Nanyi has long heard that there is a "big market" in Warsaw, which is the largest free trade market in Poland and even Eastern Europe.

The big market is located on the east side of the central district of Warsaw, on the right bank of the Vistula River, in the vicinity of the 10th Anniversary Stadium. When you step into the big market, the first impression you get is "big", with a grand scale and a spectacular scene.

It is composed of three circles: the outer layer, the middle layer and the inner layer. The goods sold in these three layers generally have a division of labor: the outer layer is mainly clothing, leather goods, and food; the middle layer is mainly knitwear, underwear, shoes and hats. Most; the inner layer is a variety of daily necessities and handicrafts.

In the old days, Shanghai described the market as a prosperous market for ten miles, and this proverb may be most appropriate here.

If the three layers of bunks lined up in a row were laid out in a long snake formation, it might stretch for more than ten kilometers. Due to the large scale of this large market, both wholesale and retail operations, complete facilities, convenient transportation, low rental fees, reasonable taxes, and prices about 20% cheaper than ordinary shops, Warsaw citizens and traders and tourists from all over Poland and neighboring countries flock here. , never tire of it.

Small sleeping cars and coaches were parked in the lot, and trolleys and small trucks shuttled back and forth. As a result, there appeared a scene that is rarely seen in European and American cities - crowded with crowds, bustling business, and bustling.

The second impression of the big market is that it is "full", with commodities from all over the world and various varieties, and the vendors come from many countries, especially the neighboring countries of Poland. They speak blunt Polish, or simply speak Russian and English, supplemented by Use hand gestures and use the computer to press the price to sell your own goods.

Here you can not only buy familiar famous, high-quality, and special products from various countries, such as various brands of French perfumes and cosmetics, fashionable Italian clothing and leather shoes, colorful Russian furs (mostly resold in Huaguo), Well-made German telescopes, small and exquisite Japanese cameras and tape recorders, exquisitely shaped Swedish stainless steel utensils, strange-looking incense quartz watches, etc.;

You can also buy special handicrafts from various countries: such as Hungarian silverware with exquisite workmanship and simple shape; exquisite and unique Czech glassware; ornately decorated and uniquely shaped Finnish daggers; Transparent, bright yellow Polish amber products;

There are reindeer heads and horns from the cold northern Europe, and peacock tail feathers sold by Vietnamese from the subtropical zone, as well as small oil paintings and watercolor paintings by unknown painters, as well as various decorative handicrafts. It's overwhelming.

The third impression of the big market is "strange". For example, the statues or reliefs of the Virgin Mary and Jesus with solemn expressions are placed on the stalls here, while the scantily clad women's clothes from the West are sold on the adjacent stalls. The pornographic books and periodicals, each go at one end, live in peace, which is ironic.

What is even more amazing is that some stalls actually display woolen military caps, military uniforms and military coats of the former Soviet revisionist army, navy and air force. The collar badges and badges are complete, but the epaulettes are missing. Nanyi saw a man sitting on the stall The Russian-speaking old man with a mustache and gray eyebrows was wearing an old army overcoat. He seemed to be an old soldier from the early Soviet revision period.

At another booth, in front of the feet of an old Soviet soldier with the expression and movements, there is a large booth of former Soviet military medals and commemorative medals of different sizes and shapes for sale.

The fourth impression of the "big market" is "soundness" - the transaction is stable and follows certain business ethics.

After a little shopping in Nanyi, I figured out a little flavor. The market here is managed by officials. I haven’t seen bullying the market, nor have I seen the phenomenon of asking for prices and bargaining on the spot. The retail industry in Poland has been completely privatized. The goods in the store All are sold at clearly marked prices, with no room for fluctuation, although there are differences in prices between stores.

The big market is different. You can bargain here, but the range is not large, usually between 5% and 10%.

In Nanyi, I met a few Chinese people who came here to buy goods. They spoke not-so-native English. They should be doing business in a neighboring country, and they had just left the country not long ago.

The reason for this judgment is that when they bargained, they followed the domestic custom of cutting the price by half or 1/3, which made the owner dumbfounded, confused and at a loss, and could only shake his head again and again.

Nanyi found that there are very few counterfeit and inferior products in the big market, and the price is generally charged according to the quality, and there is no phenomenon of shoddy products. Generally, when this happens, there must be an invisible big hand manipulating it. In terms of regulations, Nanyi guesses that the punishment for counterfeiting and shoddy products may be severely punished here.

After traveling in the big market for a long time, although the colorful and novel products are dazzling, Nanyi's eyes are always looking for Huaguo products.

