After the gunshots rang out again, the tiger cub brought three people to Nanyi's side. The three surrounded Nanyi, and the tiger cub pulled Helena to protect her behind him, and quickly retreated outside the restaurant.

As soon as they got into the car, the convoy immediately started to file off.

The speed of the car became flat, Nan Yi picked up the car phone and dialed it.

"Copenhagen, Denmark, killed."

"Hold on."

After Qian Haohui was quiet for a while, he announced his name and phone number.

After hanging up and redialing, Nanyi called Peter Martin Brinkenberg, a famous local lawyer in Copenhagen, to explain the matter clearly, and Nanyi hung up the phone.

Nan's does not have a legal team all over the world. Except for a few areas where the business is more concentrated, if you need legal support in other places, you need to turn to the strategic or business partners of civet cats.

In addition to being familiar with the legal provisions and making a sound in court, a lawyer must also have a good network of contacts. The civet cat also weaves its own network of relationships when dealing with transnational contracts and lawsuits. It is not a tight network, but needs the help of a lawyer for something. Qian Haohui can always give the most reliable name.

To put it bluntly, this kind of relationship network can also be said to be a relationship of resource exchange. When encountering a case related to Denmark, the civet will recommend it to Brinkenberg. Similarly, when encountering a case related to Hong Kong or Asia, Blinken Berger would recommend the civet.

"Tiger cub, how do you rate VIP."

"He was from a military background. He should have served in the ordinary army. There are marks on his face exposed to strong ultraviolet rays all year round. He may have been in Afghanistan."

"Damn it, I don't know if it's just a gunman, or there is a gang behind it, and I've become a fish in the pond." Nanyi spat, and pressed the numbers on the dial again.

"Copenhagen, orange."

Scarlett Manor, after the staff on duty hung up the line, he tapped on the computer immediately, sending out the word "Copenhagen" and the number "3".

Soon, another sentence "Stavanger, 1, vacation" popped up on the screen.


The fertilizer granule team, which had been active in the hot and desert areas before, finally ushered in the vacation. Tired of the heat and sand, they collectively went to Norway for vacation. They wanted to enjoy the ice and snow and the cold.

In Norway in August, the temperature is only a few degrees above zero. For the members of the fertilizer granule team, this place is simply paradise. In a villa by the sea, there are people drinking and playing darts in the living room, and there are unpleasant noises in the room. Everything looks like a rotten party.

Ring, ring, the living room phone rang.

Compound Fertilizer went over to pick it up, listened for a while, and then said to the other team members in the living room: "The vacation is over, call the people in the room."

in the car.

The tiger cub passed through the hand table, leaving the beef burger and chicken steak burger in the tail car to take over the crispy burger.

Xiaohua and Tianxian will enter the police station soon. According to the procedures, the pistol and gun certificate will definitely be temporarily detained. Once there is someone behind the dead gunman, the two of them will be in danger.

Especially with the judgment of the tiger cubs just now, most of the troops that Soviet revisionists withdrew from Afghanistan and fought on the front line became soldiers. After returning to China, they were not treated fairly. Many people went abroad and became hired soldiers and members of criminal gangs.

A soldier has comrades in arms. He has fought battles and walked on the verge of life and death. There is a high probability that there will be several life and death friends. Therefore, no matter whether there is anyone behind the shooter, this matter is far from over. .

Nan Yi patted Helena's face and dragged her out of the shock.

"Do you have a passport?"

When there was no response, Nanyi patted again, adding a bit of strength.

"Do you have a passport?"

Helena gradually came to her senses, looked at the front in a daze, then turned her head to look out the window, and found herself sitting in the car, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you have a passport?"

Nanyi's volume increased, and there was already a trace of impatience in his voice.


"Anything I ask, you answer. Don't hide anything. This is about the safety of you and your family. Do you understand?"


There was a hint of fear in Helena's voice.

"Where is the passport?"

"In the house."

"Where is the house?"

"Near the school."

"University of Copenhagen?"


"Is your family in Copenhagen?"

"Not here."

"Does anyone in your class know your home address?"


"OK, listen clearly, we're going to your place right now, you get your passport, change into a tracksuit, change out your damn high heels, and get back in the car right away."

