Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 833: A Group of People

Varisi Bank, head office in Moscow.

Within a week of opening, Vasili Bank ushered in a seven-day savings boom.

Muscovites like to come to Vasily Bank to save money. Not only does the interest rate here is high, but there are also many products that are not easy to see outside, such as chocolate, red sausage, and milk. As long as you become a customer here, you can take them away one serving.

The receptionist Borisova was walking with wind, and brought cups of warm black tea to the new customers. Although she had never heard her footsteps since the bank opened at eight o'clock, she was still full of energy and full of energy. Motivated.

Borisova just graduated from university this year, but was assigned to work as a waiter in a hotel. Because of her beauty, she was often harassed by her superiors and male colleagues. Once, she was almost raped by a drunk male colleague. If it wasn't for the other party Drunk and not as strong as usual, she is likely to be succeeded by the other party.

Moscow’s economic environment is not good, and Borisova’s family’s conditions are not good. She can only bite the bullet and go to work in fear every day. She lives in infinite fear every day. She really wants to change jobs, but Where can I go?

Half a month ago, she learned that Vasily Bank was recruiting, so she hurried over for an interview. Unexpectedly, she passed the interview and became a receptionist here. Not only can she receive a monthly salary of 200 rubles, but also a series of other benefits. Benefits and bonuses.

In October 1989, when I bought some products produced by the Soviet Union in Moscow, I could still see the "price label" on the product. The so-called label had various labeling methods. The prices of clothing, shoes and hats were printed on a small piece of cloth , sewn directly on top of the item; the price of tableware, such as plates, is written on the bottom, and knives and forks are engraved on the handle.

The most interesting thing is that the words "12 kopecks" were burnt on the bottom of the glass. The price after burning seems to be a symbol of the Soviet revisionist economic system-it can never be changed.

At the end of 1990, the black market ratio of the dollar to the ruble had risen to 1:19. The Kremlin was a little panicked, trying to curb the ruble’s decline, and adopted a series of measures. The denomination of rubles will be declared void.

At 9:00 p.m. on February 21, the host of a TV program in Moscow announced to the public in a stern tone that starting tomorrow, banknotes of 50 and 100 denominations will be invalidated, and people can replace banknotes of larger denominations within a specified time.

However, the bank only accepts retirees to exchange currency, and each person can only exchange banknotes of 100 rubles. Other personnel can only go to their units to exchange large-denomination banknotes equivalent to one month's salary.

This transfer of contradictions has achieved considerable results. It has greatly hit speculators and speculators who hoarded a large number of rubles, and allowed the Kremlin to get rid of the burden of 7 billion rubles.

Perhaps it was the currency exchange measures that worked, and the prices were adjusted on April 1. So far, the ruble’s decline has been contained, and the exchange rate between the dollar and the ruble has stabilized at around 1:30. The TV station, on behalf of the Soviet revisionist people, relaxed tone.

Although the price of goods has risen, the salary of 200 rubles a month can still live very well, not to mention other benefits and bonuses.

Yes, bonuses, receptionists get bonuses too.

Seeing that the depositors in need were already holding cups in their hands, Borisova put down the teapot and cups, took a stack of brochures from a side table, and walked straight to an aunt wearing a luxurious coat.

"Auntie, let me know about our bank's Su Fan Fund. This fund specializes in investing in NIEs (Asian Tigers), which are the four countries and regions with the best economic development in Asia. The minimum investment is 1,000 rubles, and an annual return of at least 15% is guaranteed. "Borisova said, and handed the brochure in her hand to the aunt.

"Girl, is it really so good?" The aunt took the brochure and asked.

"Auntie, I didn't lie to you, look here." Borisova pointed to an area of ​​the brochure and said, "Su Fan Fund is so good, but there are certain restrictions. Once you invest, there is a three-year lock-up period." , The investment funds can only be withdrawn after three years, if you want to withdraw early, our bank will not only not give the promised income, but also deduct 20% of the management fee every year."