Hard work pays off. After entering the market for two hours, Nanyi finally found some scattered Chinese products like an isolated island in the sea: Tiantan shirts from the capital, pens, handkerchiefs, flashlights, pencils from Shanghai, The silk headscarf from Zhejiang Province, Nanyi saw that the style was familiar, so he rummaged through the pile of headscarves, and sure enough, he found the mark of Yiwan International.

In order to supervise the quality control of the documentary, as well as for possible disputes in the trade process, as well as the company's brand marketing considerations, the silk products exported by Yiwan International will put their own marks on some of the products in a box. .

Seeing Mark Nanyi, I feel strange. Yiwan International has never done orders in Eastern Europe. Maybe it came from other countries, or there may be something wrong with the company. Someone used the name of the company to get it from the manufacturer at a low price goods.

If it is the second possibility, it is not difficult to find out who they are.

Nanyi sneered, if only a few people from inside unite to smuggle orders, he can get together and disperse; if he joins up with people from outside to eat inside and outside, then he will take the initiative to expose Nanyi's hypocritical mask. A day without turning over is not over.

"Merchandising staff, shipping marks..."

Nanyi bought a scarf with a mark on it and chewed it in his mouth.

The episode was temporarily put down, and Nanyi continued to explore, and then he saw some knitwear that was undoubtedly from China from the analysis of patterns and colors, but he did not see the iconic "Made In" words.

In a corner of the outer layer, where the location is not good, Nanyi also saw two or three stores specializing in domestic clothing. The business is not too prosperous, and it is a bit shabby.

During his study at Beijing University, Nanyi read the materials of domestic and foreign trade. In the 1950s, Huaguo products, especially Shanghai and Shanghai products, such as underwear and daily necessities, were the most popular products in the Polish market, and they were well-known in Poland and Eastern Europe for their high quality. , Oolong tea is more in a monopoly position.

I haven’t seen the scene of oolong tea yet. The products from Shanghai and Shanghai have been changed, and the category has changed. Tiantan shirts should not appear here. The 36-year-old brand should have been developed in the direction of branded goods in high-end shopping malls. Still crowded in the wholesale market, it can only be said that the future is bleak.

The big market is too big, Nanyi looked at the time, and felt that it would be too much to finish shopping in one day, so he quickened his pace and started to shop purposefully.

After a while, I came to the golden position on the middle floor. There was a row of about five stalls in the size range. At a glance, it should belong to the same stall owner. Nanyi glanced at the stall first, and then looked up. Looking into the depths of the booth, I happened to meet a man of similar age.



"Finally here?"

"Yes, here we come."

"The village hasn't forgotten us yet?"

"How could I forget..." Nanyi was going to say a line about "toilet paper" made in China, but after thinking about it, he held back and patted the shoulder of Xian Weixing, one of the members of the cigarette butt column opposite, "Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard work, it's not hard work at all, come in and sit down." Xian Weixing grinned, and welcomed Nanyi into the booth, and made a place to make Gongfu tea at the corner of a small table full of goods, boiled water, brewed Tea.

Seeing Xian Weixing busy with work, Nan Yi asked: "Did you suffer a lot when you first came here?"

While washing the cup, Xian Weixing replied calmly: "Fortunately, when I first arrived, I was bullied by the people here, got into a fight once, stayed for a while and got to know each other well, and I had a hard time learning to speak. Tongue learns to spin."

With that said, Xian Weixing put a cup of tea in front of Nanyi.

Nanyi knew that in a foreign country and the language barrier, it was not so easy to gain a firm foothold at first, and only those who had experienced the hardships knew the hardships.

Picking up the teacup, Nan Yi asked quietly: "Did the village committee send you out at the beginning?"

"Is there still a village committee in Wenchangwei?" Xian Weixing said dissatisfiedly: "Although I haven't been back these years, I still know the situation in the village. Why are you from the uncle's generation, and you are not as good as a person with a foreign surname."

"Don't mention the village committee, the matter is a bit complicated. You can't understand it after hearing a little bit. How is the business?"

If there is no change in Wenchangwei, the Eastern European trade is looking at the golden time, and the column of rotten cloth heads and cigarette butts will bloom and bear fruit. At least one year can bring more than one billion profits to the village. Once domestic and foreign countries are connected, several Large groups are formed.

"Before last year, it was very good. I was the only one who sold down jackets and sneakers from China. Those who wanted to buy goods from Poland and other Chinese New Year came to me. I could earn seven to eight million zlotys a year.

Since the second half of last year, it has not been very good. A few people came from China to do the same business as me. I don’t care if there are competitions, but this gang has shipped a large number of inferior goods from China. "

Xian Weixing picked up a down jacket and said, "The down jackets they sell are stuffed with chicken feathers and other messy things."

