Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 862 Maintaining the Stability of Indian Assets

Nan Yi was not in a hurry to go to the Textile Center Building to care about the business of the Labor Group. He first flew to Varanasi to visit his most important partner, Deepak Tiwidi, in Ganges Village.

Deepak was not at Tiwedi Manor, and the visitors did not return. Nanyi was entertained by Freida, who used to be a maid at Peacock Villa, but now she is a well-known actress in Bollywood.

Freida was very enthusiastic about Nanyi's hospitality. She was able to survive today thanks to Nanyi's original arrangements. Although she was not the hostess of Tiwedi Manor, her life was no different from that of a hostess.

After Deepak killed his wife Fatia, he didn't continue, only Freida was with him.

"Ma'am, I just watched the movie "The Lover" you participated in yesterday. I didn't like the plot very much, but Ma'am's performance was very good, especially the scene where she was dressed in white and appeared in the church. There was a mist in her eyes and tears were about to come out Before it is released, the audience can easily see your inner struggle, and it is also very easy to generate emotional resonance..."

Nanyi doesn't care about how Freida is doing in Bollywood at all, let alone what movies she has participated in. He can brag now because he did his homework before coming here.

As soon as a villain ascends to the top, he will succeed in his heart. If Nan Yi still treats Freida as a maid, the other party's sensitive nerves will immediately feel jealous of him, but praise is different. The other party will add scenes and make up for himself, " Hey, it turns out that the high-ranking master must carefully praise me."

Apart from expressing contempt for Nanyi's behaviors such as praising high and stepping down, and dogs looking at people low, he is also willing to get close to Nanyi. Everyone loves to listen to flattery. It can feel wonderful to hold rare flowers in your hands.

Freida smiled like a flower, "Thank you for the compliment, my acting skills are not mature enough, and I still have a lot to learn."

"There is a saying in China that God chases and feeds you. God is a god who is about the same height as Lord Shiva. If you don't want to eat, God Shiva will chase you and feed you.

Madam is like this. She is very talented in acting. As long as you enter the film and television industry, it means you will succeed. I believe that Madam will be able to stand on the podium of the National Film Awards in a short time. "

Hearing Nanyi's slightly exaggerated words, the smile on Freida's face became brighter.

In a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, Nan Yi and the two chatted for nearly an hour, and then they met Deepak who had returned from the visitor.

Seeing Nanyi, Deepak stepped forward and hugged him, "Adam, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see." Nanyi grabbed Deepak's arm, pushed him away a little, and looked around at the beard on the other's face, "The beard is very stylish, and it smells like Baqiang."

"Really?" Deepak smiled happily, and looked at Nanyi, "You look like Cary Grant."

"Really?" Nan Yi pretended to be pleasantly surprised: "Which period was Grant?"

"Co-starring with Ingrid Bergman in "Beauty Trap" period."

"Ah, FBI Dio, I'd rather you say I'm Gregory Peck from Roman Holiday."

"As long as you're happy, I can say you're like Alain Delon."

Nan Yi spread his hands and said, "Whatever, the three of them are all good."

Deepak smiled faintly, "To my study?"


As soon as they entered the study, the faces of the two immediately became serious.

"Do you need me to explain the business situation of Shiva Group?" Deepak asked.

"No, I read the report regularly. The business is improving very quickly. I believe that you will soon let farmers all over India use our fertilizers and pesticides."

After the group of Deepak and Vajpayee became the shareholders of Shiva Group, Shiva’s development in India can be said to have a smooth road, and the products were easily sold to Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperatives, India Potash Corporation Limited, That is to say, after entering India's chemical fertilizer supply system, and opening up the relationship with many state kings, and forming a profit sharing with them, there is no need to worry about sales.

To be exact, Nanyi does not want Shiva’s business to be too good. The supply system of Shiva’s phosphate and potassium mines in India is not perfect, and the raw materials phosphate and potassium chloride required for the production of fertilizers have to be imported from abroad. . Shennong Nanliang not only mines itself, but also purchases it everywhere. The international price has already been pushed up, but when Lord Shiva steps in again, the price will be pushed even higher.

This is not what Nanyi wants to see. The amount of phosphate and potassium chloride stored in Nanyi Chemical is far from enough. Nanyi's goal is to go to the reserve of hundreds of millions of tons. Whether it can be realized is another matter. Anyway, the goal is So set it there.

