July 1st in the Hebrew Calendar, West Bank.

Nan Youqiong wrote down the sins of the past year that he reflected on on a piece of paper, a total of ten or so, of which six or seven were related to Nanyi, such as peeing on a tomato, and then leaving it for Nanyi to eat The flowers and plants that are easy to raise in Bad Nan, etc.

Maybe it's rebellion, maybe it's lack of companionship, Nan Youqiong will occasionally make trouble for Nan Yi on purpose.

After finishing writing, Nan Youqiong put the pieces of paper into the burning tin can, took out the Bible, turned to the "Book of Micah", and recited a verse. When the recitation was over, he shook the hem of his clothes three times in a row to show that he had already passed the book. Abandoned sin and became extremely pure.

After finishing everything, Nan Youqiong walked aside and quietly watched Scarlett throw a long, densely written piece of paper into the flames.

After Scarlett's atonement ceremony was over, she came to Nan Youqiong, and Nan Youqiong asked, "Mom, you have many sins."

"No, 90% of the blame belongs to you, PaPa." Scarlett knelt down, kissed Nan Youqiong's cheek and said, "We are going back to Jerusalem to prepare for the dinner."


Driving back to Jerusalem, the mother and son came to an ancient castle in Jarrad - Adler Castle, which was bought by Scarlett and given to Nan Youqiong as a New Year's gift.

After washing up, the mother and son came to the kitchen and began to prepare the food for the New Year's dinner.

The Jewish New Year’s Eve dinner is relatively simple, honey, round bread, apples, fish heads, pomegranates, dates, black-eyed peas, etc., are a few things that are not troublesome to prepare.

Scarlett shaped the dough into a loaf shape, put it in the oven, opened a box, took out a whole piece of honey, cut off a small piece with a knife and stuffed it into Nan Youqiong's mouth, and then cut off a piece of honey the size of soap. Put two of them in a glass bowl.

Nan Youqiu felt the taste of honey carefully. He felt that the taste of honey was a little strange, and he probably had never tasted it before. "Mom, where is this honey? It has a spicy throat and the fragrance of eucalyptus."

"Buenos Aires, Argentina, eucalyptus honey produced by the 102 bee farm of the Reclamation Group."

"Why the reclamation group?"

"Because the Reclamation Group has the most reserves of beekeeping technology." Scarlett handed a glass bowl containing black-eyed peas to Nan Youqiong, "Wash it clean."

Nan Youqiong took it, leaned over to the vegetable sink, and said while cleaning, "I want to call PaPa."

"Use the red phone."


Nan Youqiong washed the black-eyed peas, wiped his hands, ran to the study to find the red phone, and ran back to the kitchen.

As soon as Nan Yi and Lin Shuyi separated, Nan Youqiong's call came. The father and son chatted for a while, and after a quarter of an hour, Scarlett joined the call.

"Adam, I have invested in two companies. One is DSW, which has relatively advanced seawater desalination technology, and the other is Netafim, which holds a lot of patents on drip irrigation technology."

"Where's Hazela?"

Hazera is a vegetable and crop seed company established for a long time. It is not well-known outside the industry, but it is relatively well-known in the industry. It has monopolized the supply of various vegetable seeds in many countries.

Scarlett: "We're still negotiating. Hadomi (Chairman of Hazera) doesn't care much about funding. He wants a few of our technologies."

"What technology?"

Scarlett: "Hadomi wants all the technologies about Holstein cows."

"Huh? Hazela is going to enter the animal husbandry?"

Scarlett: "Hadomi means to make technical reserves and re-research."

"What do you mean?"

Scarlett: "Yes, we entered the packaged milk market too late, and the future development is limited. It is better to develop in-depth primary milk supply and storage technology."

Nan Yi: "We'll discuss the business direction at Christmas or other times. The technical matters are up to you to decide. Talk about something else, let Gaojue Satellite design a plan to improve the signal in the Far East and Eastern Europe."

Scarlett: "We can only add satellites."

