Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 861 Pursuing Benefits in Muddy Waters


"Why isn't it included in Nan's luxury strategy?"

Nanyi waved his hand, "No, both Xiongqi and Southme will be placed under the Snow Mountain Trust, let's add some pocket money to you little ones."

"Hee hee, the godmother is not small."

"Well, she is an exception, the only one with a foreign surname." Nan Yi nodded: "This is the rough idea, and the rest will be refined by the people below. You love sports, so does Wuwei, and your sister in London is also a good person Moving, Nanji Control Investment will establish an office in New York this year and invest in several high-end sports equipment brands.

I like bicycles myself, so I started to invest in bicycles. Lightning, Esworth, etc. can be considered. "

"Father, these companies don't make much money, only a year's dividends can be paid." Nan Ruoying said with a pout.

"There are too many profitable projects. I will think about it later. Now I will play tight. I will not be free this year. I will work on Russia first. Next year, I will take care of the Nanji Petrochemical business. I plan to invest in Nanji Holdings." Leave it to you, if you want to work hard, wait until you graduate."

"Oh, Dad, are you sleeping here today?"

"Where do you put your camping equipment? I'll take them to the top of the mountain in a while, and I will camp on the top of the mountain today."


After Nan Ruofing stayed here overnight, Nan Yi returned to New York, spent the day in Qidian Orphanage to communicate with his adoptive children, and handled Nan's official affairs, new plans, new budgets, etc., and many tedious things .

One day, Daniel Nan, who was already studying in Massachusetts, returned to the Qidian Orphanage and wanted to talk to Nan Yi.

Daniel Nan, born in 1973, before being adopted by the Starting Point Orphanage, Daniel wandered outside for three years. Earlier, he lived in St. Joseph Catholic Orphanage in Burlington, Vermont, where he had a bad period memory.

It was the spring of 1979. Daniel, who was only six years old, ran to the police station and told the police that when he was suddenly playing near the courtyard, he heard the sound of glass breaking and saw a boy coming out of the window, and the nun stood there. behind the window.

The nun also saw him, walked to him and grabbed his ear to warn: "What you see is only your imagination."

The police were dispatched and sent the nun to court because of insufficient evidence. However, the lawyer hired by the orphanage was good. In the end, the court dismissed the case, and the matter was left alone.

It is conceivable that after this incident, Daniel living in the orphanage will never have any good fruit to eat. Daniel, who is a big kid, thought of it. On the day he finally appeared in court, Daniel wanted to slip away, but he was still arrested by the orphanage. live.

After being brought back to the orphanage, he was tortured, bloody, disgusting, and hateful. He had experienced it all. After being tortured for a full month, Daniel, who was covered in bruises, ran out of the orphanage.

"Father, I want to drop out of school." Daniel, who followed Nanyi to the hillside in the backyard of the Qidian Orphanage, said to Nanyi after he stood still.

Nan Yi said with a normal face: "The reason."

"I want to start a business."

"Steve Jobs dropped out of school because he didn't like his major and realized that the tuition was too expensive; Bill Gates dropped out of school because he was broken in love and didn't want to be a lawyer. You are very good. You have two successful entrepreneurs after dropping out, so you also Dropping out of school to start a business, and rushing to the sophomore year, afraid that you will be later than your idol?"

Looking at Daniel, Nan Yi said stingingly: "Don't forget, Jobs dropped out of school just because he didn't want to pay tuition fees and didn't like that major. After dropping out, he still stayed in school as a knowledge thief. Stay there and take the classes he likes.

Let’s talk about Bill Gates, let’s not talk about his family background. He solved a math problem in his sophomore year and published a high-quality SCI paper. What about you? "

Daniel shrugged, "I have never published in SCI, I only received a full scholarship, but I am no worse than Bill Gates."

"You are quite confident." Nanyi clapped his hands, "OK, confident boy, give me a strong reason why you want to start a business now, for example, there is a huge opportunity in front of you now, if you don't start a business now, you will Miss this opportunity."