"Does the interest in the first and second years also count as the principal?"

"Forget it, the Su Fan Fund uses compound interest rates, aunt, come with me, let's go over there and talk slowly." Borisova took the aunt to a private seat on the side, and introduced each other in detail.

The architectural pattern of the Vasili Bank business hall is quite special. Its first floor is open, with an area of ​​420 square meters and a ceiling height of more than eight meters. In order to make more reasonable use of the space, a 160 square meter The attics on the left and right are sealed off. The first floor is the office of ordinary employees, and the second floor is sealed with one-way glass, which is the office of the management personnel.

Vasily Babanov's office is on the second floor, and at the moment he is standing in front of the glass window, looking at the bustling business hall below.

"The situation is very good, we can start to open branches immediately, and spread them throughout the Soviet Union as soon as possible, and vigorously absorb deposits..."

Vasily was thinking about his future arrangements when the phone on the desk rang.

"Mr Babanov."

"Hello, Ms. Eli."

Hearing the other party's voice, Vasili recognized that the other party was Mrs. Taylor's personal bodyguard Eli.

"There is a man named Ivankov in Moscow, and he has a nickname called Japanese boy. In Copenhagen, one of his men named Chadov was shot and killed by the Boss's bodyguards in self-defense. The lady wants you to find someone to fight with him. Talk about it, it's best if you can talk about it."

Eli didn't say what to do if he couldn't talk, and some things couldn't be said on the phone, but Vasili knew in his heart that if he couldn't talk, he should kill the other party.

"Okay, I will arrange it as soon as possible."


After Petrovsky picked up the line, he called Wang Hu to his side to explain, and then called a small team to rush to the airport and board the plane to Moscow.

Wilm Island.

Yesterday's physical exertion was too great. In order to avoid extremes, Nan Yi did not carry out high-intensity training. Early in the morning, he and Helena lay naked on the water air mattress and basked in the sun.

Helena's long legs were hanging in the water, and the soles of her feet brought up the lake water, and splashed it on Nan Yi's body one after another. Nanyi stretched his legs to the side, bumped into Helena's air mattress and kicked it far away.

Helena and Nanyi fought back, pulled the air mattress back, and continued to pour water on him. Nanyi kicked away again, and Helena rowed back again, just like that, back and forth, over and over again.

After playing dozens of back and forth, Helena got tired of it. She leaned her air bed against Nanyi's side, turned over, and landed on Nanyi's air bed. After turning over again, she turned into an octopus tightly Wrapped around Nanyi's body.

"Adam, do you know a group of people?" Helena teased Nanyi's nose while pinching her hair.

"I haven't heard of it, what is it?"

"A society, a society started by girls in our school."

"What is the purpose of this society?"

"Against this society that values ​​love."

"So, the members of a group of people are very casual?"

Nanyi was aroused a little interest.

"Yes, it's more casual in that respect, they don't need love, they don't need boyfriends."

"They or us?"

"They, on the eve of the day you hired me, I just joined a group of people."

"Oh, why are you telling me this?"

"because I like you."

"What do you like about me? Black hair?"

Danes actually like their natural black hair very much. It can also be said that a large part of Europeans and Americans like black hair, perhaps because most of them don't have it, just like some people like to dye their hair blond.

"And the figure."

As Helena spoke, she stroked Nan Yi's abdominal muscles.

"Sorry, I don't like you."

"Why?" Helena shouted in disbelief, "I'm not pretty?"

"Beautiful, especially your long legs, are they 4 feet?"

"4.05 feet." Helena said proudly: "With my height, this thigh ratio is already very good."

"Yes, very good."

Responding in his mouth, Nanyi murmured in his heart: "How can it be bad for long legs over 123 cm."

"Since you think I'm pretty, why don't you like me?"

"I have a wife and I love her very much."


Nanyi's shameless words made Helena go crazy, hugged Nanyi's chest, shook the air mattress, and fell into the water with Nanyi.

