Square are all places tourists like to go. If you have no other opinions, I will take you there in the afternoon."

"I have no problem, it's just that your high heels have been worn all morning, are you sure you don't want to change them?"

"I want to be a model after graduation." Helena seemed to answer the question out of question.

"Oh, I understand."

As soon as Nan Yi responded, the alarm device in his pocket vibrated and stopped for half a second. There was no second vibration, which meant that a suspected dangerous person with a low degree of danger was approaching.

Looking ahead, Nanyi soon saw a man with characteristics of the Eastern Slavs walking towards him. The tattoo on his neck and the fierceness in his eyes all showed the unusualness of this man. .

Nan Yi bowed his back, pressed his head down, and said to Helena: "You make me feel tall when you are standing. Sit up straight and let me feel your height when you are sitting."


Helena responded and moved her hips to sit upright.

"Fuck, the evil star is possessed."

Before he had time to observe Helena's sitting posture, Nan Yi had already seen that the man who had just walked over took out a Stechkin pistol, raised the gun with his right hand and aimed it at a person's neck, then reached for the safety of the gun with his left hand, and pressed against the trigger Buckle, push to the bottom.

"Damn, what a hatred, to use bursts..."

Before Nanyi finished muttering, the man had already pulled the trigger, "Tettt", as a burst of gunfire sounded, the huge recoil of the Stechkin pistol lifted the muzzle, and the bullets were drawn crookedly from top to bottom. a long line.


"Don't bark and don't move."

Before Helena could let go of her high voice, Nan Yi yelled at her, but his movements were still a step slower, the man had already noticed the two of them, facing them, the muzzle of his gun was about to be raised.

"Yeah, there's ass to wipe."

Looking at the man's movements, Nan Yi couldn't help but sigh.


bang bang!

Threatening Nanyi's safety will definitely attract blows. In fact, when the man just took out his gun, half of the guards outside the restaurant quickly broke into the restaurant. Insurance is on.

When shooting from a sitting position, the bullet enters from the gallbladder or pancreas in the front chest, slanting upwards, and after rolling, it can just stir up the lungs or heart.

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