Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 847 Shameless people are invincible

"Very effective strategy, unfortunately, will certainly not be implemented."

"Time" is an all-encompassing column with a news section, and this column is aimed at people with a high level of education, the Soviet revisionist elite. Aksinya used to be the host of this column, even if she I don't know anything about finance, and I can know a thing or two after reading too many manuscripts.

"Hmm, in order not to degrade your broadcasting skills, from now on you will read the newspaper to me every morning. After reading the original manuscript, you will also share your opinions. I will add more burdens to you. From now on, you will be my private global financial Strategic analysis consultant, do a good job and don’t let down the trust placed in you by the organization.”

After Nanyi finished speaking, he wiped his mouth with paper, picked up the enamel bowl on the table and walked to the kitchen.

Aksinya snorted at Nanyi's words. Nanyi was dissatisfied with her arrival. She could feel it from the first day, but she had a reason to stay, otherwise she would chop off that salty pig's hand yesterday .

In the kitchen, Nan Yi was rinsing the enamel bowl while thinking about the report of the National Bank. He was sure that the two proposals in the report could not be passed. The common people in Soviet Russia would not agree either.

Just ask any young man under the age of thirty-five on the streets of Moscow, and you will hear that the Soviet revisionist economic policies and past traditions are rubbish, and should be discarded without reservation. What he yearns for is the American style. The economic model, the American way of life.

At present, the thoughts of the Soviet revisionists can be roughly divided into three categories. The first category is the old people who have come from the Great Patriotic War.

The second category is people who received benefits from the powerful period of Soviet revisionism. They enjoyed various benefits from the state, such as free medical care, free recuperation, free heating, free telephone calls, abundant supplies, etc. , Year after year is not as good as one year, they have complaints, but they can continue to stick to their jobs.

The third category is the group under the age of thirty-five. When they are adults and want to work, the Soviet revisionism has entered a period of decline. They have heard and seen those good benefits, but it is their turn. No more, looking at the flowers in the fog and the moon in the water, you can only watch the excitement.

On the contrary, the top executives of the company can continue to enjoy their high-level recuperation. The small days are the same as before, and they don’t suffer from the shortage but the unevenness. They understand that there are different levels of people, and they can understand that some people can enjoy better than them. Welfare, but why their welfare is gone, but the upper class is not affected at all?

Just when they didn't understand and were dissatisfied, the trend of liberalism was blowing up in Soviet revisionism again, and Western-style freedom and democracy suddenly became very popular in Soviet revisionism.

It can be said that the disintegration of the Soviet revisionists is something that most Soviet revisionists have been looking forward to and are happy to see. Similar to Tatiana Ovsenko, who mainly sings Western-style disco dance music, and has sung "American Boy". It is not without reason that the singer became popular in Russia.

From Nanyi's point of view, he is willing to advance and retreat with the Soviet revisionist people. He does not want the National Bank's proposal to be passed. The issuance of additional rubles means that the ruble's exchange rate will depreciate faster. This will cause Russians to panic. The rubles in the bank can be exchanged for commodities as soon as possible, and no one will deposit money in the bank and sit back and watch the depreciation.

No one saves money, which means that Vasily Bank cannot absorb ruble chips, and it also means that the cost of purchasing goods is piled up. Not only will the overall cake become smaller, but the share that can be distributed will also decrease. After a few years of layout, the effort put in is instant Time will be reduced to nothing.

The ruble must depreciate greatly, but not now. For Western capital entering Russia, the ruble remains relatively stable at present, and it is best for a small appreciation to serve their interests.

After washing the enamel bowl, Nanyi boiled some water, made a pot of green tea, and then made a pot of black tea. The black tea that Russians drink is too strong, and it turns into black tea. Nanyi is not used to it.

After brewing the tea, he took it to the study on the first floor. The black tea moistened Aksinya’s throat and asked her to continue reading the newspaper. Nan Yi stood at the window with the teacup in his hand, looking at Jack and Rose outside the window, and the peace dove came over. Xin Anbao, who is eating their small stove, has beef ribs with thick meat, grilled golden and sprinkled with peach blossom salt.

