Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 854 The Thief and the Bitch

In the dining room.

Lin Shuyi held a goblet in her hand, looked at the other people attending the banquet, and couldn't help but feel emotional: "It seems that my son has a lot of influence in Moscow. If we can cooperate with him, Lehman's investment in Russia will be more secure. .”

After a period of investigation, Lin Shuyi has figured out how to invest in Russia.

Before Lin Shuyi came to Moscow, Lehman Brothers internally formulated a "Russia Investment" plan with a reserve fund of 100 million US dollars and 50 million US dollars, planning to extract a lot of profits from Russia after the complete disintegration of Soviet revisionism.

In fact, not only Lehman Brothers, but also many investment banks and funds in the United States and Europe have plans to invest in Russia. These investment banks and funds are different from those capitals that are entrapped by politics. Their investment in Russia is a relatively pure investment. behavior, just because they foresee that Russia will bring them rich rewards.

It is a well-known truth that all eggs cannot be put in one basket, and it is impossible for capital to not know it. When the capital reaches a certain scale, foreign investment is often multi-field and diverse, and will not be concentrated in one region or one industry. There are still three caves in the cunning rabbit, and the capital gathered by a group of top people will only be more cunning.

Once the Soviet revisionist disintegrates, Russia will receive the most inheritance, and Ukraine will get the second most. This is obvious from the analysis of the Soviet revisionist industrial layout of light and heavy industries.

Whenever there is a period of change, there will be a situation where old and new forces alternate. The combination of massive inheritance and privatization reform means countless speculative opportunities.

Those who go into battle shirtless or invest in people who want to annex the "inheritance", as long as Snake Tunxiang succeeds, they can buy a certain company at a low price, whether it is dismantling the retail store, or managing it well to make it look new, there will be several times, several times. Ten times the profit.

Of course, Russia can attract a lot of capital, which is inseparable from the exchange rate. There are too many indexes and charts that can prove that the ruble will definitely depreciate, but everyone has different expectations for its depreciation.

In addition, from the perspective of reputation, Soviet revisionism has a dark history, and the capital has a relatively pessimistic attitude towards Russia's reputation, so they will not miss rare opportunities, but they will not make mistakes in Russia. Heavy bet.

The same is true for Nanyi. He knows better than most that Russia is a big gold mine, so he started preparing for a gold digging trip in Russia several years ago. Investment in the region is more conservative.

Although 500 tons of gold is more than 6.5 billion U.S. dollars at the current gold price, for Nan's 6.5 billion U.S. dollars, even if he loses all his money, it is not a serious injury at all. The value of the "bulk trade energy" that Xiuyun left far exceeded this figure long ago.

This has not taken into account the massive profits expected to be brought by Vasily Bank, the daily turnover generated by Vasily Supermarket, and the profits from the Begonia Trade’s non-stop import of food and clothing into the Soviet Union.

Although the food trade profit of the Begonia trade is not as exaggerated as the profit of the poor man selling clothes several times, the net profit is only less than 60%, but the advantage lies in the large volume. On average, every day, Begonia Trading needs to pay more than 15 million yuan to domestic factories, which means an annual profit of about 3.28 billion yuan.

The 3.28 billion yuan is not the final profit. The food trade of Haitang Trading adopts the method of barter. Food is shipped in, and various minerals and energy are shipped away. In the process of exchange, "non-cash ", black box operation, 3.28 billion yuan will expand by about 65% in this process, that is, the profit will eventually be 5.4 billion yuan.

The minerals and energy transported away by Nan's will not be sold immediately, such as scrap steel, which has been hoarding and has not been sold at all. Although there is a word "waste" in front of the steel, in fact, every ton is good steel, and there is no need to worry about selling it. If you hold it in your hand, the price will double easily.

Excluding unfavorable factors such as inflation, Nan's can earn at least 70% to 80% more.

In addition, the episode in Copenhagen was regarded as a blessing in disguise for Nanyi. As a compensation for the channel provided by Ivankov, the little Japanese, it broadened the sales channels of Begonia Trading and brought into contact with a new group - Ворвзаконе (thieves or legal thieves) .

In Suxiu, there are two groups walking in the gray and black areas, one is thieves, and the other is called сука (bitch). Before the Begonia trade was docked with bitches, now there is another thief, and the shipment volume has increased a lot. few.

Organized criminals have never been absent from Russian history. This has something to do with Russia's vast territory. Once it crosses the Eurasian boundary in the Ural Mountains, the central control will be greatly reduced, and local officials will act on their own. Locally, bandit groups composed of vagrant farmers and veterans maintain local order.

Organized crime has intensified under the stricter exile system in the Tsarist era and the Gulag system in the Soviet revisionist era.