From a long-term perspective, hoarding fertilizer raw materials will not have less room for appreciation than hoarding gold, and the storage method of South Storage Chemical is buried in shallow ground, which is very easy to dig out. Once the international fertilizer price soars, raw materials can be sold at any time. Dig it out and turn it into a finished product of fertilizer, never miss an opportunity.

"It's hard, the output can't keep up." Deepak frowned and said, "Adam, we need to increase our procurement channels and purchase large quantities of phosphate and potassium chloride from abroad."

"Why do you want to look far away? There are flint-calcareous rock phosphate mines in the Chab region of Madhya Pradesh. Although the taste is a bit low, it is cheaper to mine it yourself than to buy it from outside. For potash mines..."

Nanyi thought for a while and said: "You can go to Laos to bid for the mining rights of potash mines. I know that there are very easy-to-mine potash mines in Dongtai, Khammung Province, Laos. Laos is reforming and opening up, and its attitude towards foreign investment is relatively friendly. It's a good time to invest."

"Mine by yourself? Will the initial investment be too high?" Deepak hesitated.

"How can there be output without input, whether it is phosphate or potassium chloride, the overall trend of international prices is rising. If we do not have our own sources of raw materials, we will easily be controlled by others in the future and be forced to buy raw materials at high prices."

God Shiva already has 4 billion rupees of idle funds lying in his account, and it is a bit inappropriate to propose dividends now. Nanyi can only guide the money to be invested, and it is best to invest outside India.

Nanyi will not leave heavy assets in India. Little by little, like ants moving, they will move away all the idle funds in India. The first step is to recover the invested funds in a safe manner, and then slowly It is necessary to transfer away the profits every year.

The basic idea is to take away profits. If you need to reinvest heavily, you can get a loan from a local bank in India, even if the interest is higher, even if you need off-the-desk expenses.

Whether it is the Labor Group or the Shiva Group, they will become highly indebted enterprises in the near future. Once the bank loans are deducted, there will be three melons and two dates left. It is tasteless to eat and it is a pity to discard them.

Moreover, in order to prevent some people from disregarding the immediate value of the two groups, but focusing on future profitability, Nanyi must also extend the industrial chain of the two groups beyond India. To form a closed loop of the industrial chain, it must connect India and abroad. , and the key links must be set up abroad, Nanyi has the ability to choke the closed loop at any time.

"Adam, I have to discuss with Uncle Vajpayee, any decision we make must take into account the feelings of his group," Deepak said.

"Of course, it should."

The conversation between these two people about the Shiva group came to an end. The profit mainly depends on the Vajpayee group. When making major decisions, it is natural to fully consult their opinions.

"Would you like to visit your land?"


Approaching the fields of Ganghe Village, you can see rice, longzhu millet, mung beans, jute, sesame, and small pieces of sugarcane fields planted in the fields. As soon as you enter the scope of the second village, a continuous cotton field appears in front of you. It is bare, only dots of green can be seen, and on the ridges, farmers can be seen bending over to pull weeds.

This is the land belonging to the labor group - the Mumbai Star Demonstration Field.

Cotton planting here in Varanasi will start in March in spring, and the cotton seedlings will be cultivated, and then the actual planting will begin in April. There are many fields here and few farmers, and it will not be fully planted until late April.

"Adam, the cotton here is really good. Last year's cotton yield per mu was 417 kilograms." Deepak said with emotion.

[The cotton that farmers pick in the field is called seed cotton, which contains cotton seeds, and the cotton that removes the seeds is called lint. The percentage of the lint obtained after seed cotton ginning to the weight of the seed cotton is called the cloth content, which is generally between 33% and 40%, that is, 417 kg of seed cotton, and the highest lint yield is 333.6 catties, which is quite high-yielding data. ]

"No, last year's cotton content was too low. I saw in the report that the river dried up in July last year. The farmers used well water to irrigate the cotton fields. The well water was too cold and contained too much salt, and the frequency of watering was too small. Drought again."

"No way, we must ensure the irrigation of the rice fields first. If the harvest fails, people in the village will starve to death, and Dalits and Sudras will rebel." Deepak said quietly: "Adam, you can exploit the farmers in the village, but you can't let them They are hungry, this is the bottom line, if they break through, there will be big trouble."