Nan Yi: "Make a plan first, if there is one less, it is a one. The current technology is not good enough, too many launches are too wasteful, and when the technology is mature enough, it will do to wrap the earth."

Scarlett said jokingly: "So, do you want to deploy rocket launch technology?"

Nan Yi: "No, we are going to launch Nanshi Explorer 1 into space, following the footsteps of travelers and pioneers to explore space."

Scarlett: "Adam, are you serious?"

Nanyi: "Yes, I want to know what's on the back of the moon."

"PaPa, there is an interstellar colony base of Cybertron." Nan Youqiong interjected.

Nan Yi: "Huh? Decepticons or Autobots?"

Nan Youqiong: "I don't know."

Nan Yi: "Ha, then let's go and see, $5, I bet on Decepticons."

Nan Youqiong: "I am Autobot."

Nanyi: "Deal, goodbye, Adler, call again next time, science has no universe, scientists have system boundaries, for the sake of the Milky Way, the people of the Milky Way will never be slaves, happy new year."

"For the sake of the galaxy, PaPa, goodbye."

Nanyi is talking on the phone, and at Domodedovo International Airport, a private plane has just landed on the runway of the airport.

The cabin door was opened, and a short but elegant woman walked up the gangway. Not far away, Boris' good assistant Chubais was already waiting to welcome the woman.

This woman once had a relationship with Nan Yi in the Scarecrow Village. Mitsui Yukiko, the eldest daughter of the Mitsui family, is already 35 years old but has not yet married. She is highly valued by the Mitsui family. In the role of the core think tank of the Mitsui Foundation, she has more or less been behind the external actions of the Mitsui Foundation in the past five years.

Although Japan and the Soviet Union fought two fierce battles in those years, and the two sides still had territorial disputes, the two countries resumed diplomatic relations as early as the 1950s, and signed a trade treaty and a trade payment agreement.

Since then, the import and export trade between Japan and the Soviet Union has continued to expand, and due to the complementary nature of the import and export trade structure between Japan and the Soviet Union, Japan’s exports to the Soviet Union are mainly processed products such as machinery and equipment, non-ferrous metals; The main products are industrial raw materials, timber, petroleum and other primary products. Until the end of the 1970s, the development of import and export trade between Japan and the Soviet Union was relatively stable.

However, in the 1980s, the development of Japan-Soviet economic relations stagnated. Japan’s trade with the Soviet Union accounted for more than 2% of Japan’s foreign trade at one point, but it has dropped to 1.5% in recent years. In the first seven months of 1989, Japan’s exports to the Soviet Union Compared with the same period of the previous year, it decreased by 2.8%, and the import increased by 9%.

The economic exchanges between the two countries came to a standstill, because the Soviet side emphasized the separation of politics and economy, while Japan consistently adhered to the stance of "political and economic inseparability", emphasizing that the return of the Northern Territory is a prerequisite for improving and expanding Japan-Soviet economic relations.

Of course, this is not the main reason. The key factor is the occurrence of the Toshiba incident in 1987, which made Japanese companies adopt a cautious attitude when exporting to the Soviet Union.

There is a saying that "Japan is sinking". Japan is a country with relatively poor land resources. Not only does it lack natural minerals such as oil and metals, but its own land is also very poor in nutrition, making it difficult to carry out large-scale agricultural production.

What's even more frightening is that Japan has been hit by natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons all year round.

The reason why Japan’s land environment is so bad is actually because the Japanese island plate is very active. Its location is just at the junction of the Eurasian plate and the Pacific plate. The earth is moving every minute and every second that ordinary people cannot feel. This will have a more severe impact on the region of Japan.

Japan is now getting closer and closer to the deepest Mariana Trench in the world. In theory, Japan's sinking seems to be a foregone conclusion, but it is only a matter of time.

The theory of Japan's sinking frequently appears in Japanese newspapers and literary works, and many Japanese are very worried about it. Perhaps there is a certain force that has been spreading and promoting this theory in order to achieve its ulterior motives.