"No." Daniel spread his hands and said, "Father, I just feel that I can't learn the knowledge I am interested in at school."

“So, what do you want to learn about entrepreneurship?”

"Learn to create wealth."

"Hmm, what you're interested in is computers, and your talent lies in computers, so the career you want to start is also in the computer field?"


Nanyi asked: "Computing chips? Display chips? Graphics software? Industrial software? Or games?"

"Father, do you know the game engine?"

"Continue." Nan Yi nodded.

"Father, I found that the competition in the game field is becoming more and more fierce, and the speed of game manufacturers launching games is accelerating. I analyzed all the new games that were released on the market last year, and finally came to a conclusion: games from the same manufacturer have a lot of materials. They are all repetitive, and many of the underlying logic codes are interoperable. This is the concept of the application engine.

Last year, ATI launched a new graphics card for Microsoft's Windows operating system. This graphics card is different from the previous single-chip design. It not only has a 2D display processing core, but also has a Mach8 coprocessor on board for graphics acceleration.

Now that there is graphics acceleration, there will be video acceleration in the future. Now that it can handle 2D display, there will be 3D in the future. The game screen will become clearer and clearer in the future, and the workload will increase, but there are many tasks that are repeated. A What the game needs to do, you have to repeat it again in the B game..."

Nanyi: "So, you want to be a game engine, and make these repetitive tasks into a library, which is convenient for game development engineers to call?"

Daniel's eyes were shining brightly, "Not only this, I want to do the underlying logic of the game, turning the development of the game into a fool's style. During the game development process, there is no need to edit code or a small amount of edit code."

Nan Yi nodded: "I understand what you mean, I agree with you to develop a game engine, but you are not executing this project as a developer, but as an investor.

If a game can be developed with your game engine foolishly, it must be a garbage game. The second and third games will also be garbage. Except for the appearance of the game characters, the core of the game is the same. , maybe the loopholes will be the same.

If you want to make a beautiful game, most of the materials, as well as the underlying logic you mentioned should be unique, and your game engine can play a very limited role. Even if game makers use your engine, they will modify it on your basis and tune your engine to look like they need.

Therefore, a good game manufacturer will only regard your engine as an auxiliary, maybe a dispensable auxiliary; only those garbage game manufacturers who have no feelings, don’t care whether the game is exquisite, and only want to use the game to make money will become yours. loyal customers.

Such a manufacturer may be successful. Whether the game can be popular or not, playability is only one of the aspects, and there are many other factors that will make it popular, such as adapting a comic with a lot of readers.

All that said, a game engine is not a good project for you. "

Nan Yi took a step forward, hugged Daniel's shoulders, and patted him on the shoulder again, "Some people can only adapt to this world, but some people can change the world. The game engine can't change the game world, it can only go Adapting to the needs of game manufacturers, the initial positioning of the game engine is destined to have very limited achievements.

A few years ago, probably eight or nine years ago, I attended a public lecture at Columbia University about the Internet, where I heard students from Columbia University envision the future of the Internet. If their ideas can be realized, they are enough to change people way of life. "

Nanyi patted Daniel's chest again, and then put his palm on Daniel's heart, "Look farther away, be more ambitious, and use technology to change the world. Reflect on what you can't learn in school. What do you want to learn? I really can’t learn the phrase “knowledge” because your eyes have been blinded by something.”

"Father, I need to think about what you said." Daniel said thoughtfully.

"You can go back and think about it slowly. Now, tell me, how many girlfriends have you had?" Nan Yi lowered his voice and asked a little wretchedly: "You are the main force of the rugby team. There must be many girls who like you."

"Father, I'm in Massachusetts, not Florida."

"not a single one?"


"Exchange exchange."