"I see."

Nan Yi nodded, walked into the field, came to a cotton seedling and observed it for a while, then dug up the soil beside the cotton seedling to feel the humidity of the soil underneath.

I looked up, looked around, and saw a farmer squatting in the field a few hundred meters away. The analysis posture should be that he was defecating. I lowered my head and turned around in the field. I found that there were a lot of dried excrement on the ridge. .

Walking back to the ridge, Nanyi said to Deepak: "Deepak, farmers of all ages, old, middle-aged, young and young, men and women, randomly sampled, let them go to your hospital to test urine and feces, and I will settle the cost with you. "

"Haha, Adam, are you farming or doing scientific experiments, the care is too fine."

Deepak noticed Nanyi's actions. Of course, he could understand why Nanyi suddenly proposed to test urine and feces.

"However we fool the land, the land will fool us in the same way. You said that farmers will be in big trouble when they are hungry."

“Haha, I should tell my tenants to take care of the farmland as if they were their husbands,” Deepak said with a smile.

"NO, it should be like taking care of a god."

The two of them talked, and walked to the river which is the main source of irrigation water for the village's farmland. After standing still, they glanced into the river and saw a few children touching the apple snails in the river, and the rattan baskets were already more than half full. , It looks like it weighs about twenty catties.

Indians like to eat apple snails, and they are not afraid of the parasites in apple snails. It is not because of their race, but it is related to their cooking method. First cook for an hour, then heat the oil in a pan, stir-fry with various seasonings, what parasites Insects can't stop tossing back and forth like this.

The big gourmet country next door is different. After the apple snail was introduced as an economic snail, the cooks quickly developed various eating methods around the word "fresh", such as cold salad, chasing after the buttocks, and fresh dipping sauce. At most, it will be spicy, and it will be out of the pot in a few seconds in the pot.

No matter what cooking method is used for apple snails, there is one very important thing. It must not be fully cooked. If it is fully cooked, the taste of apple snails is like chewing a rubber band.

Incomplete cooking means survival of the fittest for the angiostrongylus in the apple snail. Those who can survive the high temperature are the elites of the angiostrongylus group. They have a nice name "the dean will add a sister-in-law to you". Well, as soon as Angiostrongylus enters the human body, it rushes to the brain, and the ICU of the hospital is full.

The payment office jingled, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, and the phone of the procurement department chased the software company and sprayed: "What the hell, can you do it? The amount can only show 10 zeros, who do you look down on, ah , Who do you look down on? Change it, change it immediately, change it to 18, no, 80 zeros."

The raised stones on the embankment are covered with dense pink granules, one after another, these are the eggs of apple snails, which have not been damaged at all. The children in the river must know them It is my future delicacy, so I can't disturb them.

"Is the flow of water normal this year?" Nan Yi looked back and turned his head to ask.

"It's still normal, wait until June to see the situation." Deepak looked at his watch, "Adam, it's almost time for dinner."

"Okay, let's go back."

In Ganghe Village, Nanyi stayed for two days, and the next day was still in the field. Last year, the seed cotton production was considerable, but the clothing content was not high, so it was not suitable for satellites. This year, we must ensure that the production of lint is high enough to release satellites. Mumbai Number one is still waiting to recover the investment and make a lot of money.

When leaving Varanasi, Deepak traveled with Nanyi, and the two went to the Pulsar motorcycle factory in Mumbai.

I don't know what the Shancheng Machine Tool Factory was thinking, but the deputy factory manager stationed in Mumbai was actually Zhao Xuebiao, the chief engineer, and he also had a deputy, Lu Yi, who was a waiter in the guest house back then, who drank a lot.

Zhao Xuebiao has a few skills, but that's technically, and he doesn't know much about business. Lu Yi is very sophisticated about people, but this is in Mumbai, not in a mountain city. No matter how big her hip is twisted, no one will eat her. That set.

Fortunately, Deepak still maintained his demeanor and did not show the ugly eating, otherwise, Shancheng Machine Tool Factory would have been kicked out long ago.

In the production workshop, Nan Yi met Zhao Xuebiao and Luo Huan.

The head of Chuangfeng Technology has been looking for a long time but has not found a suitable one. In late October last year, Nanyi changed its thinking and stopped looking for elite talents, but instead looked for relational talents. He screened the people he knew, and finally chose Luo Huan.