After standing upright, Helena grabbed Nanyi's hand and crawled down to Nanyi's ankle. She grabbed Nanyi hard and dragged Nanyi to the bottom of the water.

Nanyi slapped the water with both hands vigorously, just to prevent Helena from succeeding.

After a stalemate for a while, Nan Yi felt that Helena pushed his ankle, and her people should dive towards the bottom of the lake.

Thinking about it for a while, Nanyi guessed that she went to the bottom of the lake to grab the mud. She used her hands and feet together, and after a while, she came to the edge of the broken bridge. On the surface, taking advantage of the trend, the whole person climbed up and ran quickly with bare feet, guessing that he was out of Helena's attack range, so Nanyi stood still and waited for Helena to surface.

Sure enough, Helena surfaced after a while, her right hand was still tightly clenched, she looked around and saw Nan Yi standing on the shore, she raised her right hand and swung a handful of mud, stones, and sand Just fly in the direction of Nanyi.

At the end of the crossbow, it was impossible to penetrate Lu Jin, and the farthest stone that could fly fell to the ground three meters away from Nanyi.

Seeing that it missed, Helena cursed "Bastard" again.

Nan Yi smiled, patted his buttocks, and walked into the villa barefoot.

After going to the bathroom to wash up, and then went to the bedroom to put on clothes, Nan Yi went down to the basement study and turned on the computer to check today's mail.

Guo Min from G2B sent an email, saying that the poppy plantation has been approved by the Aristide government, and the company will establish a plantation in the Peace Harbor area of ​​Haiti.

In the 1990s, influenza has entered a period of high incidence. Influenza outbreaks occur from time to time in all corners of the world, and cold medicines have developed to a bottleneck. It is not feasible to develop new drugs that suppress existing cold medicines. After market analysis, Guo Min set his sights on cough syrup.

The most important ingredient in cough syrup is codeine, which needs to be extracted from poppy shells. A pharmaceutical company can’t go to the Golden Triangle to import opium poppies. Applying for legal planting is the only way to go, and Haiti is more chaotic. A country that changes presidents faster than clothes is a good bet.

Nan Yi thought for a moment, and then replied to Guo Min's email—to develop two versions, targeting at the Asian, European, and North American markets. The correct cognition of taking medicine; the version for Africa and South America, based on the premise of market development, can reconcile the taste to an excellent level.

The second email was sent by Erlanger to the Intelligence Policy Committee, with a copy to him, and it was about the situation of the hepatitis C special drug DAA. In the email, Erlanger stated that no "reduced hepatitis C The possibility of "special medicine" is not even predictable.

That is to say, there is no difference between developing this drug and other drugs. It starts from scratch, and it depends on God whether it can be successfully developed.

Nanyi knew very well that the Third Institute of Biopharmaceuticals was very resistant to the secondary research and development of DAA, especially Erlanger, the leader, was quite critical. If he hadn't resisted, the evaluation report should have come out long ago.

Sighing slightly, Nanyi replied to the email and asked the EPC to make its own decision.

If a group has only one voice, it is easy to fall into a catastrophe. If there are too many voices, the same thing cannot be avoided. Different people will have different ideas. In addition to one's own interest in drug research, there will naturally be a certain emotional pursuit. Without certain feelings, who can persist in a boring research life.

"It seems that it is very necessary to establish a biopharmaceutical research institute with strong research and development capabilities as a supplement to the third biopharmaceutical research institute." Nanyi stroked his chin and thought, "Place it in the mainland, and the institute is not easy to control. Become a base for brushing papers..."

The matter was not in a hurry, Nanyi put down his thinking for the time being, and after dealing with several other emails, he went to the living room on the first floor.

As soon as he walked back to the living room, he saw a cloud of black flying towards his face, there was no way to avoid it, Nan Yi subconsciously turned his head, and with a crackling sound, a mass of mud burst on his cheek, hair, eyes, ears, No neck was spared.