With a pure idea of ​​understanding the psychological dynamics of current college students, Nanyi and Daniel had a good exchange of experience in "making girlfriends". After some exchanges, Nanyi found that the youth idol drama "American Pie" he had watched was quite Realistic.

During Nanyi's stay in New York, Fan Hongdou would go to Scarlet Manor after school, have dinner and stay overnight at the manor, and occasionally, Nan Ruofing would fly over.

In order to facilitate travel, Scarlett gave each of Nan Ruofeng and Fan Hongdou a helicopter, which is usually parked on the apron of the manor, and they can call it at any time when they need it.

During more than 20 days, Nan Yi also thought about when to implement the second batch of adoptive children plan. At present, although it has not yet entered the payback period, the cultivation of the first batch of adoptive children has been considered a success. It can be predicted that they will shine brightly, and the adoptive child model can be implemented for a long time.

Giving roses to others, with a lingering fragrance in your hand, can not only get a good return, but also do good deeds, why not do it.

After New York, Nan Yi flew to Tokyo. In five days, he took care of the relationship between Sayuri Hagiwara and Nan Ieyasu, and also went to Osaka to inspect the work of Baoguo Agricultural Machinery.

At the end of April, Nan Yi flew to Seoul in a hurry, had two meals with Nan Jiajun, didn't talk about work at all, and flew to Mumbai in a hurry.

South Korea will be one of the key areas for the Nan Clan to attack in the next step. In the not-too-distant future, Nan Yi will stay in Seoul for a long time, so there is nothing wrong with rushing this time.


The day when Nanyi arrived in Mumbai was in the middle of the night, so he didn't inform others, but only informed Polan to pick him up at the airport.

Sitting in the car, Nan Yi first turned his head and looked out the window to discern what had changed in Mumbai. Except for the expansion of the slums near the airport, there were no changes on the streets. After watching for a while, Nanyi turned back to look at Pu Lan and asked, "Is there anything special that needs to be reported?"

"Everything is normal, except that Miss Sharma has changed a bedroom, and she is now living in your bedroom, BOSS."

"Well, it's nothing, where is the servant?"

"It's not a big problem. I fired a few of them. There is something wrong with the two servants that Pab Waze sent to serve Mrs. Ai Jia."

"It's normal. As long as their behavior is not too much, just ignore them. If they cross the line, choose one at random, and give them some means to hide it. It's best to make an accident. As long as they don't become disabled or die, I'm with Pabu." You can tell the past."


After the brief exchange ended, Nan Yi looked out of the window again.

The temperature in Mumbai in April is already very high. The car’s air conditioner has been turned on, but it still feels a little stuffy. The high air pressure seems to be directly pressing on the roof of the car, rolling out a gap in the window, and the smell of Mumbai immediately pours into the car. .

The sweet smell of hope as opposed to hate, the intoxicating smell; the sour smell of greed as opposed to love, the breathless smell; here are gods, demons, old empires, resurrection, civilization and corruption ; Here you can smell the colorful sea water, mixed with the cold metal smell of the machine.

Sixty million animals inhabit here, looking for food, sleeping, and the smell of excrement. Most of them are humans and mice. People have thin hands, and mice are fat.

There is heartbreak in the smell, the hard work of survival, the mottled and prosperous that inspire courage. It is the smell of 20,000 restaurants, 7,000 temples, shrines, churches, and mosques. It is the smell blended by hundreds of markets specializing in perfumes, spices, incense, and flowers.

This is the worst good smell in the world that Nanyi has not smelled for a while. It has a thousand pairs of legs, and it will crawl to the depths of the sphenoid sinus without twitching its nose.

When he arrived at Peacock Villa, Nan Yi went directly to the private bathroom on the second floor. The word "private" should be outdated. There were some women's things in the bathroom, and there was a razor on the washstand. With one curly hair.

Nanyi waited for Xiaohua and Tianxian to check before entering the bathroom. He went straight to the washstand and threw the razor on it into the trash can, washed his hands, took a quick shower, and then walked into his bedroom.