It just so happened that Luo Huan's axle business was doing so-so, with an annual profit of only about 4 million yuan. Nanyi called him a few times, and then called him over.

Luo Huan can carry on with his own business. As soon as he takes up the post at Chuangfeng Technology, the annual salary will start from 5 million. Dividends and shares can be negotiated next year, and the ratio will never be low. With such favorable conditions, he is of course willing to come.


"Hehe, isn't this the boss? Why, come to condolences to me, a worker who is fighting on the front line?" Luo Huan listened to Nanyi's shout, looked away from the "motorcycle", and followed the reputation.

Nan Yi walked to Luo Huan's side, and punched him on the chest, "Come on, if you want to be called Nan Zai, you can continue to call him Nan Zai. You can call him Lao Nan if you want, but don't call him Boss."

"Hahaha." Luo Huan smiled, picked up a trademark nameplate from the side, and flicked his fingers, "Look, the Siberian tiger, isn't it domineering?"

Nanyi took the nameplate, looked at the pattern of the Siberian tiger on it, and made a flying tiger pouncing on the food. It looked very domineering. He suddenly felt that this nameplate hung on the "motorcycle" of Chasing Technology, which was a bit humiliating to the Siberian tiger.

"Hehe, not bad, very good. Because of this brand, our motorcycle sales will definitely not be bad." Nanyi handed the nameplate back to Luo Huan, and said with a smile: "How is the development of the car?"

"Hey, that's not the case." Luo Huan pointed to a 28 truck next to him and said.

Following what Luo Huan pointed out, Nanyi walked towards the Erba Dagang that he had seen just now. This Erba Dagong has been modified magically. A low-displacement motorcycle engine is installed on the part of the tripod near the pedals. A long fuel tank is fastened with screws, and there is a headlight on the front of the car. The surface of the lamp is shiny and reflective. There is also a leather cushion on the schoolbag rack, which will be very comfortable for people to sit on.

After looking at it for a while, Nanyi pulled out the kick start lever, stepped on it a few times, and started the "Siberian Tiger Motorcycle". Drove out with smoke.

Driving the motorcycle on a flat test track, Nan Yi's body was shaking from the root of his thighs to his neck, and he deliberately found an uneven road to ride, and his whole body trembled even more, as if he had been electrocuted.

Riding the bike back to the workshop, Nanyi complained as soon as he jumped off the bike: "No, it shakes too much, not to mention people can't stand it, even the bike can't stand it, the screws are all shaken, the car has to shake apart, the shock absorber The problem must be dealt with, and how much oil per 100 kilometers?"

"I have three steamed buns, I don't know how many you want."

"Stop talking nonsense." Nan Yi spat.

"It was you who said it first, do you think it can run 100 kilometers?" Luo Huan walked to the side of the car, patted the seat, "With such a big fuel tank, it can run for 20 to 30 kilometers."

"Well, I'm asking nonsense. It's not the key to saving fuel. The problem of shock absorption must be solved. If it shakes too much, ordinary people won't buy it."

"Director Zhao has found a solution and is working on it."

"Well, hurry up, the Siberian Tiger will go on sale before the 11th of this year." Nan Yi said, and said with a little regret: "Unfortunately, this thing has no technological content. If you can get the engine, you can do it. You can't eat it alone. how long."

"I don't think there's much to do. If you didn't have to do it, I decided not to do it. To produce this thing, I might as well make electric bicycles." Luo Huan said with a bit of dissatisfaction.

"Pull it down, look at how many years it has been since the second factory made the permanent brand DX-130 electric assisted bicycle. car.

Let me tell you, the battery life is not enough, electric bicycles are too expensive, and they haven't become popular yet, otherwise you think I can't think of making that thing. "

"If you don't make electric bicycles, you don't need to make power-assisted motorcycles. You know that the business won't last long."

"This is an exploration of the OEM model. We, Chuangfeng Technology, focus on R\u0026D, design and marketing. We will use massive orders and strict quality control to promote the development of the national manufacturing industry.

We don't build our own production plants, but we want to solve the problems of domestic products being looked down upon, poor quality, and poor design. "

Nanyi raised his left index finger, "Ten years, we will use ten years to improve business efficiency and cost-effectiveness to help domestic products improve their products and designs. What we want to do is high-end products. All it takes is high tech.

