The Moldovan woman picked up the bag on the ground, opened the buckle, took a look inside the bag, put the bag back on her shoulder, hummed a song and walked in the opposite direction to Sergey and the others.

"What song is it?"

"Lenin Brought Us the Light in Moldova."

"Oh, nice song, have you heard our Danish "sha la la"?"

Sergey and Urea were talking in a low voice, they followed her far behind the Moldovan woman, and followed her to the front of an apartment building. Sergey was watching the lights downstairs, and Urea followed the woman up. Upstairs, thanks to the fact that closed-circuit television is not very popular in this era, Urea can easily follow the woman, watching her go up to the second floor, and watching her open the door and enter the house.

He stuck it on the door and listened for a while, but he couldn't hear anyone else's movement. Urea reached into his pocket and pressed twice. After a while, Sergey came to him. Urea pointed to the keyhole and then He pointed to Sergey, then pointed to his eyes with his index and middle fingers, and pointed to the left and right corridors.

Sergey nodded knowingly and put on the hood.

Urea put on the hood, took out a wallet from his pocket, and took out two steel needles from the wallet, put his ear on the door and listened again, he squatted down, stuffed the two steel needles into the keyhole and fiddled for a while, In less than fifteen seconds, the door lock clicked.

Put away the steel needle, leaned against the wall, took out the pistol from the armpit, pressed the silencer, pulled the slide again, checked whether the bullet was loaded, made eye contact with Sergey, and the two separated On both sides of the door, leaning against the wall, the left and right fire crossed.

Urea stretched out one hand from the corner of the wall, held the doorknob and twisted it slowly, and held the gun in the other hand to adjust the angle from time to time. When the door opened a small gap, Sergey on the other side quickly glanced inside the door , After indicating safety, Urea pushed the door into place at one time, rolled over on the spot, and the person rolled into the house.

Hearing no gunshots or other noises, Sergey also rushed into the house.

The two searched the entire house thoroughly, but found no one else. They came to the door of the bathroom again. In the bathroom, the sound of water was pattering, and through the frosted glass, the light reflected the silhouette of a woman.

Urea pointed to the door of the bathroom, then pointed to himself, then pointed to Sergey, and made a search motion with his hand.

Sergey nodded, and tiptoed into the bedroom, first searched from the desktop and drawers, but found nothing of value, then began to rummage in the wardrobe, under the pillow, and under the sheets. After looking through it, he found nothing. He picked up the pillow again and touched it inch by inch.

One pillow was not found, so he changed another pillow. As soon as he took the second pillow in his hand, he found that the weight was wrong. He was sure that there must be something inside the pillow, and pinched it inch by inch until it reached the middle of the pillow. , a slippery feeling was transmitted to his palm.

Stretching in from the left side of the pillow, a white plastic bag was pulled out from the pillow.

"About 1.4 pounds (Russian pounds)." After weighing the weight, Sergey put the drugs aside, lifted the quilt, groped around the bed, and then searched under the bed.

Ceiling, wall, floor, every inch of space, Sergey didn't let go. Before he finished searching a bedroom, he heard a muffled sound from outside, and poked his head out to confirm that the woman was controlled by urea. Thank you. Ergai returned to his original position and continued to search.

It took Sergey nearly two hours to search the entire room, and the results were gratifying. A total of five packages of drugs, seven or eight passports from various countries, more than 80,000 US dollars, and more than 700,000 kroner were found. From the connection between the toilet and the floor A PPK pistol with 51 rounds of ammunition was also found.

After writing down the information on the passport, Sergey put the money and passport back in their original places, found a plastic bag to pack the gun and bullets, and left the woman's room first.

After Sergey left, Urea pressed the large arteries and veins of the woman's neck with her thumb for more than ten seconds. When the woman fainted, Urea put her on her back and left the apartment calmly.

In the northern suburbs of Copenhagen, Deer Park, in a deserted holiday house deep in the forest.

Urea and Sergey were fully disguised, not an inch of skin was exposed on their bodies, Urea pinched the woman's man, and when the woman woke up, he fed her a little water.

"Ma'am, first of all, I want to declare that we have no grievances with you. I didn't arrest you to harm you. I just wanted to ask you a few questions. As long as you cooperate, our communication can end soon."

Urea grabbed the plastic bag containing the gun and shook it in front of the woman's eyes, "Except for this gun, we have put back the drugs and cash found in your room."