Regardless of how this statement appears, and regardless of whether it is true or false, Japan is indeed exporting capital and labor in a premeditated and planned manner.

In the 1960s, due to the international economic situation and the relationship between the supply and demand of resources and energy worldwide, Japan had negotiated with the Soviet revisionists for the reasons of the supply of resources and energy, and the two countries cooperated in the development of Siberia.

However, during the second oil crisis, Japan completed the adjustment of its industrial structure and energy consumption structure, and the relationship between supply and demand of resources and energy in the world tended to ease. Throughout the 1970s, no new cooperative development plan for Siberia was formulated. This has not achieved the corresponding export of large complete sets of equipment to the Soviet Union.

After entering the 1980s, the Soviet revisionist economic situation deteriorated further, the economic structure was out of balance, the scientific and technological progress was slow, the economic benefits declined, and the production stagnated, which caused the gap between social demand and production capacity, between the demand for payment ability and the supply of commodities. sharp contradictions.

Under such circumstances, Lao Ge put forward the "acceleration strategy" at the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and then advocated the use of "new thinking" to comprehensively adjust the Soviet Union's foreign economic relations and accelerate the pace of opening up.

To this end, the Soviet revisionists first vigorously reformed the economic management system. In August 1986, the State Foreign Economic Commission was established under the Ministerial Conference to strengthen the macro-level leadership of foreign economic relations, and to coordinate and manage the work of various foreign economic departments nationwide;

At the same time, it will change the previous over-centralized planned economic system, grant joint public companies the power to directly engage in foreign economic activities, and change the situation that domestic production is separated from the needs of the international market and enterprises do not participate in international competition.

The other is to strengthen legislation. Since 1986, more than 20 foreign-related regulations have been promulgated. Among them, in January 1987, the "Joint Venture Law" passed by the Ministerial Council clearly stipulated in legal form for the first time that foreign economic ties should be strengthened through joint ventures. With the further deepening of Soviet revisionism's opening to the outside world.

In 1987, there were 23 joint ventures approved by the Soviet revisionists, and in 1988 the number increased to 191. As of September 1989, there were more than 700.

Judging from the foreign direct investment in the Soviet Union in 1988, Western countries accounted for more than 85%, of which Germany ranked first, followed by Finland, followed by Austria, Italy, the United States, France and the United Kingdom, and Western European countries accounted for the vast majority.

These countries invested in a wide range of industries in Suzhou, including machinery, transportation, electronics, chemistry, resource recycling, wood processing, clothing, food, publishing, sports facilities, hotels and other industries.

Compared with European and American countries, Japan’s direct investment in the Soviet Union has not progressed fast. In 1987, there was only one Japanese-Soviet joint venture approved by the Soviet revisionist. In 1988, the number increased to six. As of October 1989, there were only 15 joint ventures, accounting for about 2% of the total number of joint ventures between the Soviet revisionists and Western countries, and 19 joint ventures between Japan and the Soviet Union.

The Soviet revisionists put the Japanese-Soviet joint venture at the core of the economic relationship between Japan and the Soviet Union, and hoped to cooperate in a wide range of fields such as machinery, precision machinery, household appliances, fibers, chemicals, and finance.

However, Japan has always been cautious about making direct investment in the Soviet Union, and it is limited to some relatively small projects, such as timber processing for construction, construction of sports facilities, and processing of aquatic products.

In 1989, the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union began to ease, and the Soviet revisionist was lifted from the Batumi embargo list.

On the Soviet revisionist side, according to the "Joint Joint Venture Law" passed in January 1987, the establishment of joint ventures with non-socialist countries must be approved by the four levels of agencies below the Ministerial Council; The chief is a person from the Soviet side.

Joint ventures are exempted from profit income tax in the first two years of operation, and the tax rate thereafter is 30%, and 20% tax is paid when profits are remitted to foreign countries.