Today we are doing power-assisted motorcycles. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, we may be making robots, robots with high intelligence, multi-purpose, high EQ, and flattering. They are called 'Luo Da Shizi'. When they see your wife, they will present flowers and praise you. She is beautiful, and she will tell your wife: I will help you keep an eye on the mule, and must not let him have a ninth lover outside. "

"Fuck you, you only have 8 lovers." Luo Huan scolded with a smile.

"Well, don't talk about your lover, you still have to hurry up. Your energy should be taken away from the power-assisted motorcycles as soon as possible. The life of many factories established by the triangle debt is not easy. There are also many enterprises that produce home appliances. Except for refrigerators, which are controlled by the state, other Everyone is making home appliances, the bicycle factory makes color TVs, the feed factory makes tape recorders..."

Nan Yi rubbed his hands and pointed outside. He and Luo Huan walked out and said, "Most of these production lines are nonsense, and they fall down when they fall. Some are not. They are serious Focusing on production and quality, they encountered various problems, which led to poor sales of their products.

Electric fans are a typical example. The production process of this product is relatively simple, and the production is not difficult. In the past few years, many factories across the country launched production lines. It's hard.

As an enterprise rooted in high technology, with family and national feelings, we should help them.

From the perspective of science and technology, from the perspective of solving practical difficulties for the masses, discover and solve the pain points of the masses in summer. For example, in the south, in summer, the weather is hot and there are many mosquitoes. Many people use mosquito nets. The problem was solved, but the mosquito net brought the inconvenient problem of the electric fan.

Whether it is a table fan, a floor fan, or a ceiling fan, they cannot effectively blow the wind into the mosquito net, so why can't we produce a small ceiling fan?

Hang a hook on the top of the bed, the hook passes through the mosquito net, and the ceiling fan is hung on the top of the mosquito net. In this way, the problems of fanning and mosquitoes can be solved simultaneously, and the small ceiling fan saves more power. "

As Nanyi said, he took a stack of materials from Xiaohua, and passed them to Luo Huan, "Take it back and study it carefully. These are the materials I collected about fan technology. You can take a look at the others. About the information about the three-blade and five-blade fans, absorb it as soon as possible. This is inspired by the aircraft propeller, which is an absolute high-tech crystallization.

The day after tomorrow is May Day, summer will come soon, and this year there will be the Barcelona Olympic Games. We, Chuangfeng Technology, will give gifts to the people all over the country, and to the Olympic athletes. "

"You mean to be a fan?" Luo Huan flipped through the documents in his hand and asked.

"You are wrong, what we want to do is a high-tech fan, and our chasing technology wants to change the world and life..."

Luo Huan said: "I said, Lao Nan, can you stop talking about technology all the time, don't talk about high-tech technology, except for a little money, you have nothing."

Nan Yi patted Luo Huan on the shoulder, "My Comrade Luo Huan, please remember that you can only fool others if you fool yourself. Today, Chasing Technology may not be a high-tech enterprise; tomorrow After making money, Ganfeng Technology can spend money on various research and development; the day after tomorrow, Ganfeng Technology will become a veritable high-tech enterprise.”

"Okay, I was fooled by you."

"Fuck you, 5 million a year, you also fooled me."

"No money."

The two farted for a while, and Nanyi explained some things before leaving. He didn't invite Luo Huan to the Peacock Villa, and there was no time to greet him. Nanyi still had a lot of things to do.

the next day.

Nanyi went to the "mother-in-law's house" again. The old man Sonu was not there. He is the chairman of Sesagoa. If there is nothing to do in Mumbai, he will stay in Goa for a long time.

The mother-in-law Seira was there. She is a high-level executive of VSNL Communications, and her office is in Mumbai.

In July last year, India proposed a set of new economic policies characterized by reform and opening up, which was called "India's second revolution" by Finance Minister Man Singh:

1. Cancel or relax various economic controls, encourage domestic and foreign capital to establish new enterprises and improve economic efficiency;

2. Implement market liberalization and introduce competition mechanism;

3. Cancel all unnecessary financial subsidies, reform the tax system, and reduce the fiscal deficit;

4. Reform the management system of state-owned enterprises and implement partial privatization;

5. Reform the banking and financial system;

6. Establish an urban social security system and accelerate the implementation of rural poverty alleviation programs.

Generally speaking, the goal of this set of new economic policies is to implement economic liberalization and globalization, and transform the original semi-regulated economy into an export-oriented market economy.