Nan Yi patted Helena's face again, "Listen clearly, you were not kidnapped, I took you with me to seek refuge abroad out of good intentions, if you don't want to go, you can get off the car right now, don't do it if you don't get off the car Self-righteous stupidity, understand?"


"Really understand?"



Usually, a girl who is so stupid that she just yells and performs a series of stupid actions is only found in the pen of horror movie screenwriters. Helena wasn't stupid, and she didn't wear the halo of being a supporting actress in horror movies. Soon she forced herself to calm down and calmly analyzed the situation in front of her.

The team soon arrived at Helena's residence, and waited below for a while. Helena, who went up to get things, came down and changed into a sports outfit from head to toe, with only a small bag on her back.

The convoy set off again and drove to the airport. After arriving at the airport, they parked the car in the parking lot of the airport and informed the hotel where the parking lot was. The group of people reversed their cars and came to the car rental agency. They rented a few cars and drove quickly to the Dande border.

In less than three hours, the convoy passed the unmanned border checkpoint between the two countries, entered the German border town of Delsdorf, and continued driving until the convoy arrived in Hamburg.

Marseille, Provence Airport.

Sergey, code-named Executioner, boarded the plane to Copenhagen. Although he was born in the KGB officer training team, although he joined the Nan Sect very early, he still knew the situation of the Soviet revisionist troops very well. A friend of the middle-level officers in the Soviet revisionist army.

Hamburg, Hamburg Hotel, Nanyi is holding the most traditional hamburger in his hand, watching a TV program on Hamburg TV that is teaching people how to make hamburgers.

Helena stood in front of the window, wearing earphones, swaying her body, humming: "Aloha hey, hey aloha hey, hey aloha hey, hey...~"

This tune Nanyi sounds familiar. I heard it decades later. After thinking about the title of the song for a while, when I really couldn't remember what it was called, Helena's swing became more exaggerated. It could be seen that she was intoxicated by it. This woman The heart is really big.

After eating the hamburger, Nan Yi took out a PDA, clicked a few times on the screen with a stylus, opened a document and started editing.

PDA has been developed for several years, and one or two products have been released for sale before, but the technology for large-scale production is still immature, the price remains high, and the practicality is not too strong, so PDA has not become popular, let alone see it. However, most people have never heard of this thing.

The PDA in Nanyi's hands is a product from Nan's Laboratory. He disassembled all the PDAs on the market and copied a lot of patented technologies from the patent library. If you dare to go public, a large number of plaintiffs will rush forward immediately.

Besides, at the current stage, PDA does not have the conditions to go on the market, the cost cannot be suppressed, and the performance is not good.

After editing a document, Nanyi put away the PDA, slumped on the sofa and watched TV for a while, picked up a yellow peach from the fruit plate and threw it at Helena.

Helena was hit on the back, she took off her earphones, and looked at Nanyi in confusion.

"Miss Helena, this is my room. Your room is next door. I want to take a shower. Please go back to your own room."

"No, the scenery here is better, I want to stay longer, Mr. Adam, please do yourself a favor, I won't disturb you by going to the bathroom." Helena said in her mouth, muttering in her heart: "I'm not stupid, what about the bodyguard? Maybe you should protect your room with your heart, or stay here for safety."

Nan Yi easily caught Helena's little thoughts, shook his head, and said helplessly: "Smart people, get into the habit of staying away from windows these days."

With outsiders around, it was inconvenient for Nanyi to do a lot of things. There was nothing to do, so Nanyi had to unpack a few packs of Seeberg nuts of various colors on the coffee table, and eat nuts while watching TV.

The night fell quickly, and when it was time to go to bed, Helena still didn't leave. Nan Yi acquiesced that she stayed in her own room, but he didn't kindly give her the bed, and only gave her the right to sleep on the sofa.

On the second day, the news from all quarters came together.

Xiaohua and Tianxian have already left the police station and cannot leave Copenhagen for the time being. They have to wait for the results there, and may even go to court.

Crispy Fort, Beef Fort, Chicken Chop Fort and the two women have already connected, and the three of them with guns will be responsible for the safety of the two women for a period of time to come.