As he spoke, Urea pointed to Sergey, "I will introduce my friend to you. I won't mention the name, and you probably wouldn't believe it. I'll just tell you that he worked for the KGB before, specializing in interrogation."

When the Moldovan woman heard the three letters "KGB", her pupils constricted rapidly, and a look of fear appeared on her face.

The performance of the woman was fully seen by urea, "The introduction is over, let's get to the point now, I ask, you answer, please be careful when answering questions, don't give me false answers, or you will change my friend I’m here to ask you. Do you understand? Nod your head when you understand.”

Urea's voice fell, and the woman nodded hastily.



"Where are you from?"


"What's your home address?"

Gabi hesitated for a moment and said, "1201 # , 11th Street, Grand Duke Stefan."

"How many people are there in the family?"

Gabi hesitated longer, but still answered the question: "Five, parents, older brother, and younger sister."

"Name? Occupation?"

Urea asked about Gabi's personal information, and the entire process of the questioning was recorded and recorded by Sergey.

After the friendly questioning of urea is over, it will be Sergey's turn to appear.

Sergey put a cowhide roll tied with a string in front of Gabi, untied the string on it, and said: "On August 11, 1945, the Special Intelligence Force (the predecessor of the 44388 Military Department, that is, The GRU Special Forces) captured several members of the Japanese Army's Special High School in Fengtian, and after they were brought back to China, they were interrogated and obtained a lot of information from them, as well as some additional gains.

for example……"

Sergey spread out the cowhide roll, revealing the shining silver needles inside, "Silver needle interrogation method, an interrogation method evolved from silver needle acupuncture in traditional Chinese medicine, I am very interested in this method, so, special training When I was a student, I studied very hard and got the best grades.

Four years ago, I met a Chinese medicine doctor who is very good at acupuncture. From him, I learned a lot of acupuncture knowledge. After a period of research, my level of silver needle interrogation has been greatly improved. "

Sergey chattered to Gabi in a gentle tone. He is not a talker. What he is doing now is a kind of psychological offensive. Human beings are always full of fear of unknown things. Gabi listened to Sergey’s words at this time, She will subconsciously tell herself that it will be very painful later, and when the real pain falls on her, the painful feeling will be doubled, and it will also cause her psychological defense to collapse faster.

Sergey took out three silver needles from the cowhide roll and carefully disinfected them. He also talked about the disinfection techniques and some symptoms that may occur if you don't pay attention to disinfection.

After disinfection, Sergey looked at Gabi's hands, "Which hand do you usually use? There is a certain probability that the silver needle interrogation method will cause your hand to be disabled. In order to minimize the troubles to your future life, we still Pick the hand you don't use much."

"I'm telling the truth. You can ask whatever you want, and you don't have to punish me." Gabi said with infinite fear in her heart.

"Shhhhhh, Ms. Gabi, this is just one of the procedures, take it easy, it will pass soon." Sergey comforted Gabi, and picked up a silver needle in his hand, "Ma'am, the left is still Right, please choose as soon as possible or give me the chance to choose."

When Gabi heard this, she knew that her imminent disaster was inevitable. After making a difficult choice, she spit out the words: "Left hand."

"Okay, let's get started."

Sergey picked up the silver needle and poked it under the fingernail of Gabi's left index finger. As he poked and twisted it, the silver needle sank into the flesh little by little.

Gabi was already prepared to accept severe pain, but she didn't expect that, except for the moment when the silver needle pierced the skin, she could feel a bit of pain like a bite, and after that, there would be bursts of tingling pain, and she didn't feel any more. Feeling the pain, she suddenly had the idea that the other party was scaring her.

As if knowing what Gabi was thinking, Gal Gai, who was concentrating on the injection, said, "Don't doubt it, you don't feel any pain now because this is the first injection. Ma'am, I would like to express my apologies to you first, my acknowledgment." If the acupoints are not perfect, I will lift your skirt during the second injection, don't worry, I will never violate you."

After the first needle was applied, Sergey lifted Gabi's skirt, took the second needle and poked Gabi's spring gate.

The injection was terrible, Gabi immediately felt like hundreds of army ants biting his triangular part, he couldn't help roaring, and his whole body writhed in pain.