In September 1987, the Ministerial Conference of the Soviet Union and the Revisionist Committee passed the "Decision on Supplementary Measures Concerning Improving Foreign Economic Activities under New Operating Conditions", and made two major revisions to the "Joint Venture Law". The first is to establish joint ventures with non-socialist countries The examination and approval authority of enterprises is delegated to the relevant ministries and the Council of Ministers of the Union Republics; the second is to change the "profit income tax exemption for the first two years of operation" of joint ventures to "the first two years of profit income tax exemption for joint ventures".

In December 1988, the Council of Ministers passed the "Decision on Further Development of State-owned, Cooperatives and Other Social Enterprises, Joint Companies and Organizing Foreign Economic Activities", which redefined several major issues concerning the establishment of joint ventures. The main contents are as follows:

The establishment of a joint venture only needs the approval of the superior competent authority of the enterprise; the proportion of capital contribution is determined through negotiation between the two parties, and the proportion of foreign investment can exceed 49%; the chairman of the joint venture can be a foreign citizen; Profit income tax is exempted for the first three years, and the tax rate is 10% thereafter.

After continuous amendments and supplements to the "Joint Venture Law", the Soviet revisionist laws and regulations on joint ventures have become more and more perfect, greatly simplifying the approval procedures for establishing joint ventures, and improving the preferential treatment for joint ventures.

In particular, after solving the two key issues of investment ratio and chairman selection that were often disputed between Soviet revisionists and foreign businessmen, foreign investment increased rapidly, and even created a record of 5 joint ventures registered and established within a week.

Faced with the superior investment environment of the Soviet Union and the abundant resources and energy underground, Japanese companies will certainly not turn a blind eye or remain indifferent. In particular, South Korea has already entered into trade cooperation with the Soviet Union. In 1989, the trade volume was 700 million US dollars, and in 1990 it even broke through. $1.2 billion.

Moreover, the Blue House has come forward to seek the development of natural gas and logging in Siberia, and has reached an agreement with the Soviet Union on the joint development of logs in the border area for 30 years. The economic cooperation between South Korea and the Soviet Union has expanded to timber, coal, natural gas, oil, and shipbuilding. , chemistry and other broad fields.

Even Taiwan came to intervene. In 1990, Taiwan invested 600 million Taiwan dollars to promote economic and trade relations with the Soviet Union, and signed a trade contract with the Soviet Union for a total of 400 million U.S. dollars. Suxiu provides 100 sets of factory equipment and 20,000 computers in exchange for Suxiu's raw materials.

The above will undoubtedly cause major changes in the original international relations and international division of labor in East Asia, and a new economic competition situation will emerge.

Under such circumstances, in order to avoid setbacks in competition and lose possible interests, and to consolidate its dominant position in the Asia-Pacific economy it has been seeking, Japan will definitely adjust its foreign economic relations accordingly, strive for the initiative, and promote Japan-centered economic development. Economic cooperation among many countries, thereby expanding the economic relationship between Japan and the Soviet Union, including direct investment in the Soviet Union.

This is the case at the national level. For the Mitsui Consortium, they value the "opportunity of the ruble exchange rate" very much. Otherwise, Yukiko Mitsui, the core think tank who has been sitting firmly behind the command, would not fly over in person.

Before coming here, Mitsui Yukiko had already drawn up a rough plan. The starting point highly overlapped with Nanyi’s ideas. Mitsui Yukiko wanted to use the Soviet Union, to be precise, to use Russian rubles to complete the Mitsui consortium’s investment layout in Siberia and the Far East. .

Mitsui Yukiko is the same as Nanyi, both are shameless hungry wolves, the difference is that one is a male and the other is a female. In addition, in terms of layout, Nanyi may be slightly inferior. Nanyi's plan tends to be more speculative, while Mitsui You Xizi could tell that it was an investment, but she didn't want to take a penny out of her own pocket.

[Don't think that the tax issue here is not the same as the previous conflict with Daoye. One is corporate investment, and the other is simply doing trade, or one-way trade, taking money away. ]

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