As he said that, Xian Weixing picked up another pair of sneakers and pointed to where the glue sticks, "The sneakers will come off after wearing them for less than five minutes, and the soles will also break. The Poles say they are chicken feather clothes and angry shoes.

The shoveling of the shovel was done by them, and the reputation of the entire Huaguo product was lost. "Made in Huaguo" turned into low-grade goods, cheap goods, and low-quality goods. There are several shopping malls where I regularly supply goods, and the cooperation is very good. Well, business is flying too. "

Xian Weixing suppressed the rising anger, and said in a low voice: "Fortunately, I have been here for a long time, and my reputation has always been very good. After half a year, the business has begun to pick up again."

[The new zloty issued in 1989 was equivalent to the US dollar in 1991, 1.057 to 1 US dollar. ]

"It's good if it improves. I'm currently working in the wholesale market and retail market in Moscow. Leather clothes and down jackets sell well in Moscow. In order to control the quality, I plan to find a group of factories in China to serve as representatives for the large wholesalers in the market. Work, and earn some price difference from it."

Xian Weixing asked in surprise: "We still need to find a factory, can't the Begonia trade supply?"

"No, the goods that Begonia Trading sends to the Suxiu area have brand names, and they use the route of shopping malls. The quality control is relatively strict, and the cost is relatively high. If the same goods appear in the wholesale market, it will affect my business."

Nan Yi said, pointing to the clothes and shoes on Xian Weixing's stall, "The ones sent to you don't have trademark marks, but the styles are from the same batch. That's why I don't let you ship to Suxiu."

The business line of Begonia Trading is divided into two, one is food, which is Nan's business, and the other is clothing, which was originally planned to be a private partnership with Man San'er. After the two broke up, Nan Yi put this line The line was also merged into the Haitang trade, and no longer belonged to him personally.

"Understood." Xian Weixing nodded and asked, "How many days can you stay here this time?"

"It won't be long. I didn't come here on a special trip this time. I just stopped here for a transit. The train will leave tomorrow morning."

"So fast!" Xian Weixing exclaimed in disappointment, and after stabilizing his emotions, he said, "Sleep at my place today, and I will ask Mucha to cook Polish dishes."

Nan Yi pointed to the schoolgirls behind him, "Forget it, there are too many people, it must be inconvenient for you, don't worry about the accommodation, you still have to eat dinner, I haven't seen my younger siblings yet, just in time , make up the red envelope."

"Okay, I'll get the ledger."


Xian Weixing and the others are able to gain a firm foothold in the outside world, mainly due to their own contribution, but it is also inseparable from the support of the village (at first, the village, and later Nanyi took over). Naturally, their business also has a share in the village.

When Xian Weixing brought the account book, Nanyi simply flipped through it and put it aside, "Have you held the green card for more than five years?"

Xian Weixing: "It's been over for a long time, almost eight years now."

"How much arable land can a private person buy?"

Xian Weixing: "Up to 300 hectares."

"Where is the forest?"

Xian Weixing shook his head, "I'm not sure about this, I haven't inquired about it."

"Okay." Nanyi nodded slightly, and said, "There are two things you can do for me. One, help me buy 300 hectares of arable land in your name, preferably in the wheat and sugar cane production areas in the north-central region, and buy Pomegranate." Rania's land, buy a piece suitable for growing wheat;

Second, inquire about the policies related to forest transfer, whether it is for locals or foreigners, you must inquire clearly. "

In fact, whether it is the land transfer policy in Poland or the forest transfer policy, Nanyi knows everything about it. It should be said that Nanyi knows the land policy of almost every country in the world. Shennong Nanliang has been in business for so many years, so how could it be possible not to pay attention to collecting this information? class information.

Shennong Nanliang has no plan to establish an agricultural, animal husbandry and forestry farm in Poland. Nanyi bought arable land and forests to lay the groundwork for future seed companies to enter Poland and build a bridgehead. They will not send people to Poland in the short term. Some things must be done first. Execute it with the help of Xian Weixing.

The two things he just said were nothing more than wanting Xian Weixing to figure out the way, and they were not too serious and important.



It is said that since Zhao Jinghua followed Zhu San, she slept until one or two o'clock in the afternoon every day, whenever she was in the mood and physical strength, she was in a bad mood, and she would get up immediately after losing a big loss the night before.

First go to the restaurant to fill your stomach, and then go to the Sandutnov bathroom to take a good wash, steam it, and sometimes press it by the way. After feeling refreshed, you immediately rush to the casino.