When she was in unbearable pain, she also heard Sergey's devilish crooning: "Shhhhh, it's okay, it's just a little pain, and there will be no sequelae. Now, let me ask you to answer, name..."

Sergey repeated all the questions Urea had asked just now, but the order of the questions was disrupted.


Standing in the woods on the hillside, Nanyi lay on the ground and aimed at the mineral water bottle hanging on a stick by the lake for more than ten minutes. The wind direction was changeable, and the movement of the mineral water bottle was irregular. He was 1104.7 meters away from the target, and the bullet flew If the time exceeds one second, he can't aim effectively at all, let alone calculate the lead, and he can only rely on luck to hit.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Nanyi never waited for the opportunity to shoot, and exhaled a foul breath. His eyes were still fixed on the scope, and he continued to wait without moving.

Thirty minutes, one hour, three hours, five hours, Nan Yi urinated his crotch once, which was quite a lot, but he didn't move at all, still staring at the target.

As soon as six hours passed, the angle of sunlight gradually changed to a direction that was not conducive to shooting. Although the scope was covered with gauze, the refraction of sunlight would hit Nanyi's eyes, making his eyes extremely uncomfortable .

Suddenly, the fluttering frequency of the mineral water bottle decreased, and the direction of the fluttering also became traceable. While observing, Nan Yi silently calculated the design parameters in his heart, and the muzzle also adjusted the shooting angle little by little. Once returning to the zero degree marked by himself, Nanyi pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew quickly across the lake at an angle of 126 degrees, and collided with the mineral water bottle swinging to the right.

Rather than saying that a bullet shoots a mineral water bottle, it is better to say that a mineral water bottle catches a bullet.

"Good Shot!"

"Thanks, please call me a mathematician."

Nan Yi replied, picked up the bullet casings on the ground and stuffed them into the front breast pocket of the tactical vest, stood up from the ground with the gun in hand, grabbed the thighs of the trousers and shook them, and pulled the boxers again.

The triangular area became a little more comfortable. Nanyi leaned down again, grabbed the wet mud on the ground and smelled it. The smell was a bit strong. He took off the water bottle on his waist and washed it on the wet ground, carefully restoring the place he lay on to its original state.

After walking to a high place for a certain distance, the bullet casings were thrown on the camouflage sniper position, and he made a big circle in the other direction to cover up some traces. Nan Yi lay on the ground again, crawling forward bit by bit towards the lake.

Halfway through the climb, the tiger cub came to him with a phone, "Miss's phone."

Nanyi lay down on the ground and answered the phone, "Hello, Ruofeng."

"Dad, I'm at Copenhagen International Airport, just landed."

"Oh, be careful, I'm training, hang up first."

Nanyi hung up the phone, handed the phone back to the tiger cub, and continued to move slowly on the ground. There was a "sentinel" by the lake, looking in different directions from time to time. Nanyi needed to avoid his sight, so he not only It climbs very slowly, and often has to lie down to avoid it.

With a distance of less than 400 meters, Nanyi climbed for five hours. He started looking for a sniper position at four o'clock in the morning. At seven thirty in the evening, Nanyi's hand touched the feldspar steps at the entrance of the villa.

After touching the steps, Nanyi turned around and crawled towards an iron basin hanging in the air. There was a piece of bread in the iron basin. He could only eat it with his mouth instead of his hands. If it fell to the ground, he would lose his continuity. the right to eat.

Here we simplify the process a bit. If it is a formal training, the bread is soaked in muddy water, one-third of the bread, one-third of the muddy water, and one-third of the sand. If the bread falls on the ground, it will be severely beaten. .

After eating the bread like a dog, Nanyi was driven to run around the mountain again.

Run, keep running, there is no distance, no end point, only the minimum speed requirement, persist until midnight, Nanyi's consciousness has been disordered, his head is empty, he doesn't think about anything, he just walks forward mechanically, step by step, persist, keep going.

At three o'clock in the morning, Nanyi finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground with a thud.

The bodyguard who followed Nanyi immediately stepped forward, lifted Nanyi up, walked forward for a while, let Nanyi's body get used to it for a while, and then put him on a stretcher and carried him back to the villa.

When the muscles were relaxing, Nan Yi used great perseverance to hold back in order not to let himself cry out, causing cold sweat to break out all over his body.

On the second day, Nanyi rarely slept until one o'clock in the afternoon.