A loud laugh sounded, and immediately, a series of hasty footsteps left the living room.

Wiping the corners of his eyes, Nan Yi saw a vertical white flower crossing the gate of the villa and running straight towards the lake.

"Little girl, I'm quite revengeful."

Cursing secretly, Nanyi went to the bathroom to clean up, then wandered around the room, found a pump and fiddled with it a few times, transformed it into a water gun, mixed some pen ink into the water as bullets, and rushed to the place with the gun revenge.


When Nanyi was shooting ink with a squirt gun, Scarlett was entertaining Hilson Morgan from the Morgan family and Nicholas Oppenheimer from the Oppenheimer family, nicknamed Nick, at Scarlett Manor.

Needless to say, the Morgan family, the cooperation between the Nan family and Morgan has been relatively deep, and the Oppenheimer family is relatively less well-known, but it is also a very powerful family.

Oppenheimer is a traditional Jewish surname. In 1880, Ernst Oppenheimer was born in a low-level Jewish family in Germany. He had an elder brother Bernard who was fourteen years older than him.

The father of the two brothers, Edward, was a small businessman who sold cigars, and his monthly income was only enough to maintain the basic expenses of a family of four.

In the early 20th century, a seductive story lured many of Europe's underprivileged to South Africa.

It is said that a shepherd boy in South Africa picked up a beautiful stone on the side of the road. Later, the child exchanged this stone for a caravan, 10 cows and 500 fat sheep. This stone is the 83.5-carat South African Star. , in the days to come, its price is still rising.

This legendary story inspired people's fantasy of getting rich with diamonds, and Ernst was one of them.

Ernst Oppenheimer followed his brother to London when he was 16 years old, and was employed by a diamond distribution company to sort diamonds. He could get a salary of 1 pound per week.

Soon, Ernst's unique talent began to emerge. He seemed to have a gift for distinguishing which rough diamonds could be processed into first-class diamonds.

In the era when there was no machine identification, such eyesight was a treasure in the jewelry industry, and his talent was valued by the boss. At the age of 22, Ernst was selected as a company representative and sent to Kimberley, South Africa, to be responsible for purchasing loose diamonds for the company.

In 1906, Ernst, who had been in South Africa for four years, returned to London and married his brother Bernard's sister-in-law, Mary, the 19-year-old daughter of Pollack, chairman of the London Stock Exchange.

Mary is beautiful and talented. For her husband's career, she resolutely gave up her studies in Cambridge and came to South Africa with Ernst.

Soon, they had two lovely sons, Harry and Frank, and Ernst's diamond trade in South Africa was very smooth by virtue of his unique background of being born in Germany and growing up in England.

Later, the colonial power of Britain and Germany in South Africa was reversed, and the risk Ernst took was rewarded hundreds of times.

Relying on his friendship with the Germans, he not only kept his business in Kimberley, but was even elected as the mayor of Kimberley in 1912, and was re-elected for three terms, and finally represented Kimberley in the South African Parliament.

However, politics is not his forte, and he has never successfully entered the South African cabinet.

Taking advantage of Kimberley Mayor’s status, Ernst began to establish his own business kingdom in 1917. Taking advantage of his position as mayor, he met members of the J.P. Morgan family, which was well-known in the financial industry at the time, and successfully persuaded them to contribute capital. 1 million pounds, and jointly established the "Anglo American Resources Group in South Africa" ​​to engage in gold mining business.

Then, Ernst, who gained a foothold by gold mining, focused on diamonds. The outbreak of World War I brought great opportunities to Ernst.

The restricted area of ​​the German diamond mine was occupied by the South African army and could not start work. Ernst took the stock of Anglo American Resources Group he held to negotiate with the Germans to buy the diamond mine. The Germans did not know whether the South African army would retreat, so they decided to At a very low price, a rich mine was sold to Ernst, who had a good relationship.