On the bed in the bedroom, a woman was lying horizontally with a thin quilt in her arms. Nan Yi went to the closet, took out a new thin quilt from it, went to the bed and took a pillow, occupying a corner of the bed.

The bed is very large, 4 meters by 3 meters, so you don't have to worry about not being able to sleep two people if you sleep vertically, horizontally, or obliquely.

Lie down and sleep.

Opening his eyes, it was dawn, and Nan Yi saw an octopus tightly wrapped around him.

Papa, patted Priyanka's buttocks twice and there was no response. Nanyi pulled out the other hand that was being pressed, pinched his nose with one hand, and covered his mouth with the other hand. In less than fifteen seconds, Priyanka He shook his head and struggled.

"I want to get up." Nan Yi said, staring at the other party's blurred eyes.


Priyanka was stunned for a while, turned her head and looked around, then stared at Nanyi for two or three seconds, realized something, quickly sat up and got out of bed, got dressed in a hurry, and trotted to the Next to the closet, he took out a set of sportswear from it, trotted all the way back to the bed, waited for Nanyi to put on his clothes, and then ran to the bathroom one step ahead of Nanyi.

Nan Yi walked out of the bedroom with bare feet and came to the corridor outside. The angel who was facing him nodded slightly at him. Nan Yi nodded back and whispered the word "bedroom", then brushed past the angel and walked to the door of the bathroom, raised his foot, I looked at the soles of my feet, and there was a little dust on the toes and root bones.

Even after seeing it, Nanyi didn't pay too much attention to walking into the washroom. Priyanka stood quietly beside the washstand. On the washstand, a toothbrush filled with toothpaste was placed on the tooth jar, and there was a copper washbasin beside it. A half-folded towel hangs from the mouth of the basin.

Walking to the sink, Nanyi picked up the toothbrush and slapped it into his mouth. Three minutes later, after brushing his teeth, he was about to spit out toothpaste foam. Priyanka picked up a small basin and placed it in a very comfortable position in Nanyi.

Glancing at the small copper basin, Nanyi spit toothpaste foam in it, Pu Yaka put the small copper basin aside, then picked up the tooth jar and brought it to Nanyi's mouth...

In the process of washing, Nanyi was like a disabled person, and Priyanka was doing all the steps that could be done for him. Although he was not used to it, Nanyi did not persuade Priyanka to leave, but enjoyed the other party's service with peace of mind.

Walking out of the manor and coming to the Peacock Lake, Nan Yi recalled the morning exercise route here before, and deliberately changed a new route for morning jogging. Halfway through the run, a small figure came to him, shoulder to elbow with him jogging.

Nan Yi took a glance and found that it was Nan Jiawu, "Usually this is the point?"


"You are still young, sleep more, exercise can be put in the evening."


Nan Jiawu, that is New Year's Day, is very thoughtful at a young age, and he seems a bit cold.

Nan Yi continued to run according to his own pace. Even though Nan Jiawu had a bit of difficulty trying to keep up, Nan Yi still maintained his normal speed. Nan Jiawu has been tested. His congenital motor nerves are relatively developed and he is very athletic. Therefore, at the beginning, he focused on his scientific training in this aspect earlier, and he knew when he should not follow him.

To Nan Jiawu, Nanyi's emotions have always been very complicated. When Nan Jiawu was thrown at the gate of the courtyard of the old bungalow, it was obvious that his parents did not discard them randomly, but after screening, they identified Nanyi Yi or Liu Zhen would be thrown at their door.

This made it difficult for Nanyi to grasp. Is it to find a good family, so that the child will not suffer hardships and has the ability to heal the child's cleft lip? Or do you have the idea of ​​​​recognizing it when the child grows up and is raised to be a good-looking talent?

No matter what it is, it makes Nanyi a little uncomfortable. It is clear that he is being calculated, so how can he be comfortable.