St. Petersburg or Moscow always simply and rudely deprive criminals of their political identities, and then throw them into the vast Siberian forests for hard labor, without thinking that these people's skills, identities, and wealth can still be used in remote areas.

Among the exiled criminals, those with superior force or intelligence gradually became the leaders among the convicts, and the prisoners evolved their own social hierarchy.

In order to avoid the supervision of the prison, they compiled a set of tattoo codes.

One day in 1974, a floating corpse floated on the beach in Leningrad. The corpse had been floating in the Gulf of Finland for several days. It was swollen and smelly. Only a knife wound on the stomach showed that this person was injured by a sharp weapon.

Upon closer inspection, police found several tattoos on his body: a leaping stag on his chest, three crosses on his knuckles, and an anchor wrapped in barbed wire on his upper arm.

It only took two days for the experienced old police to confirm the identity of the deceased based on these patterns. A naval officer who committed a crime during his service and was imprisoned in a prison in the north to serve three sentences was a thief leader after he was released from prison.

The leaping stag symbolizes the North of the Soviet Union; the number of crosses on the knuckles symbolizes the number of sentences served; the anchor symbolizes the navy’s background; and the barbed wire symbolizes crimes committed during service. A set of tattoos formed the resume of this former naval officer, and it was easy to deduce his identity based on the resume.

The tattoos of thieves are different, and different factions have different tattoo methods, but through certain rules, the identity and status of the tattoo owner can be analyzed through tattoos.

Thief tattoos are not free to get tattooed. Only after being in prison many times and proving himself to the prison leaders in prison can he get a tattoo.

The process of tattooing is also relatively complicated. Prisoners must complete a set of established ceremonies. This process is called "coronation". After being crowned, the bandit members who become leaders are called "legal bandits". As the name suggests, they are recognized by everyone. and admit.

It is said to be legal, but in fact it is still illegal. All "thieves" must swear not to cooperate with the government in any way to express their resistance to the Soviet revisionism.

However, not everyone can resist the temptation of enlistment. After the outbreak of World War II, as the Soviet revisionists fought against Germany in the scorched-earth war in Europe, there were fewer and fewer young and middle-aged soldiers available, and conscripting criminals became the last option.

There were thieves who voluntarily went to the battlefield in exchange for reduced sentences in Gulags all over the country. As the Soviet army won the Great Patriotic War, these prisoners returned to prison with military exploits, and they could be released after serving their sentences symbolically.

This kind of people obviously violated the oath of the thieves not to cooperate with the government, so they were hated by the conservative thieves, who called them bitches and often provoked war.

The bitches will be released from prison soon, and naturally they don't want to have any contact with the conservative diehards, so they help the prison guards to suppress them, and the two sides have a complete break.

In the 1950s, under the joint suppression of bitches and the government, the first batch of thieves had disappeared, and the bitches after being released from prison became the new thieves. It was at this time that the definition of thieves had undergone a change.

In the 1960s, the Soviet revisionist agricultural collectivization was basically completed, and industry was completely in the hands of the Central Planning Commission, and the planned economic system began to get on the right track. However, the sluggish planning system cannot fully take care of the needs of everyone and all enterprises. It is common for residents to be unable to buy light industrial products and food, and enterprises to be unable to obtain raw materials.

As a result, the black market came into being, and only thieves were able to operate the black market beyond the ordinary industrial and peasant sequence.

The Soviet revisionists at that time still followed the cadre title list system inherited from the Stalin era. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union drew up the list of leading cadres in all government departments, and firmly held the power of personnel, including local governments, in its own hands. In other words It is a complete list of cadres drawn up from the top down.

Under such a system, officials only need to be responsible to their superiors, or even to a certain leader above, to be promoted. Transferring secret benefits to superior leaders has become the key to climbing up, while political achievements have become secondary. of.

Where does the "benefit" come from?

There is no doubt that, of course, it is to grab the public's wool.

Those who are more courageous will give the thieves a note to go directly to the factory to buy goods, and even give the "excellent workers" in the factory a leave note, arranging them to work in the underground factory on the black market, in exchange for more lucrative profits for the individual.

The workers are also very happy to accept this kind of work. Not only will the wages in the factory not be less, but they can also receive an additional salary, and from time to time they can also receive various sought-after tickets.

The thieves play the role of downstream organization and distribution in this process. Their status is actually very low. They usually act according to the face of the big shots. Moreover, in order to take into account the safety of the big shots, most of the thieves are similar to domestic speculators. They hide their heads and show their tails. will slip.

Generally speaking, the "Bio" family was relatively quiet in the 1960s and 1970s, doing their own black market business in places where the state administrative power could not manage. But when the wheel of history turned to the 1980s, many thieves began to enter the house and changed their appearance. Become a cooperative national entrepreneur and launder all the black money earned in the black market.