The Fertilizer Pellet Squad has arrived in Hirtshals and is waiting there for the delivery of the weapons, which they will sneak into Copenhagen as soon as they get them.

After Sergey arrived in Copenhagen, he obtained several photos through the autopsy personnel - there was a tattoo on the right arm of the deceased. After seeing it, Sergey recognized that it was a tattoo of an airborne soldier. It was only circulated in the 345 regiment. Based on information from Afghanistan, he deduced that the deceased was a member of the Ninth Company.

The Ninth Company is a well-known company in the Soviet Army. Its prestige is mostly obtained in Afghanistan. The most famous battle is the 3234 Highland Defense Battle-the Ninth Company was ordered to garrison the 3234 Highland to protect a road under the highland. During the period, 12 strong attacks were repelled by the enemy until the ammunition and food ran out. Of the 39 officers and soldiers (mostly recruits), 6 died and 12 were injured.

But when they survived by luck, they electrified their superiors and the large troops could pass through safely, but their superiors told them that the withdrawal of troops had been announced in the country, and asked why they hadn't contacted their superiors; People laugh and cry at meaningless sacrifices.

"Boss, judging by his age, the deceased should be recruits who were sent to Afghanistan in 1986. This group of recruits are all undergoing adaptive training in Fergana. The instructor Alexi is my acquaintance."

"Get in touch and see if there is anything to talk about."

"What if we can't agree?"

"I want a list of all the members of the Ninth Company."


Sergey understood what Nanyi meant, if there was nothing to talk about, then he would defend first, and as always maintain the peace-loving style of the Nanshi, he sincerely hoped that we could talk about it.

After finishing the call with Nanyi, Sergey and Jincrib took over, and got tens of thousands of kroner old banknotes from the other party. Under the guidance of Fort, Sergey went to the Khlev District and bought a SIG-Petter44/8 pistol, which is a pistol produced in Switzerland and one of the Danish standard equipment.

After getting the gun, Sergey went to investigate the dead Asbuk who was shot dead by the gunman. He fired more than a dozen bullets in succession, and his neck and cheeks were smashed. This is a kind of venting and execution. The way, the animosity between the shooter or the people behind the shooter and Asbuak runs deep.


"If you don't see it, you don't know it. The world is so wonderful."

After lunch, Nanyi asked the hotel staff to adjust the angle of the satellite receiver to watch "Zhengda Variety Show" being broadcast.

"Zhengda Variety Show" was not much different from CTV's "Running Around the Earth" at the beginning. It is said that it was based on "Running Around the Earth", but it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a copy, even a sub-section of "The World Is Wonderful". In China, the location videos abroad are all obtained from China Television.

"The Pampas Grassland is also known as the South American Grassland or the Argentine Grassland. It is a tall grass grassland in the subtropical humid climate of South America. It is distributed in the southern part of the La Plata Plain, including Uruguay, eastern Argentina, southern Brazil and other regions, with an area of ​​about 760,000 square kilometers. ;

Pampas comes from the Indian Quechua language, which means prairie without trees. It connects the Grenchaco grasslands in the north, the Patagonian plateau in the south, the foothills of the Andes in the west, and the Atlantic coast in the east..."

On the TV, the voice of the location host sounded, and he began to introduce the Pampas grassland. As the camera advanced, the screen switched to the gate of a ranch, the camera was tilted up, and the screen switched to the door plate with five large Chinese characters on it "White Dragon Horse Ranch".

"Everyone must be wondering why there is a white dragon horse ranch on the pampas grassland in Argentina. I have already asked the owner of the ranch this question. Everyone follows the camera to unravel this secret."

The screen turned again, and a group of galloping white horses appeared, stretching across a stretch of hundreds of horses.

"According to the owner of the ranch, a Chinese businessman fostered a white horse in the ranch a few years ago. After several years of breeding, this white horse has many offspring, and this white horse is the one in the TV series "Journey to the West" Bailongma, everyone, guess, is this statement true?"

Looking at the TV screen, Nanyi was really going to lie, what the hell, Bailongma Ranch didn't report this incident, and I don't know what year this video was shot.