Sit at the gaming table and play for an hour, take a break, eat a luxurious set meal prepared by the casino, go outside the casino to take a breath, smoke a few cigarettes, the two encourage each other, and immediately return to the gaming table, It starts their most efficient and most productive moment of the day.

Gambling, eating, steaming, gambling, eating, gambling, sleeping, these seven words are the entire schedule of Zhu San and Zhao Jinghua's day.

Perhaps the two of them secretly listened to Zheng Zhihua's "Thirty-Three Dollars" in advance, just like singing in a song, "I have thirty-three dollars in my pocket, and the rest of the money falls into other people's pockets. Maybe it was deliberately arranged by God, maybe It's really bad luck..."

In the past, when Zhu San was alone, winning or losing, winning or losing, even though he calculated the detailed accounts, he was still a loser, but he made up for it from time to time, and the speed of losing was not too fast, and more than two hundred thousand dollars disappeared from his hand. The speed is very slow.

Since negotiating with Zhao Jinghua, perhaps because of the disappointment in the casino caused by the triumph of love, Zhu San has been losing every day, and the losses are quite big, ranging from three to four thousand dollars a night, and as many as tens of thousands; Zhao Jinghua is the same, every day Very average, 4,000, 5,000 will be lost.

The numbers of the two people are added together and then averaged according to the days, and they will lose more than 10,000 US dollars every night.

After half a month of happy life, another day, Zhu San went to get money from the briefcase, and when he was about to continue the good life, he was surprised to find that there were only three stacks of money left in the briefcase.

This is okay, no money, is this bad time over?

It has to be said that Zhu San is not a real gambler. He has not lost all the money, but he has come to his senses and is thinking of finding a way out.

One person counts the short and the other counts the long. Zhu San and Zhao Jinghua got together to figure out what to do next. There is only one broad avenue before the two of them—take the remaining 30,000 U.S. dollars as capital and continue to be a loser. It won't take long before the lost money can be earned back.

Humans, it’s easy to go from simple to extravagant, and difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. After enjoying the days of doing nothing for a day and losing more than 10,000 U.S. dollars, and then going back to work hard, earning 1,000 yuan a day, the gap in my heart Too big, a bit unacceptable.

Both Zhu San and Zhao Jinghua are people who are willing to let go. They have heard about the recent robbery of Moscow's lords. The robbery ranged from tens of thousands of dollars to as many as one hundred and two hundred thousand dollars. Isn't it the way to get money quickly?

After the development route of "Robbery" was established, the two began to discuss the details again. The first thing was to recruit troops and expand the team. This matter is not difficult for the two of them. These days, the bad guys are walking around with a lot of cash. Who doesn't have a few gangster friends, and who doesn't know a few people who have been released from prison.

As soon as the phone was dialed to China, Zhu San called two people. One was Ma Bian, a young man who was brave and ruthless. He heard that there was a way to get rich, so he hurried to Moscow.

The other is Newton, who has the same name as the great scientist. It is estimated that when Newton’s parents named him, they hoped that their son would become a scientist. But who knew that Newton did not live up to his expectations. Not only was he not good at reading, he was also fond of troubles since he was a child. In his 27 years of life, he spent seven or eight years in prison.

Both Ma Bian and Newton were not alone, and had several brothers by their side.

Zhao Jinghua also called a person over, Miao Yonglin, who grew up in the same alley as her. He was five or six years younger than her. He liked Zhao Jinghua a little bit since he was a child. Even if Zhao Jinghua had a complicated emotional story, he still I like Zhao Jinghua.

As soon as Zhao Jinghua greeted him, he came over. Similarly, he also brought two brothers.

In this way, with Zhu San as the leader, Zhao Jinghua's second-born and military adviser's criminal gang was established, and Zhao Jinghua's nickname of "Second Sister" became worthy of the name.

When the Zhu Zhao gang was established, it was at the critical moment when the other two gangs of robbers were caught in the 71st branch.

Zhao Jinghua, the strategist, analyzed the situation, and proposed to take advantage of this vacuum period, find a good target to grab one when the lights are dark, and then board the K3 train to grab another wave, hide in other cities for a few days, and wait for the wind. Then go back to Moscow.

The plan was set in this way, and the execution was also carried out in this way. Not to mention, there was nothing wrong with Zhao Jinghua's plan. The Zhu Zhao gang successfully carried out a robbery in Moscow, and then made a fortune on the K3 train.

When Nanyi returned to Moscow, it was already the afternoon of the 17th. As soon as he returned to the consulate, Sergey came to report the situation of the two gangs of robbers.