The morning exercise ended according to the inherent rhythm, and Priyanka served Nan Yi to wash up again, and the place changed from the bathroom to the phoenix on fire in the center of the villa. The washing process is a bit charming, which can only be known by heaven and earth, and cannot be transmitted to other people's ears, let alone written on paper.

Since leaving New York, there have been two more people around Nanyi: Mei Zhengyi, a cook who was excavated from the Peace Pigeon system. Don't worry, and the skill of making breakfast is not bad;

Gao Wangzhong, a former member of the medical security team, his medical skills are not the most top-notch, but he is young, and he also likes to exercise at ordinary times, and he can bear it by running around with Nanyi.

After washing up, breakfast is served by Peacock Lake. Three people, Nanyi, Nan Jiawu, and Aijia Waze, half a drawer of steamed stuffed buns, eight deep-fried sticks, several pickles, a bowl of porridge, a bowl of soy milk, eight a boiled egg.

Without Nanyi doing it himself, under his guidance, Priyanka peeled off the two eggs that belonged to him, broke them into two pieces and placed them in the porridge bowl, poured a little soy sauce on them, put half a piece of fermented bean curd on the side of the eggs superior.

Grab a mouthful of porridge, pick some fermented bean curd, chew a mouthful of fried dough sticks, dip the steamed bun in vinegar, bite off a third of it, then have a mouthful of gruel with three bites of pickled vegetables, follow these steps to eat, it is very delicious.

After eating up a bowl of porridge, I picked up the iced soy milk and finished it in one breath. This kind of breakfast is very enjoyable.

As soon as Nanyi put down the chopsticks, Ai Jia Waze immediately put down the fork in her hand and sat up straight; Priyanka who had been standing by the table immediately came over with mouthwash and waited for Nanyi to rinse his mouth .

After rinsing his mouth, Nan Yi kindly said to Ai Jia Waze: "Ai Jia, there are not too many rules here. You can eat at your own pace when you eat in the future, and don't worry about me."

Although Nan Yi did not come to Mumbai last year, Scarlett came and attended the wedding of Aijia Waze and a cow, and set up a doll for Nan Jiawu and Ai Jia Waze with Pabhu Waze's family Dear, no ceremony was held, but the two families exchanged tokens of engagement.

Originally, marriage engagement is just a form of alliance between the two parties. The ceremony is not important. As long as the relationship and identity of the two parties have fundamentally changed, the goal is considered to be achieved.

Aijia Waze saluted Nanyi, "Yes, Dad."

"You continue to eat, and I will send you to school later. Priyanka, you can eat too."

The reason why the current Priyanka has such a big change from the previous one is because her identity has changed. She is now Nanyi's customary concubine, and Nanyi is her concubine husband. There is an older brother (big husband) and a beautiful bodhi tree.

It just so happens that no one suffers from the little husband to the little wife.

In India, the status of women is not high in the first place, and they have no status in front of their husbands after marriage. This is true whether they are of low caste or high caste, but the high castes are generally richer. Disposable wealth, servants There are more, so it still looks very glamorous, and the low caste is miserable.

Marriage requires an upside-down dowry. If the dowry is too shabby, it will be boycotted by the in-laws. After marriage, washing clothes and cooking are the most basic. Those in the countryside have to go to the fields, and those in the city have to work to earn money and serve like maids. husband.

In order to show her loyalty to her husband, a "foot-washing ceremony" is performed every day. Water is poured on the husband's feet with a vessel, and the woman catches the foot-washing water under her feet with one hand, and then drinks it.

Beating or scolding, treating your wife like a slave, and selling your wife every now and then are quite extreme. The proportion is not very high, but women rarely have a high status in their husband's family, that's for sure.

Wake Priyanka up before Nanyi gets up in the morning, just to abide by the rule that wives in Mumbai cannot wake up later than their husbands. The subsequent series of operations are all spontaneous by Priyanka. If the other party does this, Nanyi will not say anything , Just set up rules for this love brain.