After Sergey demonstrated the silver needle interrogation method, he let Gabi experience the process of snakes eating rats up close. There are three procedures and three confessions. There is a slight difference between the confessions and the confessions, but they are generally consistent.

Sergey looked at Urea: "What do you think?"

"It should be credible."

"The power struggle among the thugs also involves forces in Moscow, and things are getting more and more complicated."

"Miss has arrived, report to Miss first."

"What about Gabby?"

"For her good, she will be locked up for a few more days. If she is released now, she will probably be silenced."

"I agree."

After dealing with Gabi, Sergey and Urea met Nan Ruofing in front of the Little Mermaid sculpture in Changdi Park.

"A few years ago, I came here." Nan Ruobing pointed at the sculpture, "I happened to be around the same age as it, and I took a lot of photos here, and when I come back today, I still want to take a few. "

As Nan Ruofing said, she raised the camera and clicked and took several photos. After taking pictures, she put the lens cap on, put the camera back into her bag, looked at Sergey and Urea, and waited for their report.

Urea said cleanly: "The deceased is Asbuk, the confidant of Sauron, the leader of the Copenhagen branch of the villains. Two months ago, Sauron and Scott, the leader of the Stockholm branch of the villains, had an interest dispute. Within a month, both sides had sent people to each other's territory, and Asbach was already the third one to die in Copenhagen, and he was also the one with the highest rank.

After the executioner's investigation, the gunman killed by Xiaohua and Tianxian was called Chardov, and it was found that he was invited by Scott from Moscow, a Japanese boy. "

Urea’s voice fell, and Sergey continued, “Miss, let me introduce you to Japan. Japan’s real name is Vyacheslav Ivankov. He was born in Georgia in 1940. During the Great Patriotic War, he lived with his parents in Georgia. She took refuge and did not return to live in Moscow until the fifties.

Ivankov was not a good boy since he was a child. He was only 10 years old when he first encountered the police. He was arrested and questioned by the police for stealing a wallet.

Later, the police asked Ivankov's parents to take him away and discipline him strictly. However, Ivankov not only failed to learn well, but also intensified. He was arrested many times for fighting and stealing, but was released because he was too young.

When he was a teenager, Ivankov fell in love with wrestling and boxing. He fought with a group of street youths everywhere, and later participated in underground fighting.

Life in Moscow at that time was relatively monotonous. After some Gulag prisoners returned to Moscow in the 1960s, they spread the boxing games in the concentration camp and peripheral culture. In the ice and snow of the Gulag, boxing was the prisoner’s favorite way of entertainment. .

As a boxer, Ivankov fights without protective gear, and if he wins, he can get money from the ticket. Gradually, powerful forces approached Ivankov to make false punches. Ivankov earned a lot of money by doing this, and was recognized by the powerful forces, becoming one of them.

In the 1970s, Ivankov became a celebrity in the Moscow underground world. During this period, he was known as the Japanese boy.

There are two explanations for this nickname—the first is that Ivankov looks like an Asian, so he is called Japanese boy. Ivankov does have Asian blood, but it is not Japanese, but Mongolian.

The second argument is that Ivankov is cruel and ruthless, and his punches and fights are very bloody. Muscovites compare him to a Japanese devil who loves to cut open his stomach with a knife.

In 1973, Ivankov was imprisoned for the first time for injuring someone in a bar fight.

Since his first imprisonment, Ivankov has been imprisoned several times. So far, he has spent most of his time in prison on charges including wounding, arms trafficking, and money laundering.

This period of time not only did not make Ivankov depressed, but instead allowed him to build his own power network in the prison.

In 1974, Ivankov made a name for himself in the Butyrska Prison in Moscow with his fists, conquered the prisoners in the prison, and became the boss of the prison.

In 1982, Ivankov was sent to Siberia to serve his sentence for arms trafficking. When Ivankov was in a Siberian prison, he also remotely controlled Moscow's business through local forces.

The guards in the prison were violent towards Ivankov at first, but Ivankov couldn't fight back, and he couldn't fight back. Over time, even the guards respected his toughness, and Ivankov became the real master of the prison.

The years Ivankov served in prison were the golden age for the development of the Soviet revisionist forces. During this period, the internal affairs of the Soviet revisionists were chaotic, and a series of reforms not only failed to stabilize the society, but contributed to this chaos.