At this point, the Oppenheimer family owned the first diamond mine, the Oppenheimer Unified Diamond Mine.

The war ended quickly. In order to achieve a monopoly, De Beers, who controlled the main diamond mines at the time, had to come to Ernst to negotiate terms. Ernst agreed to form an alliance with De Beers, but only if he got De Beers shares, and access to the board of directors.

In desperation, De Beers or the Rothschild family behind it agreed.

In 1926, Ernst mortgaged his entire home and merged with the De Beers Diamond Company through an equity swap.

After World War II, the U.S. economy flourished unprecedentedly, and diamonds became a luxury that people rushed to buy. A large number of hoarded diamonds brought Ernst a fortune of US$1.4 billion.

Soon, Ernst became the chairman of De Beers and became the most talked-about figure in the South African diamond industry. At the same time, Ernst, who was already the South African diamond king and the largest gold producer, also expanded his business to copper mines, coal mines, platinum mines, explosives and agriculture.

At the age of 52, he had become one of the most financial and powerful industrialists in South Africa.

During World War I, Ernst's ship was sunk by a German submarine, and he was rescued by the British army. This incident was linked to the purchase of German diamond mines and was recorded in his wartime heroic deeds.

After World War I, King George V of England personally honored Ernst, and he became one of the few Jews with a knight title. It is closely related.

Although Jewish, he regarded South Africa as his homeland and spent a fortune in support of Smythe's anti-apartheid policies.

Ernst died in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1957. Although born Jewish, he converted to Christianity as an adult and was buried in St. George's Church.

After Ernst passed away, all his estates were given to his son Harry Oppenheimer, including assets of 180 million US dollars and a diamond kingdom accounting for 80% of the world's diamond production. So far, Harry has become a new generation of diamond kings.

Harry Oppenheimer was born in Kimberley in 1908 and went to study at Oxford University. His unique family and educational background made him silent, low-key and full of self-cultivation throughout his life. Compared with his brother Frank, who died young due to a drowning accident in his youth, Harry is undoubtedly lucky.

When he was young, Harry was a soldier. When South Africa declared war on Germany in 1939, Harry’s troops encountered Rommel’s army in the desert of North Africa. Fortunately, he not only walked out of the desert alive, but also met the young and beautiful in 1943. The female lieutenant Bridget married.

During the 25 years when Harry served as the chairman of Anglo-American, the diamond kingdom of the Oppenheimer family entered its heyday. The world's largest gold and platinum producer.

In 1973, the Oppenheimer family's output value accounted for 10% of South Africa's GDP, and its exports accounted for 30% of South Africa's total exports, making it a country within a country.

Like his father, Harry is well versed in the "rare things are more expensive" strategy.

Ernst once said: "Common sense teaches us that the only way to increase the value of diamonds is to make them scarce, is to reduce production."

In fact, the price of diamonds in the world has always been controlled by the Oppenheimer family, and no one dared to bargain. At one point, the father and son also ordered to close all the diamond mines owned by the company. From 22 million carats per year to less than 14,000 carats.

The business strategy of controlling production made De Beers' diamond reserves soar all the way. By 1937, the inventory had reached 40 million carats, enough to sell for 20 years.

When the Oppenheimer family's diamond kingdom was at its peak, the kingdom controlled more than 90% of the world's diamond output. Every five weeks, Harry would call important distributors to hold a meeting, and after the meeting, a box of top diamonds would be distributed. The diamonds were distributed to the distributors, and the distributors scattered away after getting the diamonds, waiting for the next call.

However, the diamond kingdom's influence on the South African economy began to unsettle Africans, and many even began to criticize Oppenheimer's family business for exploiting blacks and, in fact, supporting apartheid.

In this regard, Harry was full of emotion. As a congressman, he has spared no effort to support the struggle against apartheid, and his family has also provided more education and employment opportunities for black people.