At this time, thieves and bitches have undergone another redefinition. Those who have been laundered are called bitches, and those who are conservative and still operating in the black market have become new thieves.

In the past, the food products of Begonia Trading flowed through the hands of bitches to the hands of the big men behind them, and then entered the national supply system in a grand manner. The 1 yuan and 5 cans of Begonia Trading became 1.5 rubles in the hands of consumers. With more than 3 times the profit.

Moreover, many foods need to be purchased with a ticket, which can generate some tangible or intangible benefits.

Now, Haitang Trade has opened up the black market channel for thieves through Ivankov. After negotiation, the price of the goods flowing out from the hands of thieves must be more than 50% higher than that of the bitch channel, and the extra 50% must be taken away by the bitch. Not thieves.

Even so, the thief channel has fewer people who want to share profits than the bitch channel. Starting from the supplier of Begonia Trading, there is only the channel supplier Ivankov, the wholesalers of thieves everywhere, and the distributors under the thieves. share the profits.

The thieves are not as powerful as the bitch, and the profit of the Begonia trade to the thieves is about 30% higher.

Moreover, everything in the Begonia trading business is legal. All the way from the country, the tax that should be paid is not much (in fact, there is not much tax to pay, and there is a tax refund in the country. Because the Suxie side is in urgent need of supplies, the tax There are discounts on the website, and tariffs are almost negligible), the process that should be followed is not omitted, how the trader sells the goods, and whether they pay taxes are not related to the crabapple trade.

[Too far away, I didn't plan to write about the thieves in detail, but I couldn't stop it at the beginning, so let's just go ahead, I'll drag it back. ]

Vasily was in charge of writing the invitation letter, and Aksinya was in charge of delivering it. When Berezovsky received the invitation letter, he was full of expectations for the banquet; Man, he was even more looking forward to what was going to happen later.

Ismailov was very confused from the moment he received the invitation letter. He asked Aksinya to send the invitation letter. After reading the invitation letter and knowing that it was sent by Vasily Bank, he was even more confused. "I am just an ordinary Merchant, why did you invite me to the banquet?"

After coming, his mind became even more chaotic, Smolensky, Khodorkovsky, Berezovsky, Gusinsky, no matter which "sky" he had heard of , each of them is a "big man" who is unlikely to have an intersection with him. Why is he invited to a banquet of this size?

Whether it is cooperation, anticipation or confusion, when the time enters 5:10, the banquet will officially begin.

Vasily walked to the front of the crowd with the cup in his hand, faced the crowd, tapped the wall of the cup with the spoon in his other hand, and when he attracted the attention of the crowd, he said: "Gentlemen and ladies, welcome! Participate in a VC meetup organized by Vasily Bank.

Those who come here today are all God’s chosen people, and the factors of finance and investment flow in our blood. Russia is in a period of historical change. Whether it is finance or investment, it is now a very good period of development. Everyone present There are also many banks that have opened, and the development is very impressive.

However, in the process of doing business, it is always inevitable to encounter the situation of lack of funds. When you encounter this situation, you can contact us at Vasily Bank or Ms. Lin. "

Vasily stretched out his right hand and pointed at Lin Shuyi, Lin Shuyi smiled back, and raised the wine glass in her hand to everyone present, "Hi everyone, I am Lin Shuyi, a partner of Lehman Brothers."

[To explain, the chosen people of God here actually refers to the Jews. According to the teachings of Judaism, only the Jews are the chosen people of God (Judaism is a relatively closed sect within the Jewish people, just like we call ourselves descendants of the Chinese people, and it has nothing to do with outsiders. Do not read too much into it). Christianity is more than a thousand years later than Judaism, and it was improved on the basis of Judaism.

Do a little popular science (not necessarily 100% correct, but this statement is recognized by most people), Jehovah and Jesus are not the same thing, Jehovah is God, Jesus is a believer, it can also be said that Jesus is the son of Jehovah, this son The saying is similar to that of the previous emperor called Tianzi, and it is not really related by blood.

In addition, Jesus was actually a Jew, and he belonged to the tribe of Judah among the twelve tribes of Israel. Therefore, the saying that a Judas betrayed Jesus and caused him to be burned to death is not groundless. There is something real in it. Distorted and distorted.

Explanation: There are many descriptions of Jews in the book. This is because I think I want to describe the story of a consortium. It is not true to avoid writing about Jews. It does not mean that I personally praise or criticize Jews subjectively. It is to describe as objectively as possible.

The same is true for others. I try to be as objective and logical as possible, including the story paragraphs described. You can say "adapted from real events".

In fact, in order to conform to the word "truth", my thinking was imprisoned, and it also hindered me from writing the story as much as possible.

Sorry for the long explanatory text. ]

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