Ivankov in the prison is anxious like an ant on a hot pot. According to the news from his younger brother, the development situation outside is very good. They sell bootleg alcohol, lend usury, and resell foreign goods. The powerful man turned into a tycoon.

Ivankov believes that other forces are challenging his own power, and he must come out.

Ivankov was very anxious. He sent people to work in Moscow, and finally kidnapped a judge, and told him to commute Ivankov's sentence.

In the end, the Moscow court really commuted Ivankov's sentence by 3 years. Ivankov, who should have stayed in Siberia for 10 years, returned to Moscow last year. He returned to Moscow with his men, and the reputation of the Japanese boy spread rapidly. "

"What business does the Japanese boy do?" Nan Ruofing asked.

"Casinos, smuggling, drugs, overseas prostitution, as long as he can make money, he can do anything, but his favorite is overseas prostitution. Gabi, the subject of our torture, was tricked out of Moldova by Ivankov.

In the name of an intermediary, the Japanese forces recruit beautiful women from the franchise countries and Russia, and in the name of working in Western European countries, transport the women to Europe by forging tourist or Jewish visas, and then transship or resell them. "

"How could a big pimp send gunmen to Copenhagen again?"

"After the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, many returned soldiers had no source of income. In order to make a living, many retired soldiers became mercenaries, gunmen, and thugs. As long as they can make money, they will do anything. Japanese Aberdeen also provides armed personnel. intermediary business, but not sure this time it is just a simple transaction.”

"Interrogation report." After receiving the report from Urea, Nan Ruofing turned it over and pinched it in his hand and asked, "What is Gabi's identity?"

"The prostitute who was sold to Paris by the forces of Moldova, Sauron happened to meet her once when he went to Paris. Gabi said that he didn't know why Sauron bought her, and then brought her to Copenhagen and asked her to manage him. Bought prostitutes." Urea replied.

"Gabi is Sauron's lover?"

"The two haven't slept together, maybe they thought she was dirty. These are Gabi's original words."

"OK, shut Gabi up first, and wait for Dad's orders."


Nan Ruofing nodded, and sat in the car parked not far away. When the car drove smoothly, she opened the report in her hand and began to read.

Half an hour later, Nan Ruobing returned to her room at the Scandic Palace Hotel, threw off her shoes, went into the bedroom and took out the communication device. After installing it, she immediately sent an email to Nan Yi.

Nanyi, after receiving the email, took out the communication equipment and installed it, adjusted the direction of the camera, typed a series of codes on the keyboard, and hit the Enter key, and the screen immediately displayed "Connecting..." character.

After a while, Nan Ruofing's face appeared on the computer screen.

On the other side of the screen, Nan Ruobing held up a piece of paper and put it in front of the camera, "Dad, this is the interrogation report, you can read it yourself."

"Stay away, don't shake."

One by one, after Nanyi read through the interrogation report, Nan Ruofing relayed the report of Sergey and the two to Nanyi again.

After listening to Nan Ruofing's report, Nan Yi thought for a while and said: "Japanese boy, I have seen this name in the report. The Ninth Company is already troublesome enough. Adding a Japanese boy, Sergey, right? Didn't I give you the list of the Ninth Company?"

"not yet."

"It's understandable that this matter is a bit difficult for Sergey. The danger should be eliminated in the bud, and the list of the Ninth Company still needs to be clarified, but before that, let's figure out what role the Japanese boy will play in it."

"Dad, does Scott in Stockholm want to send someone to kill him?"

Nanyi waved his hand, "He doesn't need to be in a hurry, he should do the investigation first, has the hotel arranged it?"

"Before I arrived, Strong Crisp had already made arrangements. He bribed the lobby manager of the hotel. As long as someone asks about Dad's identity, we can get the news."

"Very well, the talent team will notify me after finishing Caroline's back tune, and hope she will be worth our trouble."

"Okay." Nan Ruobing responded, and said with a smile: "Father, I heard that you have a beautiful woman there? Is it called Helena?"

"Little girl, you don't need to worry about this matter, hang up."

Nan Yi tapped the keyboard, cut off the video connection, put away his things, and walked out of the basement study.

After all, it was the place where Honecker used to go on vacation. The three villas had basements before, and there was also an underground command system with secret passages leading to the bottom of the lake. The equipment inside had been removed, but the safe house still functioned.