To be honest, Nanyi really didn't expect Sonu Sharma to give him his daughter. He thought that Sonu would take her away after the limelight passed. It seems that Sonu's love for Priyanka is not Not very deep, in the face of interests, the baby girl immediately becomes nothing.

After Nan Jiawu and Ai Jia finished their breakfast, Nanyi took the two of them into his own car and sent them to Mumbai International School. It is a famous school with a complete primary school and high school and a student success rate of over 99%. The screening is very strict, and generally only the children of families who will not fail within a few decades are eligible to enroll.

Obviously, if the parents don't fail, their children will definitely "become talents", and the success rate will naturally not be low.

After seeing off people, Nanyi and his party immediately went to Qiaobodi Beach.

On a beach with an ugly sand color, a person and a dog are sitting on the sand that the sea has just visited.

Nanyi got out of the car and got close to a person and a dog. As he got closer, he slowly saw the dog's appearance - it looked like a dog from a distance, but looked like a pig from a close up. Except for a yellow hair on its head, its whole body was clean, etc. The dog faced Nanyi, and he almost couldn't help humming, "The king asked me to patrol the mountains", this dog looks so fucking like Xiao Zhuanfeng.



"Crest or Mexican Hairless?"

"Boss, it has hair on its head."

"Oh, crested dog." Nanyi suddenly realized, "your dog should be considered ugly even among crested dogs."

The crested dog has the strangest appearance among dogs, none of them, because of its ugliness, there are several theories about its origin, some say China, some say Turkey, and some say other countries, but there has never been one. People come forward and admit that this is their own country's breed.

In the ugliest dog breed contest held in the United States in the past two years, a crested dog won the first championship. There is also a poorly raised crested dog in Scarlett Manor, but it is different from the one in front of us. The only difference is that Nan Youqiong's has fur all over its body and is very long, covering its ugly face.

"Boss, Lily is a lady." Acha said while hugging the crested dog.

"Oh, well, I shouldn't say that a lady is ugly." Nan Yi shrugged his shoulders to express his apology, then spread his hands and said, "Let Ms. Lily play by herself for a while."

Hearing this, Acha stroked Lily's forehead, whispered a few times to it, and then patted the dog's back, and Lily immediately ran away for a distance, playing with the sand by herself.

"I have developed several downlines in Dharavi slums and Dabbawala. I can receive news quickly about what happened in Mumbai." Staring at Lily for a while, Acha turned his head Said to Nanyi.

"Very good, you have worked hard." Nan Yi nodded his head to express his appreciation, "I brought you some snacks from Xiangxi, and I will send you there in the evening."

"Thank you BOSS." Acha said with a happy smile.

Except for the skin and appearance on his body, it is not so much that Acha is Indian, it is better to say that he is from Hong Kong. He was born and raised in Hong Kong, and grew up eating food in Hong Kong.

Nan Yi nodded again, then turned and left. Nan Yi came to see Acha and there was actually nothing important to discuss. It was just a long time since I hadn't seen him, so I came to see him to show his importance, and by the way, see if there was anything wrong with the other party.

Compared with others, India is relatively independent from the Nan clan. Acha is directly responsible for Nanyi and Nan Ruofing. There is no one else in charge of him. If he drifts outside for a long time, his mind may fluctuate.

Acha played a pivotal role in Nan's Indian strategy, especially when those partners wanted to turn the tables, his role would be particularly great.

The food for foreign investment in India is ugly. Nan Yi knows that it is okay to eat others, but not him. Nanyi is not capable of overthrowing the Indian government, but it is still possible to overthrow a few politicians. Whoever wants to eat him, he will break anyone's teeth.

The multi-party system has its cuteness. The parties check each other. As long as there is black material in hand, most of the foreign party members are willing to cooperate. Of course, if possible, Nanyi doesn't want to get involved in the factionalism in India, he just wants to make money here with peace of mind.

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