Nanyi didn't watch "Zhengda Variety Show" today on a whim. When he was still in Yecheng, Gong Xueyou called him and conveyed the news Jinqueer told her, that is, this issue of "Zhengda Variety Show" To the white dragon horse.

"Fortunately, it's not a big deal." Nan Yi said happily.

At this time, the Rosario team and the White Horse team from the White Dragon Horse Ranch have boarded the plane to Copenhagen. These two teams have been stationed in the Pampas grassland and have not participated in cross-regional operations. As far as we know, the people inside the Nan Clan know very little, and they will secretly assist the fertilizer granule team.

After turning off the TV, Nanyi picked up a book and started to read it, and saw the evening.

It has been 24 hours since I checked into the hotel yesterday. Helena enjoyed this state at first, listening to music and eating snacks, but after a long time, she felt a little bored and couldn't go out. It was too boring. .

After listening to the music for a long time, Helena secretly glanced at Nan Yi countless times. This man was so boring that he didn't even plan to go out.

It was approaching seven o'clock in the afternoon, and she couldn't hold back any longer. She stood up from her chair and came to Nanyi, "Mr. Nanyi, let's go out for dinner."

Nan Yi put down the book, looked up and said, "I plan to stay in the room to eat hamburgers at night, and you can go out by yourself."

"If you don't go, how can I go?" Helena said dissatisfied.

"Sit down." Nan Yi grabbed Helena's hand and pulled her to the sofa, "Have you asked for leave from school?"


"Then you should call and go to school and ask for half a month's leave."

"A phone call would give away our location."

"It's okay, wait until you call tomorrow morning, and someone will come to support soon. Ah, by the way, you should call your boyfriend again."

"I don't have a boyfriend right now." Helena said casually, but also with inexplicable confidence: "I haven't touched a man for a long time."

Denmark is the best country in the world for equality between men and women. The status of women is extremely high, and there is already a tendency to a matriarchal society. Many Danish women think that they are equal to men from the bottom of their hearts, and there will be no warnings about having children. idea.

Obviously, the Helena in front of Nanyi is an egalitarian.

"Huh?" Nanyi's tone became ambiguous, "What are you implying to me?"

"Yes, your feeling is not wrong." Helena said in a provocative tone: "Maybe we can be friends for half a month."

"Ha, even so, our dinner today is still hamburgers." Nan Yi said playfully.

"Damn it, I don't want a hamburger."

"Then you can eat fruit." Nan Yi stretched out his hand and patted Helena's thigh, and then changed the pat to push, "Go back to your seat, I want to continue reading."

"Boring man."

Helena complained, stood up, sat back in the chair she was sitting on just now, and continued to listen to her music.

That night, the two of them did not achieve good things, all because Nanyi wanted to give her a "physical examination" without any ambiguity or insinuation. Helena thought she had been greatly insulted and kicked Nanyi a few times. Go back and continue to sleep on the sofa.

The next day, Nanyi and his group checked out and left the Hamburg Hotel, purchased a container truck of supplies, took a car and then transferred to a ship, and landed on Wilm Island.

With an area of ​​less than 1 square kilometer, Wilm Island faces the south coast of Rügen Island across the sea. There are many kinds of animals and plants on the island, so it was designated as a nature reserve in 1936.

Since 1959, the East German high-level officials occupied it as a resort for senior leaders, and the general public has not been able to visit the island for 30 years. The island has steep seaside rock walls, as well as gravel beaches and sandy beaches, and the virgin forest is also well preserved.

In the 19th century, Wilm Island was a favorite subject of paintings by famous painters such as Caspar David Friedrich.

Not long ago, this island was Honecker's private bathing place. After the merger of East and West Germany, Honecker handed over Wilm Island. At present, there is no conclusion on how to deal with the island, and it is temporarily suspended in a real estate The company uses it for short-term rental.

Yesterday Nanyi called the real estate company and rented Wilm Island for half a month.

Once on the island, through a jungle area, the group of people came to a low-lying land next to the lake. The lake water is very clear, and there is a stone bridge extending to the center of the lake.

On a flat land more than 300 meters away from the lake, there were three villas standing there. After a few glances, Nanyi walked towards the middle one.