Harry and Brichet have a son and a daughter. Their daughter Mary is beautiful and dignified. She loves all kinds of famous horses, but lacks talent in business. Her extravagant wedding scene once shocked the whole of Johannesburg. In order to see the once-in-a-century event, the crowd gathered There were even riots and dozens of people were injured.

However, this vigorous marriage dissipated after a few years.

Mary fell in love with her horse trainer. Despite her family's strong opposition, Mary and the horse trainer quietly held a wedding in Swaziland, Africa, but this wedding (second marriage) also failed to give her a happy ending. Bring long-lasting happiness.

Soon, people witnessed Mary's third wedding.

Compared with his sister Mary's emotional ups and downs, Nicholas's growth experience is low-key. He followed the family tradition. He went to the famous Harrow School in the UK to study in middle school. After graduation, he chose the most prestigious Christ Church College in Oxford University to study history. The oldest major in political philosophy and economics, which is exactly the same as his father Harry.

After graduating from Oxford University, Nick entered the family business, first training at the bottom, and then working as his father's personal assistant.

When Harry retired from De Beers in 1984, he faced the situation that large mines in Russia, Australia and other places were discovered one after another, and the monopoly of Oppenheimer’s diamond kingdom was in jeopardy. It was during this period that Nan’s entered De Beers and became one of its shareholders.

Simply dismantled, the Morgan family is a friendly partner of the Oppenheimer family, and is also the major shareholder of Anglo American Resources, and because of the relationship with De Beers, Rothschild, Morgan, Oppenheimer, and Nan's four The family relationship is connected in series.

Last year, Nelson, who spent 27 springs and autumns in prison, was released unconditionally. After his life was dedicated to the fight against color, he lived an ascetic life after he was released. He held a banquet here, inviting business people and the National Congress Party, which is in charge of the country's economy, to conduct various secret negotiations and share their experience of penance.

At the banquet, the drink was bitter wine (Lafite 1982), the food was raw (caviar), cooked food was lumps (top steak), and most of the businessmen attending the meeting were Anglo-American. In spite of the situation, they donated generously and were not afraid of the threat of steel guns from the Boers.

Nanyi and Scarlett can come together because they share the common belief of "dedicating their lives to the rise of black people". Wherever black people are oppressed, there will be Nanshi's figure. Nanshi's eternal purpose is " All for Africa, all for blacks."

Nicholas Oppenheimer: "The mines belong to the Oppenheimer family, and we will not back down."

Hilson Morgan: "Banking, insurance."

"Biopharmaceuticals, banks, insurance companies, we eat leftovers." Scarlett said.



It is very easy to divide the interests of the three families. Each family has its own area of ​​immersion. Although the Nan family covets South African banks and insurance, Nan Yi and Scarlett are very clear about the Morgan family, and the Nan family is not enough. Look, what's more, you have to pay attention to a first-come-first-served basis. The Morgan family has been in South Africa for decades. Scarlett, who is civilized and polite, naturally knows how to be modest.

After seeing off the two guests, Scarlett immediately connected to Nanyi.

"Helena, right?"


"Long legs, right?"


"Are you happy these days?"

"Don't talk to me, just talk about business."

"What I'm talking about now is business. Is there anything special about that Helena that allows me to accept her?"

"Currently, no."

"Hmm, the plane will take off in an hour at most. The time is too tight. The coffin I found is a bit short. Cut off her thighs and it will fit."

Although Nanyi couldn't see Scarlett's face, she could guess that she should be smiling on the surface at this time.

"Okay, I will pay attention to it in the future."

"I hope what you said is true. I don't want to hear the name Helena in the future."


After hearing Nanyi's promise, Scarlett started to talk about the business: "I will fly to Johannesburg in the middle of the month. Who do you think I should meet?"

"The Nelson family?"



"As I thought, the second generation of the Nelson family is only worthy of contact with Dlamini." Scarlett said: "I am optimistic about her. She will definitely become the de facto richest man in South Africa from scratch."