The reason why Nanyi chose Wilm Island was because he guessed that there would be such a configuration here.

Back on the first floor, Nan Yi asked Helena to borrow her Walkman, listening to violent rock, using a quadruple mirror as a magnifying glass, and making micro-carvings on the surface of rice grains with a sewing needle.

The trip to Moscow will start soon. The Soviet revisionists are not good men and women, and the fighting nation is not for nothing. For Nanyi, going to Moscow is like going deep into a tiger's den. Raise your survival skills by surprise, and improve your ability to escape in case of trouble. probability.

Micro-carving in the morning, and a retreat exercise in the afternoon. When Nan Yi returned to the villa to wash up, he released Helena who was locked in the bedroom and was still watched by others. Point to his earlobe.

Nan Yi didn't get used to Helena, he squatted down, stretched out his hands and grabbed the other's waist, exerted strength on his feet, and with a bang, Helena was picked up by Nan Yi and pushed against the wall, "Your temper is really stinky .”

Helena stomped her feet, uttering countless beautiful words from her mouth.

Nanyi waited for her to get tired of scolding and kicking. With both hands, she carried the man on her shoulders, turned around and walked towards the lake again.

The moves are not afraid of being old, as long as they work, Helena becomes submissive again once she cleans them up.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Helena was wearing an apron and humming a Danish folk song "Harvest Song". She marinated a piece of pork breast with salt, pepper, cloves and other spices. Roast pork with skin, this dish can be regarded as the national dish of Denmark, for the Danes, it is the taste of home.

After the pork breast was marinated and put in the oven, she took a piece of herring and cooked it.

Nan Yi took a shower, wiped his hair with a towel in his hand, and walked towards the kitchen. As soon as he entered the kitchen, Helena's salty hands immediately wrapped around Nan Yi's neck, and her wet mouth smacked on his cheek For a moment, then shifted to the earlobe, and said seductively: "Adam, have you tried it in the kitchen?"

Bang, bang, bang...

The dinner that could have been eaten at ten o'clock, it was already one o'clock in the morning when Nanyi and the two had it in their mouths.


the next day.

Moscow, Zelenograd district.

In an elegant and gorgeous villa by the artificial lake near the forest, Ivankov faced the large glass of the floor-to-ceiling window, holding a phone in his hand, and at his feet, a woman knelt there with disheveled hair.

"Scott, where are my people?"

"He was beaten to death." Over there in Stockholm, Scott replied.

"How did you die?"

Scott told Ivankov what he had learned.

"Scott, my man can't die in vain. I will avenge his revenge. You have to give me the compensation. Don't force me to ask for it myself."

After speaking, Ivankov cut off the phone and kicked the woman on the ground away.

Ivankov was born in black boxing, and the strength of his legs can be imagined. The poor woman was kicked to the wall, and her head hit the wall heavily. In an instant, her head tilted and she passed out.

"Andre, Andre."

As Ivankov yelled, a burly man with a pitted right face and a slightly penetrating appearance came to him.

"Chardoff is dead."

"How did you die?"

When Andre heard this, anger and sadness piled up on his face, and the right side of his face became more hideous. Chardov was his comrade in arms, had saved him twice on the battlefield, and was a brother who shared life and death.

"He was beaten to death by outsiders, you take a few people to Copenhagen, find them out and kill them."


Andre responded, turned and left.

Looking at the back of Andrei leaving, Ivankov felt helpless in his heart. To him, his men were cheap assets that could be sacrificed at any time. , It’s not good if you don’t make a gesture, if you don’t take revenge, people’s hearts will be scattered, and it’s not easy to lead the team.

Sergey tore off a piece of bread and fed it to Gabi's mouth. Gabi chewed it a few times and swallowed it.

"When will you let me go?"

"wait a few more days."

Sergey tore off another piece of bread and stuffed it into Gabi's mouth.

Gabby shook his head, "I want to drink water."

Sergey fed two sips of water, and was about to feed him bread again, when Gabi said, "You really won't kill me?"

"You are worthless. If you want to kill you, you will have been killed."

"Thank you, I will cooperate." Gabi said with a relaxed mood.

Sergey stopped talking, tore off a piece of bread and put it in Gabi's mouth.

Not far away, Urea wiped the pistol with a cloth in his hand, watching Sergey's actions silently.

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