The policy is promulgated in this way, and the provisions in black and white may not be the case in actual implementation.

When Nanyi saw the detailed provisions last year, he could vaguely see that the new powerful class in India would rise, and the opening for the lower castes to climb up was opened a little bit, only a little bit, and the ruthless and lucky people will I was lucky enough to climb up.

In any case, India has reformed and opened up, and the economy has undergone considerable changes and development.

Last year, India's electronics sector broke deadlock with the creation of a company called Software Technology Park of India (STPI), which is owned by the government and can provide VSAT communications (Very Small Aperture Satellite Terminal Station) without violating its monopoly .

STPI has established software technology parks in different cities, providing each city with satellite links used by companies and wireless communications for local links, which means that India is already laying its own satellite communication network.

Also last year, VSNL launched the Gateway e-mail service, and just launched a 64 kbit/s leased line service a few days ago, and will soon launch commercial Internet intervention on a visible scale, which means that India can already send e-mails to each other, and soon Ordinary citizens will soon be able to dial-up the Internet.

The plan of Shiva God Lottery has been delayed again and again, until now, the original satellite data link scheme can be given up, and then you can use dial-up Internet access, even if the 64K speed is actually used, it can only reach half. It is also enough to carry the transmission of lottery data, but it is technically necessary to realize segmented transmission.

Perhaps it was to celebrate the Makar Sankranti Festival for Nanyi, or to celebrate the Harvest Festival. Saila prepared a large table full of dishes for Nanyi, a table of two meters by six meters, full of dishes, Roughly, there are no fewer than a hundred.

However, Nan Yi wanted to scold her mother. The food at Sharma's family is obviously very Western-style, so why is it traditional Indian food today?

Two-thirds of the dishes on the table are feces yellow, and most of them have a step of adding water and collecting the juice during cooking. Regardless of the color, it is similar to the stewed noodles.

Just a few days ago, Nanyi reviewed the cesspit training in Montana again, fighting, eating and so on in the cesspit.

It should be said that Nanyi has a strong resistance to pickles, but he has a different mood when facing the dishes on the table. During training, he tried to avoid pickles in his mouth, but now he has to take the initiative to get close to pickles that look like pickles. Forget about that kind of discomfort.

Saila put a pot of Roti in front of Nanyi, then changed the position of a pot of dipping sauce, and put it in front of him. Nanyi glanced at it. There were big chicken wings and big chicken legs in the dipping sauce, maybe It's chicken curry.

Bite the bullet, Nanyi broke off a piece of Roti, dipped it in the curry chicken and stuffed it into his mouth. Not to mention, the taste is very good, just this color, alas, even if it is made into blue, it is better than the current shit yellow. .

After eating a piece of Roti, Nanyi moved the basin to the side, took the plate containing the rice, picked some nice-colored sauce, poured it on the rice, and ate it with a spoon, bit by bit, slowly. Waiting for the mother-in-law to speak.

After a while, the sound of nature sounded.

"Adam, the Tata Group is doing PR in New Delhi, and the Tata family wants to buy VSNL."

"The Rao cabinet probably won't sell it, right?"

"It is unlikely to sell. Although India has proposed reform and opening up, only some state-owned enterprises will be privatized. Telecom is not within this scope. Maybe a few years later, VSNL will be sold if someone else takes over. Adam, Telecom will be in the future The prospects are good.”

"Yes, I am also optimistic about the future of telecommunications." Nanyi put down his spoon and looked up at Saila, "Ma'am, if there is a day when VSNL is sold in the future, I hope you can start public relations on behalf of the Labor Group, with Madam as the core Set up a telecommunications and information company under our labor group."

"I'm looking forward to this day." As soon as Saila said this, she immediately changed the subject, "Adam, you should spend more time in Mumbai and accompany Priyankado to the reception here in Mumbai."

"I am currently busy with important investments, and when I am free, I will often fly to Mumbai."

"Sonu is in Goa, and Priyanka is not at home. Sometimes I feel very lonely. It would be nice if I could have someone to accompany me." Saila continued.

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