After listening to Aksinya read the newspaper for half an hour, Nanyi asked her to call Bao Huantou again to inquire about the investment situation.

The reply from Bao Huantou was that 97 of them had already moved in. Only two days later, there were so many. The results can be said to be very gratifying, but Nanyi is not very satisfied, it is slow, too slow.

Letting Aksinya stay to handle the documents, Nanyi asked Yepisov to meet outside the Church of the Ascension of Jesus on the banks of the Moscow River, "Episov, there have been several robberies against Chinese businessmen in the past few days. Do you know something?"

"I don't know. The case is too small to report to me," Yepisov said.

"The investment promotion work of Friendship Leather City is going well, but I'm still not very satisfied with the progress. I have read the federal law. According to the above provisions, if a case like robbery is not arrested on the spot at the time of the crime, you can only The suspect can be detained for four hours, and the suspect can only be released if there is no 'face-to-face' identification by the victim.

Businessmen in any country have the characteristics of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. If they are asked to identify robbers in person, they will be afraid of being accomplices of robbers. It is too easy to make money in Moscow. They are robbed several times a year. Life-threatening, they can still endure. "

Yepisov could understand Nanyi's subtext as soon as he heard it. To arrest the robbers, during the arrest process, the investigators can first make a sum of "stolen money" and then find the victim to identify the suspect. The victim dare not The identification, the evidence is insufficient, the suspect is released on bail, and both public and private can have a certain amount of income.

The robbers lost a lot of money, and the person was imprisoned again. Most likely, they will intensify their robbery again, and the methods are likely to be upgraded.

"Haha, Adam, I understand. I will give orders to arrest the robber as soon as possible." Yepisov said with a cheerful smile.

What Nanyi wants is not embarrassing at all for him, and it belongs to his scope of responsibility.

Moscow is chaotic, but the chaos is orderly. It’s not that no one cares about the evil. Moreover, because of the large policy environment for the introduction of foreign capital, Russia still treats foreigners more favorably, such as medical care, because the entire Soviet revisionist has free medical care. Foreigners There is no clear standard for how to charge for medical treatment. Often minor illnesses are free, and serious illnesses charge a certain fee.

For another example, the robbery of the Daoist was not left alone. The Moscow law enforcement agencies will dispatch and arrest those who should be arrested, but no victim dares to identify them, and the case will be closed. He loves to manage the affairs of Chinese people.

It can only be said that Russia's laws are too cheating and too favorable to suspects.

[It’s not that the Soviet revisionists who enacted the law were out of their minds, it was related to the fact that the early secret police (starting from the Cheka period) had too much power and too many “suspects” died in vain, which turned out to be overkill. ]

After the two chatted, Yepisov left immediately, but Nanyi did not leave. He stood on the bank of the Moscow River and admired its plainness for a while. "Tracker Restaurant on the Moskva River" moored by the river.

After picking a table and sitting down, after ordering, Lin Shuyi said, "Nan Yi, how long have you been in Moscow?"

"Almost a month."

"How's the situation here?" Lin Shuyi asked again.

"Where do you mean?"

"The political and economic environment."

"It's bad, but it's fertile ground for you Lehmans."

To put it in a more pleasant way, Lehman Brothers is good at flexibility and only cares about the result, not the process. In order to achieve the goal, it can be said that it will do everything.

"I read the "Kommersant" this morning. Nan Yi, what do you think of the two proposals put forward by the National Bank's Countermeasures Committee? I mean consider it from the perspective of the Soviet revisionist country." Lin Shuyi didn't want to talk about Lehman About the brother, she changed the topic.

Nan Yi smacked his mouth, weighed it, and decided to say a few words.

"From the standpoint of the Soviet revisionists, I would not agree with the proposals put forward by the National Bank. In my opinion, their actions are too small and a little timid. If I make decisions, not only will I issue more rubles and strengthen financial controls, It will also lower the threshold for corporate loans, implement subsidies for light industrial enterprises, reduce taxes, and carry out large-scale infrastructure construction at the same time."