Helena followed Nanyi with an unhappy expression on her face. She hadn't recovered from yesterday's sulking, but when she came to the island today, she became even more angry. Although she could only stay in the hotel before, At least it was also in the urban area, but now it is better to go directly to the desert island.

She was angry in her heart, and she knew that she was holding back, and she didn't dare to attack at all. She had already seen a few people in full armor standing by the lake, equipped with long guns and short cannons, looking at fierce people.


Nan Yi put away his luggage and came out of the villa, and found Bach, the captain of the Renaissance team who came to support him. The Renaissance Squad is affiliated to Dabifan. A team has 15 members, whose code names all use the names of well-known artists.

Bach came closer, "Boss."

Nan Yi pointed to the gun in the hand of a team member and asked, "Is it legal?"

"All legal, no military standard equipment."

Germany can legally hold guns, but the regulations on holding guns are relatively strict. The weapons that can be held are almost accurate to the specific version of the firearms, especially the standard weapons of the German army.

"OK, did I bring mine?"

"Bring it." Bach said, and whistled to a team member: "Raphael, come here."

Soon, a team member named Rafael came over with a tactical gun bag and a sports bag. Nan Yi took it, unzipped it, and took out a 98k carbine equipped with a ZF42 quadruple scope.

Nanyi disassembled the firearm, checked every part, and put it back together again. Then, he took out a box of bullets from the tactical gun bag, shook the tactical gun bag, laid it flat, poured the bullets on it, and twisted it Take a closer look at one, weigh it in your hand, and rub the bullet with your thumb, pick and choose, and choose 32 bullets and put them in your pocket.

After finishing the sniper rifle, Nanyi felt in the tactical gun bag again, and a CZ83 pistol was in his hand. After dismantling the same, and feeling the spring force, Nanyi restored the gun again, and loaded five Magazine, Nanyi opened the sports bag again, and took out a complete set of tactical uniform and tactical vest from it.

Go back to the room and put on the tactical uniform, put on the tactical vest, and bring all the equipment. Nan Yi and another sniper Da Vinci went to study sniper tactics, and the other team members continued to arrange traps and secret sentries.

The island is densely covered with primeval jungles, only the villa area is relatively flat, but the terrain is low, so if you don’t arrange a few observation posts at high places, if you are surrounded by people, you will be caught easily.

"Boss." Came to a high ground, Da Vinci called.

"Don't call me Boss on the island, call me code name..." Nan Yi thought for a while and said, "Simon, call me Simon."

"Boss, although your shooting skills are good, you are not qualified to be called Simon." Da Vinci said shamelessly.

Nan Yi shrugged and didn't think it was disobedient. Using Simon as a code name was indeed a bit blasphemy to Simon Haye.

"Okay, I'll change it to another one, called Yang."

"OK." Da Vinci responded, pointing to a location and said: "Yang, this can be used as your second counterattack point when you evacuate. The angle that needs to be blocked is very small, only 65 degrees."

Hearing this, Nan Yi nodded, held the rifle in his hand, and simulated the action of retreating - one rolled to the back of the stone, pressed his right hand on the ground, and the person changed from prone to squatting, holding the gun to an imaginary Quickly aim, pull the trigger, the bullet is ejected, quickly pull the bolt, eject the shell, the bullet is loaded, aim and shoot at another imaginary point...

At the end of the simulation, Nan Yi came to the imaginary point just now, stared at a clump of thorns for a while, and simulated in his mind the possible reaction of the enemy when he chased him, and then discussed with Da Vinci. When the discussion was over, Da Vinci Finch took out a box from the tactical vest, carefully took out the backthorn of the stonefish from the box, and fixed it skillfully on the thorns.

One place, two places, one day, Nanyi and the two set up a main evacuation route and a backup route. The evacuation point is at the highest point, and they can leave by helicopter at that time.

After the arrangement was completed, Nanyi returned to the villa and set up several sniper positions for himself.

The day passed by in a hurry, and in the evening, Nan Yi, who was relaxed, came to Helena who was watching TV in the living room, and hugged her in a princess hug amidst her screams.

"Bastard, what are you doing?"