"No, she should be the rich second generation." Nanyi retorted.

"The first generation or the second generation is not important, the key is our attitude, do you want to have in-depth cooperation with the Nelson family?"

"In-depth cooperation is still unnecessary. Nelson is holding the banner of democracy. If the scepter is in his hands, he has no chance to hand it over to his descendants. Besides, several big countries are staring at this piece of fat in South Africa. How much does the Nan family eat?" If you want to occupy it, you are courting death."

"Aha, it turns out that you, Adam, are not overwhelmed by your long legs...Adler, come and talk to you, PaPa."

After a short period of silence, Nan Yi heard Nan Youqiong's voice from the other side of the phone. The father and son talked intimately for more than half an hour before hanging up the phone reluctantly.

Vasily was busy working in the bank in the morning, and at noon he asked Smolensky to have dinner at the Capital Hotel.

Now in Moscow, there are only two restaurants where you can eat Chinese food. One is the Jingcheng Hotel, and the other has just opened near the Yaroslavl train station in Moscow. The name of the restaurant is "Plum Blossom".

It can be seen from the name that the Beijing Hotel is inseparable from the Huaguo government, and so is the fact. This hotel was opened during the honeymoon period in the 1950s, and it belongs to the industry of official cooperation between the two countries.

The Chinese Restaurant of the Capital Hotel opened in 1958 and has been in business for more than 20 years. Thousands of Soviet and foreign guests have tasted many authentic Chinese delicacies. At the end of the 1970s, due to some reasons, the exchange of goods was blocked, and the variety of Huaguo cuisine in the Beijing Hotel suddenly decreased.

By 1983, there were only 13 of the 36 best-selling hot dishes in the Chinese restaurant. After 1985, the operation of the Chinese restaurant in the Capital Hotel went from bad to worse.

In 1989, the Chinese restaurant of Jingcheng Hotel was reorganized, and a joint venture company was established with Huaguo, named "Jingcheng in Moscow", and 15 Huaguo chefs were recruited. The Chinese food of Jingcheng Hotel became very authentic, but for the locals, it was too The authentic taste is not accepted by them, and the business of the hotel's Chinese restaurant is going from bad to worse.

When Vasili got off the bus at the entrance of the Beijing Hotel, he saw many people queuing up. Judging by their age, most of them were nostalgic. You could also see a lot of yellow-skinned faces. They should have come from China.

After brushing his face, Vasily entered the lobby of the Huadeng Hall in the Chinese restaurant without queuing.

The Huadeng Hall is divided into a hall and a small hall. The hall is for ordinary guests, and the small hall is for honored guests "Huaguo Daoye". Chinese people like to have a lively meal, smoking, punching, and undressing, in sharp contrast to the quietness of the locals. In order for the guests not to disturb each other, the restaurant simply opened a small hall for the poor men.

In the small hall, you can make as much noise as you like, and the fee is not expensive. The per capita cost is only about 50 US dollars. It is not easy to work hard in a foreign country, but men know how to save money.

Vasily arrived first, ordered two cold dishes and asked the waiter to wait first. He stood up and went to the wall of the hall to admire the authentic works of famous artists hanging on the wall. A bamboo painting feels very charming.

If Nanyi was there, he might not be able to understand the artistic conception of the painting, but he could definitely recognize that the seal on the painting belonged to Zheng Banqiao.

"Mr Babanov."

After Smolensky arrived, he scanned the hall, saw Vasily admiring the paintings by the wall, and went straight to him.

"This painting of bamboo can calm people down, but I don't understand Huaguo painting, so I can't tell what is so good about it. Smolensky, do you know anything about Huaguo painting?" Vasily turned around and said.

"Mr. Babanov, like you, I don't know much about Chinese paintings. I know the Bible better."

Smolensky had printed many Bibles, and he knew exactly which page each chapter and verse was on.

"Go and sit."

Vasily invited Smolensky to his seat.

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