Nan Yi smiled lightly, and stroked the knuckles of his right fingers with his left hand, "In short, I will do whatever Western financial institutions do not agree with and think it is wrong. If I can, I should vigorously crack down on smuggling and increase the import tariff rate. "

"Nanyi, whether it is the views put forward by some international financial institutions such as the European Bank for Reconstruction or the World Bank, is obviously in line with the common sense of economics. As a country's economic regulation tool, currency has strict control benchmarks for its issuance. In the current situation, additional rubles are issued. , causing inflation problems.

Today, the depreciation of the ruble has already begun to appear. If the White House makes such a decision again, it will trigger inflation on a larger scale and further..."

"What's the next step?" Nan Yi interrupted Lin Shuyi, ""The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine Su Wen·Treatise on Soup and Mash" says: Poison and medicine must be collected to attack it. There is an idiom called using poison to attack poison. Only by continuing to extend can the current Soviet revisionist economic situation be stabilized, thereby avoiding a catastrophe.

The currency issue you mentioned based on economic principles is not wrong. For a country, unlimited currency issuance will only lead to disastrous inflation. In the face of the crisis of currency devaluation, there is nothing wrong with implementing a monetary tightening policy.

The biggest mistake in the viewpoints put forward by the international financial institutions is that they have not investigated the actual situation of Soviet revisionism on the spot, um..."

Nan Yi paused, "It should be said that this issue was intentionally ignored. Starting from the common sense of economics, they listed a lot of convincing propositions and presented them to senior officials in Moscow. In order to convince the wise men of the American dream of their paradoxes of intrigue and evil, their . . .

Nanyi omitted the paragraph "using financial means to achieve the continuation of its military strategy", stopped talking, picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip.

Lin Shuyi looked at Nanyi with burning eyes, waiting for him to continue.

Catching Lin Shuyi's gaze, Nanyi could only continue to say: "Actually, to analyze the right or wrong of the State Bank's decision, we must analyze it from the current specific situation of the Soviet revisionist.

According to the recommendations of the international financial institutions, the biggest crisis in the Soviet Union at present is not the massive loss of currency, on the contrary, it should be the inflationary pressure brought about by the depreciation of the ruble.

But what about the facts?

At present, the unemployment rate in the Soviet Union has reached 38.74%, and nearly 39 out of 100 people are unemployed.

Looking at the social welfare policy again, a few months ago, Soviet revisionists were still enjoying a series of welfare policies from birth to old age, free education for more than 13 years, a mandatory employment system, a housing system almost fully funded by the government, A very comprehensive medical security system, a pension policy for the elderly, and many such policies.

Guaranteed, ordinary people in Soviet revisionism naturally take money very lightly. They don’t need to save, and they are willing to spend, but they can’t buy the goods they want in stores, so they are surprised by the sight of stores in Western society and a wide range of goods. Envious.

But now, the social welfare system can be said to have almost collapsed, and the unemployment rate has soared. The people of the Soviet revisionist will cover their pockets and will not use them for crazy consumption.

The people of the Soviet revisionists are facing the same social environment, which naturally gives rise to a very similar consumption mentality. Everyone saves enough to deal with the possible crisis.

This is actually a kind of monetary tightening. Under this premise, how likely is it that the Soviet revisionist will have inflation?

One thing I can be sure of is that under the premise that the Soviet revisionists do not have an inflationary environment, the rash appearance of inflation can only be caused by external factors. "

Nan Yi knocked on the table in outrage, and shamelessly circled himself in the circle and scolded him.

"These two proposals issued by the Bank Negara Countermeasure Committee are to prevent such a conspiracy from succeeding, and at the same time, to stimulate the consumer market to a certain extent.

The National Bank’s additional issuance of ruble currency will inevitably affect the savings quota. Everyone knows that the additional issuance of currency may lead to a certain degree of depreciation. In that state, depositing money in the bank is not as good as direct consumption insurance.

And once the consumer market becomes active, an internal cycle can be achieved when Soviet revisionist exports are seriously sluggish. The vast market with 286 million people can completely revive a large number of enterprises, thereby curbing the surge in unemployment, and eventually driving The economy of the whole country is developing in the direction of a virtuous circle.