Before, Nanyi contacted Leerlin of the 71st Bureau directly. It was to give the other party a face and put on an attitude of equal dialogue. It was okay occasionally, but it was impossible to do so for a long time. Nanyi was talking to Yepisov, and it was considered unequal for Leerlin to let Sergey dock, which seemed a bit sloppy.

According to the news from Sergey, the two gangs of robbers were wiped out by the people from the 71st Bureau. As Nan Yi expected, no victims came forward to correct them, and both gangs have been released.

In addition, a new group of robbers has appeared in Moscow, and their methods are more ruthless than the previous two gangs. If the previous two gangs are civil robbers, the new gang is armed robbers. They only asked for money, and all those who were robbed were beaten up with bruised noses and swollen faces.

Nanyi liked the two news brought by Sergey, and knew that Friendship Leather City would usher in a peak period of occupancy. At the same time, he was a little outraged that he created an opportunity to eliminate public nuisance, but unfortunately those victims were useless.

In a blink of an eye, it was five o'clock in the afternoon on the 18th, and the banquet organized by Aksinya began.

Usually, a banquet must have a theme, such as birthday banquets, charity banquets, etc. Nanyi’s banquets also have a theme, and the "Venture Capital Meeting" is the theme of this banquet.

The venture capital meeting, known by its name, is a meeting between venture capital and entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs can hold a business plan or project plan to chat with capital.

In order to make the venture capital meeting seem like that, Nanyi also invited Lin Shuyi over. After all, she is a partner of Lehman Brothers and a representative of a well-known investment bank. In addition, he also asked Vasily to invite Smolensky , Khodorkovsky, Potanin, Gusinsky, Berezovsky, Ismailov.

Needless to say, Smolensky is one of his own people. Vasily helped him a lot in the successful establishment of his Capital Bank. At the same time, the Capital Bank is also an extension of Nan's industry, and Nan's holds 45% of the shares.

Khodorkovsky has always been a relatively good trading partner. Nanshi and his Minatep Technology and Trade Company have cooperated in the fields of timber, white sugar, and brown sugar.

Khodorkovsky exchanged "non-cash" for timber, and then sold the timber to Nan's and Guo Fuxi's companies, and Nan's would pay for the timber in the form of cash plus sugar.

There has always been a "barter" trade of oil and Cuban brown sugar between Soviet revisionism and Cuba. Beginning in the second half of 1989, this trade fell into the hands of Khodorkovsky. After the emergence of Nan's, the trade The mode has been updated again.

Mark Rich Company was introduced to Khodorkovsky, which gave him another oil channel. It has been almost two years now. I don’t know how much oil has been produced through this channel. The amount must be small. no.

Potanin, originally engaged in the import and export of raw materials in the Ministry of Foreign Trade, he played a key role in the scrap steel transaction. Although this transaction was finalized with the Gorbachev government, it can be implemented in terms of implementation. "Scrap steel" How it is defined is a question.

In fact, the 47 million tons of steel scrap trade that was formulated at the beginning not only increased the quantity by nearly 5 million tons, but also improved the quality a lot, 30% of which are high-quality steel ingots, and the official money is still in accordance with the contract given by numbers.

In private, Potanin spread out here. I don’t know how many business leaders from steel factories, automobile factories, tractor factories, and motorcycle factories took advantage of it, and those who stood behind Potanin must inevitably share the benefits. .

Now, Potanin has just resigned from public office and is now concentrating on running his Russian company, which has absorbed more than 20 state-run agencies involved in foreign trade as strategic partners, and has almost monopolized the export business in Russia.

Needless to say, it is impossible for Potanin to own the Rim-Russia Company alone. This company should be a tool used by the Soviet revisionist Ministry of Foreign Trade and others to make profits.

While running the Russian company, Potanin was also planning to set up his own bank.

Gusinski, Nan's unnamed partner.

Berezovsky and Ismailov didn't need to say much. Today's banquet was prepared for them.

Nanyi and Aksinya came to the restaurant at a little after 4:30. Nanyi left the reception to Aksinya, and he ordered food to fill his stomach first, and went to the bathroom to pick up the food. Teeth, clear the inventory in the stomach.

Then, through the back door of the restaurant, we came to the tree-lined path at the foot of Sparrow Hill, standing by a tree and looking at the Moskva River not far away.

For the banquet, the important people are the finale. Before everyone arrives, Nanyi will stay here for a while. It’s not that there is no place to rest in the restaurant, but it’s a relatively closed environment. Nanyi still prefers it here Take a breath of fresh air and let your eyes relax.

At ten past five, Crispy Fort came from the restaurant.

"Boss, everyone is here."


happy National Day!

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