In Nanyi's arms, Helena twisted her body desperately, still cursing.

Nanyi didn't answer, but just walked towards the lake with the man in his arms.

When he came to the lake, Nan Yi stepped onto the Broken Bridge. As soon as he reached the center of the lake, Nan Yi picked up his speed, sprinted for a few steps, kicked his left foot on the ground, and jumped high , in the air, by virtue of inertia, Nan Yi adjusted Helena's posture from horizontal to vertical. In the blink of an eye, the two fell into the water in no particular order, making two plops.

Emerging from the water, Helena spat on Nan Yi's face with a water sword, and then scolded "bastard".

Nan Yi wiped his face, let out a laugh, stepped on the water with both feet, people approached people, face to face, mouth to mouth, Helena's hands resisted Nan Yi's shoulders at first, and slowly, slowly, hugged Nan Yi Easy nape.


Sergey's investigation was not very smooth. Although he was a former KGB elite and proficient in three foreign languages, Danish was not one of the foreign languages ​​he mastered. He could only use a stupid method. In the small streets and alleys of the district, he pretended to ask for directions in English.

His luck was not bad, he knew a little English when he asked the third gangster, but it was a pity that he didn't ask anything of value from the gangster's mouth.

In order not to startle the snake, Sergey could only temporarily stop the investigation.

In the middle of the night, the chemical fertilizer granule team that got the equipment arrived in Copenhagen by separating the human clothes. As soon as it arrived, Urea, who was born in the water ghost (Danish frogman army), immediately went to meet Sergei, and the others went directly to Scandic. In front of an apartment building near the Palace Hotel, after observing the terrain and surrounding buildings for a while, a group of people entered the apartment building.

After Xiaohua and Tianxian came out of the police station, they started looking for a place to live, picked the apartment building in front of them, and rented three houses.

There are five floors in the apartment building. The schoolgirls live on the third floor. After the fertilizer granule team enters, the compound fertilizer and ammonium bicarbonate live on the first floor, and superphosphate and potassium chloride live on the fifth floor.

As soon as he entered the room, SSP came to the window, his body shrunk behind the wall, his head cautiously stuck out of the window, and observed the building opposite the apartment. After some observation, he saw two good sniper spots. , said hello to KCl, and SSP took a backpack and went out.

At one o'clock in the morning, Sergey and Urea met at a bar in the Khlev district.



"What did you find?"

After introducing each other, Urea sat next to Sergey.

"There's nothing big to discover. Now we only know that the deceased Asbach was a villain, and his influence is on the third street in the Khlev district." Sergey said.

"Knowing this is enough, let's go to Third Street later." Urea said, holding up her glass.

Sergey picked up his glass and touched him.

The two drank the wine in their glasses, put down their glasses and left the bar, and walked through two blocks to Third Street. The two stood in the shadow of the street corner lights and observed the short whole Third Street.

After observing for a while, Urea said, "60 meters ahead, the woman leaning against the wall."

"Moldovan, is there anything strange about it?"

Sergey had noticed this woman just now because he recognized her as a Moldovan.

"get married?"

"Why do you ask?"

"If you have been to a red light district in any European country, you can easily tell the special place of this woman. Since last year, there have been many Eastern European women in the red light districts of Western Europe, and most of them were deceived to Western Europe. Then sell it to the forces in the red-light district, I don’t need to say the rest, right?”

"This woman has never taken drugs, and she has no signs of being beaten." Sergey said blankly.

"Yes, we wait until four o'clock, that's when they call it a day."

Relatively speechless, the two took turns staring at the street.

The time slowly came to four o'clock in the middle of the night, and a commercial vehicle appeared on the street. When the women standing on the street saw the vehicle, they all walked towards the vehicle from their standing positions, except for the Moldovan woman, who still stood there .

With a bang, the car door was opened from the inside, and the women obediently lined up to get into the car.

After a while, the car door was closed, the car drove forward for a while, and stopped beside the Moldovan woman. The woman took off the small bag hanging from her shoulder and threw it into the open window of the driver's seat. After a while, the small bag came out of the window again. It was thrown out and fell to the ground with a bang.

Urea: "Heavier or lighter?"


"It's her."

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