The reason why I just said that on the basis of the two policies, we should also increase investment in infrastructure, lower the threshold for corporate loans, lower tax rates, and restrict imports is also to save the Soviet Union's light industry.

On the one hand, it can curb the expansion of unemployment, and on the other hand, it can also prevent the dumping of foreign goods.

Let's go back and talk about the proposals of the international financial institutions that are "in line with the basic laws of the economy" and "more credible". They will adopt further monetary tightening policies, which means that it will become more difficult for companies to obtain loans. .

At the same time, they also need to reduce the government's public investment. Under the premise that the unemployment rate is soaring, what will be the consequences if Soviet Russia introduces these two policies?

There is no doubt that public infrastructure construction projects that can provide a large number of employment opportunities will be cancelled. On the one hand, it will increase the pressure on social employment, and on the other hand, it will also deal a heavy blow to related industries, thereby further increasing the social unemployment rate.

The increase in the loan threshold has made the situation of a large number of companies that are already in trouble worse. The situation they are facing can only be described as worse. At the same time, international financial institutions also proposed to increase taxes to solve the government's fiscal deficit.

Needless to say, they thought the Soviet revisionist enterprises were dying too slowly and not thoroughly.

As we all know, increasing taxes means increasing costs for enterprises. At present, Soviet light industry is shrinking, and the local daily necessities market is facing external dumping pressure; heavy industry is lagging behind, and export products are not competitive.

As soon as taxes increase and production costs rise, both heavy industries oriented to exports and light industries oriented to the local market will suffer catastrophe.

If things go on like this, the Soviet revisionist light industry will probably face the danger of death, and the heavy industry will not be much better, at most there will be a chance to survive.

However, the benevolent international financial institutions have left a way out for Big Brother Soviet revisionism. They can provide Big Brother with interest-bearing loans to help Big Brother overcome difficulties. I'm going to worry.

They will be surprised to find that this sum of loans is used to repay debts and pay for imported goods, and there is not much to be born. At that time, what should Big Brother do?

It's okay, isn't there still a private ownership waiting? All state-owned industrial and mining enterprises are privately owned. Although Big Brother's light and heavy industries are finished, the underground resources are valuable. Exporting them will surely bring back rich foreign exchange.

In this way, the plan was advanced step by step, and a world power with developed heavy industry could only be reduced to a third world exporter of raw materials. This final result is exactly what the Western economic experts in the Kremlin are happy to see. "

Nan Yi patted the table again, "Shameless, shameless, imperialism never dies. In order to seize wealth, evil capitalists can do anything shameless. No, we must fight privately and criticize capital. "

Except for the last gag, Nanyi's macroeconomic analysis can be said to be easy to understand. Lin Shuyi naturally understood it, but she did not fully agree with Nanyi's analysis. In her opinion, the current economic situation of Suxiu It's bad, but not too bad to be vulnerable.

Especially heavy industry, after decades of development, the Soviet revisionist heavy industry system is complete and well-developed. The entire industrial system of several trillion rubles cannot be defeated just by defeating it. Raw materials live.

How could it be possible to say that being defeated by others was defeated, and the defeat was so complete that it was reduced to living by exporting raw materials.

It can only be said that Lin Shuyi doesn't know enough about the current situation of Suxiu. After she has a deep understanding, she will definitely not think so. As for Nanyi's witty words, she didn't quite understand them. She went abroad early, and she had never experienced many things.

As far as Nanyi is concerned, the reason why he is willing to say so much is because Nanshi owns the shares of Lehman Brothers, and because Lehman Brothers is likely to become the Soviet revisionist strategy alliance, and he and Lin Shuyi are mother and son, dear, The blood is connected, and the family does not speak two different languages. How can he, a son, perfuse his mother?

"Only a mother is good in the world, a child with a mother is like a treasure, throwing it into the arms of the mother..."

[Soviet revisionism for a while, Russia for a while, it’s a bit confusing. You can understand the Soviet revisionism as an existence like the European Union, which will be easier to understand. ]

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